`c nun.` use to get drugs Is at a .DRUG STOR4 . The drug `at knows more about themaan otlir peop e. 5 Keep a. goon drug II01 about Ki tchen Drugs. viii/nnxnanr svnanons. :4-ti r"l"" 3% 3?:ln%ug store. Come and ask us Near Market Square. EMcL.a rty, ARE N-EEDEI5 EVERY DAY .92 DUNLOP-ST. BARRIE. MONEY TO LQAN. , (hand: may hgve a varied Iago;-t- mu_:t`o postage itumps, which, pntod on of ngpgg, would Mraprodnpe |ll.`$l:o:oolora`Vot<'_.;|_1;_oA':aI;:i|1%;_l_)`L`viI_. . .W.ohnV9 ._ :1` W. ,"-"`!Ip`q%,, MANUFAUIUBES. ROSS B. A.--Banism. S9dIii%ict<;'3l nun)..- `On nnnnnit tn `f- BIIINUX C D013; Elmnla 6 North side Dunlap-st. Mm- Ioilte Hunt : hotel. Money to loan :`Allmon' ' and Creemote. Lnmox & Bots. ` Rlunvn In Pl_lY8lClANs. FINANCIAL. LATE of 01:0, OFFICIAL. IIIGLlu ` ea \In 43-ly V. IIQLABTY; 10I' Ts-Iv THE-NORTHERN /F? ADVERTISING nxrm `CE Iltliil hirnnmnmn nu-.. - _ Inn A_nvA_m `or nouns '*-' ' --' 7 V. ----n:- - vnnsuuldh." in rbixiiilu n-mm_ mun. 01,1!-13:.` " "' Almost, it` not quite.__&6ub1e that of nap" Published in same, W5: RA I\1r`nn-nfnnnn nun..- .. -_ _, 5 1; * --'~-'*- -- uuue_ VI ,) ADVEB:l`I8EB8 snoum NOTE mu, 1,` 12 lixges solid nonpareil make 1 inch` \ TRANSIENT ADVERTIBEMEN13 ihnfh nnnn U\;.- 1:, ' e for am ts ts per1inef hb9` . n 7 ' ..``,_,gnl.l`JNTS0 / _j / ts per line! 3h5N _ - man 10" 1 . ri1;`,f,`,'5',`}ion 4 c;'5`cL. `:5: lin qua!` . noti03s , an away, All . r the sum inseF 1tc`1]na u, . ter. W39 ' . of thl `-`name der 5 . 1:--V` lin, this cxiiii, `1`1'.,';"_; lines. ' ~ - Legal, Oicial and Gofvernment advenm mente will be charged at above rates. CON TRACT ADVERTISING. Contract advertisements . will be ta), the folfowingfatesz whlch are _drefted 01?: rectcommercml ]mnc_1ples and mu be mm! adhered ;o. There Will be only one pm ,0` an. - ' Cn noouon-onaoncoa 2% inches . ........ . . 5 inches, }{ column. . . no Indian. 54 column- 5xncneu,.7; eo1umn...... no inch!-'8: 54 column.... aoinches, I co1umn...... . - V n e w lie. where" he ehiie ' slower going Ahoreemqn in the feet de- Iiveiy` eeor1etce`:oa.'e Thii` aomathihg I; we haven't got--'-but doebeel -Mr. Mulook will be eqoelvto 'the'oooeeion* when ue tigpe in-rivpejor another post age stomp-ede.-Mon-creel Stat. ." V-v. . . 1.) _ _` `w H `For one month-the three z with 15 per cent. added. `For two mont.hs-the three mommy with 10 per cent. added. V M fiprnfnrl-n nnodfdnnu :11 4-I-.,. ..._-., `rates. Thi rule will be strictly carried in the p,,1,._.,m sold at an advance of one-third on aha 0111. CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind th, notice of intention to change mlverlisemenl must be handed into the oice not. later am: Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy 0, M change must be in T11]: ADVANCE o cm. later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in a,,' week, otherwise the advertiser s i1Il!1OuncemeE" may not be made public `until the week 1.)`, lowing. ` ` I0 nnnnarna AG` At`!1nf`1nrv\nnn ..'l\._ `1 Condensed advertisements on first pagesug as wants of all kinds, lost and found, proper-_, for sale or to rent, specic articles, etc., etc must be accompanied with the cash, and :1 be inserted-hrat insertion 2 cents per wore`, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per mi .(names, addresses and gures counted 2.; words); but a reduction of one cent per woz-i will be made when the number of insertioza of the same matter exceed four. 12 changes of Advertlsements allowed P. year. It more are` required, composition rat; will be charged. Avnrfinnro um! nnf Ln Q11.-m....1 5.. ..__ .1 o `WLLL II`) ULIGI 66 Advertisers will not be allowed to use the: space for advertismq anything outside the-3 own regular business. Should they do 39 transient rates will be charged for such ad. vertisements. T dun rL}*ga$ixia}.T.iii.".u.: In even one be mounted on solid metal bum. Rznxzsnxr -ma Fonwwme Fnu-: I.vsL'm.1 Coummzsz The Mercantile, now ailiated win: The Lon- don 8: Lancashire of England. Sem- ihi. S: Lnnanan. WI I431-|\JGBIJ1l'U UL IILIKIUDCL DOC` xty, $15,000,000. The Waterloo Mutual. of Waterloo. On: Tothl assets, $334,083. The Economical Mutual; of Berlin. 0:: Total assets. $303,078. Also Llovd s Plate Glaes Insurance Com- pany, of New York. Cash capital. 31;.- ooo. 1` Escnoccu-: & SMITH. .An:l1':'l1e Stu; Loan and Savings Company of Ontario. The .. Strattord Board of Education -authorized the teaching of type- writing at the Collegiate Institute in that `city :. and a hint is giiven out that _it is the intention of the Education Department of the Government to make typewriting compulsory in the High schools of the province. This has evoked an emphatic _ protest. . which appears as a letter. in the Beacon. The writer says" that while the schools of Ontario should" afford a good com- mon school education, it has not un-p dertaken to t any person for any par- ticular occupation. with the single exception. of the teaching profession, `and from that there is as direct return to" the people at large. It has never assumed the `task of teaching one boy blacksmithing; another the grocery business, a `third the trade` of the mechanic. T It has never admitted that, it` isits duty to prepare students for the professions of law or medicine. There are many excellent reasons` to justify the provincein refos'i_ng_ to take up `these burdens, but -one is suicient ` -the province cannot afford the money necessary for such a `variety of special branches. ` s Private funds to loan on first mortgages. .5.;- counts collected. &c. " o0ice over Hendersoms Hardware Store, Barri: . nt. - mcfoRPonA1'I-:0 1ae1. I SUBSCRIBE-17 CAPITAL -(sent Standard mre. London Guaran- tee and Accldqnt Co., Provincial Building and Loan Association, etc Ul.` I` IDES.-[V Street. Barrie. 4 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Del>"" The Security for Depoaltora in a Low. -' Uompuny is undoubted. Ross nw Block. south side Dumop am out of thg Post Omco. 3'" The security to depositors in a Loan Cd)` 5 d5.t$_i- Thgie is no instance on record 3'5"" dDO8It1oI_' h_aLs_ever made a loss bv a Loan Co V- 4. iPV|NC|Al Bll|lD|NG.AND [UM }} ' ASSUCIATIDN. % ,nAmuL1uAu & snvmss co` Canadianv. Bunch Oice. Head Oice. N9 M0 TREAL. LONDON. ENQLA. M. Ac: mnsrmw. mm. 1. pmlxg Branch Manager Manes- ; IO so 0 0 Acennnunr nnMDA|\lY. H35`! HHNCE UUIVI I"!-HI I ~ " 7APP1ia`t3o`:a`; ::.I;i furnished and rates l"` GEORGE PLAXTON._ AGE ET. 9-Iv 3- ;B_a.-use om. , Founded 15*- cdbf Fang Cry i` . kin Its`-nod el d e and {um Co R 8g`.h"tl'nt' or '~Bls.,d"I.1; . "Kg" Ai.'w ' `- an "der.. 5.. 0:: 2n'hk`:i.:::`l{i"ip%;.l:lg5!:ig: g::'l||facti:J P1. Q` ~ '7'! 0:` Rupn (`"3 Plank)?` && Dost: `Ma... "gd""atesf ho:-gesla"d `Dressing `4\:5d Work urniS}](-d fnotmi Ht`. hr. H and buiwfeeofchargc `. Ihlhq` mg mnffili """r-1,` Shtd 5 that weir; wrong in the American view a A Oman: 9 Lihers'l_ (John Charlton, M.P.,) adniits.-the claim made 1 hy the Opposition ' the "Liberal tari has been framed in such a wpy as` to discriminate in fairer "of the `United States, though; ostensibly; pre ferenceihlll been given to Great Britain. He says :-As relates to the operation ot dibrentisl duties "in favor of -Great Britain, for the year 1898-, which amounted to 12} per cent., the per oentsge of-increase of British imports for consumption from 1897 to 1898 was 10.15 per cent. while the increase` of imports for consumption from the United. States was 35.68 per cent. Again, while the average rateof duty upon , English `. goods entered for con sumption under the preferential rate was 29.60, the average`: rate of duty upon American goods -entered for con- sumption was 25.40 per cent. In other words, the vaunted preferential tariff is a sham, as it encourages trade with the United States rather than with the Motherland. And for this we now have the testimony of a lehding Liberal. -_-Packet. -The Faccorybeiui "nL&;&:eied furni5":'",._ n.~ .4 the latest wood war in machmcry, 50 `h`m. an.` be _ahle to handle all 'nds of work P" ."'g9' ac- utnsfactorily. See our work and get our pr!` ' -C037. Btyeld street. north of the F oundry- V . n.\n.'IN &S `-' ...%_________________ ___/ J. C'_UL VER WELL S_` Haurcutting and Shaving ' Parlor % ' _ OPms1m BARBIE HOTEL , . - B.A._B.R.IZE2- M. Rlull And Soinborl ground and set 00 .)xt_I ttoo,; . _ _ `Z Liagrrla Pl_aing John Rogerson, Fire and Life Assurance. OFFICE.-Next door to Bank of Toronto. 0 . :0:-an! -Darin n.]l' Nuxinbr of inches AUTHORIZED CAiI;I"I`iA-L'.V5`.ooo,ooo.` As`J$7a`iu"<:f:E'<`:>2x'~v. 5.1. (at... _-- Pmmdcd ` We observe that in` the city of Ohi- cego etenogrephy has been added to the already overcrowded studies pur- ened in the Public `schools. In dia- cnaeing the subject the Chicago Chron- jcle days :- ` ' --..L`_-._ -__I.4--=g-gnu 2-. L`-an nu-`-mg Ac _INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, ac. CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. scnoceia 5. SMITH. A. aAN_a. son. - -4- In 0| , _ ,,_-_.. Rn`. ADVERTISE m Mn 18, 1899, .1 -Is` I 'wFurther extensions in l the scope of teaching in the public establishments are so "rapidly made that one is pre- j pared to hear that attempt to give in`- struotion in shorthand writing is made.` It is no more possible to turn out of the Public school, solely through their tui- tion, a good stenographer than it is to graduate a good German scholar. Schools are running now to a good deal of everything and _very little- of I that which is thorough, and useful; - If stenography is added to the list it ought to be abandoned, for it is no part of the business of the public `establishment to tritter away the-time of pupils in an effort tomake them jacks of" all trades and masters of none. Commenting on this phase of Ameri- can school life, a correspondent remarks that to this attempt to crowd ehortband in among so meny other etndiee _ia due the `circumstance that there are today more etenogrophere, no celled, then can find employment. They consist largely of young people who set out to learn just enough oteehorthend to be able to report. e- sermon ore lecture. In other`. words, they led {to believe that` ability jot down eeneeoh veer-' ebetiln `iojpolneued by the nioet ordinary,` vgo,feogyou=[i1efI::Ilts'etet'1_"0gfo;>he't_'I. end that` Tiizlio 9`6rtXI_A66i!!?! to e`-awquiie itlni-At vebiliitv in. .th9, ;I.Imej,for` ei0m[mg,_ he-in needodtb owns. ftiilz in % I Boamanrauug rziuiiza"ti0nllaa1:ing was Enthusi- am, :`R`I)' I"3]BYlt3VB % Largaly monana. ' _ "In 1898 the Grit` Govemmen st.- % tempted to reduce. the intgrest on the poor man : savings in thepost ode up - --_L -L2.L -..'..`A 3-45' ot` a very representative cheracter, `willghe seen by the following list of persons in attendance :--Mayor Wells,- .A'.l"'*l'1'!9d #n lost .-95k'- mac`: iswrneeting was held- in the cm. W on Chamber me Wednesday" nifghti to. discuss the advisability of organizing. a" of .'.gath;ering was- H. H. Smithy, Q.0., H. H. Omen, Councillor Love, H. B. Myets, Geor`gef Reedy, O. G. Strange, J no. Rogerson, J. H. Willis, S. Wesley, Alex. Brown- lee, P. Kearns, E. Byrnes, A. W. Wil- kinson, Mortimer Atkinson, George Lount, Councillor Rogers, Deputy Reeve Caldwell, J. J. Brown. J. D. Rodgers, N. B. Johnson, Win. Taylor, J. H. Bennett. Councillor Frawley, Councillor Tyrer, Councillor Warren, J. A. McCarthy, Dr. Raikes, Reeve ' McLean, Geo. -Ball, `J. F. Jackson, Walter Scott, Geo. Livingston, Alex. Sinclair, Wm. Gallic, P. H. Stewart, R. E. Fletcher, J no. Carley, R. A. Douglas and representatives of the local press. _ an Mr: . Grasett wrote regretting `that he could not attend the meeting, and hoping that an active, energetic end of '1`rade`wou1d be formed. v H. H. Strathy, Q.C., was elected to the chair. He urged on those present the importance of doing something to _increase the commercial and industrial activity of the town. The Mayor and Council had acted with wisdom in their initial move towards the formation of a Board of Trade. He read several letters which Mayor-Wells had receiv ad from thirty Boards of Trade in dif- ferent parts of Ontario. The various Boards heard from agreed in the use- fulness of such an organization in pro- moting the trade and commerce of the community ; they were also unanimous in the necessity of unanmity, activity and zealtoensure a really live and use- ful Board. "Mayor Wells said that for some time back many business matters relating to _trade and commerce, rather than to civic legislation, had come betore the Council, and many members of the Council thought that those questions could be more effectively dealt with by a committee of business mhn, or at least the Council could receive material assistance in the solution of Trade questions from such` a body of men. Personally he was very "favorable to the organization of a Board of Trade, as there are ample opportunities in Barrie for such an institution.` He submitted the following matters as coming pro. perly within the scope of -a Board of (1) Establishment of manufactures. They might consider whether the town should give exemption from taxation, free water and light, or a bonus to fac- tories. (2) Encouragement of agricul- jture ;~whether or `not there should not be an elevator `erected here.-._ (3) Bet- ter market accommodation. (4) Ex- cursion trade and summer tourist business; under thi_s- head His Wcr-` ship said that-the G. T. R. is, this year, making a concerted and determined e'ort to send tourists in this direction, Mr._ M. C. Dickson, District Passenger Agent, having informed him that the Company look upon Barrie as the gateway to the North Shore, Georgian Bay. Parry Sound and Muskoka Dis- tricts, and therefore should `be a promi- nent distributing centre, throughout the tourist season. Transportation on the-lake ; the Mayor referred to the trade that i was commenced last year between Jackson -s Point and other -plac'es'i n that vicinity, and Barrie,` by -the steamer Enterprise. (6) "Greater loyalty` to the Town` jot`, Barrie; His .Worliip,..saidi'. in `cm; connection that are `Barrieite,sr ` who are always to pan cum . mam eb9s~lBt=r1s.`!#' in Mlimsvwt are-in ` tiof -jtihef ;qigigeua_ or, . P- . e ' .M1'._ Wdi. Tcylor, omt, said that u Bbdrd of- Trade might be able to regu- late tiilwiy_'tari%'s.' He uid 9. car of owers or darden prodn_ce is tgken from Torbnte so 8'#br1ry,for :5 less than from 90, Sudbury. .Th6` hri` %V6:0;1!inx*d, in 824. % % % - .,. w . V . . 1i,x_,..- o..'ny:. an .-- ,-, ', _`~ in ADVANCE . _grQw, am to _`in i!ech, ge. V Present and future health -demands that; this increase in weight should be steady and never? failing. has great teach in Barrie, ma believed manufacturing concerns could be started here if an energctlc move was made" by the Ccuncg backed up by a Board of 'lnnoh` corruption. `1'h~We-tnE|sInbvr- A -Deneld MoNieh, eat, -e1eet ;`,V to heve been t;,'I.i eveinmeng oioer from Sen)!` Ste , Merle heppened (2) to be in that riding on election day. A few diyl no he. ween:-ree1e oneehnrge of With the ballots; He was eent I135 for tglel, but ieout on 82000 bail. - ' Tog d ~elicaTte chli'lfdrge_n,` Scott s Emulsion brings richer blood and rmer esh. 1 Better color comes `to the checks` and stronger muscles to the limbs. The ` gain in weightgis substantial; it comes to stay. Trmle. e believecl the question of transportation rates woold be properly idjusted it thevmatterwas put proper- ly before the railway authorities. `Dan Mr. J._"A. McCarthy believed that those present were all of one mind in the establishment of a Board ot Trade. He had often felt that` Barrie was a little behind in that respect, and he thought that the fact of the new move emanating from the Town Council an- guted well for its success. He believed that Barrie is able to hold its own with other towns, but citizens must wake up to that fact or retrogression may be the result. ' When the Matches Will Be Played.` In Orillia last Thursday there was arranged the list of dates for the vari- ous intermediate matches of the North eastern District O.L. A.. oomprising the |Barrie, "Beaver-ton, Orillia and Cooks- town-Allieton clubs. The delegates present were, Dr. Mackay, Oookstown; Thos. Thomgson, Urillia; Chas. Clark, Barrie,` Benlton R.` Kean, of Orillia, Vice-President of the C.L.A.', occupied the chair. It was decided that each olubpay its own expenses and keep its `own gatereceipts. The dates" of the matches are as follows :- V . June l-0rillia at Beaverton. _ | 2 2-Barrie atAA1liston. _ - l3`-Alliston'-Oookstown at Orillia. .~_~21-J-Beaverton at Barrie. sly 4-`-0rillia, at Alllllnon. M.wAtkinson-S. Wesley--That in the best interests of Barrie a Board of `Trade should be formed. The motion carried unanimously. The certicate re the formation of a Board of Trade `was then signed by thirty of the business men in attend- ance, professional men being debarred by constitution from signing this first document; The certicate will be for- warded to the 4Secretary of State, and upon a reply being received granting the charter, the oicers will be elected. The only oicer elected on Wednesday night was Mr. J. H. Ben- nett, who was enthusiastically and unanimously voted to the position of Secretary. . ` ` Mr. A. n yv. Wilkinson added his assent ` to the movement, which he `thought a very necessary one. Dr. Railxes spoke of the good work of Midland Board of Trade in bringing industries to that town, and" believed that similar things might be done for Barrie by a good live Board of Trade h ..' - -. ' . A-vs V. Mr. J. J. Brown thought `that the Council would receive much help and encouragement from a Board of Trade; he also regarded the latter organization as an edpcativeu element in a communi- IK_` I`I--._..- 11-1! .._2.`I L- ._._..I_`I ISL- 'Mr. George Boll said he would like to see 3 Board of Trade established, and would do all in his power to make it of value to the community. ' The above discussion m"on the fol- lowing motion :- ;"p.I';.;;:;;.`;;1;;;.;1a.:.. c.... this clear of the people $222,500, but they found it to be no unpopular that the nttempt woeebendoned. This year "they have estimated for $500,000 lea in the P. 0. savings of the country, but with an increased charge for men-_ ngement of $237,500. Aug. 9-Beever..ton~ at ()1-illie.~ I 9--9A.niB.t0'Il-00 0kBtOWl1 at Barrie. '1`_he oioiel referees appointed were: Orillia.-.R. Wetepn,Tho& Thompson. M_;oore, Chas. Clark. _ Oookotiourn-:All:ieton-J. D. Banting; V % :a.;...;-m;..15. `MoMillan,_. % L ram jlkc Illu `luau. cu 35.3.1090: scorr gs nowna, Clmalftl. Toronto. V' 6`-Ba.ri-ie at. Bevez-ton. ` l9`-Beaverton at Alliaton. 19---Bar'rie_iLt Orillia. :26 o;Aug.;2-orn1i. at Bufrie. V 28-Alliatdn-Cookotown at Bauer- soc. and Shoo. all dmuku. -r I. nluurul: n|.-..x.. In--. ;;'n`o1rs &. snows, 3umua..so'- VA llauaxrmic Lnmox, W. A. B018. . noiuv. . Alliston Crecmgtc. I .InInv b `Ava Canada is showing a lively interest just now in the development of. the pig- iron industry. It is now announced that a blast furnace is about to be established at Toronto, with a capital- of 82,000,000 behind it, and capable of putting out 200 tons of iron a day; the Hamilton Blast Furnace Company has enlarged its capacity about 200 `tons a day; the Radnor (Quebec) Company and two concerns in Nova Scotia are also increasing their product. and, in addition to these ventures, Mr. Whit-~ -ney is building up an` entirely new business in Cape Breton. solicitors In rngn your: otjusucel, noutneu runny, `Cmgcyanun. out the ank of Tomato, I v_uu,9guuu, at lowest: I TRATHY 8 nsmn, _ "5 9 ' ' 'hCourt 1 titg's'NotariecPublic, Oaes age: tha Bank Toronto. LL I0 . 0' IX II IUEC DOIIIT OI JIICEIIIKU Us lfmcto Convegncen, etc. Honey to loan. ' " Ross Bfoitk. II '5 wt_.__.___. 1 D [1 t`__....n.-an ICKINSON 8: MACWATT, Barristers. No-. tarics Public, Solicitors of Supreme Court, ctc., Barrie. Ont. Oce in Bank of Tomato Block", No. . Owen street. Branch oicc, Elmvale, McKeggie's `(MIL . NI. NI: UAMKDDLD, and Stdyner. Barns Bnniltnr. Owan ntnmt. Bank Nofaty, etc. Monei m1o':f"' 0-:;rncw' yncr. Darn: Ill! `BK Bunldnng, Owen street, UXVALU KU3 Du ll-"-D3l'l'l3I5l'p Duuvluu, n Conveyancer. etc., mqney to loan. Oces, Bank of Tomato Bgnilding, Owen street, Barrie. 48-ly DR.TJ.1?.panin .=.`|'ad\iate of Trinity University oronto, F ow of Trinity Medxcal College, Member of the College of Physicuns and Surgeons `of Ontario. Oee and Residence, :8 Owen street. R. C. SMITH. L.C.P.S., Ont.. (late of Drs. . 'e & Smith Orillia.) Oice and residence -corner of Owen am; Colher streets, Barrie. 23-ly V In connection with the South On- tnrlo hyeelecticn protest, there iiill he I commission to exeinine Thou. Paxton, of Min_mc, Man., and Hon. Joe. Mer- tin, of British Columbia. The former, who is a son of the Sheriff nt Whitby, took nn active part in the campaign, end the letter is `alleged to have acted corrnptly by furnishing e railroad tick- at for a South Ontario elector to trevel from Vancouver to thepolling place. O H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Diszounted. Collections made in any of the_Coun_ty. Real estate bought and sold. nvey- anczaf 1:: all its branches. Marriage Licenses issu Oee-Ross Bloclli, Dunlop street Barrie. Iiluvju I? rilvi We have a large amount of Ptivate Funds to lend at 4} and 5 per cent. on the security of good farm Mortgages. McCARTHY. PEPLER AN D Mc- CAR IHY. Dunlap Street. Barrie. ` JAS. EDWARDS] ;9"V".`.".`".:.- \ I ', ,3`, in. W. A. Ross, Ph " ,s tc., L. D R.C.S. Edin.. L.R C:li.nondgf,.eC:{ges and na-In -.n:4l.au~a__Rn-nu:n'n Rlnpb nunnlnn nfn-at I K. W. A. ncuaa, rn lglan, nurgeon cu:., J... D Edin..L.R . .,London.,. ofaces night residence-Brown's Block, Dunlap street, Barrio. Telephone 77. I FOR INVESTMENT on good _ , V _tre_ehold aecunty gt lowesg rate of Interest. Noifnncxpal mon requnred untxl end of :1: germ. . H. STRA `HY. ,Solicitot, Etc., 1 Inn unuu runnuwu .mu.L MUXVIFALVI--' Ca ntering, Building and manufacturing of Doors. . Bhnds, Mouldings. etc. Planin of all kinds done promptly and satisfactorily. ot Blast Drying Kiln. A Dustrict agency for lum- ber. Factarv-Baveld Street- Ran-:.-, nnanne R; J. ARTHUR ROSS, L.R.C.P. & S . Edin- burgh; M.F.P. 8; S., Glasgow, member of British Upthalmological Society. SpeclaII.v.- Duoueo of Eye, Eur, Throat and Nose. OFFICE.-78_Dunlop Street, Sanders Block, Bar- rie. opposite Post Olce and Railway Station. Phone 54. P. O. Box 96. 7-ly 'r. BANTING, c1e}kZ:..}.{y*:}/`simcoe. Qvm be at his oiee, at the Court House. Barrie, every Saturdzv. Regidcnce and P.O. Cookstcwn. At his oie '5`p'.n:;'art`}'ui`s::r?v'a1't;.2 residc.-n'ce. 68 Mary street. after that hour. - u-ly = Hon. George E. Foster in his epeeoh on the Budget showed that, notwithr Itnnding the pledges given to the coun- try of reducing the .expend1'tnre, the prelent Government has actually in- creased it by $10,000,000. He. alpo showed that einoe eonfederation the 1 SL3 $31` THE BALL PLANING MILL COMPANY--l ntering, 'I\n.u- gala `Blind- Il....IA:__.. .A. III. ,. 9 , meuuzu oocwtv. umoes--Uver xswans Dry ( store. Dunlap St. Residenbe r6 Mulcaster St. _ and Dealers in Coals of all Kinds, and town. Grey and Guelph White Finishing Lime Cements of all kinds, Fire Bricks and Plasterer's Hair. Storehouse at the Northern Railway Switch. foot of John street, near the depot. The bond of this L 1 e is better than that of any other kind, and the f ash superior. Oice-Corner of John and Elizabeth streets. - JOHNSON & SARJEANT. BARRIE. Imgortera eorge Kill;. 7 (I7)7':'s'IEx:ict_Een-<:-yT<;"x:a-.i.;: e'cl 1:11;: her. Factory--Ba.yeld Street, Barrie. ODGERS & GALLIE successors to Geo. Bail. I 1 nrur. unu..u1uL1V'b All) SOCIETY OFBARRIE have for ndogion. in good Homes. a number of bright young nadian children. boys and girls Partiesdesirinthem are asked to communicate with thesecretary. EV. W. R. MCINTOSH, Barrie. 3-ly \ THE CI-!IL;.DRiEN'S AID SOCIETY; OFBARRIE adotgtion. J L-:nuLa an-....._. -.__.I!-., -I_-I 1 a - - - Han purchased the premises. oocupaed bv Chas. Mc- Guire, Just out or the Victoria llotel,' and has oened un business in all kinds of Black- smithing. oru.-shoeing.` :_\_ll W6:-l_: will be cjone --.......sI.. - AL- I-_-_._. uuu an o cu uv uuunees an all kinda of Black- orseshoein . etc All wrk will done promptly at the lowest gmlre. Remember the place. _,. .2... _.._-___- I11: mn_ RELIABLE Aucnuusin ' surpluses V ,5`00,000, 0 of which `$2,500,000 is credited to the Liberals and $38,900,000 to the Lib- eral-Oonservatives. On the ether hand, out of a total of twelve decits, the `Conservatives? had $6,946,000 and the Liberals 823,000,000. Instead of low- ering taxation as the Liberals `pledged themselves to do they have raised ithy $5,300,000. "0 ` `Are Q upqcklty.-and parties intending to have consult their own interestuby placing their ua.NnI}ns~' ALL `ERIN-D8 or money 2 ' 4. sums. Money-in sums of $2,000 and upwards. to loan at 5 her run}. - ----Iv--3 --- ---- Wnumarox Aiwr. MW`- Jonx DICKINSON. B.A. 4 `D. F. Macwxrr. 1 A. unnuaunsr, Barrister, Attorney. f.`-Solideot. in-Ohanou-y, can an. doc: Owen strut, over Bank 0 Com- Anus. MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUER. One is a dru.<;f'cours ; the other a "chemical": and_thei`q, are still others-SPICES of all ; kinds. cream of tartar. etc. .1 The C MOENKMWS BHIJG STORE Mr, Flint, M.P., has given noticeot` the Dominion Alliance provincial pro- hibition resolution which he will move in the House of Commons. `It asserts. tbedesirability of uniform prohibition legislation in the _.province and terri- tories, and declares that the saleof in- toxicating liquors should be prohibited in such provinces as by a majority vote declare in favor of it, and remain in force therein for four `ears and there; after until repealed by 'ote or majority -of the electors, the vote to take place at a general election. It further pro- vides that in province wherein the -law is in force, liquor shall only be sold for medicinal purposes, and no brewer or distiller shall sell his produce except for export out of the province. Drugs and Chemical; In the Kitchen. "nwsox & CRESWICKE, hamsters.` Solici- gon of the Sn rune Court of Judicature of ngggp. otau-ins. Conv cars. .s..' _` JD...` `ETA;-L `go-2`. ... ... A- ULT .& COWAN. Barristers, of the L Sunrema Court, -Proctora. Notaries, Conv - mm- etc. Mnnevtn Lcnn. Oiccu--Ross' Bloc . ) NALD (`Ann-u 2 I-Ill-I .35.?` FARM STOCK sALE:s F. C. GREGG, Veterinary eon. Honor ' S . 7 Graduate Ont. Vct. College," onor-member iml Sociatv. Ooes-Over Ewan: Dry Good 3. Dunlon Residenbe r6 Mxtlmntnr Sf- T. ARNALL, M.D.C.M,, oice in Bothwelfs Block. Allandale. On the premises at night. A 9.111 I. M. CAMPBELL, Barrister: Solicitog. I7.-Jon, gnu Mnnnv tn Inna. _..Ba_fng lands. cream of tartar, etc. .- `s`+3*&`f3~:.: :.*..:1:.?:**...`:.=:*:.-.!.>.*3.H.9 5 apaxnete stul othcra--SPIKCES of 3 At a special meeting of the Oobonrg Public School Board the following reno- lution was - -unanimously carried :-_ (`Whereas the establishment of a model lohool `for the training of third class teacher: has not resulted advantageous- ly to the welfare of the public achoole ` of Cobourg from either an educational or nancial standpoint, therefore be it renolved that `the `Secretary of the Board be and he in hereby instructed to notify in writing the Board of Ex-_' nminera of the County of Northnmber- land ot the intention of this "Board to dlloontinne on and after September. seize the present amugmenci by attach the Central 1_`nbli9 3ohoo:lj of Oobonrg we! let apart in r1876-neon county nohoolfor theetrtinihat . of. tea'cl,I'0r.I`} 591?; ,thira-o1m oertionten._ .