>LE` rtance,'.is theereetion of 9. at-close tonr- A ' 1: hotel. . There is not such a thing between 1 Toronto and Grevenhurat. or between. Gra- ` .ovenhutet and Muskoka. Lakes ; there is not in single v decent hotel. in the whole District -1 of Muskokn. There are many commercial hotel: but they are not popular fa;-`tourist 4 nnrnnhml II`. :3 I'|nrnnIvI7nni1a nO,I.lInnI>3nn n` I Mr Caldercott, in reply, said he was not in favor of bonusing any concern. The system was a great big fraud and scarcely any.bon_used industry pros ered. He would suggest that Barrie s excel ent advantages as a distributing centre be laid before the manu- facturing world. There were good 0 enings 1 in Ontario just now for hosiery an furni- ; ture factories, and pork packing establish- ments. None of our pork factories, said `he, have a pound to.-spare; and they are so busy with the British trade that they -have'no time to cater to Canadian.tastes. Mi`. J. brownmoved that a_.vote of" `thanks-be extended to Mr. Galdecott for his enthusiastic and helpful address. County Councillor Hewson. in aecondiug the motion, thought that the attractiveness of Barrie `could be immeasurably improved by better sidewalks, particularly on Collieretreet. ` "VI... ......s8-.. nag nnun=AA-I e-nncundunnfunln Mr._H. J. Grasett. of the Bank of Com- I merce, "referred to the prosperity of thew manufacturing towns, Berlin and Waterloo. J and particularly in furniture lines. He said 1 he believed the bonus system a. curse, a. ` factory that cannot rely on itslown capital is not of much use. - W `urged 4 that all small establishments in the town be encouraged and they will grow to large ones. He ob- jected to longer `manufacturing concerns L -2-.. I.-1..-nlulv int` A-nunn 3` I-I-un -nnnnlv, III|l"\ _ JUUDUU l.U IIIKKUI.` - Iuuuuusuuullug vvuvcsuu beinsz brought into town, if that meant cr`ush- ing the'ema.ller ones alreadv doing business here. ' - b aruuwuusa, ,pIu'uwuunu3 vu \Jvsuc|._,uvauvu The motion was carried unanimoizsly. Mr. Caldecott, in acknowledging it, said "he was glad that Barrie has enterprising men `who are desirous of doing something -for ` their day and generation. He concluded} thus, "1 wish we had as good a Mayor in 1 Toronto as you have in Barrie`.- His Wor- ship said that compliment knocked him `out, so he would declare the meeting `adjourned. -AA ` v`1;[';';:;'I:; "1-`:>;'onto. is visiting at `her home, 1'. John Payne's, Woraley street. ' a ' . Persona: News. . A C. H..R. Clark,-D. D. S. Congratulations. Mr. George Lilo left on Thursday evening : for Jaokson, Mich. . A av. Irvuv-uyvuu, ---v-.- Mr. L. E. Lane. /removed his family to Penetanguiuhene thin week. 1 V _ _,__ 11. ____g - fI'1-.....L- 3.. -.:-2L:.... Mr. Chas. King entered the employ of Mr. J. B. Harrell, general merchant, Mid- land, on Monday. ' ' _ V , , Mr. James Edwards was in Toronto last Friday attending the funeral of bin eon-in-. law,'Mr. Albert W. Beldlng. - ,2 n-______ a____ 1_____ Mr. John"Mon`si'th. of Izaueau. -has boen. visiting Mr. . `Wm. Hubbert. McDonald street, and. Mr. James Coptic, Midhurav. ` Miss Guilfoyle. -Barrie, has ggadnated an merited the gold medal. at the Soranto 4 Privmze Hospital and training school. 91` ` nllraea. - `Miss -Ella. Vincent. a. trained nurse in Peterborough hospital. in visiting at `Mr. J. M. Smith nvnndVother friends in Angus, hgr fo_x'mer'h_oI_ne.. Fells law ofiice during `the absence of his brother, Mr. Herry,McKee, who has gone to_En__gle.nd_ on business relating to, the pulp industry. ' ` V V Rev. A. G. Hudson, B.~A., who hes been ester of Elizabeth-street Methodist church 9 or three years, has been invited to Gen- tenniil chprch, Toronto, and he.s.ecce8ted,'- om-. subject to the will of the Ststioning mittee`: . _ , ` ` ` V 4 ' Mi`. Eaten Fletcher, of. Wyid, Gtpsett. &"Dsrli_ng's wholesale dry goods house, Toronto, is holidaying for `two? weeks with his .psr.eu_ts,.Mr. and Mrs. James Fletcher, Minesing. Esten s many friends gsre pleas- ed towheer that he is gettilisllong well in Toronto. - 7 -I has charge of Sturgeon I -~--' in" c _'., ;A`n-`._~;. n nl. IB6WIl'll8uq)_UI IvllV_ ugua.uu-_ onof the Mr" e hoteli of `the U: .--_ unjsavillo orelhgr. . . 1 -.LUl.Uuuv- - "re on " Februerg "Mr. P; C. Mlh,` non of Capt. G. F; March of our toivn,e who has been for the ' tveiaht years steward of the Manitoba {:6 , Winnipeg, _until its destruction by W 1. :0. ..?. f`n: `i'aa.3::. a .`:.2`i:{ , I 7 `I utewnrdahip_of the Speldin'g Vof that city, ong_6f nhe_'_l_e'r'g_e`hoe1j'ef_ the United StnteI.'.. '_ 448.55 buuuuy murmng uuuy uwu...m... .. Court North Stu`. ~ A. 0; '-F., `ifteeu mem- bers of the '0.` O. F., end, several members inf" the; Juvenile Court _v A. 0 F. attended Collier street Methodist Churoh- - The turn- out oftthe brethren wfu much gjdmired by M,-.9n .0! zth-;h.` Ute fwd Wwble that Rev. ma: E`T3.`{`3L.1`:f`i.`?$3`.;`a;'}`.i`.?3.'g.25 A. bi`. sf. V_ , May 6th. 1869. to Mr. AV'ERdS'11;,:sIn,\(.:t:x",k;.t3?c:`xi`s1t,`:3 ;a daughter. ` - an - ' h H S uare, `on'Monday 5th of R01n1 [5:_ l`;;9.b:[}l1t.gc vfifc 0 Alfred Rouse. of 5; daugh- AA! _ _ ;A]1anda1a'AsksPermissiun to P9- |" tition the council for Separ- i i a.tion.i i " irown Council % lnegularsessionj Councillor Williamson was the only mem- ber absent from the regular meeting of the Town Council on Monday night.` The meet- ing commenced at 8.15 which was only `45 `minutes after the appointed time. . :1 ,__, -2! v..- -_.- -__- .._. _____ i L. 5. Mgozgthy. ...1s:,';.;.,t.,w hel [would inform the Council if it was neces- gaary for them to send 3 deputation tn the U I Government to oppose the lowering of Lake- Simone. the` Council for their acceptance of the invitation to en- ] tertain the G T,_R. oicials on June 5th. .u--.-vv- I Mrs. L. Stephens asked that a. sidewalk be built from her property on Worsley at. ` to Buyeld at. V ` . The following letter, re Allandale ward and town of Barrie, addressed by Mr. Hauzhton Lennox to Messrs Strathy & Eaten wasreadv: Referring to my conversa- tion with yourVMr. Strathy the other day, `and to the statement which I understand lhas been `made by the Mayor and- several other members of the Council, to the eect that if the Allandale ward should petition for separation, the Barrie Council would submit to ,.the electors. the question of whether there should he separation or not. and`act upon the result of the vote.` and believing that this would probably obviate the diiculties which have unfortunately- arisen between ,this ward and the Council. 1 have `consulted with several interested ratepayers in Allandale. and particularly with those who would desire to have an amicable arrangement; and have been in- structed bv them to write you. I am instructed to say that if we are rightly informed as to the feeling of the Mayor and Council upon the question of separation, that a petition largely signed by the ratepayers of Allandale entitled tn vote on aquestion of this kind will beforward- _ed for the consideration of the Council, and with the object of securing the action of the Council in the matter above alluded to. I. may say that in writing. that I am not acting in interest of. or upon the instructions of` the plaintiff in the pending action, be in fact being out' of town at the present time. although it is quite probable that he and others who are interested in "securing the denite action of the Council by the suit' `above referred to.` will be well pleased if the necessity of litigation is in this way avoided. and I think I can say that those who will sign the petition. although quite determined ' to secure, such rights` by litigation as they deem themselves entitled to, if compelled to adopt this course. will yet very much prev fer if an amicable adjustment can be brought about`. Lam in a position to say that should the Council concur with the petitioners in acting upon the wishes of the ratepayers interested in securing the result contemplat- ed. or in obtaining the view of the ratepay- ers in the manner referred to, that arrange- ment can be made that the action _Mc- Morran vs. Barrie will stand in aheyance for such time as may may be necessary to ascertain what the public feeling is. A- `I :..a:......o-A On nnufohn other aw mv FURNESS-In Barrie 0,, Ma . v Ilth, after a 8 lion Richard Alexande, mess. eldest ,0 ll of` i|`ness, W. C. Furness, London. d . v age 26 years . .aud 6 months. .\1CkAY~--At Benverton on M v ay 3l.d,. . ` Aug; Mr`Kav. ? IIBCBITB-In wmao one puuuu unsung us As I intimated to youths otherdav my action, and the action of those whom I rep-_ resent in this matter, is prompted by a desire to avoid litigation and secure har- mony between -the different parts of_ the present town at Barrie, and it is only fair . that it should be understood that it is with- out prejudiceto _any legal rights which are possessed by the town as a whole, or the section of it known asthe Allsndale, or the individual ratepayers of that ward. -~`-- ----A_. _---2_A. -3 4. u-A-u`c9 O-A IUFIVIWNFO "'r.'J v-- v- --w- -- --- ~~- Immediately upon receipt .of- 9. reply to the eeos that` the VMayor is ready to act upon the petition, steps will will he t\aken to have it prepared and forwarded. . ,1 LI- - l\.'_._ -21 AL- _L-....-I..'L4..... 319 Av `pasta:--v- --u- -v- . ---v By motion of the Ceuneil, the-abovejletter was referred to the Mayor and `town solieitor I-.. ...---m-uuun-up`: 5=nn was Kvlvlsuu vv vuw uu for recommendatiqn. --. `. ...__.... Councillor Boys asked for information relative to the pnrchsse of the new belt. He had understood that the Beerdmore Co. hsdinotheen asked to tender while others had. ` Chairman Erswley in replv said that several belt men had. called on him recently and one . of them was determined to sell whether `the town wishedto buy or not. He had told them all, however. that when the town wanted new belts they would be in.- formed of the fact. Mayor Wells said he -had. drawn the ,attention..of the man in uestion to the town s advertisement sslting . or electric light machinery and sccessories. _ 1\,_,I-A l1!__!_ ,l.\Il. vnvvvn nu llaliu --u-vu-_-v.. , _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ V , , ,V In reply. to Deputy-Reeve Scales, Chair- man Frawley said that the ordinary hydrants would be impaired were the watering cart to take water from them regularly when watering the streets. Superintendent Keen- an was alsooppoeed to usiugthe hydrants . for that purpose, The three hydrants now used for street watering purposes are. of special design`. ' - . . 1 - -Councillor Boys`--Was . the order for a 2.000` light machine ever placed . with the Royal Electric Co 1 Chairman Frawley- Yes, through our Engineer. Bove-Has-the company heentold not to build that ma- chine. and that the 2.500 light machine would be taken instead} Frawley-:-They have not; the 2,500 light machine was put in by r the company to meet immediate re- quirements and-,nutil the, other `was con-_ , atrncted. .'We have not yet purchased the 2,500) ht machine, nor aarwo intend to` do I eo.nn" p the improvements and extensions are made ; then`we will-She in a. better. poai-* A vtion gnaw just what w`e*requlre._ N _ - __A_'_.._-._._._I.v ..'-..a.._\_`:.l._.'!.. .._.. .g.._t; ` wunnwonzs C0l(MI1'E S 3390315.` `- ' I Mr; -A. W. Wilkinson occupies some few feet of the Waterviorks property, `that a `nominal charge of 81 r snnnm es rental be mode and `collected, is occupancv of this emoperty to be discontinued stssny time the Council of the Town ot.Bsrrie ms . decide, `by giving M'x";-Wilkinson_ one month I notice. . "f`..A..`A1."l .9:e-.`.A.*' . , . V. ` - ' 7: recommended thga Wh"7 ed 9! :a`t`.n'-in-:<:pei:sc%`` ' : `Chairmen Frswley reooinmended that an A ALLANDALE WANTS TO KN'm3v. EiTQUIRIES. years. .V FERGUSON-ln Toronto. at 12 Prince'Arthur avenue. on May 4th, 1899. the mfant daughter of ` John A. Ferguson. BULMER-On the 4:11 inst, Mr. William Bulmer, Nottawasaga. aged 76 years and 5 months. ' V KENNY--At Barrie. on Saturday, May 13th, ;899', Bartholumew Kenny. aged 82 years. - to contain `all information as to depth of `aervicdpipes, name-Zof plumber who put in same. also givingnames of owners of pro- perty. and on what: streets, and any other information he may think proper;-'-Adopted : v 9 mrnovnmmtrs 110 STREETS. eEsaa.'streeI., from Baldwin street opposite Cumberland, ditch cleaned and water table gormed, $35. ` I ` V Q-1-inn cluunnf nnnnnh-A `Mr T.nmrAnno n I-n _----._, 1-, '1` Burton street, opposite Mr. Lawrence s to corner of `William street, sidewalk raised lThe Latest News Many Readable Mragraphs of |" Local %Int,;_g}rest. ` &Tliis is Bargain |Wrwin a. 8'Fresh S berries it James Vair s at 10: per box. ' ` t This is the cat Bargain Day of the season at J. C. Irw' . ' New Field and raisin Seeds now ar- riving Ill B0'l`llWEhL9s. I-.n ___...._t _.-:v ..-_ -~._._..-- ~- ; --.Ia.y 71.!) was 301. Banting : birthday. Many returns of the day, Colonel. | 1 I OII . _i;ig15};r a;.}r:.I;. c .105; Sr silks can` be dyed black. Magnetic ye black gives a i handsome, permanent colo Pnce 100. 6 II`: ` --Thomlat; Sampson. 1.58 c1:`elebratedZ drum- mer, of Vine, took 207 lbs. of wool o` 15 sheep. He declares-he never nipped their hides. Ewe have th in stock-those high grade Stearns Bicyc 5--the wheel that leads them all. The best t'.he.cheapeat_, Barrie Music Store. T 1` have gocu rr-.Ierencc~. .\IRS. A E. H. CRE,`$W'ICK , _ _\,._-._. -0n- Mdnday` John Bingham, butcher, was ned $5'a.nd costs for allowing his pigs to feed on 9. dead beef carcass at the slaughter house. 1': `Pa III I 0.-I ---.\3r. John Powell has been appointed agent for the popular steamer Enterprise again this year and already has a number of excursions under way. -. A A ..ow.. q-. .., - ` -The rst number of The Midland A1fgus came to town 01; Saturday. May it be as watchfu-land observant of Midla.nd a interests as its nage indicates ~ ,, f new Drv Goods, Cloth- opened up this week at ca be sold at. 50c. on page iug, and Bonts we J. C. Irwin's whic ` the Dollar. See a _ l v -aParen1s and other friends are invited to \ the,Puhlic schools at 2.30 p.m. on Tuesday next, Empire Day, `when exercises of 9. patrxotic character will be the programme. lVi_.I.l-I-... --.l ..I...- K..II_.. 4.... 5-g-.8-..- ` r(.V1;`1`1'o1'ui7-N 5.5.: other Ban; :4: Sp:-inzg pnauung at-BOTlIWEhh S. . II`! `T ,.I, ('1. , IV,` R --The Northern Navigition Co., of Col- ` lingwood. have exchanged the Str. City of London, of Collingwood, _for the Rocket. of Port Colborne, an iron sidewvheelcx. The exchange was made at the latter place on Monday. -Perhaps our advertisers will accommo- date us by living up more cloeelv to our in- ; structiona . on page 2, under contract * changes. Late arrival of changes of adver- tisements causes inconvenience and delay in the issue of . the pape . u 1- -tr 1 3-15 '-1| u I 1 --Frank I. Vipond, of"Bays\}ille, who had been in gaol here since Sept. lst last await- ing his trial was removed to Bracebridge on Monday to stand his trlal on Tuesday before Justice Fergusonon a. charge of seduction. There was no assize court at Bracebridge last fall. -Mr. Henry Rich, of Craigvale, writes : I wish to thank Miss Campbell, `the Super- intendent of Royal Victoria Hospital and her sta of nurses for the careand attention shown to my daughter, Nellie Rich. I_ think Barrie ought to feel proud of having such accomodation for the sick. ' III-iiriunu '1rs to the erson or persons that wil lead to the con- ties who attempted to burn ' night or Saturday morn- C. W. POUCHER. Iwil! give Fiftv D; who will give informm viction at the pztrtvor p. "my butcher shop last Frid_ w.-.. v n \l _ ,0__ A -The Marks Bros. `Dramatic Company completed their engagemehn at the Grand Opera. House on Saturday night and left on I] A-ulna: nnnnnh-um for Dnrnrknrn Thai: Upcrn LLUHBU Uu Ianuuauuy usguv ouu sen: uu Monday morning for Peterboro. Their series of thirteen plays drew large audiences. On Saturday night Miss Bell (Mrs. R. W. Marks.) the principal member of the Com- pany was presented with a handsome bouuet. ` -Fire broke out -shortly. after seven o'clock on Wednesday morning in the rear upstairs of Mr. C. H. Clark's residence on Mary street. The re brigade extinguished the fire before any damage other than that caused by smoke resulted to the front part of the house. The kitchen and upstairs at the rear were badly damaged -by re and water- ` . - - --La.st Frrdav morning some one walking the track heard something like a. moan beneath his feet when crossing a culvert from the tannery. On looking between the planks covering the culvert the man snwia -yearling calf `in the culvert. Mr. Alf. Raynor,` jr , at Mr. Galbraith : suggestion tore off the planking and got the poor beast out of its uncomfortable quarters. It is npparentlynone the worse of its strange `- experience; how it got in there and how -long it` was -there noirone knows. The ani- _I_nal in still -pt Mr.` Gexlbz-aith s. --Mr. R.` A. Forum. a _ talented comedian member of the Mark Bros. theatrical company, died _in the Queen : Hotel here last Thursday morning after a brief ill,ne8e'from Bright ! Disease He was in his 27th; yeanand unmarried. His first appeerenob on theenagewas in Peterborough pIn.y._ He won the son of Mr. W..C. Fur- nnug Tnna-Inn` nut` nnnni-Jinn 9}; {aka Wind in 1897 with the Frederick H. Wilson Com-` 5331' L`JZa'5. >.:;d.':oc`o;d`i`n ESE; E2; Prespof that city was one of 1*. about known land most popular of "young Londoneera. The remolns worn token home loot Friday |'; `*`- 1;] 7 n ~61` Keir AAt:`t56`:a`lf I'r'|ee-iing tin Mohdy night go, No. 230',`A.F. & A.M;, the `n".ig@=I;`tI Amount. Jnh Ainfnni for Eh: 'I'III1. .3511" ILIIIEU, J30: IIIIUQ I3-Ea II! Rollin uuv jsowina otiicgra .-were elected for` the_ `-51- Qvgnin . i A A ` u HA Lehnox.` A ` W J. W.;--- n JV. K. Fouoar. .n E. N. Lloyd.` ~,Tr`e Bro"; Dr, J; t s!lSn'g`.` ...1 y9r.- Bro-wJoLe' bx-1;. %H '1! . A ; ro." ; ; ett; 4:V , o. ; 4 e -. ..;. .. :o.=n.Lm. (Cntinued on page 8.) . O'ier's.'.f Steaer inierprise.l SEASO 1899. l "'0 D10. VVQ U: .I-IHIIGIII `IL ; '- ll 06 En Briefly Told. F_armers_ mat-'keted a. lafge quanniif of wool on-Saturday ; many are holding back, however, for higher nrioes. u'I`|......q'l.I....l, :1: nu`.-L3-.. `L... ......`..-..-2.... H ruJu uuvyll law: U vuuvv. LU UVBIII "lull. `III is estimated that _75 per cent of the clip of last year-is still held in this Province. A -good deal-of this wool was purchased from 16c. to l8c.. and the highest rice bid for it to-day in Ontario is 13c. ot only is the bulk of last year's clip still held in Ontario by parties who a year ago expected to be able to" sell it ataprot soon after it was -purchased. but a Canadian exporter has at an American point a large lot of the 1897 clip,_ which he was able to get across the line before the Dingley duty took eect, and for which, notwithstanding the fact that it has the advantage of not having to carry the 12 per cent. duty which the 1898 clip would have to pay, there is practicazly no market in the United States, and it remains to-day unsold. The best price that can be obtained in the United States for Canada eece now is 27c. The duty is 12. per lb. . the freight charges 239., the Consular charges;&c.. and the commission for selling on the other side of the line lgc. per lb , which makes a total of . Mic per lb. for charges after the wool is purchased here. This would leave for the purchaser of theewool in Canada. reckoning on a sale at 270. in the United States, l2c. per 1b.., and that price leaves `no margin of prot for the exporter. This is the situation at present` as it is gured out by local ex- porters. So much tor washed eece. The position of unwashed is even more unprom- ising. Within the past few weeks a Toronto dealer has sold some unwashed at 180. in Boston. which, after paying the duty and freight audeother charges. makes the value of the unwashed wool in this market exact- 1y 6 1-5c. per 1b.. and yet purchases have lately been made here of unwashed at 8c. to 9c. T (N I 1 .I 5 '1 a` 1` _,_,I_ ""-7'13?3.Zio3E i;;n?i .?Z} but reassuring, says Saturday : Globe. To begin with. in :n nuf:rnn1-nrl 05119 "K nan non! II` blag -18.. A. Wbn Saturday the prices paid on the Barrie market; were as follows .--Unweehed wool. 8ac.; washed wool, l3;c. nnn nnlll `run QR]: in QQA An Qnl-|1Iur1nQ1 kl!` Ugh`; VVGDIIUIL VVUUI, 102V- Oats sold for 36c. to 38. on Saturday but the price has fallen this wgek to 34c. and 35c. Wheat, 65c. and 66c; pease, 65c. to 67. On Saturday 72c. and 75c. per bag was paid for potatoes, but this week buyers are not paying more than 60a. to 65c. But- ter is selling at 11c and 12c., and eggs at 9c. a.ndZ10c. Hay sells at $8.50 to $9.50 per ton. The re-opening services in conection with Elizabeth street Methodist church were con- tinued last Sunday by Rev. Dr. Uhambers, ` Toronto, President of the Conference, vigho * preached` morning and evening. His morn- ing subject was on the development of Spiritual life. I 1 C I ' , ! A,.,.,I `__ In the evening during his scriptural les- son he referred incidentally to- Christian Science, spiritualism and faith cures, doc- trines which he termed fakes and sug est~ ions of the devil. His sermon was gram the text, I Chron.~, iv, 9 and 10, or the life of Jabez and its lessons. He said Jabez was an honorable man. In those days men were called honorable because of beauty of character ; but nowadays that title is ocial and no guarantee of character. The honor of some men now called honorable is so at- tenuated, he said, that it cannot withstand a $100 bribe. The constituents of honor are purity of thought, truthfullness of speech, up- riqhtness of conduct and magnanimity of 4 thought. Hesaid thatfalsehoodisfar toocom- mon ;he did not mean monstrous double-joint- ed lying so much as mean, petty. social, con- temptible, professional and business lying. He did not know whether there was much of it in Barrie or not, but there was plenty of it in Toronto. A liar is a dishonest ,, n __9J L , u_1__.1__.. L- `L- `D_.....:..- .10 .. The Enterprise, the Steamer. has been thoroug again at the disposal of Ext`. to and from ad. points 011 In Reasonable Rates. ._...... ..--.. _---gun;-n pl:-35 Popular renovated and is anion Parties e Slmeoe at OK 16 In LUEUUUU. n nut in u uwuussuuu man, said be. whether he be Premier of a. colony or digger of a sewer. A merelv~ ethical religion wbuld not save any man. If a man is not honors.ble,. said he, "I. take no stock invhis prayers, hallelujahs and 5 amens. unless his nrayers are for the for- V giveness oi his sins 1- o . us 1-; run ,,,,L.__ __A____.1 A- #1.- w-ow .- ----- -7-.. .._.. V--- . The re-opening services will be continued next Sunday morning and evening by Rev. George Bishop, of Toronto, whom Rev. Mr. Hudson. announced as an old Barrie boy. Elias Baker. 9. young men about 24 years of age, whose home is at Duntroom, in the County of Simcoe, but who has taught school in Bertie Township, Welland County, for the past ve years , showed symptoms of insanity a. little over 9. week ago. and although closely w.a.tcl'-ed managed to escape the vigilance of his attendants last Thursday night and jumped through his bedroom window, dislocating his neck and causing almost instant death. The sad circumstan- cesconnectedwith the cutting off of one with such bright prospects has cast a. gloom over the community. as Mr. Baker was well liked by his pupils and. highly respect- ed by every one who knew `him. His re mains were sent home on Friday for in- terment. 4 ' Incidenmllsi l)r. Chambers referred to the _ athletic __ craze of which so many young men and boys in Toronto and elsewhere are victims. He believed in legitimate sport in all cases where the occupation of young men does not present -suicient physical ex- ercise. but when they (go so far as to think the greatest object in life is to kick a leather bag stuffed with wind as far as they can they had missed the object for which God made them. Boys get plenty of exer- cise in their romp and play. ,, I L. ____;2_.-_-j _ The first band onoernof the` season will be given on the poet oice square this even- ing. Citizens Band will play the following selection: :- . Mereh--Trne to the Flag. . . . .F. V. Blon .Sohot_tieche-- Chevalier V . . . .- .... . . Weber Qvereture---,Dame Blanche . . . . . .Boieldieu Waltz--Medore"e. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . Voelker Selection from Thegctown Diamonds.. Anber S.e_renade-_-When the Moonbeeme Fell. . - . ,` T ' . G. W. Roderick Reg-I-.ime-` `Whistling Rufus" . .Kerry Mills M'|l'.\:_lI=-V"-"Col. Roosevelt : Rough Rid .*= r ' Tnnrnnabnn `V -All parties who can accommodate tourist: phi: year should leave at THE ADVANCE oico or with the Town ` Clark; the number =otp e1-eons they-have acoommodttion for at :,their,hoI.ne,n. It is anticipated that Q Is: 0 "numbat of American; and` other tourhtll reiidqin-town this anmmor. ' ..$r.o0 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE SINGLE COPIES FIVB CENTS. Re-Opening Services Continued. Jumped from His Window. `L101. IVDUBUVUID I xvuusu Lvluvyu : Laurendesn God Save the Queen. ' Effousi / d nt reaso1iably_,we 1:.-:pnCY fa',sELe_ - u nl ICI N` THE MARKET. Band Concert. .\ ozice IS hereby given. pursuant tothe Revised _5-`atutes of Ontario. r8q7. Chapter 129, Sec. 38, that .31`. creditors and other persons having claims against the estate of Marianne P., Pae. late of Barrie; de- ceased. who died on or about the 13th A ril. 1899. are required on or before the 23rd day of . 3) . 1899, to send by post. prepaid. to Messrs.-Strathy 8: Estefh Barrie,Sol:citors for the Executor-.'a statement In Writing of thcir.n:1Ines and addresses. and full par- ticulars of their claims. And notice i herebY`8'_ that after the said 23rd day of May. 1890, the Bald Eigecutor will proceed to distribute the assetspl the Saul deceased among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which heshall llavehad notice. and the said Executor will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof t_o_ ana WW 0| Dersons of whose claim or claims they all not have had notice at the time of such distribution. T .-...._ .__-.-- .. -nun-unis`? (iE1"6ER TERMS. JNO. POVVELL, A CAPT. MA. II, zo-tf Agent. Barrie. P'.`op., Barrie . . run =uu.I'.. V _ Tne ..`IsCampbCH Hotel Property at Allandalco 1ust wuhm the old limits of Barrie and nowsin oc- cup-u'o M1. .. - 1 . =5 'ze'n?s. ` ;{.....`fA73.y li33'`,{`iias " 1%: A o:ER`E] FOR SIILE. ' TEA ":......_.__L_ll II . u n___.__._. -L AII....JnIg ..,.,,.u..un 01 Mr. If easy terms. App CAMPBELL. Ch! HUUIMUL ..,.,_,___`" 5 0 le to pg-Ave . W . this state V meat, Document ? I " "` V wail"? ' I Farms for Sale in W To of F109 Also (er tcu cleared. Small frame; house` ?:c`:,;:?_.-,o `acres elf; South Halt, Lot 17: `Om 3'o!dobush. 51:35.19`! 57 ' ` Ed. balance mostly hardW0 ` . - Youn b :ldm5- . ouses. implement house 3nd "t' u - , af`y .-d` `O orchard of 75 trees. 3 bearmg ' ne clay soil site '08?!` m.' d . Thcd above ht\\'og?tse3:':_:tg; Mfasms an willb ol toget er 1 - Ablalytgss. R. BEET0 v A.t". , - -__..__} E`. ` aC|'93v 30 acr' Half Lot :7. Con- 2 ` of 1;, one? W . M rY-5" . A99 V Lot No. 3` `vest an acre, Rough C35` 10 JAA E ,AuvA,1."? 5 St A-0"` `V! s SCROGGIE ' Omcs I-P Y r U" gr` Mat` - .. .. r'r1 u r=r`u1eI- wan: frgg` ,`},'m'->. 3 Very desirable; 5"` momswry hqgle _fof_ g:_ll'd" ket: consisting of 3 V tend, suit ' ' acres of ground. We '3 . n1:mi*"' .35 ll lso m 218 or Pawturage : gd5 a ll! - brim!` 5` ' bef:1yuf building Simd whwh DIV at once to M- AP`-T . _ 3 V` Ethe only up `Yin mm]? a88nJ`:me| qt. :9 an ` K/EDI.-OC 4 J W ood situanons u.u....a,....._ . Bxselsgiur Business Gollegs; A .. -........'ts on prove this statement. _ TE. % For sale mi` "CREW dlaud,=.tdioiniiis*.t.1'." _ the ww? Mr. Good ellovfs fafm.-in thoi uqt1iT =tovAu%'5'm~.*a~=; '~v!-em \ . . H . I ' Cnvnr. rnnm run =n--B:-; : nu; :.'!.:a f S"- C133 loam; g'ood water. dW.,l1i. lsfligie barn. Apblv to ` _ ' " . I. \ Ma? `5' `B90 !3gA'11a.'1d'```e' } I7-so I------~\.s\ VIII No.20 ~ VOL. XL SAMUEL Wnsnn. In l'Pl'ietor. _ _______..j.W_ _ ____.__. _ V`- _ _-.._._...._.-_._..._.:.__._.-. "'uE \v.ANT AT. -()1\ CE.-'-MUST I 1.4.......m.1.pr.-n-nm=. 'eed notaoolvwithout. _ Dated Ianuarv T:b%2i}}Ti:'F'Jii`8rsI `"'n1ton u...i__ .0 of C ingot granting Dlmomas toztitgaaa. no Wu our students are pt!-operly trai`:`e 3Petent ca`:`d`?:lV:.sn. success ully, and B _ to pas . I t. amen; me`nthB8e ex` bpreca. lnatxons hat's whv we ha VB m`uy m ' orej 3"` . . aughmgstandung. T blew emcient 3 y '()un `nan _ aua non: for cap; 3;,-plxrat an to ll psltlons than enter our collegzein Supp any tin}, ' m You may _ tons tn interfere w. `th Your Vahce lent. no vacgth "5 Particulars dm 9 3 Poem to . fe lfyou W - AH SI-':l:_A . W V 3 Pnxucu-L. e and Genard Sign Tn . l .. ronto. NORW FOR SALE. V _ . AY spnucs c "8' f mono, . . , .Vr.ongx `Inc, 1 V1}-_'_:v ._V L L,` .1 "7 TOWN PROPERTY I-'53 sAL_E. Verv dne:.-..u.. . c... -_- .._-u_ 43...... 4|... Mo Ul\'\,l`.'. Ull\L H nnxn hm-9 gocd rr-.fere_nce=. c .\ F. H. (`,RE`$W'IC L.- 10}) ACRE FARM J-`OR '7SAI.VE.-Ii` . Can .. '1-\_.___._s ,- _1- n_- -_.. 1.1.- H --`.1 'IrL\v ;{bVIEiii`s l1iiiEi'i~T .a_v. RITY-.A _lctn. -\1at1,.yT` on W .. n .. ghter of Frilgsciv. :? dK._:*`.`.n"" '.?.;- nppny [0 me owner. Jnuu-`I-J I L. Churchill R0. or to, LENNOX, BOYS & BROWN. . . ._ 5-12-1 For hhn .. r -" TEM|*'1.AlU`V " _ 1 C21! wish to enter a. Busmess College ha 73 per can. of its Gradnatgs in that 5 T situations correspdndwith the E . .__ n...;-mm nllnrrn Hamlin UIU IHIIILB UI IJIIIIIC GIJIA ll\lVv- in: vv . P. McAvoy, is offered for sale on. pply to the owner. JAME IS- .`hnrrk: p n (\I' in - I-`Won SALAE. BORN. mam; goon wager, .uwI=uuI A 1 . ~ . per}-{$5. J ORY. Dnlston-_P._Q-g, , . 4 J I DIED. sTRA7Eix" Ts;"'is"r'Ei3rfi"'*J Solicitors fqr Executor. w. gl':0S"..`l;x'-i'ncipal. - J A 1_ .uL\La:..-m us I 'ecd not apply without. . ao-tf. IL) us n.rnn`rvv...' I Barrie. his Solicitors. 1 -aI\_n RR-At E and Mrs. gbert. on the th inst..' a. son. to M,- . J. Carr. . . - ' nrmh * rly con-V ' dll o til: well. The gradu- nu-an IVEI _ vvv- o-.20-p Mr. Stapleton Caldecott, " ex-`President, of the Board of.Trade. Toronto, was in town on business last Friday. and remained until Saturday. The gentleman had not been `in Barrie for thirt -five years, hence it is need- less to say tha the town had almost none- letelv changed its `appearance during his ong absence. After a short conversation with Mr. Caldecott, Mavor Wells, who had been introduced to the visitor by Mr. George Reedy, thought. it would bea good idea to ~ have him address the business men on trade 1 matters of interest to Barrie. Mr; Caldecot * having consented to -do so, dod ers were, issued a few minutes before six oclock an- 1 nouncing the meeting. At eight o clock a. large number of citizens gathered, among those present being Mayor Wells (chairman), * Councillors Frawlev, Johnson and Tvrer, Messrs. H. H. Strathy, Q 0.. Jan. Vair, H. i J. Grasett. B. Devlin, J; Churchill. C. G. . Strange. H. B. Myers, A. W. Wilkinson, R. A Qrnnlunna .1 IT Rnnnnft W `A pan ('3, , Tho `Ex-Prosidont of Toronto Board of Trade on Ba.rrio s pportunitios.o I Si:tmge.VI{`. fl/3. Myei'a,'A. Wilkinion, E. Hewson, H. H. Otton. Wm. Taylor, J. H. Mclnnis. J. A. Orton. J. H. Neelanda, J. F. Jackson, B. Lawrence, C. A. Perkins, R A. Thomas, F.'J. Lower. J Car18Y J. 0. Perry:-J. J. Brown-. 1 . H. Stevi'art,Thoe. 4 Beecroft. J. H.` Willis. W. Johnson, S. 5 Hinds, Wm. McDonald, N. 'Wheeler and others. ' . A. Stephens, J H. Bennett. Pae, 0.. van-up-a Mr. Caldecott was pleasantly introduced to the audience by His Worship the Mayor. and was greeted with enthusiasm. His object in speaking was the progress and ex- tension of the town of Barrie. `The long period of depression in Canada was rapidly passing away, industries ` were reviving. settlements were extending, the prairies were being broken, and'he hoped to see the day when the population of Canada would no longer be a paltry ve millions, `but fty millions. From Halifax to Vancouver. said he, there is a wave of prosperity ; but what about Barrie? Is `Barrie prospering as a town?" (A vgiee, Yes) I have the impression. said Mr. Caldecott. that dur- ing the past two or three years this town has not gone ahead very much, but is rather at a standstill, and unless enterprising men stand shoulder to shoulder and push the I town ahead, it will recede. _ -_L__.-I-._.. Mr. 1Stapleton|`.a|decott To Barrie Business Men vvvvu \-5u\rIII\- -v u --- _-_-__ Mr. Caldecott then went into particulars, Barrie s beauty of situation is unparallel- ed. said he. Tourists passing through here sav, `What a charming and lovely bay ! , I believe it is prettier than the Bay of Naples which is said to be the prettiest in the world. ' - I _,__.,- lallv VI Ill Au: He also noticed a total absence of manu- facturers iu the town ;, he did not known town in Ontario solar behind inthis respect. To promote manufactures" and local indus- tries. it was necessary that all narrow and petty jealousies among merchants and other business man should be removed `; all classes ot townsmen must work harmoniously to- gether; _ _ . Is there anything practical that" can be .1--- H .....2aI `kn ananlinh nn fh;IlU I": "18 tD8l'6 unyuuxug pquuunuun uunu vuu Iuv done, said the speaker. One thing I- would advocate, and it is also res in im- succnsson TO s. B. wmnnum," ' 1 31 King St. East" (.up%st9.irsL) Toro1;1;o.% .... l2..l.-.I .QQp. F. M. Ll! ll NT FULL LINE OF 'rs:LI-:|=H'<'>N'|-:-2E%i>`%aT%T lw. take pleasure in recommending Mn. Flinn. Bnoqxs an it com cent and relizxb Tuner and Re _ rot. and won! ` request-our` tronrto entrnet to rn work of this discription. erper`:I:fully yourI. Gnrumm Hum-rzmm. _ ' . ' Orders. left for .Tuning`*at 5; Eliul:_eth Street will receive careful attention. rm. BRWKS. sum. or". = -oases an narggac Mqsa.-i Stores own at -r......o. ll k_inds,'gftn'!5x..;`edsInatrg:mentX, Folio `and t_Shee IlI- V ._II I- h.l`'OlIlII,lty0` . Salc htgalf. Heintzmgn 8 ; .00 two 5~*:3:1iI ~,0rtI- sewn wurwosi ~_ 1.3...."-`A. aAn nuE%M_g_Ic'sTom; . Garrity. }7{`_\'0X--In Collxngwood, on M Knox. a nat_ive of Belcek. `I?:x n,:'}(fbt' land: and father of M:-.: D_ Knox ti .hI'e- Orillna. aged 70 years. 9 months and a2 da.vasc er SMITH--ln Collingwood. M ence, relict of the latemf], 1:? $itlJafm:g:'`,' years. RE-N\'EDY--At 0 '11 . M ` ` ~ re`licL of the lat? 1`\ale:` i;:?' Kgggsdg; ' 9 ..nnnrvcnN_ln Tnrgntn _. - 72 Prmce'Arthu r - GRADUATE 0P`1`ICIAfN. V ' You "will nd -spectacles for every si ht. and your ey9s_tested fr_oe'. Also good an: cheap watches, diamonds. Jewellery; and oilveryvafe, I lffwatchu carefully ropmrod. _ E"NDiOWMENT PLI<: NR. DoL.}Ia s.`| ._ .__. ----an A `O 10-59 : 1 N EW ADVERTlEMENTS. Sterling` Silver "and Plated Ware, Watches, 01noks,Jew- alry, Blousa Sets, Ba1tPins, Bo1ts,`5Naw.est.Dasigns. Special Attantion Given to Watch Repairing. % ..;An- Agna Q_]`, -I:;:;Lu1};1 (sac. -LF GABBEIT. I1~BoxA).-ws,,.-2;;-tray. . EXA|V|||VI"\ I '\'- `want _ *_ of 3' student reas61iably__well. procxfcflg CENTRAL BU$| N E! o 7 .s ._ -1! ans: a strong ind! V0. rg -'1'lI,E`I,l:\I`l`I!R.Bs'1"s`-of raj: cou'm'r: or :sm'con nun 'r!'iB `DOll!N1ON o8 cmwa Loun*`c1trrnn xoN.' 98:1`? BARBIE: COUNTY L 0F % SIMCQE, ONTARI`O; MAY 18, 1399. a `Mr. ca.1aem.; l&ciulda;i`iii' ;i.;.,. am} ethueiastie addreae by saying, ",I hope the a time will yet come when I shall take a bed `in this new hotel. (Applause). l 1 H. H. Strathy, Q.C., took up the question of inducements to` manufacturer: to locate in Barrie, and asked Mr. Caldercett for sug- gestions along that line. a II I`Ij,, , I _ I1 I. ,_,__ ,,,L f X; .;i:..;u.;.21`;.; going to wdtk, he suggest- 1 ed that a meeting of citizens be held to con- ! I siderthe proper. steps to be taken to raise C.PLR.` He urged thata deputation advise the $100,000 necessary to erect such `a build- ing The G.T.R. should be consulted at ' every step. It would pay the railway to i erect such a hotel here themselves ; the C,` P.R. had erected hotels at Montreal. Que- bec,'Vancouver and Ban, and were getting large returns for their mone ; surely the G.T.R. were not less enrerpr sing than the` with` Mr. M. C. Dickson, District Passenger Agent. and Mr. Hays, General Manager. He believed the railwav authorities would i take great interest in the proposal and assist I in the erection of such a tourist hotel. ` IIVUIIID AIIIIU I-IIUY Cl? IIIIIII PI! ICE IV] UIJIIIIBII ` put ones. ltie the'marvell attraction of D? the eke:-ind their scenery, and not the so-_ ,` commodetion, `that takes the people up ` there in such large numbers`. From Barrie north is the grandest recreation ground in. the whole universe ;- yet theeccommodetion for tourists in the very poorest. T V IlfI1L-._- 2.. __; ' \.IQ,,, __-,; `I i "*7 >7 `"1 K"".' "` I There is not a. healthier spot under Heaven than Ba.rrie,". said Mr. Csldecott`, % with emphasis ; but you must have 9. rst- ? class tourist hotel `; I am surprised that the `Couueil. hes not -brought this matter to the i front before this and made it on` issue in 4 civic politics ; for there is no better way-to ` build up Bern-ie. . y . ,,._Ll.,] ,2 _.,S,,, 4, _ LI `I `II ' a , nun. C IIU `ICUIF n, all pass a strong independent Ex- - _ -. _ f Canada. No white_wa.sh- mg: A.:;;1;;',$`ms to incompetent candndates. , ,...-an In I. _ ;.....2...ul tn ngn.'lInAan 45!. L555 T"du{ed by the Batman Educ:-.