Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 11 May 1899, p. 8

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. It sla,qu'e;|,tion,V ie_n t it, whether you'll even enjoy eae aiid eomfort till fashion .1eor_e_esvb'me-foot style 1* Spy not. deepei-anlu`t_u.`" Come" and see US. .` we :-5 ehoe `specialists. We cab cute. t1;e_, tl;-ed_f,eelixig' in the feet) It all comeI'o'f`l1_ei_:g properly shod. Y`onj{el1oeaman a_ . heel}, deing . you. Ill-made foot-weal" make ill-conditioned feet. Qelrshoee thjwre made for human beings. 1_:ot.wooden.'image'e. ,' The kind `handled `by Huuiiei-3. Bros; Factories `of she first order meke'them*for us on scientic priueigilea. Vrenc .er,it7lanyo'bject toenpply "them exactly riglgt, We've no hit`-or-miss styles. ' W e ve_ no"1iee_-V"for my but `\vl_I a`t`eell and givgnniversal and u_n\'a.rvmg sut.xsfac-- tion. V See our shoe-.windowy,fe'nidl you see wbi't e'fu_ahienable, mble and easily purehasable. Inlide, the shelves groan witli good s b'oe.'f'or' men and ;,oys_ shoes for ee city pavement and the food he.buainees' man and thn fnrmnr -~ for Quad`... .....I .'..-..l. -.1--- , L A 1* Zamll we buy enough to- 7 W _V , ,, ,-- _._. -_- -.,-..-3 ' uuuu ,-_L.I.rl{ yl}U.l}leS man two. the farmer ; fog Snndyw apd ;wor`k-days ; for ne-weather and Avyvet gpells, for , the bike -and. the bvtll-aohxh. bndio forth and so forth. HUNTQEB BR03- A Rqizees. ` ' "-7 ifuym FOR THE PEOPLE lnoxeollsmn nmux !`;'1ol:'n `-AddiIon?o4EsV38Ii. Fridav. to A'` `' i`%|i*kI Aslnty `Bay, am} W. Grant 9 07." .19"--L 8.IG`Ill d1. toamorican Hotel. B'`4 Siltitutu Tea. uI&Coee. A we. pack8Z ` .mah;e_..7acupg. Fqosalejn Emmy n. 1u.N8! L Schodl In/ % % want` in 't h..theA'.C0l168i4 ""`f_ v-wI@Iv\Il \I\IIIIII"I'|l`l; (Lmrrzu) ' Svnsclunxn Cmrrru. s5.ooo.ooo. ,3`-tahmet cmmanxout` at o:`_1Vl0NBY fro LEN!!! at we-. Muniespi':`31'2u:1.`.`.?,',?f.i`;.Z?a?f,`i3$.`.af, -Plrtaculara annlv to (La mm! ..:H... at .1... mmmnv. -psrxgunars 3;: to the head: ' t 1 :93 3.1111; street. organic: (gin I Spoial Aentio ` j _` GWEN T0 mums may on`:-nouns. Aid Iltilftction guaranted in photos 0! all 5" u-ru-ulb UIUIC I "vs-cable. Apply to {s}HAw"Ros.. notrnwnnvs nnocx. LbTuEbn' A~6':"c`A?iAB{AN Loan ANQ `AGENCY COMPANY, IT.n:.v:-an \ C11-esrnang` an-jg Ls'|| 0|! 3888 R_.oad.. Mhndde Ward, usfd LI Suiall Sam... ....A 'n..-m_.. an; 1,. and `Om-es ` wH"a`1rrion, of Toronta, has been the guest of` Mr. and Mrs. George Poacher for .a. few weeks. Grbcer. Oolllor Street. ucllcutlllva pnrcnasea. 1'0! [unm- V to the had oie of the compaiv nrnntm An I n l1lOg 0! IO J. GAl4IBAlTHo Barri`- lAY 11. 1899. cleaning the streeta'lidve re- eceivedhus added gremly to the appenrance -of, this beautiful ward; ROUISE Ma.) An, A.-. __ I K53` IV :2 I relict years. I-`ERGU Dllbnll Residents-on Bradford street. from Eliza.- ibeth street are complaining because the watering carts do not visit that road. Even two trips a day, 10 a..m. and 3 D m. would keep the dust down fairly well. ~ 1800. Orillia SMITH `fe. I will gi who will viction or my butch ing. Allnnda The E Steume again at to and fr Bongo `Ll nzu : MRS. A Ste: All parties who can aodm'mb_daw tours't,i 3 this year I should lqaiie stj Anvnvonf qice the 1'01VI_j `C'c`r.l,' -. the nuinber I o_t persoufglxey` tguve`,jngoomf_mjgdation for` at at-t,1.,3'vir.~=1!"?inL.'ei:`*`- *1: in-n'l.i"10i' $63 that 9- 19! 0 "numbgz;.o,.A:Amerio;nnVVn:i` oth9tf,to;uristi"w . I: I xnrowntuu-name:-< ` - 2;}? ' navmg :- have had liable fo 110:1;-nu A `nu LV . . 1ust wit cupation `easy ter CAMP Duncan McMillan, it'.. of Toronto -Junction . was home on a few days visit oat week. _ ' VOL. ug. Allandal The Dr ha} ".2. Dated suu Will Apply The Ladies Guild of Helpers of Se. Geot;;e s church will hold a. Bozar in the old Methodist; church on Friday-, ufternoo and evening, May, 19th. There will also be a. concern. - ll Several of our sports have purchasedl bicycles lately, -and are preparing for '9. matched race. They are all contidentofl winning. The heavv weight aeemoto be the favorite at present. ` 3 ' q` 01 `E 1 . . A 111: ` ...-.. ' CDCC, years- 1nl\VI.` [URSE II`? b -y avenu John '1 ll!) Joseph Spry has been on the sick list during the past week, but is improving very `nicely. T ~ ' c; an nun`: - an n.` "*IHU W CUB! Marks Bros . Dramatic Company has been well patronized by the citizens of the sixth Ward-,. who speak very highly of the en- tertainments. , ` ` . i5`:'`asVl;e'x;1_V;11``3;r;;sm&})z:r;v;vi: }io'v;.' E25}; xhe north, and is running out from this place. ' ' 'I',_ -__L LI______ 1... I--- -_ AL- _!-I_ I_'_A_ "`;:..;; lc.r}s,$.}ali;i{i{a Egg. asked to - `draw the attention of owners of cows run- ning at large, to the damage the latter. are ._d,pjng; 11. is said that steps will be taken to the by-law in the 6th ward. Cow ` -Wn~ers. look out. J ~ ` Last Sunday was children : day in the Presbyterian church. The junior choir Jlurnished the singing. At the close of the gareaching service a. baptismal eerviceuwas xinield`, when the children Mr. and Mrs. John 7 Mn 1:01!` mm D l.X:`nL-unb gun` I`- % j ' ' (::o:V;:g-e : ' Aicemsn Dav. Service this (Thursday) evening at 7.30 pm. ` Ban-1e s South-Western A Division. with l its Pleasant L-treats, its Taatv ell` inns, in; Fretty oburchesyana 9 Go- a.-head People wxll Entxce Settlement -~A Weekly Record of its Doings. Mr. John Piio, of Toronte Juuction,_i$ home on a. viaip. - ' A; Misses Ete nd` Tenie Wu.rnica. have re}: `burned 130 'J.`oron:o. . V - - ` ' 1 " VUFHUII "UU `.I.Ul'UUUu Messrs. M. McG~aw and A. Ferguon'bQv commenced braking. V - ' v V n I an A ' In,__,_ A`_._____,,_ u: . I ' . Tsmabu {:..%..a`~'.;.. AnAv1mo1a,,;the hm weeklv pups} iuthe Oouuw of Hinhcfne. v\ ALLLNDALE mu NUMBER SIX. % `THE RAILWAY OENTfIE. or was FUTURE cmr. 3.`. The W.U.'1`.U. _:scbool room of Christ's church.` A -ver-v fail attendance of members greet-' `ed the officers on Monday afternoon at` the special meeting of the Union. The cozy and homelike new parlors were admired by all. The devotional. exercises, conducted by the President, Mrs. - McKee, were `specially helpful. The greater part of the time was spent in arranging for the convention to _ be held .here Mav 31st, June 1st and 2nd. -Committees were appointed and everything` put in shape to make the convention one of the heat ever.held It was decided to-hold sno moreenti cigarette "I ` ue--meetings till after the holidays as thefc ildren are busy `preparing for examinations." ~ Miss Rogerson reported for` the ower mission six boqnets and other delicacies sent to the I__ick.;. "For, _]u\'e!liie work, Mrs. Rogerson announced, the -children's wild ower show_nn,Fri_daYig the o A .;..._1_._ .___-.`5____ ___ _____ _.-_1.1.1___ .41 An- uuuavw wvau nvuwuu Lavul ullv ulublllgu The communications, resented to the Board were as tollows :- rnatee McLenn`an wrote asking that he be excused from at-- teudance at all Board meetings heldin May ; Windsor School Board wrote asking inform- ation re female principals; Inspector Mor- gan. wrote asking that a `branch Entrance examination he held at Allandale for the convenience of Allandale pupils ; no action was taken in the latter matter." A .;1..a;...;.; szi-Liiia"{a;;i~ 3:1; ;'ex$_mi- nation-;of teachers return: shows that only one pupil, and that one in the primal-5 room,` % has been inlhis prenenI:'clua'more than two years; that all teachers report to tho Prin-` ill! vf la'(1il'l; :hp:Inn?::' 1|?" ldlneln vayua nu Uuvvi va lIl.Iv&.)lI|llUU lL'l U|llDl'lII , the Principal: will regqrttheae abeenteee to the Truant Oicer an `the latter will inveati-_ gate and report back to the Principal: who will then report monthly to the Board ; that Mr. ,Haughto_n. Lennox is entitled to free tutela e in South Ward school for his child- ren ; t at musid be taught in every room on an average of 10 minutes per day and that where necessary an exchange of . teachers be nermitted lot that subject ; that Principal: form tnemeelvee into a. Committee and pre-_ pare a plan for the conducting of the pro- motion examinations and report to the next meeting oi the Board ;' and " that May 23rd (1_3mpire Day) be celebrated by .5 public pio- nxe. - ' . -.\ lI'\|_- -_I__,;__L`_p -1, _. ,,_,_,_,; il ,- , ll IUD _'.l`h_e only part of the reoort that was not `adopted-was the last r nunendetion, it being thought that e p lo we: not the groper programme for Empire Day. and . urther that there are toomenyv eehool holi- deye-elreedy. A ~ . In. speaking to the music pa.rt.of_ the report Inspector Morgeneeid that the die- poaition of time was entirely -in the hands- of the `teachers and an that "either he or the Board could do would be to melte-'reeom- mendationl. He-wee-much lmpreegpd-with the impottunoe` of mode `but-;wou!d "not spend much time at it'u`nlQI'l,the`pupilI were quite prooientf'i`n- otherffeqhiete. __'1`r.nstee ~ M ontgomery-r thought little time Llhould he .'apent"ln.mneic.'_*hut more `timeygiyen to `Inch-Oiiloiectiila `9i'P!t6Ahik1reIt'- .f0I`;5$miP8 ,q`liielihnoil.'fi:1 etor'1lein_rb1ii!e`~!.M. i1!*!t9?Wtb9? ` ttgight , rt: ..wIIH,-[avVI.,'ur,WI _|DP$I:_vnuu-in `H0018- iort Ia " ` _ .1-meengt ; "thd inb i_i_ct;4ahould Be 'wen- .z enheaiixte. `iorf aeibex evcd it to be` the .'g'8hi`hl op'i:uiqni:hs_t_`.prou1bti6ni- stamin- ationiv mn0't- [roductive oft}:;61beit resulfs; Tm V * irjin hnr&*l5.h,qughp`;thut promotion iE?_,,.5:i?!*?W '.='._..P.-.?.,.b;i .'.- dA ._D .u_._._ A ._ -A;.g._ , . .1 ` ,, _ % A " =";ha` oo_nqidbr6_1;ion,.' ot the examination`-pnr`t'o <-thefi-r`uport- leftover - -Llu u nquuuunav IQlJ}.(||5lQUIlIlDIl ylumuuluu `exam atio'xih"_il_1'o`i1ld dohjawhy_vith,.a;d - "the matte!` of =p rom otiu'g 4pi1i){l's3l6f6\entirely with .-the ;t`6hx:?i`eh who mji ' ht fuiqe -whutev"e:: - amauho,`i _tb_ey:m: g'ht . 1%: `'0 `M6 ` .6!\1!1i;!'P.;1`3:!!9`i"!:DPII!'t!*I`t `9!n9tIn.eWi!nd#i?`t-b9:`h1 sir ~**l, r ,in1iP91""'1i!ll6tt"correct V ,i`i.re!1!!lf? i!? \JU|ll|IJIIlVVVo ' The followirg` motion foliowed Reid` and Love's motion as given above :--`Montgomery 1 --B.hinehart-That all accounts certied by I Committees a_t their last regular meeting be ` `d: ' I ' V ` - - I `I-an 'FBII`.Q `Um-A AIn.hn.I....I LL- ...-L!_._ lmzfter Trustee Ward objected, the motion ` was revised to read as follows :--Thet the accounts just read` and certied by Commit- tees at their last regular meeting _be paid. -Cerried. . ' The players and instruments composing the Allandale Bend are as follows :--Cornet.s,` .A. E. May. headmaster, Ed. Dixon, Alex. (Barker, Chas .Goring ; Clsrionets, _A. W. `Warnica, H. Gilchrist; Altos, Jos. Kreitz, -~0. Qusnt-z. W. Sneggles. Jno. Blevins; l 1`enor, S. Houghton ; Trombonl-3, F. 0. Link, W. Lsvalle, Geo. Lsvslle ; Bsritones, John Glassfotd, N. Dollery; Basses. B.- Parker, Ed. Catcher, F. Soules; Drums, James McMillan, Fred. Dollerv; Cymbals, M. Page. The band is ready for engage- ments. T ' , I Truseeee licLenean. iteedy: Keleey arnd; "Andrew were absent from the meeting. ` The nnmmnnbntinnn nu-nnnnt-ml tn 4-I... nu wuv-Lug ' .. ,' . After the O&l'('l__`_-h`B_d_ adjourned Secretary Marr, in checking over his papers. found an account and. voucher (the latter dated May 5th) from E. Wiiliarns for brooms and soap, 1 amounting to $4.20 and pinned to the back of Mr. Jamieson s account and voucher. Secretary Marr said that he passed the ac- a count on Friday night `to Chairman Mont- gomery of th_e_VPrcperty and Supply Com- mittee to be properly vouched for, and that _ ` Trustee Reid had" evidently" taken it home with him on Friday night with-'tl i'e` other ac- counts for he had just handed it -to him as found. "Trustee Reid declared he did . not, and had not seen the account and vouch- er until that moment, and that some one had concealed it by pinning it tb Mr. Jamie- son s account and voucher, Some one had evidently tplayed a trick on him -with the in- tention 0 showing that he was making a very poor start as Chairman of Finance Committee. a ' - rnL_ A-..n-_9, ,. --' . u . -. .- - At the regular Committee meeting on Fri- day night last, there was no quorum of the Finance Connmittee ; the Chairman and one or two others examined, so the Chairman says, the following six accounts -:- - ' J. Jamieson, repaira..}... ..8 1 .40 D. Ross, moving shed . . . . 16 00 J. Henderson, supplies L .; 2 48 . Town of `Barrie, water . . . . . . 8 00.` Thou Brigham, repairs. . . . . S 80.? 5 Clara. King, teaching. . .,_. . . . __ 2 501 - Total 18 :3 Certainly these were all the account : ii - cluded in the followingmotion. referring the report and passed _:'--Reid.--Love--That as there was no quorum of the Finance Corn-C mittee at the meeting on Briday night we would suggest that the Board deal to-night with the accounts then received, amountinjg to $39.18. `- ~ i Ala-.. 41.- 1)--..) I , 1 C-0 - - The aftermath of the Public School Board meeting on Monday night was a warm argument between Trustees Reid and Mont- gomery as to which of them possessed. the greater quantity of honor or dishonor ; this question was in a fair way to-bein settled In a sticiztf way when it was bro en into i by a hot shower of Idid s" and you didn ts between Secretary Mart and True V tee Reid over the appearance of an account, \ which the latter. as Chairman of Finance, 1 said he had not seen before._ V The Kafair 'is interesting,` as it indicates there was a nig- ger in the fence somewhere. Here are the facts ;` judge for vourself. ` V {A uuiotar Program :Than has Boon , _ Prasented of Late.g ' `Hegu|arMeeling of Public School Board; n V _. L. `_-.` Q_.:P}A'} - ..dii .',j-;. A '..=.' `V 9-.* " ~ ` ff 2:19, x *5 . _- .-.u.- 5 3. 1. i 3%: scnoon numxctmnicr xinrour. ` 0ver`30.000 alresidyjbld. , -. ; More `washing dorm 1__vivhg}thi:I.mg_- chine in ` oliie. hour than`! 'c,nn:,he don: ; any other way in four houu. . ` A ` A trial will cost. vou nothing. *5`. AA. OLA --:L'nAncI- 1 changes are being made in the sta' '0! the station at Midland. Mr. A White goes to the elevator offices to look after the work _ of the old elevator ; Mr; G. Cowie. jr., 0! Al- landale. has come to Midland. and will assist in the elevator oices, Mr. Perkins will as- sume the duties of day operator and ticket? agent, and Mr. Dawson Richsrdson,- a _7oune.man from Peterboro, who arrived on Monday." will be Mr. McCallum s assistant. Mr." Rouuthwaite, of Penetanguishene; will be transferred to Midland to take charge of the new elevator work 'in the elevator oices. --Free Press. . ` -` H.mH:4;l1II.M8_8{lN. 8 Fr! WI". You HOUIIIIK. . - 1 Itrliogu the `work perfectly without 1 D]'_llljy_f3_01_th6 neI_q`fabrioa.- -' . l njur fiogzhe nal}, All ` IJVUC IIIIW VVVIP {PU} ICU DI` V `abrioa.-. `So d 9nly_in Bhatjrig bv_ ivii D;o;' Io'nim27n$u'i.' ... Trustee Montgomerv by saying thatwsuch was not the case, the promotion of pupils being within the absolute jurisdiction of the Principals. The report was adopted with the one amendment re Empire Day. rnornan AND surrm nnronr. ' Chairman ' Montgomery recommended that the following repairs be made :-Slate black- boardsfor Miss Sherin s room,` West Ward" school"; `owers for.-East, West and South'- Ward schools; ates at entrance to '-the lawn `at West ard ;` usualsnpply of oil and turpentine for school oors ; usual sup-' ply -of chalk and stationery; Bradford," Collier and Owen streets in front of school properta` be boulevarded and seddsd as soon as the own removes the poplar trees and furnishes the Board with a supply of suit- able lumber ; one 'new~w ater tapin Central school. The Committee also reeommended that if Central school he required for the purpose of holding `midsummer examina- tions, that a charge of $1.50. or day be` made for._;_which the School `will sup- ply a caretaker. ` . V . . ` "A uu -`VIII! vvulvu vuo 11.0 lulu I UUUIBUIT WEY 6) a'.rrive- a.t"t,heV rope: aaseeamentef the propel-lay` was for ol.:'Wa.rd as Aneuor-to" ask the G. 17.3, to" stete the value of their `property '; thie they ereevcompelled to ,do cor- rectlyu .T_1'.usb_ee Smith repeated his fgrmer _ete1em'n that he never Iinderltqcdnat one fofMt.*.Mohtgeq1ery a?'cemp!giqti wee "that .V..h_.B ` G , 1.`.;R. assessment wee?" w1`bdI"z2 eqd `that- he would`fmher`. not act `on may :,Gomu_:ictee. *-'.1`.watee.~' ;W.rd -Add at-ha.uI :=tl1;er.`o~_a.r4B't>lz`x.ee ~"*:`wve A$h`'e:eB~'i%:e*h=n4. uuvau wucu uuu uuuuncu but. lluu Juli. uuuu Busl;y, Mr. and Mrs. B. Gilcbmnand Mr. and Mrs. B. Gartner were baptised.` _ ` afr.1t.AesI3:ssmeN_'r. ' ' Truat.eee- Ward and Love moved that Mr. Montgomery having etated at the last ing 0 this Board that the Grand Trunk Railway Comnany were. by `virtue of the assessment of its propertv, practioallyex- empt from a fair share of taxation, it is re- solved that the Chairman, Major Smith and the mover be a Committee with instructions to examine the Assessment Roll without de- lay, and if after -a comparison of various properties they `nd the` above statement true, to appeal the assessment of said oom- pany and to report to this Board, - 2 Training land unit] In: nun. A..-!..-..- `.1 yuuy wuu. u: IUPVLU vu IIIIIB uultuu ' ' v Trustee Ward said he was desirous of having` the complaint by Mr. Montgomery" focused. f'.l`roetee- Reid said that thin `was one of the questions for. which the Board in to pay $15 for legal advice. `The Special `Committee has had that legal matter in hand for twononthe, but he sup oaed a:report_ will be.mo.de home time; ruetee Mont- nnunnnn .n3A 6-Kn`: I).-nnn.II.L-- 2; ....--.2_._ ___2- I. . nun nun-uuuuu uvuuv Iguuvo `_.|.l'IlllatIll monu- omervv quid theemmittee is meeting wit 1:` icnltv in getting the necessary iniforme.-_ tion,;, ,for_ instance, the Allendele book: could z':`ot.be found, though "I up one they willbe forthcemingwhen thelamu tegeihet. -'tbe".lTo w n> ooxee 0&2. `He said 5 better way th nrrivg. n.t."t.Im ntmnnr nnnnnnmdiuln RE I... D. MacLAREN, -a_..4'o2g_ 3,46 @ Some kinds of neglect come % undr`the}heading' ` `crimin'al." The neglect of children s eyes is one. Eyestrain stunts the intellect. We will give you reliable information if you suspect your. child's sight is "defective. Conssultaitipn free. Scientic Opticlr;,_ _ MIOI-AREN'$ DRUG STORE, % . % aAnnu; v.Sub;ect to be discussed, 9'1 Var-`in; "we '."hi:eribboh.."A ` T .r V ; VWVUVVI IVVIII VI \JIvII{I'Iv 3 Ullulrullo , ' '- 'A parlor meeting was arranged for `at, the. home of Mrs Gibson, Peel Itrcbt. on 'IhurIg- day, May 18th. to which an "are cor}i9ll3: invited ; a pleasant `evbnin in A 4 ~ .`. _ `Mina clam Brwn ha: been visiting.` relava if Orilliu. - I V L--_Ljlvi;I.(.;a;'uV9.VF`d.lar, of Huveldok, in a `nd- I inga few days with hair friohd, Min rose. offlwe (Zlu-kugu _Bouo- ~ I `LE: EQLES "rnugufvnnu left IuIr`Mondi_w' gar Ingersolkkwherohliggo has 1 aftna-` - onin ape: pack -oats ' ant lo _ wichhlu brother, Walter. . 3` at WMr. R. I. ner returned from the! _Pacific, coast-on '.B_nnaday. j _ ,, If? A `Inn: .,.| -, non`, , . 'n;.,z:;;J.:;,,J%.. m....., 5 .i.:..` in hs parents, 1):. and: Mn. - McCarthy.- nn_` __,j`\r__ .`ln_-.n -I-.-_,_9.. I, u " 3ct}f7aSuifTM},TT1rne&T1>ocriT*% min`: L}7J;{Snea -90 -Shanty Bay ster spending the-wintbt-in _Engl`and.T . _' . * :t..'11- `II u..____ Irv-__`_"1-'-_~_vn L__ _- Sqsiiire, Nev`v, Lowol1. has re-! turned from a. trip. to Souls Ste. Marie and Br9 h:n=* * V % 1\'a.` E. ii iii;-.5if. hid second -year examina n, in Mechaniodl and Eleptxfl- cpl `Engineering in tine Schpol of_Pn'ctio0l Science, 1`oron_to.V Oongnmhong ~' . The only enquiry was by Trustee Wardl who wanted to know who signed the annual report tothe Department. Secretary Mm- seid it was signed by the Secretary and Chairman. . V , A ' Chairman Perkins, in reply to a query by Trustee Ward at the A `il meeting of the Board. said that the I thermometers had been distributed as follows :.-Oenu-el 6, West Word 4. South Ward 1, in stock I. flV...'.-L.... `D..II I..8L no [1 9A ...'..I .u.... 8.II-'-...I manyi friends `of Conductor P. 'J. `Tobin will be pleased to learn that he is able to be out again after his severe illness. III: vvuuu VVKQIII `.2. uvuun "sun a, nu uvuvp nu VTrnaI;ee Ball left at 9.30 mid was followed a few minutes after ten by"}2'41-ustekeay Love and" Rhinehart. This left the Bond without I quorum and business candy to_ an and abruptly. ' ' Lvwn,.J. r., ElmvaIo,"w_u. :..`% towli but weak. 1i%:{Eivi:$.' ii, '6fmQ?;1_e'ennvlle, uni Mr. Fred. Hinds, of Toronto, visited their 0 tot . nun` IACLnn hnni\n4`n9n`I9 ' nu H`: l.'lU\LI JLICUD Ill AUIVIIBV, V-II. IIIUII` llalllr and mother respectively. Mn John. Hints, `Bayeld street, but wepk. - ' Cums`-noun ` .'nn - " 'S{1i. `f.$Ene,'1ifXI."on% of Riv. .1; 11. Looks. formerly of Ool}ingwood.'hu- been- appqlnted profouor `in `the .d artnems of -history and` philoaovhv .of 4` '(u:'an}i'on- hi Chicago Univerlity. j 5A..` -*f1&7is:,'1Sa{i;IA'x.e.y of om. 'w..`.. in town from SIm'l'dI`yV'5 to` Tuesday, - Hg hnspoor opinionbof the civic adniniltrbtlon of Qmwag He purponu. gglng; tug` ."- . " .4 :Vh`n~nou._sAtaAtQ1o_it'|_gII in Tpgbntp; Aqleuru Ight of ` _ nnrnou nuu_1nepa m '.I.`9routo. 3 p M.r.LJ.I0hu Turner returned hit from ;-'1`m-onto. wberq` for ten v_re,|ta_.his eyes ,underwa nt.'ap_ecia.l njestmont. .17 The openv Lcionn` were ohodoufulyhin right now being mg 5 . 31. v'1._-11;, -nv._;-.;-..' --nu-;_|-;--.,,p`.ij up. . `. '"i:}.'Ir.3f.I.' iz7o.{s}z'.TZri}}nscn. _Mine Iin' left o`n Tpignday on a~ttip`th;ough Lpvutn 't- ' M533 : lri6ndI.:sop;o Vac " IIUIV L'i 3I\IO LII? IIIIJUIIIII VVKC 93551330 A motion was also passed granting Trus- tee MoLennan leave of absence from all meetings held in May. Trustee Reid enter- ed his protest against the motion and said that the Allandale representativosseem very careless about `attending meetings of the Board and ;did not think their. absence should be encouraged by the Board. Other members `expressed themselves as "not satis- ed with the irregularity of the Allandale '_members,_ but thought it courtesy to excuse Mr. McLennan when he had. asked to be exgused. ' ~ I . - __,s__ __.-_-:.___ ._-___ .__m___`-;_-1tr-_j should have one railway representative on I the Committee. he (the speaker) as Assessor should also be a second member. and Chair- man Perkins _a; third member representing the whole Board. The motion was carried. A _.-_A2_._ _..__ _I_- __-_-J ....-_a_!.__ fI'I.___._ TS. McMormn left; last week for he":" fZM_uukoka. Lakes, where heis erecting sum 4 mar cottages. . . .Parsonu:No:wa. ` ` ' : ,0` Stewart visited-friendain Dame.-tat 2 33`.-Ii ` Bqndigo. 30484,` the Stendagoi Brei Stel- }ion,`a full brother of Poolneller. willmake weekly trips during the eeeeon. Monday, leaves his own enable, Jn`o.eBowmen n*, Rigdqe Bond : noon`. AWm. Johneou"t, .V-copra; ni ht. Elewdle. Tdeediv, -W evils end` M dlnnd. 'We'dneedsv,= Alex-. . on-k e. 'I`i}y,, and Waverley.` e' `Tlmndey, Unnghute. F1-Id , ';l:Ibl'. Stlrd .,.iotori_ um: manager? % M vbrtodelsmg. so-mos`. much Eng, :8.` 1 `It III `i an 6 n" nnn-an I uuu nu vuuug vuu uuuy resrora nu: neann {which has not b,e_en_godd aiuce, a.n 'aI5ta.ck.o .,}a si`iPnel_ss1;_Jg_nua;g-y.: ~- = I 11".. -__3 1:1,. \-I ._ --. - I Mr. and Mrs. James Bemilton, late of. Vancouver, B;(}., are in town. Mr. Hamil- Aton, who has been mineger of the Bank` of `=BritishrNorth Amoriea -in` Vancouver. has `been transferred to New York oi , where he will go ingx few days. Mrs. emihaon and children will visit her mo_ther,__ Mrs. . Spry. High street, for a ehort time. i - Mrs. Grant Bidopt held her pong-nu tie! jireoeptione on Thnndsyend Friday ter- ; noon. The bride in q. hjandeome and bright ; young women, winlgzg friends by her ,- churning oordhlicy keeping. them by "her-many excellent ilntlitiee. d friends Jrho have elvuyn-hedher.in1high~eeteem I .' Ire glad Oorweloene her and wish. her every . heppinon.--Saturday Night. v fnthinliin ontig `w'ill?n1=l`y re.eto1-"ei `his: Tihinh has run. luuan on-.4-id. ah".-. .... `-u-- Al -! ubluvu RID, uuu l.'Il"IUl'W(l GDIBQUFEIIEH, I "will make weekly trips `(Turing the ueuon an folknqn ;--MondVny._ fronahia" oyvn stable at Minuin ,1 to Chu'loo`Wson"a,' Hand!-ie. `Tnoddbvz 1-om; his-own stable to Thomas ;Ooughli;js_'i. .weanouky. 53011:: own` 318151;`. to `Wm. tgroilglgl, ; nrnbn.-.ap_ , .`m: on. .. An tw to Jane; Cqpttug Midhurgt. . and V The ` 311 ' 'hO;q)0`lIi0 to zis Exclusive $mre forvfhe Noaeat and Nice-st v .-SPR. .. -`AAk your boy !t_ \' ' VI-,-I URlT,EZR- BROS. aw Are~%.%You%r `Poor Feet? " r V1;he dog {,,;.:s:;.;.fr i; rapidly` o14ri.]{i.'is ward of canines. Several valuable dogs {have been victims of the end during the _ past week. It ,I, n, ,9 'r\, , .c 11 ,1

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