Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 27 Apr 1899, p. 2

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'41v3o 41.-.`.n..Jv: c;oYjcvevAnic1_-:n. At his oice unt:T5' p.m.; at his private residence, ( Mary street. after that-hour. u-ly MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUER. -nnunuuv J. nunmuouu, uzuxuunus Ur B _the School of Practical Science, Toronto. Civil Engineer and Ontario Land Survevor. Plans speci- ications and eftimates on all engineering works re- Dlfhd and submitted nn the nlnnrh-cf nnt-A no, 3*`-.,-J*.e?` : ."`.1p`f`%I`.:,.::`c`>'aa.,f.f."a.i Drugs and chemicals - _ _ .._---, -'- --- One in: course ; the other a "chemica "; and there are still others-SPICES of all kinds. crean_1 of tartar, -etc. The best gene to et drugs is at a DRUG STOR . The srug `at knows mote about them than othev` poop e. )R. J. ARTHUR ROSS, _L.R.C.P. 8: S , hurnrh : M-F.P. & S.. Glasgow. mem In the Kitchen; __ _ ___-- (`yr-1 We keep ; good drug store. Come and ask us _ about Kitchen Drugs. MONKMAN'S DRUG STORE 92 DUNLOP-ST. BAR RIE. pulley. will slso make provision for the preservation of the forests, The ex- nmple of Germany might be followed to sdvsntsge. The forests of that country-"under the fostering csre offer- eetere trained in excellent forestry Iohoole have become exceedingly vgln-. Ible and yield an immense snnusl rev- arms to the Government. Ontario has I great number of forestry ooisle ivhose sslsries gure up to a large amount, but unfortunately most of them know more shout bye-elections II __ ;_'__1 1 - I VRANKLIN J. `ROBINSON. GRADUATE OF the Salmon] nf Prnnonl gt-ionnn Tnonntn Piuil auonu anu esumates on an engmcermg_ wo wed and submitted on the shortest notice. othwell's Block. Dunlop street. Barrie. : swsox .2 cnnswzcxn. 5 ton of the S|l%l`elIl0_ Court 05 Jdl3``' n. p otanea, Conv caps. 03` 1-- _ ...._D... lm-Ir. $lI fl'. A. RADBNHURST, Banister, Attorney. Solicitot in Chancery. Conv ca, etc. a-~Fing- doc:-Ova strut. over- ` "*--- - 4o-A8. ENGINEERS AND SIJRWEYORS. UAIJ WU rnnivu STOCKSALES ician Surgeon etc. L. ' 0$oes and 'r. ARNALL, M.D.c.M.,. ofce in Bothwelfs | Block, Allandalc. On the premises at night. 1 1 -2.11: '1`. BANTING. Clerk County of Simone, will be at his oice: at the Court House, Barrie, `up Cuban-4|- '9-ulna:-a and D I` (`xv-ulrunurn F. c. GREGG, Veterinary Su eon. Honor) Gdllt 0nt._ Vet. Cnllnon nnnr mnmhnr {hut titre; " dc;-;;>;>u_tV ;reea;-Mont.reul Sm. .__._-_.-- ._- Sit-Inqvs & snows, Barnum, Solic- ` 212- vonron Lgamox, -W. --A. Son; V} I AllistonandCreemorc. - Luna: 8: Bows. Elmvnlo rocg-gN. 6 Nogth aide Dunlap-ct. Elm- -i*E'l1ilif1Ai;Y summons. 4...... :F. Pallin . taduate of Trinity Umvmac} .........V I:-..1m. nf Trinitv Medncal College. VAmi.t,A, for ice cream. for insthnce: Bunua Pownzn, for cakes. Near Market Square. T-M G La rty, ARE NEEADED nvanv DAY ` =1VIANU'l{'AC-`;U_BE8. : I-'nYs1c1ANs. FOR INVESTMENT on good freehold security at lowest rate of rincipal money required until end of LI ETD A "l`IJV Qnlhdonp `I761- miuncum. 'rI-In TWO AMENDMEN'I's.. ` The amendment to `the Address in the House of Commons proposed by E. 1'. Clarke, M.P., and defeated by the 4 Government and its supporters was as N follows: . ` J - CID ` _2`_ _____J:`_`_ LEGAL. o_rmc1A_1.. \Ill 43-ly mocx, 1 45-13!- uru. nememner me :1 W. l&IaAlI'l'Y.i Auk. Comm. D. F. Macwxrr. DCIIIU 530- KJIHCCI-- -Bank of Toronto Solicitog, - -11. ... avuv W It s That this House deems it. expedient to inform His Excellency that in "` view of the widespread charges of in- " competency, misconduct and corrup- " lion in the administration of public ahirs connected with the.Yukou, it is the duty of the Government to appoint, without delay, an indepen- dent judicial commission to make a thorough investigation into that sub- ject and report the result. p ' A The amendment to the amendment, proposed by Mr. Bertram, M-.P., and opposed by the Conservatives, was as follows: 1., -11.-.. .731 A--gnu- UIII as-ly THE NORTHERN Aovm " . ADVERTISING RATES, OE .'1'llB Apvmon` an A emu, '0? IUURTIEN nl3NDBE|) A ' FOUR OOPIES. B Almost if not quite. double th 1; f - paper published in BE:-1-; e_ any ht wvnnnsnns snouu) NOTE THIS um 12 lines solid nonpareil make 1 inch " TRANSIENT Anvnm~n.~mu-...._- ' -ruxsmm A1)-vnnrxsnngszq-Tr. V First insertion 10 cents per line qnent iysertioq 4 cents per line. ' each sub" Readlniz mmces, 10 agents per ling for ns_e_1'_on'; .5 gents per 11n`e. for each Sllbsmm IA-A ""f:`&i".'.'$icZsfi'c3cl.?} e"; M, insertion *, 5 cents line an 0' fill! of thfe-s;.ne matter. All gt,,ma`|! harm es, 0 t 18 character, chuged '1; Legal Ocisl and Go _ ments v;ill be charged at a`l)`:)r:']:nr?l:esadV hw CONTRACT ADVERTISING, Contract advertisements will be gak the following rates, which are drama " It not commercial principles and will be gfyor. adhered to. There will be only one p "1! "all. ti 7`! xinch .................. 2% '00: o o o u a n o o u no sinches, % column...... no inches, 34 column.... aoinches, 1 column...... `For one month-the three monthly B with 15 per cent. added. I-I11... lrnvn inn!-|f1\a__f`1n #111-an vv\-...Al\ \ Wllau'LU Pct Lvuv. auucu. *For.two months-the three monthly M with 10 per cent. added. " brnfnv-I-at` nnudfdnnu 1'1-u {Jun -mu..- _ `n . "`;"I"'r f::a`x'r`ectiui';o;i`t`i.<:n`x; in the paper win 1 sold at an advance of one-third on mm rates. This rule W111 be stnctly earned on; w CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will, please bear in mind 1}. notice of intention to change advertisemgm; must be handed into the oice not later am Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for such clpnge must be in Tm: Anvmccn office no, later than 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday in an week, otherwise the advertiser s announcemen} may not be made public until the week fol. ` lowing. I0 nhununa nf Arlvnrhnornnnfe allnmml - IVIQV II I: v To leave out all the words after `His Excellency and insert the fol- . lowing :-`That we have observed with pleasure that` on receipt of com- plsints against some of the oicials in the Yukon district, His Excellency s Government took prompt action to enquire into ihematter of such com- " plsints, and have appointed Mr. Wm. Ogilvie as commissioner for the pur- " pose. Having entire condence in the integrity and ability of Mr.` Ogil-_ vie, we are satised that -his enquiry will be impartial and thorough, and " will place His Excellency s advisers "in possession of such information as .` is necessary to enable them to do 5 `jnstice to all parties ccncerned. . , i V-.._ .l L1.` 1....` uneven-:1`- l w'il2u?:.hange-3 of Advertuaements allowed pa ! year. It more are required, composition mu will Rn nhot-not` 5 `be ;'h;';;;a:` A A not-Ir; not-n III; } W111 IJUUILGI U Advertisers will not be allowed to use they ispace for advertismg anything outside they own regular business. Should they do 3. transient rates will be charged for such ad. vertisements. Condensed advertisements on tirst page mfg as wants of all kinds, lost and found, propem for sale or to rent, specic articles, etc. etc must be accompanied with the cash, and will be inserted--tn'st.insertion 2 cents. per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per woyi (names, addresses. and gures counted u r words); but a iieduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertion: of the same matter exceed four. ` ' V (data for ad verusomenu must In every case be mounted on uolld metal hues. . Rzmuzslmr `ms FOLLOWING Fnu-: Issnmcx Coummns : The Mercantile, now ailiazed with The Lon don & Lancashire of England. Sew.- ity, $15,000,000. ,The Waterloo Mutual, of Waterloo, 011?, Tothl assets, $334,083. lIII._ f-_..A-...l_-I II.-L---` -0 T`).-...`ll.. I'\_. Scnoccu-: & Swgmi-1, I 1115 JIIUULLBI. UL .DUl'U1Jy Ullr Total assets. 5303.078. . Also Lloyd's Plate Glass Insurance Com- nnnv nf"hTn1|7 Vnfk, (`nah raw-vim] hr. Antulvaae Suzi Loanand savings Company of Ontario. Private funds to loan on first \y_ mortgages. A:- counts collected. &c. MA. Antoni unnnrnnn Q "avJuya on Qrnro Ran-it /`FVi`uv -V ..-.. A oompnriaon of the two emend- ' mente will make it clear that the first liked for in judicial investigation, while the second opposed such investigation. Oouervetivee voted for the investiga- tion end Libel-ale voted against it. } Pnuvmcm suunms AND man ASSIIBIATIUN. Agent Standard Life, London Guam- teo and Accident Co., Provincial `Building and Loan Association, etc. ur r xu:-..-n Street. Barrie. SUBSCRIBE? CAPITALI 0 `$250,000. ` `mm: mm & snvmus on. I INCORPORATED 1881. The Seenrlty for Depoaitora in a Loan Company is undoubted. Rosa new Block. south side Dumop 5 out at the Post 011100. 3* The security to depositors in a Loan Cd) i "" cloubtecj. There is no instance on record yhm` d0P81tI9r has ever made a loss bv a Loan Co v. y 4`Per celpt. lnt6ren;'aId on Depoll" Canadian Btanch Oce, Head Oice. `T . MONTREAL. LONDON. ENG,I~*. M. c. HINSHAW, SAM. J. r1pm.\,_ Btanch Manager Manage"- ' oooATLASuoo Aeanlnnune nnMnANY. Ootil. .I4'1EuoO _ ASSURANCE COMPANY- 6 Cilllt-!. Founded N Application forms furnished and rates q`d ' GEORGE PLAXTON. AGENT._ k 3047 A Ban-ie Ont. Office in Bothwells 31 gz Barrie Planing; Ml- THE MUNICIPAL AMENDMENT. Msny persons contend thst the recent amendment to the Municipal Act compelling as mnniciplity to buy cutsny existing plsnt before going into the lighting business is net as rigid as it is ssid to he. The pnrchsse clause reeds thus :-In case there is _-any , gas, electric light or `inter compsny incorporated in the 'municipslitx, the Ocnncil mu not levy `any `such. FIO I'1l`I`I'\|I` T h-'\"` Contractors. Builders. Manufacturers. 81 55; S88h..BliI_!ds.Mouldin . &c. Planing andp Ha, of: every description one on shortest noucfe-hm` Au` Drying Kiln. Estimates-furnishqd f_ree0 `mg! on all kind: of woodwork and bmldmgj 01; `kg The Factory is beih remodeled and furnish ",3 the latest wood wot 'n machnnery. so `h`:v.,p:' be I_ble..to hlndlo ill iinds of work P"'."P ,1-'35 satiafactntily. See our work and get our P." tory. Bayeld street, north of the F oundr)'- _I_- A f\A\VL'l\: " J. OUL VER WELL 5_ Hanrcutting and ShaV'"5 Parlor 'TH.E ADVANCE-"| IUIIIIEU COIICCKUCM QC. . Ofce aver Henderson; Hardware Store, Bamal '\..o iwumbe: of inqm nnace- John Rogerson, Fire and Life Assurance. 0FFICE.-Next door to Bank of Toronto. 0? :OnAn6 n-a-:- ' IIJV `"6! - 3`ly so Lnovuu rune Luau: unsuruucu ww- penny. of New York. Cash capital, $z5:.~ CKYI- AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $5,000,000. uni ----v It in to be hoped vtha the Ontario AI__'_. _;___ INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEIYANCERS, &.C. CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. SCROGGIE & SMITH. A. R.ANK|N Gs SON. , _-... Ivr ADVER"l'lSE m ..-_,. 331" Mutual. of Berlin. 021: L Qanmnn, Ann. 27, I Foundry. A. RANKIN & SON- 1899. 1 Ply omunxas Loos` :.; ;:m.a.. the ` Lopmpnny or pmpuniqa uncle:- bi'_`. nipd of ` In} H . "'."` `l"v"-"".'W "* 7': *5 o '_ti,so1 7 imiii theipri bcen paid, or has been cccnrd to the aatiafccticnjot the company or compon- `ico, and in one the compcny or com- panies and thei municipiiity do not _.,jZ'_ `_1_II L- .1-.';_.... :;*.e;:..;i.:a;,.a;.{T.hT{..{T`13. 'd...,.m. ed by 3`:-})_i_,t.v1_'u._ti`< >n,un this not. __ -!__n.'_ - oleervtiyo pointy: (1) That the _0orp9miop must care: the company 3 price for the plant, end (2) thetin tl_1e'ev_en`t of the compeny re- fusing to icoept the price o`ered,- the selling price must be xed by arbitra- tion. V The defect is the arbitration part, and well Barrie know it. ' V . norms. . . t The Mail-Empire eaye :- Mr. Leigh- ton McCarthy's `Gritiam is plainly per- ceptible when the division bell rings. At other times it seems to be partially The only independentein Parliament. voted for Mr. Bert:-am e resolution.- The Globe. This certainly is news, for we did not know there were any ' inde- pendents et Ottawa. House of commons Notes. ` 0 Sir Louis Davies stated, in reply `to a question bveMr.' Bennett (East Sim- coe), that Charles Halley had been em- `played as keeper of the Hope Island lighthouse, Georgian Bay, at a salary of `$450 `per annum, upon the recom- mendation of the inspector of light- houses; also that the amount ct harbor dues collected` at Midland duringAl`898 was $207, 6: which $7 was returned to the Government and $200 retained by the harbor master for his services, and that the salary of, the lighthouse keep- er at the Giant's Tomb `lighthouse, . Georgian Bay, is $250. ' iVAnother question by Mr; Bennett, whether the Government intends to prevent the exportation of sswlogs out on the Indian reserves on Georgian Bey and Lslre Huron, was answered in the negative by Hon. Mr. Sifton, who- edded in reply to a. further question that the returns of -the out for '98"-9 hsd not yet` been `made by the licensees, the time for doing so not having ex- :_- A deputation from Collrugwood, in-' troduoed by Mr. McCarthy, M.1 ., waited on Minister of Public Works Tarte last Wednesday and asked that the ooutraotor for the harbor works should be made to expedite his con- tract. They also asked that the her- bor be deepened uniformly to 20 feet. Their request was promised. serious consideration. ' -v_._._-_ ..IpociI.l .rate, or construct works for T lighting the public streets, until such .OonIull has, by by-law, xed I privy :00 9'or;f the works" and prop`erty_`9 F-ithot mm! 0,! I30-1-psni-s;t horj until W`-t`: h'h2.etttte1iPId. Educational Aaira The articles which recently appeared in the columns of The Sentinel point- ing out the evils of our present educa- tional system have not been long in bearing fruit. At the annual confer-_ ence of teachers, inspectors and school trustees, held recently at the Normal School, Toronto, and attended by -the experienced educationists of the Pro- ~---- -----r -._--L---II_. -_ -_r _ _ . . ~ -- vince, our views were practically en- dorsed, and ncgreater . praise could be awarded us. The position we took was that the system at present in force was a wretched red-tape arrangement, which destroyed the individuality of teacher and` scholar, took hours `of precious time from the teacher in lling up terms, and classed all children alike in disposition and intelligence; and, further, that in Toronto and many other cities and towns the school boards . added a `lot more red-tape until the wonder was that any teacher or scholar escaped the asylum. Notwithstanding e`orts to secure words of commendation for the system, it was pretty `sharply condemned, and whilst. the inspectors tried to shield themselves from their critics it was evident to careful observ-' ers that the teachers are at least making a struggle to save themselves'and their scholars `from `.atrahgulation by red- taps,' and that -if .- parents who have that `children : welfare at heartijoinv in-- the demand commony-,sle'r_I'I,o meth- ods in the educational `system of On- tario theyvwill s_n_cceed;v It will ,.be one o of the greatest .hlessicga `of the. ages to h set :p4h,mi7`n atria I hint--e poi-W9 1vo1.l-nq~shosnrs=n-p' i l *,`I' : > " Padhya aiagwook vluoe in ss.f_i Int Wgduesdsy deem` " . _ I i , v :1 In mm olde-t7 V riot??? M nix; Froht united co"pMr.`iA. W. Parker, of Lohdon, _On- tdrfoi. The oeramoiiy - was" pgrforiiigd. by the dies. G. A.`Rix, of"1-`oroiiw, ed coniiiii of the bride, bj the ' Omen Gireene, Incumbent. The church Led been heeeciieiiy dented fer we oocas`ionV by the members of the St. James "Flower Mieeioni.' The bride was; beeomely attired in ` 3 dress of white hrecaded hem-ietu, ivith tulle veil, orange blossom: and a bouquet of bi-idei tones. The and be-ideemeid, .5. Miss Sadie'Rix, Warminster,~a cousin. of the bride, wore a `dress .of_ white dotted .muslin over pale blue. The second bridesmaid, Miss Mabel Rix, a sister of the bride, wore pink - and owered muslin, with pink sash. Both were owers In theirghair and carried bouquets of pink roses. The groom was supported by Mr. E. Heard, of Barrie. Mr. Louis Rix acted as'usher After the ceremony, which was per- formed in the presence of -a large com pany, the guests repaired to the resi- dence of _ the bride s father, Mr. R. Rix,~where luncheon was served. The happy couple left on the four o clock train, bearing with them the hearty `good wishes of a `large circle.of friends, The bride's travelling dress was a navy blue wide whaledi serge, the vest of white corded velvet, and hat and gloves to match. The bride is a very popular young lady, who has "taken an active part in the parish work of St. James church. . ' ` _ - Watering Horses. No snimsl on the farm is deserving f more care and attention then the faithful horse, and one of the special points in this respect is supplying a `drink, when necessary. An English veterinarian in the Mark Lane Express gives some excellent. advice on this matter which `our. farmers would do "well to hood, and from which we take the following :_ Where the water is brought to the horse in a bucket the vessel should be a large, so that the horse is certain to get enough, and it there is any doubt it should be relled. Horses that are allowed a free supply or that are watered at frequent intervals drink relatively less than those receiving water, at `long intervals or that` an irregular supply. When the chance is afforded they make up for the depriva- tion, often with disastrous results that tend to get water a bad name with dun-_ thinking men an aacauae of disease. ' WXHUUVSUIQU VF ` . 1 Unless quite used to free supply, the quantity of water should be limited or withheld for a time when horses are excessively heated;-- also `when first stabled after doing a hard 'day s work in particularly cold weather. It must, however, be understood that there is a vast difference. as regards danger be- tween 'a drink of _ water that had been exposed for some time and raised to the temperature of theatmosphere and one of water freely drawn from under- ground pipes or a deep well. i ` With regard to the timeof water- ing, the necessity of giving it before the grain, except In the instances mention- ed, should be obvious when the small sins of the horse's` stomach is borne in . mind, and the process of digestion con- sidere. Water given on a compara- tively empty stomach does not long re`- main in that organ, but is almost im- mediately conveyed to .the large intes- tines; If it `is withheld until after feeding it'is almost physically impossi- -ble for-"both food and water to be retain- ' ed in the stomach together, and ya por- tion, at least, of the food is carried by the wa.-terinto the intestines undigest ea, sphere, besides being a loss of nutri- ment*"to the anim'al,;it is a source of "irr?ita.tIon._n '- _ Of $11 the common faults, and `they are many, an the alimentacion of horses, that `of giving i_vI_I.t_0?r just after as fun j:e`d`of in union; the` worst. `This, ilike iiy, has to evndergo gastric di.'., in the stomach, where its nitro- g'_e_no`I'ia elements. have to `dealt~ with, not` _in_.the ioteatinee; _ V T,iAn~`exoeee of cold ylwnter rafter toad. causes reaonlnr oongeetion and violent muscular oontrnotiano, lowers the tem- perature, end, with di- gestion, tends to dieordorn of n danger- _on_I quaruer,ana; `I9 seen, even 0.. drink of pater ofJ:node_rata in fill of "the e oli4 .1uwuya%g11gyr%th;-gg% bgrorg th ;..i.* ADVANOI T Some mixtures r;:Appt _1 1ot;hcr' cdggh. f hex: ' Ait. itd L e `Fetter pat theeeof141`gh out. That is, better go deeper_ j gqd smother the res pf in- eahmfation. - Trciches can- Ililuuujauuu. -In c~_-v.y.Q-.-.w- -...._ not do this`. ?N<. 1th'cr can plain cod-liver` oil. `n--- o__.1..!..` ITnnn_1n.:nn -nan is given, sud if any wsitet-'_ is allowed after it should be merely s mouthful until the lapse of an hour or two has given time for gastric digestion." rattan; `V-.. _._. But Scot1_t s'Emulsi_on*can. The glycerine soothes and makesicomfortablcz s an hy- pophosphites give power and stability to the nerves; and the oil feeds ind strengthens the weakened` tissues. - I .|........I.oa The Fan wheat Crop in simcoe-. The Weekly V Sun "says .-Simcoe ie one of thebig wheat-girowing counties of the Province, nearly 52,000 acres Being given to fell wheat in the county Q--- LL_L _-_.. -- in 11896. .The yield in that year in Simcoe was over four and one-half bushels per acre above the average of the Province. Reports from that county are, therefore of special import. ance. Only one of our correspondents there`_reports that there is no increase over the area harvested last year. Another -correspondent puts the in- crease as low as 10 per cent., most of them place it as high as 20 `per cent, and two even go "as high as 25 per cent. Three correspondents estimate the yield at 20 bushels to the acre, while one places it at 25. The only discouraging report comes from about Thornton, where the crop is reported" as very bad, and a great deal of it will be `ploughed V, Sheep vs. Docs. Isaac M. Cross, Bond Head, in writ- ingto Forming, gays`:- I_IB, "I have of late read a good deal from the pages of your (to me) valuable journal in regard to sheep versus dogs, and on each occasion thought I would give to your readers the value of my short experience. I have for the past few years kept quite a number of: sheep. I live, I might `say; in the village, as a good portion of it is on a part of my lot. Said village, like most others. is overrun with dogs of a variety of shapes, sizes and breeds`. - ~ ' The correspondent who counts on 3 yield of 25 bushels to the new speaks of the neighborhood about Edgar. He any: the snow is etlll deep in the fence corners there, and the crop may be killed under this and so reduce the average. I . no `r 11:: 11?` A correspondent writingffrom Mid- huret says that. the top has been brown- ed by the front, but this will not matter if the:-oota are not killed. When I first purchased a few sheep I had three worried, then was advised to put bells on my sheep, being assured this would prevent dogs from injuring them. 1 took the advice and have since that time kept one bell for each six sheep, and in now nearly eight veers have not had one sheep or lamb hurt, and at no time `during that period have "I had less than twenty and at times as may as two hundredin the fall. - The exp'>;{;frl;'. to Michigan in _1-eoent yohti to hive been as follows: ' 2 _ ' = I verily believe that anyone having sheep will, if they secure a good-sized bell, any half the size of a. cow bell, suffer no loss from the dog nhieanoe. % Subscribe for, Tan Amman, the bent weeklv paper in the County of Simpug. V 77 v-o--v__._. ,, ~ 506- -15.4 Om dltvuisw SCOTT BOWNE. Chemists, Tough. Cures the worst cases of all Skin Diseases in sheep and cattle; has been found highly eiescious inst that terrible disease. Sheep b; and quioklyzand permanently cures bruises,- wounds, ringworm, shear- outs, gangrene, etc.; kills all insects and vermin peculiar to live stock, such -as wicks, maggots, _lice,- nits. skin worms and insects; absolutely non-poisonous -and nas no drastic or irritating eeots. -Mr. G. A-. Brodie, of Bethesda. Ont , says :- I used. it with great success` in oastracing lambs, the. wash healing. the gonads rapidly and keeping the maggots away. I shall never be without` it. andlies;-tilv reoommend is to farmers JD If your dealer cannot _sunply `you, write us" (_li'r.eot.- It pays (1 sh. best; .ua-we mm.l....,;,}.,;,o.f 00. Porslatlo Shagp Dlp and Animal Hush (Luu-`r:n)V - ' 'ltonAv-Illa. ,0pt_.` Tug: Mark _ I IIOTHEQQ` 1863 .. .... .. ~. .1s4, 5oo,o9a'~1rees:h 1894. .... . .- ...... ..3oi;ooo,opo 6- ` 1895...`....... ... .279,23o,ooot ` ` .1896. . . . . . . ...'...f.279,_388,000 " 1897. ..... ..... ..252,344..oo9 1898...... ........239;ooo,ooo -- 1: .11 these. -logohed' been mennfeo tnred into `lumber in `Oennde meny thonnndo of Canadians would have been given employment. -For yeereig the Conservative `members of the On- Ilrlo Legislature urged the Government to do something to restrict the export of log: and 'force the lnmbermen to 3- I`----1- L-.5. ....eI.8-.u atlouut I` a'i'a;.f;;: IBIIIO. hour! 0! J""""" ` ?- W" Ross Block. 81119`- A, It I-I- Cnuwicxs. 3. "1 `:7. Money in `sums 0132.050 and upvwat-ds, to loan at 5 e_ ICKlNSON' & MACWATT, Batristers, No- taries Public. Solicitors of Supreme Court. etc. `BI-Hie. Ont; Oees in Bank 91` Torontgflck. No c . Owen street. Branch oce, Elmvale, Ina-In M. M. CAMPBELL, Barristers `I ` -N ` m M ` C Snoym e Barne 3ice-w mlgank `oi _\B\ilding, Owen street, :7 L . ,. Joan Dxcxxnsox, B.A. . ~.C1r" ONALD ROSS 3.` A.-Barristcr, Solicitor,` . -Vc0Vy3n. I v . Ooes, Bgnk ofnT:ronto Owen tfeet?alnue. 48-ly U Toronto, Fellow Member of the College of Ontario. Oice or Tun z of Physigane. and Surgeons and Residence, 18 Owen street. d&e University oronto, F w of Trinity Medical College, u.a..1...- nf nu-_ Cnllmra` of Phvsiaans. Surgeons U5 Ivnw --- ----~ ~--- ---~_ 4 operate mills in Canada, but nothing val done until recently. American lnmbermen were allowed to do as they ~ _..-J _4 AA... R." C. SMITH, L.C.P.S., 0nt., (late of Drs. 'e 8: Smith Orillia.) Oce and residence -oorner of T Owen and Collxer streets, Barrie. 23-ly U R.C.S. Edin,, L.R C.P.. London. Umoes and | night residence-Brown's Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. . . DR. Edin-I but h; TM.F.P. & S., Glasgow, member of` British pthalmological Society. Speclaltv.- Intense: or By 0, Ear, Throat and Note. OFFICE.-78 Dunlop Street-, Sanders Block, Bar- rie. opposite Post; Omcc and Railway Station. Phon 54. P. 0. Box_96. 1-ly ~ O H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Diszounted. Collections madein any of the County. Realestate bought and sold. _ nvey- ancin in all its branches. Marriage Licenses 0iee-Ross Block, Dunlop street Barrie. A Eo`I1_ II? I U UUU reenolu securuy at mwcu tau: ua interest . Nogrincipal the team. . H. STRATHY, Solicitor. Etc., MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUER. I JAS. EDWARD s} co$|vE`vANc:n. N MONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of Private Funds to lead at 4} and 5 per cent. on the security of good farm Mortgages. McCARTHY. PEPLER AND Mc- CAR III-IY. Dunlap Street. Barrie. .I.Uo be in nu; onwe. at me your: nousc, narnc every Saturdav. Residence and P.O. Cookstown. HE BALL LPLANING MILL coMPANv-| Ca ` `eerig;iBuilding and `manufacturing of Doors. in ds. Mouldings, ctq, Planin of all kinds done promptly and satisfactorily. ot Blast Drying Kiln. Dnstrict agency for ' ed lum- ber. Factory-Baycld Street Barrie. ODGERS & GALLIE successors to (ice. Ball. OUU-vv----- n --- ._, "pleased with our forests and no care was taken to preserve them for future generations. Finally popular indigna.-_ tion became so great at this waste `of . the forests` that the Government got frightened and passed a law enacting that timber but on limits obtained from the Government must -be manufactured in Ontdrio. This policy, rst advocat- ed by the Conservatives, now has the unanimous support of Liberals and Conservatives throughout the Province of Ontario. If it had` been adopted long ago-thousands of square miles of country now presenting an appearance of desolation and waste would be dot- ted with thriving towns and villages 7 which would have grown up around the busy mills. I *~ LA `-A-nn-I lan` I-Ian nnnpin 1'. y. unnuu, veterinary ou eon. nonor W. Graduate Ont. Vet. College, one: member Medical Societv. Of$ces-Over Ewan: Dry Good store. Dunloo St... Residence r6 Mulcaster St. Jllulvy-wtlp --- ---- Wnnmamx Auvr. VTRATHY & ESTEN. >uqcon'9 ' HihCou BtTit"'N ta Pbli Q _ In no uattces, 0 11:: u Ocesovet the Bank of 1`ox_-out: JOHNSON & SARJEANT. BARRIE. Im&ox-ten and Dealer: in Coal: of all Kinds, and eorge town, "Grey and Gu White Finishing Lime Cements of all kinds, ire Bricks and Plasterefs -Hair. Storehouse at the Northern Railway Switch. foot of John street. near the depot. The bond of this L: e is better than that of any other kind. and tEl\li:zb.;stl,:stsuperior. 0ice-Corner of. John and` LATE or 01:6, Ha : purchased the premises occupned bv Chas. Mc- Guire, just out of the Victoria Hotel. and has oened up -buuineu in all kinds of Black- emithing. oneeheein , etc All work will be done ptoqgptly at the lowest gure. _R`emember the place. ms mu nzmsus AIICTIDNEEB ' t d ' tendin to In 2;.;.'73': `-.e. .`.`.`:'f='..'.`2.:.y.,:...`- .a..' Haxnmizs An; Knhs '01; Xuonox sm=s- % 3...: _A._% .__._______________________* ULT & COWAN. Barristers. [Solicitors of the L Supreme Court. Proctors. Notaries, Congl- cets. ptc. Moneyto Loan. . Oicu--Ross Bl . mnInn.nt._ `- Government in inauguraing this new 57-. LL _

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