Congregational church on Monday, May Vlst, has some very attering ress notices An exchange save : Miss iggins is a telling platform speaker, one of the brightest lady Aorators in Canada. She has been infrequent demand at large gatherings because of mark- 'ed abilityto secure and retain the interest of her audiences. Her voice has been often heard at the great Industrial Christian En- deavor Uonventions, and no ladv speaker has been more warmly received. Miss Wig- gins has a full and well-modulated voice. re- vealing continued oratorical culture, and the charm of her platform manner adds greatly to the effectiveness`. her utterances. ?Mias Violet Cole: is the gtieat of Mrs. Goo. Cole: this week. Mr} Thou; Oollin, Blake stret. `was the II guest: of Mr. 'Robt. -Ctlins, Minesing, haul wad: _ Mr. and Mrs. `Jan. Young-hive retarded mm_Toronpo to tliglr home on Blake street. Mr, and Mrs. Jan. Brend have returnad home after visiting friends in Toronto, We Are sorry to, any that Mrs. Breend has been v_e1-3 in since she raturnod home. The Barrie Cricket Club was reorganized lam: Friday` night: at 9. meeting held ' in Menu. Stewart In Stewa.rh a~law`oice. The followingiotoern were elected :--~ Iogozgry resident--Mt; Walter Raikes. Ptedidenn-.-eMr. F. E. P. Pepler, Q_.C. ' ~._Viee-President"--Mr . Thou. Drury ` = -s n. .'tir'y-'1`rea.IurerA-_-Mr.,. "R. R, We. HUNTER - BROS. East End Personals. . Cricket EXCLUSIVE GENTS AND BOYS OUTI-'lTTERS.W T_ "\;V:Z.'3f\{7eBb vVvishe*s t-lVx"pubz1ic to `know that he is agent for the Gendron Bicvcle ll 1 - I,. I ,1 , ,,, ,, 1!` > Lt'SeV'en or; Essa Road, Allandale \\'arJ. used aa.Sma Store and Dwelling. Gqod Lot -1'; Stable. Apply to for Sale onble terms. `V ' ` W_Giv:N 50 V . V _mAnn:s AND cnlnnnmv. . `And satisfaction guaranteed in photos of all kind`. ijspecial Atte1iA{.io11 I` IIPCIQV l"I'\ |;sHAw"Ros., Inna-air`-Iris: u an uni AIWII ruuvj ` brunt rates of interest on imp_r Jowuti ` ' I"ZiI`TI .iIUI" - (Lnn'rnn.) _ Sunscnmnn Cu-.'rAJ..'. rte 3'mo|,1nt of MONEY T" 5-idl debentu ha ed- -rn_1_L=.;:gLe_:`:_cne":'?.'aiesor Inmnrln . l'0I'_ !Ir!-cl_us- won: m we anavmg a aims go to him. -V mfqtt and satisfaction guaranteed. "fE.}i-`?3nI?513n:33., ~ved*' s *-?`i?!*!~. xvukigjg. (3. E. skewm, 3. oorgejknikes and R. H. Tot!!!"- .Du.=.`.:... 3.... ._m 1.. Mnmhwa Has `opened a New - BARBER . SHOP '"1\i:i[ <;2o}';i`.;5:io tar; {gag Qeelg eagcau. gary.` A goodmanv regret his departure. * pzmcumrs 19 I to me neam :03 Bay strut. oronto. or to 7 .2-`ly ' J . GAL John O11eesrnan, . Grocer. Collier Street. 27- . I ' - / LONDON -AND CIINADIAN LOA % % Ann `AGENCY AcoMPANY If ___ ___ \ _ nuann nu 3 nu-.vv Duuv-M OPP. Bum: Hm-31.. . _u,_ for 5 work in the Shaving and Ham incline no fan him. ` , _Q THOMAS s'.1:-:3:-ETCH LI-3o_'rI`I`_wn_ 1.1.: Islbcx. emu`.- BOSANKO's NEW BLOCK nan Ann-:19 Linn-or ~ V 20, 189 . Afnxn 9 am. to `J. r.~.u.nnA'1'm. I Capt. Whish disposed of his matched team of chestnuts in Toronto, at the horse show, last week. - ' V _` Stephens . n,!II . Mr. George Whiteley, em, and Mr, Robt McKerreghu.n, two respected and aged resi- dents _of the Blh ward, are very low at present. . V , - , ' `I, III! ,, _ I`I,,4! I, l!.-___-_., I.-- I__-_ On TElVn1-ra` `evening lamp in partridge ` ew through a. pane of glaasin the south ward school, and after spending the night in the building made its exit through another light of glass. '1--rr 1-11. 1' I '\-v Bar:-le s South-Western Division, with its Pleasant Streets. its .Tsgstv Dwell ings. its Pretty Churches. and its Go- ~` o.-head People W111 Entice Settlement . -A Weeklv Record otf.1ta Doings. Hoiuae cleaning will now be in order. The O. R. 0. me: on Sunday afternoon. ` 1 Mr. Thomas Doran is on the sick list. Mr. Mitchell reports boat building boom W Mr. J. Morgan paitd hi ofciixl visit to the south ward school on Friday-of last week, ~ ` VICC!\_- `Miss Nettie Revnolds has returned from" Ottawa-. where she had been on a. visit with friends . ` . Norris and Lottie.Webh have returixed home from a visit with their grandmother, Mrs. Wm. Webb, Craigvale. ' I11: I. 1 II 'I\ I . - ` `Thomas Gostick, rman, huh b_eAen transferred from Gra.venhu1_'stT to Allandale, and has moved into Mr. S. McMAorrun s house. Essa street. ' - wTlV1eZnF1'enibers of Kempenfelcit Lodg No. 153 S. O. E. will meet in their lodge room at 10 o'clock next Sunday morning to attend divine `service in Trinity "church with the Barrie St. George's Society. J Mr. Leverton. of Penetanguishene. oigan, izer of the Canadian Home Circle for `this district, was in the 6th ward last week. Last Friday night the Allandale Circle in- itiated two new members, andiour more are to be initiated at the next meeting 7 books hav: been re.- ceis ed at the public library :-No. 440, "Roughing It, by Mark Twain ; 441, Half Hourrwith `Great Noveliat.a; 442. Halt Home with Great Storv '.l`eIlers;`-443, David Harem, by Edward Noyer West- oott. . "and very dangerous condition. The road on I vvwv I The road at `the ioterseotion of Baldwin ` street and the townline is in a dilapidated Essa street, in the vicinity of the post `office, is aiso in-bad shape. It is time something was done to make these `places safe for the travelling public. ` l'__,_!I__ At II T-.. fI_-l_-..- -1 IIY__.L The family of Mr. Joe. Graham, ot West Gravenhurst. mourn the less of an only child, Agnes Adeline. an estimable and promising young woman of seventeen years. She was taken III on the 4th, with peritou~ itis, and died on the morning of the llth Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved family and friends.-Gravenhurst Banner, The above young lady resided in the 6th ward for a number of ears with her` parents, and she was better nown here as Addie Graham ? Miss M. Heuchan and Miss M. Roblin. intimate frlendsof the am! ceased, were in Gravenhurst-on Thursday of , last week attending the funeral. e ,. .,,__. ._,;.__ I The disappearance of snow and frost from 1 the ground will call for a careful attention . ` to the cleaning of yards and removal of all i rubbish, especially all organic waste matter which a warmer temperature will cause to utrefy and thus become a breeding place] or disease germs Decaying vegetable mat'- a ter is a fruitful source of certain diseases which extend from one individual to another. - The greatest care should be taken to prevent pollution of `wells by the inowingof im- " pure water at_the surface or by soakage. Proper attention should he bestowed on drainage. It is essential to health` that all the uids, the outcome of thedwellinu,-. should by proper drainage he carried to" a safe distance from the house._ Sixth ward rs will please attend to this itnportant duty at li Last Friday the C. L. A. schedule -wui fixed for the coming. season. Barrie` will not enter the senior series, but will appear in intermediate. matohel with Bee.verton,`. Oril|ie. II and Bradford; A. W; Hamilton, -Beuverton, in cram-y. Orilliu` will also have a. senior teem endwill play for honore; with Seaforth. Oranaeville, `S. Gethsgsineje. ' ang Tecumeeth-Eimeof Toronto. A * .`_._:-v.. 1-u-g..:-. 1:- Lu 1. ..."a..l- ..:.-...& M... `-mm RAILWAY CENTRE QF ?r1=m_ T FUTURE CITY. -- ._ ~ _- ouu .I-UUUllIUUUll'l`4llllI'UI LUlU|llI|Iu Junior District No.-8 in m'ad.e.up oi. the following dlubs:-Penetanguiihene. Mid- land. Elmvale, _Waubaushene. Goldwater; `Cookstown ; Ieoretary. B R. Keane, Orilliqg. No. 9.--,Huntnvillo, Gxfavaghnlnt.-. .Br._a'c9-` vhridt-M Snail} :_ iyor ;% . MoGuir,:` -v-~- va -.-,`.- _. Mr Thomas R. Bailey has moved into Mr. 1 Isaac. Brin'd s house. . . ; ` - . ` Lacross; Vsshedule. ` Brunton-Peacock -`- '.l.`ha.t considering the l 3 agreement with Allnndnle, this Council do l ' now rescind the by-law ordering the reduc- tion of members of the Council. This motion brought up the question oi l consider- ?` ing Mr. Strsthv s letter. and as the three months subsequent tothe passing of the by-' i i law do not expire `until May 6th. the cons si-derution of that letter was left over. un_til linext meeting. Councillor Boys said that I ' while he belie'\,'ed'the bv-law invalid (though -, he had no connection whatever with Mr. _. _Lenn_ox s lett_er)`he thought that the question _ oi "rescinding the-_ by-law was a matter for ` the "courts `to `decide. and not the Council. _ The motionzwas withdrawn; ` . h m-.;.-.. . a'.--1-.`.` l'I'||.'..n.a.I.- `Illa..- -.'.A" D...i:`;.- ing any special or exclus_ive privilege to any , such citizensor others ;` the Council on be-e half of the municipality reserving all rights, -to at `any time resume such wiring or pure, chase and sale of supplies and materials of any kind, whether because of the` charges _made or for any other reason.-- Adopted. ELECTRIC LIGHT Ex'1`E_NSIONS. The Electric Light Committee recommend- 'ed as follows :--That the are dynamo at- present disabled be repaired and vour Com- mittee beinstructed to have same done" as soon as possible.` This, your Committee believe necessary in view of the proposed extensions and re-arrangements.-Adopted. rm.:- n-__...:....__ _I_- -_- `mu 3 ms inmens ; \ AND summer FULFILLED , ,, , ,_ , _, W _,-~v~ 7 ~ --,-v-~--r,7---f---- --v--ttr-cv-I V This Committee also recommended that ` in consideration of the laborious and im- l portant duties so satisfactorily performed % by Mr. VV. 11. Johnson, electric light enai-q l neer; that his salary be raised from $45 to 1 $50 per month.-Adopl:ed_ . T EEECTRIC LIGHT REGULATIONS The following `rules and regulations governing the Electric Light business were adopted. ' ]_l`.nnI-nnnnrn nkn nvnnn=nn n" VA... 4...... Il\I\lllUV\l- l-Customere shall exercise all due care so as to prevent any waste of Vght, and agree -to switch all lamps o_' when not in use. And that this Corporationpmay pro perly guard its interests it is necesssrv that it shall, at all reasonable times. by its au- thorized `agents, have free. access to the premises in which the light is used, to de- termine if` it is-`being. carried, distributed, and being used in a proper manner. and in accordance with these Rules and Regula- tions; and the Corporation reserves the right to shut oil` the supply of light for any of the following reasons :-(I) For repairs or alterations; (2) in case of unavoidable accident ; (3) for non-payment of bill when due; (4) for fraudulent representation in relation to consumption or use of light ;"(5) assignment or` insolvency of the subscribers ; (6) when they consider the wiring danger- cue. -(7) The Corporation reserves the right to instal a meter where they consider the flat rate is being unfairly observed. 0 "Ill... I`-..-`Aunt: . . . . _ . .. 5.. . . . . _ . _ _ _ -. \JUllJVII_IlIIU|l Ullllll UV III GI-I IVIVU IILIIUBU IIIIV same shall be incorporated in thisrcontract. uorvoss. , Pea.oook-'-_-Brunton-That the Council go into Committee of the Whole to consider Mr. Haoghton Leunox s letter.-Lost. - ~ I1: 3 ALLANMLE wum NUMBERLSIXI. [NBC I IJUII-In I-JIILGILIY UUSCI V5`-ls 2-The Corporation agrees to use reason- able diligence in` providing a regular and uninterrupted supply of current; -butin case the supplv of current should be`inter- rupted or fail by reason of accident, Provi- dential interference. or any other cause whatsoever. the Corporation shall not be liable for damages for such interruptions or failure; but in case of such failure a pro- portionate reduction of rent shall be made. In case. of defective service notice of the fact should be sent to the Clerk of the Cor- poration immediately, 3-The subscriber agrees `that this order is not to be cancelled and shallcontinue in force after the expiration of the term nam- ed, until either party gives 30 days notice in writing of intention to terminate the same. at the expiration of which time the agreement shall be ended, and lndefault of such notice this order shall continue at the option ot the Corporation, upon the same terms and con- ditions as are herein contained; 4-The consumer will supply, a` his own expense. all lamps and renew, a and all necessary wiring and appliances for the distribution of electrical current throughout his premises. and will leave same in readi- ness for the main line connections, thereto. He also agrees to not use the electric current for any other purnoseor in any other place than that provided for in this contnact. 5 `V 5:53.;e..;;.;ns;;..e.;g;..;;;.;;;;..;e;;,.;;.;;,...;.. tione of any a cut, employee or officer of the Corporation 3 all be of any force," unless the canon aka" ha Ennnu-niuvnnta 3n this nnnrnnl-. ;`so;1;;:p;;;i.;s.; a.. Chairman of the Electric Light: Committee report at } next meeting of the Council. the number of rpermenent employees, their names, and. the amount of salary` each rec_eivee.--'Ca.r- rieg `w "` 1-5.--- ,1- .un-IL . . . . __:_a_::_._..|._ .1. H6 IJIOIEIUILWII WLUUQFHWU. Ty er-;-Soulee-'-'J.`h'at the Fire anti Peiite .~Commlttee take into, consideration the re-' pairing of the walls and Vceilin in the hall- way leading to the Council hamber and also the necessity ,of improving. the care- ,'t'aker e` tenant, and 're rt w'itli- probable cost at next meeting 0 the Council.-,-Cu ried. _ ` ' ' - 0 The Vblark of the wea.tHa.r ii at disposed` to fa_vor the bicyclist by promptneujn caud- ing dry road: and good_whee_ng This [ timeliut year the whaalmen 9!. `Barrie were` wenyoyina the {avorltqgummer pastime, but` thin your I0 for most wheel: htwa not been` talien from their. .:wlute1` qu.`rtern.r }:.~The yatient -.6yo1ht- Twill,-~ "grin and" be_a.r'!~`.t h`e deg. my without; -murmur fgtzitanite tony that .- the u?s`Ion 5mll' no\;i'x`-._I; give `theNiildept.-9nd1uahib':s%Qim,;m; vd, gut, if he can; PM rerdi tor;!; ; I'}..IrI'f;,`iE0r.t dis.- "tauoeu. The wheels of? ` consider - sb1y;lo_w'er in -prio`o`thui -l'a'd_6?year,~ and there` L many ~ohn,ngc'I W'hi'bb the: `:1nakp.I`;l_1;-bxngh `."-.`P"`:?3 "."`~;."9%*'-.i.-"-".~`iWP""99?79'%- V`%` % "1`.h6'V V5136`:oh3 iv'vo:1dv,- 7a`i:ae1-7: `ch: V heading` Why yhil lip ering do]: 9'} Aptinu the following.` in r ` 'toi t, gj.".'Feni&'l,I Raid 'img_dolq :-,-2`. The Special; Oommi_ttl:.- DI the Tornto 66'VetUnnI? Auochtio `and the "Re'd`I.1Rlver Emgditibli VA-common, `.1970. A ` -'4'-In 4..n XII";-`L -An` nun`-V:-us-u'\nLIu '.A..n-.I: um T911 uuanimohofy ` opted` ` IIVUIIuIUIV"I' E IWUU QIKJI-Jlvllllllllg : 1|-JIVQ ` D . . Doub1eAticm% 5 A % %VVya;she.r.% % 7* =;;~`a-.~~'I_: a`.._r~iia;\`.`>*- n `--=5 ,' ove39;ooo aL1pegLa34t'sbd.: I 5 More washing done` with thiq ms-j chine in one hour than can be done _any other way in four'h`oura_. ' A trial will` cost vou Itiothing. It does-thie. work perfectly without. M injury to the finest fabrics. V ` ` Sold only in Barrie by in;-'_ Next noj-`to Barrl inei. `(Cgntfnued from. page 2.) ' The Bicyclg gegsqn. Ducxwneato 0 0 0 I I Flour . . . . . . . ; . Cloverseed. . .. . Al-mike . . . . . . . . . . a resolution regretting. the delay in the issue of the Canada general service war medal. The resolution exhibited the facts that the memorial requesting the medal was presented to theGovernor-General in May, lS97_; on Pctober". 20, 1897, . Her Majesty cabled that she authorized its issue; in November, 1897. the Canadian Government was "asked to send a design for the reverse of the medal 3 _in June, 1898, a board of officers to consider claims was appointed; in November, 1898, the _War Department approved of the design furnished trom Can- ada; in March, 1899, the Minister of Mili- tia wrote stating that it was not "known when the medals would be isssued; during the year` and ve.months many comrades entitled to the medal had died. and the com- mittee called the attention of the Minister of Militia, and of the Senate, and of the House, " to the deplorable delay, d.asked that measures `be taken to obtain he issue or distribution of the medals on Her Ma- jesty- s next birthday, May 24 " ....-.... "D. "I:l._ JI\_I_|_ag|..`_A_R-EN, uuunu ca] g-voou no xv- -p-- L "'1fhe.Globe of -Monday container! an exten- I give write-up of Brookdale Stables am! horses, the property of Mr". N. Dymenu. In the course of` the artiolethe writer says :- 'I"l.g nu:-n-|`rI`n'A warm an` In N nnmnuh u-'. l;he B of R. '1`. held 9." special meebingnouv Sunday. U ' I\ `I1! all` u ,__;_,_____;_L [']y__. Defective eyes stunt the mind Can you expect fair progress in school or success in a business if so handicapped? Examination of children for glasses is a special feature of our %Dptical" Department. a LIIU uuuuw U1 ouv III. UIUIVJIIIU IIIIUUI. 39,9 '- The Broohdale Farm of Mr. N. Dvment, of Barrie. is one of the `sporting establish- ments of Canada. Always a horse-owner anda ood._1'udge of one, Mr`. Dvment "has spent many years in devotion to a great and successful business, so that it has been only of comparatively recent date that his colors `have been seen on the turf, and he joined that body of gentlemen of wealth and stand'- _ iug in the community who are at the same time the ornament and the sound support of the Canadian turf. I dare say, my.race- horses have paid theirfway. he said, but even" if they had not metexpenses I could lookhon them as the. cheapest and -best kind of_"a doctor hill. The pleasure and relaxa~ tion from b_usinees=-that I have found in their rearing, training - and racing has been of morehenet tovmv health and.` spirits than any other ~~mea'ns I could have undertaken ` for that direl: 'objeet."~v l1|..'.. ' `-Hnf` Ln 3- n Anna:-|nbal6`nn`uo annua- lUl.' Iuuuv Iuavvu vuJU\)vu . For all that lheTia a. comparatively new gure on the Canadian turf, it was Mt. Dy- IIlB||VWhO_,l&l$ vear furnished the moat seri- ous oPP.8itiox; Mr._ Seagram has had in many eeuon for the` posaeeaiqn of those Fisfy Guineas that hr,Maie|ty "given every year for t.he`Impfr_pye'u'ipnt; of thy `Breed of horses `in Ontario.`- , n--_.'2-_-.. -- '11.`.- .'n..._'._..u_ -......_:..s--4 ___ nu, vuun av. Serious as Dymentfa oopoaition ivu la`st`V'vear to the Waterloo turfman, who ho.d_ bod" such a. m;',veI_loo_I sci-ion` of` successes `in this `most popular race, the Barrie stable in". 1ii1.'the.' opinion of moov judgeagthia `year `more dangegouo still. . I-lnnnI:'1IH'|&"W`I~In run: in nhinurtl-. Iil" .Q..... Scintic,'Optlcian, A MII.AREN'S DRUG STORE, BARBIE. "';'33F ";:`z `"ng _ am, `e 139* mi... ,# 4_,_#:4.- L; _ "Mr. `Horses. _. .1 ,__ -__4____-j "'H.;'. O. E.. will be in session next Wed- nesday night. ' " 11, !I1I,,_,___ h `I)_:I,__l._._...__-__1!..A.-`lI._ ...v _ ._----.._r_.... __V Mr. W. .J. Merricivvxiotoumed from Stone- wall, Mom. on Monday, and is _again in the .emplov ot J. F. Craig, tailor. _ `I1_L_,,l____ D,-,,. -_, ewVvaon,v'o.f Peterboro. former- ly of the Bank of Toronto here, in visiting `relatives in Barrie and Painqwiok. . and includes the old Barrie track. on which War Cry won the first Canadian Derby. This makes a ne galloping ground in good weather, and the stabling is well arranged and comfortable. About 50_head of thor- onghbreds are on the place, all the stallions being imported horses. ` I Th; Gua:-`inn non}-u in `r nhnrnn nf MI- | UUIII5 IIIIFUI IIVIL lllullucn " The training stable is in charge of Mr John Dyment, it'., as usual. and he` has thir- teen head now at work. - `They are : Brother .Bob, The Duchess, Roaeberrv, Maritana II, \`KT.....I-..Ip 1'M..:....`Dm.. 1d`lI1:nn nniln .q:rnnnn I '"Si;-;..'x.L;s;."1>;;;;;;t.;..;,a.i.;1.;..; street. is` recovering from `s. malady. in her left foot -which kept her in bed for several weeks. I an as I . as ,, .. ,pI'n, .*l\. .lJUU .l.JlU Iluvuvou, Lvvuvwwnsy, Lvqnunlvlnuli Jul, 1 ex 1lock, Flying Bess, `Flying Belle, Simcoe, Beloourt, heal II. Maclock, Magog and Lady Voltaire. . V V -';'lt1:\1-l"l`.`h"(>V!;l]`)I_tV)V!Vl.' b`oy' giant, was ii: town e. few dlye last week. . n I17, ,1, ,1-n\-.__,._|t__Ig-_Ir1_I 1 vvuuu - --.. _._.`._ ___.._ Mr.` A. 0. Woods, J{'f3}ont Medical Col- ` lege. is home for his holidays. - A_.a ::__ 1? n` 15...: -._.1 -1_n.a..-_` " 15.4.1: and children leave in a few days_ for Manitoba. . 1-auo Q; av-uvw u- -- -- -v --v-'-- _-_ -__- Misa Lillian Lower re-tt;-nd from a six montha .viait with relativga in Detroit. 'i:;-sV::'fi`eriug from a. very. Severe attack of rheumatism. ' T Mrs. James Milbee, of Dalston, returned home on Tuesday after visiting friends in Hafpilton L-I-gsninervs Greenaway, of Tottenham. ` has aecuredthe pontion of house doctor in the -Philadelphia hospital. ` 1 ' `W171:i%;:i)}::i)1:;t!;.f;f-;1:o;;)i1;:;)i);1;;;l-k3ol- logo, is home. -for vacation and his resumed practiqal study in Dr. Richardson : oicg. _ Mr. hank, VB.A.,` brother of Miss Bonio of the West-_ ward sha`. has been appointed oloasical master in Leaminguon High school.` Mr. .L, E. -Lane purboaes moving hit fam-` ily to Petfetanguiahene in a few days where he in master tailor in the `Boys Reformatory. 'nu , ,, , .`n`I\`I"I Mr. Wm. Hubbers visited friends in 'I`o- I ronbo a. few days last week. _ "X "i."f?13h`om .on,Mf1$.'15.,? Tie}..;.Ial | -shene. and Jan. _ Dti", M.P.PL, Cookabown. were in town on Tuesday _and gave Tmal A1>j7A1cI a call. ` _ , W A I B. J. Bonner, B.A.. 6f the Collingwood Collegiate Institute. has received an a point-, ment to _` ellowship in Greek in tge Chi. cugo Unive Tsiw. ` ll___..!____- I..- _Q 1D,, 1 1.1. I Mr. A. E Morrison.` Ion. of Mr. J. C`. Morrison. Painsvnck. lefo on El`ue|da.y tor Dakota. US. He had lately been in the employ of T. Eaton 86 00., Toronto. `P\T\`l`I,`\ ' Rev. D. D.~ McLeod preached anniversary sermons. at Hnntavillen last. Sunday, mom- ing -_and evening. Rev. E. McVica.r, `of Huntsville had charge of Mr. McLeod : services in Bettie. 1'isi}a"1{iEi'vVi1's}}H; Iogtzvroud, is viiting with her aunt. Mrs. Lot Webb. ' Mr. B. Parker was down to Toronto Jae: week and Look in the horse aho_w.. Subscribe for Tm: ADVANCE, the best weeklv paper inthe County of Simcoe. -1-: n cu-v I Cecil B. SmiIzh..0.E`. who has relideci on Beycld _street for several months, has boon` a pointed city engineer at Victoria, B0. c was at one time professor of civil engi- neeriii 'et.jMcGill Univerei_tv. and has been on rei way work A great deal. He had elm-go last qummeryofa company of `men on_ the Sndbury line, eu;vey_'ol the Canudiau Pacic Railway. .Mr.; Smith : meny Barrie `friends `will be pleaued':;to.liea.r"of iii: hp.-1 `tater and-`ox-gugizer, 11' Miss Louie -E, wigin-,, w.7 c.1`.v. 1e.| ois`t__.o_ npeukiai the 9`! an . ._$&`\..` . 99 - OI -"%_\ Persona: "H News. mes www- You see em ' Everywhere! - vWeek days; on the street; in the stores; at the_ ocgs ;:T in the workshops. r , . "I I ` " 1 | Our own guarantee, as well as the ) / 2% *\ 'maker s, goes with every garment. Sim- lply ifnpoesible-'to'make'a mistake in patronizing OUR Clothing Department | Fixed price}: Nap pleesed, don t pay. " Sundays, in the front pews; in the \ back pews` ; in` th. gallery ; in the choir. :We mead the good clothes sold by this house exclusively. i'il.:.eW:"a'g-1Vx'la;.z'-V;1;;e;i1:g at the s.- -of R. '1'. will be held next Sunday. i - II! ru III 9 0 __ p______ _ ___#__'