Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 9 Mar 1899, p. 1

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_v--- v v v------ -v- --v_vv---_= ' -.._- Chairman Frnivley laid on the table the -various tenders}-eceivad in connection with the, new altprnator ` - -Donald Ross. President of Barrie Public `Library, asked that the usual exemption from taxes be giwn the_Libru.ry. - I0, ,1 I __ __--!A2-__ _I As you may desire to close this particu- lar matter up to the present time, we would any that our costsemcunt to $130.17, which includes everything that we have done aub- (sfquent to the payment of the moneys into `ourt. * ` ' R. A. Douglas wrote-In answer to your letter of the 24th ult`.. re telephones for cor- poration use. - Mr. Baker replies that the arrangement as suggested has been tried by the Company and has not proved successful, and they-would prefer to pay the regular taxes and charge the ordinary rates for tele- phone service ' - OTHER LETTERS. Ttomblev Bros. butcbers. `having retired from business in Barrie, asked for 9. rebate on their license. ` Wm. Armstrong applied for nosition of road oirerseer in wards 5 and 6. and if neces- sary ward 4 else, st. salary of $1.50 per day. -__.._ --_.L i1'~1. Ei.Iu.k7i3,;cLi. "miner -Compenv ...'.t in a statement of their account, winch had been presented -several times before. . 1 ' 1-an ,u_o_1 p,__ LL- ..--:A:-_. -2 ..--_ t- Joho Hines applied 1' road oversoar for _the.ooming ye an 11 I or the position of or. ` 4|. , A`-`_`- A`.- Councillor Williamson-Why. has Electric Light not been ut in the Council Chamber? Where are the urge pictures that used to decora.te'theae walla? _ ,,-. ~ ('}'_l1-1;-i'i"xn:n:-('3a'.i('1;7~el`l-We are wziting for a.la.rger- transformer for this locality. The pictures are in the hall. V re ' in ,, -n.__._._ AA. __`__A. 42...- -l.-.-IA _ `,.,,,,.._,,, ,...--.,__ __ _._.. _-. 1-- And wish. to `enter 3 Business Eollege that has 73 per cans. ol its Graduates in good situations correspond with the Excelsior Business Uollega, Barrie. Documents on leto prove thin statement. 26-Iv ` W. J . ROSS, Principal. r.---. v- --- -..- .... Counoillor-_Rogera-:At what time should` the snow plow get out. in the morning? Snnda. morning it was 10 30 when it passed along ollier street. 4 o , n-,,I,_ 1' .1- ..-L I...._. 4]..` We have in our possession the release from the Waterworks Company to the Town. also the order made by the Court ; should youtdesire to retain same in the Town s pos- session we can `let you have them at any time.` A certicate of the order has been registered, and also he original release or discharge from The Farmers Loan & Trust Co . of New York, which removes any en- oumbrancefrom the title. uunvuua \I\llIIC- -1 in vw -- Chairman Soulea-I do not know that there is any specied time. I think it in out in good time, however, though I do not know in particular about Sunday morning last. Councillors Johnson and Tvrer said the plow was past their places very early. -,__sn-._ Iinns ____ ._. fl`-.. -_...I..:_... "E:.1I.'a1i}.}' 'v's7:i1iXx}ILo7.TIi1LL'.i;eI.ing furtherbeen done about the reception of the deputation from Port Arthur? 111` ____.a.. 4].. ll.'-.__ .3 -vr-cw--..-- ---..- _ -_ - ..__ __..- Ghairmankogera-I wrote the Mayor of Port Arthur concerning the visit of the New Ontario deputation, but have not re- ceived a reply yet. ._ L..- ___--..- -.. _-'n-A-Q-an vv---- - -.r_' v... Cpuncillor Roera-Are persons in arrears of taxes not given tilltmay lab to pay them, in consideration of psvina 5 per pent extra? :1: nl _-I __,- l'lII__ D __.. ....g 3.. _'-L 'Mey.*or` Wells-There has been a confer- ence between Mr. Bird and three members of lush {car's Finance Committee, and he tactics ly acknowledges all indebtedness so or as nes and witness fees are concerned, excepting $20 which he paid to J. W. Morrow. license ins ector, and $20 to A. W. Beardsley, and in oth these cases he holds the returned cheque .l`he town's ori insl claim was $332.96 for nes and witness ees, and $1242 for court fees. The latter, Mr. Bird dis utedv however, use put in an counter 0 aim for $232, msde up as follows .- 2 months salary, $192; snd,.?gt4Q..ss shove stated. The Mayor ssid thtt_~,.gther than go into litigation; on the qcsstioxishle sub- ject of `scout-._t. fees the Committeejwss willi_ ng ,to,. soc9pt.5_()og each oonrtcsse in- stead of '$_1._70 ; -this -would leave `ls hslsnoe du,_eili`jM`r. Bird` of 8478.96. "flf Mr. Bird sgre. .to* accept those term then the` mm:-xhAn'n1 usnnl kn 'lnhI'r|if.fsIlI fn thll 0011110 I am instructed by Mr? Samuel McMor- ran and other voters and ratepayers in the 6th Ward of `Barrie to institute proceedings with theobject oi quashing a by -law, voted upon and purporting to be passed by your Council under the rovisions of- 61 Vic. ch. 23 (Ontario) nrovi ing for reduction in the number oi. representatives of the Town and thselection of these by general vote, upon the ground that this by-law is illegal and is contrary to'the terms upon which this ward became part of the Town of Barrie. Should your Council determine to take mea- _sures to redress the grievance my clients complain of. you- will perceive the necessity of prompt action, as I have only a limited time within which to apply to the court. A wmrnnwonxs mono. .v ' Messrs. Strathy & Esten wrote as follows : ` We beg to advise you that this matter has been at `length fully completed, the order for payment out of the moneys paid into court in Novemberlast, and vesting the Waterworks property in the Town hav- ing been made on the 16th inst We beg to enclose ohe us of the Court for $1070 43, being the own s share of said moneys as agreed between the parties. a TI - al _ _, lg , , Chairman MeLean-'.l.`he 6 per cent. in not interest ; it in a penalty. andthe treasurer is authorized to collect -the taxes, by levy if nece ed5!'!.` any time after they are due. ,su._. In-nus ____ __ .'II._ .1... 4.|'__ -- v ---w--- -_ twp... IIUIEDIBDQJ, any Iuuu? uuvv: uuv, u--v so--u Councillor Williamson-`-`How does the uiattgr between Mr. Bird and the town stun 2 ' .ll'..._.. I`l7-II.. .flVL--A Ln- Lana n an-`Inn- GRANQ OPERA HOUSE sly CVEI II` in-opgsnl f T or their Il._ ` 11$...` Igtll VJ II. II uuuu: I.-uuuu vuuu nu: roposel woulsuge submitted to the Council approval. At present however Mr.` Bird has offered only $100 in full settlement. Among the many com monicatione present- ed at the regular meeting of` the Town Conn- oil on Monday night, at which all -members were `oreoent. Twas the following note of warning from thoixth Ward through their eolicitor, Haughton Lennon. T nun Innl-Iunnn I-an Mn , Qnnruua` Mnunnn Iivvvavu-v-n vu Councillor Brunton-Has anything been` done towards extendin the: waterworkn system to.A_llando.le! L, . hhtis the estimate ed,.ooatVotV the extenaibn! _ . T" 1:, .i 1,`. ` |__~_', 1__-__ 3Cho.irmn.n Triawlevv:-Nothing` has" been done in the `mutter yep ; there will he no Inn, yvwu Va v-aw -- vvuu-an . I Whey Believe the No Ward system a Violation of the Amalgamation Agreement. t_ t t `Sixth ward to` ` ouash the"_By-Law; wounb nunnn my uxns. ENQUIRIES. %T he Peerless Magxian. assisted b o ALIIOIDIOII` Presenting a bewildenngp ram of ' ' Illn _..-r-.. 1111`) W. R. Golds of Paris, w. E. Williams of Barrie. Mina Annie Muterof Allandale, and Miss Katie Buchanan of Sundridge, have arrived in town and now compose theona` `at A. J. Whitby : toilor "ahop.-Parry ` Sound Canadian._ 4. The rehort presented was adopted. Councillor Love did `not vote. _ TENDERS Ion` TIMBER. . Chairman Soules of the Works Committee recommended that the Clerk ask for tenders. for timber for use in the Co oration during the present year, all materia to be delivered in such quantities and atsueh places within the Corporation as may he required, tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk by the 30th inst... at noon.-Adopted. 1: ..n II "M2; ioi.}u iiaaa}J,Is *sr;;i:Im'1, in saying with her daughter, Mus. J.'McL. Stevenson,` Collier street. . Councillors Brunton and Peacock moved in amendment that the grant be divided as last year. $250 to -Barrie; band and $50 to Allandale band. He said the band in Sixth Ward is a pleasure and convenience to the residents of that part of the town, as they are too far from Barrie to attend the band concerts at the post oice square. When asked by Councillor Williamson, whether it was true that the band in the Sixth Ward did not play on the square there last year `or not, Councillor Brunton looked at Councilor Peacock and Councillor Peacock looked at Councillor Brunton. Yes, said the latter, I think they played all right last year. The amendment was lost on the following division :- - ` i Yak;--VBrunton. Peacock, Brennan. Wil- liamson, 'l`yr_er-5. .. .u. . up Cm Ma'y'or, Soulea, Love, Roizera, Boys, Frawley, Johnson. Powell, McLean, Warren, Caldwell--1]. V ` ` Mr-.- V? . Smith 111' uses going to iEdmonton.'gW.T. . P P ` A MTi'ii'~i?AEQ;d amended the millinefy openings in Toronto last week. ---nulv, V _ Ivurl I I1, 2.50 mtroducing V Admission 15c.; Reserved `Plan at Seag`ers' Drug Store. the world-famed Gi `A Plant of Hludoo Mug! Seats 25. _ ' IVI I. 'TMisa"i.;i..I&51}.*.i;;a,"o Edgar, is spend- ing a. week with her aunt Mrs. Thomas. an 1- is: 1-. an -11 ii{'io,_'Wo1"eley street. has secur- ed 9. good situation as trimmer in a St. Mary's millinery establishment. " If (N I (N ,,.I,' _,,A`_ _,_ -1.` Mr. witzc-3;-:_<;f7iv`S:nnth_ Perth, an old friend, gave us 3 call on Wednesday while attending Grand Lodge. IITQIIS, ,- I1T_I_I. I1 _ . _ , _ L __ l`1____'.`I mzuilfT2.r;'ii"i5o.;gi;a`,`.3a*hit. R. A. Douglas. has aeoured a position with P. W. Ellis & 00., wholesale jowellere, Toronto. Mr. lisrnum. who has for several years been eocountent in the Bank `of Com- merce here has been promoted to the menagershi of the Commerce branch at . Fernie. B. .. He left for the west this week and is followed by the best wishes of his many Barrie friends. Mr. Wm. H. Fox, a nurse in Grace Hos- gital, Toronto, has invented an invalid bed- xture for hospitals a medical men. to be used in moving or turning a patient in bed without the el' htest in. The oontrivanoe after being we 1 teate . has been pronounced perfect, and does away with the heavy lift- 1112 of the tired and weak patient. 'It is called the Fox-Piper Invalid Bed. for the following reason :--Ex Ald. Harry Piper was a patient in the hospital last summer and was-_ attended by Mr. Fox. The patient asked his nurse if there was no way in which he could be moved with less `pain. That started nurse Foxithinking, and in a month he `had the oontrivanoe , made. j Mr . Piper was given ,_an interest in : the invention in consideration .of . his 4 paying all expenses `of patenting. and putting it on the market. 11:. is already patented`-in _'the Dominion. United. `States-,.Engla_nd, Germany, and France,and `appIliedefor.in-otheroountries ' ' x ` 8;. -an AA nn"un3'4'I-unto >.hQ``AI \'V:`. The `Finance Committee -recommended that the Sixth Ward bond unite with the 35th Battalion band and that $300 be given the band in consideration ot weekly con- certs during May. J une, July, August. Sep- tember and October. Mr. R. A. Duttn Ieavea this week for the % Pacific Coast. } Mr. Jon. Edgar, Raevebf Sunnidale; was i the guest of Rev; Canon Murphy this week. vs at "in.-4. '1'i{oa. `semen and Mr. Ben. O'Neill were visiting {friends in Mt. St. Louis and Phelpabon last week... _ - ' ,_-I_-- ,A____L I_-_ ,_-,,_, .3. wovN1GH"r's.... - Monday _M esday, Mar. I3, I4 Rev. William Wlfii, Brampton, G1-snnd AChapla.in of the B1361: Chapter, `gave THE ADVANCE a friendly call on Tuesday. at c\ C\ DID `I\ A LIUUIIUII o O n Q - v o o o I 0 u Partridge. . . . . -. . . . . -George Fox. . . . . . . . .. . Wm. Kepnedv . . . . . . . . GPPIIVIL IUI III UUIIUI UUIIIIUI IVE Mr. Fox is an old Bo.'rrie'boy. die son of" Mr. Fox (who kept the old Rose Copse Hotel from 1885 to`1889. -He left Allandule seven years ago and for some time before that` drove J. M. Bothwe|l h grocery wagon. .M_r. _ Fox : many friends mllobe pleased to hear` that he he: made the nest `egg beginning of ` A o.."fortune.A use in attem ting to do anything before. the round is dr.ed out which will be in J one. In to the estimated "cost, Mayor Wells said that there at present two proposals before the Committee--one is to continue from San- ford street with the same sized pipe, and the other ie .to start at Elizabeth street with a larger pipe. Until that is settled the Com- mittee could not give any idea as to the cost. PAYMENT OF ACGOUNTS. Ree\{e McLean recommended that the fol- lowing accounts he paid :- ` Mickie. Dyment & Co . . . . . . . . . . . .$ '-7 20 J. Clarkson.- . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Itlduviiilligsizns . . . . .; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1) Th.e Cottnii acil}<>ZIZ1;171(-i>a.t 9 o clock. A Barrie Inventor. $300 To THE BAND. Prsonal News. -The local t~rot'on the` ice last Friday afternoon resulted as follows :-lst Candle : `Jimmy Whirlwind ; 2nd, A. Morren s Smuggler; 3rd, Ma1ey s Belle Hamilton. -Some person entered Sewrey new fou'n- drv a night or two ago and stole Mr. Wm. Cha.ve s box of moulding tools. The loss to. Mr. Chave is a serious one. A DESIRABLEVHOTEL P-ROPE4B :rY:5_` ` FOR SALE.` . . The Miscampbell Hotel Property at Allundale, lust within the old limit: of "Barrio-and no Pati0n of Mr. P. McAvoy,` is offertd for an :1 ea . ` c:msa'atL:`e:Lac;2..%`ro.::::;- `W5 `*3 LENNOX. Boys & VBRQWRI Dated Tannm-u an .Qn4-`u ;.nn.h -. amse. his ` -There is probabl scarcely a town on earth wherescores of eggs do not escape the tax collector. A novel scheme has been suc- ceesfullv tried in,one of the large towns ecros the lines, A list of the d s taxed is posted up _in prominent places an a. reward of ten cents is given to the boys who can hunt up the-animals that have escaped. It adds considerably to the town funds, and takes away the temptation to deceive the assessor. - l l I cavlvwn III 51,? IISIIU VWKVI U `ll 99 51` BO power, which will be used until the 2000- light alternator is constructed, was installed in the Electric Light Station last week, and on Monday afternoon received its trial run. Mayor Wells, Councillors Frawley and Love. ex-councillor Bennett ands. representative of I'nn ADVANCE were present. The ma- chine worked- to the entire satisfaction of those "present, who, were competent to judge. The steadiness and noiseleesness oi the run were very noticeable. The town is now in a position ,-to furnish light and power to all customers. a ' . -7-Mr. Noah Grose has sold his trotter, Birdie B . to Dr. `Arthur, Colfmgwood. The doctor will now get to his patients more quickly than ever. --The Real Widow Brown comes to the Grand Opera. House on Tuesday, 21st inat- Iu is one of the best. comedies ever seen in Barrie, and deserves a. large audience. nu u u . , - .v~-- -The snow storm of Saturday night was quite unexpected and is but another proof of how quickly winter can -set in again. Several fruit and ornamental shade trees were damaged and an occasional telephone or telegraph wire broken by the heavy white loads. On Sunday morning "Our Lady of the Snows would have been a suitable name for at least this part of Can- ada; many admired the beauty of the `usage -Th new Royal S. K. C. alternator and exciter of 2500 light capacity or 200 horse vunnnnl I-nlahsln 1:15 In: noun` numb" 6-|uar0lln "Heaexhibibed marve -Anabach was at liiebeat, and so say that he greatly mystified his auditors would be expressing it very mildly. He is all and a good deal more the. baa been said of him. iioua dexterity and skill and certainly outdid anything ever seen here hefnre in the line of magic. A very remark- able ea"t.ure of the entertainment waaxhe absence from the stage of the. paraphernalia nanallv empleyed by magicians and which,- until we saw-'Ansbach,..we thonght indis- *p`ena_able to theraueceas if d an llei ht of v hand .>pAei-formanee. >_ Madame fvery ably i (7)i|;anges.-1VIarn'1aladen, Tanggrlnes. Japann. Valenclau, Floridan, Calll`or- ` nlan, Naval: and sevllles, at Bothwelvs. null! -111 II I *~---, -----..---.`- -v-,-- --vw;c-wu- yv --U;:_1l-ingwood CqllegiateInstituterequires $5,059.92 for the'present year. Of this amount $4,000 is for salaries, and $175 for fuel. -Mr Vltmving rentedhis farm at Braden : Corners near Cookstown, has taken up residence in his house on Small street. which be left ve years ago., 'I"I, IT ,,I IITU1 T\ ME You Am? CONTEMPLQTING .---A. Morten 3 change of advc. was not `in before page 3 was printed. The sale an- nounced for Saturday will not take place. .He1"eafter there will be weekly private sales. g.--.`\ . . I 1\ 1| . itevtian Sunday schnoi ` own Hall, next Fri- verybody delighted this. Admission V EGO to the Pres. entertainment in the day night March 10th. last year. Twill be bet 10 cents. ' ` --Mr. B. VV. Somera, Stayner, while ta.k- ; ing a littlevpreliminary-training on Monday ; of last week for the burlesque hockey match 3 in that town, fell and gave one of his legs a M serious wrench. jl-IO LVIUIIKJ VVULILI UL AILIILILICY L133 UUU following paragraph :-.-The supposition seems to be we}! founded and from gleanings made in other sources, it may be fairly as sumed that theCanadian Pacic Railway will at no distant date be connected with Barrie and other points north of Toronto. -The Collingwood Enterprise is wrong when it credits Tm-3 ADVANCE with an item about certain Jews in this town. We do I not believe in giving Jews a. free advertise- ment and charging our business men and merchants who give their customers `first- class goods at reasonable prices. No. Brer. Hogg, -the item did not appear in Tm: An- v.mcn.- , " +-Ti:e <;f_ V.I:;iml sincerelv thank the Mufers and Bunglets'Hockev Club for the handsome donation of $25.44.` -A good strong cricket club is being formed for the coming summer A meeting for organization will be held about the 23rd of which notice will be given. The towns- people should take great interest in cricket as it is free from any rough play. 15,, A (`III 'I'\A 1-rn -Rev. A. C. Crews, B.A., of Toronto, Gen. Sec. of Epworth League, preaches next Sunday in Collier street church. A grand rally will be held on Monday even~ `ing. The Leagues and C. E societies of the town and vicinity are invited. Mr. Crews will deliver an address. EA large prart of Mclntbyre Montreal Fire Stock goes on sale to-day on the bar-. gain counters at J.- C. It 4 . _ _ __ -..\_ i -At the Countv Council bye-election in V Division 3 on Mondai, Thos. Hammnell, of Y Beeton. was elected amajoriw of about 100. ' ' *0 "83 amount of MONK West cnrre t 1; - ` < 2 tab Muningnfl -A new Sarqennt & -Greetnless timo- lock was attached to the Bank of Toronto safe last. Friday. - . ll 1"! f\ 1 n u A -Mr. 7ZI`3;:V1ker e sale was a. nenciel success. The familv expect to leave for the West about Aprillst. A421], . 1.1-. an I --TlZ1e7 };a;;e'a';zfft:t'1ve ;i;:t-:<-Jn last week looked like an editor in a hornet a nest. ` - 4 v._ :. --_ wt 11-. Inc- t$'Nie `Lettnice, Rd d as and Green `Onions at J amea Va.ir a, grocer. ' James Vair, a meet. is selling this week twenty-for lb of pice Sugar for $1. ` NIL- -_1_-.,,,s,I rn .. 117 no! Many B.ia_a.da.ble Paragraphs of Local Imiqrest. lTTbia is Bargain D3 . C. Irwin s. { Film for the Lenten Se son. In variety. ! at BOTH wnlfms. |The Latest News -The TorontoT Wofld. of Monday has the n"nIn:nn nnnnnnnnk . (5 TL; an-nnnn:l~:n~u nuwest current rates of iqtf55" tate. Municipal debgutufcl P`-W particulars app! to Io3.BayItI`eot,` otonl'.o.Dr.I9 -4% 1 T 3,-513.: Briey Told. IIIQIIIJ E IIEIIU GU IIVO The deceased was in his 81st year and was an uncle ' of Mr. Tboe. Smith of Monte. Scroggie & Smith, Barrie. \lUl'I.I IIIIU \lUUIlUIl \JlIIlIUUI.o We may well wish that when we all lay down lite : burdens, we may have fought as manly a fight as he. Tho A-Innnnnn nun: 3n Ida Hint tuner and . the mark. . Roch Marian, e Montreall-lorse.King, will he at the We ' Eton Hotel on Wed- nesdey, March ~15: =for the purpose of buying fty good noun saddle and carriage horses. Parties having ` imala to dispose of will do well to be a V e Wellington Hotel on the above date, hen they will nd a ready purchaser--at g ' remunera- tive prices if their horses are ll up to . x On Monday night a friendly curling inatcb was played between the following rinks : N, B. Johnson, Dr. McCarthy, 0 Patterson, Thos. Pearoey, ' Goon-go H028: ` W. E. Foster, A ' _ A, Brownloe,` sk-15. W; J. .H9,llt_t. Ilt-25 ICIWIUIJBU I-\ VIII? IIUVWCOIRL cj Mr. John Smith was a warm friend of the town and city of Guelph, and showed his sympathy. and interest in the town in many ways.` Though the present generation did not know him at his best, the reading of his former connection with the city will show them what they owe to the enterprise and Eublic spirit of himself and those like him.- e kept closely in touch with the city even to the last, and we were always glad to publish letters from him bearing on munici- pal questions. He was the type of citizen in his day that cities and towns are looking ' for in -these days. It is fitting that the first Mayor of Guelph should have been such - a man. and that his portrait should now adorn the Council Chamber. I17- _-___.-n _:_I_ A.L_L _L__ _- -1! I--- Last Thursday night R W. Bro. J C.. Morgan, D. D. G M , paid his official visit to` Corinthian Lodge A. F. & A. M. The following members and visitors were pres- ent :- The Guelph Daily. Advertiser of Feb. 28th has an extended obituary notice of Mr. John Smith, rst mayor of that place, for says that paper. Mr. Smith has been so long and intimately connected with the town and city of Guelph as a newspaper proprietor, as a municipal representative, and as a business man, and his life has been so full of activity that a larger tribute than- usual in due to his memory. Tn an at`?!-an-in] nnnnnrn flan `1-\nn:nn 35?` I `III? III IIIQ IIIGIIIUIJI In an editorial, appears the `following ref_e_rence to the deceased :- `I I,,, (`,,,!;I ,,,,- _._, _. E,!_ , J ,2 gI,A -E. A. Little, M. L.A., was home from Toronto on Saturday and gave THE ADVANCE 9. call. He believes that his bill for the de- struction of the barberry shrub will pass the Legislature and will be hailed with delight by the farming community generally. Lonoou AND CANADIAN _I'.QAN." AND AGENCY C'Q_MPAN.Y..-"Q; ; --_._.... \ ` BUSHNELL--In Midland. on Wednesday, Feb. 22, 1899. William Wesley Bushnell. aged; years, 5 months and 1 day. Ml:KlNLEY--At Penctanguishenc, on February 27. the infant son of Rev. and Mrs. McKinley. GINTY---in Bradford. at the residence of Mrs. Robt. \Vallace, on Sunday. Feb. 26th. Mr. Chas. Ginty. aged 75 years. ~ l\1eI.E.-`KN --In Essa, on February 23, Lachlan Mc- Lean, need 75 years. ' J CAMER~.`l\'-ln Tecumseth. on Feb. 24. Henry Cameron, infant son of VV. H. Cameron. M:i(l\'IGHT--In Essa. on'Feb. 25th, Mary Mc- Knight, wite_of Rich. McKnight, aged 34 years. ' `McFAl)I)EN-ln Essa, on Feb. 26th, David G. E. McFadden. infant son of VV. L McFadden.` cAvA.\"AG-H-A: Orillia, on February 27th, .399, William Cavanagh, aged 65 years. Ro'BERTsoN-Ai Rugby. on Feb. 23rd, George W. Robertson. aged 25 years and q months. . B.`3`.NSON-At his residence at Rama Mission` Post-i oliicc. on the 23rd February. 1899. loved and re- spected by every one, Joseph Benson. late Chief of, the Rama Indian Reserve, aged about 84 years; His was a grand and noble life. and his? death was :1 calm as that of the sleep of an in- fant child. His end was peace. - 'M.\Rl.ING-On Feb. 26th, infant son of Mr. and Mrs Thomas Marling, Cookstown. AF.NOLD--On Feb. 28th. VVilson H., son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. A. Arnold. Essa, aged '9 months. LlTTI.E--On Heb. 23rd, 1899. in the Dutch Settle- ment. Nottawasaga. township,- John Little. aged 75 wears. Mr. `Little was a genial Irishman. and one of the oldest settlers in the township. Mrs. Robert Little, Killyleagh, is a daughter of the deceased. . ` lVIORRlS0N-At Crossland. Feb. 24th, James Mor- rison. son of Neil Morrison, aged :8 years. 4 1 r nxv n 13,: _ .1, ll 1 All-.. .l_.....LA-_ -1.` '0f`cers--VV. Bro. Alex. Cowan. W.M.; W Bro. F. N. Warren. LP. M.; Bro. J. L. Barnum, S. W.; Bxo..J. H Willis, J. W.; VV.` Bro. J Rogerson, Treas.; Bro A. P. Wilkes, Sec ; Bro. J. (.3. Smith, S.D.; Bro. G.- A. -Radenhurst, J D; Bro. L. Little, S. S; Bro H. D. Jamieson, J.S.; Bro J. F. Jackson, I.G.; Bro. R. King. jr., Tvler. An adjournment was made to the banquet hall where a pleasant time was spent in the customary Masonic manner. The toast to "The Grand Lodge of Canada was respond- ed to by R. W. Bros. Morgan and Monkman; The Visiting Brethren by speeches from Rev. Bro. Pearson, W. Bros. Col. Ward, W. J; Sutherland. and Bros. Haughton Len- nox and D. L. Darroch. A recitation was given by Bro. Sneath and song by W. Bro. G. G. Smith. ' ovnu IL Ulu |S').UU UV IJU UU. _ A dull -trade in wheat in foreign markets made prices easier on Tuesday, 68c. being the highest gure. and graefully assisted her clever and ne- complished husband.--The Free Press, Lon- don, 0nt., Nov. 27, 1898. Grand Opera i House, March 13 and 14. .Brethren--R. W. Bros. R. E. Fletcher and George Monkman; W. Bros. J. B. Mc- Phee, A.` B. McPhee, D. H. MacLaren, F. M. Montgomery, G. G. Smith and R. Raikes, M.D.;eBros. T H. Baker, J. W. Anderton. IT. A. Stone, T. C. Bradford, Geo. Living- stone, J. Bailey, Wm. J. Church, H. B My- ere, W. H. Myers, C. E. Hamilton, Philip Love, H. C. Crease, George Ellis, W. Sar- .]eant, Donald Ross, J. Shrubsole, Hugh Cochrane, Wm. Hubbert, H H. Otton. John Stephens, Samuel Ship, Leonard Ship, Geo. Reedy, Wm. Taylor, Geo. B. Simmons, F. Sneath, Jno. M. Bothwell, J. J. Brown, C. Wiggins, Walter Scott and J . Sinclair. Visiting Brethren--R W. Bro J. McL. Stevenson; W_. Bros. W. "J. Hallett, Jas. Warn, W. J. Sutherland, I. Willmottgx Bros R. M. Butler, Fred Marr, Rev. M. L. Pearson, A. Thurston, J . Leighton, John M. _N_ess, W. K. Foucar, Rev. Walter Witten, A. A. Stapleton, James Hooper, J . S. Brun- ton, Meaford Webb, W. Johnson, Thos. S. Beasley, D. L. Darroch and W. J. Wylie. usuu5uu uulu uuu LU UUU lb pun`. Grain prices do not show much fluctuation; the best. wheat brought 69c. and 69c., the white variety selling at 683. Oats were firm at 32c., and pease 66. Judging train the small quantity marketed, barley. r e and buckwheat -are scarce. Potatoes so (1 at 55c. per bag by the load and 600 er [single bag. "Hay has risen in price dur n I the past fortnight. Several loads were sol [on Saturday as $7 per ton. Hardwood re- tains the high gure of $4.25 for short lengths and $4 00 for long. Ilrnnnri Hana nun-n nnnt-all `nl\t\\ /GA =n 5.. nwu tun uuu "P2 UV IUI Avug. Igressed hogs were quoted from 50 to `$4.85,. with very few offered for sale. Beef lsold from 35.50 to $6 50. A .1..`lI.a......J,. :_ ...L... .. 3- c__.':._._ ,,,__I-_-_ U The entered apprentice degree was con- ferred on two candidates and exemplied by W. Bros. Cowan and Warren to the en- tire satisfaction of the D. D. G. M., who complimented the lodge on the efficiency of the work done. ' yuuwu woo uuu Luncu Ila. ouster W88 In great demand and sold from 15c. to 18c. per lb. Modest Old Biddy, the farm vard hen, must be content now to take len fpr her eggs than during the past two monthsi The price shows a steady decline, the highest: price on Saturday being me, with several quantities selling at. 15c The tew turkey: on the tables sold at 10c. 3. lb., and chickens brought from 50c to 60: a. pair. Grin nfg I1!` nk hl\\ll rvunnlu Ann`-nnbdnn . .`_`The rapidity with which produce was purchased and taken away, was the strik- ing characteristic of the market on Satur- day. The intending buyer who delayed his purchase found, in most cases, upon return- ing to his intending purchase that some person else had taken it. Butter was in tn-not Annmnpl and ...l.I c....... 3:- ._ Io- __.. r....-uuwuas an Ivy" Iluvllu MAGIC, M|nTH,'nrIi . TEHY. nu-nu v- alio intflilltqnlr I`-|A I|n\rI('_cnII|A'A I 0'.- O`ic1a.l Visit Corinthian Lodge. {sma PER ANNUM IN Anvmciz -SINGLE %PIBS FIVE CENTS- Death of Mr. John Smith. Curling Match. THE MARKET. | Wanted. _ T A. F. GA % :'r`r. Pam. LIk_ewi.=e oice of N. Barber, S _er' Mfg Co. In.-in i 0ST.-BLACK PER`: I ' Mn: N. ......1. .....a c` oung mun. {wnu rlpnur. yum. nxprclu \ 0. This explmns w our coinpetentntudents get good posntions. a train than properly and business men know it. Members admitted at any time. Cataloxe free. n.-._Iu AAA:-Ann ` H e u All! u.:....:--n V 3.11) ume. UHEHIO C Il'9o 3o-lv Adan.-sa\X:_ H, su-mw, P;-incipam "1 r1fiI`' wI'II "`l`.'I`O (Lmrrxn.) Suascmuan CAm'1:An. $5.qoo.o6o. __ v A large monnr%%m\_q3gy Owes: current rain .6` :...a.-..`..`c. .s.."! `' " IUUII Ul'IInI-ll "99 `VV*`V 3'13 In WOMEN to accept position: in businen offices is not a common event even" inth o leading `Business Trainin School .in Canada the nxnwrn A I. minim: nnI.I.Ih:n-.- IIVII R Ir\lI| IIIIII II 0 IO UIIU `WITCH. ` Business Trainw `Canada OENTRA la SINES 00IaIaGEg n6 Tm-nntn. but this nctunllv occur:-ad rm Ian. I JIM` 'I'IIv II III} 8 I111! IJI IlIl3Ii)_ at Toronto. but this actually occurred on Jan. 26th. as fo`lows: a) Telegram fozayou wo- ` ll man stenographer. rom Fort McLe Sb .Tel- nnlmma. fnr vnnm: man- clerk. Union . tntinn- vu. own `van .v.v..-.--u, -v- -V _,v----- !\I_Ll3N-~On Feb. 27th. M. J. Allen. daughter of John Allen. Tossoroutio. . SMITH--In Guel h. on Feb. 27th. 1890; ohn Smith. first Mayor 0 Guelph, and uncle 0 Mr. Thos. Smith, Charlotte street. Barrie. in his 81st year. ROSS-`-On Collier street. Barrie. March .3rd. Janet Cameron. widow of late Robt. Ross, in the 80th year of her age. V CAMPBELL--At Beeton. on Marchizst. infant ohild of Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Campbell. ` `ROSS-~ln Barrie, on Monday, -March 6th. John N. Ross, son of David Ross. aged 39 years. 'IHOMSON-Suddenly, on March 4. at Orillia. Ont..- Eva, beloved wife of \Villiam Thomson. Presi- dent of the Longford Lumber Company. aged 33 years and 8 months. . .- The funeral tookplace at Orillia on Tuesday. I\'ESS-At Nantyr, on March 4th, 1899. William Ness, in his 37th year. An extended obituary notice will be given next week. A Rl\'OLD-0n March 4th, at Ivy. Randolph Arnold, son of Mr. James Arnold, A1landale.,and brother of Mrs. (Dr.) \Vest, Angus.-aged about 30 years. ' I nterment took place at Ivy on Monday. ' stenogrnpner. ICOIII POI`! Lucuuqu. D). SCI` one for youn man, clerk, Umon tation. h 9lPoronto. (c) Cal for young lady. tale c-her. . Temple Building, Toronto. (d) Telep one for young man. tteno rapher. Dom. Express Co. This exnlnins w v our coinnetant students Amt .59.%',JE!LL.t VOL. XLVIII: No. no A Suwu. Wasui. Pmprioto -waoLn No. 3347 1 ' _ to ' ` NOTICES or lat-:iv|ovAL. `x "N"iT\v ADVER'l`l8ENlEN'l`8. CCDCRIZIIPGI P YCIIISBG 0| |l'.`|' . no the headgofce of 'th: coshpytnya I nrnnI'n_ nu; in MARRIED. "fl gfnnnatrn. BORN. DIED. uu---nu l<`REMI3.H--KELLS--At Elmvale. Feb. and by Rev F. L. Brown. Samuel J. French. of Tiny. to Evangeline Minetta Kells. of Flos. CH'EW--WILLIAMS--At the Methodnst church.- Huntsville. on March xst by the Rev. 'ohn Locke. Mr. T. E. Manic Chew, to Miss . M. A \\/Hznne hnk A; N"! land. In ONE days for well qualm- ed YOU G MEN and nnnH:nnn :n Lunhnnan `$1- \N' LAMB MUFF-a Qa{';mFeb. 25th, near Innlllll Ii! `'11! nun BE ; on im raved ral cp- rc . For fut-,ther_ .$-.. -1` LL; an-sin-ants A large amount of pl-ivlate funds in our'hand for investment at lowest rates and _on(easy terms of repayment. , A _ ~ . ' . AIIIT D. llu ' either or both papers will kindly lemfe them at this dioe. ' I ` DKUUISS II 8 C01 UECHI ill TCIIBUIU l.\lllEI' III Regairer, and won! requesg our trons to entrust to im work of this discriptnon. espectfully youts, Gunman Hsmnmm. . l'\..A-... I-('s.6`.\... 'l`....:...- as .. `HI:-gkgbln Eb-.44 WAN"rED_oopiea`o Tm; -Noam. Tmm ADVANCE dated July 4, 1895." and J ulyA 1.1; 1895. T Parties haying MILLER--On the a8;h u1t., to Mr. and Mrs. Jame. Miller. Nottawasagn. a daughtoc-._ 7 McCLINOHY--In ` Midland. on" Tuesday. February 38th. the wife of W. A. McClinchy, of a dauph- ter. - - HUGHES--A son to Mr. and Mrs. `J. L. Hughes. Fennclls. V , ._ . MOSE~`.-A son to Mr. and Mrs. A. Moses, Wye-V bridge. ` BRAITHWAITE-TA da_uFhter to Mr. and Mrs. Tnnasnn Rrahhwnhn 9 Fn:vn'n Cnrnnrn, UERHARD IIBINTZMAN. Orders left -for Tuning at 5: Elizabeth Street will receive careful attention. Highest cash price ' for Endowhieut Insurance Policies,` in reliable panics or money leaned in . A '" """' o. H. LYON, - - '-- ll-.. nan anon}: `I. We take pleasure in recommendin MR. Fiuzb. Baoqxs an a com etent and reliabe Tuner and D-_...--.. .....A .......I .......--s ....- ....s....... 5.. -..o.....o iEii'.is"ii'tiR'S'L'" malt. om. .' Sterling Silver and Plated`; Were, Watches, 01eeks,Jew- ` H elry, Blouse Sets, Belt Pin, A... Belts, Newest Jlesigns; E Special Attention Given to Watehep ' ' Q. E TELEPHONE 2'soa s1v_ \ A Money! M<:`ney_! That desirable residence and ground: on me west side of Bnyeld street. Barrie. late! pied b the late Sir Cornelius Kortright, inclu ' getabie. garden. etc.` For fungelr aifglfnto ' - .4! nlinilvnn-1. `Rd:-I-33- I Lot No. 3. west side of'M to JAMES nmnnn. V CROGGIE 0 an acre. Rou h Cast Building, ary Street. Tone-fth of Stable. etc. Apply Tun _AnvAuc_: r . at ' 4-an to J nu ` Osmcm UKAI 1 W311. I?--l\ .(IR_U nter `[0. W11 . am! WIT! Jonathan Braxthwante. e Fanve s Corners. FOSTER---Twin daughters to Mr. and Mrs. David Foster. Thornton. ' I-!URST--On March and, 1899. arson to Mr. and Mrs. John Hurst, Painswick. g ENDOWMENT ' INSURANCE POLICIES NEW%- BA H"E ..SHOP Ii '0 ~ That Comfortable and Cotnmodious 'B1.-ick Rai- dance on Blake strut, immediately West of the Col- legiate Iqutitutn, known` as Boulderfel." having hot nu furnace and other modern conyemenoes. A -. plv `to STRATI-l_Y_ 8: ESTEN Bame- 0-It ,, .-/ SUCCESSOR TO S. B. WINDRUM. 31King St. East (up stairs) Toronto; Established'|88o. ` 3l-uuvv-_--,-- - --- v_,_,, Lo -, uid M treat. A 1 T: s.v Lav` ` `fuck ()rric.:YV.`. V " ' fen. > ,'Mta. 'S__proul. ond doughter, Rito. of Utopia;-hove. {who to Toronto to viIit"_`v;rith _h.o`r"mote_x'. _l;1gley`._and other . relqtivea. IIHIUFB 0! III 3%|"'IIlOI UK IIIY) HQIC Dy them. And notice is further given that immediate! after the said 1st __April. 1899. the said executors w lpro- cecd to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto, having re`:-`d onlv to the claims of _which notice shall have n given as above required. and'said- executors shall - not be liable for the said assets. or anv part thereof. to any person or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time aforesaid. ' ' . Dated at Barrie this 24th February, AJ). 1899` WILLIAM MCLARTY and JOHN CAMPBELL. A I)-.I__.L__.__L L`. _1!,, 3 son. vv -u----cu. .v-van.---o u-nun Jwncov waning candida-lg Executors. per .G. A. -Radguhurpt, their Solicitor, V Barrie P. '0. 9-1; FULL LINE _or-' * ANTED--A` God coox. a`nd~a1.o' . NFsi: GIRL less` than 16 years of age. Apply at once to MRS. S. DYMENT. to High street. 9-tf uo1.-Dl.4Abl\ run LV LIUVID m.urr-a 1.1 balls on each end. Sa. day. Feb. neat A`,Ianda.le. Reward at ADVAN Oice. no-Io.p insure or wnmum 1|lel.All'I`Y`. Notice is hereby `isen. pursuant to R.S.O. Ch`. :29. Sec. 38,~.that _ _ claims a net the estate of William McLartv. late of the ownship of O,ro in the Countv of Sim V Farmer. deceased. who died on or. about tl1e ;:i February. 1899. are hereby required to deliver or to send by post. pre id to Q. A. Radenhurst. arrie P. 0., solicitor or Wdlmm_ ,McLarty and John Campbell. the executors of the said deceased. on or before the net of April. :89, their names and ad-. dresses. and full particulars of their claims. and the nature of all securities (if any) held by them. And notice is further driven that immulintnlv -fear redntors and others having i H. M.l.0 IINT K E P I N G A GLOGK RIGI'IT.._n_I PIANO T f1jUNING. EXEGUTORS NOTICE` TO oREDITo`R.s.L A BOSANKO'S NEW BLOCK. OPP. Bmuun HOTEL; I or first cla.ss_work in the Shaving and _l-lair-cuts 1: line go to him. _ ' b nmfnrt and ntisfnntnon zunranteed. 6-:8 R. A. DougIas,| `That desirable residence and ground: on the west .:a- ..c n....a.Ia .n.-4.. `Inn-In.` Inmlnmunied bv the 6-:8 THOMAS s':|:'1a:1:'rcH` Li__ ._......I - HALL-~ LAWS-On Februarv 35th, at the residence of the bride's arents. by Rev: A. H. Wrciht. Mr. Isaac Hal. ofTossoront1o. to Miss ive Laws. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Laws. Sunnidale. .,___--_.- ----on . -. . an a {line to man: omfort and aattsfactnon guaranteed. Town Properg for Sale. Bulmma, LOT %ro'ALs. A__I_. n._Q 1i is of more importance, or of im rtance to more people, than a. watch. e un- dcrtake the regular weekly winding of clocks in the home or office. and attend to anv repairs that ma. be necessarv. promptly, reasonably an well. NEW Anvnnusnmicuu-s". FOR SALE, g 1-IV. Ibtf 86 Dunlo Street. AULTT 4. COWAN. LOCKC. LVN`. 1 - I3. IVHIIIIC _UCW, I0 LVIISS In In A. \Vi|liams. bo of Mi land. HAIGHT--MAI KAY-On VVedu-sday. the zst of March, at Chicago. by the Rev. Frank Du- Moulin. Walter` Lockwood Hai ht. Crown At- tornev. Parry Sound. to Helen. aughter of the rate Hugh Mackav. Esq. To BE LET. ~ .- LI- -._.I t"-__.._-.I! Has opened a. Y C Iillnp ` Solicitors. Barrie} Box 301. Barrio. fS;iii};, Bnrrig. ' . run INTERESTS 01343313, "rm: covnjnr or snccon AND `ran? nonunion or" -camna _oqn cnrrnnron. B ARRIE,TCQUN1`Y 0F SIMCOE, ONTARIO, MARCH 9, 1899. . \ BARRIE MUSIC moved six doors East 0 s:ocl_< Heiutzman 6: Co. ' Berl\_n Organs and a. full I: _ Musxcal Instruments and Sup - 1 fl ORE (Five Points) haire- 1: old stand. We keep III ianos. the celebrated of Whaley & Royod. f FTC fl_ `_

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