Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 16 Feb 1899, p. 4

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t we new name wili be added to. the Subscription u Itil the money ie. paid. Subscribers now in arrears for three months and over till he charged $!. per annum. hands. Salvage (}oodN`rbm the re are also placed. on sale. circumstances, good people of Barrie and District :- McIntyr, Son E C'o.?s Stock, $418;' thln i9 0086 the Mclntyres to Import tize me_r- 000, sold adjustment the big Cv"reem_3h/telds_ Fire. Irwin, one 0)` largest buyers from west, only buyer ffom _Barrie, went in for a liberal_ .-u--.-.v- cw -----`a -- -o--cu-`cu. -vl.,.J. Regrets were presented from J amen Ross. Dr. Chilton, R. 0. Bell, D. Beach, and Time. Hart at not. being able to be present. A few pleasant hours were spent in speech making, recitationa, songs and social chat_ Before the wet ems. hours came all lefc f_or home feed- ing that another oasis in the journey of I life had been passed. H. chum, M.H.O.; Robe. Robertson, .Dsvid -Besth, Auditors; Jnhn Harri- son, Assessor; Hy. Liscer, Rd. Mg:-.1: and James Johnston, D.R.O. The Clerk wsstsken by surprise but managed to make a. suitable reply. 'D-..._-A._ __..- ..__--_J.-.I ___. ,__,, Collingwood to Torauto, `air line. via Beeton and Aurora. ` " vMiss Bertha Bell, daughter of Mr. Wu. Bell. Banda. gave us a. call on Monday, white visiting other friends in town. II Irv 1\ Q1: I D . . n Mr. W. R. Mick. who for the past few years has been employed in the big clothing establishment of Peter1Jameson. Toronto. is now clerk in- the clothing establishment of 1 W. A. Burrows here. Mr. Mick is a former resident of Barrie./-Port Arthur Herald. fgynuqni 16. 1899. A. J .`SARJEAN1'_ V ih) Collinwmd to i Toronto u.ir. lina. via Colwell and Bradford. ` ` % Barrie is beautifully situated on a picturesque ll , overlooking Keinpenteldt -Bay. an arm of L e Simcoe, nine miles long and from one to three miles broad. and one of the prettiest bays in Canada. In summer boats ply daily to and iroiii neighboring uninnier resorts and parks. The population of Bar- rie is 7.000. Streets and sidewalks are first class and luadsome residences are nuirierous. _Sireets, public buildings and dwellings are lighted with gas or elec- trieitv. The waterworks and sewerage s) stems are very eicientgand rovide spring water. good drain- age and reliable re protection in every art of the town. Barrie is a railwav centre for ntral and Northern Ontario. _ Thirteen assenger trains arrive and depart daily. The posta sersice is all that can be desired; thirteen_ mails arrive daily; there is roinpt tal collection and deliver; throughout the urn. here are eight schools (one Separate), em- alanine tl-iirhunnn tn.-ichnrn 2 twelve nhiirr-lies- ihi-ea lOl|pI. (ax couecuon auu cleaver) (nruugnuut um: ploying thirty-one teachers; twelve churches, three weekly newpapers, one commercial college. every dell is market day. machine shops planing mills. met In` I. saw mills. marble" cutters. bicycle worlrs. t builders. tannery, breweries. ten butcher shops, sever-n Ll ret-class hotels with reasonable rates, threeliveries, three laundrnes. one creamery and all other modern conveniences. Stores are numerous and-carry full es of all kinds of rst-class goons-. com etition is n and prices _are as low as in a. city. elegra h and-day and night telephone systems connect t e town with all places near and distant. Barrie is fast becoming a. favorite resort with summer tourists. fl"-TI:-:{ NORTHERN Anvumcz .8`AMU-EL WESLEY, PROPRIETOH 81 per Annum in Advance. All 8 Page 48 Column Newspaper. `I3 Published from the Office, :23 Dunlop Street ' Bettie. In the County of Siincoe. the Pro: vinee of ` Ontario. Canada. every ' Thursday Morning, by Tnihl leave Ban-ielfor and an-ivo from Illdormontioned places as follows : T Fol. - ` TORONTO. II-OI . Cidllaansvn-vandal: up I-Ianovlianl \JldVOI\r_oVI _ 1 _ muuun 1'0 ALLANDALB. 1.3: _l1m., 7.51 a.m.,_11.17 a.m.. 11.43 a.m., 5.24 p.a., 5.3! p.m., 7.44 p.m. . ' ALLANDALI TO muuun. 1.47 I..I`n., 11.1: 3.131.. 11.35 a.m., 5.20 p.m.. 5.25 push, 7.40 p,m.`,'9.o5 p.m. gggggq -w--w_- -v- -V---. .g:: ;::::? A......E' n;.%%%::';`:?` 0 " V ` `yam- II A `III 853K` w--vw r---f- - GRAVENHURSEK NoRrn'_-3Xv: V W [LIB mm. . Mail. 5 88 pan. I-80 p.m. Atlantic & Pacic Ex. 11.48 " 0.10 ", North Bay Mixed. 7.80 a.m.. Gravenhurst freight (youth only) 9.85 " ` COLLINGWOOD & MEAFORD. www---. 11-17 mm. '0 p.m. ' `Loki! for a. mo;nent at bh proposed l`rnvo|Era ;ho;ld secure a RSIVIVAV-N1C N3Vy Radwf ' as Illa and Hand Book-issued monthlv. V ._,_____~, >aAafh|: RAILWAY` GU|QE._ - V HAMILTON. 81 mm. Ezntgx-glam ` `;;.I:AI41DALI 8: BARRIE sE('f{o_N. BARBIE 'l`l'.\ LIIAHYIAIIF 511? mm. ' VT Nfstivea made SINCE 1870 ` to dafe not` `Injured by re; Duplicates can be had. PHOTOGRAPHER. THE TOWN or BARRI. Tums orsuascxxrrxox. Express. PENETANG. Accommodation. Accommodation. J. Frank Jackson] for`t7h'e` pin 36 for4`n_aI;_a`h`ipmen_t. _ . i..l_:t_z` In 'opemti;n uud tho: waegq LiIk iI.I.1999 and* Kengpelh-`1. foldt `Bay so favorable to \-_~,-, g"3g.._t.`__:",'.",`! there is the possibility " that Barri A mid become the Trent: Canal shipping point for this part. of Uenbra! On`!-aria. ` n .1 1|- T .'1`here is A` urgent `reason for `thefor- mation of a Board. of Trade" to look after the mercantile and _ oommeroial interests of Barrie and vicinity in this Trent Canal scheme which innst. event- nslly benrealitv. e V T ln\ I. yanwvuuaruvnn usv Uuvu lulu IIVJIIQV IIUW. -0 0 0 omulihlllr Ho ` of is visiting friends in the neighborh`oo`d. . . . . l`ho' teameeting in oonneoti n with the Presbyterian church anniversary, ~ on Monday` vening"la|c, Iva; n` ounces"! ndnnially `and otherwise. - After an excellent -to`n'%n_ gnod .~Pt03l'I)_lIme of music and npenqheu, - ending with loan- uu; :wn - xen`deipd.- ywbijle t'ha"} "pi-oi; _ `gramme`:4wai all gogd,j._uho* singing -of r ?hIiAini~N j;nwk`*= ' i :.V1oute ,(f) at: `seem I practic- Table. ` V " -' ' '1-an Nmw mamnnnlsm. - t The Budget `Speech of the Ontario Government is quite in keeping with i the New Llbel'nli8.lIi, which in n? every common` stock-in-trade in Oannda just now. The old Liberele with their ideas of retrenchment. must feel very disappointed in their younger brethren who have introduced the nevr idea, _whioh, whatever else may be said of it, is more costly than the old. - John Hannam won ehe medal in the ` junior competition of "curlers. The less game. was with Gilmom-' Reive, and`; when theelaut-zend was pldyed it` was 3'1 draw, eo ghut another hndigo be played; when Jlm` wen.f.'-=f.,Mr. anti Mb. A. "_Misce'mpbell are Tbotli `lqid ju`_ec_fnoy; u....n...:i' u .ur.*u...... ..4- A..'.....;..-.= South Suncoe Lodge. The annual` meeting of the South Simcoe County Lodge was held in the Orange hall, Alliston, on Tuesday 7th ` inst. County Muster Robinson of Newton Robinson presided. A large nurnber of thebrethren were present. The reports of the secretary and tress- urer showed the county lodge `to be in good condition. ` A lsrge amount of general business was transected, includ- ing a committee to draft a resolution of condolence to the family of the late Dr. Norris of Cooltstown. ' The election of oioers then took place, 1 . P. G. M. Luckhsrt. presiding, end resulted as follows: John Robinson. County Mus- ter-; T. M. Gueenwny, Tottenhsm, ` Deputy Oounty. Muster; Rev. A. Wil- son, Chaplain; R Bell, Utopia, record- ing secretary; R. Henderson, treasurer ; John Irwin, Arlington, Financial Sac- retsry ;_S.- Summer, director of cere- monies; Ohurles `Wilson, Relessey, lecturer; D. G. McOurdy, -Tcttenhsln, deputy lecturers. The semiosnnusl session will he heldnt Allistcnion June 3rd.-Hersld. i ` ' It is hoped that Judge Ardsgh sl decision in the hockey trial and his! remarks in connection therewith wil_l ` have the welcome effect of reducing` rough play in the eld of sport. The primary object of athletic sports is to develop and strengthen the body. An I observer of the vaveruge ' hockey, ls- crosse, or (ootbellgume. asplayed now- a-dsys would conoludethat the object. in view was the destrnction dud` annihilation of the body. Anti-election_ pledges -were alike in both Canada and Ontario. Laurierand. his colleagues pledged `themselves -to reduce expenditure, but they are no sooner in. power than they close their . eyes on the pastand open` up their! hands to deal with the new Liberalism, which, atlthe end of about three years, has run the expenditure up by several mil_lions.. The first two months of p 1898 forced Hardy. Jr Go. to show. their hands in Ontario affairs, and from every . election.-stump in the province belched forth pledges of economy.. A year has nearly gonesince then, however, and the new Liberalism has rolled up a decit of $396,422, with a probable shortage, according to the estimates, of $500.000ltor 1899. The debt in 1897 watt $5,084,223, and in. 1898 $5,283,`- (9) Trent Canal from Georgian Bay to-85. Lawrence River. through Simooe 0ounty,~vie, =-(1) Orillie to Wdubau nhone ;_(2) Severn Rifvet Canal,` (3) Nottewasaga. River and Kethpenfeldt Bay. `The County Council got through with a lot of important \'vork at last week's session. The newly elected Council have given ample proof _ that they intend to become fully acquainted with County sifaits and run the municipal business of the County them- selves. ` ' V 492, L4 incieus or $200,000. ` mnrronmz. sons. 1 J. H. Carnegie, M.P.P , will` intro-. duce a bill at this session of Parlia- -ment asking that the County Councils be hcreafter composed of the Rseves of th municipalities comprising the county. uounrIuounan. In L7" . - :(Co,ntin.t;n?d from 9830 3-) ` - | On Friday evening Oounoullor Bruce " drew aoeenuen to the `fact that ,the .0--umy is s*ill._pe.ying- $65 inaurenoe on 3the house which asqod near the.Regietry Qofee but `wee `sold end removed two or, W-22 We 9~.- e .I 1'; .I,- ;I__ ' van` we vw--a_ v- Ouunoillor Henson thought the: the Auditors should receive more than $80 for their work ; the pay was not at :1: oommeneurete with the o.mnunt o_f work done,. and the valuable suggestions given, ~ There wee no notion teken._ RE W-AB'DEN'8 SALARY. Oheirmen-Gruhern presented the fol- lowing report :f- n'I'h...4. : ..... ...L .. 4.1.- ....L:....a. ..`..u..... w- you vs .iU| 1i.5u_{":Zdo'pu. llII..'" ' ...I..l._'. .|.'..` _ Looking at these routes from a- county standpoint, 9., b, c, and `J, may ho it 01:69 dismiued for they would be ,0? benet -only to the termini Oolli9g- wood, Midland, qmd -Toronto. ship- Jnents wom_A'ma.de from ._loqal pinta 7.1; thea_ aim them` would i lie mtg; gr no ybsnat to the public} `for .U:lIO'.fGB'I0h8I.45h1Ii'lt is only dliting vet]; cutgrta peritdufthati benet f -u":-ivwed .lqc;illy fipiii E1161 tailwyy 'liIjq'a`.` 3 j'?j;A iraitpfrwisr, 'ui_3lile uj-i1'w.y;; ii ffo, all "no;moirs mod: 5":i~iIs 'A i;l;c'gc:rd`gocou n .,....,se.d,.a ta) .o l_1e_8` a_l- O r`e _ Sanford` svlyhiw _ noionI`ooALreport;'i\t`t:ho Jpne l a member who has proved himself so Hunt--Bruce-a-That this Council ac- cepts with great regret the resignation of Mr. James Fraser, County Council- 'lor_for No. 3 Division,,and desires to express the hope that the Council will not be long deprived of the services of ' valuable to the County and so faithful- ly represented his`Dtvieion. ' . SALARIES OF GAOL OFFICIALS _ O. E. Hewson, Chairman of Special Commttte re salaries of Gaol oicials, reported that the Committee had in- terviewed the Shert} as instructed by Council, with a view -of making some provision by ' which the cost of main- tenance of the Gaol, so far as salaries are concerned, might be reduced; The She-ri' expressed himself as willing to accede to any reasonable request that the Council might make so long as a- `ciency was not impai d, and after due- cussing I the matter Elly it- would ap- pear that if some arrangement could be made hv. which the Gaoler and Turn key might reside in the Gaol, a saving in salaries and cost of maintenance could be effected of -$500 annually. `Your Committee believe that changes of the_character`indicated can be made at a comparatively small cost, and would recommend that a Committee _composed of Messrs. Quinlan. J app and Hswson `be appointed to procure infr-rmation necessary and the_prcbable cost to make such changes and report at the J one sessicnof .this.Council."-Adcpted. ` run ascnrrscr_'s aceousr; . A "G. W. Bruce, Chairman or the Spec- ial. Committee re. the Architect's ac . count; reported that the Committee had examined theaccount bf the Archi- - tect foreervices in connection watghe House. Refuge` _ as carefully as aible ' with the -data =.hefcre. the_m',_, A B679` 5.1194"; -90` iex.hsuative~.ocusnltatiOn3 1 the__._A_rchitect ` with `a'_ view to an - pimioibld iottlmbtil ibntg hm. um i_srf;`I"!tiI.fItt6,rjytl'.srrIns6-l i t !ith:.:tlime;.e- .A!--'h9)-hid 1*! `$0-liosbb t ;3!.i7""t_5};`-.`i., .`-'l`i"?il1`=*.V5?m9i!5: .f`..Pdl!53. A _'--. `V, >:. -....-- --,..o-- . I That inasmuch as the subject matter contained in._ epecnal report in connec tion with the mileage "to. members has isince its adoption been duly taken up and legislated upon. your Committee recommend that said report No. 1 he not printed. with the Minutes, and `since it has been found that Mr._Suea'th, a late Warden, has not received any sum ,or sums of money illegally or unauthor- `ized, with the exception of $5.60 which he received for renewal notes on J an. 17th; 1898. ` , to recover the amounts `la-tte1`-"discussion it wss decided to`. .print -the report` In the Minutes. Conn- cillor Harrell saw every. reason for publishing it ; he said all `business of -the Council should be published ;A' no- lthingshould be withheld. Councillor Hewscn was desirous to know `whether the Council was gain to take steps Efrem the War- dens of 1897 and 1898 and if not, then he felt called "upon to takethe mwer up himself in the interests of the rate I payers. The Warden of 1897 had no Eright to take $5.60 nor the Warden of ' 1898 the amounts charged against him. The `discussion ended by Councillor Bruce charging some nf the Councillors with being too impulsive. ' " IIVI... D..,...:_ __.| n._-_i_..,. n__._._:..-- -------- "3 "' '-r`-"""" ` The Roads and Bridges Committee :recommended that Donald McArthur and Jarvis,H-trvey be re appointed care xtakers ot Vanvlack` and Kirkpatrick bridges, respectively, at salary of $10 each.-'--Adopted.` SENTINEL PRINTING ACCOUNT. Wright-- Leatherdale-That _a Com- mittee be appointed, composed of Mr. Hewson and Mr. J amieson to e'ect a settlement with `Mr. Hughes for his printing account, and that the Treasurer pay such `sum as may be ordered by said Cotnmittee.-Cai-ried. ` COUNCILLOR` rnasnn mtslexs. ' On Friday` morning Councillor Fras- er, of Tottenham. resigned. He said his election had been fprotested because a Deputy-Returning Olcer had retuaed to allow several- nun residents. `to vote. As that oicer acted in good faith, Mr. Fraser did not feel like lighting the protest and thus probably saddling part or all of the costs necessarily an that oioer. . The loss of the ballots had also some elfeot on 'the protest ; and in view of all the circumstances, he preferred `tolet the people rather than the courts decide who should be their representa- -tive._ The following motion was then iunanimousiy adopted by the Council: 1 Anvmn neuron.- l mi` 1'o'17-1'i::9iiA11_- numws. V . I The gpeoial Committee to Tottenham lballots reported :-- 7 ` I V Midland to Toronto, air line,: dsolwell and .Bradford._ ` " I `*1. 'l`.hat;ths_re is ucfdoubt that tho` Tottenham ballots-were `by t_l|_,07 County" Meesengerin. the Clerk's ollice at Barrie. 2- That the parcel c.ont.8iI,1-g_ ping the ballots wasopened by the Mes s`enger.- e 3."'.l`ha`t there is no evidence that the said -parcel was opened with any wrongful` intent. 4-.}Thh.t yon!` Committee are unable to ascertain what became of the ballots after the said arcel was opened. ' 5. `That the Clerk was not aware of any proceedings in the recount being taken until after the Judge had advised him by telegraph` and therefore could know - nothing con} cerning the missing ballots and that he should be exonerated from all blame in connection with the matter. 6. That the Messenger was not-guiltv of any wrongful intent to perpetrate a fraud upon the election, but that he was ex`:-`emely negligent in the per-' formance of his duties with reference to the said ballote.'7-Adopted. nuances nun conrnacross. Councillor Henson said that since the report was adopted ordering that balances, as certified to by ex-Chairman _Whitesides be paid, he had found out that the balances as stated by Archi-_ tect Bird and ex Chairman Whitesides did not agree. The matter probably admitted of satisfactory explanation, but before the balances are paid he thought the matter should be looked into. The Council then appointed Councillors Ross, Quinlan, Bruce and Whiteside to nally dispose of the matter, without an further certicate from the Architect. Dear .8ir,-Ws, the undersigned Township Uioers, who have had busi- ness relsmons with you dxiring the seven years yon, have "faithfully per- formed the several duties `devolving upon youss-Clerk snd*3'_. l`reas_urer o_t`_t'he" Township of Ore`, embrace this op"po1- wait? if * e:`wfeII*=ish_;to:1*0u orm-mrrei~ 193 `1 .`?'SP 3V: d"*` v- -----v was up --:--vi:-`*"\(II&I\a\ I:lewaon'-Quinlan-. -That the She`:-i' perform .the duties heretofore perform- ed by the Gaol Committee, excepting dealing with the contracts for wood and supplies. -Carried. ' ._--_-.n-_ tn _ _ _ . _ _ -2; u -. .- When the Ore Council on the 8th _inet., as the Clerk was packing up his books. etc.,` to take his journey` home, he was invited by the Council to come up to `the Caretaker : house where a sumptuous supper. was elreedyjeprend. After all had partaken heartily of the good things provided by Mrb. Bell,1ll `repaired again to the Council Chamber when Reeve Campbell, chairman, called upon Robert `Robertson, A'uditor,'foif I ` preudinj. which ran `ad `folluja vvvc ' The following accounts were also ordered to be paid :-Jas. Gallagher, $1.50; J. H Neelands, $14; `Tele- phone Co., $8.85. Hereafter the Tele phone Co. will have to append to each item the name of the person sending the message. MAINTENANCE OF VAGBANT8. Hunt+Gr`anam---`l`nat the Clerk be instructed to send to the head of each municipality in this County a list of the names "of the inmates of the House of Refuge for the maintenance of whom the said municipality is liable, with in- structions to the said `beads of munici- palities to appear before the House of Refuge Committee at its next quarterly meeting. the date of which will be far- nished him on application by.the Chair- man of the said House of Refuge Com- mittee, if he the said `head of said municipality objects to the liability bf his municipality to maintain any one or more `of such inmates.`--Carried. DQIFPIIVWO : \lII IU\IO Councillor Hewson [said that tho Sherri!` is allowed $100 per annnm by the Government for doing the work. llnnlnnbetnuu II` A E... L... onon-v-: av. uvnua VI-IV WUIBO u`. Tl:e"';`n'1est.ion of a residence for the Guoler was left over to the J unease- -"'I"he.0ounoiAl'a`djourned at 4 p.m. on Saturday to meet on June 190]: at 2 pm. T V ' H. J. Euahope, om Qidfimuumr, (Mu. . ` - ` The Finance Committee asked that the Auditors report, Clerk : and Treas- urer e reports, and Meseenger e report re lncenees he left over until `the J une eeesvon.-A,.dopted._ ` m..- n _-__:.._-_ _.____._-;___|-_1 .1.-. A writer on another pogo of this issue suggests _n. wnteway `from Georgian Bay to Holland Landing vii Novawuags River, Lake Simeon, Holland River, thence bylair lino to" Toronto. v V ` . V . The acummittee recommended that the tollowing accounts for distributing ballots be paid :-L. C. Hughes, $4 ; J. D Banting, 85; A. Beardsley, $19.10; Jae. Spears, $16. It was also` recommended that hereafter the Clerk distribute ballots by registered parcel post.-Adopted. L_ n..:4Q1 -I_- ._---.._._. __ .I..I --- i-.-r---- The Committee also recommended that the grants asked for Continuation Class be made with the exception of No. 10 West Gwillimbury where the certicates were `not satisfactory.- Adopted. A list of these grants _waa given in last week's ADVANCE. The iollowing accounts were ordejed to be paid :-Geo. Livingstone, 320; _J. Davenport, $9.96; Dyment & Son, $3,; J. H. Will1a.=l52.39 ; H. H. Otton 85 Son, 750.; Jae. Vair & Co. (House otiRefuge) $129.20.` The Committee said they had received an account of $8.14 from Wm. Sibbald for ehovelling snow and doing other work about the Court House, and, after carefully ex- amining it, found that the County is liable for only $2.50 of it, and this amount was recommended for payment. -Adopted. VIM... l.-lI,_.:.... ----.._L.. _-..- _l-, Jmuncn commvunn nnpowrs. Presentatidn (`D191-k :'_i`udhope. I J-_l3:gM1TH. Greatly \Redu+ced - `Prices. kindness at all times shown to each and all of. us in our several capacities as Township Officers. Your knowledge of municipal law and your willingness at all times to give good counsel and advice has endeared you to each of us. As a more tangible proof `of our esteem for you we present you with and wish you to accept this small purse as a slight proof of our respect and good- will. Wishing you many years of health, happiness and usefulness, and that God himself will freely\pour out hischoioest blessings upon yourself and your esteemed-partner in life, and that He will lead and direct you in all your ways through life and in the end re- ceive you into His Heavenly Kingdom, we remain, yours fraternally, Geo. Campbell, Reeve; J. W. Shaw, Geo. Malcolm, Samuel Pearsall. Donald. Cameron, Councillors ; James Ross, 0:. Councillor ; R. 0. Bell. Collector ; W Ne><%tBar2ain Day at TRANSPORTATION ROUTES. ` As Collingwood and Toronto papers have exhausted themselves in cold type arguments favoring the air line which will probably never get beyond the castle in the air. stage, they will keep silence while a word or two is spoken in favor ot the Trent Canal, a project In which the aforesaid are interested onlv to oppose. If all, the proposed routes were constructed, this County would be much out up and persons to: tunate enough to reside in "Simone would have passenger and freight at their own price. . Mak ANoTE1% HIT. _We_ know t_here ll be consternation among competitors when our story's heard. Bht we c9.n t help it`, friends. These are times A when no `business can stand still and live. There s got to be a breeie "aloft and a move of the sails, with a good hand at the tiller and a. watchful eye on the horizon. This House sails the Sea of Trade. It can t abrd to tie up at the dock and waste ' good timeand favorable weather. Here then, is thestory of our latest voyage :`-We ve been East, 3 vihere wisemen go to, as well us come from. ,It'was Montreal. There :was ha. greet Insurance Adjustment Sale and we come in for a Huge Slicz. %Jas.Vai1* 4` _h chandisa. This means that {L of Dress Goods, Linens, Cdttons, Gloves, em; etn. :.,`will added on our ample shelves, from the rst house in at_a rat'`o:hn the $ which need not he specied, but Mark the cir : L.%i%9u}ch5s&%%:th' entire stock of R. I. FRASER. ta; lbw rate on the dollar. Goods have been 'inarkd%. this mdrning. %%%BusiIi_ess will be c 1 No. 96 bum. f 13221, next door 1. Barrio Hotel. % Come for Bargains, _as this cl; must be cleared out (.) 0. P. R. via. Bond Head, But? :10, Cold water, and Wau bauuhene.` %

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