Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 16 Feb 1899, p. 3

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_ v w`. _. _r._..._._-v ~o.;u..;i.1.;,o.n;.... ;sz;.g.,; . Architect was trying to extort`.-(money fioth th_9 County. VH9`, the 'epea_ker.` `would just as soon go down into 'o`man a pocket and take out his caehhoe to take 11: in the manner the. arohiteot'e,hill' atatew; The Arohiteo could beat law-- `yarn, doctors, or any other persons in get-ing fees." `I-9 II I .I I . And_ the {men who make coarse shoes could not seeed` in making the ne gen- " t1emen s s1:i_QeAyQu want to wear. _ ' The S1aer Shoe is made in the gn_1z factory in Canada where ` . _ T- 7 gent1emen s i_i3_e_ shoes are maae. `__ Ev-J Q `;` : -7 7 7 I T Goodyear welt ed, sole stamped with makers trade mark and pricgz $3,oo, $4.00 and $5.00., shoes by mall. Catalogue free.` 1 }....AkNDGET....%. % _ 1 % 'rno%Mos'r of. the sear ` i 1'0! In Mon:v..rrouom%on-tesy.` a'Aanu'-."s LEADING Joa `PRINTING OFFICE. Ed! s Matches smco-I-:'s PLQNEER Nzwspnpsmg G" S1`/IITH; BARRlE "AND s'rnou D. M. `J. Frawlgy, sale local Agent. Chairman Murphy reoommendedl-that the following Contiagenoy accunta be paid :-'-H. Coleman, 85.07; V J. H. Willis, $7.35.-Adoptd. ' 4 No. 5 DIlNl0P ST.. TP Flll. ADVA N C E PROPRIETOR. BIN DERY Freig`hjL`%Cars vs. icycles. ._ The man who builds freight cars could hardly build a ne bicycle. 1 ALWAYS Buv M,. M.:.::.;;1;;;;.",,,....."'"';;o.,.u.., few weeks in Lindsay.` 4 ' ~ * " Q|-__ I 11- `If: V: >~.':u" LARGEST CIRCULATION, " MOST NEWS-MOST ADS. ONE_ ISSUE A WEEK, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. -- ----- --v-` - Sever;/l'sleigh Alonduvftom Van spent Tuesday evening at `tho. ten-inn Parsouag_e- i `I5- I n `..n~-"uric .n;' Revive; eettiiveeah ii odist ehurch on`_ Tpjeeqay Next week they_ere"t6v"b_6.90hii13d*5-3" the Pnfeebyterien 73. ` mam, J1i6d;`.1"V1'LB9`.9i' Wyevsle. . Advance; Corfqspoudcnoe. (Continued ' 0;: {I380 4-) ' Councillor Harrell scored the late` House of A Refuge Committee in: not having a proper inventory of House of Refuge property. He had asked for one but could not get a satisfactory answer. The price should be after every article. He was told that the goods were tendered for in lump, that is, we `will give you scmany articles for so much money. He thought such methods were very unbnsiuesslike and most unsatisfactory. ' LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. T The Committee on Legislation re- -commended that'Rule 62 be rescinded lend the following substituted :-- _ The i first witness was Mr. Percy Brown, of Toronto. who was referee during the match in Midland when the alleged assault was mad}-. V He swore that he was personally acquainted with Labatt but not English. He remem-. _hered `the trouble on the night in ques- tion but did not see an? blow or col-A lision.- Labatt fell on theice not far `from ' him `but as he, -the witness, was watching the puck, he did not see what happened immediately preceding the occurrence. He fell on_'his back, but Ildid not see any blood until they were carrying La-hatt o` the ice. He could not say whether the blond wasa result of a blow on the ice or not. Witness said he did not see any foul` plalr. ` ' Cit III I \ ` CHI `I ` C ` C Dr. Wallbridge. of Midland, said he was watching the game in question; saw Labatt and Engliehoollide during a scuffle for the puck between Labatt and White; He saw Labatt fall, but did not think English. streak him, cer- tainly not deliberately. It the waiting room he dressed the wound on Labatt e- head. lt.might have occurred from a" fall on the ice or a blow from a atick. 1 He will not swear positively either? way. ` Last. Wednesday afternoon Edward English, or _ Midland `Hockey Club; appeaied -before _ Judge Ardaah and pleaded not guilty toassault'ing.Knight= H ly -Labatt, of-'~Oollingwood club,` with intent to do bodily `harm. He also pleaded '.not guilty to assaulting Wal- `ter Wilson. Having elected to be tried before J udge Ardagh the case was" proceeded with. Crovyn Attorney Cot- ter, assisted by Mr. John Birnie, of Collingwond. conducted the prosecution, and Mr.` H. Lennox, assisted. by Mr. Finlayaon, of Midland, had charge of the defendant's case. - ' The mmana-uomngwooa mumei ` %satt1aa%inuourt. * V: I.abatt`swore as follows :-I scored three goals in the second half of the game. I was coming down on the ice on the south side with the pack. I saw` Fenton and dodged him and then ran into White, who had put himself in my way. The pack was then sent back to the other end. I turned to skate after the puck and when ve yards on the my I `received a blow over the head with a stick from behind. I know it -was a stick. I remember. my head turning to one side and do not remember anything farther until I was sitting in the waiting room. There was no collision. , I am positive I didnot fall on the ice. Hockevfatch Before Judge. magn Then followed Peter Paton, Albert Ivy, Walter Dault, Mr. Rose, E. `H. Telfer, Thea. `Noble, Norman Rule, Joseph Olew, _Ra1ph_0lark, Murdock McKay, Albert Simon, Wm. Fair, Capt, Clark and others, numbering in all 26, who agreed on A, the following points :- l ' . (2) English struck Lame deliber- ately. T ' .` 1 I (1) There was no collision previous to the accident. ' ` " ' ` (B) English dealt the may froth be hind, Labatt being. on his way for the puck. Rule 62.-'-The l Warden, Treasurer and Clerk shall prepare the pay roll of mileage and per diem allowance for such days only as the members are in actual attendance-. All membersjshall give notice of the mileage claimed by them` respectively to. the Clerk who shall report the same` to the Council for conrmation before the_pay roll' is prepared. A The Warden shall issue his warrant on the '1`reasurer`,for the amount due to each `member of the Council as certied to by the Clerk on the said pay roll, and the Treasurer shall pay the same from any County funds in his possession.--Adopted. GRANTHTO ROADS AND BRIDGES. _ Chairman Quinlan of Roads and Bridges Committee, recommended that" the following grants be the only sums given for roads and bridges at this aes-' sion :-- ' Lake shore, con. 2, N ottawasaga.'$30 00 Van Vlack bridge . .. . . . . . . . . . 10 00 Bear Creek bridge.a.- . . . . . . . . . 3 18 Kirkpatrick bridge. caretaker... 10 00 Approaches to Vespra-Sunnidale 1...: .J ....... '70 nn run DEFENCE. The first witness for the defence was the defendant himself, Edward English. He swore substantially as follows":-l was a rambler `on the Midland Hockey. team on `the night in question. I eaw Labatt going down the south side of the rink. _I was opposite him on the north side, going in the same direction, expecting that the puck would be played across _to me. I saw Labatt collide with White, the point _ player. It was a pretty sharp check. -Whitefell " to his knees, but Labatt retained his! feet. I skated aorosato prevent Labatt '4 from scoring, a,n d~_gave him a heavy body-check with my '-right shoulder. We fell backwards in, opposite tions. I was stunnedfor a,_seoond or two but at once got up and the 'o'rowd' had then gathered. . I didnot notion. how`. long .[Labatt lay and t_hink,I did not 110 `thine -3-in {mil Bennett 69!-.s ms. nu the s .`-`."i.'`l'=h'*.~ .?itl!-3?! T 1 i ; (l)f The accident was a result of a. collision. * . V e (2) English did nomrike Lebett. _ (3) English fell _on his back on the ' At the end of bio days,` that is at Friday noon, the evidence was all_in and then began the addresses by the lawyers in charge of the "case. (Continued on page 8.) ` Advineg Conepondence. Mrs. `Tracey is laid up with the !a- gt-ippe._ L - 11- >1 I .1 2.! 12 ,1 "l\_- ct um. nor` he-at they. hit! -dz-kist any thhtvoald merit as d_issp'pro vd`o~-the O.A1_I.}A. Executive. ` Witneee said that he did not threeten enyof _(.3olling'.w 9od~yieyere nor any`-one else on the rink; he only told `Fair, gfter an attempt of the letter to triirhim You better not try that trick again? ' He did not think he `was very excited at the time of _the row, but admitted striking Welter -Wilson, `of Collingwocd. Witness said he did not heerany cries of "fonlf or f`ahame. I 0 1 .1 . -.I, _; LL _ _,_l'-._-_. 'l'18;6l.':8_id thaftlgat tlie referee was unfair in his decision. `Those wit- awdrn that he struck Laihatt aware what was false, Eng Iish voonclndd: ` James Calman, Midland, next gave evidence and. with him the twenty or more witnesses agreed on the following points;-- " p_- nun - on . V 1, p WJa;ke and Mrs. MoDrnott visited Chas. MoDermott- lgat Friday. largo nulnber `from this vicinity` attended the sales of Mr. Hubbert, Innial, and Mr. Brown, Sunnidale. Committees to auit__ thamaoljec. (Clnam . . Mr. bampben as oonenl has a: pine log to. be sawed at his mill which is three feet and a. half in. diameter at` the top. 4 u A I ; . I " TLizz:ie, M cDe1-mote, of Bu;'rie is visit- ing for 3 week at J aka McDermott'a. _ number of people from here attend- edthe funeral of Mrs. Goaalinglaeb Fri- day. ' Shewas a sister _of J no. Travers, Grenfel. A u-iHar1'~is ia on the sick list. Dr. West is in .a.tt.endance. - ' 1 A little settlement of ehsnties has been formed in the swamps. Among those cutting wood are Messrs. Scott, Young, and Holmes. They call their swamp village the ` Klondike. ` --r The try 3: a owing well;nt Hector 0am.eron s has not been very successful. They had bored down two hundred and forty feet when they struck a. rock. The water has risen over one. hundred `feet in the pipe since. Mr. Kitchen, of Minesing, had the_ contract; ' A. social which was` held by the Gienfel Methodist people at Silas Mason's was a success in every way. The evening, crowd and cooking were all that .cculd be desired.` The pro- gramme was short but interesting. The Grenfel Quartette sang two selections which were well received.` Proceeds amounted ' to $10.80. Two_ more socials will be held during the winter months. and Mrs. Mason deserve greatful remembrance for there hos- pitable reception and I entertainment of their guests. AV _wGeorge Jackuisn left for _Bu'alo on Saturday. Mrs, Wm. l3eGeer is, at present, veryill. ` p -u-~u7 In-.0 1-nail- fliissra. and R. McKinney w_ere| `visiting in Innisl over Sundgy. 4-C IUIUVJJL-U V\I I I-9; nut nan.--9-avg:-v-so V? I bridges . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. 79 00 *Tossoront.io-Adjala town line.... 75 00 -Adopted. ' The funeral of the late" Mrs. Dobbin took place on Saturday from her. late residence; to the Church of England. The services were -conducted by the Rev. J. H. Teeny. She was one of our earliest nettlere, and for many `years had been a great eu`erer, She was in her sixty-`fourth year, and leavee a hue.- nand, `a son and two daughters to mourn her `death. We extend our eympathy_ K to the bereaved relatives. i On Mondev, January 30th, death on- itered our neighborhood, olailning as ite victim, Mrs. Taylor, on -"old 'reeident`of this village. She hed been ailing for eome time `end endnred~ her intense eu'ering with .0hrietien. fortitude and resignation; ` The funeral V took place from-thefemily residence on Wedneeo. day, .l!'eb." let, to _.the Beptintohuroh, the service-beingoonduoted bythe Rev. 1`. Coven.` A` large` number` followed the eremeitng to theoemetery. She won in her 7'uxlty_-ret yeer, ilfldlenvee be hind n deughter to mourn ;the: loss of a .kind -ed 1qti9cithot!:er - ~ e ; p:~_`..-;. _'.-;e;I_.2;_-; \. ~ . I Giwl_Bart MoIa`fny,'hd his T1egTao- oidens-uy 5r9kenVieh*13r3 : I __ _ _-.*g`_-L; I._'__.1_..` ;_.- mi. lamb: two I T20 hte for last week's issue. ` W"I',i.) JmvAHOE - ----- -u V-7~C?.jyF.' `- The Ins;-;ta tax-gh. .JapaneIe,, ` the points whe urn: mlt _ ever gust n the lion` ehnvebeeh `"50". 0 ` toiuch. It's: pene- ` tntlng, soothing, h I and men enln \ go and, allaylng e fnlumna on an 7 ea! us without let 3 the slightest bad 1 utter-results. The on guaranteed Caiclaitgh \ an:-A Inn at all drnr I, ` * nag aaa:"er Bruises, Sore Back, Burns, .N.euralgia., ` Lumbago, Sore Throat, and` every other ailment where outward.a.pplica.tion is wanted to give quick relief. . ` ' 2 The Finance Committee recommend- ed that the account of Messrs. Smith 85 Bird, architects, for $800, be refer. red to Councillors Bruce, J app and Hamilton.---Adopted. TRENT VALLEY CANAL. On Friday morning J. Carnegie, ex-' M.P.P., of Peterboro, addressed the Council asking a grant towards defray ing the expenses connected with pub- lic meetings, and delegates to Montreal and Ottawa re Trent Valley Canal ; he also asked that delegates be named to jointhe combined deputation that will wait on the.Ottawa Government in the matter. 1 AGRICULTURAL STUDENT APPOINTMENT.` iieks old--t.he first in this paft. Miss Ida Proaser has returqed home from a. visit with friends in Keawick._ % Mr. John Watt; the only son of Mr. and Mrs. i Alex. Watt, died on Friday afternoon last. He had his. dinner as usual, _and'while sitting in the rocking chair a few hours afterwards fell life- less to the oor. Heart disease isgiven as the cause of death. The funeral took place on Monday to the Presby- terian church and cemetery at Guthrie. The bereaved parents have the heartfelt sympathy of the neighb -rhood. _ am MACK warm, the well-known > trainer or the '.l`ox-onto Lacrosse Clnb__and losgoode Hall Football Club. writes is- I consider Grlfntlrs Menthol Llnlment un- equalled for athletes or those training. I 1 I. _ _ _ _ ....I {L gllg `In- Innnni gunannnnun no-.1 ` C`!-no - - - . v - - - - . - - v ~ v - v - v-v -_ ___-._- chnve used it with the but success; can heartily recommend It for Jame, back, atlt!n'ens_ soreness, sprains and "alt forms coAowgl_1lng and inammation. Spnsl Veepre. Council. Council met on Feb. let, pursuant to adjournment, all the members ;resent, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting were reed arid conrmed. Sold at scagqrs Drug Store. - AT ALI. DRUOOl81'I-2l OINTO > Communications receivd fi'om.Wm. Bremner, Hewaon & Creswicke, Alf. Beardsley, Wm. Hirona, Clerk` of F103. D. Peacock petitioned the Council to attach his lot, 15, com 2, to Union School Section-No. 2, Oro vand Veapra. A largely signed petition was laid before the Council asking that a new School Section be set off in the neigh- borhood of Minesing station. ' amcyoo_.1n.,uA;..mmm.n. The Treasurer presented his nancial statement with the Auditors report thereon. ` There were eleven applications for the oice of Assessor. Gazette and Examiner tendered for printing. T. `Sutton and "D. Peacock tendered for purchase of timber on 3rd line. Sev- eral_ accounts wereiaid before the Coun- cil. on the leading roads and bridges of the Township money be expended for road purposes for the current yesr. % 11 4- nu _,_-J--- -4! r iiielazy-Wood-That'tlie tender of the Barrie Examiner for printing, be- ing the lowest, be accepted. ' 111;: _Wood-Lewis-Thut the Clerk an.- qwer Mr. Bremnet-'0 letter re` cleaning out Marl Creek, informing him that the work must he proceeded vmh.` T Wood- -Finley- -Thahttihe Treasurer's `aooounbs for 1898, as audited, be accept- ed as oor ceot, and that the Clerk be re- quired to get; 200 copies. of same print- ed for use of the retepayerlyaerequiredi by law. ` 'Wood-C'aldwell-'l.`hat. the Reeve and Treasurer be requested to issue the .Swaley Creek drainage debentures and` have them advertised for sale. ` _f Co`unoilloi' Wood wag appointed to look after the Township : interest to cleaning out Mot-l Oi-eek. CC.` C RI In Committee of the Whole "Charles Stewart was chosen Assessor. ."For his sppointment a by-law `was introduced, read three times and passed. The Finance Committee recommend- ed that the Council do not send a stud- .-ent to the Agricultural College this `year as ii; is now the middle of the term of .twc'yeure~. Councillors. Ham- ilton and Quinlan` moved the adoption of the report. Councillor Fraser moved in amendment~thatWm. Sample he sent. Councillor Murphy moved in amendment to the amendment that Duncan McLean lbe,the' County stud- ent. The amendment to the amend- ment wes declared lost -and then the amendment carried. , . The tandem of Thee. Sutton and `D. Peeoock for the purchase of tim- ber were not accepted, - The account rendered By _the Sunni` dale Council for building zculyert 0 can line was not accepted; ' V _ 65 U led to be made :_.s. Wesley. 31.50 ; N._ W. E. King, $2.72; 0. F. Wastie, road work, `$2.50; Wm. Opupland, on Swaley . 01-`eek_ drainage con tract, $55; D Littlejohn, __ repairing bridge over Mlutthawion Creek, 324 - 53 ; Registru-'8 doo, {oi 52s.; rujtin Johqa9n;%g,gg.v1,s1.76g.j ` V - The (3ouno-;8jqu:ned -lgt `M.Il`0`lI::. next atV1Q_a.m; _- > ` ' '|liJ'{iiTa"E'NT %"Wood-Finlay-Ordejred that only" The following `pziynienta wore order- tuiliw I Ann IPIIIIIII. Y `Inc gun 50 it all drug iu`.mxvns'rnn'ns'uzrr u-rum. (`Too late for last week : isade.) The Finance Committee recommend- ed that the action brought by Mr. Gowan, of Glencairn, against the Coun- ty for $5000 damages, as a result of his father's death through a bridge in November last, be referred to the Spec- ial Committee re Sanford.-A-Adopted... Sm: grit, Clerk; l Wf 1 Cflll l8|(C`I'8 of all kinds in; stockvor made Vtoqrder. _Robesj, Urape and all Funeral Requisites furnished. Orders by Telegraph or_ otherwise promptly attended to. `NU Irv 17 V --a_-.-..--VJ! na.vv-vvvvvn , III IIIIVVVI Stoamworks a|id%SI|o;Room, Golhiier-31., Bahia` B_AB_B1_E_ All kinds_ of Blank Bdoks ruled to` any pattern and bound at reasonable rates. Magazines and Music bound in splendid style and cheaper` than city prices. _ A - ~ ' Let us quote prices on your work before sending it out of town. ' ` U NE T A K E R, K 23f? _Q R 311} IQ - - BOOK ROBT. CRISTOE, The Printing Committee recommend- ed that the Betson Wcrld be given the County printing for" 1899, and int Walter Scott : tender for stationary, including $2 wcrth to each Councillor, be accepted.- -Adolpced. _ V

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