Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 16 Feb 1899, p. 1

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FR/\TSER- On February 9th. .399, Mrs. w. `c. Fra- ser. of Massalon, Ohio, formerly of Allandale, in her 68th year. - G01 D--At btayner. on February 3rd, Mary E. Gold, ag.:d,)x8 vears and 3 months. ~ HUGHFS-In Tottenham, on Saturday. 4th inst.. Marie Ceclia. infant daughter of Mr and Mrs_. L. C. Hug_hes_. aged 1 month and 9 days. P(NI(ERTON%At Tecumseth, on we 5th inst.. Mr`. Samuel Pinkerton. aged 96 years. ` ` !ERL`uUSON--On January 31st. Mrs. Ferguson, Nottg-wasaga. aged 92 years. !"RENCH-On the C.P R at Medicine. Hat, Fem.-T ary and, Ben French, formerly oi Colliugwood. MILLS At Victoria Harbor. January 26th, Mrs". Frank Mills V . 1.! 1' , ,, Y.`l___,_.I Trustees Kelcey, Rhinehart e.ndeBa-ll were. absent from the regular meeting of the Pub- lie School Board on Monday night. Care- thker W. T. Dodds of Central School asked for an increase of, $5_per month in his salary. Principal She'ar wrote that owing to the low temoerature in his-room on the 10th inst. he was obliged to dismiss his class Mr` I:laugh- ton Lennox wrote that he should he allowed to send his children to" the South .ward. school free as he is a tax payer in the town I Mr George Ball wrote `thanking the Board ~ for re-a `pointing him to the Collegiate In- stitute card. The communications were referred to Committees. REPORTS OF SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. The reports of the Principals of the `vari- ous rooms shows the attendance during Jan- uary as follows. The first number is the` .total number on the register` during the a month ; and the second number. the average ; attendance :-` l wu\"\:L:rin7 agent; $5,. 500; premium, $41.25; expires Nov. lush, 1899. ' `I A] _ L `l _.____L___ I"I-- 'I _'I'.__._-.. _..-..4. _ IJUUUUH Go l.uIl.lUll.Blul'l7. Ll . J..I.a| Pct, ngcuu , $4.100 ; premium, $30.75 ; expiljes Nov. 10th, 1899. ,,,2_I 1'7. 2--. 1..- D_._-__-.. ............ -7 loch, 1899. 7 Commercial Union, Jno Rngerson, agent ; ` $2.600; premium, $26; expires Jan. .21, 1000 C In answer to Trustee Reid, Trustee Mont- gomery said that he had nothing whatever to do with placing the insurance with the Western ; the business had been done by the Chairman of -the Board direct with the Com- pany's. head oice. . . SUPPLIES 1'0 BE` PURCHASED; The Property and Supply Committee re- commended that 12,000 blank forms be printed foruse by teuchersin writing to par- ents, the present supply having been nearly exhausted. Also that two ladders be pur- chased` for Central school, 1 for West ward. Avllandsle ladder repaired, and I step ladder and 3 small" clocks for Allandale school.- Adopted. ` - _.._---.._-- -n.. -no--I `noun:-. Board will B.equira $12,723.50 for the .13 Months Ending March I 131:, 1900; % y I Chairman Vi ard 2 of Financeilommittee reported that the estimated expenditure for the period from Feb, 1, 1899, to March 1.` 1900, is as follows :- ` Barrie Public School Debentures..$ 295 88 _ n I! n Coupons. . . . 357 48 Allandale Pub School Debentures 228 16 II n n Coupons . . . 43 58 Insurance. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ' 72 00 Treast1rer s bond; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ` 10 00 Treasurer's salary` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 00 Interest in bank advance . . . . . . . . 100 00 Teachers salaries, etc . . . . . . . . . . . 8700 00' `Building and Supply Committee. . .2151 50 Repairs... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ' 670 00 salary Repairs . 4. . . Regular Meeting at " ` % 1 Public School Board 'rom........;.;.....`.....$1272s 59 Th Building and Sup ly estimates of , $2,151 50 are made 1: as ollows :-Fuel (2 i years). $954 ; light, `: waiter, $112 ; print- : ing, $125 ; furniture. $75 ; caretakers, $785; ` ext :1 for 1 month. $78.50. _ \l sv}-nu, usurp wv _,u-.-.n 'McEACH.ERN-On Feb. xoth. 1899. Mrs. McEach-f .-..-.. -ulln AC Mun M Q Mnnnnhnrn, prhnvznnl nf . The estimated income for the period is as , follows :- . ' T j Cash on hand . . . . . . .8 371 65' I 00. Council grant. '98 150 00 Dept. grant, 1899.... 150 00' Dept. P 8 grant. 1899 671 00 Non-resident fees. . 40 10- Model eohool feea.... . 100 _00 Estimated expenditure _Lx.ee income... . . Anit. required by levy $11095 94 The above estimates were adopted. PAYMENT o1r'Acoo1m'.rs.V The Finance Committee recommended that the following accounts be p_aid :- Wm. Strickland . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$ 5 50 Water rote . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 80 W. J. I:lallett....; . . . . 400 `J G. Scott` . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . .. 600 W 0 Andrew.`...-. . . . . . . . . . .._.A.'. .2 00 J.`Bender-gon.....j..Ll'...' . . . . ...v,.. 3 61 `Welter . . . . . .. 410 _E. Brown . . . . . . 150 .`Mia|U'"K;inq..........;.`.~.;..L... `_ 5 00 Johamngt wmen..-.`. A 4.. 66 G`GI_Smiuho`opo`vo900.000 . u o o sconce-~ J00. N80lI.IdI....'t_......Q-....;.'.. ' ` 1 Kn 11.1.. 1'? .l _-.. U; L UUICIIIIU 0 I 4 Kilian`; Lee;.... ` Truefee Reid ob]ected to thepaymenn of $4 to Mr. Ballets for making up a combined report. of the four scheme for 1898 for the Education Department. - Some months ago Mr. Ballets had` been wpoinzed aesiun Prin- cipal merely. to prepare such reperte and that he had been aIlowe_d84 for 18975 reports, '.l).urs_ir was not intended to, pay-1. similar emount every year He considered it Mr. Ballets : du y to prepare web in re _rt,wich- our, ex1;re.pey_, 3.. Trustee, Wgrdg nut `that had fhenot promised Mr` gllew: Fi. `to f `;ig9~eL,yqu1er:`gygdo Sinoje j DUO. Lohdon & Lunoashire. Hy. Harper, agent ; A inn. ............:...... dmnl-'.. nvnil-nu `Man ----_.._.._: '1"ot.al.,'. . . .. .%.;..$1632 65 Totil . . . . . . ESTIMAT-ES. FOR THE `YEAR. oooouooocuuoioncon I I O I OI I Q o , n o o o _ ~ - u - u . - o o so > c o o u o a o o o . o o I I on n o - u o u o I C Q u c u o I Q at s o ` n n o u h u O Q u c Q o o O I n u u o o : o o o o ' Q cu - Q u I Q O I o I o o v I u c o no v-- a-- -' My thanks are due to London. England. tbroug Matthew C. Hinshaw. ot payment made -0 me to-day 0 cies on mv building on Dunlop reet. destrsiyed by ire on 3rd inst. . `v G PLAX ` Barrie. Fcb. 14, 1809. Atlas Assurance Co.. bf cir Branch Managqr. treal, for the prom t nal amount of po i-. Coupons nk iea, .. lupply Total. Average AR . 24 1 [$12723 59 1632 65 40 .45 ' 52 .46 39 BIIUII EBDIUIOGIJUU GU UIIUJ IIIC IIVUIII VVlUn Trustee Reid asked that his toti_ce of motion re Fifth Form be allowed to lie on the table until next meeting. wnrJ_.Mnr.nnnnn__'Phnt flu: Qonnnl-av-It Trustee.Montgomery `gave notice that et the next full meeting of the Board he will move that a.Committee of Trustees Perkins. _ Ball, Reedy and Montgomery be appointed to in vestigate the School lioard account _with the Town, and be empowered to 'employ such assistance as they ma) deem wise. ' 'l`I-nnrnnla nah` nnlvnt-I that H`: l'l\f:lII of |1llU UIIUIU Illlbll LIUAII lllUU|IIl5o Ward-McLennan--Tha.t the Secretary write Miss How of South ward school can- gratulating her on her auccesaln winning the cold medal at the Toronto Normal School --Carried. L speaking to Mr. Hallett he had `ma the by-' V laws and thought he should prepare the re- port as a part of his duties. Trustees Mont- gomery and Smith claimed that the account \ was all right. ' The report was adopted._- 1 Is Music 'ram`:n'r 2 Trustees Ward and Reedy moved that every teacher on the staff submit to the Board `a statement of their qualications to . teach music and also the amount of time de- 'voted to the subject. Trustee Ward said from his observations of the subject as taught in some of the classes, the suhjectis receiving inadequate attention. The motion carried. ` INFORMATION BE PUPILS. Trustees Ward and Reid moved that every teacher submit to the Board a list of pupils , who have been in their rooms more than one I year, and that teachers write after any pupil s name my remarks they `may wish to- make. This motion met with opposition from Trustees Montgomery. Smith and Mc- ` Lennan, `who seemed to be terribly distress- ed that the names of such pupils would be `published. Thev sxtggested some quieter way, say through the Principals or through `the Chairman of the Management Commit- tee. The motion was carried by the follow- ing division :- - f ` v@lIQ,__n@AC' Ahllhif I IXIYIII unuu 3 NEW . B2$.g;?9ER<- SHOP Barrie Districi: W111 Attempt - to Raise $1450 for the Montreal Church. On Tnesdaysfternoon the following min- isters and laymen met in Collier street Methodist school room to discuss what; steps the Barrie district should -.1'.a.ke towards us- sistina St James church, Montreal. through a. nancial crisis which willplace that church under the auctioneer s hammer uuless.$650. , 000 is raised forthwith : Re-vs" M. L. Pear- son, A G. Hudson and Joel Young, Barrie ;' H. A. Fish, Hawkestone; A. T. Ingram, Minesing; F. L. Brown. Elmvale ; Thomas Leonard, Dalston; A. Richards, Hillsdale; A J Paul, Wnrminster; and Messrs. Geo Ball and R Gross, Barrie ; and` John Mid- dleton, Elmvale. _ V "D... II. 13............ l`l...:--an-. .-.3 clan I..- \-llrlhllll, l'J|Il| VOIC- Rev. Mr. Pearson, Chairman. of the Dis- trict, presided, and explained that on the church there is a mortgage of $650,000, which the mortgagees threaten to close un- less paid. The congregation itself would pay $100,000 ; the Temple building could be sold for $250,000, and the rest would have to be raised by outside help, $100,000 having been allotted to the conferences. excepting Montreal conferenge,which alone would raise $50,000. Toronto Conference had been asked to raise $22,000. After some discussion the following resolution was adopted : 7-. .. A -nut-v-VI 1 ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 1.3 , ;s99. trom the Chairman of the District a state- men! of the action of the Conference Special Committee in reference to St James church fund, in which they undertook to endeavor to raise the sum of $22,000, being their pro- portion of $100,000 to he raised by all the conferences outside of Montreal conference, their iudgmen' being that the amount this district should raise is $1450, resolved that this district expresses its hearty sympathy with the nancial needs of St James church, and will do its utmost to raise the amount of $1450 on the circuits of the dis- ` tricts as promptly as possihle.-Garried. | izrkilaliiishi--Zl(3(eo(rge -Ball--Having heard 'I`he 'following ratio of the 81450 was placed on the circuits mentioned. It was distinctly understood, however, that the amount is not a tax ;_ the congregations are merely asked to raise the amount if they can possibly do so :- Collier street church, Barrie . . . . 200 E izabeth II n n . . . . .. 55 Burton Avenue in u 55 0rillia......................... 200 Augus............c'... . . . . . `65 Dislston......,..- . . . . . . . "110 Minesin......................._ 55 Hiltsdule... . . . . . . . . . . ' 100 Wyeva|e..;...`...... .......... 50 Elmvs.le................ ~85 Penet'anguisheue................ 25 Coldwater ......;......... 185 * Midland ..... 75 4 Wa.r.minster...........;........ 55 ` Huwkestone~......._.... ...;.-.... 65 ` OOWICIQCCCCIIOU 50 Rllm&.......... u - o o s 1-'9`-otoosns ` V it was arraug'ed_thec there be `an inter- change of ministers and lsvmen to have charge of the subscriptions, dates to be xed by the,congrega_tions themselves. `The fol- lowing plan was adopted :- - I\ Iii ,, _-_--L l)____2_ . `l\__;-._ -A____--_ Collier street, Barrie; Burton Avenue, Barrie ; Orillie, Mineeing and Severn Bridge to be provided for by local arrangements. ` Elizabeth street, Barrie-Rev. H. A. Fish - Angus-Rev A T. Ingram. l)alston-Rev. M. _L. Pearson, Sheriff Drury / . H1llsdele-Mr W J. Psrkhill. Wyevsle-Rev. F. L. Brown. \ Elmvele--Rev. J." W. Ghurchil1,'H.. L. Loveriug. ) . Peneta.ngnishene-Re_v. M. L. Pearson. Midland`-R.ev.. R. .N. T Burns. `Sheriff Drury. . _ Coldweter--Rev. M. L, .Pea.rson. `- Wsrminstet---Mr. H- L Lowering. Hawkestonie-R.ev `B; N. Burns. Rams--Re9i. M. L ' Peerson. . ' At the Annual meeting of the`.I`ount.y L. L0 L. at 'St.nyxier the folloring ocers were elected _---County Muster. `E. Wilev, Not tawa : Deputy Master. W. J Douglas, U01- Iingwood; Chaplain, J. Leighton. Barrie; Corresponding Secretary. G. W Bruce. B .A.-. Collingwoodg Fimmcial Secretory, Chan. Wiley. Nobtnwu ; `Treasurer, W nL'eu.ch.' Dunnroon; Direouqr..of,..Cernnoniee, D 340-. Cuteheon. Cpeemore ; v Leetgurer.`$ J. McGee, Stv-vrmi: Dpusv Lectmr. F M.1-Mn`. N ays-Smith, Montgomex-y,'McLennan -3 INTEREST QUESTION A9413. F \.lIVIBI'lIuI ii `Yeas--Reedy, Reid. Andrew. Love; Ward R 1-1113 l'I\1l`I YTIIII UT!!! (Lmrn:D.) A Suascnuaao CAP.ru....$5.ooo.ooo. A large amou tvof MONEY _'l'0 LEN at lowest current ra es of interest on agfroved real ep- tate. Municipal debenturerpurchas . For further; pm-tivulars appl to this head office of the 5:oinpitny'._' xo3Baystreet, oro t .or|o . . ,, . -Iy -.. _ "3. an.nnAxvrn;.__.13gu-iokv TO AID ST. JAMES CHURCH. meet church, Barrie .8 200 h o . KVGDUB . . . . . . 55 guiaheue................ or . . . . . Dt8l.`............`........ tone-......._.... .....-.... Bridge .25 Total . . . . . . . . . Ogutlty L._ O. L; - . . . . . . .$l450 F|"' " "" ""'l5' V--Mr and Mrs. E. Donnell held a very enjnyable party at their residence on John street, last Thursday night in honor of their guest; Miss Bertha. Strong, of Bradford. M A _v._-_., --v --w.- -u vu -a--3' 5;. --Mr. Chas. Paslling has vrithdrawn his resignation as Treasurer of lnnisl and has been re-appointed by the Council. .4:`l'1 *l `If 7 ---An illicit still case from Bradford was in progress in_ the police court yesterday afternuon as we went. to press. The defen- dants are Messrs Lowe. ` _ ` -Mr..Chaa. Hick`-ling was taken ill on the market on Saturday and since then has been seriously ill at his da.- ghtex-'3, Mrs. G. `G. Smith, with congestion of the lungs II,, 1 ll rs ?\ II n ens, Gents Furnisher, has 'n Ewan : old stand, next we store, and will sell he recent re as great ER. A Ste resumed .bnsines door to Frawley all goods daved fro ly reduced prices Documents on file to prove this statement. 6elv - W. J. ROSS. Princip _ ,' _ _`____-_ -About -two miles from Duntroon last Saturday morning, Mr- Nathan Devine, while exigaged in chopping wood, was instantly killed by a fal ing tree. The deceased leaves 9. wife and three children ` -A meeting .of the people and council of Midland lasi Thursday night; declared in favor of submitting a by-law for 9. $50.000 bonus toward a charcoal furnace and smelt. ing-works for the Canada Iron Furnace Co. oranges.-Marmaladeu, Tangerllms. Japanu. Vairnclan, Florida.-, I`.allI'or- ulas, Naval: and scvllles, at Bol.h`Well5s. -T-;-A ggthertng of little toll; was held at Mr. Wm Hubbez-s'a on I`hursda.y evening last. in honor of Anuie s birthday IK-_-.__ T.\4_--.I,_- a um I` --M:ssrs: I*;r$.x;'l' viz Devlin have pur- chased the store formerlv~kuown= as Mann's bpok store, next. d`oor to Bank of Commerce. ___u\ no . __ V -, -_.- -.._v- 3'J. rMc](:m;i.9, G_ene;al Agent Excei aior Life Insurimce Co , has opened an office in Central Block, east of Barrie Hotel. tf W - W j-11vst.V;[-)c_x!;;1' `1(1;>-:;'-choicca. in R. A. Lowest prices and V ER. M Ness stock-of Groceries Dutt.on s old stan . choicest goods _____..., . .._ - _-_. .._v.- V. - ___-~` .._ ._.-~. -.. -.. V..- _- --An effort is in progress to bring ,the distiugniahed`()ana(1ian Tenor, Whitney Mockridge, to Barrie. He sings in the Massey Hall as the Lady Halle concert: on the 27th inst , and if arrangements are made will be hate on the 28th. -In pursuance of regimental `orders ot the 6th inst . all non-commissioned oicers . and men belonging to Nos. 1 and 2 compan- 188 Will parade for_drill every Friday even- ing at: 7 30 p m , an the Drill Shed, Barrie, by order of Uapts. Macllaren and Comm 1. III 1 r\ A I `rm 1 Many B.eada.bIa `Paragraphs of % % Local Interest. lLMie1{e*:1.l_sl"AL}u Mms, wee, on` Mon-T day. found guilty by Judge Ardagh o_f bur-_ glarv and theft: at M. Coughlin e in that village, and was sentenced to six months in Central Prison. The evidence wa.~ much the same as given in the preliminary trial, which was reported in 9. recentg issue of THE ADVANCE - ' . an nn (`I 1 ,_, 2, ,, cg. L,,,l__ LONDON AND CANADIAN LOAN AND AGENCY COMPANY, II nun--nun \ orahges for Marmalade. 15. per. dozen, at BOTIIQVELLSS. I it 1&1 - `- um u.. -- -- -3/lessrs H. J. Gra.seto,AAlex Brownlee, Dr. McCarthy, Philip Love, George Hogg, J. McL Stevenson. Walter Patterson and A W." Wilkinson left on Tuesday on a cunning tour They will plafht Penetanguishene, Midland, Coldwater, Orillia. and other placss. |The Latest News --At 11.30 on Sunday morning re broke out in Mrs. OuLra.m s residence near _the East ward school. The brigade turned out prnmptlv and saved the main part of the house. `The woodshed and rear part; were burned. The loss is `about; $200 ; there was some insurance. Mrs Outram is thankful to neighbors andj others who gave her assist- ance in any way in connection with the re. A. . I I D .I 1\ u-uvv .- vs... vvviy --_ --y....vv--'.. vvuw-a .--v ---. -At the annual meeting of the Barrie Creamery Mr A. Hickling of Minesing occupied the chair, and Mr. R. Robertson of Shanty Bay was appointed ecretary The following auditors were appointed for the coming year :--Wm. Standen. Minesing; George App?egate, Alliston; James Henry, Thornton; John Carter, New Lowell; W. Brown, Shanty Bay : James Digby, Hobart ; Messrs Jas. Henry, S Jacobs,` Minesing; R. A Thomas, Mr. Jameison ot Hillsclale, and others addressed the meeting on cream cry work. feeding cows, storing of ice, use of Separators, and kindred subjects. Entire satisfaction was expressedis in Mr. Thomas management of the creamery. In the Town Hall last Thursday evening a large number_ of citizens received much valuable and interesting information on the Trent Valley Canal, which is designed to furnish a short waterway from Georgian Bay to the St Lawrence route, but is at -present in a semi nished condition. The principal speaker was Mr John Carnegie Ex M.P.P., of Peterborough, who is verv full of the subject and an authoritypn Trent Canal matters.` He urged that the com `p etion of this great waterw_ay would revol- utionize transportation changes from all local points in" central Ontario,` a change that would he a great boon to farmers in that they would get hi-.7'h'er prices for their grain; By referring to reductions in rates caused by the Erie Canal, MI. Carnegie con- cluded that the Trent Canal would have similar effect on the rates from Chicago, Port Arthur, Midland. and all local points to Monvreal and the seaboard. The termini of the canal are Gamehridge on Lake Simcoe. and Trenton, ne'er Belleville. The proposed terminus on Georgian Bay is Waubaushene. i At present there is'a stretch of seven miles - not constructed'between'hake Simcoe and! L.ke. Balsam; 13; "miles to Georgian Bav. and about 11 miles of river at Trenton that Fisnot` as.ve_t canalized. Engineer Rogers with - the assistance of Mr. Roy, who threw` many limelight views on the canvas, gave an interesting account of, the proposed route` vllri,-Rogers said that heforenally - deciding on the route to Gear ian Bay he Eliitila make 6 survey via. ottawasaga ver. . - ~` ' ' Xction Sales. -Fridnv, Web. 17, 1899.--V-On"Lot 5. Cdn. 9, [Van rs ; horses. came, sheep, pigs. poultry, imp ementa, etc. .- Sale at 120 clock. John R. Stajaqen, px-op._ G. R, Ford, auctioneer. an 'onnn :1 1 . -A ' -Wednesday. Feb 22, `I899.-On Lot 50, Can 1, F101 (old survey); horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry, im laments, ow. ' Sale at .12 .o oloc_k_. Gavin urner, prop. G. R. Foxfd, snotidneer. Trnt _vauey ca;a1. Briefly Told. That desirable" residence and grounds on the was} side of Bayel I street. Harrie; lately occupied tho hte Sir Cornelius Kortright. including stable. Brno garden. etc. For further I-ticulnVrscap l%' M j ST ATHY & u E .- `. ' nu:-cu uuucuu auuuu 1111 um mutter. _ v The 'I`reasnrer s_ report showed expendit- ure of $3584 70 including repairs and alters tions. $501 06 ; bedding and general furnish- ings, $478 85: salaries. $826 67. The re- ceipts amounted to $3190.29 made up as follows: Building fund, $75350; cash sub- scriptions, etc , $552.90 ; fees from patients. $1729.03; outside nursing, $76.25: other sources, $53.61. In addition to this the churches have furnished wards to the amount of $500 . There is at present an overdraft iii the bank of $424.41, which will probably be met by the Legislative grant to be re- ceived in April, a.mounting'fx-om 20c to 300'. _ per hospital day. Tho nmnnrn `Ann I-Ln on-......A..A. ....__ --- . T)-- Continued coid weather broke the e ul- librium between the supply and deman in wood, the result bring that on Saturday the best cordwood -sold at $4.00 and $4.25 I cord, short wood selling for 250 more. Thu mild turn the weather took" on Tuesday commenced to close the breach and seven! farmers who asked $400 in the morning took $350 in the afternoon. The mine has now gone down to the former gure of $3.00 and $3 25 for long wood and $3.25 and $3. 50 for the short variety. - There hm: hnnn nn ..l.....,... .:|.._:_.. .L- - -~~ - The annual meeting of Royal Vlctoris Hospital was held on Tuesday `afternoon of `last week and WM largely attended Sher- iff Drury presided , the president, Rev. D. D. McLeod being ill. '-Dr. Raikee reported that during 1-898, 68 patient: had been cut- ed, and 29 relieved ; several died and eight are `now under treatment Of 45 patients operated on, only one died. The report placed on record Miss: Campbell. the Super- intendent's, valuable services and referred to the necessary of enlarging the present building or erecting a. new one. Dre. Ron and McCarthy spoke strongly on thiepoint, but Sheri Drury and` Judge Ardagh coun- eelled careful action on the matter. N... 7IV..-.....-.._.. - ~-----L - "` vu.uv aux mac auurl. VBl'lP[y. There has been no change during the past week inzgrain prices Wheat sold on Tues- day at 68c ; oats. 31c-; pause, 66c. Very little barley, rye and buckwheat has been marketed of late. There was not a. large -supply` of butter and eggs on the market on S8=tllI'(lilV ; the prices obtained were 17. nor nnnnrl and 90: now A... n n - . - - A A -=---1-- omuruny; me prxces obtained 17. per pound and `.c per dozen, respectively. Poultry was scarce. Dressed hogs of choic- est: weights bring $4.75 per cwt Hm] I! firm at $6 00. Pg: llutllhtll uay. The oicers for the present year are : Rev. D. D McLeod, President; M. Shanacy, Vice~President; Dr. Raikes, Secretary; P. H. Stewart. Treasurer; J. H McKeggie, H. J. Grasett, Auditors; Dr. W. A. Ross, Sheriff Drury, Dr Raikes. Rev. D. D. Mc- Leod, P H. Stewart, M. Shanacy. F E. P. Pepler. Dr. McCarthy, Geo Ball, H. H. Strathy. Dr` Morton, and W. A. Boys, Board of Trustees. _The annual report of the Women's `Aux- . iliary _to the Hospital by the Treasurer, Miss Way, shows that the total receipts of $183 78 during the period, Feb. 23rd 1898 to Jan. 17th 1899, was made up as follows --- Entertainment of June 9th, $31 78; Nov. 3rd, $120; private donalzions, $28; W A. fees, $4 7 The expenditure was as follows :- House linen, sheets, ebc., 3.42.79`; awning and window screens, $1850; table chairs and sideboard, $9.75 ; hall desk, $4 ; silver- ware. $7 50 ; crockery, $7 30 ; printing, Q0 o On!-2` Dnlnnrna An hunt` In the hall a tablet has been erected. hearing the names of all persons who gave $100 or upwards to the Hospital. The fol- lowing names have been engraved on it :- Hon. Senator Gowan, Q C.. LL D., C.M.G. , $300 ; D Alton McCarthy, Q.C.. M P., 8225; John Whitcher. 3200; F. E. P Peg- ler, Q C . ex-Mayor, $100; John M. Bot - Wei], $100; Mrs. Andros, $100: Bunk of Toronto. 3100 ; Bank of Commerce, $100; Mrs. R. Canning, $100 ; Judge Ardagb. $140 :~_Countv Council of Simcoe, $500 ; Cor- poration of Barrie $200 ; Corinthian Lodge, 96 A,F. &. A.M . $100 ; Kerr Lodge, 230 A. F & A.M., $100. The regular meeting of the County of Simcoe Medical Association was held in the Council Uhamber last Friday afternoon. .Dr. McCullough, president. occupied the chair After the reading of the minutes of the previo_us meeting by Dr Evans. secre- tary. Dr. Peters, of Toronto, gave an inter- esting address on Surgical Treatment of Diseases of the Pleura. . The address was attended by a discussion in which Drs W. A. Ross, McCarthy, Morton and Williams took part. Then followed` a discussion on Tuberculosis ;. Dr. J J. Harper, of Alliston, introduced ' the subject. Dr. Williams, in continuing. put in a strong plea for hygienic treatment. Previous to sending patients away doctors shomd consider whether a patient can afford to go,-and also the eect the change would have on his temperament. He thinks `proper diet has as much to do with recovering from tuberculosis as air has; and therefore many patients who are sent away would-do just as well at home under hygienic treatment. The following oicers were elected :--President. Dr. Williams. Bracebridge ; `Vice-Presidents, Dr. ' McFaul, Stayner, Dr. Gilchrist, Orillia, Dr. H slop, Hixlsdale; Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. vans, Stroud. _ V Lot No. A 3. west side of Stretnl-.!O:97t`h*of ' . .R hCa 31-as s 51.: >A 1.: 3 1}KME"g.-scR5<';GI"!': 3: . atuT_it $..;.cpv1sPa`l _c{: Flfll, . * 1-1` Some time after monev was stolen from l Mr. M. Uoughlin, Anten Mills, the accused man Mitchell purchased a valuable watch from E. H Williams, jeweller, here, giving in payment another watch and 813 K cash. When Mitchell was taken to gaol his belongings were taken from him, as is, cus- tomary in such cases,7among the articles being a watch which is supposed to be the | one hegot from Mr Williams. The prison- er employed Mr. Hewson to defend him, and as security for pav agreed to give the lawyer the watch Mitchell thereupon wrote out an order to the gaoler to give the watch to `Mr. Bewson. The gaoler did so. At the conclusion of the trial on Tuesda` the Crown Attorney asked that the watch e given to Mr. Coughlin as part compensation for his iloss. . Mr. Hewson "objected, and claimed that the watch belonged to the prisoner, and that only such articles can `be forfeited as would assist the .i0>:~:`btMking gaol. `Hi! '.'H09r ` ` . ' order. con-A '55-. ,".:x- -' -_-~` - I `_ "L , .Rev. 11. L. Partridge preached in Qollier street Methodist Church. on` gundoy, in the {ihionoe of Rev. M. L Pear-V-o;I.,'_who preach. ad gnnivatnry Iermogll in Thotnhjgxy. . ,,, {$1.00 PER AVNUM IN ADVANCE SINGLE COPIES FIVE CENTS. *` Simcoe Co`unt`y Medical Socnety. Hospital Annual Meetinsr. 55!; av , unuyncsy, VI UV , plluulug, tonal $92.59. Balance on hand wom-:): s AUXILIARY. Story of a. Watch. THE NEW TABLET. `THE MARKET. ` ~ 1cmp|c buuumg. l.0l'0|'|!0. 10; u_-aupnuue lat young man. stcno tapher. Dom. Express l_ o. , This explains w our cbmpetent students get nod posntions. e train then paperly and usiness men know it Members admitted at anv time. (`atalo efree. 3o-Iv Address: , H, s|-|Aw_, Principal. to JAN Omen V 1 I all nnnua MCAVO\'--At Hillsdale. on 26th Janttary. Edward ]. Mc. \\'oy. , FRASER--Iu Essa. on February 1rd, .899, Willian_i Fraser. aged 88 years. V Wl.L AMS--At 'I'he_Cottage." Orillia. on Febru- :.ry 1, Rev". '1 homas \Villiams, aged 89 years. VVlLLIAMS---'At Orillia. February 5th, Deborah ` Ktms, relict of the late Rev. Thomas Williams, aged 76 years. _ ' ` NEY-In Bradford. on \Vednesday. February 8th, Mrs. Thomas Nev, aged 65 years and n month-. V DAR BER~-In West Gwillimburt . on Sundav. Feb. 5th, Mary A. Barber,;.ged 31 years and8 months. McKINN1S-At Kirkville. on February 4th. Mrs. McKmnis. mother of Mrs. J. W. Lunan.-aged 5: years. -n A rrnn A. f`..lI!._......n.~,I an Wak-uunrur Qtla Mr: Temple Bui '..&i}{es' 7r"$i'.s} "c'i:'o$'1"i'a "i:aTa'dIa'.""1'.`. .. uxmwnn. nusmnss oomnuan. of Toronto. but this actually occurred oh Jan.` 16th, as fa lows :- a) Telegram for our: wo- mwn stenographer. mm Fort McLe . 1) Tel- fiphone for youn man. clerk, Union tatiou. O ronto. (cfdCa.l for young lady. tele'ra.her.T ing. Toronto. (d) Tglep one for unnncr man. srpnnoranher. Dom. Exnrens t o. ARM FOR-- sALE-.-NORTH PAR` l` ,~LOT Con. ;. Ve8pI':8oIct__OiI__'. no`arlyVg1`_x:1__l '1': I -'2 195:1... -..__II-_ .`_. -_L .1 -_` --a..:. 4 AK` -DUI! UIILLD uea Vuunu urn anu OM EN to accept positions in business uices is not a. common event even in the leading Business Training School in Canada. the n~InuvI~Ir.|l. llnniiunn nnn.n.Iu:Ia- IBVUKLVI rUK"LI*`NUK`l`l1 l'l\I(l`VI4U'l 51 _ 1. Vespra; 80 acres. nearly all undrriculh-` VaIo_n, excellent wheat fa`-m. jgenz. of. h-uit`.*~ ` bmlun 3,. first clan Vwutcx-. _,. ; - L,-,C,U`_ . 1` HAM. an-no P.O. - ` _ ~ V ' .'\._"'.- .`: 0 In ONE (13 fox well qual-- - ed \0U G MFN and . OMEN ntndunuucmut gugnt Aug.` 3-` tho Inatna nuaan nu a n u w ouuux. OPP. Buuun Horn. x ` Eor first class wark in the Shaving and Hairocuti ne: line go to him. ' - Cnmfnrt and nnnfnnnn 1.-ruarnnteed. 6-18 V V u;'.;si`cJl;an-::r:-:)? S`l."l.`le.y,"ES(E, by Rev: Canon M urphv, Iames Campbell, sq., Allan- dale. to Mrs. Sheldon Brooms. Inmsl. - 5' us, up: wit VOL. XLVIII. No. - QAHIIIH W :L'.I\Ul1.I`.l ran. tom. 1599. Mrs. Lucnacn-, em. wife of Mr. N. S. McEa.chern. Principal of Angus Public school. in her 42nd year. _ . "THOMAS, STZRITOII CUFF~-On anuary 25th. x89q,'a son to'Mr. and Mrs. E. . 0. u`. Bayeld street. . THOMPSON--At Penetan uishene, on Tuesday January gzsl. the wife 0 Mr. A, C. Thompson. of adaughter. _ _ - A IRAPERL-On January, 25th, 1%. a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Iames Draper. Gwillimburv. TRUMBLEY--In West Gwillimbur. on February 6th. 1899, a. son to Mr. and Mrs. . Trumbley. WOOD-In West Gwillimbury. on Thursday, _Feb. Awd, 3899, a daughter to Mr.va.nd Mrs. James oo . - METHERAL--In Sin;rhamptou..on February 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Metheral. twins-girls. GOWAN--0n Feb. 8th. a so: to Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Cowan. Knock. ' PARK On Tuesday, 14th inst, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Park, :48 Hurbord street. Toronto, former- _iv of Newton Rubinson, a son. A : une to mm_. ' `omfort and satnsfactnon guaranteed. N EW ADVERTISEMENT. Town PropeVn_y% For Sale; "lfwon sAfIi," BOSANKO'Sm1G'E'W BLOCK. than RAnnIn I-In-rot (mun W THANKS. MARRIED. . Has opened`-a . 4' 1233-1 LONG`--MADDEN-At St. Patrick's church. Stay- ` oer. onTFebruarv 8th. -I . Mr. Iphn J. Long`, of Collingwoud, to Miss argatet A. Madden, of !\ ottawasaga. A CAMPBELL--BROOKS---On Feb. .49., at the .-nclrlnnnn nF f.nm||n| SI-3D`llI.v. E:n.. ht Rev. BORN. DIED. LUI Ipl I`III-Q Illhlllulus Pklllvp I "3" A5t`ifiu1,lra3 a. "3'rs`I. Snoilvru-n. Ran 1 ms; xm-E _x ocvazn WHOLE No. 3344} ,1-nnl-inl>n|-, IIHV. 3. Barrie. 6-:8 CHAS. IS. UHALV 11.1-.5. e Stroud, Ont. Notice is also herebv iven that all claims against the Estate of the late Ju n Chantler. who died on or about the rgth day of March, 1897. must bepre-~ sented to the Executor. of the Estate by mail with full particulars" of said claims, duly certied. before the ist da of March. 1899, after `which the executor of the wil of the said John Chantler. will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled. there-to. having regard only to the claims of which he shal then have notice. All ac- counts. note or otherwise, due the estate. mustbe settled before the .1st day of M ch, :89). or they will be put in my Solicitor's hands or collection. . CHAS. E. CHANTLER. Lianun Murpnv. Iames pampueu, nsq., nuan- dale. to Mrs. Brooms. MORAN--ALLINGHAM--On Feb. x_th, 1899. in St. Man's. church, by Rev. Father weney. Mr. Patrick J. Moran to Miss Mary Allingham, both or Barrie. , CASLAKE LOCKERBIE-In Collin wood. on Feb. 1 th, by Rey. Dr. McCrae, L n A. Cas- lakc. 0? Strajford, to-Lillie Locker '6. } SUCCESSOR TO S. B. WINDRUM.` \ ' Established 1880. T 31 King St. East (up stairs) Toronti The Executor of this Estate offers the following Properties for sale by Tender. namely: The Brick Store and Dwelling combined; the Frame Building known as the M sonic Hall, with about acres of land. situate in the Village of Stroud. Pownshi of Innisl.-also about two acres of ground. on w ich there is a small frame dwelling, in the Village of Craigvale. and two town lots in the Village of Westbourne, Manitoba. Tenders may be nutin for the whole property or se rate as may be desired. '1:he highest or any ten er will not necessarily be accepted. Particulars and terms an be had by ap- nlvingr hv mail to the sole Executor. accepted. raruculars anu terms ca plying by mail to the sole ` CHAS. E. CI-[AF FULL LINE OF Sterling Silver andiPlatad1 Ware, Watchas, Glncks,Jaw- ! airy, Blouse Sets, Belt Pins, E . Belts, Newest Designs. E i Special Attention Given to |i Watch Repairing. % TELEPHONE 2608 28-lv Mr .;Thomas `Foster, who` lived with his son-in-law, Mr.` John S. Partridge, Mo- Donaldstreet, died on Sundav mnrning in his ninety-second-year. v He was .t.he`o1des't_ man in Barrie 1 He was born near. Lond_on',I. England. and learned the trade of baker in that city. An incident connected with his life then was the prominent part w_hich._he took in the singing. of Christmas Carols. At V age of twenty he came to Canada. and after i snending a few months in Quebec. went to Peterbqrongh to start the first bakery in the place In a few months he married Ann Edwards of that village. and after three years they settled on `a bush farm in Dum- mer township. near Norwood There they lived for 25'vears. and then moved to gen. 2.0ro , near Dalston He lived there over 20 years, and then retired to live in Barrie. His wifedied eight years ago ; he afterwards married her sister..who had resided with them forty years. She died six years ago. and since then the deceased resided most of the time with his daughter, Mrs. Partridge. During late years he was very ill several times, his last sickness lasting, however. only three weeks. He leaves three daugh- ters. Mrs. John McGowan, Midhurst; Mrs. Partridge. Barrie; Mrs. Edward Drury, Barrie. The funeral took place yesterday L- 1'\_I-;.-.. r1........a....... IJGI I I00 I IIV I IIIJIII via ` to Dalston Cemetery. VNOTI0E. APB0PEBT|E F0%R sma. H; M. L0l|NT mi N We fake pleasure in recommendin MR. FRED. Bnooxs u a com etent and reliahe Tuner and Regaiier. and woul reqlneag our trons to entrust to im worlrof this discriptxon. enpectfully yours. Gunman H:xN'rzuAN.~ A - . (1.-A--a.InM fnr 'l`nn:n9 at I! Street Gnluumn I-iI:xN'rzuAN.~ Orders-.lett for Tuning at 5: Elizgbeth will receive careful attention. _._._- ---ngnng 1-1- XII? . `A large amount of private funds in our hands for invostment at lowest rates and on easy terms of: repayment. ; ` L , ~' .. ' Ann-r 1. nnnulng WI I YOCCIVB Irdrclun when sno6ii""' BARBIE. um. _ STRAYED--One sheep strayed on to` North 54 Lot l A 2;, Con. 8.- lnnisl. at the beginning of winter. 7e7,3.`?'fx.8?%"A "x`A3If3"."E.`1.`- ,'v".:`.i' 3,. p, KE E PIN G A cLocK RIGHT...-an Dated at Sttoud Jan. 24th. 1899. I Money! Nloneyl 'ZI.'a' 512$. 31323;} 1i{..;;eI;Eo1i.ge that has 73 per emu. 0!. in Graduate: in good situations correspond with the . l15celsioA1'B1P1lsi`nqs_s Unllega, Barrie. _ ;I,',_ _A__;-_.--._L I199?` IY bile L The "` I-larrisdin Homestead," south of Cum- berla.'nd'street..A|landale App! to HAUGHTON rmuunst Rvnnnfnr I -hm-imn mate. Ban-in- :-1 bvei-la'nd'sreet..Allandale -Applg HAUG!-{TON `LBKNOX. Executpr Harrison spate, 5-7 -:------ R. A. Douglas;| Lo-"7'-c':}1"v7-" ' ;.-A iv 's. mar` 'pv2'uc; "M P "iou. _ ,W`AN'l'ED. V-An experienced general _m-vane. j.Must.be a oodaalain cook. VApply`iuunedAi- PIANO _'1_*UNI&G. JOHN CHANT-LER E`STA`l'E.. The Oldest Res1der'm Pases Away. uP4'ro-DA'r:..." A. Macnummi MERCHANT TAILOR. _ ` In Bamako : new block. opp. `Barrie Hotel. appcdu Ill UCAI. Vvcun a laws-ya MILLARD--ln Orillia, on Feb. mh.'_x899, Mrs. Millard. formerly a teacher on Ortllia Public school teaching, staff. GO0DVVIN-In Thornton. on Feb. x_3th, 1899. Mr. Jo n Guodwin. aged 77 yrars. . . [ntermx nt took place on Wednesday afternoon. ~ GRIMSBY-In Newmarket,` on the` 7th inst.. Mary, wife of H. Grimsby.and;mother_ of Mus. Frank Barry. Clapperton street, Barrie. In her 55th year. AD \MS--On February nth. ._x899. a young son of Mr and Mrs. Adams. " Strathallan." McARTHUR On February nth. Peter McArthur, sr . Oro Staxion. FOSTER--On V1cDonald street. Barrie; on, Feb. 12th. Thom Foster. aged 91 years. SIMPSON--0n Feb. 9th`, 1899. Mrs. Simpson,` Utopia, aged 86 years. -\1_nAnIIl.-Ian! t\._ 134. _-LL -0-.. ll..- ll..D-..L[ 6-I8`? is of more importance, or of im ortance to morr people, than a watch. V e un- dertake the regular we-klv winding of clocks in the home or oice. and attend to am! repairs that me. be necessatv. promptly, reasonably an well, BUILD-ma L91 rota` sue. .. .. _'_t. `, . Nnw Anmnrxsnmnms. "|"iS.iil0R '..N.G: H OUSE TO LET. -, ,._e. 2.. LI -4. ..4__.I '7 -_..LI 86 Dunlop Street. I the SOIC l`.Xl'Cl.ll0l'. CHAS. CHANTQLERA _AULT at cbwtm; DOHCIIOF S nanas 1'0! COIIBCIIUII CHAS. E. cHANTLt%R,_ '1? YOU ARR.` CONTEMPLATING. `UUVS III 6 Ilvuvau I v -vrv able. When. lauking `gr ne. ` dress . well-tutored Clothing calrand see _ ~ We give our attention to Tailoring only and that done well for we` know how to do it as it should be - one Our goods arqabsolutelx depend- able. looking for 'G..- A-can nvn.fnIInI'Ad ' COCO` 0&0 I . ` &&UVr1I`. Solicitors. 3.5;... THE IN'l'ERES_ l`S OF vB:AR>RIE, COUNTY OF SIMCOE AND` THE DOKIN_l0N` 0! CANAD OUR CRITERION. . ` - . - i ID, Executor. V L Q %BARR ILE, %C0%U.NTY OF SIMCOE, "-B.:;5_v:;.l; F A. Ltt, agent; $11,000 ; prem- ium, $70; Vegpires Dec. 2, 1900. `I7 .... Juno. `A Kpsunbnu.-nn-nu: nnanf n I Utah l`lVUI'dgC Miss Sherin . . .. . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . 46 34 ' u Fletcher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '37 . 34 n Wilkie . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . A51 47, I! Bonis...,.... . . . . . . . . . .. 52 4 43_ V n Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 40 . `Mr. Foster . . . . . . . . . . . . .- , '. . . . 51 46 Mr Ballets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 25 ll Ll_OYd . . . . . . . . . ._o . . . 50 42 _ MissLee .... 44 40 on. King....; . . . . . . . . . . . .. 41' 38 n Booth.-........-..v.. 44 37 4 n Boys. .7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' 41 36 u. Phelan; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 35 in Caldwell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 43 n Sing....` . 80 60 . Mr..Shear... ....; 45 Miss Hutchinson` .- 61 Wu How . `59 n Rix ...;.....' ..*61' Mr Airth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 INSURANCE ON SCHOOL BUILDINGS Chairman Ward of Finance Committee submitted the following statement of in- surance :- . ~

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