Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 9 Feb 1899, p. 8

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Puzzler-Whirlwind bad to be withdravim I from the races on account. of lameness. His owner feelsvery sorry for it, as he was con- dent that his horse wo_ul_d_ win the race. " M:;1ih}oE:abE'i".{sx[ $}{"u.e sick list. suffering from a severe attack of bronchitis. She is as her home in Shhnty Bay T Miss Patterson returned last week from Belleville, and is now engaged as teacher in our public school > an -I I ` o g -- M'r. James Johnson has inoved from Essa. street to the townline into the house recent- iy occupied by Mr. John Dales. ' `III `I? . I I I `I - Eivriagd Brown`, of Coukstown, spent Sunday with Mrs. Brown : pamenta. Mr. and Mrs. C. Tickell. _.v--r -w` -_ ,. 35. . `James Haimilton; of Toronto, is visit- ing with his sister. Mrs. George Lawrence, Burton Avenue. . . larr ie's south-Western Division. with its Pleasant streets. its Taetv "Dwell Inge. its'Pretty churches. anq its Go- ` - 3-head People wxll Enttce Settlement -A Weeklv Record of 1ts`Do1ngs. ' Mr. Arthn:-'l:I.' Lowe visited his brother, Hr; Chas. Lowe,` on Sunday. ' Subscribe for Tan Anvmcz, ` the best. veeklv paper in the County of Simcoe. Miss Pauline G hsa returned home from 3 visit with in \_in Toro1_1fg._ , Miss Maggie Sibbald. of T*".`..T6,"Errived Iomeon Sucurdaxu. `7}`. 'g an ar few -weeks holidaya_ . -' or ad -5-` , . -- these prices. V Gei1t1ineiBargaiiris.e. 4 "Spot cash is what buys at an I C NEXT DOOR To BARRIE HOTEL. -' sale on ll Marclr Ice.- about the house. but on Sunday he was -.6 o'clock. The deoeaaedwaa born in Oak- " resided most of his time In -London .- About Hamilton, ` Toronto and C'oIlingIv.ood,<. and. I He had follow `railroading ior;37-yea`r:a;, 913 V of which henna initho.emplo`f;eofn['tvh;.-(git T} J B. At the tiineo`,rbiu;dea:tb an ego Death has again visited the aixth. ward and taken from our midst Mr. James Spring. of the G. '1`. R. Very -few of our citizens" were aware of Mr. Sp:-ing a illness, 'and his death was a surprise to many. On Decem-. her 12th he was taken ill with a tumor in the abdomen. and nenmonla. and had been a an-eat auiferer. Baring the week previous _. to his death he was able to be up and` walk taken worse, and kept` trad ually sinking until death came on Saturday morning about ham, Rutland. England. April 14, 1844. but 17 yearn ago heealne to Canada and lived in I from the latter lace be-moved to }'Allanda`le7; I5 percent. offGran- new/are, Tlnware and Lamps. % ` TIO p er*ceM off every llng also In the _s1o7re. A---:BEEORE:~- ~ Stock, - Takjing. `H. H. tton & Son, mmvm nnnb "Inn 13 ADDTU t'.rn'r~1..11- THE RAILWAY_ CENTRE or Iran: * FUTURE crry; ` No%.tr<'w>ub%le to. show Goods.` C `AND. ncuunvvu um vv uuuauguuu uulu uuuerlll U618 : Manilla, February 5. To Adjutun_t-Gen- era! :.-Insurgents in large force opened at- tack on our outer lines a.t`8 45' last evening ; at 4 o'clock this morning entire line engaged; all attacks repulsed ;` at daybreak advanced beyond lines they for'm._e'riyVoccupied, cap- turing several villages and their defence works. Insurgent lou\in dead and wound- ed lar e: our'own_.eaeuultiee` ttmi -for festi- mnte at 175.;very few fatal J '-Troops en- nplenidid execntioironf anks o enamy~;- city ~.ininra,6M'.i`]hW muted 8004 may Mmer Jr e:,;=;t$, ;1eiv,.ield%piVe;eee'gnd qtlibi ,,l'iu`g gnu renewed attack several times during night ; against insurgents, and have driven them- `thueieetic nndgaeting teerldul . Navy did 'heId"in~ohee_kf, _e'nd<=-nbedlifte qqm; p m.ta:.;- uaigien A hockey match was played one the Cen- tral Skating Rink on Ssturds forenoonube tween the Barrie and Adands e junior clubs. resulting in favor of Allsndsle by 2 to 1. The following are the names of the players : Allsndsle-Goal, W- Scott ; point, H. Heard ; cover-point. R Whitebi-end ; for- wards. E Longhurst. -R Paton, R. Both-V well Bsrrie--Goal. G ' Mitchell: point, G Armstrong: cover-point, H. Smith; `for- wards, W. Vince. M. Applebee, A. Mo- Donsgh. A VC;efVi;aVc;ay.I"_`e`b. .Mi s3::6;E;;'55; Ooh. 1, F103 (old survey); horses, cattle: sheep, pigs, poultry, im laments; etc. _Sale ,5: 12 o clock. Gavin uruer, prop. _ G. Ford, auctioneer. ' The many rumors of expected ghting between the Americana" nd the insurgents on the Philippine Ielende have been veried at less and on Saturday evening Admiral Dewey and General Otis found themselves compelled to`en`g e in battle. ` The`engege- menu is beecutold n the following despatoh received at Washington from General Otis : . "Mnnn unknnn-we K "1- .l:_vL."_A. IW_.. Tt1'esti&'};; 14,1899 -I-On lot 2. con. 9, Ioniol; 5 hand of horses, 23 head good grade cattle, 30 sheep, 24 pics. poultry, im plements, harness, seedn; etc Sale `at 1 o clook. J.` B. Gray, prop. W. D. `Mc- Cookey, auctioneer; A ` . w.a;e;.:;;,pi,%;;;p1s, 1399 -A--On lot 6, con. ll_. Innial; horses. cattle, sheep, piga,.im- plements. etc. James Hubbert. prop. G ' R, Ford, auctioneer. - - . Friday, Web. 17,- l899.-0n Lot 5. Con. 9, Von ta; horses. cattle, shoe , iga. pou"try, imp ements, eta. Sale on I o clock. John R. Stangiepgptop. G. R. Ford. auctioneer. `I 3 . 1 _ C.` t\l\ C AAA ` Auction Sa1e.. . Monday, Feb. ".13, l899.'-On lot 5, con. 9, Vesprn, nehr Minesing Corners ; honea,, cattle. pigs, implements, turnips. etc. ~ Sale at 12 o cIook Alvin Johnson, prop. ' G. R. Ford,` auctioneer, _ . IIIIUVI Vsir & Co., dry goods, $l5;000 ; insur- ance, $10,000. Misses McLenne.n.` sewing machines. goods. etc., 8200 '; no insurance. James `Vsir, groceries, $1,000 ; insurance 8590. R. A. Stephenhsrclothing, $2,500; insur-0 ance. $1,800. "Robs. King. sr., building. 3400; partly` covered by insurance.- - E E. Williams. jewelleryfsnd furniture, $800; iusurance,_$425.` ' ` wlvi: `3M5:enlnam. building. $2.000 ; partlyv covered by inauranc-e., J -S Johnson. building,_ $1,000; insur- 'ance. $700 - J. Frank Jackson.` photographer. $600; partly cnvered by insurance. 11,- 1:--1-r,-u p A--A ` Mtg`, gil; 'fL\'1fz;i_t.u`;"<-E78400 ; no. insur ance._ ~ . . , 3 I1 1 . c A _ _ A A - wvvuuucu GIU GD IUIIUWU ;"' W. A. Pae,' building, small loss; {revered by insurance - ` ' ` -W. A. Pa,e, dry 2 nods and carpets. $1.; _500 ; partly covered by insurance. Thos Johnson, building, loss, $1,500; insurance. $1,265. A AGeorge'Piaxt.on, building. $4,500; insur- ange $2,700. ` ` V `I f\_--..l__... '|___:I,1_-W.` an l\`An after the long service of 26 years secon- ductor on the Grand Trunk, Duniel M1.`Gi" has severed his connection with the road, to spend the remainder of his lite on his farm near Toronto.` Mcill. during his railroad life. was on the run between" Toronto and North Bey, and we: considered to be one of the beat men who ever punched a ticket. He missed verv few trips, and left without having a single accident against-hie term. ` His last trip wnsmade on Tuesday night of. lost week. - . . xv: uuuu-pus] vuulc was IIU Wlllu UIUWIIJK Mrs McNeil and family occupied the rooms over the vacant store recently occu- pied by Messrs Frawley .& Dev in which is senarated from Vair & (-)o. s by at stairway leadingfrom the front and rear to Mrs. Mc- Neil s. The family had barely time to es- cape down the back stairway and nished dressing in the yard They lost everything and had-no insurance. W." A Pas, dry goods and carpets, J. F. Jackson, photo- grapher,and E. R. Williams, iewell_er,tsav- ed-much of their goods. by removing: them to other stores. There has been much com- ment over an explosion that occurred in the hallway west 0! Vair.& Co. s store The door was blown into the centre of` the street and a knob hurled through-A Simpson's plate glass window across the street Two windows in E T. Tyrer`s store, owned by Mr J. S.Jobnson. were cracked by the heat The cause. of the re is not known. Nightwatchman Martin and others say they passedthe store less than fteen minutes be- fore the alarm was sounded, and then there was no re noticeable. rm: LOSSES. _ The -approximate `losses, and insurance awarded are as follows :- - ll? A D-` `s____'I.a2 ,, an a - Shortly after two o olock'last Friday morn- : ing Dr. Wal win was awakened by the burst- ing of. a window, and _upon leaving his bed and looking across the street, he saw that the interior of Messrs. Vair & Co. s dry goods store was a mass of ames He at once gave the alarm through the central telephone office to the re hall and immedi- ately the re alarm was `sounded. The bri- gade responded promptly and soon had four streams :(two in frouteuncl two in the rear) playing on the building. _To get control of the re was no easy task for the structure of the block west to W. Pae s and eastward to the -alley gave the re excellent opportunity to spread `Abovethe ceilings of the second story was a l9ft-shaped space alongwhich. the ames ran at leisure and without possi- bility of hindrance from water until the roof above or the ceiling below was burned through. In this way every r9gmjn~'4_-:*f_"" ,tire block was mor_e__ol:. 1355' damaged, the loss to Vai_r.& LEI `a stock and the building I_.l1_e,v.ot2'.Ipie(l, as well as-to thebuildiugs I and stores adjacent to it, being very heavy. Fortunately there was no wind blowing MPH hint` `nIv\:'Iv rs:-on--m:-I. `L- i:1i. .'C..eIiiet ry;.`e1ze, ee,,vv;Qe;s. Wendie ; cotiductiug the but?-ialeervioe-at 8t};3GeerF 3" cbn'r1chj gsnd jthe gra.v e_.. ..'l_`he_ S1, ,0." E; mag: charge of the funeral. ' The fo'lAowing gentle ;- men were paw-bearers :-Meserg. .._.Ro,herl'."- Moore. Roherc'Hubber_t, *Ia.="Pe;'ove, John W hitcher, Than. Webb ind Walter Kelcey The bereaved family have the `sympathy of the eetire community. ` .. ` TI _ v..- '---.v _-u--nu-an-no yo . . , . 33 `.1-.;; ._Repors of the xurton. ~Avenu_s.s-'Phblic_ School, Barrie, for January _l899" -l"ourth. Class, Sen-ior-L. Lesrd-; C. Hamlin, . A7 Brunton, E. Renfrey, J. Gilchrist. Fourth- Ulsss, Junior--G Hill, F Armstrong, R. Thorns. A. Wi'son; VM`. Moore. Second Class. `Senior-`-_-E. _ Collins,` K, Parsons", M. Shepard. A- Ferguson, F. Peacock Second Class. Junior--H Archer, S. McMorra.n, I. Johnson, S Mc_Ca.nslsnd,.H Bailey. Pars Second, Senior--N. Wa.ldru'. E. '- :Donsld, M. Nixon, R Paton. A`. Haines. Owing to the sickness of Miss Hutchison the Third Class reports are omitted Numher on register in Division 1., 45 ; II, 51 ; III, 59; IV, 6l-toLsl `ungnber registered for the month, 216. Avvsge a.t.tenda_ ni:e, in Divi- sion I, 40 ; IT, 45 ; III, 52'; IV, 46-s_ver- nan an-nnnnnn nf anln.-unl IQ`) ver%$3U,000 Worth Broparty Ile- struyed;o`1{D;i.maged, % _ wuvv I. iv , a.','1II, 11]., 08 i I pge attendance of school, 183.` Dunlap-St.-Fire % 1 % Last Friday%Morning ar. Breaks out jlegiame . Institu . T V TO BE LET. That Comfortable and Comuiodinus Brick Resi- dgnca onvlakc street; immediately Weotof the Col- _ . , to. known. at . Boulderfel.'. having hot at furnace and othar modm-conyeulehces. Ap- plm srn.u'_n1_r& ESTBN nun. . cm W hasureturncd 6 11?: oid sthnd. :4 Mnlcaster street.` where you can get your Boou, shoe! and Rubber: Bdpulrod on the shortest notice. Also On-tom Work 10 order. _ I 3.15 um uupuuupucu -now: rra-perry at A inst: within the old imits of Barrie and at cupation of Mr. P. TcAvoy,;is offered total rasgulcrma- A Ely to the owner. JAMI; } CA P3u1.L, 5 ui'chi!_l;P.O., or to `llllvmvpnuu cs.`--4 - -___-.. A_ cgsuAaLa: HOTEL Pnopali-rI"v' FOR SALE. . Tho Miscampbell Hotel Pr:-party at Allandale. ; inst: the imits now in oc- cubation Mr. P. c.Avn\-_' in n'm-.41 lnannul. ........ .._. '._-...'._ nu- uuouvo i`he highest or any Tender will not necessarily be _ao'cepted. ` e Dated Janeafy 18th. 1899. T uulcr out-Uuucllngs and improvements upo- this lot, PARCEL No. 5.--The South Half of Lot is, in the uth Concession. zoo acres more or less. This is one of the nest farms in the Township. Conveniently situated as regards churches, markets. s. hools, etc. about 3 miles from Barrie. and an equal distance from Stroud. There is a quantity of valuable pine. c dar and other timber trees: a.l~o wood for tire wood, a lar e bank barn, a dwelling; house and 4 large orch upon this prop rty. It ll said to be in -an excellent state of cultivation. - AII.L-, -' A The tides.are.all supposed to be perfect. `Particulars and Term: and Forms of 'I_'ender can be obta.med.a.nd Conditions of Sale examuned upon alpplication to she Solicitors of the estate. Sealed Lenderg (marked tenders for Ambler1>r_op_crtv) gill A -n4-.-.-J I.-- AL... 9 I'-'- II pucauon to be received by these Solicitors u ufday .the`elevemh' of February, ' Tenders may be put in for the `whole propertv. or " for separate parcels, as for two or more of purchasers miy den TL- `-:...'___L .9, _them, or nre. vne aoucutors or the estate.` Sealed ' enders Ambler `ll pto o`2'n`3c :.'.'. . ':. A. 1899. ` can 1 Highest-cash price id for Endowment Insurance olicnee, in reliable ompnniee or money loaned thereon.` Apply A ` . V V A u I van Last Sunday was quarterly Sunday in the Burton Avenue Methodist church. . In the` morning the pastor, Rev. Jos Young. gave an appropriate sermon on the Love Feast, which was held `at the` close of the service, and was largely-attended by the members At the evening service there was a large.con- Sup er was administered after the preaching service. _ greation, and the sacrament of the Lord's" `; unnuui IJUEBCSU UPUII IL Pmzcnt. No. 7.-Pan of the East Half and. of West Half ofbouth Ha f of Lot :4. in the 4th Con- cession of the Township of Collingwood. in` the County ol Grey. 55 acres more or less. This roperty is about seven malesfrom Collingwood. 1` .-re are about 15 acres cleared -and the other part in good hardwood bush. The soil is good. ' 'l`l.-a:.l..- -_- _II _.._____'J -- L- ,, 1- ---- wuuww-none. uutv \Il %\IIIIVlIIJIII All these properties are in the Township of Innisl, in the-County of Simcoe. Pncu. No. 6.-Lot 4. corner of Bloke Street and Nelson Square, Barrie . This property is situated in a convement part of the town,-near Kempenfeldt Bay convem'ent_to the Ea-t Ward School, and has a comfortable frame cottage upon it. Danna: Mn - I)-.. -1` AL. I}... II,u- . n { TENDOWMENT INSURANCE POLICIES PARCEL No. 4.--The South West Quarter of Lot 6. in the roth C ncessiun. 50 acres more 01` less. This is an exceptionally desirable little propert ' in a good settlement. There are about 40 acres c eared and the remainder is hardwood bush. - 'lherc isa handsome brick dwelling. a moderate sized barn and other oixt-building and improvements this lot, pAnnIn' Na '. __'I`I.- Q....u. l.l_|t -1-1 -- 0 -- _.-.. .. -.-av -u-an was: A: uywu uun lvln ,PARClL No ;;.-The East Half of South Half of Lot 13. in the 8th Concession, 50 acres more or less The same stream runs through this`pruperty._ The _o soil is of good quality, suitable r croppmg or grazing`. ' `-`___A_ `q_ o-. ._ - _-_ _ ' :n..aL Iiihutirv -23.. mom v-- .1-.-...6u uyuu Inna ylllycl tyo PARCEL No. 2.-_-The S.-uth East part of Lot I . in the 7th Conces--inn. 200 acres more r less. A ut 150 acres of this lot is well timbered with tamarac. cedar and other valuable trers There is a'ne\'er- failing stream flowing through the property and it is lhv mak ngnof one of ,the best grazimr farms in the Township. Th re, isa moderave szed frame dwelling and a large bank barn upun this lot. DAnnno N- - 'r:.- n__. It Ir ta .- -- -- - PARCEL No. x.-The South East part of Lot :5, in 7th Concession. 4 acres more or less. This is what was known as the McDuu'gall "property. The soil is or excellent quality There IS .a small orchard. a comfortable dwelling home, a. small barn and other out-buildings upon this property. _ DAD :-nu K7.-\ _ "l`L_Q ._L`_ 9-,` - I'D - - {fho ltxecdtx and solo Ilevluee of white Estiuo olfen the following Pro- penles for sale bv 'l`ender.Vnamnly :- N.coTTER. . ` The Rev. Mr Burnett, of Ailiaton, preach- ed two plain, practical sermons in the Pros! byterian church on Sunday, which were greatly admired by the congregations. Rev. Mr. McIntosh taking home special sermons in Mr. Burnett : circuit. ` V-u .uavvIu vv suuuua .I.U uu_ DUMQIAUIII IV. acake 7 A r" Washing Crystal only lc. a-cake. . e . 7 Pins. .N-'e.dles. Thimbles and Hair Pins ' only 10. apaper. - - '_ ~ ' Good Horn `Dressing Comb only 5c., Good strongair Brush only l0c. each Teoth Brushes 5c_ each. . ' Nail Brushes 3c. each. nPur_ses from 5c. each up. . Best Garter Elastic. in any color, only 50. a vard. ` ` ' - - ' Lead. Pencils 2 for lc Sponges from lc each up. ._ . Circular Combs, all colors, only 50. each. Hair Curlers only 50. a dozen. _ Curling Tongs 5c -each. Egg Beaters _5c. each. V Potato Mashers 5c. Tea Pot Stand 5c Soap Stands 5c each. Nest Eggs. ' hgg Cups. Graniteware and Tinware of all descrip- 'tions. , - . s 2 large 14 qt Tin Pails for 25. Remember, we also carry _a "large assort- ment of V.ei -ings of all kindsand prices from 150 avargi up ; also a large variety oi Ber, i Wonls.. Crochet Cotton, Sewing int! Silks and Washing. Sihiii Ml kind Of Fancy Work ;,LIuiiar dollars. and Cuffs: Side C3g_|hil'.."'7a'pair ; Blouse Sets ; Bibles. '~#.`.`."c7`nt prices . Everything, as the o (I saying goes, from a needle to an anchor, is to beefound at our store \Tn .111. I, ,, uu uc lU|.Iu|I an Uu_l' IEUFU N B.---`We have a large consignment of Hosiery and Ladies Underwear, for spring. coming in shortlv. ` V LAWRENBPS ma Properties tor Sale T0 Lnwazucrs ma run? 1. A V V I 'l"e:; Seiz, 44 'piceo,| only` $2.98 a. not up. Toilet. Sets, b/euutifully dedoritqd. oiily $l69a.set.up.-' . - . A good 3-string Broom 10c. . 3 large bu.-'a Washiu [Soap for 250. V 15 ouks Laundry ash`-g Soup for 250; Old Brown Windsor Tc et._ Soup only lo. a cake ' ~ ` - __-__. ---v--cw A N6; 6 T_llo::th Dunlap Strect, Barrie. V 3-6 Solicitor; of Wm. Ambler Estate. 7 AND 9 DUNLOI5 s'r`t-'c:'r. NEAR 5 pom1's. BARBIE. VLENT_NOX_. Eovs _a. aaowu. n-lVA ,: Uwing to the large number of young peo- ple taking in the tea meetingnnd concert at Churchill on Monday evening, the Y P.S.0. E. will hold their meeting thi week on Fri: day evening. n.l'opic--Idle in the market place. " nu is an IQ .. p .u- -, V.--. .._. `In an up . _ 1.ENN'5x;'1oYs & snow, 3...}. L9. 3 01 SHOEMAKEFI,` DESIRABLE. `.0. H. LYON, RAD nan The e_a.rninaeof ehe week ending January 315: were $636,366, against 8596.203 for same period of last. veer Ac- cordingly there is an increaee of $40.l63.' I % on; }iayT'*14g {.;e;g`;i..{1u,.`{3.,,da.. was going out of her house for some wood, she `slipped and fell, breaking the wrist of her right hand-

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