Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 9 Feb 1899, p. 7

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WC nu GUCCI -- an ova`;-auavo nu-u `Hang`"t-his-t`-.ariiat!_ Whit;-(|)=l."(l ax -` olaiined, You know you are not.inter- hated in his picture- Saytbat you will. tell me the story.` Do it for my sake. With it I know I`oonld make the wbrld 1ial:en.", - 1 .10 ,O A. .I,,,. "No story that yon",hava"to te1l1i:e_. f` `hp aaid,1:icould be wrong. .\I.'_ I-AI_-.I _L,` ___L_.. .`I._ .___.g LL- "$.32; ";;:'o{'vor nolzicen hoiv that` jrtiat tailadin his foreshortening? L ' V ` nf`I___ LI_;.A. __L.`..;.IIl IT1I.:A.__J _- %773'55&%Z?i'333?'$oim fupon the '17:}! and hslre'd:r_~- ` ` V -- V 1- n'-". Al__A. ` She looked npet him. and` after they had gazed intiqieaich _othe1_-'3 eyes to: a moment she replied: . A V e Well, someday perhaps." . . "Oh, here you are. " exclaimeda man to whom Mu. 'Lohdell' was engaged for the next'dano'e.L Come on; they've he- and then went into the ballroom to find `Mrs. Wimberton wanting for him. He had forgotten that his naz_ne war upon her card for that number. George Whitford rat-alone for awhile? It we`; .avlo'1;g. ;veek for Whi't'fo1-`d, that next one. and thererwaa a huge disap- pointment for him at the end of It. ` IITL-.. II... I _I..I-II ` .._..:._..`I -5 cl.` "i{.'"4ii:' "jiuni"-2Er"i3a`i 1. ; any Orpheus club. her husband was with her. -But Lucius hohdell-was not one o! Vthose eel-sh -fellows. that keep their pretty wives all to themselves at danc- ing parties. He put his name. upon the cards of several married ladies asa mat- ter of duty and than -rushed in among the young folk, for he had a fondness `for girlsespeoially as dancing partners. Q- 85 ._-_ _..L 1-..- I.-l....... IT7I.:n.l__...I ansuuu G u-v- an . "I thought so. Thenpresident turned to the club, ignoring her of the black. ' eyes. You see, she said, that it is impossible for the club to take any such. step as the member moved for the pre- e_nt. I will say, however. that such ac- A tion will never become necessary in my , case. "- and a resolute look came into the blue eyes. ' ' IlI`\L I'1..--.l-IIl L..-I-- ..-__ LL- _.:..l.. } Siie wrote; on anonymous i interview. on a question before the people man` who objaeti to `chi on. o! his non): M .` withont_asor~ibing.-it to`a prominent- rnvnuaus-w cu Uwcu .--V any--v_w--.. Have. you? she replica,` looking away from him. and toying with the cord attach ad to her card. - i-,, LI__ -, .IQ,, uuvvul lpuupv 5'!!!` ISO "Why do you. honsider him` inch i re` ` markabla.mqnff7 A A . ` 11':-\|;..-~ I, uvu o---.v-rvvuu--J - u - u u V --5 tn-ow-v--u ` So it was `not long before Whitfurd had an Opportunity to lead Beatrice Lobdell iizto the refreshment room and 1 from thereto a little nook on` one of the % parlors. ` ` ' e CIT l...`I:-.-- 3! L. `-3.1 llbknd. -Al..-..- I- ` 3"" "" "' ` "I believd." he said, that "there is inch a thing aatite, and that I am one of its victims. - 0 I an- I .1 TC C VC\l'lI-ll I 'es, ab: replied, I know there in` ' such a thing gs fate. and it has many victims. - ' ca q. I V .n o o A.. :7?'v5v71'yv._.qid` he come this . evening?" Whittun`:.:I,sked after they had been si-_ 1 lently looking ai; each other for awhile. III .`I_..!L I..._._ I9 ..I..;.._.'--fog-A--41 ICE - CVIJUIJ ovvluunaa vuuvng vvucvn sun not can. u I don't know, .aho'ai;:'vered.' "lie { `proposed it himself. " " an _..... .. :....:.1 n L... ....:.1 un....4. ........l rgurvuuu -u `no--0-Iv-- .1 was afra]id,'he said, that you had asked, him to com.e. W7` 'n-e.;e.r`;a`l:'tTi;1'1 to go anywhere ` with me." ` A ' ' ~ ` .-. .- Jfho sang howhx ycnrIbu`nd`o."yii'I 'iI4 h 3 .d|y ` V . .,._-T 39 land sighed tor : mud that win was blind--' L ' ' -Inmwu blixid to union. um wu-dune the wind . "or 1.1:,` groanxnunaugungn Ah. sir. Inci- Wllll 1110. V V . `_ `V`Do you. know that I,have been think- ing out a story-during the past few days, Wbitford said; which. I fancy. must be very like the one you have promised to tell me sometime?" - =- nLr.....-. _.._uH ..|.... -.. ..I:...a I....I.:.... w.`:.!:e`a': i1;l`lv {Zia-;on the outline 0! it? V . I-. , 0. .0! `walked away. nnl\On' .Beatr_ice," aid her husband behind her, come; I have been hunting for yau. ` A She took his arm. and wont. . I What on earth were you talking` about to that fool? he asked. as they an... |.'...|-...I ...; -L Li... mu--- ....... .... Irv 0.: vv any: Eerzeart beat joyously. She felt as it she were heing carried along by him. She knew that hewai jealous. 1 I A- 0.... 'n.......... 1-n|..:.a..;..a -|. _..n vna uvvvauowo Now comes the remarkable part of the story. The midden was ooyered with earth 12 feet deep, either detr_itn'e or the result of a landslip. " and `eight _feet above it the excavator: found 12 tone ooina 0 ! the Roman era. "Ages must have elapsed, say: the antiquery. _betw'een the,-time when the Stunner- gate was inhahited by, these -early sher--. _.1n_en and the `none, period. when the in .!","ntI. .G0kt'i=1'I.':?. -G0d Wordl- V5 060 Oh, let no wait until some other time!" ` No; let me- tell it now. `L he urged. She looked up at. him in a pleading way and said: ` ' ` | I`nI-__- -AL nganpan ' n-an-nn -`AL Inn ... `h ` "K: IIIl\I |II\-I I Please not now. I mnat_ not hear it now. ` ' ` . But you will some time." "Perbaps. llTI1I_-_'jII II llvlln Oh, we must wait a long. long =a.-."~ 4 % vac-vu No, I` shall `not wait, he declared. "It is the story of a man and a woman. or a man who was always arriving too late, of a woman who was sweet and good` and beautiful, who"- u\'r_ _..In ..L_ -._;-._.`_._..4._.1 - 11. . uvwlvu vi-`Q uuvuuvuuunuun vu- ` No, no!" she interrupted. `Her } cheeks were ablaze, her voice was low % and tremulous, and she looked eagerly % for a chance to get pa_at him. 1 ` uvr- ._-- ..-_ __.._L ...-A. A.-II ..._ _.__ "Sing mo 5 'oong.".quoth ho; _ V 1 V So she sang how for years and for [ , and I that ` -vs on Va-use-vv vv Ev: `GUIICV -a4I.II 'fNo. no; you muati not tellnmo any man _I _ --__ V ` ~ ..o. "".""{o' 'Z6rS 7'vErLE".$c{lou, wen. he v: at only a man anyway !--Oleveland Leader. T ` - , Old Dungle. _ Where docks now line the river front and merchantmen oat shaggy natives paddled their little oraft and shed. They were hardy and adventurous, and, ` content neither with gathering shellsh"; on the shore nor with hooking the salmon and sperling: they attacked and captured the larger visitors to the rth. notably the porpoise. They, hunted. too, l `and, with venison from the forests and 3 `beyond the law and fish from "the river, no -doubt fared. sumptuously every day. 1 f'I'1I..u'u. I......sn-an ..~..I R-l.-...'..-.... Ii..-) .... l x v u u w w w - w . v - u ---to-Iuvuuu-J v Ivnl \IIIJ` These hunters and shermen lived on Tayside at a period so remote that the most cautious guess concerning it takes on a shade of recklessness. Less than 20 years ago they were found to have left at record of themselves in a rubbish heap known in scientic nomenclature asa "kitchen midden. "' Raking through the debris of the life primeval disclosed, says Mr. `Lamb, shells of edible mol- lusks mixed with a quantity `of burned wood. pieces of [bone artioially split, porpoise bones, deers horns - and stone implements ." No doubt was thusleft of the occupation and mode of life oi`. the settlers. A ~ V Ivuauvuu no . ""1 ' r A . She looked up at him. . There was an angry frown upon his face, such a look aashe had not seen there since she had been his wife. ' AM: A In . noiatluv When? Gobi Egujon Fon-_ I_t. 3, A " BA1uzfn- s1x'ru- WARD. Bradford St , S`S--Lot I1 and pt. Lot 12, with comfortable frame dwelling. Cumberland St., N -Pt. of Lot 26,- . Jacobs Terrace, S S--Lots 7 and 10. Marcus St., E S-Pt Lot 23. > There was an air of euppreeeed excite- ment among the members at the O. E.` , club which culminated in an ope`n dem- onstntion es the reading of. the con- stitution `wee demanded. The president `rapped loudly for order. 4174 l,,. -,____L-$ LI_-A AL, ___ ! BARBIE - GEN TB E WARDS. Dunlop Street, S S-Large Brick Building, known as The Moore,FI1ock. Collier Street, S 8 --Lots 40 and 41. . John Street. N S -Parl: Lots 5 and 6. L. Bnttereld Foundry ro erty. Brad ford Street, _E S-Lol:s2 2g, 31 and 32. Bradford Street, E S-(Thompson's Block) Lot 8. Charles Street, W S-Pt Lot 49. Ehzabeth Street, (Boys Hlock) S S--Lot 25. Sanford Street, E S--Parts Lots 21 and 22. Oliverst, N S Park Lots 16 and 17 17 - Oliver St, s S-Park Lots 13, 14, 15 ` Bay Shore-S of John and E of Ellen streets, 2 blocks of land, about 7'ac. BARB] E--EAST WARD. Blake Street: N S-. Lots 48 and 49. Blame Street, S 8 --Lots 37 and 38.] Cndrington Street, 8 S--Lots 23, 27, 28 and pt. 26 Amelia Street, N and S S-Lots 5, 6, 7. Eugenia Street, S S-Lot 5. "Bk...-...... 04......` `L70 T..L..A K F1 fmmruwu ANDTDTHER nuns? F Arusnlt - `IS E 1- of 24. and Sw(Vi -1 of 95 in 8th Con. mmsrll. Pt Lot 11. in 14th Con. This_ property in cludws Miner Point, and has on It a number of beautiful building sites. NOTFAWASAGA. 'l`I`I`IA,` IAIIN I ' .0120. E _Lot 20 in 10th Con. . `SUNNIDALE. . 2 Pt E Q; 12 in 10th, W S R, about 85 acres. VESPRA. I W 24 in 6th Con This parcel would be rented on an improvement lease. . Pc W `25 in Qth Con., about 90 acres. W Q 5 in 6th Con.` E i of l0Iin 6th Con. "Lot 10 in 12th Con. Lot 13 in llth Con. - N 40 ac. of W 1: of 19 in 13th Con. Park Lots 3. 4,25 and 6 on E i 22 in 6111: Con , 21 acres _ Park Lot 6 on 25 in 7 th Con . 5 acres. "WE Anmcr."l le m cLe{.:u& 4:113` to Be 1 Weakness. an eeots of abuse 0 `rmso rexoess. Mental Worry. Extensive useo1'1`o- baooo. Obinm or Stimuiautl. Mailed on receipt ofllrlcesono k 31.91585. Oaawiltpleaavs oicwlpun. up etc {meta an ; dress. who Wood company, W Ont- E - W .1. cULVI:RWi:Lvs iHaIrcutting' and Shavinp ~ <' Par`lor L Jorposnunngnnm nornu. 7 ' ~B.A.BRIEJa ` ' ,I:'...*... ._.s ad... _.1'-...1 _-; __ -1.-- uas'&'5.7J-`.3'u`T2Z& oeton. um. up ::()v1.1 :araoie! broke from the girls in admiration. for it wasan open secret that the fair president had been engaged for eom two years to a dignified pro- _ fessor of science. in man aomeA20 years her senior. T -asoxa in Barrie at-$9agtn' Drug tom. At very Lw Pric-ales and on Easy Terms. BARBIE--VVEST WARD. Bradford Street, W S-Part Lot 34; H T` Ilnbon-.2.-.IA `I1'..u..J.... .....-.....4-... IJLIAVLIIG LILICUU Q Wjllll "I Theresa Street. N 8--Lots4. 5, 6, 7. Lot 12. s s 7;.;`s:;;.,;;;" , Lots 41 and 42 in 6th Con.. Nottawasvga. ;1Ul. In S 1} 14 in 4th Con_. 14: Tush: Msans ` Dumas Gopvmeu-rrs ac. Anyone sending a. sketch and deecri tion may quickl ascertain our opinion free w ether an invent on is probabiytritentabie. Communica- tions strict(i)y oonii den Handbook on Patents sent free. idest s ency for securing nts. Patents taken rough Munn & . receive special notice, without c urge. in the Q ;2 A AAA:`h. 1"AAA4uXLAAA A handsomely ulnatrawu woolly. Lament ctr- culatlon or any scientic om-nu. Terms. 83 a year: four months. 0). 80 wall newadealers. MIJNN & cu m;g;NewYurk _ uunou.D.c. #3818 ' Branch Once. 65 St" vVC7DVVU--V y ----v- ----_ A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest` Eir- culattonot {cant-nu. vnm-2 four months. 8). so bvnll newadealers. vs nun jsuuuallj III: UI'lll`l QB: Ill`; ll|3I' a.dul" Said thelndy thatlistonodu uduoonldh. "Ah. mo. lnokadnyl" answered he. I Z I _ whatgluten is. of coinne is the vet) `lxfe blood of the wheat betry. It fufnishes phosphates for the brain, iron for `the blood, me for the bones and carbon in sucient quantities to Warm the body without byrning the A`, Ti||son s Wheatlets contain a very large_p'ro- portion of `gluten and as prepared for the breakfast porridge it yield: um idea` nourishment lhatin often promised but seldom given in cereal food. A Besigrocefs sell Tills_on's Wbcatlets by the pouni}. . ' Know `THE `r1LLsoN cow. Limicea, Tilsonburg, Ontatio. ' d luincuud 01 11-? K ~nl!;nsni1'adiclne distzven Sh? s{'r*IiEriiw'!i. *:s'T}:N. - Solicitors, &c , Barn`:-. UV uuxanqug uvw av; gwuan nagu 50` [fit Hill! I say , A. . Her head had been full of a poor lover : sighs. For night: and for night: with thc love in hil "'- Wood : Phosphodino, : ~ The omwngu-n mm Rnld `nd mnnmmanded 1117.11 ` i%`%'n'.`5:2?n`$v3 r'3f `$3 L-uuolpnauo nuulonnlnul On aunt All 1 COLLINGWOOD. The ammo Perinaneiit % `~ Building and Loan Association Special Facilities o)7"e7`ed to Investors mdBo1-rowers. | :,|`}||` | -wny pay rent, when, on such . monthlpa. ants. you can become_ your own ha . 0|] rrd? vethe hoi f t chi rate pf $1.20. $1.so.cor 5.3or?o`;a`.:5.`sx::;' I011! I lll III` rate of I-nwnrl _ I nu-. luv :5 UH-`WhY 003 P1800 1011! $100.00 vgith uae'b. 15. _B. & 1.._ gun. a_nd have it doubled In 12 years. besgde recenvmg dugng the in- terval 6 Z pct ennum paid to you every gm months? In other words, for your $xoo.oo you receive as interest $66 and a. lump sum of $200. makmg a grand total of $266. ' TH PUBLIC-`Nb 3 ad all our going 6oc. a month placid gngth the P. {and Loan Association will yield you In about 8 you: A PRESENT of $100.00, or I prot of $41.40 avg: your monthlv pavmmts. 114$ nnI|n:Q1: --.. .__.... _-`----.v- The g'irls.aut'tl'ed-dowlva in their plaool. and. amid comparative quiet. the accre- tary. clearing her throat, began: Jul!-u.g_ - , L, L- __II__I- -v-... V- 7 An investnient safe as g_o\-ernmont Iecuritiee and much more protable, realizing the investor an equiva- lent to 15 per cent. per-annum. simple interest. For printed matter and further information can on {95 pun1o;;st., Ross Block, Barrie. Conveyancing Blanks per__ dozen Assignment of Chattel M01? gage ' Release of Equity of Redemp- . tion perdozen Chattel Mortgage Statutory Lease House Lease Farm Lease L Assignment of Mortgage _ per dozen 25 Cents. O.H.LYON. Deeds, heavy -paper. Printed Letterand Note Heads ' in Linen, Bond, Laid and wove papers, padded, very d cheap. ' Envelopes, printed per 1000 Bill Heads and Statements p.er 1000 $1.00 ' " 7333; '""' """' ""' '7 "" . Oh. well might also pause. for that gentleman gay ` . . ' ` ' . lined 1:6: quick on the lips. moat Soyouto see ' - Fun, love. thou wort blind!" snswoted aha. --St. Pa'ul'I- / Get our prices and see our stock The Advance Printing Agreement for Sale of Land per dozen - 35 Cents. wooos'rocK, ONTARIO, TENANT-Why rent, when, such 4 nonthly payments. vou can become vnnr nwn 1` v-- ..-ya-cc--v .rInvnQI`IA1-3 ;.Io.':=.i:..~..2c=o1r..;3:`.`::=v -9* D 't\nI\`n4I :-u -n uv-n-- L...:4I- __..___S..._ 3 SEGTREAS. -BARBIE LOCAL BOARD. 1:-tf Evenings at residence, 67 Owen-St. 20 Cents. M`-71}nIdT63n '.;q;.a..a am the co"... ntitntion be read." tho said. in a clear. high soprano. , A'Li_,- I , . n .1 5,, .-,I_--_ This organization shall be called` ~ 1`he.,Qhaney Elopement club.-' _A_h.so`- lute sec?6'y`l ' ' and particulars oi elopement shall be m `!&odqyan___ between members. .Membership shall be limited to seven, and shall cease the moment a wedding ring is placed on a true sister's finger. The older the man inveigled into eloping the more credit shall be given the departing sister. Boys under 18 are not to be considered responsible. Trunks and trousseaue are absolutely forbidden. Long wedding trips are also barred; . The penalty for being a member longer than for two years is expulsion. nch ' departing member shall suggest a sister to take her place. I(`7.._ I.--A I-nu-and `Inn unnl':ratu 30' 5|-Ila E. DONNELL, t'\llII'\!)Aa us;-5-no---_- _-____ $1249. 7-..... JV:-I vwll lGII' "'5' Megan t monthly ?,f";.f',`,o"$.`.}.. for 7.`a"e`i.s.2m um. ACalla attention to the AND UPWARDS AND". UPWARDS ..._.OF--;- --\4- vnanvou i erhapsT you won't mind telling your 'modus operund_i?' " eneered Sadio Andrews incredulously. T u A II..-... ...- -_ 4...--- 4.. ._'II _......-u.-._ QCld\-lA\.l 17>.) nnavAv\4uauun;aJo Allow. me in turn tooallyour atten- tion to that clause of our constitution which says that absolute` secrecy as to`- time and particulars shall be maintained even between members, `said Gracie sweetly, although her eyes ashed at the covert insinuation. If there is no more business "before the club, she added, "I declare the meeting ad- journed." o - ' . r\_'_ A- _4-II,- 1 ,_, ' .nonn, , I .;n n Grace walked away. The hateful thing! she exclaimed. the tearsalling her eyes in` spite of herself. I ll show her! He does love me! He does! nH.e will do anything lnwish. Only he does not approve of eloping. Oh. I wish that he did! But`I ll manage somehow. and he Just must do it. whether he approve: or not. " ` ` ` A month passed, and still -no oppor- tunity presented itself for putting into` practice any of her numerous plane. Grace was almost in despair. Sadie An- drews openly laughed her to acorn an" the time passed and Gracie weietill Gracie Dawn. .Many of the girls looked dubious and smiled` faintly when_ 8:- &ie would triumphantly ejaculate. "I told you so!" in their presence, Grace preserved a calm bearingooutwardly. but inwardly raged at her helpleseneu. n..- .a.... .. ...__.._ _....._ -4 .... _-:-- .._- --a1vuIo\lOJ uuguu nu. uua uwaylvuvilo One day a merry party of excursion- iscs boarded a boat and Well` for all `|.i|*'"` ing 80 miles down the river- Amonl; them were Grace and Professor Harper, The O. E. club was out in full foray: and a mighty resolve formed itso l iIy the maiden's mind that this hholnldhp. the eventful occasion. . ` ` A cave in the vicinity-visited` uni lunch partaken of. the party broko up % into groups 0! mos or three: and tered over the hills into tho woods. captain ol thb vessel cautioned that again}: nu-ayingo too far a vvay,;`|VI};I![|_,o.o_.f host would put Voutopromptly o'clock. A: was natural, _.G:_aoo j, PWTOIMOI countered o'7tosotho_r.": Now. when eball.1v`o~.jlo?g _ L,.'F5 min-or --Igavo,:;:1;o;i you you - - ' " `I mnnh .N " wvv w---- you wanna nu. to gar: . THE C. E. CLUB.- mas. III)` PIIIVUI "You. have heard thareading of the constitution, f said the president, rising from her chair. Now. what: action is to be taken?" is -'1 `II - ;_II _.1__I JVIIQ puv Ilulxvp `IX. Q CV Iv qvxvl ` ' No. dear; I4ah,6iIld not: not in th leilst. But there!" the--professor sighed `qsitg,_righ_t. and we must wait. `Now. Than I!nIIn VR'"'`Ihnin In ,ihn `Quinn and heavily-. "Ydur tathe; 'ia`v'qu!te right, shall w'e>~,-.-rtglyze a few more specimens?" _ .-,,._,. Grace, he exclaimed,` J believe that you did lt.land on purpose! Did you?" Grace nodded. ' ' - .But why, child? Why uhonldyou want to be left way out here in the woods?" - - ' - _ I m going to run of! with you, Her- bert. So that you might as well make upyour mind to it." ' Why! What does the girlmean?" -gasped the professor in amazement. H `l....a. _I.-a. I ....... It _-a. _.:II -....-- ` I-Ila lI`\JIW\II IE KIIIHIJCI-I-ICIJ Just what I say. If you will agree to marry me right away. _I know a` man that live: about a mile from here who will drive us to Chaney. If [you 6 `t promise, I will not tell where be live: and you will just have to stay here all night."_ ` O9 1 Q 1 I `A Professor-Harper stared at her for q momentin astonishment, and then, a_s ; her meaning burst upon him, gavavent 1 to g roar ,of laughter. Grace : lip 1 quivered. \ an n. 1'.._....-...1-..| l...-....-.._1_..IM -..2...1 1 ullulj-U-V--V--H 3 2 ~ ix ' ` ; When we are married, G_reoe. I hope to nude rare pupil in you. .We have only a year to wait now until your to- ; that considers you old enou'gh. 'i_con- tinned he. * "l don t<'mind, s_dylng 'to you, lime girl, that! nd the_waiiti_n3 tedious at tiIneI."` =` ' 3- ; - 2 Graoeje -heart throbbed rapidly. ' Then you would `not mind much if something should happeu.I:h_at would ` make `us merry`. ~eoone_1','. would you? she asked. in 3 low tone. - ` uxv- .:....... I`-I..s'..'.I.:I ...e. .....e. 2.. +1.- VI-Ivan iv Ivvao at an an. J-av Grace `I-mung her Bead. but made no reply. - 6613---- II I.` --..I_-_...I'- C61 I.-Il-..- I131 V Uhvwl Uh, Ieurrender! Ieurrender! cried the professor hastily. "I will do any-_ thing you ask, my dear. But what I very delperate character you are 1" cu__.._-a.._-.-I n__; .1-;-_...:..'_.1 AL--- vv. nu- `(CI-Ia`: uuununvuvn vu -u-v J I J Shamefaoed, but ` `determin'ed,h- Grace 3 led the chuckling` professor to the house of a farmer, with whom arrangements were soon concluded to drive them to Chaney.` A l`I7.._ - .I-..lL ..--II._ _..l..J J- . __-_ gov--a vow vv no; on wvansn nun so-av -unavo- '1`hia is a predicament," said Pro- `tessor Harper, as he mopped highbrow; . The worst of it is that they will think- we did it on pnrpoee!" v And he frowned in annoyance. "I cannot think how my watch came to be so far behind time. Do you suppose you could have inad- vertently tnvned the `hands, Grace. when you took it from me?" ' n..._- |._...: L-.. I_~--.1 |._;. _..-.1- ..- `y-u-- s-J - V , Yon`don't really mind, do you, Herbert? whispered Grace 3 they reached the house of the mi_niate_i". UV IJU uunuu Madam President-a tall girl arose with a malicious sparkle in her black eyes-the reading` of the consti- tution was demanded for thepnrpose of calling attention to the clause which reads that the penalty forheing a mem- ber for over two years is expulsion. We have one such mam her; I think it time . that action was taken. " AI,, 3, 3, A Ivuvuuu I-lU\IAlIl U0 BI-I`) Iaulnnlnu Miami;-veNo. I wish wdhacui gone it long ago." whispered back the profess- :or, smiling boyishly. `,`I h_aven_'t been on such a lurk for years." . m:.- n In -I__|_ -1; _ _..:_-4.- .--nan' The 0 E. club held aiprivate jolli- oation when ft was known that Profes- qr Harper and Grace Dawn had sloped. and the villagers woizderedeat the de- pravity at .a man of his age. ' ` HA1! ..|.- ..-....- ~...._ .a..... H -..:.: 4.1.; ,5 VII] 35 .3 CIIXII `JG Ill 1! - All the name. `my dear. said. the professor to his wife, I hope that you won't alwaysvuse such desperate, meth- ods to obtain your own way." - _ MI)... 44...... -_.--_IL ......sl..:..... '..I.... J}- Ivuanuvov uvu \-vvu vac wnavcn use-we "Why! 79 can never reach. the boat in `time in the werldl We must run for it, Grace! ' ` ~ I)... _1_-__:..- 4|.-.2.. ...m-..a... _| .-.. ;.|_-_V CU \a5|nvv I `But, despite their efforts, when they reached the shore the boat was hidden from view by a bend in the river. IIl'I'lI_;.. R- - _..-.I2-..........L II -_.'I l'I_- `Ill uuwvvvavu o$l-we I-Coil IIDI And, laughing. .he' -kirssed ber.-A-L. l'oster.MIdison in Cleveland P_reu. . Aeqnltted. Voltaire, whejnon his estate of For- ney. was fond of assuming the air of nobility and displayed a moat philosoph ioal hatred of poachers; One fluckless fellow wag caught and brought before him'.. -,Volta'ire_ `determined to try him 1-ooording to law, and took his seat as jndse. directingvhil oeqtetary to not -as oonnsel4'tor_the prisoner. The advocate made along speech in favor of the on]- prit and stmped jnddenly. I.I.'_ `tn man. `-|t\1I:``1I'o." VA`; -. .. ....., ...... ,.,.... .. _ T "Why; so it is! exclaimed the pro- fessor, amazed. "1 was almoqt positive that irwas after` 8;` but that win gin Ill. time tqr a long tramp. " ca.` _-..` _|._._ ._.-..u` 'l.}.LI._.. -..A l-..4.I....' --an II v um- ~qva new UI ow vv onovov Iugvvvnn-vnoliu They Izut-zd""'tikIIilI,_to the bran and` lo the time passed." -8iid`den}y the pro-' lessor seemed to realize that time was ` lying and whipped out his watch. .nn|-__ ..._ ._..| us 1;". -..:-.1' nn1-_:n """1'3 1aI.'m'"5'$'1':7'B"oaIf7:373}. will barely have time to get to` the boat.` It is 4-o clook. We must hurry Graco.. 1l_, _ |._.1 ..-4. ..-__ I-.. l_-_..- AL- .1--- `"i;3.}Sx"n as the audacious speaker took her seat and listened breathlessly for the president's answer. That oicial raised her head deantly and said baugbtily: ui ____-__...- 4.L..L LL-.. ....}... ...- 11:..- nu - v you - coco:-av -u - no-o-uvvu They h;i ngtvuone far *I;f:;re the deaf: % wl;j__t;la spnded on their ears: A; ' ~ ........ .@.w%...%... %..a;.r >the`Ad_iantnm. podatum;-" % 7 ....'.-.`l- _.. -1.` _.- ..-- ._L;A . I IfI'1..-- to the boat in time." -.3`, , .-u-_--u-vgq-`up , 'l.'ruo, '; m `id:a7u`. the time in. '_We don": want to go to V In that we willnot bqablo to get back * &"ffe' EiIZv'Zu'"b'ia' watol'a.` but man he could` glance atlt Grade hadInItdh- ad it from him-. - ` uiAd. KC. UIIIIW `Ill 1 Iilila CO1} so onihey went" tdr{l;er nnd !'arth`u' lntoithe woods, until at list". with arm: llodwith ne j-Ipooingenn -of: _x}naiden- hair, they sat down on a'~m'my_.utone to analyzembem. = - J -- v . unn._-__ .._.- -..- ...-....:.-1 r:i...-; 1 1.--- vuu sv vusu-an Juno viva: wvugiu , But there wasn't anythjng clad to do, answered Mrs. Harper. A....1 l_._..vI.-.._ L-.. I, yGIU KID`! `Hill-llrikll-ll: I . Why do you hesitate?" . naked Vol- . hire. T T V A ` x `I 6 _v. A_.--_- _ __'.l `.'N_ow guess, Herbert." _nhe cried; merrily, _pn'tting_ her hand! behind her. "Guess the time. " ' Proteuor Harper smiled indulgent!-y. ~ It must no 9 o'clock; `er actor." he KI. _ "I wih to read a "pa_uag:e_rom p vol- ume In yon;-__ library, ` `- .11.. ..--......-.1 4.1.- .|.....I.~-...I -n..'..-a|.. -p4uu Luann: uauuueoaucu - "I presume tha"t they mean me, Miss Andrews. I believe that I alone remain. of the original seven. " (:1 .1- _.._1 `I ...-_.- LL-L LL- ...1-; `XI? III I53. 5 He` procured Eh: `book and silently -turned its leaves. Vdltairo became im- patient and demanded_~tha cause .0! his Iilenom ` ' A 11:1-r,I|'nq ..____.______: 4| _ . _ . -_`_4____. Al`! (ngo 5)-No. `donfi matter. It- I'_ `lya horrowC%d`L9IIo`__! naug L?.'gf :`'- i'.'. {.`.'a e"a"'uu ii?` V2235.` "Itis only half pantie . unn._- __ x. :. no .._..I..I....-a `LI... .}.... `II UIJVVU , Well. " answered the ieotetary. `.`_l. have been looking to`: the woidw `hu- manity andvlne you have.omi,;tted 13;". I7'.IL__-' AL..-.-Lvh LL.` n-pa----u.\- -5. _ .'h_'o sw get_%qh11u|`_. , `A - De.Gaucha, (who `bu Vjuat hr_okoVn fa .p`la`to)--()b. I am Iozjry! ' T - L ' Am- $I{-`-`Iu;'b":- an. nnnannh col.-cu UI-y- u---v Voltaire thounisz the} argument flu forcible thathe set the poaoher free. - c-uyvc w--u-g_v--- .,-- ""."a71'}'~'1'_:!'.'aI;`-"-T'-'I'Z'":i'zao~ ons eju9noe.. no:n+npo1omo._ ~ > I1n.'-|. I.'._Ji.-- 1...- x\;;1u'}. :.I4..".'!; "':i_)h. . you had gneuzt !" "An_d Gino: .--I.8A._.l_ I.-'...I-J L.'4.L `lug uunnbnln vs `av v-caucus. -a I do, and ii) :-gnveythat thg vice president take the~.ohair while we con-[ sider the case. A fgood many` things were necessary two years `after their marriage to keep V _, H1-._.Lobdell. from nding, life burden- 7'Iome." Among these were four clubs, weeveral ` ne` ihersee, -which; he handled _hin1self.a'tvtho gentlemen: matinees. end~ privilege of going and coming when be pleased. . I: n._._:_. t-n..1-n ....:-..-.1'u_-_--__- wv-as-vi u--v-Bu CC on..- _ -"It was whispered, however. that she didn't care. but ' there is a great deal of ewhiapering in society that is unwar- ranted. ` Certainly Mrs. Lobdell might " h;\7,`i.!:j_',d(l-admirers` it she. had wanted` them. l':idem<}..r1he did have them,` but they had to admire Ifmnpeg distance un-_ til George Whitford arrived `hpuc. She` scene. ` - . A ALuci_ua- `Loh(ioll- had married one of the sweetest giila in gtho wfo:l_d. bnt.ho_ named to lourlight of that fact as soon . !._a_ho found himself bound. to her for vvn-w- olV""l.CN\F&I A _ If Beatrice Lobdell grieved bedause ofhia _neglect,-abe did so in the `strictest Jeoreoy. and uuooe'e'dad=in_Tretaining her beauty through it all, L - IA. __.. ._.L:._-..--.1 I.-...-..-.. a.l.-A. ..I.- The Lobdells had joined a fashiona- ble family club. not that Mr. Lobdell cared for it, but he wanted his wife to have some place where she could enjoy herself while he was not with her. Youaee, he was a kind hearted, chival-V Ions fellow in. spite of the fact that it bored him to be much in the presence of the beautiful young womanphe had once l_oved so madly. . nil... ...I....I- L..-_l.I- :1 ;.-_ _._-;. |______ ....._.. -.-..... ..., ........_,. k A The whole trouble, if you must know it, was that they wereunsuited to each other.` eMre. Lobdell had a tastefor the artistic. Herhusband was not inclined that way. He was one of the best "ama- teur drivers in town-no one knew the line points about a horse better than be. He belongedto the athletic club, had been known to walk seven miles through the country mud in order to see a for- bidden prizeght, and he had wona medal on the golf links. a `D-_4...:-_ I -I..1-II9.. -_-n.l_-,._s_ __., Beatrice Lobdell e_ enthusiasm over rare old_ prints, E:itzgerald a rendering of the Rubyia and all that sort of thing seemed ai ly to him, - B-5 4...- -.......-._.. _.I.-._ -I.- l--_1 __ uvv--vuu as-co IV -annals But one evening when she had ae- 1 oompanied the Wimbertons "to the? Thursday evening ootillon party at the ; Orpheus olub, she met George Whit- I ford. Hefdanoed` with her and talked abouttfiiugs in which she was iuterest- t ed. . He` could quote 40 of Fitzgerald : best` quatrains. and. Mrs. Lobdell said when the Wimbertons were ready togo . home that she was very glad to have met_him.__ --vA'f.te:that it became customary for [Beatrice Lobdell to attend the Thurs- dyevening parties with the Wimber- tons, and` George Whitford s name` loomed up? conspicuously upon be: pro- gtmmee an-.9- - -44.. M lg- _,,ps 1 I Vance-nc. :1 It's a pity, he said toher one evening when they were sitting out`: - born} i.n luxury. daneein the parlor. `Fthat you were f`Why?" she asked. Hf it had been otherwise you would have .ad ded something to the` world's literature that would have lived. ` The absence of necessity is unfortunate in your ose.' ` - , ~-D_o you really think I have talent? A 4I_%',ariiiisure.o.f it.. e . - Whitford was beginning to be known in the world of letters as a novelist and essayist. He was young, handsome and, not much of a favorite with men. But most women regarded him as interest- ing. ' IA`..- r...|...1..n.|....|.,..i -4. I.:... --..._-_n_ Iiauvn I)IuI\l vuuuo "One moment, please; The president turned to the secretary. Will you kindly look up the time of my mom- barship? A.._:.I 4--.! -:i...._- 4.1.- ......_-L...... _- mg` --Tits. Lobdielllooked at him earnestly V and sighed. . ll`I'\__I._.._ T_-_.I.`I I._`_._ I__-__ I_____-_ Perhaps I would have been happier, Vtoo." she said, if I had been compelled tqdo something more than sitaaround and feel, that my life was going. to waste, - - ' HI'I'II._ ..-a. .1- IL -.'._.__-.'.-an L- _..I_-.`I vv U|IJ\\`p 7 Why not do it anyway? he asked after awhile. Suppose'we collaborate on a story?" _ ~ ' ur 4.l.:..L n .'|_- -.__.._-.__.1 :n.I__;. 1 v- cu -uvv-J u e -"I think, she -answered, that I could give you the outline of a story that would interest the world. " ' . There was something ..in her tone--3 tiuge of wistful sadness-tbat brought the color to his cheeks. He, bent for- ward eagerly to make a reply. but she hurriedly rose, saying: = _ Come, -' we must not: ii: here any longer. _' ' ~' `A III`- l-II---J I.-- I.---I.. L- J.I_-I_-II..--... .., ....... .. .....,.. ....,.... George Whitford, waited for their next meeting with boyish impatience, and when the evening `arrived it and- denly oconrfedeto him. that ehe might not come. In thatease he didn't know 1 what: `he would do. But when the Wimw-L 1 he:-tone-put in an appeafanoe ehe wen i with them; end he: saw. that `her cheeks" _rdd'en'ed _-when? he went . Eforward, to `r,Awhu.__w. : e_ . . n- ..`..'.._2Q`...I,I.--...- 1;..- ~z.~.'.-| _-~.1-I.-- '"H';::;;:ng``d before` gong 6 leadher nwayfrom tho,o ro_wd. `Then he asked: i when, are you going give;-mic tubut ntory yonipaio 61? ? . ~ ~ -am. l..`.l...1 .1 '|.:_; .;.:..u1..:..' ...~.L..' He followed her back to the ballroom, and when they parted that evening be pressed her hand very gently, while his; heartwent at "a violentupitch. OLA nu-A.I...I I.:L. 1-..l- _...`I ....:.I flflneul % "':f:e"n3a'i:';If'.Z"mm u;-is ......m.. (tightened nd Inlwerd. almost int 1.whiape:.:. f %% - y~ K . "N,av or.., U- VIVA-II CI 1 VI ISJlJU'_rlIu\lllI * E310 avoided his `iookand said "Good by" instead of Good night." t3.........- l`n|..n..n-....1 ___.u.-.1 '3..- 4.|...:.. -avg nag: Ami ; dead silence the secretary re- parted: 0H'I1L.._.. --- On-A -mun-`blag nnrnninfnn AN UNTOLD ASTORY; v_v I1; I` I an-t 1* .,7,:,r,;;',:. % u1`....'-.:. .. `And butho and down 'morn,of7timo.` When song was natural av wreath, u-no ta `am with duh. TIAIKI ono h'mi&$ the crow ' Ad; I It pledged themgand hi-' `praise was loud; ItVploi'as`a'd thexgghreatly tor a day. ; (1 than its ngnsic diedlwny. . ho mode topless: tho toy. . It,,livo d a- century or two; ",l.'wu sung within the halls of kings. with forgotten things. Anti ono -made to please hixnsolrg Withonttthought of tame or pelf, - _ But sent it forth with doubt and team. it ogtlntod all the years. - iloethes-"s6xig_l.1as vital breath -Through endless time to ght with death l'hsz`x'thstrthe singer sings spurt , - lb his solitary heart. ' _`RTnw Var-E nn, "Ii"!-IRES 5805108. . DUCK ID- .--'1_\Iew York Sun. Pul IIUKA 0 "There are two months remaining, Madam President. A nut 09 n;- ,1

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