Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 9 Feb 1899, p. 5

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. chm-chin. Advance Correspondence. Splendid sleighnng, and the people about heresre taking advantage of it, hauling their summer supply, of ice, wood, etc. . . .Ourling end skating are booming just now. Large crowds have .-visited the skating rink lately, inolud ing 9. number from Barrie, Thornton, S:.roud,,Ivy and Fenuels... .A. Mia campbell, M.P.P., presented as very handsome silver cup to the curlers for competition among the local curlers.` D. W. Lennox skipped the first rink to hold the cup, but intends putting it up for competition again . . Two rinks from Churchill went to Newman-ket on Wednesday to` play a friendly game, in which Churchill was victorious. . . .Two Barrie rinks visited the village and played `with two of the local rinks, but lvguln Churchill was victorious. The following are the rinks :--No. 1- B4!`- rie-- W. Wilkinson, Tbos. Pea:-coy, Gun, Bu -gs, A. Brownlee, skip Churchill- (.. Gross, Jss. Patterson, W. Puttetson, R. Rowe, skip. No. 2-0hurchIll- Wm. Allen, E. H. Sloan D. W. Len- nox, J. Allen, skip. Barrie -`J. Coi- fa y, W. Love, W. Psttenson, N. Gross, skip. . . . Regular meeting of the Orange Lodge on Friday. Bro Brown, organ izer for Orange Mutual Benet Associa- tion, was present and delivered an ad- dress, setting forth the advantages of the svstem of insurance he represented.` ' ml.-.... T:..l.. ..c AIl.._.l..l- :.' .;:-:. G EO- REEDY9. Imports}, aw %w%r%@%x;%e;sw.wm@%zw% At Ve1c_Low Prices Fxnnxiv .'l`>899`{ These days Tar_e now aivrangedfor v:'*itlV1 their % .oiferjngs V .. 4 Duthe balance (if thismonth we will continue tqsell % We hold a very 1 stock of American Bleached Cottons. eetings; Cambrics. Etc .` which we boughtntbs ago at the lowest price on record. s-.`g_ e are selling these Goods to-day at: less] wholesale prices Full stock 0 K - of Pillow Cottons, Sheetings, Tab ' Blarilce Quilts, Flannelettes,_ I#`.lanne`ls;.% Ladies J ets and `Capes `Mantle Uloth Dress Goo % nd Underwear. Makes business brisk on dull days Satisesall customers. " ' Is free and fair to everybody. . `Phemston. Advance Correspondence. M ' Messrs. J as. -Wuyler and `P. Msngin of Brechin called on friends here lately . . . .A number of our young people spent a vely enjovuble evening at Mu; :M. Mulroy's, of `Arie, last week. . nrhe remains of `Mrs; Elliurd, of iwlceonsin, arrived here bv the 12.20 brain, `Mon day. 'From here she was removed to `her former home. Mr. I'\Izgeruld`s. and was interred in `the Mt; St. Louis R O. Cemeu-y, Tuesday . .Sorry to report. the death of . Mr. Patrick Gannon, of Apto. Mr. Gannon. was one of the nldeb residents of.Flos, having attain-' ed the ripe old age of ninety years. Deceased is father of _ Mr. P. Gannon, of this place. ` Q . . . Miss Liscle, of Allandale, is visio- ilvlg wnh Dr. and Mrs. Lmle. . . .The Mic-sea Davis, of Ivy, were among the vmitors an the_riuk _on Saturday even- ing. . . .J. `L. Sloan, V.S., has been laid up for some days past with a severe 35' tack` of pleurisy. , . .Tne anniversary services of the Presbyterian church were well acbendcd. In the evening a large nnmberwere unable to get into the church. The Rev. Mr. Gilruy, 01 Toronto, preached at both services, T Blgv.Bs.y faint. Advance Correspondence. Our school was clusud on Monday and Tuesday of last week owing to the illness of the teacher... . .'l`he illus- trated lecture and gramarhone concert given here last Friday evening by Mr. Chas. F. Sewrev was only. fairly well`. attended, but those who were present say the show was well worth the pat ronage of a larger number. . . .Seldcm have the younger members of our com munity received a greater shock than onlast Monday morning when they learned that one of their number in the- pure :1 of Edmund Irwin. youngest son of Mr. John Irwin, had been called `to pass `dcath s portal. The deceased had apparently been in good health until with a few days before his death when be consulted a physician and learned that hehad diabetes. His case did not seem serious, however. until withinta couple of days of his death when he began to fail rapidly, pausing quietly away on Monday. morning. 30th ult. The funeral which was held on Tuesday afternoon, was largely attended. A short service was held at the house after which the cortege proceeded to Si roud where, after another service, the remains were interred in the Methodist cemetery. The svmpathyof the neigh- horhoode is tendered the "bereaved friends. ' ' e . Mrs. `Mom, of Fort Williann, 1... been spending a. few 'W8.Pk8. withher bt'ot.b6r, Mr. W. J. Andrews... .Mra. A. Brown in eu`e1-ing fmm'o.eevere` attack :`of pneumonia. . . ;Lvente`nnnus 'l`. P. Lougheed and`J. G. S:-igley attended the annual oioo-r e meemag. uf the 35011 Battalion held in Barrie recentlv . .Mra_.A Geo. Pearson is let`: to: the bore of relenvea. Mrs. Huokliu e' father, Mr. McLarcv, died on the night. of Mra. Hick|1ng s funeral. `The friends and relatives have the eym i pushy of the oouiz_uun'ity. |;x`ci,ijstv; iu_:Ns' A % _ ; a9vs'` ..qu1'rrr-r`:-;ns._ .f 1-`. ` Holly. Advanoe Correspondence. Midhurst. _ Advance Correspondence. __ Miss Ethel Spears, of 1vy, left for home on Thursdsy after a two weeks Fvisit with friends here... . . Mr. Charles Stewart has the Assessorship of Vea- pral this year . . . . Muss Edith Turner, of Hilisdsle,` is vismug Muss Mary Fergu son . . . . Miss Jennie Orrock is visiting friends in Ivy. . . .On account of the `cold `weather-,vthe annnsl tea meeting -held in` the Presbyterian church on Feb. 1st was not so well.attended as it "generally is. The `tea was served in the Patron Hall and the program given in thoohuroh. `Rev. Messrs. Leonard,` Mrs. Leonard , of ' Dalston, sang ..som_v-t _ solos which were highly `appreciated and Mr. D H. MaoLaren, of Barrie, recited inhis usual happy style. The T rest of the program Wn furnished ht 'h@|ooal talent, Proceeds ab`,onti$.35. On .ThuEsda'y ovenirig a social was hel-n . for the "young. folks....Mr. 'R. D`, ' Orok left ;on Tuesday for a short visit ' to Toronto. , - o . Shane and Ingram were the'speskers._ dawn can-nu. vv-Q-- wvv-w-wu-, -w--------_ - "1 -.-" . `THO Pedro Club. mot. lash week _at. TM'r. 'I'."M_}aqhun' 9, Sunnidalekgaud, up usual, the i=u1,nmb,`ers of chat.` jdlly or jonization enjoyed thomaelvaso the Vfull, . Mr. R. Dalton, Allandale, Wash the `guest. of `Mr: Eti G-'.nm,artiLn_' last "week. ~. . "g%AM;a.u,l,l`tphell,` `an old_ and re- nyiooted Alfesidoht _bY `,hi`s plaog, died `last Fl'i.dt7- frbm ,tho v.-`ecta of IQ grippo: x Thai {ins-er9I'i!6k i'I!13|_.. gun-d'Vs.o W "W -* Crown H111. Advance Correspendoncc. A concert. was held in the lodge room on the evening of Caualemus Day un der the au8picP8 of the Ladies Aid S ciety of So. J nu.ee Churoh.- Friends from Craighurnts uanisted in `the `pro gramme. . . . .The' Farmers Inscilute hr-Id a meeting here on Friday last. . , .. Qual`tH`|y meeting was V held in the 1* ree .Mncbodist. church on Sabbath lass. _ New Lqweli. I ` Advance Corrupondonce. ' ,_ Dr. -E_anLon'. -`Barrie, has charge" of .Dr. Hunt u.pvaot.|ce while the latter iv- gotandiuc to Ooun.t.i a'aira.'. . .M;as Jean Buenwiok is viai ing in ',l`~ronuo. jherunola , Mr."John Grdo . . Mada Braden. E_lmgr9v};, is _vn'ait~ing Blunnldulv. L 'mL.A n`..n.._ nr.`..u ...... I.-.. _....`.I..`:. Nonwnlmii %Apv A1i'ct:4 %" large number of friends came to p..y hmr lust respects. Mrs. Mitchell was 79 yars of age}, . .MIss`S. McLe|land, Bradford, -ret{urnedT to her home last. Monday after u mont.h a `visit _ with ftien_da `here, - `V T ` It is our sad. duly this week to chronicle t_he.and `death of`*one `of out `most. respected neighbors,` Mrs. Marsh - -ll. who was born in t_he.Couu'ty of Peel in A184,5,'her maidn mnme _ueing_ 7 ~ A T - ------ "l'|L`..'.... nl-In -Innltinl. CUI III 101;), uva Iii"-V-`Ina -.f-- _ V--,_ M. J ane Ls gear. Th'e`re she resided" nll her marriage to Alexander Marsh- all. They then moved [0 Essa tnwn- ship, in the neighborhood of Egbert, where they resided until their removal I 'o Grenfel three years ago. Mrs. ' Marshall was then unhealthy as could he do-sired, but her zeal to get along was too great, and for the past eIgh'e-"n months she had been in declining health which greatly `affected her nerves She slept peacefully away for three days pr- vnous to half-past seven o'clock on Satnuday night, when she died.` She was a devoted wife, a good mother, and her` Christian` `example and character were exceptional. She was`54-gyeirs of- age, and lenses a husband,`Lthree.sons _aIn'd one daughter to` mourn her death 11.... n-.. _.a-__ . `rL-_.....|.. T..- . `-'llT6H...`.. '~ " .. .``. M;iI,V,R}ii.Ahpan Thursday wi I1 m_...g_ag V3o;ig., of "Qraigburaf,g` n_i_..,Mi'ac: 4?` `B'is Mn-~%KA ~. _and 1 ..1na`\L.a.1-ins; A A -Cotrcspondeuoe. _ . Mr. B`. A. Kent his gone to"_'1V'o|_-onto. ` "Nu UIIU I.llll5I.|l1Ul'Ir\J IIIUIII u u uuuuuuuu ~- Mra, Gordon; Joseph, Ivv; William E'l`oronto; and I-la_1I_'_old;_at hope; ~- v f%::;`:::::.;":.z.?.*:;':.?.?.':::.::* -`_ Blsuthough`-uiy.earthly score in non: ;` % In ~'1,`h_e 1_=si.a Te_nou'gh.? f ~ Aglvance. Concspoigdangc. A. ,Kent'Iast. week....Mr. and Mr. I Strong left last. week for Manitoba, where they were called by re consum- . ing their residence during their absence . .'Mr.' W. H. Swen, of Toronto, spent Sunday at hone. . . . Miss _La1'n-a Turner entertained a few of her friends |on.Fz-iday. - nu`. ...vu.nuuu-uv vuauuuuog '- .-_vw--- ------. . . . .Severnl villagera havewbeen econ - ed to their beds with In grippe. . . . Mrs. Jonathan Hickling passed away on the let inst. She had been suffer in g for some tame back twin]: 3 cancer, but the friends were not expecting her death. so soon ;the disease," however, taking a turn for the worse. she passed away very suddenly. - Her huqband died a little over three years `ago, len'v~ iug her with a family of eightohildren, t r whom she has cared as none other` than 9. mothenconld. They are now :.-1,26-icigfdcunror ~ V ; Pam: as CENTSA PACKAGE. 1" Riu:'uuu-rsu.Dvir:rsu,` ` _ Z` , ._} One Month ; Treatmeiva. Sxcxv gun 1NlI'V01J_.BBADA.G_l&', for sample and~Gn3dc to 1_-health. V . ` \ f l.,v_B.-EARN CO,..128_Wallu;ton_st_..'1'orontp.Ccn .1. ' ' Advance Corres[.1ondence..L .=Mr. And:-ew.Turubull is recovering ` from a lingering aunstroke. . Some ot- onr young [folks attended the social at Mr. J. Bantings on Thursday evening last, All spent: an er-jovable time. . . '. . Measfe. `A. Danney` and D. Ganley were At.h6;guests of Mr. Ra Jannet lrecently .jLa. grippe has" taken its ,depar_ture from our village__. . . .Baxter -proposea_mga_nizingA their hockey team next week, _- T ` . 4 '.l`Ahe-friends Rgv. Mr`. Clan-swell and `family will` be glad to. know that his children who _ atteilded .the Normal school.` Winnipeg, passed their o_xa'm ` igaticnnsvsuccesslullyj and. are now gt "4".Iv Advancoonapondenice. .. He} King uffhll Blood` Purifiers. , N_ttu1_ 9 Cure `6:-ll` Liver, KA'i_d1iey`and. Bl_oodD{seases.. A-,Yo171; MoN1;:Y IS REFIZNDED 4"". / . .4-.. g p - If AH-WA -G0 ddes {Jot givbj-"Complete and Perfect; 4. `Satisfa.ction. . L.,PR_|; `gs ct-:I~._I1'sA:pAcKAGs:. % 0-.*:'*!'i"':s*!==9**v . T s:AqI:as" oauG&w*;oa:$jBAnt:, 6N1-. An Oro Man Killed.` A lamentable accident cccnrted `to John McMillan, a young married man the son of James McM-illan, of the township of Orb, and -Ezra Rex, who were felling trees in Da.vidspn's woods near the G. T. R. station, Cannington; As one of the trees fell it struck another, which was carried some dist- ance with the rst. On getting free it sprang to its original position with such force that it broke and fell on the choppers, who were unable to get out: of the way. McMillan was hit on the head, breaking his skull and otherwise injuring him. Rex received severai . bruises on the left side. A messenger- was decpatched for a conveyance, which was soon `on the scene,` and; the injured men. `removed to their residence on _85.~`Jchn street. McMillan died Wed- nesday morning, Feb; 1st. - work in good positions. Miss Kate Osrswell, who taught in Bug-k s Falls training school, is receiving a salary of of `$4 20 per snnum, as is also her sister, Miss Annie, and Mr. D. Carswell is employed at $480. ` GEO. RI ` v@s'= %w%r%W% The LuckvN_g._19_. We `are guajtied at "the`:`la,i",g*b8tOWO`d ; February. Sweep. Prices are ..gen;:ipe%cuts,[' go`o._(1`s*-%'11.re:%1_'igTij1`jl: ;_7A and the buyer standS%~to;gthis % H IINTEIIB AMERICAN cosgns.

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