Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 9 Feb 1899, p. 1

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-uj:/---q We give our attention to Tailoring only and that done well for we know how tn do its: it should be ..one Our goods are absoluteh depend- able. When looking for ne. dress . . weil-tauored Clothing cal and see Davin BUNKER, V . Dunlap street. . THE INTERES'1_`S OF DARRIB, THE COUNTY ;OF SIMCOE AND THE DOMINION OF CANADA OUR CRITERION. mY?oF}%s1M coE, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 9, 1s99j -The nancial statement of the Collegiate Institute I -card for 1898 was p:esented -In shows that `of the total receipts. $7.069 I8. fees from pupils amounted to $l.59950; town grant. $1.900 ; Departmental examina tion fees. $217 ; Entrance examination fees, $318 The expenditure was $6634 21. or 4$434 97 less than receipts The $5,606 58 paid out in teachers salaries was distributed as follows :--T. H. Reddin, $1.500; A `Hay. $1,000; J Minus. $941 66; U V Bennett. $8l492; W. K Boucar, 8700; Miss Moir, $650 A-. Lewis, janitor, re ceived $192 ; and J F. `Smith, secretary. $100 The various examinations cost the Board 8400 `Of this amount payments to examiners were as follows : T. H. Redditt. $60.50; W. J. Hallett. $30;`J. C Morgan, $124 50; W E Foster, $r950; E Shear. $115; Miss Overt-ml, $42 50. ` Fuel during the year cost $119 60. `$27 75- was colectcd from students for chemicals used in experi ments. e ' ' as_ 1 In I11sss_.,_--_-_,-2_, L2- -i_2__.1 1----_ IIIVIIU I37 CIIICIIIIIUIWIIIB I-U Ill CIFHCBDIIIVIIII VU Royal Victoria Hospital sent in an account. ,for the maintenance of Mrs. Johns for the . first sixteen days at January ` I D A HI-noun nniyn `nun, in `Ann vnnnl-kn HAHN-McI{EE.--At Nuuawa, on Februtirilxst, 1899. by R v. L. McLean, B.A., Mr. Will. aim to Miss Marv McKee. FRENCH Mu LER Atthe Methodist parsonag. Hillsdale. on Wednesday. Ian. 2_ th. by Rev A. P:nHnr:l Mr \I4'ilI3:m I1`:-one-h,,n Tinv. In Min 1;: gr! 5 vu swam-vuu V llIJII'lQ,U , QIUII IIIEU VIII UV enth Sick i)hil&ren n Hoapital.-Adope- I Chairmen Mcbesn submitted a report re- commending thet W. I). Vaneickle and Jae Ward be up ointed Assessors at $100 each. Councillors ve end Bovs moved -in amend- ment that the Council go into Committee of the Whole to a point Assessors. . This was carried; after Suave McLean had made an unsuccessful ebrt to have the salary raised to,$l50 for Assessor of Words 1. 2 end 3, and $125 for. Wards 4. 5 end" 6. the Conn- cillors bnllotted on the following applicants. -with the result as stated --Veuslckle, 6 votes. Crawford, 5 ; Fletcher, 9 : Ward. 8. ' Messrs. Fletcher -and "Ward were declered. elected. A by-law was passed at msuhsquent stage l in the meeting sppointina these men us As season. The vote; on Reeve McLeen s__ amendment xing the salary of.-these men' wages follows ;:-- ` - ' ' ne__;-_- 'n.`-._r__-'__'_ I!`V___'V':134-.`.-`I` ll-` warn: xouowl :- . . - . V _ Yeua-.-"I`yrer;R.oge1`-s, Boys, Powell, Mo-` Lean, Brnnton--6. '* - ~ - ' ~ 101.... _;,` Joint; wlvnndnll `.'lI-'IlIlIII I-AV!-I, D|"lIll|oIIII"""`Uo * N_a.ys--Love, Frawley, Brennan. Johnson, Caldwell. Peaock, Wu-ren-_-7. ' '_ Vnnzcmtxo hianr nnron-gs.` . - A feport. rooibmejndiug that the Eletiicf Ll hl Uomnaitpee be empowered to purchase cedar pole: for EI9ou'iq..L igh,c ale. 129.3`; Vavdo tedyg ` . . . ~ - .0 airmsn.`FrhwI:-1 their re-Inmduobd%r~ Dart`. 750,- 1 61 hiI,06m,mitle9aj..`v!:*!i.nh; wit! hald ove_r _ fr_m3r;lu_t {:11-.:`- an .50lloIvI"C:r*',-'7 `A ` 1-, 9/ - . um-_.__:;'_-n.'.. - -;_ ..1'..:_`-.. 2-5". .|.`.'?~. ..'A.`a.n`... ..'C IJIDUV Ulllll `El D|J'JlIUG|cIUlI9 Mr. W R~Tiin wrote asking for an in- terview with the Electric Light Committee to discuss electric lighting at Barrie and Al- landale stations. He said the G T R. had been thinking of supplying their own light at Allandale `station but delayed action until inn... .1": ...... ...`.. .i.... ............. ...:.i. .|.... n... Iments. . - \ Mr. J E. Willmott sentin bisthird letter re the injustice of making him pay $9 for sewerage frontage. when the pipe does not pass his property. Couucilror Love was as sured by "Reeve McLean that this letter will be reported on as next meetingof the Coun` cil. A . ' I (N `T I ,,I I 9,, VII: Jos- Armstrong and S Nash asked for extenainn of time for payment of taxes Tho Thanh \T..II.. u (`.n...| Am..nninfnn nnlrn VQUCIIBHIIJ III I IIIIW IIII IIICLIU \-VI IIEJIVU The Trans Valley Caual Association asked that a public meeting be arranged `for this week to discuss the canal scheme . Speak- ers would .be sent. Fl`..- ll ___,__ ,1 II.___,-_-_J _._._-L, --I_2_ _. AL- VI VVIIIIIIJ II? VII! _ The Mayor of Brantford wrote asking the Council to appoint delegates tojuin the dele. t cation that will wait on the Ontario Govern | men: re amendments t_0 the An-aessmenu Aer. l)_-_,I rr:__-_:_ I"I _-__2--I -__- :._ IIIGU BIIIUWGII IIIJB IJCIIIIZI i D. A Simon asked for--u. four months billiard license. He purposes leaving town lin April. 1 V . D I 'D....Iu. ...luu-.Eot...I Id. .o..In.oh.n a-J Lv|nI\al1t\l.L--kin rev. 4m, I090, marina Jana Marehall, Grenfell. aged 54 years. BROVVN-0n_ Feb. 6th, 1899, Richard W. Browjn. Anten Mills. aged 66 years. ' MlTCHELL--At New Lowell." on Feb; 3rd. Mri. Mitchell. need an vents. ' ` Ill CBVI II: R. J. Parke aubmittea hie vuluatioeof the electrical euppiien, the total amount. bein $195 35 Q.~.6.I. A` "h `I'M..- D-n:1unAA nII`\U$=`,. UV!!!` @500 00 ~ Chief Smith of the Fire Brigade submit- ted his annual report for 1898`. During the year there were 20 alarms-`-l0 for res, 6 false alarms, 3, ior ushing sewers, and la test. His estimate of the loss from tires for . the year was $7.650. The-Brigade was very efficient. there being an active membership of 17. and an average attendance of 15 at res and alarms. The total cost to the town of the 20 alarms was $30]. including $24 paid for flushing sewers. The Chief recom- , mended that the firemen be paid a` stated salar and "that an average of 6 or 8 years be-ta can as a basis to be paid to the Brigade monthly or quarterly. At least 500 ft, of -new hose are required. asthere are at pres- ent only 1,950 it . part of which is not very reliable. He also asked that the hook and ltltlddeg -wagon repaired or a new one per- c ass . The Finance i:ommnIeL' eeeert recom- mandin payment of the several accounts. Th`. Inn-nun (`_nev|nr|IQOAn nlnn rhnnlillrlnnnl` IIIUIIIIIP IIDYIIIUIIEUI IIIIU IUVUKGI nvuvuuur. The inenee Committee also recommended thet$l00 _be given the Public Library, 0|: condition that the free reedina rooms `be openevery week nightin th -year, except- ing on statutory holidays 3 e lo that 310 be niunn flu-n' .q3nI9 r`.Iuh-Inga : I-Innn3tl1` _Annt. Ullll III IIIIIIIIU `VIII IIU BIIIIUUIY UIIIUIUCIJ 6? "No strangers shall he admitted to that part of the chamber specially-abetted to the members of the Council in session, without. permission from the Mayor orhairman; and_,if any stranger desires tospeak to ax member, he shall send for him by themes senger, but sha|l not speak to a member within the bar.-Ru|e 38. l|`T- ...-.__L_.._ _-l._._ -L.._ _..- __-.___:._.. _ VVIUIIIII VIII lllj jlll U`): N 0 member. other than one proposing a. question or motion (who _will be pernntred to reply). shall speak more than once on the same question without leave of the Council exoeptrineexplauavion of a. material part. of hiaegeec-h, which may have been miscon- ceive , but be is not to introduce new mat- ter." Rule 21. - COMMUNIOA'1`ION_S - 'Mr. Wm. Stephens applied for the posi- tion of `Assistant Cierk and Treasurer. V\ellin'gt.onT Lewi and Ralph eaymouth made aimiusf aoplicationa. Mr W 'l`;4}.. nynntn nnlvgnn `nut an `In, GI 4'II'I_.l\lIIlU DIn`G| IUII llllll IICIDYCU GUIIULI UIJSII after diaoussing the matter with the Com- mittee. - II on` _ . p.i INVII `uA. KUIIDWI _3"" `fCa.r_efnll acquiring iht<)~Hthe' mgber of _-upplyinz made Ie1I'.'.W. F91 lighting pur- At the regulermeeting of the Tow_n Coun- cil on Mondav night Deputy Reeve Soulee and Councillor Williamson were absent. His Worehip`.Mayor Wells drew the atten- tion of the Council to the following two rules which have heretofore been` viol-ted but in" future will be strictly enforced :- INLT- -...._....._.. ..I....|I In-. ..A....3os...I 4-.` sly...` L'll1UI'|l.`aL4h`l\I New -Low_eu. on rev. 3rd. Mn. Mitchell. aged 79 years. WEBB-At Bay City. Michigan. on Feb 6. 1 , Milton Edgar Webb, agcd.3o years, qmont 3' and 22 days. , - V The funeral will leave the residence of his mother, Mrs. Lot Webb. Bradford rtreet. Barrie, on Thur ` day. qth inst.. at 2 p.m.. for Sit:-cud cemetery`. "-9 Eleetrie Liight Report. Deferred From , Last Meeting Adopted. The.No'-War%dBy-Law I `? % Read a ThirdTime! Arromrnnn-r or ASSISSORS. . PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS. I . llllllf ~W`1'W.:T-The Adiutunt will `hold a. clue of instruction every Wednesday neveninc at '7;3Q o clook. Qcers and N. 0. ' oicern `within the two mile limit. and any other ocdru, N..C. ocoirl "and men deiirouuof Tadvancamgnt willutend. A _ L . . _ .Byordm_.:_ . . ` `Jxo.,B. -MoPnu:, Capt,` ` . .. . Acting Adjutant.` By Lieu;-col. War-ci,-<:ommandmg 35:1: ~ Batt.,'81mcoe Foresters. ' Headquarters, Barrie, 6th Feb.. 1899 `.No. l-'_--As the regiment-will go into camp of instruction on Tuesday, 6th June. 1899. oicera commanding companies will at once stars weekly dri 1, and will see thatall` N.; U oicern and men -within the two mile limit ascend. They will_"notifyVtherCom_-V manding oioer, through the Adgutantwhen this has been done. The General Ocer- I commanding. expect: , eveify company before going to camp to be ecienufin'squad and com y.drill.- " ' ` , . - "A 0_'l`l.- .A)nI-nun`: uni!` KAI`! A AIIQQQ nu` -- Mylea Murphy; a resident. of Bertie for r over fortyyeare and mail. collector in town for over fteeneyearo dled on Monday. He `was an _iuduet.t-i`oue_" and. much; respected -citizen; 1`.he funeral token, Jude thintmorn ind fgom.` his residence, ; Aliaabeth "street. W913` to St. and Cemegery. 71 > Jouncillor Powell asked is it is intended" that the new dynamo will be for both light and` power purposes. Chairman F,rawley'e said at the present initial stage of negotia- tions it was impossible for him to state the I exact nature of the machine to be purchas- ed" The Chairman said the report was brought in again as several members of the , Council had looked into the matter since the last meeting of the Council, and are satised that the proposed addition to the plant, as indicated `by that report. is necessary, in vieyv of the numerous applications for light. ' and also the unsatisfac my condition of the present machinery. Councillor Boys regret- 1 ted that the report had been re-introduced ; ' he opposed it at last meeting on certaini grounds. and. as there had been no change in the report. he took the same objections again. His chief objection was` that the re , port placed too much -power in the hands of the Committee He believed that the Com mittee should investigate the matter and _ then report that a certain dynamo at a cer- I tain price be purcha ed `He was led to be-' lieve at the last meeting if the report had i; been adopted a Royal dvnamo would` have ; been purchased for $3650 He was condent that the delay of that report had saved this toiwn nearly 8700' He also recorded his ob , jection'to purchasing a dynamo that was too . he used for both light and power purposes- ' Experience in other places had proved that the double demand is too much for one dynamo He moved in amendment second- ed by Councillor Brnnton, In , QT c Q n.~ In 1` l '"'i`T.'; '&'o'533';L' ZJEELH I1'ue folluwiii division : `7,__ III____._. TI..__.__ TI.___ _.__I._._-ll- anal 11:11:11: I`U:Ledlda KIISEK l'gI'l'I sac. e '.t * . ire. 4155 Apply `.:LlVING. fV.'ABar.rio'. " That report No l of Standing Committee ` on Waterworks and Electric ight referring ? to the purchase of an Alternator be referred ` back to the Committee with instructions to f inves'igate as to the good` qualities of I ulternutors made by the different companies n and to report to the Cnunci at a special meeting to, be called for that purpose,` recommending a. particular tvpe of alternator with the price at which same can be pur- chased; and that-the purtion of the report relating to the purchase of supplies be- amended by adding ihe words providing some are necessary before the next succeed- ing meeting of the Council which may follow the necessity for the supplies Donut. RA.-.T..mn 311:1. O-knh than (`rerun-|n:Qnn :n I\I|I"VV LIIV IIUQUEQIUY IIII IIIIC UUWIICB ` Reeve McLean said that the Committee is not wedded to the Royal 00., or any other. They would get the best possible machine for the least possible mo- ey ; and the pur- chase of a dyna'mo"ie quite safe in the hands of the Committee The most successful Eiectric plants are operated by eommiasiou- 1 ere`. whose place the Committee virtually ta es Oil is I . . , I fa :9;-finve, Powell, Brennan, Brunton, ` P:.?'i'5:'?- __-,_.__ _j_..-_j !_-. IV- _,_ ,QI ._j ?';`.linueU:';:``).t't was adopted in Conincil and the by-law du'y read 9. third time. The Council then adjourned. Councillor Boys amendment was put and lost. on the following division :- V....- V `D..........I. `I)_....s.... `D..}....II . `I'1..un I J1:y__a:The Mayor. Love. Frawley, Rogers. McLean. Brennan, Warrn, Caldwell, John- son- 9 ' ` NIIIJ II Previous to the adoption of the original 1 report Chairman Frawley said that it wan a mistake for Councillor Boys to suppose that the _0ommittee proposed buying a Royal machine. and that only If I1is.-r'e marks at `last meeting about the Royal had brought other men into the eld to pull down the price he was very giad he had made those remarks. He feat in honor bouud'to give the preference. to those com- panies who had sent in tenders in reply to the town : advertisement last fall. i Councillors Rogers and Johnson moved` that the Council go into Committee of the Whole to consider the bylaw which was passed by electors but afterwarols rejected by a majority`_of the Council. The motion` was carried. and in committee` Mayor Wells ex- plainsd.the illegality of the proceeding at last meeting of the Council, and explained also that an elector might. according to law, proceed against the Council and collect the costs of such action from those who had voted against the by law The following motion was put to the committee : MAI Ann_.n`IInnz`nI1___._'I`hnO Ohm Inn Jain in IIIIIIIUII `ICU llllll UIJ IIIIU UVIIIIIIIUIUU o - McLean--Fra.wley--Thnt. the by-law to provide for the constitution of the Town Council of the Town of Barrie. read a. first and second time-on tho 5th day of Decnnnber, 1898. and ratified by vote of the duly quali- ed electors on January 2nd, 1899, be no taken up and read 3 third time. - , TL- Imngnn (sin. nnlIn:ntI an h E m'Y.:;,su-i-Tyrer, R0 era, Boys, Frawl'ey,' Mc- }-Lean, Johnson, `.- arren. Caldwell. the IA nIInhJ - vv-v------- --g--on-w - '---~ - ~-v -- And wish to enter (Bosineso ollege I tint has 73 per Mc-~-1... M in Graduate: in good situations correspond with the lxcalsior Business collage, Barrie. Documents on file to prove this statement. 26-lv W. J. ROSS. Principal. ; '"s"r;1I's*"i >;'2.`L'1lI""1}I.';{?I.`I `Fmxn, Boys, \ Tyrer-_-5. - poses successfully and with satisfaction to present and prospective` consumers .leads your committee to the conclusion that it is, necessary at once-to purchase an alternator of 2000 light power, and for this purpose would recommend the Council to clothe your committee with full authority to nego- ! tiate the purchase;and installation of an alternator as above described at as earlv a ] date as possible Wewould further recom~ V` mend that authority. be also granted same ! committee to purchase such fuel as mav he ! required for both waterworks and electric stations, any further. such suppliesas may I from time to time be requii ed or throu-.-h ac- cident or otherwise may be considered neces- sary . . . 5 nnI\nn:nn nn'vno: :h :1: :w|Oo\-11:11:` I inn NO-WARD BY-LAW` my cbxsrnnann. Rmernmnmn onnmns 1 :hIr and Mr(s.A-."L7a.raon, Small street, fwere At Hpme to a. large number of their . ifriends last Thursday evening " ,.`;Next great - ' ain Day at the Cash ' Snore, Thursday, Feb. (it! See ad. on 4th page ~ V . . WW9 cannot. exchange charge goods sold at discount prices. H_. Otmn & Qnn ' "' '_ 7"` " " `"'I' Willhme and eon. '1`:-nman, '(?oliier street. returned on Saturday from Michigan, where they attended the funeral of the former : brother, Mr Robert Williams on a Wednesday last. The deceased was aeyentv three -years of age and was ill only ,three.. days with is grippe, hie hea'th previous to that not being robust He leaves nQ- family. his wife having predeceas- ,was affarmer.` ed him by three years. In occupation he --Vety Rev. Dean Egan-gave a. vigorous and uppropriate lecture last Sunday night on The Sins of the Tongue. Among the princlp`nl veins of the tongue were mentioned lying, enlumnv, detmction, swearing, cure- ing -and blee`phemy.' He explained what constituted a lie and what was meant by mental" restriction. ,ln speaking qf_ the `letter he gave Ieveral exumplee`. He spoke `yeti-ougly on the habit of many `people of re- tailing every bit of illthey heat. see or can iu;_'ent_`nhout their neig_hbore, and mentioned :.th_e1 Inetthet it applies not; only to the poor- :ei:`_nln'ne_e:fe-_ybnt to well iii)` in society. nowjxigf. te`i.tliQ- ji ,..~ ` .=-in'vi:;=*.iiiren to-chew-e tho, --'l`he newly-elected oicers of Innisl Ploughmen s Association are :-Roht.-Rieve, President; ; Jno. Fennell, Vice-President; Snencer Uroley, Secretary ; Angus Warnics. Treasurer: Honorary `Directors, Col. Tyr- whist, - M_P.; E. A. Little, M P.P., and J ames A. Junieson. The Board of Directors is very large and ishoomposed of _represent.n- -ives from all parts of phe township. I. 13 IITIIIC I -In the n1a.t'.ched riacZeT or; te ic lgat Wednesdav. Ainley a`Al|ie A. took rst and Cund|e s Jimmy V\ hirlwind, second Time 2.45 FRASER--T_HOMAS.--On Tues day. January 31st, .92.-m I-u rlma Pam, A, H. .\Nr:whf. at tho residence ratepayers of Orillia have passed a. by-law to raise $75,000 to instal an electric Iant at Ragged Rapids, on the Severn. iver, and transmit the current, nineteen milee, to the town. According to the esti- metee, the town will then have the cheapest power and light in Canada. nu I V` W trill lecture in the Presbyterian Church this eveing (Thxxrsday) on Political Economy. Mr. Craig s work in non-denominational and is intended to improve existing social and political con- ditions. `His lecture will be entertaining and protable. A collection in aid of the lecturer will be the only charge. [I -IN I 1" D `I I I`! I H _7A-ge;1t:m]VE-xcel Isior Life Insurance Co . has opened an oice `in Central Block, east of Barrie" Hotel. tf -A report of a. very successful and largelv attended annual meeting in connection with the Hospital will aopear in `next week a issue. . ' g EA special disco nt of 15 per cent. o' Graniteware. Tinware nd Lamps, and 10 per cent. off everything se. at H. H. Otton & Son s, next no Barrie el. --'I`he following gentlemen have been appointed License Commissioners for Centre Simcoe:---Neil Harkin, Stayner; John Lummis, Wyebridge; Alex. Brownlee, Barrie . U ' V 3 ' -A grand masquerade an racing carnival will be helcl on the Barrie Central Rink on .We-dnesdav evening next, 15th inst. ---Mrs; McNeil! desires to thank her many friends who `so generously assisted her in itiding her loss in Friday morning`: re. A.-.1` Tl It I` I 11 I A . IV I -_-Mr. Wm. Freek, brick maker, has been awlardetl the contract for supplying brick for the large addition `to Cane 8: Son : factbyy at New `market. - b The Midland-Colliingwood bockev match of last Wednesday night, at Midland. was continued yesterday afternoon in the Court [Hausa-before J udge Ardagh. Report next `week T .was 27 years of age. --In the Police Court on Saturday a resident of Flos pleaded guilty to killing deer hetween Nov. 1st and 15th last without alicense and was ned $20 and costs or $96. 69 altogether. It is said there are other pebbles on the beach. V 'l'Untilstock-ta ' Blankets, FIannels,. awls, Rugs, Under- clothing, Mantle,Clot , Ladies Jackets. Men s Overcoats and U ers, and all winter goods. Prices ycutiu t on hese lines at J C_ Irwin's. in B. Hind d- store -Walter Hulse, a crack bicycle rider of a few years ago. and son of ,Mr. Harry -Hulse. Bradford, committed suicide at Richmond Hill, where he was hotel- keeper No reason is assigned for the rash act. He leaves a wife and two children. Deceased H`! n D I'\ `II. I I ` , at your own price-- REID---McKt`.NZIE.-On February 8th. 189:). in 'tl\n N1.)-h'rn<"cf rhnrnh, Thnrntnn, hv R.\.'. Ml . L @'You savn y oh Dry Goods, Cloth- ing, and Boots and 0 3 at the Cash Store. J. C. Irwin, I -F.'A.mV77.'at.1sickIe was given his liberty fv Judge Ardagh on Sat day, subject to his good be-havlur in futu` -E iznbeth street Methodist church clear} ed $56 25 on the star concert. Rev. A. G. Hudson. the present pastor, has been in- vited to return to the congregation for a. fourth year. ' ' t Ja.s. Van` & . havegpurchased the stock of R. I Frase &. Co at a rate on the dollar. The store is sad during stock taking but will be 0 in a few days. Wait for Bargains. III: I lie .o n.u 1'1 --The t1|17i7or1V;:t(>111Vc-szr-I'r1-eld..:a.t Strand netted $22 50 for the Sick Child:-en?s Hospital, To-- TQIJIO `J -The annual public meeting of the Barrie Branch of the M C. Bible Society to be held in `the Baptist Church, on Thursday, 16th inst, at. 8 p.m . WI" be addressed by Rev. Jesse Gibson, Toronto. V can u a nu A --TrIe nesrlr eleeteri ofcers of the Fire VBrigade are as follows :-Uapt., J 8. Mc- Phee; lat Lieutenant, Wa.rren Johnson; 2nd Lieutenant, Walter Scott; Secretary- Treaenrer, Fred Warren; Steward, Wm `Hubbert. - iliany Readable Paragraphs ef ;_ . Leeel Interest. `t3f'D.iscount Sale ing anal: H. Otton & Son s until March _ . ,. The Latest NWQ Briey Told. 'ru_uu .l`UK SAL U] 1` Con. 1. Vesprago I. vagiop, excellent wheat buildings, first class watch HAM. Barrie P.O. ~ Last Saturday mornine Chief King con- scated two quarters of diseased beef which were offered for sale on the market by Fred. Rowe, of Suuuidale. In the police court in the afternoon Uhief King said that he asked Rowe what he was going to do with the beef. What is the matter `I Anything wrong ? said Rowe. The meat is evident- ly not t for food, replied the Chief.. Rows contended that it was\all right, and that he had used some of it himself. Mr. O Neill, a farmer, said Rowe had oered to sell him thebeef at 5c. per lb. He considered the meat unt for food ; it was also very poorly dressed. Mr. John Bingham, butcher, said the animal had evidently been ohokedgto death, and the meat was certainly quite on- t for use The defendant_Rowe said that he had killed the animal about 10 days ago.` On the night previous a cow had booked the two year old steer over the side of thestsll and there he found it hanging to the halter in the morning When released the beast `walked around as well as usual. Rowe made a bangle of his evidence. however, when he said that he nad not intended to kill the animal, but did not want to lose it. T,h-is admission seemed to satisfy the magis-. .ttste.. who ned him $15 -and costs. or 820.50 `altogether. f His Worship ordered Chief King to retain the beef-and dispose of it?i`n apmanner that would prevent any hu- beins amine any .f~it.-..._ T V,_ - ohiwinz animals to dispoaero .ds`to.- when they will nd u. r _ gtjgood romuoapative. rice : if`.- ."-?.`J`i".`~l.1~:n~.P: ." `4"`o"9'.o ff; _ i ; . -Roch Marion, the ontreal Home King. will he at` the Wellin Hotel on Friday, February. 17th. forth urpoao of buying fty or more good noun bones. Patties ill do well to 1_1'_the above pnx_-chase; ' ho:-an be. .c' the `wemngzon Hate On Thursday evening last the Vairville Homestead was the scene of a very pleas- ant "At Home. given bv the members of the Vairville Baseball Club. The spacious dwelling was lled with a. pleasant company (numbering nearly 100) of very sociable peo- ple Thetrooms weredecorated with ever- greens, Union Jacks and other ags. and on the walls were baseball bats in a V shape. The boys were not making base hits, but were hitting at having a good time, which they succeeded in doing. Games `of various kinds were engaged in, singing. music. reci- tations. and da- cing was the programme. Music for dancing was furnished by the Keenan brothers on the organ and violin. About one o'clock the company were invited - to the dining room where an excellent sup- per was provided. At one table -all the married people were seated, and at the other _the single folk. Prior to partaking of the good things the Doxology was sung, and soon the company were busy supplying the wanteaof the inner man . Aft iustice had been 0 e the good things rovided. the eompangeang the "Maple Lea . The tables were again tilled by the remainder of the party. The ladies deserve great credit for the excellent spread. The committee of management know how to get up an At Home, and have the thanks of their guests for the very 'pleasant evening's entertain- ment. About ve o oloek in the morning the boys went in for making home " runs. --A meeting to discuss the Trent Valley Canal project will he Held this evening at eight o clock in the Town Hull. Lime light views of sections of the canal already con- structed will be thrown on canvas and addresses will he delivered by Mr Carnegie, ex M.P P. J. R. Stmtton. M. P P , Mayor v Morrison. Trenton, W. H. Bennett. MP. o.nd~others., There should be a large attend- ance. -i-The Electric Light Committee were in -session seven hours `on Tuesday re purchas- ing a. new dvnamo. Representatives of the Westinghouse Canadian General and Royal Co s.' presented the arlvantages of_ their re- spective machines. TheComm1tteeinstruot- ed Engineer Parke to prepare specications and submit them to the` three companies, tenders to be in by 17th inst. The Engin- eer was also instructed to devise some scheme re incorporating an electric tire alarm system, and also prepare a report on the requirements of the existing plant. 4\............. 1uI.._.....'I-.a.... 1-u__....-...__-- ..__--.,_ --v _-v--- -v -.nuo-a xv. r--The prize winners at a. largely attended carnival on Monilay night: in Crystal Rink were as follows; Bean dressed lady, M. Gmse ; best; dressed gentleman. R Bidwell ; best dressed buy, G and A Mitchell; best dressed darkey, D Hines and C Lane. ..-_, _-._ - _._-~ _...---v . -.-.-.1_-- --v-.- w- -4-. -- .-The young people of the Uougregatioual Church introduced a. new kind of _entert-ain- ment in the basement of their church last Thursday evening. The room had been arranged and decorated in drawing room style, and here and there emight be seen groups of young folk enjoying themselves at _ forte. nations, checkers, parchesi, crokinole, and other parlor games. ' Sing- ing, music, and refreshments were also features of the enjoyable evening. It is intended to hold these social evenings monthly. 0ra;ngeu.-1Vlarmn`lade2-. W ]'7l`ang:erlnes. Jupanu. Vairnt-Ia-, Floridan-, 1 union'- nlas, Naval: and sevllles, at Bolhwelvs. nu I n .1 . The presentation of promotion certi- cates to the successful pupils at the Christ- mas examinations in the Central school took place on`Fridu.y' afternoon last. Each room was visited in turn by Principal Hallett ac- companied bv Trustees Perkins, Montgom- ery, Smith, Ward, Reid and Ball. and sev- `eral parents. and distributed about eighty certicates. The Trustees made brief speech- es. At the close of the exercises the re pa'arm was soundedfand in fteen seconds the pupils were in clearly dened lines in the hall ready for dismissal. I --'The County of Simcoe Medical Associ- ation meets in the Council Chamber on Fri- day afternoon. Feb. AYE. ugnn OR SALE.-G00 w MILCH cow; Ap- ply to S. CROL Y. , ud; _ Wheat Is easy at 680. to 69c.; pesse 65c. Oats arerm at 310. `Dressed hogs bring $4.65 to $4 85, with very little prospect of higher prices. Barley remains stationary at 450 to 46c. Two hundred cattle were shipped on Friday to outside markets, some of them selling at 3c. per lb. Live hogl .briug 4c. per lb. Hay was up in price 5 little from a week ago, some louds selling for $6 25 Butter brought 17c. on Saturday and eggs 22c. boys chqir did-not sinxz, butwill be present next Sunday when the Dean will continue his lecture. _ fur lvlnrmnlade. 15c. per dozen, at B)TliWELL S. . VIII Vairville Baseball Club At Home." {$1.65 PER ANNUM IN .ADVANCl SINGLE COPIES FIVE CENTS. $16 and Costs for Bad Beef. Ho THE MARKET. , AN l`ED--GENE _ _s1:Rv'AN1",' MUST be a good cook. ly"1o.MRS. J. HEN- `-DERSON. Bellevue." Ba Qnt. 6_-6. ` S{ RlNG~At An.4..a;.:e, on the 4th February, 1399. James Spring. aged 54 years and no months. GALI./(GHF.R.-At Barrie. on the 3rd of February.` _ Mary M.. eldestdaughter of James J. Gal- lagncr, aged 19 years and 6 months _ WVILCOX.---In Banda, on January 29th, 1899, Mrs. Samuel `Wilcox. aged 69 \_cars. . HARMA.\.- In Bradford, on Jan. aoth; 1399, Mar- garet Frzr cis Broom. wife of Benjamin Har-_ man, aged 27 years. 10 months and 1 davs. STRAN(iWAYS-In Tecumsth. on Februar; Isl", " 1899. Estela B. Hollingshcad. wife of 7. T. Stuang-ways. aired 26 vears. - A NORRlS.--In Cookstnwn. on Wednesdav. Februarv 1st. 1809, Iohn Wesley Norris, M.D., in h s 70th year. I't\AIlA\1 A.1:v n 01 ' G I r .1 10 RENT.-LOT , ` ` `f 3 of -Idnnn nIA.._-.l . . xv nun 1.-:.u1' 4, a xANuzs.'1`owNs1-LIP, 1 Oro. (Shantv B :86 acres. about 1 ~ -acres cleared. App!) AM,S- ARTHU` . Shanw Bav P.O.. or on the p _ isu. 6-.699 IRE I-IAIR FOX 1` RIER PU.PPl s FOR. s31`:...`..}:`'e9.;=:-_` .a .we~. . r " YOU ARE CONTEMPLATING , THOM & .S'J25|3vI'.I`CfE Ig5 I '`"'`-W - -BKasR___' Iul_l`ov ` BOSANKO.'S NEW . . 0PP.'BAR__R!l ll ? for. rpt clan work,.in ma l:_negotoiIim.' ' omfm-z mm ..g:...-on... I.` ply I0 3. UK Feb. 4th. 1899. I rm`: nan nun-nuns muunv-nu. of Toronto. but this actuxilly occurred on-Jam. nth. as iolows:-gs) Telegvam for min wo- m n I-tenographer. ram Fntt McLe ` , b Tel- e ho-c for yuun man. clerk. Union tation. oronto. (c) Cal for young lady. trle ra her. Temple Building. Toronto. (d) T:-lep one for young man. stenographer. Dom. Exnreng ' o. This explains wh our camp:-tent students get guod posutions. e train the -- proper'y and businrss men know it Members admitted at am time. (`stale ue free. , - I 3o-Iv Addres-z , H. SI-IA\N,< Principal. {Noun uu-||.Lu nea _ v u|_.uVu _m `B; nna OMEN to acccpt posmons tn bus-men uices, is Anvt a. commwn event even in thaleading Business Training School in Canada. th- I `I4 INTI! .l I: lll l"lII.I-Ill1Il, Ul LIIC ltItC >3 l\.,"IlUlI V7 can ' OBEN-STEWART --At the parsonatze. Creemore. on Janum-\ 4th. 189:). b_\ Rev. J.vBedford, Louis Ohm to Jessie C., daughter of the late David St(:war1..all or" N. tt:-uwasaga. ' w..\I:vr.~\v AI1I.`I'I"I V I A- \V_...L-__ l)..I.!..;_._ _._' ii.;.i}' ?*}'i'{in'iz ".s i{oo'1"i'Ea "c;.:;a;.T:i.'< c 1N'rIu|.- nusuvicss co|.|.w:E. l\` 'l`.\-nab.` Inn lm}: nnnuilltv nnnuuu-uni` an, '49` 592. Q OM18 {a2a 3%`;:c'n`f`?`{:n`& N to positions in tgusinesa Xvices, .6 n t\r\olIII|..I| -`rant Anna an 4|`- lnatuna . > ' ` 3" `V `V I FARM FOR SAL ORT-H. PART Vespra; 8o u. xinrlvall under-`calm 5111*`-'lVICI\"-IVLlI`4.-\H'I renruary `Dill. [Own In `the M; thodist church. Thornton. by R.v. Mr. Simpson, Mr W. '. Reid. to Maria R.. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew McKenzie. Wond- \alr- Farm " ._...._ --....~... .. .. an es s vv '1 (BI:.K- 1 rju1vu\a.--un 1 uenuay. January 313:, 1899. b_\ the Rev. A. H. .Wr~ght. at the residence of the bride's father, Sunnidale, Mr. David Fra- ser. of Mulmur. to Miss Itliza. ls. lhomas. second daughter ox Mr. Da.vid Thomas. "iii1T~&fa1e'."a'r Vv`I=Ii'ne~..?12:33I'I'a'}a'.'3'_`}'EiiTIa'v' 133?-"`K.' Richard. Mr. W'i||iam French,-o Tiny. to Miss Fm . en Millnr nf Ynrinnhm ' zucnara. mr. vvuuam rrcn Em - :1 Miller. of Mcdonte. trnvon . --AA-nun A 7V6L. xLvm. No.6 ' WHOLE No. 5343 g` 9. Szmunl. Wnsun . Proprietor. NEW AnvnRIsmirs.' 105%il:1X{}EE-gilL3L}{'"f~}Z5mn Robjnsoh. on Feb. st. 1899. Arthur Bowen, of Peuville, to Emma Averill. Both are deaf mutes. lVUlt'l.'~_l1. rm: 1' Lufl` 5.. I. nearly all undetecta- Bllent wheat n _ nlantu nf la-uh fnnn MARRIED. DIED. BORN. ray an unuer cum- utv of `fruit, farm C. CUING- L164 Vie.-=8 GR1 \.l>`i.;\ \'.--At \Vye-bridge, on Sunday, Jan. 29th. 1890. Dgrs. Thomas Graham, `aged 60 years and 8 mum s. - ADAMS.-~At VVyebridge. on Friday. January aih, ISqQ.hMrs. M. Adams, aged 39 years an n mom 5. - TRO'1`T.-At her home at Brentwood, Simcoe Coun ty. Mrs.-R C. Trot: wife of R. R. I ran.` en- gincer Provim ial Reformatory tor Boys of pneu- monia, in her 65th year. Esteemed and respected by all whoknew her. Mc;KAY.--At his late residence, .159 King street west. Toronto. on Friday. February 31-d.1899. R. bert F. McKay. aged 17 ears. The funeral took place at Hawk~tonc on onday. (..~RA\'-At lisle. on Feb. 3rd. 1899. Mr. Gray, father of Mr. Henry Grav, Burks Falls. WiLLIAMS--In Senlac County. 'Michigah. Feb - 2 th, 1899. Robert \Villiams. brother of Mr. E. V illiizlms, Fire `Hall, Barrie. aged 73 years, 8 mont s. We take pleasure ii: recommendin Mn. Plum. fBno'o1s ararcom stem and reliub Tuner and Reggirer. ard woul request our Enron: to entrust to 1 m work of `thin AdiaCfi|IliO|I. espectfully yours. GER!-lA_RD .1-ism-rzmx. l\-.I4-. I-it Can 'l'nn:na It at RI:1nhnth.sIrA unnmuzn .EXN'l`ZMAN. Orders let: for Tuning at 5: Elizabeth Street will receive careful attention. - ._'l`ha.t desirable residence and grounds on the west nude of Bayeh street. Harrie. latel occupied lathe late Sir Cornelius Kortright. incluxing utabie. rge garden. etc. For further lfarticulars ap _|ly tn _ V s'r ATHY & . am. :4`-tf - A _ solicitors. Bu-dc. Lot No. 3. west side of Mary Street,7on.e-"'th of an acre. Rough Cast Building, Stable. etc. Apply on 1AMIt scnnnnn: or at Tm: Amumcn Steriing Silver andiP1a.ted Were, Watches, Gleeks,J ew- elry, Blouse Sets, Belt Pins, ` _ Belts, Newest Designs. Special Attention Given to Watch Repairing. ` TELEPHONE 2608 an-' iE"iR"L'"' BARBIE, NT.| Lot No. 3. Well: nae 0! mlry iurrcc, unu-Irgu In acre, to JAMES SCROGGIE _or nt_ TI-In Anwmcn Onrmnm 3-g to J cu: OFFICE. M X liner, only used one seanou; also a nearly new Oomlplued Soul Drill with Grass Seeder and Cultivator At- ...-I.-n-.'.|~ A-nulvrtn - succnsson T0 s. B. WINDRUM, ` 31 King St. East (up sta.irs)%Toronto. Established 1880. nv._-1u Orillia, Jan`. xth, .399. a son to Isaaj Day. P35. L COLEMAN.--On Monday. the 23rd u|t.. the wife of Mr J. H. t oleman, Essa. of: son. McN \MARA.--On the and inst., the wife of Jame- McNamara, Adjala. of a daughter. WATSON.-On Jan. goth. the wife of Mr. Ab." Watson. Adjala. of a son. FERGUSON.-On January 27th, the wife of Mr, Robert Ferguson. Tecumseth, of a. cop. 399 " IITIII WI"! III xachment. pply__to the Estate at the late J- nn L ntler. wno.ate_a on or abuut the 19th day of Marc 1897. must be pre- sented to the Executnr of the state by mail with lull particulars of said claims. I_\' certified. before the xst day of March. I809, after .hich the executor of the will of the said John Chant r. will proceed to distribute the assets ol the said ale among the parties entitled thereto. haviv g re `rd only toethe ` claims of which he shal then have tice. Allac- 1 counts. note or otherwise, due the ` ate. mustbe 1 settled before the 1st day of Ma.rch,f or they will be put in my Solicitor's hand-a fur c rtion. - CHAS. E. CHAVT R. FULL LINE OF STRAYED-`0ne Iheep strayed `on to North 56 Lot I ; .21. Con.-8. lnnisl. at the beginning of mater. * Owner can have same by rovini property and pays \ in; expenses. A. C. WA `LAC . Craigvale. 5-7-pg . 1 berlanuu-treet. Auanuale. App! to` nnuun. gym LENNOX. Executor`!-larrioon` onto. Bun-`me. '3-"7 :3'd'.M A ?s;wics` I-av 7`"."%. * '"T`7%V ,"1r~t- ` o A uu.pmc..Lo.1' ran SALE.` % ~~' .,` A _ The Executdh of this Estate offers the followinr `Properties for or by Tendgr. namely: The Brick Store and Dwell `there is a small fr , combine .the Frame Building known aslthe M (mic Hall, with about ac-eeof land. situatein th Village of Stroud. Townsh of Innisl. alao ahout wo acres of ground. n w ich e dwelling, in the V-llage of Craigvale. and two wn lots in the Village of Westbnurne. Manito Tenders may be out in for the w`~-ole property or rate a_e mu bedesi ed. The highest or any te er will not necessarily be accepted. Particulars a terms an be had by ap- plying by mailito the sole u cutor. CHAS. CHANTLER. % borlandatreet. Allandale. App J V .l,'I_a\_o9_r-_ I.v I-_Ij-Jo . . V The ." -Harrison HomestCd,"` ,-` I rnunnsr Rrpculnr I-In:-I-hnn'gnknta. Burma. in . W'A1IEDi- An go1ko;:{k.serv_nnt.,; ' , II ' 'I l . }at'e!y_;tb; , V; C, )1. 1:` go Toxongo-_-._ A 5:; > I private funds 3n our hands for tcs and .on any terms of A large ambuht investment at lowest repayment. T.`...-.- nnnuuu nuulun 9 v: Av-Uihvulvul STINS-.~`N-MOORE.--At the Manse. Midiand. on Monday. Jan. 23rd, by Rev. Mr. "Elliott. Mr. olm Stinson, of Flos, to Miss Annie Moore. of hornbun. ' A ' -.;...-..s .-.-..-;.-.:-u I\ II\ I v Stroud, Ont. Notice is also herbv ivmtaat all claims against the Estate of the late J - n C ntler. wlmdied or gkmt oh. "uh (lav nf Mam vn-1. must '13:! are- bnna. unan 1. nun. Pnovmles run SALE. ExEouT0R's NOTICE. thanks to Mr. J m of thrir servtcea at_ A e north half ofAL ot :0. Con- acres. The farm is all watered. Four miles `thin one week. Apply The souutvh half to cession u. Innisi. clean-(d. Clav ham- Mou\ey! Nloneyl PIANO *H'1;`UNI_NG. KEEPI N G A cLocK mGH1'._.....= R, A. DougIas,| van` 5 n: nu SPEERS- WEST.-At the Manse. Bond Head, on anuary 25th. 1899. bx Rev. J. -T. Hall. John Tdgar Speexs. of ttssa, to Mary Lydia, daughter of the late S vlomon West. ` - ' ' An-any an-unuuvnisrn A. I`! ,,,,,_,_ CHAS. E. cm Dated at s......a Jan. am. 1899 V! De plll. In my 0C0r 3 HEHCW INT C V11 A. Macouunui ` MERCHANT TAILOR. 6-:8 Jon-n cnnlitn ESTATE. In Bosa.ukc;'s ne;v Block.7oZpp.- Bar :-ie Hotel; ` UP-TO-DATE...` Town _Property For Sale. ___..p I'M PLEMENTS FOR SALE. HELtVl.{'l-.-ll;l('}--At" Crown Hill. on Feb. Ist. `Mrs. Jonathan, Hickliug, sister-in-law of Mrs. G. G. Smith. Collier street-. aged 48 years. ` ` McLARTY--At Guthrie. Feb.'3rd, 1899. Mr. Wm. McLartv. father of W. McLarty, V blacksmith, Collier street. aged 8o_'years. GAl\ NON --At Apto. Mr. Patriclt Gannon. aged 90 )'C3.l'S. - ' WATT- On Feb. 4th, 1899, John , son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. W'att. Guthrie, aged 20 years. . ZVlcCUAlG--In Om, on Feb". and. 1899. Mary Mc- Cuaig. aged about 40 years. ' . V _ IRWlN--- At Rig Bay Point. on Monday, Jan. 30. 1892. Edwin Irwun. youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. lohn Irwin. aged :9 years and to months. l`HOMSON On Feb. 2st, at his late residence. 107 North De Witt street. Bay City. Mithigan. Willuam Thomson, second son of the late Col. Ed. W.,'l.h1vmson, Aikenaha.w," Toronto. in the sevcntv-p wear of his age. After life : tful fever he sleeps well." ` MURPHY--ln Barrie. on Feb. 6th 1801).,` Myles Murphy, aged 60 3c rs. xo months. :5 days. TA\'LOR-At Minesing, on Jan. just. 1 Eliza- beth_Taylor. aged 60 years, 9 months. `days; T - {IDQQIIKVI1 n.. !.`..I. ,_A -o__ 1-..- r\--_u,__, is of more importance, or of importance . to more people, than a watch. We un- dertake the regular weekly winding of clocks in the home or oice.and attend to anv repairs shat may be necessarv. promptly, reasonably and well. ' FOR SALE; NEW 4ovicn'usu'mmrrs. . pus: TO `LET. ~_ __- -_ ' .u.`....._.4u` N " --..n FAKRIIA ALE.. +%A.iL0R|%NG- 86 Dunlop Street. TA uL'r_ cowAN,_ . " Solicitor`-3, Barrie. I H18 SWIG CUIOT. CHAS. K > Gianna` --V nnluvnu usuu vu Jvalup y Illvuula, U U I GOl.ING-On Feb. 1st. 1899. Jane Gossliugg. Con. 8. Vespra. aged 56 years. DOBBIN--On, Feb. '4th. x899. Jane Dobbin, Mine- sing, aged 66 years. MARSHALL---0n Feb. 4th, iegq, Mas-tha'Jana Mnrahall. Grenfell. acted u ve.1rn.

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