Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 2 Feb 1899, p. 8

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F6z'n.vh"l.:>':.::i.'a3- pvening a_. freight train up- ed with ,.s'nr engine boqking tip "toward: in arid seven um` th. - pmowhiug Alhndslo station from Barrie col- . aVng`inou% w9r'a. ,d&miged.~ On? pitch oibo P.S.---The stock of J. A. Otton in N01` boingsonn our by us. VWe have no connec- tion whatever with it. Prices Out Away Down. Bakers Make. ` The Stock must be cleared o AT ONCE. 14 pairs No. 5 Acme, reg. 45c for 37c. 13 No. 7.Acme,` reg. 850. for 7 0c. 16 ?` No.10, Acine. Nickle, regular $1.25 for $1.05. -3 pairs N o. 5 Hockey, reg. 500. for 45c. V 24 pairs N 0. 7 Hockey, with puck stop- per, plenty of 10%, 11 and 11% sizes, regular $1 25 for $1.05. A 5 ' 5 pairs No. 7 Hockey, Nickle, regular $2.00 for $1.50. ` ' ' `I 6 pairs Boxnns TDEAL Hockey, his . heat production, weight only .12 ounces, regular $2.75 for $2.25; Please remember that Sketee will not be charged at these prices. 5 - ` u.u.o:`mn& Son, Nlo`.Y'l' nnm: mn na nbrn trnvnn-1T \ TL SALE or T` S KATES ram RAILWAY chums on THE _ FUTURE orrr. ` NEXT Ddoli TO BARIEIE: HBTELH The Toronto dai-lieu state that the G.T. R. telegragh omployea are highly pleased with the arbuzratora award, `given on Saturday. Some 500 men get "an lnoreaue in salary. Mrs MoGnlgan, general superintendent, sand- ` 1hajf.`the award. bein a. unanimous one.'the . oompan no ld inf`: Vutnmla gov`ern-ltI rela- , `tionnqww cihj;- ' _embl9)v9 I'on in oond'itjonm. -Both side: he said. [had accepted the . do-' -. f-c_iaion,,- yonld (do thei_r.utmoet In the to- Mr. and Mn. W; lolyutorday morning for Bglleville to-_atumd the funeral _Q::5ti'n_._%= `_ ? . I` of Mr. Ale xg.pdor'Spe\;\'mrt. hr0iher{in.lnvi4)_f The Allondale junior Hockey Club went to` Bradford on Fridsv to chase the .puok with- che iunior team of that place Whenthey~ got on the ice our `boys found they had to play the senior teem. Bradford won b 6 to 1 This thing of putting on senior p syers against juniors `ought to be stopped, and re- ects discredit on a home team for so doing The boys had a cold drive, seine ot them being badly ,.f:-omen. _ Our _ boys to rt ,tb.e ggbest-.e&"estn1e:i\t at-`the hands of t e Brad- Mr. John Rankin. of -Wyebridge, died in his 59th year. While on 9. visit to his broth- er at Jarra.t_ s Corners. Mr. Rankin was sud- denly taken ill and after a short illness of 48 hours was taken sway. '1_`he :remsins- weife brought to Wyevale for interment on 213:. Mrs. W. sscewgsrsnnd Mrs. Ta. or. of Allnudale, dsnahtersof the deoesse `, st- tended the funeral. ` T uuvu. unvvvu Va -numulu. Luv auuuuluu Band was present and furnished music. Mr. Rutherford {says he` congemglatea having a. grand carnival jdbout. the 156 inst, Within three days from the announcement (through the public` press) of the successful candidates at the Normal School examina- tions in Toronto, Miss E. How had` received twenty-eight congratulations (-through post) upon having obtained the "gold meda . ' - , On Wednesday eeening of leaf week the Central Skating Rink was the scene of a merry crowd of ekatera. ' The Allendale aria Inn. v\'ug'-nn an.-`A C.`-_2_L...I _...-!- 11.. A large crowd of spectators witnessed a fnsthookey match at the Central Rink on Monday evening between the Barrie Busi- neea College and the Allandale teams. Score -15 to 5 in favor of Allendale. J. Mc- Kenzie refereed the game. _ I Last week one of our 'citizens found a. curiosity ineher house in the shape of about a dozen young grasshoppers She found them on the window, and they were quite liveiy.- The lady has `them secured in a glass as is curiosity. . . I One day last week a httle girl named Hur- rell. on her way to school, had one of her hands badly frozen, When she arrivedat school her teacher", Miss Rix, at once ap- plied suow to the trozen hand and soon had 1 Jack Frost out. Communion was dispensed in the Presby- terian church on Sunday morning, a large number of the members and adherents par- taking of the sacred elements. An appro- priate sermon for the occasion was preached by the pastor. _ . _ _ v - Mr.zCharleTs Celross, after an absence of 12 years. arrived home on Saturday evening from Nebraska. His many friendshere are glad to see him again and get a hearty sheke of his hand. j ._ ,__ _-. -_,, -- ..,.......,. . `Subscribe for Tm: Anvaxoh} the bait veeklv paper in the County of Simone; ~ ' Thezieis going to be szwidvower missing in i the ward very shortlv. II: is rumored he is {going to take up his residence in Iunislf township, a. few miles south. Piece of cake. please. ' u.~. ' Miss Gracie Quinn, _wl'1n has iaenn visiting zwith her sister, Mrs} Wm Buttenield, re- turned to her home in Orillia on Friday of last week. ` ` * - *[ by `running throhgh a. misplaced switch. The station platform wag damaged. V A week ago last Saturday Inspector McKee upget the election of Mr. Thou. Ritchie as ' School. Trustee over Mr. Samuel Hart. on the ground of certain irregularities. Ritchie obtained 26 .-votes and Hart '24. A new election 'waa `held- _' on Saturday =laa't, =thej rival e;d}.>: 1iii-Jri!;f?ov!!b;-3h9 settinsl `\B5.?li.5i*iI.Y' - . '-`A E6ty$ljitidle_ 4o_an'didatiee- being: MrJ_~T_nog. Ritohiaand; ,1_|_Ir;~ W.n).- anscsmang -` 9-; eRi to'hie_i was `elect j bad. l `93l_|1.ii Wench` 30. .1.~Wm. i IF'eruao_nvn1e. Advance Correspondence. Miss J.. Marley he: returned home from Toronto. . . . A few from here also a number from Flee Centre drove to she. home of Mr. A. Cumming and spent a very-pleasant evening; . . . Mrs J. Richardson entertained a number of friends one evening lnst,,woek . . . .Mr. and Mrs. N. Cotton, of Greenland, call Annie MoLelle_n spent in few days with friends in Barrie recently, . . .Mrs. W. Gowunlock, of Uhtho`; in the guest. of hervmother, Mr-. A. Cumming. . . .Gled_ toreport that Mann Tenn Brazziel in re- `ed on friende`here recently. . . .Miaa I covering` after a short -illness. - - n One of the oldest and best known residents of Oollingwood township and Kirkville died at M imico on Saturday last in the person of Mr. James Gra- ham, in his 72nd year. Deceased lived l on the fourth concession of the town- ' ship for many years, and about ten years ago purchased a small place at Kirkville, near "this town. Here he lived until over a year ago, when fail- ing health compelled his removal to a" hospital. He was a verrindustriousl man and much respected. His wile survives hum, and with her a son, Mr. Thos. - Graham , of Banks R0}, and Mrs. John Shelton. of? Kirkville. The remains were interred in the Union i Cemetery on Monday. ` Public School Notes-The following pupils , received |their Promotion` Certicates :-B. Mcleary, J. Miscampbell, E Wilson, A. Suhamerhorn. J. Wilkinson. L Hamlin, L. Reynolds, S. Meeking, E. Metcalf Honor Certicate-C. Moore....A beautiful pic- ture, entitled Britain s Bulwark, was hung in the Principal s room last week, and adds much to its cheerfulness . . . . Miss How, Gold Medalist of the Toronto Normal School, is once more actively engaged as teacher of the III Division of our public school..,..A Miss Hutchison was absent from her room on Monday on account ct sickness. and her place was eiciently lled by Miss I. Mur- ray. I 1 ture. to promote amitv between the company and its emploves. - 15,1`: nu Inv. --- --- V Deerhuut. Advance Cotrocpondenca. `Mr. James Johulon ha; givn up store kegping hero, but he will continue the pod-_ dllngbuninou. , - j " . , oomncwood; ' Advance Correspondence. THE NOMHERN ADVANCE. gape:-t wviale p. s. for Januaiv. AFmrI>h Class-A-Emma Aakey. Ruth Brook, Jean Stewart. -Third. .0133!-- M ilton Brook,` J ohn `M-aoDona'_ld, Wn41`t`erTV Woods.) Second _0_lnqu, S,r.L-.-`-.I"l9VI}Iie `Achy , Eva-`Parr. Many Soott.- Clans, J;5.-Lo:tio'Wilqoh, Gap. Sotg,-_;' Sndid: ' Copglhnd. {LA`fven- ag'`- s'ttand:n'oev~ A 33. " ; O ...--w; ouv vuavwnuu VI L`GUI'|ll'yg I1. I11 I t Tenders may be put in for the whole propertv. or !or two or more of them. or for separate parcels, as purehaeers may desire. ` . The highest or any Tender will not neeeuarily be accepted. '7 Dated January 18th. 1899. " .L'ENNOX. aovs a. bnown. No. 6 North Dunlap Street, Barrie. - . 3-5 Solicitors of Wm. Ambler Estate. West Half of South Ha f of Lot 1 . in the 4th Con- cession of the Township of Collingwood. in the County ot Grey. 5 -acres more or less. This roperty is about seven nu es from Collingwood. '1 t-re are about :5 acres cleared and the other part is good hardwood bush. The soil is good. ' The titles are all supposed to be perfect. ` Particulars and Terms and Forms of Tender can be obtained and Conditions of Sale examined upon lication. to the Solicitors of the estate. `Sealed enders [marked tenders for Amblerpropertv) will be received by these Solicitors up Ato 6 o clock on Sat- urday the eleventh of February, 1899. Tnndnrn than R; guns 5- C... AL- ...I._I- -----~-- -vuuuu up-uv unuulv IAJIEIKU PUD II. PARCEL No. 7.--'Part of the Euf Half and of Awest South 1' IO TOWIlBhiD of Co `nomad. in ol-.- _.- 7..-.---gun uuusu vo vulllvdblllo All these uroperties are in the Township of Inninl,- in the County of Simcoe. PARCEL No. 6.-Lot 4. corner of Blake Street and Nelson Square. Barrie. This property is situated in a convement part of the town. near Kempenfeldt Bay convenient to the ER!-t Ward School, and has a. comfortable fnine cottage upon it. PAD!!!" A -,-`D.._. -1` AL- 12-`... we no . n In-uar anu omer umber trees: al-o wood for re wood. 3. lat bank barn, a dwelling house and a large orcha upon this prog. rty. ` It 13' said to be in an excellent state of culnvatxon. All .n.-_- _-, , , .- ...... ...-...........5u nuu uuyuuvumcnta upon mus lot. PARCEL No. 5.-The South Half of Lot :2. in the uth_Concession. zoo acres more or less. Thisfis one of the nes: farms in the Township. Conveniently situated as regards churches, markets, schools`,` etc.. about 3 miles from i Barrie. and an equal distance from Stroud. There is a quantity of valuable pine. cedar and other timber al-o wood for km barn- H luau-Q ant` - ' nenpf Mrs. I.otvV-`Tabb, left yestoi-day morning fbf Bay Citi. Miohi :1`. called there by the ill- er |_on,'f1! dgarweblxho. V , ,, ' " - - n. III we tom uoneessnon. so acres more or lcss. Thisis an exceptionally desirable little propert in": good settlement. There are about 40 acresc cared and the remainder is hardwood bush. `lhere isa handsome brick dwelling. amoderate sized barn and other out-buildings and improvements upon this lot. PADEIY Mn . _'l`|... n....n. u_u- _: 1- _. , - .- Pmcux. No. ' .-`The hm Half of South Half of Lot :3. in the 8! Concession, 50 acres more or less The same stream runs through this roperty. The soil is of "good quality, ' suitable or cropping or. grazing. PARCEL No. 4.-The South West Quarter of Lot 1:. in the xoth Concession, more or l_:s_s. execution:-lllv denarnhln HMI. n.-......s.. .. .- . 'l`lne Exeeutrlx and sole Devlsee of this Estate olfers the following Pro- perties for sale Irv Tender. namely 2- PARCEL No. x.-The South East part ofLot :5. in 7th Conoession. 4 acres more or less. This is what was known as the McDougall property. The soil is of excellent quality. There IS a small orchard. a comfortable dwellin house, a small barn and other out-buildings upon 1 is property. PARCEL No. 2:.`---The Suuth East part of Lot 13. in the 7th Co-Ices-ion, zoo acres more or less. About 150 acres of this lot is V _ cedar and other valuable trees failing strum owin through the property and iteis I the maltvng of one o the` best grazinar farms in the a Township. h re isa moderate suzed frame dwelling and a large bank barn upon this lot. .'I`L_ D--- II_Il' ,r 4-: There is a never- DABBIDI K.` `. well timbered with tamarac,' I Properties tor Sale wm. nmmm mm: .-.- u. ---.u uuu-5 vulu uyuu uua nut. he East .--'T 3:. .ot 1,1. the 8! Concenninn an an:-on cm... A. I...'. DESIRABLE %M=~FR MEN 54%Dunlop~%s%`ueet. -A Ba iueaotace d now/%a(ue. ` ah Vlaail :%a7aa'n} gam- Jeu. [- flae oom'l.oz4'/0:4` Jl `j/? k gag` Bsrrle's South-Western Divlelon. with - its Pleasant streets. its Taetv Dwell nes. its Pretty Churches. and its Go- a.-head People will Entlce Settlement --A Weeklv Record of its Doings. Miss Sadie Pullford left last week for To- ronto. - ` ' T The G.'1`.'R. iolling tlzeir ice house labia wank- ` /,g ,/u,z; zm /Q7444, .4! 9/ 444. f; 4 d (0 . f I464 alozo, oz T $604). /6t76d/ ggazagzoa. dazla an ya/m&_y ugz 414, W c/on)! Jnlani m a/64'oc/a oz/3:4! 1!. :/((d /26" 7736; lucky No.10. . ttings and sells for Cash and -_--____.:___-__--:___.... One Price. The House that s Exclusive in MEN S`and BOYS Out- '0/afyg aa0n' Bartie; LIIU wpek. modern conveniences. M 3J_'.`$'i:::STRATl`i"\`{' Va-, gsum 3...-5. o-it unrung longs 6c each. Egg Beaters 5c. each. Potato Mashers 50. Tea Pot Stand 5c. Soap Stands 50 each. NestvEggs. ` ngg Cups. _ Graniteware and Tinware of all descnp~ tions._ ` . 2 large 14 qt. Tin Pails for 25. Remember, we also ~':arry a large assort- ment of Veilings of all kinds and prices frofn 150 avard up; also a-large variety of Berlin Wools. Crochet Cotton, ewinq Cotton, Sew- ing Silksand Washtng Silks for all kinds of Fancy Work ; Ladies Collars and Cuffs: Side Combs 5c. a pair ; Blouse Sets ; Bibles. different prices Eve:-yn_ring, as the old saying goes, from a needle to an anchor, Is to"be found at our store. Ar n m. t 1 1 - % -"ro 3: LET.` T om.-Ioaud-comma; B'kIPf :- 7" innnodiatdy \$:st o`;ct.hc Cg` no ` Having modem aouvcnir.-noes. AP- .` duds-an '& Il'l'I\'l ung!` mt! -37. 'fo End 1 Iofngfaiyifs V 3:, ".'..;'.'.`.., 3 i'J.'.'.x ' .- n.|.| pvnm w~ U l`1 :\:eu::Tn'rge conaignmenp of Hosiery and Ladies Underwear, for spring oominguin ahortlv. ' |J\WREN6E 8 FAIR i oni:vil;:ieg0S:tet9p fieceS F0" ..3;2.:`: Toilet Sets, beautifully decorated. only 31.69:: set up. A good 3-string Broom 19a. 3 large bars Washing Soap for 25c. 15 cakes Laundry Washing Soap for 25. " Old Brown Windsor Toilet Soap only lo. a cake. Washing Crystal only lo. a cake. Pins. Needles, Thimbles and Hair Pius only lo. a paper. ` ` ' Good Horn Dressing Comb only 5c. Good strong Hair Brush only 10c. each Teeth Brushes-5c. each. Nail Brushes 3c. each. Purses from 5c. each up. Best Garter Elastic. in any color, only :'x.-. a yard. , . Lead Pencils 2 for lc. . Sponges from lc each up. Circular Combs, all colors; only 5c. each. Hair Curlers only 5c. a dozen. ' Curling Tongs 5c each. Eon Raul-nun Rn an-L v V.` N ENDOWMENT INSURANCE POLIC|E_S 60 T0 lAWR'ENOE' Din nel be four sortme Toilet Fancy ware, : tionery -j.-r 1 `AND 9`I;U-NLOP STREET: - - NEAR 5 POINTS, BARBIE. I g-IV; Traokman were transacting {business on Saturday evening. A (\__!A._ _ V. lawrence s Fair. . . '0.` H. |.'YON. I1..- `.4 Dinnet-.Se.ta. where wil! found the Largest As- sortment in .town ; also ToiIeL_ Sets, Tea Sets, Chinaware, Glass- Ilnarn Qnknnl `D--I-- C'A- .-I-Lav uu:unWOl U, \Jl&BS- ware, School Books. Sta- tionery, etc. 1:-w..;m 2. 1899. I . - gvuu. ` my _- .._., v - v---- 3 number of trains. inward and" outward, were moving on Spndpy. ' II I ALLANDALE mu mmm sxx.

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