Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 2 Feb 1899, p. 5

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all ize-A 61" gs- Mrs. M. Maher died at her home in the wwnship on Monday of last; week from the effects of a fall a. short time ago. Deceased was 72 years of age and was buried at. Coulson e Hill on Wednesday. ' La-gr-i;)pe interfered much with the comfort of Mr. T. M. 'Wh1ce s home. All the family were ill, and Mr. Wal- mott, of Barrie, who came upon .St-- urda_v evening, had to take fullchargcr of all for a few days. We understand all are slightly better. . Others in the Eneighhorbood are also auifering from` grippe. The infant daughter of Mi`. and May. I T. V. HcNaughl: was inter.-led on Wed- mas-day last, Rev. A. C. Webb oici- sting. -. T ` A Mr. and Mrs. Loblaw are suffer-_ ing from In gripue. 77 `-1- no A 2 Nixo-ni, of Bumzie, was home last week owing to illness. T ' ` .1: con- Miss J ennie'Wulker has returned fo ha r home after an extended visit with fniende here. _ I Dalston T Advance Corwspondence. . Dr. Gregg, V.S., of Barrie, paid our village 3 ying visit on the 23rd. Quite a. number of our boys Have gone to Barne Collegiate Institute or- to Excelsior Business College. _ A good live party went to tho home of Joseph T. Emma, i'mOro, on Friday evening audohad 3 good time. A we-- We hud the pleasure of listening to Re v. Mr. Ingram on Missionary Work. The Mmesing people have a fine, able: young pastor. l C\ - .9 Miss Amy Ohantler is viaitingfrienda in Bradford. " Mr. D. Irwin is running a portable saw mill on the 2nd con`. Vespra, just north west of Dalston. Messrs. Show` reed Bros. are supplying logs. ` I The-tea.` and entertainment given by the Sunday school in connection with Daiscon Methodist church` was a sac crssful one, all things considered`. It wrs` held on the 30th ult. `-Come to the one in the Congregational church nexn Tuesday, Feb. 7th. We anticipate ad T good program. Report of Killyleagh Public `School foftbe month of January. Names in order of merit. :- Primary-Faster Ferguson. Class V-Wi|fred `Hill, Fred4Allen. Maggie Fergusoti, Liinra Carruthers, Winnie Moore. Class IV,` at-.- Charlie Twrighb. Class IV, ir.- Gertie Hill, `Maggie `Rogers, Frunk` VVrig-ht ... Class [II--Bruce Ferguson _ May Ferguson, Herb. Wright, Florence Ladies Gowns in 50' diifernt `styles and patterns, ranging in price from 35a to $3.00. Own and see the-,u..... ` b3@?%@?`J%W %Y$%n?%W%W` AMERICAN c6<('roNs. At V(y Low PriCe% i"n3`n;imizi 1899`.- .0 JAS. VA IR 8;. Newton Ronlnson Advance Correspondence. Killylea gh. Avance '-Qorrbspondence. YOURS RESPEOT~EULLY,_ lring the balance of tlxnis month. we \ willcontinue to sell % % hold a ver` large stock ot Americanj Bleached Cotlo , Sheetings, Cambrics, Etc., which we bo ht months ago at ghe wholesaleprices. Fulls V of Pillow Cottons, Sheetin ` Tab}e Lin_ens. % ' `ets; Quilts, Flannelettes, Flannel's, Ladfe Jackets and Capes Mangle Cloths, ds and Underwear. Webb, Gertie Wright, Florence Hall. Class Il-Minnie iHamilton, Joh Givens, Lizzie Rogers. Lottie Webb, Robert Rogers, Leighton Moore, Frank Ayerst, Herb Herrell, Bernice Wright; Pt. I-Albert Webb. . . .Mr. Wm. Marshall, of Clark township. County Durham, spent a few` days last week with his cousin, Mrs. R Little. . . .Rev. Mr. Barton and Mrs. Hurron, of Pugebixy, North Dakota, left for their home last week after a very pleasant visit with their friends in lnnisl, New Lowell, Stayner. Cullingwood, and Port Elgin. . . . Miss `Addie Lawrence spent last week Visiting friends `in. Ouokstown . . . . Mr. George Sharpe who has been living in-the neighborhood of- Churchill for the last eight years has moved back to his own farm at Killy leagh and they had scarcely got settled after moving. when Mrs. Sharpe was called to Toronto to see her brother, Mr. Robert. Scott, who was seriously ill. . i . Miss Lizzie Sharpe is visiting in Sunnidale with her sister, Mrs. Thos Lucas. . . . Wedding `bells. are heard in the distance, full particulars later on-. Mr. and .Mra..T.' Soules visited, last Su!_Iday_. at M.-Idhurst... .Mrs. Geo. titeldd is sendlng 13 fev&[ days with uen s at osemont. . . . r. and M . |tCeunl!:Ingll1?:tu]1). ftam Barie, visited ohsr 1,. `ac er, . . unning em last'Mon- `day?-.~.Messr_s. E. Morrisdn and - R. lCurt1s, of Palnswick, visited at Mr, Joshua `Guest's, one evening` recently I . . | ,. . . .M'r. Wm. Reid has received the I 0Dt!`u_05 fol`. Supplying` our school with wood for i899....The proprietor of the Etothlnson. House intends building a w ur next spring opposite`his'hote], Messrs. Soules and Guest have the con- tract forbsupplying him with the neces- sarytim er. ' LADIES?` FunmsAas_.4 Oro Seaman. Advance Correspondence. . Our school taohefaud `blacksmith are suffering from" In grippe. . ' --. c -1 Misses Gracie Crqxzvfxxld and Emma.` ` Perry, are visiting in Barrie. .. A. .. .-. . . . . ` F. 0. Bali of Oro Station is learning photography with Shaw Broa., Barrie. ` - . ME. and Mrs. and Miss A. Graham, of Gravenhurat, were the guests of Mr.` Richard'Crawford last week. A T Mr. A. A. Bell brought home from Barrie on? Saturday last over fifty 60 lb. hoxiey cans. to store` his last; year a honey in. `An bi.mm.ense number of people at- tebded Mr. T. R Parke:-'5 sale on Wednesday gfpeyon bf` last week. All the Ladies of Barrie are cor- ly invited. to visit our [sbore. Fri- any time during the sale, to see % our d_ Iay of WH TE COTION UN- DERW R, and inspect the nish ' At` these garments, _end]you_; cl that there -is no "need-1` forwhese, Goods. . 7 to send out of arj-~ 343' COMMENCING Next Friday, rebgs _-vvw , Advance Corrqsponioncc. :-r. :-v' - w---v- A_dva.nce Correspondence. V Big Bay Point. .I_____ _- .tV____.-___..J_._ `Bidding at times wee` very keen, and average prices were very satisfactory. Cattle sold as high as $70 and $75, and -sheep at $8 each. Horses sold fairly well. Prices obtained for pigs were low, owing, no doubt, to the downward tendency in the price of. both live and dressed hogs. Mr. Parker has leased his` farm land will remove to Barrie probably iniFebruo.ry . i ' Advance Correspondence. Messrs. T. Culford and Wm. Pratt" spent a few days with Mr. H. Knapp, of Eioliottls Corners. . . ..Mrs. John: Harrison, of Edgar, has been visiting` her daughter, Mrs. Ed. Garrett'....f Messrs. A. Gibson and Brollev, of" Vine, are spending a few days with: Mr. Wm. Wilson. . . . Mr. MoAuley, of ' Caledonia, spenta couple of days last week with his daughter, Mrs. I. Dicks . inson. ...Miss Louie H rring, of To- ronto, is home for a mo th s holiday. . ...On Wednesday, Jan. 18th, while Miss -Edna Dickinson, whose home is here, was working upstairs in the house; where,she was employed in Toronto; she aocidentallv stepped through an `unused stove-pipe hole. slightly scraping` her knee. She thought nothing of it at the time} but on Saturday. evening. while out walking oomplainedx, of its being sore and swollen. Sunday she: was unable" to beabout and when the doctor was called in Monday morning he pronounced it a case of blood poison- She was.,at onoereoved to the hospital where she died the `next night before a friend oonld arrive to see her. `Deceased, who was only seventeen years : of use. wan brisht. horny girl. aren- Aernl .fa'voi'ite'.. with all-who knew her. Her, remains were brought honie on ; ..'1`.hWfil!}..'d`. Wr?.d`:_:,Mihii0'8 .09.: Frid-yi `-if'fin0n-u. Twd .bmB.ets tare; ` owayfin_`;fh_ shfnn`tie s end Enew..'no1hing' 4 :".'h9?971'.i-.fjl5>- ;..,.lli?.-l'.i'IIds 1` i1!;lrbf=Diki-9n`ihs*`thshewtett ms-1v T ' if Al11 v6nM1ll8. 1'1m;1onT1mn)I Anvmcn. _ Nearly every house in the village has -been visited with that unwelcome visitor, in grippe; . . . Mrs. Alex Foster, Winnipeg. Man., was visiting friends here on Sunday lsst...;Miss M. J. Foster is homefrom Duntroom after a two weeks visit with friends in that village. . . .Miss Wooksey has returned home from visitingfriends near Holly `f____ `I. I)_..-.- nap-I ll}..- A no ut Mr. Norman MoQuuig, of Flea, died on Tuesday morning at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. Alex. Graham. 1 The deceased was born in Islay, Scot-| a land, in 1812, and came to Con. 6. Oro Township, between thirty-ve and ' forty years ago, bringing his wife and . family of four sons and live daughters . with him. He lived in Oro until teni years ago, when he removed to Gen. 16, Flea. Nine years ago last harvest his wife died and since then his daugh- ter J essie has had charge of the house. On Friday, January 20th, Mr. Mo-' Ouaig came to Oro to visit his daugh- ters, Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Graham. On'Tueeday of last week, at the latter s home, he fell a short "distance from me doorway. , The '_ fall _shattered- his ~-strength and death came it the and of a week. -The -surviving members of fhia family are -Mrs. J obntcamplbell and` 3 ;Mrs. Alex. Gzgaham, of this? locality ' Mm Mereisht. of Flat; Mini Jeanie. j`M_'cGuaig and J:oh_lI;'aiId Don t 1' can _.Mc,O_uaig,; its home.- -.fff'l`he`- 'iuneral*!'akes:`:plaee 3 I IIUIIJU Lxvul vluuvu gov--u--a .-v ._.v.-., -6 . .. . . . .M1se_ M. Perry and Miss L. Me-_ Ateer is visiting an Banda, this week . . . .Maxwell Ellialeft last Friday to work in the lumbering camps of J. B. Smith & Sons, Frank Bay. cozy-g--- Advance Correspondence. bush:-1e._ Advance. Correspondence. |% '4 Positive cmrqr - I PRICE 25 CENTSA PACKAGE. . Ruwm-nan. Dnnrsu-3,. . . One Month`: Treatment. , ' Sgcx Ann.Nuvous Humans. Sand for free sample and Guide to Health. , ` . _. Cong-i-iranon. ' 3 THE 1". E. KABN 00.. 128 Wellixigtoh 8t.. '1'oronvo,Can sow A`; V Advance C'<::e-a-pvcyudence. Mr. Murray, of Toronto, is at pre- sent the guest of Mr. A, Ronald. . . . Mrs. Joe. Orchard returned home on Saturday after a week's visit with her daughter, Mrs. A. Bruce, of Aurora. . . . .()n Saturday, Jan. 28, to Mr. and Mrs- A. Keely, a -daughter....Ou Sunday night Rev. T. Cowan, pastor of the Baptist church here, preached his `farewell sermon. He has received and accepted a call to Sunderland, for which place he leaves this week. During. his pastorate here he made. many friends, who will deeply regret his departure. _ I will be conducted by Rev. Neii Camp bell, Presbyterian mimster. The de ceased was held in much esteem by a large circle of friends. Refrehing, Nourishing. At 4-`-34 1 DRINK HOT SODA 1=L4voRs- cno_coI.A'nc, umon, can-E. comum. eyp 43.1}; c>H'ARLEYs., If AH!-WA-GO does not give Complete and Perfect V Satisfaction. ` ' ~ The King at All Blond Puritiears. Natuz~ a Cur for all Liver, Kidney and Blood Diseases. 8EAG.ES' DRUG STORE BARBIE, ONT. Io, UR M_O NE'YiIS,R1v.`14`UNI)ED. 5-lo _' "' o'd'.L"X:'n-.EKu'6E"s~.+.'i-:2 ' " l?Ac'ro1;Y AT mmco. TORONTO. Theywilliams-,F_'ne & Home Go. Lmrrso BERLIN, ONT. 2-5 THEQllArl_Tt1H_I_l]_$_[_t!|;llI__|_'l|jE cu. {SHIRT DEj._.I-j{5I:;TMr:NT. WE MAKE.--_-_-_: Sewer and s.'.';.v.-.e.!: .Ei.;rs~f+... IMGIIINE OPERATORS All Sizes from 4 in. to 24 in. Also Conn:-otlonn. Inlnlulun 1-4-`I-A 33:323. aacmm-zns TAUGHT. AEPLY AT once. ' IDIIII I'KXIIIIJIlFO wmn? son sauces. 3.13 WANTED IN OUR us-`

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