Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 2 Feb 1899, p. 1

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Sterling E Silver and Plated Ware, Watches, Uleeks, J ew-i elry, Blouse Sets, Belt Pins, Belts, Newest Designs. Special Attention Given to Watch Repairing. ~ TELEPHONE 2608 ' as-Iv` ` "is"'r'i}"'`r `eight o clock the public meeting which was well attended began. in. - the church with the pastor. Rev. D. D. Mc- Leod, in the chair After devotional ex- ` ercises the chairman gave alhelpful intro- ductory address on Endeavor work Miss Macfarland, of Barrie..also gave an address` on `the work of the Y P.SiC E. Mrs. Cam 4 eron, of Allundale, gave an interesting out society during the year. Midhurst society `was represented on the program ' by Mr. Chas. Hickling who reported the progress of work in Barrie s northern suburb. Mr J." E Ross, of Guthrie. gave a history of -the - nancial operations of their society and said they raised last year $40 for missions. Prayer was the subject of a valuable paper read by Mrs. Robertson, of Guthrie. Rev. J. A Ross, of Churchill, reported that the society in that village had raised $56 during the year,_$20 of which had been given to missions. Mr. Ross also had charge of the question drawer for the evening. Rev. Mr. Mclntosh presented the claims of the missionary to whom the Presbyterian societies give $400 A collection of about- $l4 was taken up towards the fund._ line of the Mission" work of the Allandale ` ` Auction -`Sales. Friday,` Feb 3, l899.-On lot l7,.oon. 1, Sunnidale; horses,` cattle. sheep. pigs, im- lemenu. etc. Sale at 1 o'clock. James ro`wn. prop." A L. Tebo, auctioneer. Monday, Feb 13, 1899 -Oh lot 5. con. 9, Von re, near Mineling Corners; horses, can ev. pigu, implements, turnipmeto. Sale at 12 o'clock ,, Alvin Johnaon, prop.` G. -R. Fordnmctioneer. - . Q4 -l\l\l\~ l'\ I_A A1 .A.. _ -- -, ---..v_--V_- Tuesday; Feb. 14. 1899'-0n -lot 2. con. .49. Innisl; 5 head of horses, 23 head good grade cattle, 30 ohoep, 94 pin, poultry, in: plements, hat-heap, Jeeda; etc Sale at. l o olo'o_k. =.J-. B. `Gray, prop. `W; D. Mc- Conkey, auctioneer - . , II I, up `Ann t\_1-Ln --_ I wv--vd! - w V V _ - _.-__ I _ Wednendav, Feb. 15, 1899 -On_ lot 6, con. 11. Inniul; ho:-uI.Tcastle,. sheep`, pigs, im- lemenu. etc. James Hubbert; prop. G. . Eord. auctioneer. - ' , . The-ns niacin n in 1899 of the Division gout: worheld fore. Hie.`-Honor Judge `D 1nl'nnnnAnCO Q Annbnf in-C |i=.;z:. Tho vUu|`v vvul uulu llUlUl'O- unu. .I.|.vuvs uuuav |Bo I on Wed:_ne_ada.y. , Th; doqket wasl 1:). I, ugun. . V The res. one disputed df {van that of . Hughes Bron. vs. Philip Mcheod over pay- fnent of 9. bicycle, No .defeno'e"we.e oered and Mr, AW. A. Boylefor plaintih. pressed Igor :ji16iamenh' Ell Honor gave judgljien or . , I - . - .' 1 SUI" Viv. ., The next one was Maxwell Sons vs Mr. John Campbell. of Volpn. It appears in July, 1897. Agent Bgrtley aoldvM1f.__Camvp- The Harrison Ho st::id,-'7-snlth of Cum- 'bcrL'md ytrcct. Allandale v pl to HAUGHTON I unnnv w.m.~..+.~.- I-Ian-Se. .cmn-,, Rm-ris-,_ c.-1 ii `On Tuesday .eyenin;;g of last" vveel; a very social and protable rally of Societies of Christian Endeavor associated with the Presbyterianchurch in Barrie and vicinity.: was heldin the Presbyterian` church here Early in the evening sleigh loads of young people arrived from Craigvale, Churchill," Guthrie and other places ;_ they were. cordi- ally wvelcomdd by the Barrie society and treated to a substantial tea in the basement ofntlhe church. , ,1- #' -S_,I,A ,)I,,I nl III - Diirlsion Court. . in u.___- ___:|.-a.I -A."__ 112-. 11-..-.. 12.)..- Court `Kempenfeldt Insta.1la.tiot; Union Endegvor Death of Miss Leslie. ` Hockey Match. Mr M. Barr), of Toronto, was in town this week. V * The Barrie {Tannery is an enAterprise` which is of great benefit to the town, em- ploying as it does from 25 to 30 men the year round . ` - Misti `Violet visiting friends in | Crown Hill for It few weeks.` oe _aoxe (O nancue an Iunas 0: won: prorppuy anu satnsfactorily. See our work and get our pnces. Fac- tory. Bayeld street, north of the Foundry. A '5 `KY! I`? O, lIl`\`V 1 Mrs. Robe. M.oZore.Z qKi'lyleagb. has returned home after visiting friends in .town. Mr. and Mrs Whgey, of Huntsville, spent Sunday with their son, Mr. H. T. Whaley. ` Mrs S. J. Moore, of Toronto, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Lana, Penesanguiahene-st., l who is ill. Mr'. T. W! W. Evans. barrister, Bradford.` was a. welcome visitor to our sanctum on- Tuesday gfternoon. up nus:-no At the annual meeting of the Barrie Tanning Company, held in Messrs Strarhy and Esten's oioeon the .l7th of January, the following shareholders were present :- Messrs S. R Wickett and W. J.-Bickell, Toronto ;. John Rogerson, John Sinclair, Alex ,Sinolair,- F W. Reed, S Wesley, G. H . Esten and J. M Bothwell. President Wickett occupied the chair. The Treas- urer s report and balance sheet for the year were presented and showed a most satisfac- tory state of aairs. The Board of Direc- tors were able to declare a dividend of six per cent. in addition to addinga consider- able sum to sinking fund. The manager's report showed that` the-building and ma- chinery had been materially improved dur- ing the year, several expensive and import- ant additions having been made to the plant He reported the business outlook for the coming year brighter than for the . past two years 'l`ln.. 6'.-.n.......... ..a:....-.. ......... _I......-.: 1.--_ PCUV UVVU JTQIH The following officers were elected -for 1899 :--President, Mr. S R. Wicket: ; Vice- President, Mr John Rnaerson: Directors, Messrs; S. R Wickett. W J, Bickell, John 1R.oge1-son, John Sinclair. Alex. `Sinclair; T Mixnaqer. Mr. John Sinclair ;- Treasurer. ; Mr. F. W. Reed: Secretary, Mr. G. "H , 3 Eaten. J `I! 0 III a . - 5 T Miss DAoTw1[:eTv is recovering from a serious i attack of la grippe. _ Mrs. J A. Burgess, of Toronto; is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs Geo. Somera, Kempenfeldt of Bualo, was the (nest of Mr. and Mrs. N B Johnson, Enizabeth street, on Monday night. ` 11-1171! E ee"m;.;; I.}{'s.J.I};'.na .1. vv. Boyle, or the Beeton World. and, L. 0 Hughes, of the Tottenhem Sentinel, were in town last: week. Mr (games Harrington, of South Burling- ton. Iowa, in among the oldeatof ADVANCE subscribers. He has just remitted his 43rd instalment. ' ' * We take pleasure in recommenglin Mn. Fun. Bnooxs as a com etent and relnabo Tuner and Regairer. and woul request our trons to entrust to im work of this ' ription. espectfullyyoutl. GERHARD Hamrz " A ' Miss Sadie Ellis has returned from Orillia, where she had charge of the telegraph office for a. few days during the sickness of Operator Madden. , I'l'7_s. _;2___!_; __.-._ AL. .____._A_ -1 nuluenoru, IVUy- \1I'DIII'l, IBIIIIUI VV CHIC, lhilul 'Hanmo5r; song. Arthuwonkman; recitag tion. Ge":-tie. Willette; V` on came the pre- sentation of'certioa.ten by Inspector Mor- gen and several of the trustees Short ad-, to uses welje-given by Principal" Foster, v 1n~ `apeouor Morgan. and Trnaoe:Perkinn, Reid gnd Smfthsnd Mr. Ja_.megfVuir. _ ` Miss Difann, of Uollingwood, is the guest of Miss Frock. Mn Johnson, wife ofTCrown Attorney Nohnson. of Bracebridge, visited Mr. and Mrs. 4Ma.rtin_ Johnson last; Thursday and Fridav. - - i * cut 0 . - Are .u 1-: Miss Webb, elooutionist, was the guest of Dr. and Mrs Riohsrdson `last Thursday. In the evening Miss Webb assisted by Mr. Hodsdon, soloist, protably entertained a large number of people in Collier street Methodist Church. Mr J B. Edwards and Miss Irvine sang a duet very scceptabl Miss F.' King was accompanist during t e evening. ` Pleasant variety was added to work in the West Ward School last Friday afternoon by the public presentation of promotion certi- cates to about seventy pupils. On Thurs- day evening industrious hands decorated Principal `Foster's room with evergreen. pic- tures and hunting, Qreparatory to the ga- thering of" parents and others interested on the following dfternoon. Owing to lack of `room it was necessary to admit only those npils who had passed the examinations hose with some twenty-ve visitors and the teaching `stalf took `up all the seating ac- commodation Mr. C A Perkins, Chair- man of the School Board, was elected to the chair. and after a few introductory remarks proceeded with the following interesting programme : -Recitatio1i, Etta Campbell ; - 85.nders';'dialogue, `PA Feast of reading, .- Bessie Cunningham ; song, -Jessie Vair; recitation.` Frankie Haggart; read- ing, Arthur` Pas; `song, Maud Fletcher; recitation, Lola. Campbell; eong Faun _ p atione, by Guy "Mitchell. `Arthur. Mcnkman,` Ida Pas, T Arthur Pas, -Lily Anderton; Olive Rutherford. vRy-Grant, Ernie! W_elte, Eddie "n'nn'|n\Aiii u- hnna" Anitliudli` nnlalnnn '-"ivnniin. [Mrs Bx7w-;;.7`(:fVVLondon, is visiting her mother, Mrs Wilkinson. ` -The advisability of - farmers; using eepa.ret.ors.? will` be en` impqrtsnt go ice: .the.u;nnal meeting at the patrons of Arie Creamery on Saturday eoern_oox;._ .e ' The Barrie Tanning Acompany and a. Very Successful Yam" ya Dividend at s will receive careful attention. - EINTZ , $532) It-nit for `ning _a.t' 5: Ehzabeth _St|-get vbell Z rear-out mow:-rxfor $50. 7s`25 u`1e paid in the tail of 1897 and the other 325 in the -fall of 1-898. `Campbell soon after get- ting. the mower sent ,in'one of the knives with several sections broken `and others badly dulled, and .~c`aimed that it did not give him satiifaction and refused to pay for it. The case was triedebefore the fol-' lowing jury.:--James.-Marshall, J M Hick- ~li'ug.. Chas. Howard, M. . Mooreand John Holmes. . Mr. W. A` Boys conducted the plaintiffs case and Mr G. A. Radenhurst the defendant : The suit was not conclud- ed when we went to pre`. ..--j- Presentation 61' Certicates} Persona: News. Six Per Cent. 1` --Fire' destroyed the North American Bent Chair Factory at Owen Soundon Mon- day morning, causing a. loss of nearly $150,- 000. ' l'J. H. Mcfnnis, Genegl Agent E:;cel- sior Life 'Inaurance Co . has opened an oice ` -ipTCe_ntra.l Block, east of Barrie Hotel. tf ` $'Cure that core t at with lemon juice and pure honey. Trv Get; pure honey `in_ 1 lb. sections at Jan ' s, the grocef. --The Collegiate Institute Board will meet on Friday evening; Town Council on Monday evening; and County Council on Tuesday afternoon. V L _ -Th;a quality 1-)f Kempenfeldt ice was never better than this year. It is nearly 15 feen thick and free from the honevcomb variety. Now is the "time to ll your ice houses. " -Mr. Wm Hubbert. butcher, was taken ill at thamarket last. Friday and had to be driven home. H13 shop has since been in charge of his son, Mr. Alf. Hubbert, of To- ronto _ - 4 F Y8 uV %I5;>mz~a A RISE IN LIFE And wish to enter a. Business College that has 73 per c-ran... ol its Graduates in good situations correspond with the Excelsior Business college, Barrie. Documents on le to prove thin statement. 26-lv _ W. J. ROSS. Principal. ' -E)n Friday evening Mr . Hdrry White s house on Sanford street was partially de- atroyed by re ' Loss about $100 The family saved their furniture and eecta and at once moved into a vacant house near by. Ax,,,4___ <-nn_-_ it nun.-- _ -E A; Little, M.P.P., Csrdwell; A. B. ; R. Thompson, M P. P.. Centre Simcoe ; Jan. 8. Dn , M.P P., West Simcoe, and A. Misoampbell. M.P P., East Simcoe. are at- I tending. the Legislacise Assembly of Ontario M which began its present session on Wednes- ` day sfbernoon n -it ttooinc I T.` -An agent for Mcwilliams and Everest. Toronto. is packing five hundred barrels of apples in the basement of `the Ross Block. for the Liverpool market The principal varieties are Spy, Russet, Canada Red, and Ben Davis. The stems of all apples at the top and bottom of every barrel are nipped ontto prevent bruising. Q` l 1\ , ,, _,, ;..`; _-I-L._!L_- - Charles Donovan.` a vagrW't celebrity about town, refused to go the use of Re- fuge last week. He was allowed his free- 'dom but soon indulged too freely. and as usual appeared at the Gaol on Monday for shelter. . Heoousented to go to the House of- Refuge and that evening was provided with a railway ticket to that institution. ti`? ,1 I _ ,, `.___,,_, -1433: Wednesday evening as. Messrs. Denielendeorge McLean and their cousin were coming into town the span of spirited horses they were _driv.jng bolted into the- ditch. George receiveg a severe blow which caused s..hemorrhageI ~' Luckily his injuries are not as serious nsgit was at first feared, and he is recovering. The others escaped nnhnrt. ` ` ' -Mn. Turnkey at the Gaol, took three candidates to the House of Refuge on Saturday evening. , . 11` I 91-1 on. I\ . --The_ annual. meeting of Royal Victoria Hospital will be held on `Tuesday Feb. 6th, at 4 p m in the Board room at. the Hospital. All subscribers are cordially invited to be be present. a 1 . g - g - _ 8'Yes, we have time. but they are licious Tangeriues. are, `a very ne Japanea ' Vair s, the grocer. ' 1\ A.` 1\ I11: .0 1'. had them for a long ing this week-de- ' know what they rang. At Jas. I '-In"`speaki.ag in Collier street Methodist church on Sunday morning, Rev. J. A. Rankin, of Toronto, said that .Cuetome houses are the devil : toll-gates." By this he meant that when Christianity prevails throughout the world there will be free trade everyw-hero,"and no nation will collect one- tome from a neighbor. Geulyour grip. peck- ed, Collector Brownlee. ' V . 15110 . .`-..A II. | '-On Sunday lash Collier street Methodist church put -$502 on the plates towards wiping o` oating liabilities. .The Ladies Aid Society of the church have contributed $150 towards the acme purpose; Anniver- sary "sermons. were preached by Rev. J.`A. Rankin. `of Parkdale. On Monday night a social gathering of_ the congregation was held` in the _ school room. Refreshments Wielrauerved and a short programme was pro- ,v E -` .,` . . Q ... ,'_ _ __ GRAHAM.--At Mimico on Januay 28th. I899. Mr. James Graham. of Mais Mn 9, Nottawasaga Township, aged 72 years. . ' McCUAIG.-. At Guthrie. on Januarv 31st. 1899, at the rcsidenceuf his son-in-law. Mr. Alex. Gra- ham, Mr. Norman McCuaig. aged86 years and 7 months. . A ti; and Ulsterh and wn rice now as J. a'Al1' men s T Ov ladies Jackets at you C. Irwin's. .-Messrs Fmwley evlin moved into their new premises east of Bank of Com- merce last. week. --A great many girls say No attrat. but, like the photographers, they know how to retouch their negatives. II_, III `I5 11 I1 II rt` 1 [ --S`amuelA Barke;, of Hagilma, Ont . has A `been elected president of'the St. Louis, Kansas and South-western Railway. ' .111 .1 . .I . -.I I -Repreeentat.ives of the Royal Electric Co anti the Wearing Electric Co. laid the. advantages of their respective one-face and two-face dynamo: before several members of ( the Town Council on Friday night. _.._.I d.Ie;;..T iriniin" n.;.T.Ta..J;. _din;co;-sq Bluaterl, etc trash daily at BOTH- WELIRS. V I I 1 \ \ -- - up...` 5.. u an - .. ' 4-Tbia Osqng Grand Lodg of 'Ontario West; will hold their annual meeting in this town in March. -'-My.` Murphy, mother of County Coun- cillor Murphy, Toasorontio, V died last Thursday. _I_ . . V V _ .v v:- in wuuqcn `an:-Quaint CDC LS`? Z-CZ W` 3333 V .-.-The next. regular meeting of the W. C. T. U wislnbe held next Monday afternoon at 3 o _clock. ~ ' J Auvu-, . - --The` tar Cmoert hi the Grand Opera Home on Tuesday night in aid of refurnish- ing Elizabeth street Methodist. church was attended by a large and representative audience. "The . Star of the evening was Mr. J H. Calurm; eloeutioniet; of `T01-on~ tq; who_was,, long_ily~encored at hie [eve appearance. ..BiI' descriptive selection.` -.'n Vain?-. 11.... In uakfnle - Anlnil one` . "W1! QIIUVO LII- IIWEUI IP UI-V C QUICK? IIIKIIIQ aw. Yea'.r a..Rc\oe. in which a deacon and pnrbon `gured prominently. was T highly Ilnuersainin and probably his most 0 nlsr nnmberr ` Charles Hndum :5 in t'iiE'Ii"'ii'iiiiti`i(;""' BARBIE. um. y This is Bargain "A y at J. C. Irwiu s. See ad oz_1 page 4 " ` !\ In . -up C`. _ -__.-, .._-- ..- -`4..----- -_ guy -r....P,. Wlio. Cross Teas, Chase &/`Sunburn : Seal Brand Coifees at BOTllWEhL S. -The -3; the zbinson House, Big I B9.y.Point, will be rebuilt in the `spring. ID`... 11....-- 9-1..-- :n____ --2 n__.-. __.n. Many Readable Paragraphs ofl ' 7 Local Interest. f jThe% Latest News ~L-Lu. grippe lfs abatin. -Snowahoeing is rst~c1aaa in the bush. -20 degrees below zero last Sudasy morn- ing. ' J` Briey Told. I"I FUWEEI I`? _ The _Mscampbel! Hotel Property at Allandale, mat wnthm the old limits of Barrie `and nowin oc- . cupation of Mr. P. McAvoy, is offered for salegosl: ens ' terms. Aggy to the owner,` JAMES CA PBELL. urcl-\3IlP.O. nu-tn . -Barrie Reform Association elected the- following officers last Friday evening :- President, Donald Ross ; Vice-Presidents, A. Cowan, P Kearns. J.` Neelands; Secre- tarv, Jno. Hood ; Treasurer, Fred. Mart; Auditors, A. F. Hunter. J. A M'acLaren ;. Committee-Ward 1'. W.'D. Vansickle. `I. J. Brown; Ward 2, R A. Thomas, E Se- vignv ; Ward 3.,Dr Smith, J A. MacLa.rea; Ward 4, A. F Hunter, Geo McDonald :_ ,Wn.rd 5. S Caldwell, George Hogg; Ward 6. K. McLennan. jr., J`. S. Brunton. Bryce, A.T.C.M. of `Broadway Tabernacle. Toronto, were also well received. Mr. J. B. Edwards contributed a well rendered solo; Mr. W. A. Bovs delighted the audi- ence with a solo with piano accompaniment ; by Mrs. Boys. and responded to an encore _: iMr. J. A. Tipping, of Toronto, gave two` =solos. Miss Ward was accompanist during the evening. The gross receipts were about 5 $125. -The Galt Retail Merchants Association has adopted a rsolution requesting. the members for South Waterloo to introduce legislation in the respective Houses of Pat- liament ` that has for its object the illegali- zation of all stamp-trading concerns, gift. schemes and fake advertising, which at- tempt to. and do, gull, vietimize and men- ace. the honor `of the purchasing public and mercantile traders of Canada, and request-. ing the aldermen of _Gall: to pass a resolu- tion in council endorsing the above request. -Mrs. Duncan, relict of the late James Duncan, Lisburn, Co. Down, Ireland, died` at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Jass Marshall, Blake street, on Monday. in her 8`Iit year. Her husband died in Ireland four years ago, and` a year afterwards Mrs. Duncan came to reside with her daughter in this town. Her health since coming to (Canada was not good, and three weeks agar book a turn for the worse. In religion she was an Episcopalian. .t`he' funeral sock place on Wednesday afternoon to Union cemetery. Agricultural Joint Stock Go. Share`-3. holders Got Their First Divi- W land in 14 Years. _ I" `On Wednesday afternoon of last wieekithoz directors of the Agricultural Joint Stock Co. met for business half an hour before the` annual meeting of the shareholders. All. the directors were esent excepting Messrs. 3. R. Hewson and . Qainlan. `I _ ,A_,, ._-_-__J L... _-L_-II ___.I __-_ vuu AIILIIVI. av. `JUL III A large quantity. of butter was sold for A 15:: net lb. Eggs brought 22. per dos. Apples and potatoes have been scarce on the market for the past week. owing to the very cold weather ; potatoes are quoted at 500 per hag. and apples at $1 75 for rusuta, $2.25 for spies, and other varieties at prices between those gures. . I|Ali\n:nn at-nn1'rv 1.0- Q: WK Lo. QC -.-_ Lva Iunl nun uu Lucauuy wart: nu IUIIUWBI-*` The oerings of wheat: were more liberal to-day and the markets was I-J_c. A to 20 low- er. Red and white sold at 70c on the Mid- land and was quoted at 700. west. Mani- toba wheat was lowerst 80c. for No. I bud Midland ' rI1L- J___-_,, ,1 1- 1, 1. . .- qsslu Inuu The demand for hog prodmcts continues: rather slow Prices are steady. Dressed hogs are rmer owing to the cold weather, `sales. Cars of mixed weights on the track I here are held at $5. which ohviates the necessity of pressing for {A Dividemt at Barrie PI__I_I_'I|'Ig Mlll. \In LI: LIVWUUII QIMJ II V Illllo It was moved by Ml? Bothwell and sec- onded by Mr. George Raikes that a dividqnd, of eight per cent. bodeclared omthe fully I paid up stock.-Carried. 10-min. Ina-gang` kn up `\3n.lr:naAl| nut` nan- W} TIC U LEI: IJIUBIIEUII Ollil 909$ onid by M Bouhwell that all stock nqt-. fully pic! up after due notice be cancelled. __(`.n I-nhu-I _i`h:i:>Tiowing shareholders. were pteqenbs at the annual meeting :-Dt. McCarthy.` 1?, "E P. Pepler, J. M Bothweil, R. A Dutton. Thou. Kennedy, J. J. Brown, W. H. Myers George Beikee, IHon. Chas Dru:-y,` C. TI-Iewson, John Dickinson, D. Quinlan. . 1\_ nt_n-_.L;____,__L_s__,___ __.1-_1x___~ I uvhwcvu UIIUBV usurcu. Hay remains steadv. at; $5.75 to $6 per ton. and` wood $3*5to $3.50 per cord. (inn:-an nl-n:nn III\u:I-1901:!` OLA`: An...-.-.. uvu. uuu vvuuu `pct vu vvhuu Pct UUIU. _Coarse grains maintain their compan- tivelvbigh gure, pease bringing 66c ;oatl, 30c ;* barley, 45c.. and buckwheat 46c. "`n-In run:-our-nnlnn F-nun n an-u.-6. ..A H`...- uvu 9 ucu Icy, -2:10., uuu uuuuwueuo `I00. Two paragraphs from a. report of Toron- to s market on Tuesday were as follows:-- Thu nknsn 15 A` tnhnnon II-inn.` uua1\--n I3]...--AI . uuuu u run.-_y vvcu quypuru Wllnll mush url lull}. 1`he fowl markenson Saturday and Tues- _da.y was not large. T Some sellers were for E tunate in getting 10c. :1 lb. for turkeys. [There is 3 heavy run on chickens. owing to i the prevalence of la grippe. Farmers having !.chickens to sell should dispose of them now g for the demand is great. 400., 50c. and 60. ;per pair, according to size, can be obtained. {Ducks and goose also bring reasonable gures-the former 50c. to 75c. per pair, and ` the latter 7c. per lb-. A lnvnn` nilinv-.6301-v n` `nu-ulrtnuln nu-.. IIJA C...` e b{`M'co{-any In; cI.s}mgn:JnLaIv:eas. dent of `the Board of Directors read, the an- -nual report `which reported the business-of the years: of a very satisfactory character. The Treasurer : report showed a. balance of $584.18 on hand. The -above reports were do ted. . ` '1` e following directors were then up- tointed for the current year :r--Dr. Mc- .` `arthy_Wl'eIident), Hon. Chan Drur , C.` E.-Hewaon (Treunrer). Geo. Raikes, . . M. `-Bothwell, J. J. Brown. F. 11 P. Poplar. Denielquihlm, Jno Dlokinien (Secrets:-y.) .- A untg AC. I-`anal:-Va 1-nun rAnnhAJ.Mr R A noon; Isulu nu gr: 60 no "`!` DU per CWT. , Whentdeclined in Liverpool and Chicago ` on Tuesday afternoon. so that yeaterdly (Wednesday) local buyers would not give more than 69c. The on clock for high prices for pork is not encouraging. The markets seemopretty well supplied with that article. 9 `pkg `And nan-cl-no than Q.-.L.-_,'l..-- ...J n'`---- E/ll;I'.'EY.--ln Allandalc. on Saturday. Ianuafv 28. 1899; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Earle)`. H. M. LOUNT Lauuuu vguuunnu, uuu uwunluuuu \ocu;uuu_y.; , A vote of thanks was. tendered'Mr AB. A Dutton on his retiring` from the Board for `him vslnslgle services during. his -period of oice. . 1 Main. "M01! is" and Min were tpp0iIIt_ ed anditorI._. . ` `cull: uu Luvauuy no UUU. pct Ullslll. Pork sells at a low gure. $4 75 was the highest: price paid on `linesdav and only the ianimals of best. weight and quality brought that gure. Light: weights (125 lbs. and less) sold for $4 25 to $4` 50 per cwt. Whdnr rannnnn 3n I.;unr-nan] uu-HI f`L...-.... The sharp advance in wheat at Chicago, Toronto and other markets on Thursday last at once strengthened local prices. On Sat- urday 71c was paid for several loads of red wheat. - Local buyers contended, however, that this was one cent higher than they could afford topay. so on Monday and Tues- day the price dropped to 70c.` Goose wheat __ {sold on Tuesday at 650. per bushel. ! vhf`! A|l hf. Q In\l1 Grflilill Q1 '7: -_-_ AI... HP DDVVCQ *'\JGl I I9: It was moved by Mr. Dickinson and sec` ..&.A I... `ll- D..a.L......Il LI...s -1-I go-nnlp -nu-. ` { $1.6;/`PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE ` stNa:.x_ comes nvr. csxrrs. THE MARKET. Eight Per Cent- A DESIRABLE HOTEL Aenohsnrv FOR sm.:.T - `Fl... 1M:_--___L_u Iv-._| n_-,_..-- _; AII___.I_I; swan vn l!III A n 5119570 , ID Vllvlipu av: IIGIU `gczitcruns. Aely PBELL, urchill`P.O. or to LENNOX. BOYS & BR_0WN.'. Dan -d I:|'nn;n-u an unn A.an.n. has returned to his old stand, :4 strcti where you can get your Boon, Shol _Ill_ll Rubbers Repaired on the [shortest noti_e_o.. Al_ao Ountom Work to .0rIlr - f V3-I-5 MCMILLAN,-'-At collingwooh. on Monday, Jan. 23. 189:). the wife of A. C.- McMillan. of a. daugh- tar. uuwcst current rates of .iIIUc| cIl tate._ Municipal debenture! pl! Pmxculan app! to;hn!`head4 `3 33) feet. oronto. on-Ito = 2-Iv . .`I'. .--ct u1UI1l`&I uvuv --tiny (Lmu-30.) `. , Suascxunxm CAP_'l'ALo~ $s.oo.ooo. ' A lar c of MONEY -'ro~nnNn..[ Exes: c:r:z:r::tnau bf .iutroat' an RF- MIIlI:lI:l|I' nlgluga-"bu-Q . nninnlun `nlofkall __..__..-_ ._...1j._ qT'RAYEI)-0ne sheektrayed on to Nolrth 54 Lot A' -1 9 . (`ma R lnnkl Ihn I1.-a3nn3nn' nf wmter- Loiioou AND CANADIAN LOAN AND AGENCY compmv, _` It nn.-nanI\ \~ ` ' KEEPING : A cLocK mcH1'_..... V)Cl'L'H1(1 !U'(.'('l. 11113110810 (0 IIIIUUKILULV S L.VlNNOX. Executur Harris tatc, Bame. 5-7 successon T0 s.` B. WINDRUM, 31 King St. East (up stairs) Toronto. Established I880. R . A. Doug|as,| PiANo TUNING. Datd Iainuarv 23. ..._..___. N. 'COTTER, -wy---cw Vvrtuut Teronto Yonge and Gerrard Streets. opens the door to succes for many young Men and Women each year.` It offer: It {ended equip- ment, thorough swrk, a. strongsta and good re- sults You ma'v enter at any time. Write for prospectu <. 30-Iv W. H. SHAW, PRINCWAL. invariably goe- to the onc with best Brain-T-one who h s education-snecial training. ;Whv not qualify for me of the best places going. You have the chance. The cmjnAL__susIuss.gauze: THE BEST JOBI 5.6-p. 5 any sweet. I My v FULL LINE OF- voL. xvm. No.` ggunnun U IMPLINENTS FOR SALE; N _E/ A DVER'l`lSElVlEN'l`S. is of more importance. or of im ortance to more people, than a- watch. e um. dcrtake the regular we-kly winding of clocks in the home or ofce. and attend to anv repairs that ma. be necessarv. promptly. reasonably an well. A. nnnura. son, ..a...... I2..lA'.-.. Rl-....l'..u..._'-... I-A "L?-T5`v 9:: T9 .v|u. no. 5 vvqul. SAMUEL Wxsut. Proprietor. 86 Dunlop Street. BORN. _ DIED. `used om: season , als ey-Harris B`nder, only nearly new Combined 9:.-eder and Cultivator At~ D4 BUNKER, nlnn an-ant, R2l"l':. A First-ciass Sea-I Drill with Gras t.n:hn`.cm. Apply to r Inn `R. RANKIN} son. 'enced general servant. kciook. Apply-immedh . . Tm-nntn-st. elf sat on In: roveqreu QI- pure . For further ioico of the company, I . - ' . D u H A an, _ plop street. Barne. WHOLE No. . ,nnIu-`pin. IAV III! III [all 5 YIIWVI IVS CV3 VVVIIWIW Among the guests we noticed Lieut -Col. Tyrwhitt, 36th Ba.tt.; Capt. Winrlyer. 36th; Capt. Bird, late R. M. L Infantry; Majors Rogers and Smith, late 35th; Mr. A. E`. Dvment, M. P.-, and Messrs. M. Shanaoy and Geo.fRa.ikes.. In the early morning the singing of the National Anthem and Auld Lone Svne brought to a. close a. "very ' pleasant reunion. ` A pigeon shoot was held at the club house last Friday afternoon Eleven birds each or eighty-eight in all were put up_; fty-six were shot as will be `seen by the followiu list ;-J. G; Scott, 11; H Harper, 8; . Height. 9; Geo. Livingston, 3 ;- Dr. Wall- win. 9; J. H.` Willis, 5; R. Applebe, 7; N. Grose, 4; ` . I icy: 'Mr. George Brown and Mr. -T, Tweed, of Elmvale, spent Sunday here. Mrs. N. MoHellan - spent a few days with `friends in Barrie, last week. ' K} 21,: Owner c f'.nn- av-so IIITIUU llll WI IIGUIOQIIIIIJ III \J`lI-lQ\IW- In the absence. through sickness, of the Warden. Messrs. Hamilton, Rose, `Harrell. Heweon. and other members of the Council expressing alike their admiration not the county regiment and their determination to do ail in their power for its welfare Arnnnrl fhn nnnntn IIYA uni-:nnt` l'.'-no- Rev. Mr. Sheridan preached 9. very impressive sermon `Sunday last, on the Text, Many are called, but few are chosen." St. Mathew, XX, l6.- T VI Dllg B -IUUUII uuu IUUIUCI!IUuc Lt . Col Ward-, in proposing the health of The Warden and County Council of Simcoe, said that not for many years` had circumstances favored a meeting of the oicers of the regiment and the peop'e's representatives. He spoke feelinglv of the good relationship which had always existed between the Battalion and the County Coun-` cil. to whom, fromtime to time,.the various commanding oicers had appealed for assist ance and he was proud tosay had never appealed in vain. Thus while Simcoe s soldiers had volunteered to discharge the county s share of the country's defence the county representatives had appreciated the soldiers services and had rendered assist-' l ance. He hoped that this good feeling between the citizen and the citizen soldier would ever continuerand that both would blend their energies to make -the 35th the best rural battalion in Canada.` ' D.` ; A. Macunmtli . T MERCHANT TAILOR. _ . In Boaankds new block, opp. Bait:-ie Hotel. . IJEIIIVB LIIPUDQ LY} UB5! D- \llIl UTII. IJIVIIUU. and Raikes; Band, Messrs ean, Drink- water, and MacLuren. Thechauges pro- posed by Gen. Button, and their effect on the Regt. were then discussed together with other Regimental `matters after which all, adjourned to `the Queens Hotel who-e-the ; Annual Mess Dinner was to take place. On 1 arrival of the County Council and other guests, "Oicers Mess sounded and all- repaired to the mess room. The Butt. Band furnished music during dinner, after which the President gave the soldiers one toast "The Queen. Then followed an evening of sting. speech, and recitation. 7.0- (1.1 .\K7np.I. : n n . A _..'.:...'... LI... I...-...Io.I. sic1`e"5f' ;;:I3"o{r:$E':rr?Tl:T57'|;&J{ie3'E late Sir Cotncgiuu Kortright. inclu ' gnublmi can-(hm. ate. . or further nnrmllnrn gun: to v KJIIIIUUI WVLC Pl UBUIIUI ' The various reports having been submitted and adopted, the Committee for 1899 were elected as` follows ;--Regimental, Messrs McCarthy. McPhee. and Sneath; Rne, Messrs. McPhee. Dean, and Ospts of Com- panies; Mess. Messrs. Camgxbell, Bbuce. and n.n:ltnn e Rnnrl Manning nun `n..:...l. THE "ADVANCE." That desirable residenc:a.:1d` grounds on thenwest `d f 3 Id . B ' . ' B .'.:.: a*..*`:..;:m:,...:;.:': ;.`:::'.:*:.`:. .22: lite 3|? LOOIWIBIIIJI l\0l'Kl'l garden. etc.- For furtgg ANTED. - An ea Must be a goodrl n|'n`\vM\11]?g R . IIOSE COTTAGE, 132 < Elizabeth-SI. -Ha.lI, 7 rooms. pant . [china and clothe; clopet, goodcellar. Antone toun tion. hard pad colt `water- sink drain. etc-: % of an gcrc. lawn, garden. itable. Terms easy. Appls at once. ..-. O. `I. I3l.A'X'l'lIN. Ilnrl-Ia. A large repreoentation of the. ofcere of -the 35th Butt. attended the annual meeting last Thursday. Hon` Lt Col. O'Brien, Lt. Col Ward, Majors Campbell and MoPhee,' Captains Drinkwater, .Brnce, Sneeth, Ardagh, MacLa.ren, Preece, and Cowan. Lieutenanta McLean, Robinson. Munroe,` Coibould, Lougheed, A. B. Thompson. M. P.P . Murdy. Lent. and Shrigley. Snr eon Major Mcuerthy. Surgeon `Capt. Roi on, Quarter Master Dean, and Pnymaeber C. Smith were present. - T Q Ifngllll MDUIIIIVFQ `IQl7='Il' }IQllI\ Lot No. 3. west side of Mary-Street, one-fth of I an acre. Rou haat Building`, Stable. etc. -Apply `to JAMES CROGGIE or at. Tu: Anvwcn Osman. `. U * . , 4-I9 ' , 4ALlJ laasa.nt% Re-Unionof the Ulcars? of the 35th Battalion. " Annual Meeting % Andmess Dinner; r5 g.`-;;*' a..ic.*- .-=`~' `Am; ]s:;~5;.W=% Pnemston; Advance` Correspondence. V La grippe is prevalent in this` vioin-_ UP-TO-DATE...` To `Let % or For Sale. akely to `MRS C. H. R S W "`1 a;,:o;a`3 "'2;3T:::'X.;;i,:.;.a2;.1:% .. oronto-st. 5t .?..._._....__._._j____;. Town Property [ For Sale. auu.o_I_Nc. LOT I-'lO R S_AI_-.E_.. FOR SALE ADVERTISE m "|""`.i'|'-:'?`_|.|T!.F=`-.2 Pigeon Shoot. I PH 8! (WES. wt Al) Co W. PEA XTONQ We give our attention to Tailoring only and that done well for we know how to do it as it should be one Our goods are ahnolutelv depend- able.- When looking for ne. dress . well-tailored Clothing cal and see I'II IIl'II`I"I` 2 TVI" -Contractors. Builders. Manufacturers. &c. Doors". Sash. Blinds. Moulding, &c. Planing and Dressing of every description done on shortest notice. Hot `Air Drying Kiln. Estimates furnished free of charge on all kinds of woodwork and building material. The Factory is bein re-modeled and furnished with the latest wood war '1: machinery, so that we will be able to handle all 'nds of work promptly and Liatisfactorilv. See our work and rut our nricen. Fac- L0!:Kl'IB'nCp'IIICl:lCIlIE' `ICING; III`! 2 ft! to ' s%5f2w` 7'L"-Fan. T TI-IE INTBIIESTS OF_ BARRIE, ._'l`I~IE COUNTY OF 'S!MCOE TI-IE DOHINION OI OUR` CRITERION. '9 mm : BARRIE, COUNTY oF_s`IMcoL, QNT4;go, FEBRUARY 2, 1399. Miss Jennie Leslie, well and favorably known to a large number of citizens, died at her home in Toronto on Friday last. She was daughter of the late Mr. Leslie who was sexton of the English -church that stood adjacent to the old English cemeterv on .the Court House bill Mi:-8 Leslie was well educated and for many yearsjtaught a pri; vate school in town. She also had a class in music. About fteen years ago she removed to Toronto. Last summer she took sick and never fully recovered. The corpse was brought to Barrie for burial on Monday, a sister. Mrs. Ouderkirk, of Buffalo, and brother,_Mr. Hamilton Leslie, accompanying it. Services were conducted in Toronto by Canon Baldwin and in Barrie by Rev W. G Dryer. of Ivy. Among those who at- tended the funeral besides those already mentioned were Miss Ouderkirk. who lived with Miss Leslie; Mr A. W. Fletcher, of Ivy; Mr. Aroh. Torrance and Miss Tor- rance,of'Thornton ; and Miss Jennie Lakie; of Toronto. ` On'Friday last the oicersof Court Kem- penfeldt No 1661, I Q.F., were installed in his usual impressive manner by Bro. J. 0. Morgan. P I-I.V.C.R In response to a vote of thanks and an invitation to visit, them the brother'remindeu them that for 8-..or 9 months of the year his duties kept `him ab~ sent from Barrie from Vlonday until Friday night of each week, and that therefore dur- inu these months he could not even attend his mother Court--Robin Hood-except under rare circumstances He. however, ex pressed the hope that the oicers installed by himthat evening would meet with the most gratifying success in the increased pros- perity of the Court, andhe assured them that he would always be pleased to visit. them when it was possible. The thanks of the Court are specially; due to Bro Morgan for installing the oioers, as he was at the time suering irom a severe attack of the grippe. ,The list of oicers is given below : PC.Rr, Bro W Sarjeantz C.R., Bro. J Neelands : V C R.. Br-v._ W. Snead ; F 8., Bro. J. Ward ; R S , Bro. F W William- son ; Treasurer, Bro. A Sarjeant; Organist, Bro. A Goldner; Uhaplain, Bro. '1`. Merry; Sent. W , Bro. F. G. Tinck; Junr W. Bro. J Walker ; Senr. B., Bro (3. Lower; Junr B., Bro. J Ratchelor; Fin. Com., Bros. Lower and Sarjeaut. A ` At Elmvale, on Friday last, ` the Collegiate Institute hockey team defeated the Elmvale aggregation by a score of three goals to two, The score. however, does not show the relative ability of t_he two. teams, for the boys from Barrie played a better game than their big op onents. The reason for "the cell {ans ina ility to score more was "the bad ight and an umpire whose hockey sight was not good To make. the game interesting, referee Smith put a man to the fence from each side, to the eat amuse- ment of the other players. he B. C. 1. team lined up as follows; - Goal, R Thomas ; oint, Gallie : cover-point, King; forwards, oKenzie, Tepart. Lyon and McLean Frank Smith ooated as referee; trainer Frank McCarthy and Walt. Du were along The Eic.eleior.Btie1nese `College seven were deteated on- Tuesday efternoen at the Crystal Rink by the" B. C. I._ `hockey team by a score of 9 to 1; SEM M ENS.--In Collingwood, on Menday. Jan. 23, . 1899. Christiana. relict of thevlate John Semmens. aged 69 years _ _ . M EHERS.-. In West Gwillimburv. Jan. (24th, 1899, Mrs. M. Mehers. aged 72 years and 4 months. HAVV.-At Orillia. Sundav. January aoth. James Arthur Hawe ayed 20 years. l)`UNCAN.-At Barrie. on January oth, 1899, Jane Duncan, relic! of the late James uncan, of Lis- burn. County Down, Ireland. aged 80 years and 4 months. I t\I\AIIAIl `.11: u 1 ' (5.1 A ll,

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