Beauliful Range of China. We have :- Dinner Sets, 97 pieces, $".50 ; Tea Sets, 44 pieces, $2.50; Oilcft Sets, decorated, 6 pieces, $1.59. We pride ourselves on t}1v.~u- In illi m` -bargai11s. We have otho-1' 111u*.<.n'.' proportionate prices. 'l`}n-. ,~,w.i~ are from the best ma.uufzu-tun-rs and fully guaranteed. Our a.ssort,In--In of Cups, Saucers, Glassw;m- .21:- lawrence s Fair . .. . . /AIIIES vnoconatee and Hon b'o: e 1 Oysters and Cooked Fowl. no as-cu IIVVSIJII l.`IlVVln ':'|'-'-'iARL_Ev's, Ac cnuvnoo nu-Ix tupvuv-17.111 THE PLACE FOR BARGAINS. ocking Horses for the children, which a1'e.~;c11in;.~ from 590. up. They are sold at bar- Eain prices. Christmas is war at and and it will pay you to vxnxninv 011" Stock and choose your Christnm< fnm Hm 114). km. . n.... NEAR FIVE POINTS. li:';;;se;;s;'cmcAfbr Christxu holidays wu vervbheavy. - '...L..-_2L- 1.__ lII_.` ..n .- - Presents the hum of n.ctiviI_\`. store is crowded daily by -lur` hunters, who know wl1-r.- In chase articles in the m:my1in.- carry. Our prices speak lumh-rt display typo. Just now u- showing :1 9)3E% ,Q1 Dzonnnnn 2-1 DUN LOP 29v1s9s. |\ ` hm Bax-rie's South-Western Division. with its Pleasant streets. its Tastv Dwell tugs. its Pretty Churches. 8110. its Go- a.-head People W111 Entice Settlement -A Weeklv Record of-its Doings, Hapoy New Year. Miss M Gulrose is home for the Christmas holidays. ALLANDALE mu NUMBER sxx, Used by the following people, who can testify to its merit :- - * Mrs. James Adams -Ora Station. l 0. M. Doane- shanty Bay. J Alf. Caldwell-Crown Hill. 1 Wm. Bremner--Minesing. Wilson Black-St.roud. Arthur Bowen-- Barrie. ~ .1. T. Walsh-.--Barrie. Peter Keaxns, Barrie.` No trouble to show _our large assortment of Stoves; an. o'1"rnn&suNl Manufactured and sold only in Barrie -Ix--- Lightning Triple Heater, H. H. ttnn &. Son. mm RAILWAY cmmm: o1rVrHm FUTURE crry. ' Next Door to Barrio Hotel. -: BY :- THE .uv muuuvu \_u umwrl IO!` UOIIPG A118!)- dele , No. 727. I 0 F.,' took lace on Thurs,- dav night, Dec. 22nd, as allows :-Chief Ranger. George Pouoher; Vice` Chief Rang- er, George Plumley; .Finat:oiol Secretary, (gee:-e Quanta ; Recording Seore_tory,0haa. OW vWoodw_erd, Robert Jack; Junior Wood-, fymtd. - John_'_Brewn ; Senior Beadle, `John er ;" Chaplain, Sohn Frame; Senior __-_v--..- -u--- vv node 1. IIFIIIFUJ 'The poor of the 6th ward were remember- ed loet week when the $100 grant to Mayor Wells was `distributed. One person was presented with a beautiful gooeefbut he got on his ear and refused to keep it: Such men as . that should deserve to want. but not those under his parental roof. Some of our oitizene feel verymueh disgusted at his ac- tion _ : !l:`'h'e';i_6er;'of the Central Hockev Club are as tollowa :-Captain. _ June: Paton; Secretary-Treasurer. J. Rutherford; Com mittee, Meqars Gear 0 Martin, N. Dollery, R. MoDona2h and m. Phillipa, ' I gunman LL- ELL 4-...` -- _._ __-...__ ..---v-- -u-vs-nun vv IIIIUIU R Conductor Thomas Anderson is relieving Con. Miller on the Beeton Branch. .The latter was badly squeezed between a bag- gage and `box car while doing some coupling. On Sunday evening Rev. Joseph Young gave an excellent Christmas address in the" urton Avenue church to a large oonarega.-o _tion. Christmas music by the choir was iwell rendered. _ A ` ` ' _.....------, -awn vvnl Qaviilnllln The recent trouble with the .G.T R. opera- tors in about over. The matter is left to at- bitration, which will open in Toronto on January 6th. d'I.d`heV:'suvh_i-e'ct for next Sunday evening : discuree in the Presbyterian church is Civic Righteoueneae,to he preached by the pastor. Municipal honor seekers should bethere. (`V , I . , ,,v-~- -- v-v-v vvv--V'-U IIIIII IIIEI ` 1 Mrs. John Anderaonmid two daughters, 1 of Gravenhnrat, assent Xmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, Burton Avenue. I'l1L___---.-L L--- "" Ilwovhvnvarris returned home on Friday I night from a. visit with friends in Toronto. Georgetown and Newmarket. I -is 1:? a up - . V wgil preach. anni versary services in the Strand Presby-V terian church next Sunday morning. \ mm Tn`:-u A-AA-----A---3 *- V ` T Obi;nnry-notices of the lace Messrs. Geo. Thompson and Robert Campbell will be given next week._ ' , `In `I u C. Mrs. George Cummings returned home from Toronto on Sauurday after a. visit with friends there. I ZTT1:r1x:aTI:"Webb left yesterday for Temper- anceville to attend. the marriage of Miss. Maud` Benyon. 1 `II____ `T! I It 10- 1 - - -_ - .` _. _v .-vv'-v- --- v `r XVII`, VI XIIIJUVWO . Mr. Armor Tl;-omuou, of Toronto, spent . Sunday and Monday at his lromeohere. ~ .r Mrs. P. O'Donnell is viniting her parents; . `_Mr. and Mrs. D. 'Lure_nier. gm Gnvenhunt. B6-bIdIf1._?an hyt9_ti9;I_r-h',_` _fl`h,,week of .p ,rwor will be, obagmaa by`; ghgi aiding of union In ;`t_he?,A;l,esho-5 V Time White Rose Degree of the Sons of England will hold a. special meeting on Fri- ` day `night. 1 It I- V rl91nun - - > ,-_..___ _-_' __. Mrs. Nicol Ma.cNicol and child, ofASb.. rhomas. arrived here on Saturday to spend the holidava. . ._ vvwu av:-Iv VV\I\lI`I. Mrs Humphrey is visiting her sister in Toronto during the Christmas season. `IT 'I'\ 1. I5 A *_.___- -.-- w---puvusll-I-I IJVIDWIILIO W. I)(.Young, B A., of Toronto, spent` Christmas with his parents at The Pa.raon- ` age. Mr and Mrs. , George Lawrence went ` Christmas with relatives and friends in To- ronto. -__ -- --- Irv.-. up uuvnnuwJo H. McMilla;n, of Toronto, was home for Christmas. ` . Mr. iiu;11pf1rey spent Chriatma.sTwith hisparents at Angus. II..- I11, ,,I I` Mira. Chles Brown was visiting her par- ; ental home in Collingwood last week. II... 111 1t,_.,,,u o M.rV.(;e <;.ml':awr was hpme fof Christmas from Madawaska. 5 N6 meeting will be held on' Monday on 1 count of the public holidgy. ll- 1:! lA-I:2n, 1- I for Tm: ` 'A'DVANOE, the beat weekly paper in the County of Simcoe. 11.. A...._-.. mL__,,., - - ..?3.a%::`::' `-:`..2"?.":..?5..`:`2':': "I"AI_l_l_`_.?4.- A successful Christmas entertainment was given by the Allandale Methodist Sunday school on Friday evening, Dec. 23rd, in the `old Methodist church. The rs: Dart con- sisted of a short programme, which was very enjoyable, given by Beatrice Waldru`, Russel Puncher, Flossie McPherson, Willie Dunnetbeud Jessie Brunton. Then follow- ed a cantata, entitled Santa Claus The characters were well s'uetained,.and abrded much pleasure to the audience. ` They were as followa--Invocation to Jo , ..' * Misses Bertha Brunton, Drncilla .Sc_hat_n`mex-h_orn,. Ethel .Br`nn,t`on,=' Mary. Tyndale and; `Meg- gije" Brenton}. ~`;'Jo_& _ Miss Brenton.-; HI,-nun- Minn whhini 3..-`. 1:19.... 3: II! . gie Brunton; ~"Joy, Miss Bruntong; Love, Miss Fannie Wioev; "-Peace. vMiu L. Wice; Hope. Min Arnold; Mirth, Min. Pguljne Cummings; "Frost Kinar. g auussuu nuu H. D V1800, alternate I The funeral of the_ late John W. Thomson 1 took lace on Wednesday of last week to the nion Cemetery, and was largely attend- ed. The services at the house and the grave we. conducted by Rev. W. R. McIntosh. The deceased was born in the `Township of Scsrboro, andwas a son of the late Wm. A. Thomson,`who was one of the-rst pioneers in Mndd `Little York, now the City of To- ronto. he deceased was" twice married, his first wife being Isabella Walton, Scar- boro`; his second wife was the_ widow of Samuel Deyell, of Toronto, who survives him with two sons and two daughters, one being the only daughter of the first wife, Mrs Samuel McMorran of this place; the other dau hter being Mrs. Dunsmore, of Montana. .S. The two sons are both mar- ried, one living in the town of Ancaster, Ont., and the other living at Grand Rapids, Mich., employed as yardmaster on the Michigan central Railway. The deceased - wasa member of. the Presbyterian church I He assisted in building the first Scotch church in Scarboro. He moved to Allan- dale about 27 years ago, and has resided in this vicinity ever since. . He was a kind and and `affectionate -father. He will `be missed very `much on ouristreet-s. 'Rev. Mr. Mc- Intosh made -a short referenceto the de- ceased on Sunday evening in the Presby- terian chnrch. . V 2 - I I 1 I l At the loetdrerg-nlar meeting of the Allan- 1 dole Council No. 140 C O C. F., the follow- 'iug ofcers were elected :-P.C.C., E. Shear; 0.0., Frank Heard ; V.C , Mrs. M. O'Con- nor ; Recorder, S. J. McMorron ; Assistant Recorder, Mrs. S J. McMorran ; Treasurer, W. B.bWebb ; Prelate, Mrs. Choate ; Ward- er, Mrs Young ;.Guerd, W. B. Choate; Sentry. James Pirie; Trustees, W. B. Choate, J. Pirie and T. 0. Bradford; Re-,. presentatives, to Grund Council, 8. J. Mc- Morran and W. B Webb, alternate u Tim fnnmml .-.8 9|... 1-5.. 1-1.- 111 mu_.__..,. ` Mr. Charles M. Hays, General Manager of the Grand Trunk. has been presented with a beautiful illuminated address by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen of G. T R , in acknowledgment of courtesies re- ceived at his hands. Its dimensions are 24x30. The address is lQ_l088d in an ar- tistic gold frame. _.._-`. n v . _ v - u u vs On Saturday morning as Mrs. Dickey and her son, accompanied by Mr. Wm Patter- son. an uncle of Mrs. Dickey, of Tollendal, were walking on the railwav track, near Mrs. Bedford s residence, Mr. Patterson dropped dead into Mrs. Dickey s arms. Heart disease is supposed to be the cause of death. my 1 in -o A - AA 1 E}1e-<`>;g"e\Vhitoley, u'., is improvig from his illness. ____ . _. wwibdni The annual Christmas entertainment: of St. George s church .Sunday scho 1 will be held in the old Methodist churc to-night (Thursday) Dec. 29th. The programme will consist of Wand Drill. dialogues, recite- tions, corols. ect. The S. S. will receive presents. Help 9. good cause. I\_ C1_4_,...1r Redfern; Junior Beadle, F. C. Dodd; C. Mr. R Levin; D H.C-Fl'__ (`. Vnninn ' `--J - ``n*'` nearern; dumor Beadle, F. D H.C.H., Alf. C. Young. ADVANCE. was held at `the residence of Mr and Mrs. Charles Tiekell Cumberland street, Allan-' dale, on Monday, December 26th, to cele brate the marriage of their daughter. Minnie (M. -C.) Tiekell, to Bert (J. A ) Brown. Prin- cipal of Cooketqwn puhlle schqgl. The friends came from Michwan, Hamil- `ton, Toronto, Aurora`. King and Holly. The bride was dressed in ivhitelbrooade 'trim,med\ir`itbl white` pearl. and carried a beatmf_nl bouqnetei white carnation: The bridee'maid',~ Mina`. 'MoDerm_ott, of: Toronto, was drained in {white organdie trimmed with satin, and a 'honqin'et_of. pink oa'rna- . vuuvssvl, II III Illllllp, 11- neafd, George ' ' and James McMillan The gramaphone selections. under the management of Mr. ' Charles Walker, of Newmarket, formerly of this place, were well rendered. The selec- _. tions were heartily received by the audience` ' as was evidenced by the, freq uent applause. The cantata performance was up-to date, and l ' each one took their parts well. V The follow- ing were the characters :--Zeno, Moieie Cross; Fantaine, Rubie Cowie ; Snow- ball." Mary Thomson; Madge, May Campbell; "Elves," little girls; Fairies, girls ; Queen of Fairies," Flo. `Campbell; Tom, W. Phillips; "Fred, H Heard; James, G. McMillan; Jolly Brigade. boys ; Children, boys and girls ; Teach er," Miss'M MeLennan; Santa Claus, Oscar Atkins. The musical- part ofthe cantata was as `follows :-March introduc- tion, organ and violin; opening chorus by the children with duet by Miss Birdie Rhinehart and Miss May Campbell; solo and chorus, by_ teacher (and children ; solo, Fantaine; soli, Suowland Elves : solo, Ze_no: soli and chorus. Boys Brigade ; solo, Snow- hall ; soli,. Queen and Fairies ;.solo, Miss Edith Campbell withchorus bv the children; solo; soli, and duct, Santa Claus; chorus. children`; sole-and chorus, Zeno and chil- dren ;. closing chorus, ensemble The ac- companists were Mrs. "Ed. Whitebread and _ Mr: M. J. Hamlin. I 9 r l 3 3 I ] Santa Claus Reception. ! ' ` Rhinehart, Nellie Di The Xmas entertainment of t terian Sabbath school took place evening in the old Methodist church and was largely attended. The building was decorated with bunting and evergreen The motto. A Merrv Christmas, on the wall greeted the audience as they entered. The programme consisted of gun drill, grams.- phone selections and Gabriel's Xmas cantata, Young Canada was well represented by some children, about six years of age, who opened the en- tertainment The gun drill, by fourteen young people, was well executed; their movements were correct and reflected great on their trainers, Mr. Geo. Henderson and Mr. A.Cowan. The company consisted of the followin --Captain,_ F Campbell; Annie Paton, eckie Pirie. Elsie Cowie, Birdie Annie Young, Oscar Atk Catcher, Wm Phillips, McMillan ins, H. Heard, E. L. Heard, George he Presby- -` on Tuesday xon, May Campbell, Th rnrnnnhnnn . Daisy, Miss Edith Glass- : ford; Fred, Master Mahlon Srigley; ; Prayer Long, Gladys Dorsey, Lily and May Brown and Beatrice Brunton; God- dess of Dreams, Miss Bessie Young ;Fair- ies, Luella Brown, Jessie Brunton and Maggie Dunnett; Santa Claus, Mr. W. Humphrey. The Ring Drill of last year 1 was repeated by request, and was a p'ea.sing 1 feature of the entertainment. Those taking part were the Misses Sadie Gilchrist. Flo. Varty, Bertha Brunton, Pauline Cummings, Maud Whiteley, Sadie Campbell, Tillie Ar- nold, Erlith Glassford. Drucilla Schammer- horn and Maggie Brunton. Accompanist, 3 Miss E. Young. ~ , 1 et the houref x e'cIock pm. The election for the required number of Councillors for the Division will be held on 4 `V_$;ix-iI':;:.ef Toronto, is visiting with Mrs. J. McMillan. Miss A. B. ickaon left tor her home in Sesforbh on Thnraday. - ' II`_ I\._._.,, '\ . . ... uuuuea Ior me mac: or councillors for I 6. County of Simcoe. will be held at the Monday, _1et1edeyef_ December. 1898 :1 Iherebyngive notice that the Nomination of Can-' dndmea for the oicc of Councillors for Division N o. Simcoe. bu held at .1..- `county councy___Iecmm, I899.` vv luau, IV IJDIISUII, D LOUDU. Skipa-J. McL Stevenson , H; J. Grasetb, T Pearcey. N. Groee, Dr. McCarthy, D. A. McNivan, G Lount, A. Cowan, Dr. Smith. ,_ , -_ --_.-_, --........u..--.;. uucUl. Committee--Dr. Pulling. A. W. Wilkin- son, T. Pearcey, G. Lount. N; Grose, D. Ross, G; Hogg. `Hon. Members---Senator Gowah, Captain 1 Whiah, W Raikes, S Lount. l .e|.:..._.1 M.-I an-------` " * ~ I There is a great deal of enthusiasm being displayed in curling circles, and the pros-z Vpects tor a grand seasons sport were never so promising. and the chances are that the club will make a good showing this season They have a good rink, well lighted and comfortable quarters, and the comfort of the members is `being carefully looked after. 1 The President and Vioe.President matches are being arranged, so that any'person de siting to become a member should do so at once, The following are the officers : Patron-M. `Atkinson . Patronessl-Mrs. MI Atkinson. President--Dr. McCarthy. Vice-President--H. G. Grasett. Chaplain-Rev. A. W. Lennox. Secretary-Treasnrer-T. Beecroft. l`I-...__!..A_- 15 1` -" `guns: I vanilla. 1 05: v .Wh(eh-V-t'h_ey return they _will settle at Uookatown. where Mr. Brown s friends auxi- ously~wait'. to welcome their newly married teacher. 9 The bridal party left on the south bound train at 5 30 p. m.. for Toronto. Niagara. and other points. amid showers of rice and old shoes, a.nd,followed by~the_ best wishes of their many friends and relatives. . TIT! -I ._ _.....---'u , _ - -,_ V ` Mr. George Duncan is , viniting with relu- tives and frindu here. , , W- --.-_-J ..-. - nulnnlnlllev UOII. The esteem in which Miss Minnie Tickell was held could easily be seen by the grand display of presents she received in silver, china. a.n.l fancy goods, boigh serviceable and ornamental. - I `~11? ` '._a.:- 4.. W3 tions. Mr. John McDerniott, of Toronto. was bridegroom s 'best man. While Mrs. W Scanlon, of `Aurora. played the wedding march the charming bride entered the room M230. leaning on the arm of her father, ` and looked exquisite in her dainty and neat costume. The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. J E. Young, Methodist minister, Al- landale. Afterwards over forty friends sat down to a verv sumptilous repast, such as Mrs._Tiekell knows how to prepare. The house was prettily decorated with ever- greens and holly. _The genial host Mr. C. Tickell did everything possible for his guests and alliwent merry as a marriage bell. 5 VITI... ....a........ :_ _..:_I: 11- ` up. .... . -- `Monday, January _2d, 1899, NEW_ LTc>w|:{:.J|`.bfI'-iK'I-.`L, Curliana. 'c'>T' -v_- --w --v- v- (L2l-1'.W.I"oiz_n Adams, ofVNorth Hay," spent Christmas holidays here. ' L nu__r1rn . .-..'....,' -_- he last`-och of a. disgraceful ght on Bayeld street on Saturday evening was performed in the police court on Tuesday morning when William Cairns and William fools, of Vnspn, `were each ned $12. 65. If you want Pure, Fresh Homemade Confectionery "Y us. We make our Candies on the premises, fresh dail K Xmas Chocolates and Bon Bons our special!) - sell Ovstarn and cmnm P.-...I I 5o-no.1 Mll Candies are not Alike .... auu muc. uome wnzn the crowds. We have timely bargains for watch- ful buyers. _ uur swcx auu cnoose UJ ' glfts before the 11th hous. Our store has a. reputation that extends far and Wide. Come with the crowds. I WA Imum 4-.'...,.1.. 1........_-:..- 0. H A L ,7 8: 9 Dunlop-st. I -....v_, uvuua 15 um-quaueu 1n :u1_v town. We have goods that you pay more money for In Toronto. Thms is not mere balk ; it is a solid fact. We have passed into stock :1 largo assortment or I % % Fancy Goods is unequalled in town. We hnvn annrla f"snf "M. Hunt, of Toronto, is home for Xmas holigluys.