UT 1 T T I C ' T - H O Gristing and Chopping Daily. BOf,*.0| O'q\lIlf6I'8..-9.nu...-..-V.a(o Ran`. h;ntInnnrtnI-1, , , DBc.I,I.0l'BqllIl!BI'8..-........-o.-no Beef.hindquarters.................. Dresu-dhog|percwt............. . Chic|:ensperpa.ir................... Butter, Roll. per lb`. . . Burner. Tub. ner lh. . - {John Galb1faith,i The Prices .Rullng in the Barrie and Toronto Markets During the Week. nA--tn nu. non. --._..__ . . or THE . . - TOLLENDAL B0||%erV Flouring Mills. A ALLANDALE. . A QIDDIVI A `I `BI? FREE OF CHARGE and prescribe Glasses--Glasses only- when necessary. We guarantee satisfaction. D.H. Maclaren. ders is unsafe to defer coryecnion. If your eyes are troubling you in any way have them examined at once. We have eqliippedonr Optical department with the most modern appliances and we make careful examinations L` SAMUEL WESLEY, PROPRIETOR Of many defects of the Eye ren- Tia7oR SALE. Toronto Farmers Markets. `lonowro, DEC. 27, 1898. 1 1-IV L-tf '~`?H`E7'MARKETS`-.- .THE.. GINBRAL PRODUCI. 1. Rank Jackson .'-E}'FiiEL'12L'3}l7 E2? ' s'r ATHY & .5 EN. gnl:p:nau no r: Banmi, Due. 28, 1898. Q`L_Q-(: 1 on I _a1nn, Sohcntors. Barne. -u \'IV, Box 301. Barrie. -_v. _.y, -v -v '.$o66to$o'68i ._ m____ an ONLY. An immense assortment to choose from-'-Plain, Hem Stitched. Initialed and Fancy Border, at prices ranging from ;5 for 250. to 50c. each. R.l. Fraser 8. Co. I :9`o8\.9er#have"a better o`p_gortumtyh thaif :`\V.iIhing van a merry Christmas And bright New[ Ynr. - L $5.00 Mantles for $2.50. L In order to secure early purchases for the Holiday Trade we have made special preparations in the way of prices and materials. Ladies Mantles in Plain Beaver and Fancy Boucle `Cloth-black, fawn and. colors %, ALF PRICE. The celebrated Trefousse, all warranted, $1.00 and $1.25 The celebrated Doris, 750., regular, $1.00. The celebrated Chambrey, 7 5c., regular, $1.00. $15.00 Mantles for $7.50. _ $12.00 Mantles for $6 06 New Fashionable 50c. Dress Goods for 25c. ` -1T-}{v{.u.. .n.;.L.i; scl; ;Q; ; Guide and Hand Book--issued monthlv. OLD STAND NOTE THE FOLLOWING LIST. HANDKERGHIEFS. DRESS GOODS. KID GLOVES. MANTLES. THE NORTHERN ADVANCE \ heard of elsewhere Pray don t confound Our Sqveep with the so called slaughters and sacrices There's no other house going OUR clip, because no other house has the _ chances We have in nding and seizing opportuni- ties to buy goods. ready cash`. We know where todput it. There s the secret of `it. i We re the- That people talk about our Holiday Clearance at their homes, on the streets and Wherever they meet, is a fact of which We have abundant testimony. It s only natural. PI'lC8S prevailing here are bound to create a. furore It's a case of " Everything Goes at about what you Want to give. To come and go, and our Big Bargain Rush has to keep pace with it. Let us prevail on you who have not as yet. fullled the intention to visit us to delay no longer. Choice is Widel to-day than it will be a Week hence. (HINDSS) GREAT CASH %'%%STQRE Dlcxnnzn 29.. 1898. N EW MAN Au 8 Page 48 Column Nowupaper. 1] Published from the Office, :23 Dunlop Street Barrie. in the `County of Simcoe. the Pro- vince of Ontario. Canada. "every Thursday Morning, by IIIIIII IUIVC IDIITIB X0! Ell IITI undormontioned places as follows: Ion. ' TORONTO. Clldllalbiniainula (I; aaxllmllll 511395 l\ILVg BARRlE_ To ALLANDALB. 1.3! u.m.,*7.5x a.m.. xx.x7 a..m.. n.43 a..m.. 5.24 p.m., 5.31 p.m., 7.44 pm. ALLANDALE To BARRIE. 7.47 a.m., nan a.m.. 11.35 a.m., 5.20 p.m., 5.35 p.m., 7.40 .p,m., 9.05 pm. uravcnnuruc Irengnt (scum many; can: conuhawoon dz MEAFORD. 11.17 mm. Mail. 5 30 7. pan. Express. 7.59 IIHXVISFIV A "15 THE COUPON SYSTEM. The business men of Barrie associ- ated with the coupon system will do well to consider whether they are, or are not, fostering a spirit of municipal disloyalty among citizens by sending two per cent. of their sales to a trading stamp company. Under that system merchants give three per cent. reduc- tion to purchasers, and two per cent. to the company for, the coupons and a` partial monopoly. This means they give a discount of ve-per cent o' their goods. It is a reasonable con- - clusion to reach that it would be better for the citizens of Barrie, and therefore for the merchant himself, if he were to give the whole ve per cent. discount. to the purchaser and thus keep that latga amount of money represented by two per cent. of sales also in town. i Train! leave Barrie for and arrive from_ the n-Jnoaunnbhsnn along: an "Ann-in u BARBIE RAILWAY GUIDE. r131` D L 51` C74 .17 mm. Accommodation. 5.80 p m H p.m. Accommodation. 7.50 a..m ALLANDAIIE 8: BARRIE SECTION. BADDID Urn Av! nn1'l\AIID YGIBII IJIIIIIO Advqnco Correspondence. I-In p.m. nuanuc an racmc ax. um: " L1 " North Bay Mixed. 7.30 mm. Gravenhurst freight (south only) 9.25 lVl\' I I`If`lI7(\t\I\ I. IIISA I2l\')I\ 355:9 Tor Pon1'nau?r?s. Tums or Suascmrnou. F*.?h`MhulI 1 _` wuA'r Aibuf AV PENETANG. L.uuu_._...l-.52.... The Township Council held theirl last meetxng for I 898 here on the 15th; iust.~..R. W. Sloan had his annual sale on Friday. '.l`l:eze was 5 large ctowd prewnt. . . .At the lalt regular. meeting of L o.L.No. 533 the follow-' .Bro. John Marshall; D. M., Bro. H. -Bro. E H. Sloan ; Fin. 8Ho., Bro. E. -re-elected . . ;ghe;Libm1 iug ctcera were elected:--W. M, Groee; 0hap., Bro. W. Reid 3 890., um ; .l`reas., Bro.-R. W. sloan. An . .The maps! meeting of Oonacrvava Association of % hjlnnial. wast h-haldgin tho Ordnge-Ehpllv`: .. hero 3 ad: jt[he ;:;36`:;'l: finhytg, `:_wtu'nftho` 013 5 . _ , `W*h1v 0155N3. 1 7376 .m. am. _ _ Eucroa. ' [Elctor has oertnlnl received a wrong ..i'mpreui_on.;. M_oCu-thy, splat-Lt McCarthy I V 8ir.-In oonvereetion with other I`&t0D&V- ere I have been led to understand that Mr. C E Heweon conducted the one for` the County egeiuet Mr, Burton end the Guaran- tee Com ny, end that his expeneee with _ . theee III to it included In the $530 which he received `for the two years ee County Com- missioner. ~Will you, Mr, Editor, give me thefeotIof*the`oeee? A - . ` ` ' 'Gusm-ta. Dec. 27:12, 1898. Dear Sir,--In answer to questions from many electors. I wish to say that all the members of the County Council are paid $3 00 each per day while attending the ses- sions of Council, the difference in amount paid is the mileage` All members areal- lowed` 10c per mile one way in attending meetings of Council. As to committee work it is a well known fact that the workof the County Council is nearly all done by com- mittees Some members are on more com- mittees than others, and therefore have more work to do during the seasions__of the Coun- cil, and are at times called to attend special meetings. As I am an old member of the Council, my name stands on four of the standing committees and on four special committees, . to all of which I have given close attention. and am prepared to show to any ratepaver day, date." expenses paid out, and work done for every dollar 1` have re- - ceived from County funds. `It is only right that men should be paid for the work they -do. and no` more. It is also well -known that a ver large amount of ' unusual work has been salt with by the Co. Council the last two years, all of which has taken time | and expenses. The House of Refuge and the Sanford `matters alone have taken much time. both of which arebeing brought to a close. No doubt a very larze-reduotionlwill . he made in the expenees_of_ _the Clo. Council ' duringthe next two and following` years. F V ' ' ` -Yoursj_truly, .' ` Jastnnn` Dana - , School Examinations Again. Dear Sir,-With your permission a few questions I with many morewould like to ask. (1) Why are our retiring trustees so anxious for re election after all they have said about the unthank- fulness of the public; yes, anxious when they will sacrice their dignity by asking support and` paying the most extravagant compliments to the judgment of the electors. Surely there is` a plum for them in disguise. (2) Why do not the children of the Barrie schoolspget the County examination papers? Of many reasons I hear in circulation I mention one which is a dead secret, so let it be whispered :- Tbe Sen. IV. class is too tall, so we must make papers that few can answer. An easy matter, of course. When the teacher thinks she has about twenty ready for advancement she nds that there is room for only three. A very sad reection surely on the judgmena of the teacher! She would not, I am sure. drag these poor children through the trying ordeal of another examina- tion and yet another had she supposed ` them unprepared. Well, what is she to do now, to comfort them and their parents? Of course, though against her better judgment, she tells them to` remain anotheryterm where they are and they will do better at-the next trial. She might add if there is room. I can see, Mr. Editor, that children thus treated not only lose interest in school work, but worse yet, . lose fespect for teacher and all connect- ed with school and become idle and worthless. It would never do for the teacher to complain as this would mili- tate against her in the future. We must have a Board room, a private room for principal, a room for school supplies, a. model school room unused - half the year, a fth form room with half the seats empty, and yet there seems no room to rise to Sen. IV. Yours respectfully `A Morass. nuns-ecu-avg... -av vn naamuuovnrwn -UnjIa-OD _ It is proper that your paper ehould` take a -large interest, in the ahira of the School Board. and keep theneople posted. Give credit. where credit is due, and likewise condemnation, but don t, Mr. `Editor. unnecessarily cast. reectic 11% on even the humbleet person the sovereign people may choose to re- presentthem in public posisions. '-Q`I'\'U I will not get my ink bottle in Barrie because I can get it :4 little cheaper some place else, then the citizen-em- player might reasonably say to such employee All right then, I will not; employ you for I can get some one else to do the same work for less money. Then when a howl of injustice there would be! ' `IL? '7 X \I\'lIIlYIIQ I `was no party to _the complaints embodied in the communication sent to the Council over the signature of the ' Chairman or the Board. 1 did, anddo understand the matters/complained of. I have opposed, and `shall continue to oppose the vagaries of Mr. Montgom- ery or any other member. I am pre- pared to stand for the substantial rights of the Public school ratepayers and others, but I am not prepared to be a party to the creation of friction be- tween the two corporations over triing matters which are but incidents of the managementsof municipal affairs. TL .'.. ........_.... aL..I. _..--.. .....-.... -LA..I.I ` `The Alleged School Board Bill of Com- :1n\3n`n ' ;.Third % Vnoe P1-90.", John jFen`n e_ll, Big V Bay Poms; Secretory, R. Mououkqy, Strand; Assn. Seo., S. Fawcett, Cooks- town; Treaa., D. W.'Lennox, Church Till. After the tmnsgctxon of business short. addreaaea were "given by .A. Mi: _-..__1.-n `ll `D13 13 A `l':u.I. `ll"D`D v-u-our--up-` .u.vu- V: 1, - and several" others. Sir;-I wish to dieclnim the ignor- ance you credit me with in your report of the conference between the Finance :C( mmitteee of the School Board and i,To_yn Council. V _. Z2.}"..}r22.'1i'i3:".'i5'.15I,' iii 2 'a"es1} . SE31? 17.. -__I _-...-_ I --L_._... AVUU VVVJVIDIDI-non; on:-ya vzuuw _vvw --v-- `the Opinion of the razor. . The following letters, eddreued, `to the editor of Tm: Nonumnxv Anvwcz. have been received for publication : - ` The Admission of Correepohdence Does Not Necessarily Implyithat we Hold LL- I\-l.-lunch ;;O 6].; TITQIJ-an [mm THE PEOPLE am To an. Lmrrnns Annnmssmb To run mom-on wars wmmx. ` It may sound big to some people to lay I got this ink stand in Toronto, but it reeots meanness to have to ad- mit the truth of "I get my living in Barrie, but spend my money in Toron- to. Assume, however, that certain goods can be got a little cheaper at some outside point, that is not a safe justification of the purchase. Citizens are inter-dependent; they live on one another. If the citizen employee says 1:! III` B. REID. ' J,un:s Ross Frawley s hoe Store. lill-BYE I0 IHE ow. mm W[l60MEIO IHE NEW mm. nlnu usuuau, unvlu uvvulcu n uuzunuuu DIIUIJU Among the many Christmas visitors in town were :--Messrs Chas. Beatty, Barry Morton, Charles Gordon, 0. .B Sisaons, usuusnuuvl. U ulvcl int y. .LU1`lll.IllU. Mr. W.AJ. Merrick, of Newton Robinson, who has been workinaiat the tailoring busi- ness in town for two years, left; on-Monday for Stonewall. Ma.n., where he will work at ` his trade, having secured a situation there `K Alnnnn this rnnnu r`.Innhgo...-H... .....a....... ... IIIQIIVII `ll IJIIC `J 1 1.. , Mr Peter Morrison, who has taught Cross- land school for two or three years with much success, will attend the Barrie Collegiate In- stitnte preparatory to taking a. course at McMa.ster University. Toronto. M... W ,1 m.......:..|. -c x1'........... n-L:..--_ L-VJIILIIII-I :0 Mr. U W Kortright left town last Friday for Rossland, B. C. His many Barrie friends wish him a. rich time in the gold diggings of the West ` -I I\ n -.u 111-` u ' . - - Smith, GE . leaves shortly to do some exploratory surveying re shortening and improving the Ontario and Quebec branch of the C P R. `.__ n_,___`._ o u 1' . I.l\ Ullllo In the report of the C.i.n-istmae examina- tions at Trinity University, Toronto, Mr. G. B. Strathv e name appears in Class I, Classics. ' x 1' , 11 1 n v u . MUNICIPAL LOYALTY. In speaking to the Town Council last Wednesday night Mayor Wells said that lack of municipal loyalty is a lerious drawback to this town. Put in plain English the Mayor's accusation means that many citizens of Barrie do their buying in Toronto or elsewhere though the goods desired may be ob-, tained as cheap or cheaper in Barrie and also that many citizens delight in "talking down the town. \IlIl!\tI Mr James Henderson. of Durham, is visiting his dauglner, Mrs. Robt. Tinck, Collier st. He Will spend the winter in town J `l,,, IVI TY 0 . lil- Mr. and Mrs Chas. Harrington, of Toron- to, were visiting Mrs 'Ha.rrinqbon s parents I Mr. and Mrs Robt. Culbert, on Sunday and \ Monday. ' `Al. 11 I17 '[Z'....c~..:...l..a. Let. 4...... 1-..; 'I:<..:.I..-- lwev; Edwin A. Pearson, B.A., and family, of .Ua.viaville, spent Christmas at. The Pa.r- ` sonage. the residence of Rev. M. L. Pear- ` son. nu _.r u 1 an 7 `rs. Han. nun HIID 11 ul IJUUI/ll, ltuyucsu uncut. Mr. Franklin J Robinson leaves this week to assist Mr. E. Stewart, D. L.S., in the sub- division of Christian Islands into tifty acre lots. 1-31- .1-u n. n.nu llll-` Aabent. Christmas with his parents on Peel "street. He gave THE ADVANCE agfriendly `5 Gail. ' `l .I ,f , ,. D .1 IN: a Mr. Robert Croasland. of the Lucansvun, % U`Xu.`Dvment, M P., and Mrs. Dyment, of Thesaalnu, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. Dyment ` ' ' MIL... Ia`.l....I 13...... :. .........A:_... a.L.. n|...:..a. L` I IJJ IIIOIJU Miss Ethel Hunter is spending the Christ- mas holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. ` J. P. Hunter`, of Newmarket M... n........... o.__....... .._..-_..-.1 __ o_;....::__ 3 U0 Lo cl-LIAI-lbiil` Ul LVCVVIIIDIBUU Mrs. George Somers returned on Saturday ` mornitig after spending some week: in Stay- ner with Mr and Mrs. B W. Somers V 1 ll2____- l J'__._!_A. ___J ll-L_I `I ! ,.I, E III vnunvvu nvulvlvvu nu Lllvuvwuvu UVUI IJI-Illtlnyu Mr and` Mrs. S Macdonald, of Duunville, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cottsr ' -,,, 1t,11_,.I,, `II vs .'ru. a . \IHIl9I Leighton McCarthy, M P.. spent Christ- mas with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. .Mc- Carthy ' ` Mun T D T4` nnnnnn an I\` IITAI-..-.'\T (`K7 7!` v --u-- w... unclrluwl nu r|~I-I Subscribers now in arrears for three months and over will be charged $I. per aunum. \I1l VII Mrs T. R. Ferguson, of Wolsey, N. W.T , is visiting her daughter. Mrs. B. W. Somers, ; Stayner. ' = A 11`. nrnnllf M D ant` Mun `l\u.~......a. l Iullnil VVIIIII dill IJ\-I JIJIQQ ll UIIIOID Misses Harriet and Mabel. ooth, of To; ronto. spent the holiday with their parents, ; Mr. and Mrs Wm Booth, Bayeld street. MP .' nnhinnnvn lnnlrnn DB3: nyngly Personal News. Miss Sadie Nellie, of Beenon, is home for the holidays. MI: Rani AAA :n -a:.-:L=_.. D... ---I 3- J II. `luIVIJW\J\|" I Mr. and Mrs W. J;Ha.1lett are visiting friends in Braaebridge I MI'nu Tan -pnnnnn A` Ham.-- DAL.:....p....| nuns: nu LUVVII vvl.I.u Inn pnlculu . Mr. Robb. Brown; Collier st., left. for the North- West on Monday evening. M- nun` 'D..i..|.....A. -8 4.1.... ('1 `D D .... ...-_ LIV` I.u' vv uuv vu Jllllhllllly Uvcuulg. I Mr. Carl Reinhardt, of the 0 RR. survey party, has returned to Montreal- {V.......:... G)... .....:| :......:1.. _c n-n:...._-_.1 I I. O. F. Officers. Court .Kempenfeldt.,i No. 866], I. O.7F.,v held itsregnlar meeting and elected the fol- oosrsfor the ensuing year : Bro. W. Sarjeanb. P.C R. . John Neelands. QR. James Snead, V C R F. T. Williamson. R.S. James Ward, F.S. Albert. Sarjeant, Treasurer. 1`. Merry, Chaplain. ' Aaron Goldnsr, Organist. F. G. Tinuk, S.W. James Walker, J-.W. Charles Lower, S. B. n J. H. Batchelor. J. B. Auditors s. Lennox and Alex. Brownlee. Court Physician-Dr. Pulling. Trustees -Bros. John Coffey and Wm. "Kennedy; ' llllv IIIIIIIIIDJ So Mr Bert. McLeod is visiting Rev. and [Mm D D. McLeod.- II- A...` `ll..- ml`! `I 1"l`,II . vvwu nu vuvvu vu Jlllllllv luau Mr. Ed. I ewis. of Toronto, opens Christ- mas in town with his parents M- `D..I..s D.........` r\..n:.... -. I_:. 1:... LL- Pally, I153 IVIIIII Ila ll`) .l.Ul.llal'UlIl.. Captain Scott and family, of Collingwood, ' visited relatives in Brentwood over Sunday. MI` nnHvMrn Q Mun.inno`t` A` I\.....-will- .'No new name will be added to the Subscription Hit until the money is paid. .-L_-_.!L_-_ .__.._ __ _4.___,_` 1".,, AI_".. W,-,.LL- AA- II IWI.I\I Ill IJI QUCIJI. Ill 7 Miss Ida. Pascoe. of Newton Robinson` was in town on_B ririav last. 1|- In; ......._ _:m ____ -_ _._____A_ no, -,. .'r` Quinn, Barrie. ' ' . _ '1'he` Mr, John Quinn. _ - `On `Monday of last W`eOk_ death removed a much respected resident of .Vespra inthe- person of Mr John Quinn, who lived for thirty-one years on` the Sunnidale road just outside of the town. He was born in 1824 in Armagh, Ireland, and came to Canada fty four years ago. He married an-Irish lady who predeceased him fourteen years Mr. Quinn`. had been in delicate health for some years, and especially. for six months previous to .his death. He was a great student and tound much delight in astron-i omy and philosophy, and in his younger days corresponded with talented persons in Toronto on these subjects. The funeral took place on Wednesday to Union oeme tery. His son_and daughter are Mr. Tiles .1 (Megan nnnnnuudti `Vania AI'nn-nun nut` lling are the County Solicitors. and had eharge of ` the suits mentioned. They were missed by B. B; Osler, Q;G.. and rthe, late D`Alton Mc- Carthy, Q G. Mr. Hewaon, as `a County representative, was simpiy present as one of the clients, Mr. Saeath being` present in the same oayaoity, and each received [$3 per day and mileage from the County for assist- -ing the soiicitors for the C0llntY.~-EDI'1`0B]. ~13 DUNLOP VSTREET; BARRIE. ` __._' -v v-ww `In-l\J we ever bed. We thank you for. your; con``denee and patronage during the past which has madeour business what itis," Barrie s Largest Shoe b`tore'. \, To OUR FRIENDS :--We wish you one ahd. all a T l])r1`ghtsa.Vnd happy New `Year. Q FRAV Lev Our holiday tradg_this- season hasbeen thebestk one itonmrinlui m_'vA1}Ion$ Mortimer Lvon. Roy Torrance, Toronto ; Chas Batten. Collingwood ; Dr. Taylor. Brandon; Dr. and` Mrs. Williams. Brace- bridge ; Frank Spry, London ; E Bingham, Hamilton; Bright Smith, Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs A Sibbald, Gravenhurst ;' and Mr. Jnn nnirn Wnnanbnnb uuu ulna :1 Jllluulu, \J l'I Jno. Neve, Woodstock. ._` mm snow PIGIIIRE` That desirable residence and grounds on the west side of Bayeld street. Barrie. lately occupied b the late Sir Cornelius Kortright, including stable, rge garden. etc. For nther articulars apglly to ST ATHY & 1.8 EN - 0 QUALIFIED OPTICIAN BARRIE. 9 OOOOCO-0.000.000 Highest cash price said for Endowment Insurance Policngs, in reliable ompanies or money loaned h . A I t '" P o. H. LYON, 11-11) nnv noun n.....:- I arley . . ENDOWMENT INSURANCE POLICIES Locooqoo IVO. 2. ll . . . . . . . .. u 10 No.3, :1 ......... Lambskins each............ ........ "Calfskin: pet-lb.............. ..... .. Tallowperib ..... VVO0I.W38nG Perlnnuoouououvhcooon Wool. unwashed. perlb............. Wood. aft.. pen-cord. Wood. QIL. peroord............... Anthracntecoal. per ton............ Cow or Steer, No, x; per lb......... II II NO. 2- n _ _ _ _ , , , , , nutter K011.pI'lD.....c..u....... Bum, Tub. per lbocuoouooooaa-coco lblIC............I.....`... Eggsper doz............... ...... Apple-,perbag.................... Applesperba.rrel................... Potatoes per bag .. Hay erton.new ................ Woo uvaahed pen-1b................ Won]. unwnnl-n-cl, ner llm, 31 per Anmom in Advance.