Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 29 Dec 1898, p. 3

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Deputy-reeve Scules and Councillors Newberry, Powell and Andrew missed hearing 9. few election speeches by away from the special meeting on Wed- nesday night of lost, week. -Councillor` Peacock with remerks.ble- foresight left em-`ly thus missing what certainly would have been his turn toilock-back ward and forward over the lmuuicipsl eld. ` ADVANCE No. 5 DUNLUP `ST.. TOP FLOUR. The MOST of th\ BEST PROPRIETOR. BINDERY Al\wAvs BUY ....AND Gi -a-.u.....-_-._-_ _-- - , The Finance Committee 1:ecommend- ed that a rebate of $5 be given Mr. Warnica. The Chairman explained that a year or so ago Warnica was ned $5 and costs or $19.85 in all. in connection~ with some road case. The amount was paid over, but the convic- tion was afterwards quashed in T6- ronto. Warnica therefore claimed the II Monthly `Auction Sale of Horses, Vehicles, Har- 1I1{esse,l etc., at the Stables, next door to American ot . - . `ed alndtted for sale. Horses bought and sold on commission, or board Vmmmanv Svaenoiv, Box :99. Buuua, Om. Telephone No. _7. j 3:-ly |ooM1\2f `IssIoN .- -.--7---w- lira u--v- Terms on application. Con-gspondence solicited lddress- ' SALE STABLES. LARGEST CIRCULATION, MOST NEWS---MOST ADS. A. return of the $19.85. The Cihairman said as the town had received only $5 of that amount, the rest having gone for fees, etc., he thought it a hardship to make the `town pay more than the $5. Their seemed a nice point in law as to who should pay the balance. The reps:-t was adopted. -- --3-.` nun - om: ISSUE A WEEK, om-: DOLLAR A YEAR. ....AND... -urn. u u --.. -vv-`r V, A by-law accompanied by an agree- ment. was then passed authorizing the, purchasing of the Barrie Electric Light; MOTIONS. T Ba1l--Williamson-.-That the mem- beta of the press receive our cordial thanks for their fair and impartial reports of Council proceedings during the year.-Carried. "` ` " '1' ,Ln._rl1'.....Q'El.II IIJU JUGI -"' \Jlll.L I-vvu Bennett-Love--That theTown H a_ll be given the Agricultural. Society for theif `required meet;i_ngs.. - Carried. McLean - Frawley ---That Mayor; Wells be given $100 for his`aerv.io ea_ during the yeaAr.-`-Carried. ' ..-_`- I `" '5 'V J V-.-' ' W ~ Mayor Wells, in reply, said :-" It rst becomes my duty to thank yonhvfor. the very kind grant. I am also think- tul to you for the exceedingly kind and business-like manner inwhich you have assisted me with the tod!iVn's .ness. For two years I have indeed of this Oonnoii, `beosuse _.O9.n_n,_-if Dnoxuniu.` .29; . 0 o a u Icon` iocoonuouoonouoo ent&Son ...L. toououuoooouuuoc rencotoncuootio I'...'. OIIIIOIIII Committee also reonm Mr. Donald.Ross wrote, pregetiting for the Assignee, Wm. Buck, Brantl- ford, an account for $5.80, dueJ.[ A. Obton. j ..u.$ 62 42 ..... 22 50 4 35 .... 60 00 .... 100 00 L. 139 47 .... 75 00 .... 60 40 3 38` 1 O0 1 50 ,. ...$530'02 rebates in .8400 2 50 5 00 4 80 1 O0 2 O0 50 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 _d It 1, ,lo:_I_Ig'_ .y;.under. _Inlt'he maj.o_rity or inunicipal bodies are recognising - the importance" of owning their own watrworks system, and their is a decided ovement in that ties. 'Electr$Light matters are also moving in the directienbf civic control. The Town of Barrie has been the -very `first to institute the principle. of civic control of waterworks and electric light plants. In taking this step there has been more than one object in view. By civic control we prevent combines, amalgamation, or monopoly, which is often used to oppress the public. Then when civic control is obtained there is a something` around which citizens can take an interest "in their own town. The citizens of Barrieare certainly very remiss in one respect , and that is, there is not as much municipal loyalty as they should have, and I -trust that the move we have taken in municipal ownership will engender such a spirit of civic loyalty as is enjoyed in Orillia and to a certain extent in Collingwood In conclusion His Worship said he hoped the Councillors, or a msiority of them at least, will see t to offer them- selves for another year. I have of- fered myself fer a third term. (Ap- plause). At the last nomination I think I made use of the words, `I do not intend to be a candidate for a third term, and the implied opinion there ex- pressed is what bears hardest on my dc; oiding to offer myself for a third term. I`he report of the Finance Commit. tee recommending payment of the fol- lowing accounts, was adopted : NORTHERN ADVANCE Curry Bros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jno. Neelauds . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Mrs. E. Ross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00,` B. Parker . . . . . . . . . . ....... Mickle, Dyment & Son. . . . L . George Louut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. A. MacLaren . . . . . . . . . . . . Montreal Star. . .- . . . . . . . . . . . W. Sweney. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T . VV. Sibbuld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reeve McLean said :-I may say` that last winter when I offered myself for the reeveship it was with the sole view of getting `control of the Water- works and Electric plants. The Mayor and Chairman Frawley deserve the greatest praise for the way they have conducted the negotiations of the past year. The work of the past two years has beenivery heavy. The purchase of the Waterworks was _a long pull and a strong pull. ` We had a good deal of trouble with the purchase of the Elec~ tric Light plant, but perhaps justice hasbeen done to all concerned. I shall again be a candidate for the reeve- ship. (Applause). I have carefully and conscientiously done my duty this year. Without referring inany way _to myself, I may say that if the in- coming Council is composedof new man they will be lacking in that experience necessary for the furthering of matters related to these works that have just been taken over. First deputy.-reeve Caldwell said :- I am sure I fully_endorse the senti ments expressed by the Mayor and Reeve. I accepted the nomination last year reluctantly, for I was afraid I would be beaten. I have added my quota to assist in taking over the Waterworks and Light plants. No one feels prouder of what has been done than I do. Ten years ago the Mayor and I sat side by side and fought. against giving to acompany the con- struction of a` waterworks plant. We were the defeated, but things changed and in time we were elected to carry out the principles we` then advo- cated. I intend to stand again for 1899, and if I fall it will not be the first time. From 1880 to the present time, except four years, I have been a member of the Council, and whether my ability has been appreciated or not, I have done my -duty conscientiously. and fearlessly. (Applause). `fconcillorl Ball wlia thankful that he was elected by acclemation last year, and for the support he -had received from his electors since. On several occasions he had diered with other members of the Council. but his convictions had al- ways been with his vote. He could not say denitely whether he would be a. `cendidete for another year or not, but probably he would; 1-Irsn:-_.-__ _-:_1'1__ _`___1_~. Wilclnnoilloi Williamson said he would also trot the heat, and with the consent of electors of Ward I will warm a aeat at the Council for another year.- ICU vu-v --..__~ CouncillorLove said he had fbeen saving himself for a big meetingin the Town Hall. "He thought electors in N o. 2 Ward have no reason to kick at_ his work during the year. He declared `himself a candidate for 1899. V ' Councillor Rogers, who was intro- duced as the War Minister and iag waver, said he was . proud that the Council` had carried through whatntheyi intended to carry through. The Water-. works and Light Committee had done a rioble duty. ;He had _been-some . forty- . ave years -in `Barrie, `and he had never Councigi` equal in abilitygto the .;ge.gn.e~.gg.,,.i1. _ if -I _,cannot will done `hum? Ium glad steps o_re.being~ tokoiI to`(_lo owiy with the ten in this town. The _w_urd system is u terror to humanity and even in the City of Toronto loud: to very great corruption. The School Board should be out down, too." _ V Councillor Bennett said that his curt obaervationa of the past year, an aome had calledlethem, were not meant to be offensive. I fully intended at one time to retire," he aaid,~but my aer- Vvicen are at the will of the ratepayers, if they are desired for. next Council. If re -elected I shall take part in muni- cipal matters to the best of`_my ability and in the interests of the Town of Oouncillori Frawley would rather have ended the year with . "Auld Lang Sine, instead of anexperience meet- ing such as the present. He said that every "meeting of the past two years had been accompanied with a great deal of worry to him, and hewonld not undertake the same responsibility again under any circumstances. f`It may be said that this responsibility was brought on ourselves," said Mr. Frawley. It was\not, however, it was given us by the ratepayers. The taking over of Waterworks was the hardestvfought ar- bitration that was ever put up in Can- ada. It` was also the most expensive.` This expense was caused by the oppo- site side in the hope that -the town would compromise. I think the Elec- tric question is settled, or at least I hope so.. This ght was unfortunate, as we had to ght our fellow-citizens in- stead of foreigners. If they had been foreigners theght would havebeen more severe. `We certainly had the con dence of electors, however, as was evi- denced in a most emphatic manner by the vote on the by-laws. - 1 4:1` 0 ,,L__ Towncouncilw Hequiescatinme. Councillor Johnson said-"Il unfortu- nately have lost three of my teeth since 1 was elected to this Council, so I am not in good speaking trim. I accepted the nomination a year ago because I saw the Incoming Council was going to haven ght, and I thought` I should come in and assist in a battle that was going to be of benet to me as a citizen. - Fifteen years ago," continued Mr. John- son, I was so disgusted with the. Coun- oil that I never wanted to come back again, but business this year has been for the general benet of the Town. If people have the same condence in me as last year, I hope to have a seat here for another year. I have been in- uenced in this direction by the Mayor's decision to remain for another year. . Councillor` Brennan said :-I' am much pleased that so many of the Council are out for another year, and if the ratepayers of Ward, 5 want me I alo will stay with the ship for another year. A45;-x $100 FOR THE POOR. Before the Council adjourned Mayor Wells said he desired to place the $100 voted to him in the hands of the Chair- man of the Indigent Committee to be distributed smongthe poor of the town `in bringing them 9 merrier Christmas than they have had heretofore. _ Minutes of 11th Session of Essa Council . for 1898. e The Council met to-day, Dec. 15, at A. Stewart's Hotel, '.l`horn'ton, pursu- ant to adjournment. The Reeve in the chair and all the members present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and conrmed. - The reeve pre- aented several accounts which were read and referred to the Finance Com- mittee. I Mr. Coxworth. seconded by Mr. Duff, moved for leave to introduce a by-law for the appointments of polling sub-division, polling places therein, Deputy returning olcers therefor and the time and place for holding the nomination of Reeve and Councillors for Essa for 1899. The by-law was introduced and read first second and third times andadopted. \ , Report No. 1 of Finance Committee presented and read recommending pay- ment of the following I accounts :'- Wm. Dempster, digging ditch on 8th line, 84.00 ; Daniel Mallzom, work on bill,` `$2.50 ; Robert Finlay, grease for road machine, 300.; George Du', _ tile" and repairing. bridge, $3.00 5, Maitlandy Ne','_work.-with men and team, ; Oookstcwn f _ Advocate, F advertising Oonrt or 02-oosstephvn aBu`rton . ` rapt-its I` 0:1 md niaohinr 82,76 ; Doner, `repairs ? on road" mchiy.*e,Q:09.-+Adopted;: -. l ` .2 . V- '1' '*'; V T Dull` and `Erwin-,-$25 was granted for the , completion of the town line, A1li'stox_x and ffealimaath having. paid `a like 's.nxh._ - __ .. A. 4'. . unw -.-v y_. . TOx?wo`r`b'h nd Du'--$iV'0 Awas pend I .'.l`IE..NOBTEERN Anyancn. Wttlvz tltnple In the lead-4 Ne-I glee: It and the or this Iutlleu lelnberr er leeul and Iapplneu ere sewn-V-Prevent the Seed lowing by a Speedy Application or Japanese catenl cure-`-can-ee the Iead tell in 3 lllnueu Japanese Oatarrh Cure attacks the dis-T ease no matter how violent or how Ion standing. It `is dust as potent in cases the. have held the victim in chains for any years as the most incipient and. to the dneased. almost unconscious presence or the malady. You take no chances in testing it. -and the `mast disheartened` sufferer has as. :1? ya fem ifolti-Ed %'u"z } 1thm'1?nd ey ve as _o . `g ve B fair trial `and itmdoelg tnoth ciure me. tnty mane smnea -. uta po 3.- lsfaot an to a 11 who woulcf epegrd `hie. lasts dciasllar for relehd JapaneseItOa]ax-Eh a guaran ee cure. ea . GOOUIGS allays inammation, drives away the foul breath and the distressing headache aooompa-niment. and never leaves a bad utter effect. Some so-culled cures do. Ja- panese Oatarrh Cure uarantees to cure or your money back. %`lnd the guarantee In. every package. ` 103 , Sold at Seagers Drug Store. .' Coxworth and D1.mdass-MrL 'Nixon was paid $30 00 for stumping 30 side- lihe between Utopia and Angus and the sum of $10 95 was added to school- section No. 9, Ease. Members of Town llounoil say Nico Things of one Another. _ Coxworth 'and Duff-The Council adjourhed sine die. ` v to Thongs Scythe; for gravel from his pit for 1898 and up to let May, 1899. FARM PARAGBAPHS The followfing paragraphs are taken. from the bulletin of 1898 pnblishd by the Ontario Bureau .of .Induatries : CataWT,a1ft Nottawaaaga--Many have taken up clover growing, and they find it a pro- table experiment, not only for the remuneration recelved for the seed, but from the enriching of the soil by tum- ing under the second crop for wheat followed by roots. Sunnidsle--Millet is grown to quite an extent and does very well. It is a grand substitute for hay. Mecvionte-.-Ensilage `is being -more generally used. Canada : Greatest Idiiimsnt. : Gritilths Henthoi Liniment ii the `greats hat curative discovery of the age. Pene- trutes muscle, membrane and tissue to the very bone, bsnishes pains and aches with a power impossible with any other remedy. Use it for. rheumatism, neuralgia. head- aches and all soreness, swelling and in-- ummution; All uruggists. 25 etc. 82 - Inni"sl--'J.`bere is (`July one silo in the township. Mr. Fred. Marr wrote, asking for_ the use of the Town Hall for the Agricul-_, tural Societ.y s _annual meeting on J an. 18th, '99. - Vespra.-_-Enailage is" being adopted very slowly here, but will eventually become almost the main dependence` for cattle feed. ' Oro-About the iusual amnunt of fencing and building has been done. Our farm buildings are improving in character. - i Gwxllimbury W.-The destructive habits of hens counterbalance any pro- ts that otherwise arise from them. Easa.--Some farmers have shipped over 100 bisrrels of apples, and I hear of some who claim to have 200. '.l`eoumseth-Except plums, grapes and cur-rants all fruits are a. compara- tive failure. Vespra.-Damage in some places from tent caterpillars and codling moth. Curculio not as bad as last year. Sunnidale-Many of the farm labor- ers we have now are boys from the Homes brought from "the Old Country city slums. We would sug- gest that they be left, a good many of them in their native land. I Gwillimburv W.--Domestics seem` to prefer the needle at starvation wages-to farm work. L Oro---Dairy industry advancing in the last few years, especially butter. '.l`ecumaeth-CreamerieI seem to be the most protable at present. Prices of butter better than "last. year and quality improving. V As a result `of an enquiry fromvv. Reeve McLean, Mayor Wells instruct- ed Chief King to take immediate steps to have the Conqueror removed from the immediate vicinity of the mouth of sewer pipe. ` A .u in. A. Essa.--A cross between the Jersey and Durham would make amost use- ful and protable experiment. A Family Gathering in the Home I] Vlllat 9 Emup 2| S;HA.wf B R os. T s B Myrtle Navy ; PURE VIRGINIA. .S3N cunzo FULL w:IGI-I1`. I soup comronr. FROM SIMUUE BOUNTY. R. T. Bmmma, % Clerk. THAT'S ALL. i Mr. C. W. Plaxton aentlin an ab- count asking $10 for attending Courts of Revision. . f = J nd Gagkots of all `kinds in stock or made to order. Robes, Urape and all Funeral Requisites furnished. Orders; by Telegraphor otherwise promptly attended to. G. 9. DOLMAGE, mmager, smud. [Steam Works and Slnovilloom; Bhllier-sl., Barrie All kinds of Blank Books ruled to any pattern and bound at reasonable rates. Magazines and Music bound in splendid style and cheaper than city prices._ Let us quote prices on your work before sending it out of town; BARRIE U N122; I3 TA. K. E R. ' hlzve A urchased and reopened the Barrie Steam Laun ry. xo Dunlo street. with the latest modern liancea r all ` of work. PAT- .BONlZ A HOME IN DUSTBY, and have ' can t a . an-ncunonmms ivni `"19i iE: suns DAY. in. II. Hughes &Bro. STEAM LAUNIJHYX 7-{ B03}? ROBT. CRISTOE, Total . . . . . . . . . . `. . . The Finance a7 mended that the following taxvs be allowed : D. Brunton . . . . . . . . . . . . .. George Clark . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr:-. Marshall. . . . . . . . . . . . S.Dymeut...., . . . . . . . . .. George Cummings . . . . . . . . . Wm. Stegglea . .' . . . . . . . . . . . D. MacMillan.... ........ F. McKerna.n . . . . . . . , . . . . . Mrs. Henry . . . . . . . . . . . . .. J no. Coffey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michael Moore . . . . . . . . . . . . for the LI.-'.As'r MONEY, Pponlonately. S|MCOE'S PIONEER NEWSPAPER. BARR|E'S LEADING JOB PRINTING OFFICE. Eddy s \| svbcnssons TO E. s. LALLY. G. SMITH, BARRIE BARRIE AND ' STROU D. Frawley, solelocal Agent. Total .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$39 80 Previous to the adoption of the re; pm t, Mayor Wells said that the rebates nearly all apply to the 6th Ward, as a result of increase of assessments con- traryto the agreement between Allan- dale and Barrie at the time of amalga- mation, the ve year period of xed as- sessments not having yetexpired. .,, __ _I

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