Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 27 Oct 1898, p. 8

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WROUGHT man RANGE co., Lmuran _ Founded 1866. lbotorloq. islurooms and `Olcos: ` Western Salurooms and Omcu : "We mtnuhcturo and carry huuanea noun curonr s mud-up oapml o1.ooo.ooo ronowro. cmuna. and 31'. moms. 110: nnnrvlm. com. I complete Itock of Hotel Rance: snd Kitchen goods: 8100 9 TERI. .1-`IIRNACES. `Write for cutalocue and mice!- eons : bian expositior'u'.chioao.1aa:. ' '""' I-IIGI-lE81`AWARD8-W stern Fair Association, Lon- don. Canada. 1%. - AWARD:chaahoo bus. Ga.. 1888. _-._ aepairs for Old me comfort Ranges Furnished Free. .n`1.`3x:i3% 2n}`.`a `.! $3. $.h`i`al'2.`? "` `"` lulu Lie VIIIIUUHIIIU IJJIIIIBIVUVU _ J ohn Brept, Roaedale Angus McKay, Hewkeetone T Mrs. Duncan Bell, East Oro Donald Cameron, Atherly Mrs. D. Calderwood, Uptergrove Mrs.- Francis Egan, Milliugton Thomas James. Atherly ` Matthew Wainmen, Orillia Mrs. George Thomson, Mt. St. Louie Michael Huesey. Mt. St. Louis MID Wrn Dun-in-5 "3"--1-]- l|lHE I HWAKUS-W9. don, Canada. . -:.:_.-___.:j-- no-a-----snug Ag Jlllo `I unity, LM11. Stoybnmn. Loraine ' amuse Illustmeedis sold onlyfrom r own wagons ta Ltorxn price throughout Canada and theotjllnitod States. ` A Mrs. Soules and son were visiting relatives in Elmvale recently. II` T I!" I __, ,E'II N, ,4, _,,. _ ,1 I-_',A, `OME gomm Rm ..._. _ ----.. _..,.--....,.., ...... -.........., ..,... HIGHEST 'AWARD8-Nebraska Agricultural I-'air,l88'l HID! f\lAA ;n-.__,,_- . . 7---- . -..-....-..-.......-..... ..,.............. ....,...... DIPLOMA-Alabama Ag ! society. Montgomery. 13%|- I._LL_l.-..-|.:- l1-n-_. I-,,_ _ _-. --`r-7-----7_j FOUR MEDALs-IGold and 1 Silver, World : centen- mal Cotton Exposition, New Orleans. 18$. I.II&I_ll_'|D'n|Ann-5:; -. . . --- '.9T_.R.._'E! II E HIUQV (HUI Alex. Bro Col. Banti J .' R.` Suzi (It-gases M0le were delivered =i..`:*"3`31?iu`7 a; ~n<:%?'.;:' Mfr: ca, . .P_. B01 9311 . Ba 03 b M . why: Mr, Igegeerg, ' rd `Mr: H 1: -'~`-I`. " -, .. t V 3:3? Qlllrteglt `b `he Gllfo ggtu`-`anon t: 311 Of which Ill 01;, andigw V " - ' n. ' . Bmgm [3 are to be oongmm. ed the ` } : p,u If new _ ~. . t . . 899' nidin . 8.11; hi, us Dal h app? manner. Ad. " rs. John Fyfe, Orxllia. Gillespie, Orillia. ` ' T. Armstrong, Orillia Jos"h Graham. Shanty Bay ' nlee, Shanty Bay Mrs. D. raham, Shanty Bay '; an, Shanty Bay M Hawkestone Joaeph Kidd._ Cc-oksto;; u.9owom 27,1393. ,. V5335; :.[;s:'snto, spent last week in the 6th ward on business. ORILLIA. r. Bert Brown, of Cookstown, spent Sunday with relatives and friends in this vicinity. `II,,_, `T I--Ij-,_ -__J -I_Ij_-_ I-'L -_ 'I_! thodwelling lately vacated bv Mr. N. Shel- deg on Bradford street. Hill L ICUU `IL INF \10-l.u&Vc IIGU IIlUVU\b I801!` week. link-emsn Fnnl; Hoard hail time index nger of his right hand iammed while coupl- in: can at Beeton on Friday night; of last Mr. Wm. Lowlor made a shipmont of cat- `tlle from this station to Toronto on Satur- ay. `l\,,,A 1\__.__,. .1 I`l--I.._,4._,, __.__.L V.._..` . "Mrs. N. Sheldon and ohildreo left on Fri- day for Toronto to see her father, who has been ill for some time. - p..-u-; . The dog oiaoner until! around. At noon on Sundua 1-. G. D. Patterson : twoodogo --a St. rnard and collie--got a. done of poison. Both dogs died shortly after. _ ___.I_.. !__--_.I ._--_-.LI._ L_ 4L- 11..-...` The order issued recently by the Grand Trunk to the effect thetull the old emplo eea must do day work and the young men ook nfter night duties will go into effect the first of next; month.` (`L n_-_.__s_- n|_--..-1. mL- 13-.- d-n- v---`..` v w-up--u .l'he Lord : Supper will be. dispensed next Sande. morning in the Preebyterien church,-.; Rev. lex. Lennox. of ii the Oongregeniennl oliurch, will conduct preparatory eervioe on Friday evening. ,4 ._____l_I --_.-._`__!-.. ..-L.'_ st, Georgo s. Church.-The Rev. Mr.- Kingston` will conduct anniversary services in this churqh on Sunday, Oct. 30, morning and evening, and will also preach at Christ's church. Vesnra. - T ~ .. ----i - . --.._ Return `tickets at s eial excursion rated will be isqued by the rand '1`rnnl:_Railway' on October` 26th to November let, inclusive,-` valid to mm. from destination got` than Dacember 14th. '.'-.-L-'-5. - V----- --v -v- - -v-u A private social dance was held in Both- well o hall on :.Wedne|dsv ,.evanin of last week. Twenty-mix couple; ware preqanh. A very ev.i9Vb1.%1m `wt-*1-pciit In trinvink the! hm-f.tlitlIt`io .Koe1jgn _I- quad:-me and i:r:jiI;hod-'-niiunioffr` the % Q: uwuuuy uni luvuuaquu, vquvuuug wuufu Iruvy will raid . ,Mg.-., W utthavilm been trans-. jferred to that [hit romthh divlllon name. than two. V air" houudhoild` were uh 1"xp'od.gbm`-here this wek. ` `thud Mn. ::,\..uv,u';;ut4:..:d:%a*i?*,""."7. :"`{1 ho 1;. an , . . Mr; (Jpn. }'h_6_ n hjnily leave help nxt Monduyfor Bi'ohiho'n'd,;Qupbeo, where they i _m ...'..aa.--' 7 ` :' =1Hu'.:-.o- 1m.I..a'1....`.."o...n..v THE RAILWAY CENTRE OF THE FUTURE CITY. --_ _,-_ ..-_, -r. Pratt, of'tix_;(V}'.T.R., has moveci into Lg ainnnliuuu `ml-AI`-1 unnnf-at` kw II N Qt-.`.L A Genuine clearing Sal of New Good is a most unusual-occurrence just in the opening of -the season, consequently a. rare opportunity of getting Bargains exactly at time -when required. We are shortlyremoving. to premises being now prepared for us. i We prefer selling Goods to removing them. ` This then is your chance to secure Real LIVO Bargalns. _ i Men s Tweed Suits Men s Fine Scotch Tweed'Suit, nothing to `equal it - i - , . A ; $5 00 Men s Strong Canadian Tweed Suit, - -' - g - ._ - - - 5 00 Men s Extra Fine Suits, wonderful value, . - `- - ` i- - . _ ` 7 50 An Elegant Suit-simply grand--for more elderly _ men, V - 4 - S . . 10 50 Men s Heavy Frieze Ulster` Coats-Deep Storm Collar, - S - t- - g 4. 50 Heavier Goods, very ne-elegant Tailoring, it i - - S35 '00, $6 75 and 7 50 Men s Beaver Overcoats, well made and nished in most exceptional cstyle . T - % - . $5oo,%$6}oo,ss 06, $9 00to 13 50 Boys and Youfhs Clothing, in great variety, at much Reduced Prices. Special Prices also in Underwear, Top -Shirts, Col1aIs, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Etc. Union Carpets at Union Carpets at FRAWLEY & DEVLIN, New 88a8"*\v'e Fallanawamernry sands. clothing 30- TAKING PLACE....- Bargains for Men and Boys. 4 I-Io'u.se1:eepers, _A.tte11tio11 ! We are oering extraordinary inducements to buyers of GARPETS. F'ra.`VV'1e3r &% IDev1in s. the 6th ward, especially so by the congrega- tion of St. George s church, they being good workers in that denomination. _ Look out for pranks by. mischievous boys next Monday night-Hsllowe en. " Shell out! will be the cry by the small boys in the fore art of the evening. but it is hard to say w at will happen later` on in the night. Parents, furnish some amusement in your homes for your boys. and then you will be sure they will be out of mischief. Lest Ha.llowe en cost some of the boys money and trouble to get out of their evil doings. ALLLNDALE WARD NUMBER SIX. A The parlor social at the residence of Mrs. Chas. Wyatt. Essa street, on Thursday evening of last week was a success, being greatly enjoyed by all -present. The large and spacious dwelling house was well lled with a jolly lot of `pleasure seekers. Games and amusements of all kinds were engaged in. A programme of music and sin ing was provided. The receipts (silver on leotion) `amounted to $10. -which will go to the build- ing fund.- On Sunday Harvest Home services were held in the Burton Avenue Methodist church. ' Rev. H. A. Fish, of Hawkstone, preached morning and evening. and gave two very in- str_uctive and edifying discourses to large congregations, es ially the evening service. The singing by t e choir was well rendered at both services. On Monday evening a Harvest Home tea and entertainment was held. Tea was served from, 6 to 8 o'clock in the basement of the churdh. The tables were ladened with everythin that one could wish for or desire_at festiva s of this kind. The ladies of the 6th ward know how `to get up` a rst-class.tea.. After tea addresses weregdelivered b Revs. M. L. Pearson,'A. G. Hudson and . R. McIntosh. A verv _I_-!_.. ____,_2_-I '_.__.________._ _____ _-__|-_~_J -Le U"`I. Jun SIUCIIIDQ I10 I-IIIIIIPDQ Xgaeraon. M. '.l`hompeon.'I. Pirie. `J. WilT::_ ineon. '1`. Young, S. McMillan. M. Moifett, B. Young, J. Buegglea. Bertie`Pirie. F. Nel- lie. E. Storey, M, `Ambrose, V_S.' Kin , AV. Patterson and F. Phillipi. Mra.j(Rev5 W. R. Molntoeh was uooompanint. At. the close of the contain ; _oo1lection'_` was _ tI|I,..0n'u,.. after wbtph $he.fR_ev. Ihomea _Pston..'of_Mi -. hunt, delivered -hil `itofeqtlng ` 'le6i;ure-,1 What} Saw in =0hina."A ;Vf?1iI_(ihwsi_well `worth hearing.` The oolleotiouewen in aid hf that Mlnn`fni1.fn n.' `Ra: W; "R: MnTn1nnIi' choice musical programme . was rendered by the church choir and others. Solos by Miss Potter, of Tottenham ;. Mr. `J. `B. Ed- wards, Collier .street_church ; Mr. Goo. 8. Lawrence and Mr. J. Young, jr. Violin solo by Mr. `M. J. Hamlin with Miss M. as accompanist. Rcoitations h Mrs. R.` 'Jack-and Mrs. D. McMillan. he pastor; Rev. Joseph Young, oioiated as chairman. On Tuesday erening the Presbyterian church was crowded to the doors, the occa- sion being an entertainment under the an- spices of the Mission Band and the W.F.M. S. The platform was decorated" with plants and owers. The missionary cantata, The Story at the Star, was the first on the pro-. gramme,` and was very well rendered, each one taking their parts correctly. ~ 1;`he fol- lowin persona toolrpart in the cantata :- Mrs. ameron, F. Campbell, .M. Cross, B'._' M. Rhlnehart; M. Campbell, B.` Pirie, Steggles, R. Cowie, P. Meekin . E. Camp- 1..n vr m...1.- u.. .a.u.....u=1z,:- mm... `H 3':"{'& 33'i3" A, `f+,.r:: V+7`:gR.Yi'IoI`:t;;` oioiateduwghulurgpih; , ` i !ne3v1 T06 w';'|;`l`Ie .uwrh&hdt. .Munag`en'uT3njt = Commicte .of tb h `ital re`.'a.b -.a_ 10.5530 ` kno1i.'.,hQw .m aot-1; o`;='d9mn.n'd., ` .Ev`r,i a.sza11fi1b1sa`o<%`.:iu ohidshd ~wm_i59p Ii-' cm . . hive-.to.~be this waktt-..* `h`e % . gfprdht ?';in64$0wurdi gun};- S(i:egElV:c:1IV,V1?..-(-}'ov7vi, VP. Meelfing, Gimp- ` bell, T. Clark. M; Adana; `B."Phillips, H. 1Auu'4noan-u M "nun-in-unnn T ybhahn `.1 nib- '10 out Barrie s South-Western Division. with its `Pleasant streets, its Taetv Dwell tugs, its Pretty Churches, and its Go- a.-head People W111 Entice Settlement -49. Weekly Record oi its Doings. Mr. S. Hanson, of the G.T.R., in on the sick list. - 25 cents worth. 35. 40c. and 450., worth 60 IIIUIIIIH UL ULIU IIIFGL l|lIIalIUa ZIIVIIII VIUV I-IIIU recently beenspent in the equipment of the operating room, and the management have now before them the purchasing of an ambu- lance for the transportation of patients to the hospital. The need of a proper method of removing the sick has been much felt. _i)I-."rKiidge in leaving omlm for Burk a ' Falls, having bought out the practice of Dr. Crawford there. , - Rev-. John Hunt, of Toron: :` known to many in Barrie, was run; and injur- ed on Tuesday night obioyolhte. Adjutant Byers, who has been in charge of the Salvation Army corps here,_ gave his farewel1addnasa in thmbarracks on Snndoy night, and leftfor Toronto on Monday morn- ma. ' T Di Gui-irie having resigned the position _of principal of `Stayner public school, to take e`ect Jan. 131;, next. the board have engaged Mr". .A. N. Scarrow, of Cookstown, to take . his place. .- . ,,,_- ENS," J_ -1 If,_ I` 1 I Tho many friends ot_ Mr. Grant, of Crown Hill, willtbe pleased to know that he is rapidly recovering after his operation for appendicibia in the Barrie hospital on Satur- day, 15th. ' * ' VI `I IV ` 15` na- "E3."n9$;.yhI;.}1"1.1ia{1at{.;iu i6f-~;Toronto % are visiting their sister, Mrs. J. E. Willmott. ` ,ll'lI,,,-,L, _ mlllvre. Peter MoIetoeh,' McDonald St. left on Tuesdav of -last week to join her husband on the Pacic Coast. __ __ _ __ _ _.-.- _ I ""11?-Z. `v?z".'"12oT.}2"Zna m; J, .1;;e.mgu were in Guelph on Tuesday: `ding the Moore-Ryan wedding. _ ~" - .1 III_..__.'._ 1 The engagement of Mr. Geo]:-#9 R. Grey, t of Goldwater, Outs. to Miss orenoe Lee Sheridan, M.A., only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Townsend Sheridan,` of Toronto, is announced. - . . A . . N V7f(or T'.l.`nn ADVAN(E7,7 the best weekly paper in the County of Simone. .D'r. Gapenartived. in town on. the l8t Mrs. Capon were passengers on 1 the 8.8; Vancouver from England reoensl. D while Mrs. Capon remained in Montreal not .vieit he:-*aieter,` Mrs; Murray, fer a. cohple of weelbn.--Meil_end Empire. -ll_ `I'D ,I.ln are , v ------- -.-w -----`-v v- Mr. H. Brown, Mrs. Brown and the Misses Brown returned from Bertie, where they spent-the summer. Unformnatelgheir stay in town will not be very. long, eatthey have decided to return to New; York to live. They will be yery mnohn`r!ee_ed here by many friends. who are extremely" sorry `tgo `hear of their ,d_eoi,Iioxf.-_-5Globe.W V_ - ;";Jii1ewIv`Ife;;`.'ork;V:)'1"ld tells bfthe o ding exeroiueuiof 1121 1{:tlonEa.ll Drmatio onus?- -vatoryo w ia" rs. `can 1- `rgen wi e "of W. '.l.`. Geo:-gen. 'torn.;e:-lgoof B31-rie, :3-an - In nigger;-i:ix.g t 0Ml_`I. Eteorgen g-r.,.-or Ina:-.-_ are .noTt.eao eruow -.*29f9,r_9th9.;As:a;ioannn.b1i9_who_ 1... had: no. ,.wl<!:.I:s,9. .xf9finoe.in P130119-'t'In8:~1.':~ W1 9 `r';:-":90-ifoni` ion""the`.It&s`<-`; ml F td%ed4xAs?h!!z.%n_not oomin% one % or more .2: '_ef:1i. iib,r1iue;h1eLo6ii:;isny|in ` existence` V nhfliss Irene Dyment are I visiting Mr. and Mrs.Baker London. ,,, ,1 ll!_,,, 17,, L -l'I`I . _ _ , A, 1 Wningmn and family, form- ` l er_ly of Mineeing. ha.ve_taken up residence on Charlotte street. Mrs. Shaw and Mrs. James Edwards have returned from Chicago. `IIO 1` I `IV 1' l\ Vi);E;nd;n;n:nnnt{s;z; Si %:u}3ro.T.6; 5;} a the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. Donnell on ~ Sunday. '9 III '91: I I n I D .- _-_...-_ ' . Mrs. H. T. `Whitley has returned from visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Whaley, Huntsville. vlergement of the present hospital or the `building of 9. new one as one of the require- ments of the near fnture. Ahout $150 has ..---._a.I.. L--- ....-._A. -.. LL_ ......._....._4. .5 LL. i .ALL GOODS AT SALE PRICES. ']?he <'i'eer hunting season opens on to lat of November. Personal News. ~ '.:A'1'H'l.`-`;'1`Ib'.I;'.l?BiBIlL_N. ADVA NOE.. w"'..l."tuatind that the protection of the Lord God of Host: may rest upon` you and that you may longbe spared to do whateeever thy hand {in eth to do, V `In behalf of_ the `congregation, Dom. Bmnm, Axum E. Bminn, , E"mmnN B. MdDoiu1.n. nu` `I0 `GHQ ` ' `Dear Bro.,-It is with pleasure that we, the members of the Strand Baptist church, have gathered to-night to manifest our ap- preciation of your self-forgetful and devoted labor. among us in caring for our church for some months past. We realize that you have often been obliged to sacrice your own ease and comfort in order that ours might be fur-then i. And while we believe that it has been done as an act of service to the dear Master whom it is our highest privilege to honor here below, and through love to_ His cause, we still wish to present you with this token of our gratitude, and we trust that as you use itfrom day to day it may act as a reminder of the fact that our Father s `smile I'll!` of appreciationrests upon his faithful child-_ .l.`J'l.'J.A.I INN IV. Jll.UIJUlN A111 . lOot. 19, 1898. | Miss McDonald read the address and Miss Birnie made the presentation. Mr. Smith acknowledged the gift which was a great surprise by a few Aappropri-` etetremsrke. The rest of the evening. was spent in enjoyable games endmnsie, refreshments `brought by the elediesvedd-_ ing pleasant variety. Before parting on. vnnnnnnie ininn his Olin` 1.`.-*...a... 53--.-.. A harfmt thankaginving servfoag was `held last Sunday in St". Petaerfa` ijhnrch. The ohur_oVh% was `nhe_g`u`if;;1lyV*Vdeo0ratd with` L Brtiho %ff9i`7IhdbW- T50. jghoir (`under the lqndetbbip. of `the qrgau-` int, Miss S'lou;` thoiiiual hur- vest_ hymn; nd ~ The Roi. ! On Wednesday evening, 19th inst., the members of the Stroud Baptist church met at the residence of Deacon Smith and ` presented his" son George with a handsome toilet case accompanied by the following address :- Mr. George Smith : 51 pagan: j3inIi 33 '{he 33%} of Bleak be the tie that bi_ndaM. T W is able to be odt again after a sgvere illness. {THE "ADVANCE. Addres gaa senmuof In C Mantlles, Cress Gooas, Shawls, Ready-to-wear Skirts, Corsets, `Gloves, Hosiery, Etc., Etc. C Ladies Heavy Beaver Cloth Mantles, high collars, bound seams, worth from $4 00 to $6 00, A - - - - - -, - - for $2 50 Ladies Curl Cloth Mantles, `good C styles, high step collar, Worth from $3 501:0 $6 00 - - - - V - - for $2 50 See those Ladies Fawn Beaver Cloth Mantles, very styllish and smart, our price $7 50 Waterproof Coats at Half %Price. - Special Prices in Dress Goods. Dress Goods at 12%, 15, '20, 25, 30. 35c. and upwards, are all new and at cut gures. Special Drives in Corsets--making a saving of 25 per cent. Before buying your Gloves or Hosiery see our Range and Prices. Union Carpets at - I p- - - - - - - - 50c., worth 65c Brussell Carpets, Tapestry Carpets, All Wool Carpets, Etc., at Reduced Prices. ADVERTISE IN A Big Surprise for the yadies inc -Wcmhn e Anxhinry in connection with the Presbyterian church will meet on Friday afternoon at 3 o clock. ` W -In 1 u n ,, n,__ _____L-, ;L_I_,_'SI.I!._..___ 1 Dunlop Street, Barrie. The fhollowinie a list of the nam of well-known gentlemeo who have been using this famous Range.g , We, the undersigned, have been us: just as salesmen repreeented-a good bake . A Wm. Young, Mono Mills _ _ Sarah Brett-, Mulmnr H. R. rwhiteeide, Elmgrove John Brett. Rnnadnla a Home Comfort Range four years and nd it d a great fuel saver, also a great heater. Alex. Brenner, Camilla Banting. Uooketown J.'R.` Sminh, Thornton a.u.uJuuvI. uuuauy, mu. Di. II] 1.40 Mrs. Wm. Preston. Hilladale J. Frawley, Mt. St. Louis Michael Kennedy , Auto M Mrs. John McKee, Orillia To whomjt may concern : :5 .0|Ih[1gatove it vu_my*fa.mily pa;-fact satisfaction and I can co ientiously 88) i` `S .959 b?! G0kiI|8;Iho'v I `ever uied or saw: 1:; gives good heat and is "great saver of fuel, }","'8 V"*!"_;')||!l hllf the quantity of other stoves and yet throwsdiut plenw 0` he `-5 ` "R".I3.B "ii: . T - Dmognt g, 0o o1or.ky % < Mr.andMrs.Jamea.l%$;1);onvme I-Ania. _v .' ` ` `r...-..L v':.1.: n--I--.-...`-.`. `T1138 t6 Ibonts four yars ago I purchased a Homnfox-t Range and .5 George Morley, of Bradford, was the preacher, as his text the 103rd Psalm, lat verse. His able discourse was listened towith great attention by the` large. oongregatiom. On Monday: evening the ladies of church gavelgi foil" supper in the Orange Hall whioli-V `r_ef`!`e_ oted*il_:I :e on-edit upon.` as u11.who`we:er preheat deolared;;i..\`;oT hem `be,-Hf . Areerli,`~we jhgppet S '.nitiaicall'iii5rninn vytsigone Gal. Tyryhitta`Li:re; DISTRIGT I-IEAnq\{Ah'rEns, Made of o lnon-wm las a. mo-t1me with or hearth. cold roll ed steel-plaj dlnary care. 345,584 Home contort Ranges Sold to Jan. Int. 1891 SILVER MEDAL-V-Industrial Exposition, Toronto. cam. 1&6 SIX sou: MEoAI.sana`o" lama:--cal.Midwinterl-'air,'I. nun---tn unsung`- n . . - .- ... _ , -. -.-' --v---v.. ..- w _ V- ii:-. John Page has rent;a;1_hhe building re- cently occupied by Mr. Rube Webb, which he purposes turning into a. boarding house. '

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