Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 20 Oct 1898, p. 5

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Edenvale. Advance Correspondence. Miss Young, of Allandale is the guest of Mrs. Ingram....The M18888 Stackley, of Newmarket, are visiting their friends in this vicinity. . . .Oure beef rings have closed after consuming 60 head of cattle. . . .The cheese fac- tory closes on Nov. 1 . . . .Fa1l wheat is very far advanced....A Mineaing patron of the Edenvule cheese factory has been found guilty by the director 1 A" -.-..L.._:-... 'L:.- -...:`1- TD nnnrnn nun - ` - u u v \.II-0 A-\rI-nova you--J -VJ v.-.- v--vwv'--V of watering his mk. It seems an analysis of the milk revealed only about ii; per cent. batter fat instead of more than 3 per cent. In consequence the Secretary has been ordered to re- tain from the offending patron one- third of the patron's earnings since June 1st. ' We claim to have the Lowest rices on Ladies and Chil- dren s Black Cashmere Hosiery in 13 Wn. . ....sI==E<:IA|_.. % e 25 dozen Ladies Extra Quality Ribb Undervests, long sleeves, extra length--worth 40c. ea`ch-s cial at only 25c. Drawers to match, same price. A I GEO. RE Y, 25 pairs 7_ and lb. , extra quality, Supner. Wool White Blankets, soft lofty nish, very special at $3.50 and`. $4.50. A 10 pairs only 10 `b. best quality, All Wool .Whitef Blank- ets, size 7 2x96, regul price $7.50, very cheafpwat only $5.00.` A lot ot Extra Large hite Honey Comb Quilts--hea,\iy and well made---well worth 1.35, special at $1.00 * ` White Marselles Quilts" '1; value at "$1.25, $1.50, 92.00, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 each.` L_ ` - % 25 pairs 6_ - Supen W001 White Blankets, 1L1Ve_'._.,soft nish, ne quahty specia1%va.%11`1Le at $2.50. % % % ` % Newton Robinson. Advance Correspondence Mrs. L. W. Hill, of Toronto, was visiting her mother, Mrs J. Long, last week . . . .W. G. Wilson left for To- ronto on Saturday to resume his studies at the University . . Mrs. S. Sarjeant, of Barrie, has been a guest at Mr. C. Bmting a for 9. couple of weeks. . . .H. Hanks, of Parkdale. visited at J. Nix~ 0n s this` week. . . .Mr. T. S. Graham has returned from Strathroy, where his father is still very ill. . . .The Women : Missionary Auxiliary of this place sent 3 box of clothing, etc., to Powaesan on Hosiery and nderwear IMPQRTER. \\We are showing a. Magnicent Ran" of MANTLES and CAPES in the %very latest "New York styles. y are already selling fast, which esures us theye are appreeieied b: 4 ur customers. 4 e Monday . . . . Misses Eie and Bertha Banting are visitingin Toronto . . . .The Epworth League is arranging to have a special Sunday, followed by a literary evening in the near future. . . . Messrs. Russell Ohantler and Cyrus Long have returned from the N orth-Wes`, where they have been spending a. few weeks. Phelpston. - Advance Correspondence. Mrs. Dewdney, of Toronto, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Platt. . . .The G. T. R. Co. purpose moving the station house to the oppo site "side of the track. . . .Mrs. Ken- nedy, of Elmvale, visited Mrs. J. Mo- Ginnis lately. . . .Mr. and Mrs. J. J.` Friel, of Apto, spent Sunday at Mr. J. J. Loftus s. . . .Mrs. Stone visited her daughter, Mrs. John Grey, here- last week . . . .Mrs. Wm. Shields and three children are visiting her mother, Mrs. Brown. Oro Station. Advance Correspondence. Pete Smith of Hewkestone was the guest of C. G. Kirkpatrick on Sun- day; . . .Uliver, Bose and Will Elson leave for the lumber camps next week . . . .The potato crop is very good here . .Mr. Barnes is very low with ty- phoid fever. . . '.A. McQuo.ig and J. Emma are recovering as rapidly as can be expected. VUUVQ _I Z30??? _, ` aaweficuou A A brilliant and fashionable ding was celebrated in Trinity church on Wednesday afternoon, 19th inst._, at half. past two _o oloclr, when Miss Wil- helmina Cotter, second daughter of Mr. J. R. Cotter, Crown Attorney, was married to Mr. Stewart 0. V Macdonald, barrister, etc., of Dunnvill`e.' The church was illuminated with gas, the windows . being lled with 'feathery smilax. "The decorations of ferns, palms, pink begonias, white carnatlons and anemones added their quota of beauty, the chancel window- and altar being banked up with ferns and ane- mones. The pews occupxedby the guests were marked out by little winged ribbon bouquets. The oiciating clergy- man was Rev. Canon Rainer, and the musical service was in charge of J. 0. Morgan, M.A., choir-master, `aided by the_i'ull_ cl_1oir_of_th_e church. e- . fine Mad ona_.1o:'l;Ootte` 1- Nupfinus` "V ` Atten` M a-' L"! 13.11. 11...`. 1:_nn-..._ V bill! VIIUIL VG vauv ylninnvnni ' w The bride looked charming white duohess satin trimmed with tulle, and pearl embroidery, and carried a shower bouquet. She was attended by Miss . Mollie Plummer, of Toronto, and Miss Beatrice Macdonald, cousin of the groom, both of whom were handsomely attired in oyster gray satin with steel trimmings, and were large black velvet picture hats with steel crowns and black plumes; they carried shepherd's crooks to which were attached Ameri- can Beauty roses.- Misses . Margaret and Monica Barwick, nieces of the bride, were two -charming little brides- maids, dressed in white silk trimmed with lace, and wearing Victorian bon- nets and plumes; they carried baskets of American Beauty roses. The groom was supported by his brother, Mr. James F. Macdouald, ot Dunville, the ushers being Messrs. C. W. Kortrlght, Chas. Plummer, Hugh Dickinson, and Hugh Rose of Toronto, cousin of the groom. II..- (`ALI--.. LL` `un.=Jn n -nub`-an-u unnuun aMur`s.. Cotter, the bride s mother, were green and white brocade trimmed with lisse, jet and steel passamenterie, with bonnet to match. `Mrs. Barwick, the bride s sister, looked pretty in copper silk trimmed with lisse and black vel- vet ; she worea toque with steel crown. Mrs. John Dickinson, the bri_de s.aunt, wore a beautiful dress of black and white silk. Mrs. S. Lount, the bride s aunt, was attractive in fawn colored silk. Mrs. E. F. B. Johnston, of To- ronto, looked well in gray and white, with large black and white picture hat, and carrying American `Beauty roses. Mrs. Fred. Hill, of Niagara Falls, cousin of the bride, wore a black and torquoise costume, with picture hat to match. Mrs. W. M. Campbell,` of Stayner, looked very . smart in a black and white gown. Mrs. Wm. Lount, of Toronto, was gaily dressed in blue and white Moussilline de soui, with toque to match. Mrs. Rose, wife of `Judge Rose, Toronto, aunt of the groom, was richly attired in gray brocade. Mrs. James Plummet, Toronto, were black grenadine over lavender silk, worn with very smart lavender bonnet. Miss Qyhrieber wore black canvas over green silk, and purple hat with feathers. Among the invited guests were Mr. and the Misses Macdobald, Dunnville ; Chief Justice and Mrs. Rose, and the Misses Rose, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Macdonald, Toronto; Mr. and `Mrs. Wharton, Fort Erie; Mr. and Mrs. S. Lount, Barrie; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lount, Toronto; ,Mr. and Mrs. John Dickinson, Barrie 3 Mr. and Mrs. Wm: Campbell, Stayner . Mr. and Mrs. _ E. F. B. Johnston, Toronto; Miss Sobrie- ber, London 3 Mrs. Boultbee, Toronto ; Mr. and Mrs. James Plummet, Toronto 3, Mrs. and Miss Plummer, Barrie ; M-r. and Mrs. Fred. Hill, Niagara Falls ; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baker, London. At the close of the ceremony in the church the bridal party were driven to the residence of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Barwick, Owen street. where a very pleasant reception was held. A luxur- ious recherche repast was served on the lawn from a table decorated with gray ribbon, tulle and meteor roses, beneath a marquee, into which the doors of the dwelling opened, the space, enclosed being laid with carpet. ` 4 usmouaiam wmbnma. '.l`_EE.NOR'1`HER1fI AD vAncE._ The luncheon festivities were attend- ed with the customary gallantries, the bride being the subject of many pleas-_. ing references. Mr. and Mrs. Mac- donald were escorted to the train at 5.30 when they left on a trip to New York and other cities. THE ADVANCE extends hearty greetings to- the bride and groom. The gifts to the bride were as follows :- Gong, Dr. and Mrs. McCarthy 3 ` pearl pin, Miss Olive McCarthy 3 salt a spoons, Miss Kathleen McCarthy; J Whittier's Poems, Mrs. '1`othill3 3 water colours. Mrs. and Mrs. Hornsby 3 engraving, Mr. and Mrs. Morris; chair, Mrs. Andros 3 table, Mrs. Wray 3 silver hat brush and old China plate, ` Miss Schrieber3 silver sugar sitter, Mrs. Schrieber3 pearl pin, Mr. C. C. Schrieber 3 2 engravings, Mrs. and Miss Holmes; butter dish, Ellen and Bella, Queen's hotel 3 cheque, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lount 3 brass bed, Mrs. Cotter; silver side dish, ,Mr. R. L. _Barwick 3 work basket, Misses M. and M. Bar- wick; sofa cushion, Mrs. Dickinson; marble clock, Mr. and Mrs. Dickinson 3 cut glass tumblers, Mr. E. Kortright3 doulton plate, Mr. and Mrs- W. A. Boys; doulton dish, Rev. Mr. Rainer; bread tray, Mrs. Ride, Lachine3 Bo- hemian glass vase, Rita and H-ally Lount; China candle sticks, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Morgan; silver and pearl fruit knives and forks, Mr and Mrs. James Plummet 3 doylies, Miss Brydon; cream jug and basin, Mr. and Mrs. Jef- frey McCarthy 3 silver fern stand, Dr. and Mrs. Morton; ower vase, Capt. and Mrs. Whish; pillow shame and doyley, Mrs. R. L. Barwick; silver spoon, Mrs. L. D. Beatty 3 silver spoon, Miss Way; silver spoon, Mr. Tiin , silver ladle, Mrs. Way 3 silver bon-bon ' . dish, Mrs. John A. Strathy 3 silver box, Miss Mockridge; 2 silver salt- cellars, Mr. and Mrs. A. Thompson, Cayuga 3 Bohemian glass set, Mrs. John Plummer; Bohemian glass vase, Miss Daisy Plummer; silver sugar sifter, Mr. Harold Giles; silver teaspoons, Mrs. Ardagh, Orillia 3 salt rind mustard pot, Mr. Charles Plummet; buckle cameo, set in gold and turquoise, Miss M. Plummet; carving cloth, Mrs. J. P. Vansittart; bronze `and oak clock, Mr. and Mrs. S. Cotter and Mr. and Mrs. Hobson 3 cut glass jug, Mrs. E. F. B. and Miss Johnston; pot-pourri jar, the Misses Dupont 3 3 silver bon~ bon trays, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Stra- thy 3 .4 silver Queen Ann salts, Judge and Mrs. Gowan 3 sh knife and fork, Mr. and Mrs. George Morton; `silver tea strainer, the Misses. Foster 3 `bon-bon dish, the Misses Williams; gold and China ornament, Mr. and Mrs. Woodru', Hamilton; silver fern pot, Mrs. Boys; silver spoon, Mr. Geo. W. Lount; silver spoon, Mr. T. R. Boys 3 gold and China ornament`, . Mrs. B. Boultbee, Toronto; cream jug and basin, Mr. E. Tisdale, Simone; silver __ -_ 112'... fI'1:...`I_I- G_.--- - -21..-- spoon, Mrs. Tisdale, Simcoe; _ silver wine cooler, Mr. Norman, Mr, Meeking and Dr. Arnall; silver and cut glass tea caddy, Dr. and Mrs. Palmer, To- ronto; China fern stand, the Misses Stevenson; gold. and glass ornament, the Misses Mc0onkey ; oak table, Mr. and Mrs. Niblett, Hamilton; `fancy work, Miss, George: picture, Mr. `and Mrs. A.rE. H. Oreswioke ; solver, Mr. and Mrs. Dyment 3 silver roe "tub and tongs, Mr. and Mrs. T. Baker, London; 5 cut (glass jugs, Miunyinent. , a Tgble centre, Miss Baxter. Cayuga; doyley, Mrs. Motherwell, ` Dnnnville ; drawing room lump, Mr. Vnnd Mrs. Geo. Wilson`; Inge:-aoll ; water color, Mr; and Mrs. E. F. B. Johnohon, Toronto; table centre. Mr. V. Mocking; brass okettle, Dr. A.` Boat; Iilver ladle,- Mrs. Campbell '; _ha.nd guixent, the Direotora of/tho Lnlge, Bimooe Hotel ` Co.; china chocolate set and tray, Mr. ` P. F. Ewan ; Mexican pottery, Mr. and Mrs. E. F.`B. Johnston, Toronto ; silver spoons, Mr. and Mrs. James L. Cotter, Buffalo ; silver cake knife, Mr. William and the Misses Cotter, Dunnville 3 silver salt spoons, Mr. and Mrs. James L. Barnum; tea cup, Mrs. J. Mock- ridge, Uollingwood ; gold thimble, Mrs. Maurice Gaviller, Collingwood ; china cocoa jug, Mr. and Mrs. Wharton, Fort Erie ; ancient beer mug and cut glass, Dr. and Mrs. Raikes ; china ower bowl, Mr. and Mrs. Haughton Lennox, set of carvers, Mr. Hugh E. Rose, To- ronto; hand painted china dish, Mr. and Mrs. Harcourt, Welland ; sofa cushion, the Misses Rose, Toronto; tea cosey, Miss Beatrice Macdonald, Toron- to ; dinner set, Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay, Mr. and Mrs. Lalor, Mr. Thos. Armour, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Thos. Haskins, Mr. Eccles, Dunnville; 6 doylies, Mrs. H. J. Grasett,. Barrie; silver bread and butter knives, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Howard, New York; 2 china plates, Mr. Percy Macdonald, Toronto; oak. and silver salad bowl, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dyment, Thessalon. ` on--- _:.... c.-.._..n ml- .....J M:--l `Alva II `J, IJIIIJIJV n.IvIr`UIs\'n-U Silver wine ftinnell, Mr. and Miss` China Raikes; cut glass champagne glasses, Mr. C. W. Kortright: sou- venir spoon, M_iss Maude Lally; two fgbooks, Dean Harris, St. Catharines; 1 cut glass bowl, Mr._ and Mrs. Gundy, l Toronto; silver sauce boat. Miss Edith Spotton, Toronto; double set of car- vers, Judge and Mrs. Ardagh; Wedge- wood teapot, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Stewart; silver butter knits, Miss B. Stewart; silver cheese_ scoop, Mr. Choppin, Colhngwood ; silver pen, Mr. Rex Ardsgh; silver tea and coffee spoons, Mr. J. Mitchill, Cayuga; silver ladle, Mr. Holford Ardagh; souvenir spoon, Miss Helen Ardagh ; tray cloth, Mrs. Eustace E. Godfrey Bird; purse of gold, Mr. J. R. Cotter ; sunburst of pearls, Leighton Goldie McCarthy; gold brooch, Mrs. J. R. Cotter; silver soup tureen, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Hill ; set of carvers, Mr. Gunther, New York ; ladle, Mr.. and Mrs. W. G. R. Connolly; table centre, Mrs. Cassett, Brockville; fruit knives, Mrs. Henry Johnson, Dunnville ; opal glass vases, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Giles, Toronto; ve o'clock `tea set, Miss. Katrina Bnell, Brockville; doyley, M188 Mary C itter, Cayuga; after dinner cc-'e_e spoons, Dr. Robert _Lount; two p1c~ tures,'Drs. Mccallom, Dunville ; silver ladle, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Lount, Oc- bourg; silver ladle, Mrs and Miss Hill, Falls; -bottle of scent, _ Mr. John Woods; oak choir, Mr. and Mrs. George Esten; teapot, Mrs. Rad- enhurst ; silver spoons, Mrs. Redditt; silver shoe horn, Mr. Arthur Burton; silver chop dish, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. _Mr. and Mis.JamesfMa_odonald, To =`into:;ktwc of carvers, Mr. and A rs.` .e___;.ore;a'In jug and sugar Mn. Homo, Toronto, . silver dish, Mr. and 1 Mrs. W. i .,.?;.`nI0ry"v:onhhion sand . . sin-. Kins-eons M... _ Lount, Toronto; brass lamps, Judge` and Mrs. Rose, Toronto; inlaid table, H. H. 0'l'TON & SUN The most Economical and Safest Heat- ` ing Stove made. Our store was heated with one of ~ these stoves with 4 .cords wood last winter. Size of store, 90 ft. by 20 ft. In use by other merchants in town, whom we can refer you to. No trouble -to show Stoves. Call on us and see our full line. H. H. tlon & Son we nave urcnasea ana rcopencu Inc Darn: Steam Laun ry. IO Duulor street. with the latest modern a liances or all c asses of work. PAT- BGNIZ A HOME IN DUSTRY, and have our rig all at hour door. SPECIAL OBDEBS.` DELIVER D THE SAME DAY. H. N. Hughes &Bro. Monthly Auction Sale of Horses, Vehicles. Har- 1338,` etc., at the Stables, next door to American ADA "lly Vmxmnv Summon, Box :99. Bmuun, Orrr. Telephone No. 7. 3:~ly Friends from Pickering are visiting at Mr. Stony ; In spite of the bad weather this week quite at number from here too]: in the Elmvale Fain. Some of the Grassland farmers succeeded in taking away nev- Venl prizes STEAM LAUNDRY COMMISSION ....AND..... . SALE STABLES. Horses bought and sold on commission, or board- ed and tted for sale. \ Terms on application. Correspondence solicited. Address. --v---- ww--vulpv-uvv-var Mr. J. `soon; of Minesingf has been engaged `as teacher at Oroaaland for 1899. salad bowl, Dr. and Mrs. Moallnm, Dunnville; china ornament, Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Ault ;, china omn- meat, Mr. and Mrs. W.' C. G. King, Berlin; Wedgewood ower pot`, Mr. "and Mrs. F. S. Baker; Toronto. Next Door to Barrie Hotel. We have urchased and =1-eopened the :fAan\ I,ann ru lt\E nnlnlnn ntrppt. With Ch! tlge SUCCESSORS TO E. S. LALLY. A. LJORREN The... Lightning Heater BARRIE Advance Corrupo;:denco. . .SELLS. .

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