" This was a clear, straightforward state- 1 .. : the :Liberal ~pmy .-acsintronglyii-upon the question o;t;f;he,? public expcnditure,- which, it, was grossly `extravagant-.' In it V delivered at Toronto, Mr. Laurier, in: lpeaking on the subject, said: . Has _ the expendituregone down? No, it a has gone up. It went up two, three, , ve, ten millions and more, until it is now thirty-eight minions; and the Conservatives do not shrink from it, but _ swallow it all. If we come into power we will follow the example of iMr. Mac-_ ` kenzie; and I say that although we may notbe able to bring back the ex- penditures to what they were under him, we can reduce the amount_ two, yes, three million dollars per year- ment, without any beating about the bush, yet the expenditure instead of being out down by two or threemilg lion dollars, has been increased by that amount. It is no excuse for Mr. Fielding to say that if the late Conser- vative` Government had` remained in power it would have expended $41,- ,930,000 in the nancial year 1896 7, where he expended $38,335,000. That may be good enough retort from a party standpoint, but it is no satisfac- tion to those who accepted the pledges of the Liberal leaders and put them in oce to carry them out. The Globe attempts to excuse the increased ex- penditures on the ground that addi- tional sums have been required for the Intercolonial Railway and administer- ing the Yukon District. Ii, however, the Liberal Government had cut down the expenditure by three million dollars sucient money could have been pro- vided for both the Intercolonial and the Yukon, and the expenditure would still have remained below the old`level.- Weekly Sun, Toronto. 1 1 .1. .1`, 1 4 JOHNSON &SARJEA`NT, BARRIE, Im rtera - and Dealers in Coals of all Kinds, and eorge town. Grey and Guelph White Finishing Lime Cements of all kinds, Fire Bricks and Plasterex-`s Hair. Storehouse at the Northern Railway Switch. 5 foot of John street. near the depot. The bond of this L 1 e-is better than that of any other kind, and the f ash superior. Oice--Corner of John and Elizabethutreets. ' .1 MCCARTHY. I.'.lPLlR, Luuuauunx u. uu.w......, Alhston and Creemore. Mobuzruv, Pnnnnb (_3o_IuIouw 8: MCCARTHY ._________.____.____.______.__` _ EWSON &CRESWICKE, barristers. Solici- fon (If the Sn reme_Court of Judicature of -A----\ -nu-On : tlfnPIDI_ Cvemwmnr etc. . 'v . KULT & COWAN, Barristers, Solicitors of the c.........- {`.nurf- P:-actors. Notaries. Convey- Mccuvrnv. Pnpun, MCCARTHY & DUNCAN, Alcfnn and Creemore. a.UI_LpIN Ti.*<"i-`on SALE. :,x':`i'r' `"5 "'-'" .":3u.wE$' of.pr1oo.ono ? s1.s1x.ss. Onuoalplaau. .g. `i9;'.`.`.`:.'; " UTUBEIIII In UIIIIQI. Urgg 1111' I 81219. medicine disoove . Sta * , guaranteed to cure all | uenzinwgv "h;1o1g'ft ! `t'ro- F 0 ve use o huoo. opium or stimulihzn. nailed on recoip \ i "`'.% w.3 a 8`3.."&`.`u? ``"o.?. i `MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUER. ) . BOSANKO. DENTIST, has removed to his .13 ..a:... nun! II.-nan-ann'n hardware. store. It is said that the ban`qnettoe'Premier Hardy in Toronto is to be given as a aliht token of appreciation. It `would be interesting to know where there _ia cause for appreoiatzbn. The `many mistake: he has made of late would justify a banquet `-` as a slight token of Drugs and Chemicals VAMLLA, for ice cream. for instance; Bunno P,owm:n, for cakes. One is a drug. of course ; the other a chemim ; ~ `and there are still others-SPICES of all ` kinds. cream of tartar, etc. In the Kitchen. ,_,,_ - .m_, M ` The host. to get drugs is at a DRUG \ STOR . The drugfist knows more about ` them than other poop e. , We keep :g-ro'c~'d d tvvruv. rug store. Come and ak us about Kihchen`Dm:m. 1 x |MuuKM.An's nnua. STORE _;____..._.-------.--------------- A. RADENHERST, Barrister, Attorney. c..|:.:o.... :. C ant-nrv- Convevancer. etc. `a-sold in gt sagas Drug Store. ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS. S. DUBALV AU. unn .1 151 , mus rcmuvcu w old oice, over Henderson's hardware store. friends W % ::__: T. ARNALL, M.D.C.M,, oce in Bothwelfs Block; Allandale. On the premises at night. 41.Iv VETERINARY .siJii(2:1=:(>1/~13; W goon arug 3:01 B aaengz :(itchen`D|-ugs. I. 'l_5ll'OWN. Barrie, Alliston and Creemore. Lnnmox & Bows, Flmvaln ARE NEEDED EVERY DAY 9: -DUNLOP-ST. BARRIE. :MANU' EEs._ : iI.Y8IClANS. FINAN CIA]; DENTISTS. aple. It is a striking and startling : little doses once a day, but a thing to ~ .'1fhe\Va.1i1e at Fresh Air. J a V The admitted advantage of A an out- . door life in many morbid conditions, . and notably in consuinption, seems to point to the conclusion that there is something denitely injurious sinthe indoor life which is now the common mode of existence among civilized peo- ` thing that the mere removal of. a pa- 3 tient into the open air should lower his fever, should remove his night sweats, I and take away his hectic ush, and it is diicult to avoid the conclusion that if these symptoms are removed by [the purity of the air outside, they must have been largely caused by the im- purity of the air within the house, Nor have weany right to assumethat it is the consumptive" only who su_ ers. Doubtless the healthy struggle against and -- overcome evil inuences before which those who lire tuberculous suc- cumb, but_ that is not to say that in the struggle we do not suffer, and, indeed, ' the facts recently brought forward are suicient to show that the stuffy lifeof warmth and comfort which civilized man now enjoys is bad for the health even of the healthiest. We `make our windows t, we pad our doors, we shiv-_ er at a draught, we surround ourselves with woollen curtains, dusty carpets, and uffy, luxurious upholstery; we breathe the same air" over and over again, and then` we wonder that we are not strong and vigorous.` The fact is we are daily using -up the exuberant vitality with which nature has provided us in struggling against articial con- ditions. How powerful for evil, how deteriorating these conditions are, is shown by the fact that their mere re- moval gives back to the consumptive that vitality which enables him to over- come the seeds of disease within him. Fresh air is not a thing to be taken in live on.-London Hospital. ` LEGAL. OFFICIAL. Us \Jll 43-ly onucx, .1 45-1!- '93 -rQ'v\p--7 .-_.__ A. E. H. CIu:;v:v1cm:. D. F. MACWATT. 311$ of Toronto 5-ly T THE & NO A HE ~ F DvERv1~IsI:N AD\ G RA. VA Presbyterian Home Missions. The regular meeting of the Sub-com; mittee on Home Missions of the Prea- byterian church in Canada was. held last week in Toronto. Revs. A. Find? lay and Robt. Moodie, of Barrie, were among those present. 1111 U5. U Legal Ofcial and Gov r . ments w,i11 be charged at ab(:>\Ir]c:nr`g_Q`1venme. cionrmcr ADVERTISING. ' Contract advertisements will be the following `rates! which are drattu rect commercral pnnciples and will} adhered to. There will be only one on U Ll\ all. IIHCII Inloccaonotnuoonu 2% inches...... . . . . . .. 5inches, % column..... to inches, %.column... aoinches, 1 column..... ~ `For one month-the. three monthly me with 15 per cent. added. `For two months-the three monthly rate with 10 per_cent. added. ' Jvrnfnrrn `nan-Ifun-nu In 4-1. ...-__, Wltu .I.V L wuuvo uuuvuo *H'Pr:eried positions in the paper win be sold at "an advance of one-third on above - rates. This rule will be strictly camed out, ` CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind that notice of intention to change advertisements must be handed into the oice not later than Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for such change must be in Tm: ADVANCE office not later than 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday in any week, otherwise the advertiser s announcement may not be made public until the week fol. lowing. 10 nhonunn nf Arlvnrhanvnnnte nllmmj _ lUWl.ll5c 12 changes of Advertuzements allowed per year. It more are required, composition rates urn` `kn nhnrrna J Illa Ll LUUAU an wcill be charged. _ A Anon:-l>~:aav-n an` ` W111 UV Una: sun. Advertisers win not be allowed to use thei; space for advertlsrng anything outside their own regular busmess. Should they do so transient rates will be charged for such ad. vertisements. Condensed advertisements on first page such as wants of all kinds, lost and found. prnpem; for sale or to rent, specic articles, etc.. etc., must be accompanied with the cash, and will be inserted-hrst insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted as words); but a. reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertion of the same matter exceed four. The following claims for the past half year were considered in detail and passed for the following presbyteries: -Quebeo, $880.503 Montreal, $1,167.- 803 Glengarry, none; Ottawa, $1154; Lanark and Rentrew, $890.10 3 Brock- ville, none; `Kingston, $1631.30 3 Peterboro, $2763 Lindsay, 33323 To- ronto, $312 3 Orangeyille, $653 Barrie, 82,12015 3 Owen Sound, probably $4553 Saugeen, $523 Algome,-3 $2,181.10 3 Jhn Cuts for advertisements must In every case be mounted on solid metal bases. Provincial Building and i Loan Association. ,JOHN RUGEBSUN, is'rAN1)ARD LIFE. ILONDON GUARANTEE AND ACCI DENT (JQMPANY. jPROVINCIAL BUILDING AND LOAN ` ASSOCIATION. ETC., E'EC., ETC. OFFICE---Next door to Bank of Toronto, `OWEN STREET. - - BARBIE Rzpnnsnnrr `ma Fonnowmc Fuzs 1.\'suu.-`cs ` COMPANIES: The Mercantile, now ailiated with The LOD- glon & Lancashire of England. Secur- ity, $x5.ooo,ooo. The Waterloo Mutual, of Waterloo, 0113- Tothl assets, $334,083. ' The Economical Mutual, of Berlin. On!- Total assets, $303,078. Also Llovdfs Plate Glass Insurance C0111` puny, Of NOW York. Cash capxlal, 515-' (III). SCROGGIE &. SMITH, ooo. l And the Sun Loan and Savins Company [ of Ontario. F KTIVBLU IIIIIUS [U 14 counts ooliected. &c. A i MEL I\I'Q? HQIIAQI Guelph, 351; Hamilton, _ $88 ; Paris, $52; London, $39.50;` Chatham, $330; Sarnia, $25 ; Bruce, $42 _, Superior, $4966.50; Winnipeg, 1666 ; Rock Lake, 8489 ; Glenboro, $113.88; Portage` la` Prairie, $757 3 Brandon, $345; Minne- dosa, $1.421 ; Melita, $939 ; Regina, $2545`; Calgary, $l909.-50; Edmon- ton, $2,155; Kamloopa, $3,233.75; Westminster, $745 3 Victoria, $638. The total amount of the claims. allowed was 829, 569.08. ' collected. &c. M Oice over Henderson,s Hardware Store, :Ont., ' SCROGGIE 8:. SMITH; B-AiT0lW& snvmss cu. ; INCORPORATED 1aa1. `SUBSCRIBE? CAPITAL, $250,000. 4 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Thg 86 . urlty 001:1 for D0110 i ~ D811! 13 I Loan street Rust g: unlow B100 8 P k~ so 081: omqeflth side Dunlop 1 8- Y ,r}`he sec _ "W to de p08itol.s . In a Loan Cd). is W d|lbt '-`d 'r ' here is no inata nee 0" record where: dD0gi r h` CV33 mgde a 1 oss bv a Loan C0. `_ AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $5,000,000. YAKIKI I Meaford I `l'\A\IQ on-n 103; -Stratford and all intermediate Stauu--Evpe szaso. smcrrv or TORONTO_wi1l 1eav .. tang at I .m. and Midland 2 .m dail) - (smday F51 ceptecl) fog Parr Sound, cgnnecting `hem ;:11t, P3"? Sound R.. and steamers for BY Thurs- Franc}; River and Killarney on Monday 3" daxlmfhts. A ply to_ all Railway Agentssouud. N '1` `AND, lIXON 8: CO. Azenta. 0 H; M. BURTON. Manager, Collingwood. 0"" Sound. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO, Agents. Owe All LAN 1.), nuxun on vv. nm......, . . Collingwood. _ MAITLAND, Agents.` STORE and DWELLING 1'9 Rant. The following are _among the ep- pointmenta of jpieaioneriee: v~ ' _` ;Nq. meet, just weatof W %~on_ `r-= mu ""` 3s"" welm` : Number of inches nan:-`A 121 Private funds to lban on first mortgages` nuns. ~.ll....on.l Ry.- CONDENSED ADVERTISEMES TS. FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, &.C. .A.G-IE].\'l"I` 'V A Barrie-.Rev; `Edington, Messrs.- S. McKinney, J. S. Bgin, J. M00011:-. inane. W. B. Human. ' ,_, uuuklu price for Deponu. Ac- North Bay`--.Rev..' Jas. Anderson, Messrs. A."Bel1,TW. Ross, ,A. M. Beyle,.D.e W. S. `Urquhart, `Wm. An- derson; R. L. ` MoFu-lane, F. Welsh; L. H. Currie and D. McKay. 4- ' Report for 8. B. No. 1. Oro. for September. IV--Rose Oameron, J no. Raikes, Jessie Hnbbert, Alma Williams, Chas; Walker, Duncan Cameron, Andrew Fraser. Sr. III'--Alice Malcolm, Emma Wortley, Fred , Sanderson. , Sr. II-V- Ida Malcolm, Jennie Graham mu. Williams, Eleanor Deane (eqnal), John Simpson,` -Hngh Graham. Jr. -1}... Maggie Palk. .Wm._ . Perro'tt,- Wm. `P72 .,F`; lF .'Y+ 0 .~~`-o.t(~`l3.,'.,:J;~*h lamb Pvt-out WI. A POLITICAL HUMBUG. Since the election of March 1st last, the Hardy Government has given every evidence of being a political humbug. In August last they called an early half-session of parliament to cover up i a few holes to which they seemed to i be surely approaching. Having got rid of the constable diiculty to their satisfaction, Messrs. Hardy and collea- gues amended the existing laws to ` permit the hearing of election protests before the tail end of the session was reached. In their frightened condition, however, they forgot to make it legal ` to hold bye-elections during the ad- journment. Therefore a short time ago when the Government issued a writ for a bye election in Southuntarioa a Uonservative drew attention to the fact that it is illegal to hold an election during an adjourned session. This was a cruel. heartless thing for that Uonser- - vative to do, and he-must henceforth be known as a wicked Tory, for he put the Government into an awful hole, where they must soon perish unless rescued. Lieut.-Governor Mowat came to their rescue, however, and at once prorogued parliament to make bye-elections legal. A new writ will therefore be issued for South Ontario, and the old one put with the bundle of other papers which record the mistakes of this `dying Government. Such muddling need not have occurred if Messrs. Hardy, Boss At 00. had only known` 5 but they didn't know, therefore are one session nearer the grave. lmmssnm; about the tiuoststat Sim- ouoo. Jail the Past Year. i i 'The jail authorities hm nished" compiling the atetietios of the" county jail for the year ending the 30th of September, whichere annually required by the Provincial Government. Some % interesting facts were "gleaned by an i ADVALNCE reporter from the gures. .0 The total expenditure for the year. was $574~_9,45, of which $2000 was for salaries, $2491.12 for repairs, and $3,- 508.33 o1;__fuel, food,.cloth_ing0 and all 1 other itetiis, except salaries and repairs. The dgili cost. per prisoner f(')lf ru- tions was 9 5/6 cents, The total number of prisoners com-V mitted during the year was 182 males and 19 females, making a total of 201. Last year ` the total number` was 227, but the division as between males and females was di'er'ent-t-here being` 209 males and 18 females. The greatest number conned at any one time was 46 and _the least number was 27. V The total number of days served by priaenera was" 12,77 3. 'n._1 J S,,, A1-,_ The number committed during the past year who were under 16 years of age was 4- males and'2`Vfema1es; number committed for the ret time, 154 ; num- ber committed for the secondtime, 27 3 number committed for the third time, '5; number "committed formore than the third time 15. A. SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLAR BLUNDER. Mr. Hardy's mistake in providing by low that election trials migho go on during the long session of the Legisla- ture, and that new elections to ll vs- osnt seats could not be legally `held, is remedied by the prorogsoion of the As-A Iembly. Of the 201 prisoners committed dur- ing thetyear, 15 were committed as in- sane; .29 were acquitted on trial and discharged from custody, 6 were dis- charged under suspended sentence and w 151 were sentenced to various periods. The offences for which prisoners were committed were : -Vsgrnncy .66, lsr ceny 32, drunk and disorderly 11, in- sane 15, felonious assault 3, common assault 12, house-breaking 3, rape and fruud 3, abduction 0, burglary 0, con- tempt. of court 4, forgery 2, horse, ost- tle or sheep stealing 13, indecent as- sault or exposure 2, and trespass 3 arson 2, g debt 0, destroying pro- perty 1, perjury 0, seduction 2, threat- ening lsngusge 0, other offences not above mentioned 6. The nationalities of the prisoners were :-Oanadians 121 , English 26, Irish 31, Scotch 11, United States 4: other countries 8. The religious denominations were? represented ` in the following propor- tions :- Church of England 57, Roman Catholic 58, Presbyterian 37, Metho- dist 41, other denominations 8. The"etatiat.ica abrd argument in favor of matrimony inasmuch as only ` 59 of the 20lVwere married and 142 were unmarried. The trades and occupations of the prisoners are classied as follows : - Laborers 108, boys without occupations 2, sailors and shermen 1, farmers -and yeoman 19, clerks, book-keepers and students 2, coopers 0, butchers 3, mould- era 1, pedlers 3, blacksmiths 2, boiler. makers 0, shcemakers 3, carpenters "4, dress-makers 0, agents 0, commercial travellers 0, bakers 0, brick-makers and brick-layers 0, cabinet makers and upholsterers 0, collectors 0, household- ers O, printers 1, plumbers and painters 1, prostitutes 4, masons 2,` railwaymen 2, servants 1.3, tailor 1, barber 1, wood turner l, trapper 1,,teamster 1, teacher. " V':l`iwenty-ve could neither read not write. .72 were reported temperate and 1 2.9 irzteuiperate. 1, miller 1; `gardeners 2, drnggiet 1.. Two were without` any. occupation and 5 had occupations" other than those enumerated above. 1 cam. Need Not bag. I '_A Canadian, oonacioueof his ooun-`I try : defects, has still some peaaon toi beheve that, on the whole, Ounedxana are the best people and Uanade iethe beat eountry in` the world. I ,,,1 n-___.s: _ _ _ . _._ w--.- v----- --` `At "that, Canada and Canadians are both capable of decided improvement; but certain` Canadians are a little weary of being told` that they must alter their national habits and charac- teristics, they must do this and that, or immigrants will` shun their country. Let them chum. C V ' . Canada does not have to beg for people to1come.and~live_ here. The duty of thevjhocr Jiaftojdevelop the will give to the P`59P` `her are * hares 3"7*9s.=- f-'-,t~ as u`i;heyr"os Zprorogatione of the Heuse makes. the August constable sitting a pomplete seeaion up to October 12. and entitles every member to a full eeeeionl indem- nity end` to tuxleage for the August ub- aurdity.. A ' ` V ` 9 I -,- -,-- _-,,___".-._L!___ JAIL STATISTICS.` rm NOMHIQRNADVANGR was Stanley, the African. explorer, w discovered the Kola: lant on `the banksof the Conzosmver in A ca, and sat- terers from Asthma have to thank him for thedlscovery orapermanent cure. Clarke's Kola Compound, represents this wonderful medicinal plant in a Aehighl concentrated form. It is a ositire cure or asthma. and has been teste in severest cases. "Endorsed by eminent physicians everywhere, and borne out by the testimony or the cured ones. Mr. W. R. Hume of Kam- Rops, B. C... a . C. P. B. engineer on 0 Western Division, `was a sufferer from asthma in its worst form for over twelve years. Nothln gave him more than the merest relief untl the railway physi- cian prescribed Clarke's Kola Compound. He took two bottles and was permanently cured. If you doubt it write him for par- ticulars of his case. Clarke's Kola Com- pound is sold bly all druggists. Price two dollars per bott e ; three bottles, with cure guaranteed. for ve dollars. The Grlfthu 8: Macpherson Co., 121 Church street, To- ronto, or Vancouver, B.C. 1. an a n uv-u_ __________ shunned by _ontsidere the ceuntrv -"would have no reason for despair if Canadiens could be kept in their own 1 oountry.-Telegrsm. ` ,..1.,..:c;z?,.;....;.;..,.1e.,.. - Mr. H. Young and family contem- plate moving to Manitoba in the! spring. --n ['1 I I\ `II! W` Th; Misses Cairns, of Orillia, are visiting at their aunt's here, Mrs. Jas. Gauley. VTK1:eshing is now about over. and we are assured by the threshers that there is barely half an average crop. The widow of the- late Mr. Samuel Danny has `removed from this place and gone to her friends in Bellneran. Mr. J as. Davidson's brick house is almost completed. add the young people ` are wondering if there will be a. house- warming. ` ` ' ` ---w-.-J- . If there had been no prorocetion, but simply an adjournment, as intend- ed, there would have been bntone in- demnity for the complete session from Aogult until next`M9toh.`_ . l ` HAY FEVER Several of our young men went out to Manitoba for the harvest and some of them have written home stating. that they are at the present time get- ting thirty-ve dollars per month. I think more of our young men ahonid take Horace Greeley : advice, Go , west, young man." `-'l'l:oIo!s1:h'1':tp:-ofoltlzopiannoou -!o:-this which --hubsod:'nod1oa.lso1onootor The Methodist church of this place celebratedtheir Harvest Home on Sun- day and Monday the 2nd and 3rd. inst. The church was beautifully decorated with plants and owers, etc., which gave a bright and pleasing ap- pearance to the building. The Rev. Dr. Taylor of Allandale, preached. a very appropriate and instructive ser- mon to an attentive audience in the morning, and the pastor, Rev. Mr. Walker, preached in the evening. On Monday evening a sumptuous tea was served by the ladies of the congrega- tion, after which a well prepared pro- ' gram was rendered. Addresses were given by Rev. Mr. Hudson, of Barrie, and Rev. Mr. Leishman, of Angus, choice selections by the choir, readings by Mr. F. W. Trott and Miss Mabel Fisher, solos by Miss Warner and_Miss Young. The Chairman s address, I am sorry to say, was reserved for some _ l future occasion. I Miss Rachael McKnight has return- ed home from an extended unit to Manitoba and the Northwest. Mr. and Mrs. R.Little attended` the teachers convention in Allieton last week, and they report it as one of the most successful conventions held in S. h W. Simooe for some time. Many of the people in this neighbor- hood attended several of the fairs held` in this part of the county this fallvand they say that Barrie was -far ahead of any of them 3 even Collingwood was not as good. a V ! We are glad to beable to state that !'the anniversary services in the Bath- esda church were a success. The euc case which attended them goes to prove that the free"-will ekeringe method of raising money for church purposes in a Much bettenway than by having tea '-1iaitiea.' ` V` ` can 1. n n A Given Oarbolic Acid. A_rthu1'-.Fee, of the sixth concession of Collinlzwood Toivnship, met his death in a peculiar way. Deceased, .whc~`waa eighteen years of age, had been ill, a_n'd his m`o{l_iei- accidentally ad- ministered` ajdose of can.-belie acid in- gsteed 9% &h9n-v':-.1ia1.v=s . i Seeing that there will be two sessions snd two indemnities-one ~ for the ses- sion just prorogued, and slnother for. the session next yeer--the cost to the provinee of this Bsrdy blunder will b9 gm 860,000. s e e an - :L-_.___-. L- .;.s_- V-n___..`:-._ _:n 1;. 1 wnj explorer, .:I|ut-nvorn the Kola nlant (Too late for last week's iuue. (Too late for last week's issue.) Advance donesonflenee. K11l}`le88`h- \ `Youths : Koln Compound [unnamed to cure in Hay Fever. All Dnluinl loll 1;. V I ISIIIIVGJG Baguio oce-eor. Dunlop and Owen sts. Elm- valoodo-oppoIi9:e Hunt : hotel. Money to loan at Iowa: I-ates. ' > ' u I501`! ac. ruw Glo. E. j.RBn`9wN. 1| man. A ll` Ac KAUIHHUKDI, Darnswt, IIIIIIIIIU ) 0 Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyance: Owen st:-eet,`over Bank 0? C` ----AA apnea 4- 11 `ton of the, Sn reme noun or Jumuuuw u. ' Conve cgrs, 0 tari , Procto . Mzieyoto loan.` goes-Ross Block, 3111:. ft is If _____ _- - A W H CIIRSWICKE. v Tile blmquet to the Premier will be- held ` arly. nq;t.Tmonth.-+Ma_il1Empi'e. `TRATHY. & BSTEN. Barristers, soucagogs in High Court ofjustices, Notaries Public, n.'......m..m..-g- Dces ave: the Bank of Toronto, C. E. Hxwso2;`. Siolicitox-s High Court or Justnces, uotanes : uuu.,, Conveyancers. Oees ovex Rn l'P:D._ ULT Barristers, Solicitors ox me Supreme Court, Proctors. Notaries, Conga- ,. ancers. etc. Money to Loan. Oiccs-Ross' Bl Dunlap-st., Banfie. Wgtnmeron Aurxr. Aux. Comm. DICKINSON & MACWATT, Barristers, No; - 'taries Public, Solicitors of Supreme Court, etc., Barrie, Ont. Oees in Bank of Tomato Block, No. . Owen street. Branch oie, Elmvale, McKeggie's IAAI. CCARTI-IY, PEPLER & MCCARTHY, Bar- risters, Solicitors. Conveyance:-3, `etc. D AL'rox Mccmunv, Q.C. F. E. P. Pnrmn, Q.C. J. A. MCCARTHY. D. C. Muxcmsou. Barrie. M. M. CAMPBELL, Barrister Notary, etc. Mone toloan. 05 Stayner. Barns k 01 Budding, Owen street. ` ' ONALD ROSS B. A.-Ba.:-rister, Solicitor, Conveyancer. etc... money to `loan. Ofoes, Bank of Toronto Building, Owen street. Barrie. 48-ly R. PALMER, Surgeon, Eye, Ear, Throat, Nose, 40 College street, Toronto, may be con- sulted at the ueen's Hotel, Barrie, on Friday, Oct. the nth. from to n a..m,, and the second Fnday of every month. 1] Toronto, Fellow ot Innxty meouzu uuucgc, Member of the College of Physicnns and Surgeons of_ Ontario. Oice and Residence, 18 Owen street. ? I ` NOTES. - 1" If My. -;_`n1oqk iI not cqnofnl he :%...a.t.;1.cd::ss eh; um 61otion.f' Trinity . G;-Eduate of Trinity Medncal College, University :1 Surgeons R. 0. SMITH, L.C.P.S., Ont., (late of Drs. 'e & Smith Orillia.) Oce and residence -comer of Owen anti Collxer streets, Barrie. 23-ly R. w."A. iioss, Ph " ,s tc., L. R.O.S. Edin;,' L.R agfafondgfwgkfaes and night residence--Brown's Block, Dunlop stteet, Barrie. Telephone 77. I)R.MI. ARTHUR ROSS, L. R. C. P. &S. Edin.; . . 8: S. Glas ., Spec1al' t -E Earp 'I`lu-Ago. QE:-I {Inna ac fnved tn Sznder}: : Block. .1} M. 1`. 1 dz 5. ulasg. apecm - , Throa_t~ and Nose. Has removed to S`gnd:r : Bl:::kt, opposxte post ofiice. Phone 54. 7-ly theuounty. Real estate bought and solo. ponvey- ancing in all its, branches. Marriage Licenses issued. Oce--Ross Block, Dunlop street Barrie. A Bali], O` H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN . on Rnl Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Discounted. Collections made in any of theCount.y. Real estate bought and sold. nvey- anoincr :11 all its branches. Marriage ! FOR INVESTMENT on good I $ , freehold security at lowest rate of interest. No rincipal money required until end of the term. . H, STRAIHY, Solicitor, Etc., 1'! Da--:. me 5511 Battle. ONEY AT 4} AND 5 PEI: CENT.-We have a large amount of pnvate funds to loan at four and a half and 5 per cent., payable yearly Loans on mortgage will be made u to one half the value of the property offered. Mc ART!-KY, Pnpum 8: MCCARTHY. Barristers. &c_.. Barrie. IJAS. EDWARDS |.... .. .`3"V"-Y`i`."'?. pa Barrie . ` Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 mr cant- R 'r. BANTING, Clerk County of Simooe, will be at his oce. at the Court House. Barrie, every Saturdav. Residence and P.0. Cookstown. ` ' I 1----_ ,, .-_ ENNOX. BOYS :5 BROWN, Bu-asters, sou;-. J `itgx-5*` &c. I-{wan-ron Lyxmox, W. A. Bows, Rn`:-Anna. HE BALL PLANIING MILL COMPANY-` Ca nterin , Building and manufacturing of , Doors. . B ' ds, Mouldings, etc. Planin f 0 2| kinda dnne nrnrnnv and ancfa:-tnrilu iln J omi Dxcxmson, B.A. &IIi Z I riilill ! At his oice until 5 p.m.; at his private residence, 68 ' I Mary street. after that hour. u-ly I IJOOTSQ oaan, IDIIUIIS, VIUuI(IIIIg3p etc: rlauln 0! all kinds done promptly_ and satisfactorily. ot Blast Drying Kiln. Dxstnct agency for rained lum- ber. Factory-Bayeld Street, Barrie. ODGERS & GALLIE successors to Geo. Ball. ] `W F. C. GREGG, Veterinary Surgeon. Honor! Graduate Ont. Vet. College, Honor member Medical Societv. 0ices-0ver Ewan: Dry Good store. Dunlon St. Residence r6 Muleaster St. | FRANKLIN J. ROBINSON. GRADUATE OF the School of Practical Science, Toronto. Civil Engineer and Ontario Land Sgrveyor. Plans speci- cations and estimates `on all engineering works pre- Eared and submitted on the shortest notice. Office. othwell's Block. Dunlop street. Barrie. :5-ly amid`: visitor in our ?` How do, you malts that out 9"` `said anothor. ._"Why," continued he, is he mags many more appointment; to the post voioe from North York, he will Vhajvo no