Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 20 Oct 1898, p. 1

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B ARRIE,i COUNTY OF SIMCOE, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 20, 1898. CANNED snmmps LCANNED: CRABS s CANNED .PIL0HA_R`DS4 W .SHREDDED-WHEAT BIso?U;'rs LFLAKED BARLEY LTBAGKAGE MINCE-MEA15 % ` L ':(3."Pies%':fp`r A]ce_n'I`:s.)1 .`-.---gm . -up nigh -r`I-1-.-.1-u-r1--l-nn\'r1-.1~i1'- -`. vvus lav uuuuuuuu BU DU ULIUU.` E J. O'Connell, 39 Berczv street, wrote as follows : "I moved to Barrie about the second week in April, bringing with me a dog belonging to a friend to which friend I afterwards took it. I had him in my pos- session about three months._ I never knew I was taxed for a. dog until Oct. 10th, when Chief King handed me a document to that effect. I have not done away with the dog to avoid taxation and I hope I will not have to pay a tax on an animal that I have not got. g No Assessor has put in his appear- ance in my house since I have been in Bar- rie, so I knew nothing about dog tax until to-day, 10th inst. He now says he left a slip of paper at mv door, but I never re- ceived it. - `I5.-- I1`? be I1 ? . . I II Rey. W. S. Westney wrote as follows :- In reference to the application of B. Par- ker, of i Ward No. 6. for a license to conduct a livery business in your town in Ward No. 6, I would crave your indulgence while I present his case to your notice. First, he only keeps two horses for hire and one horse" for carting. His livery does not interfere with the liveries in your town where there are from 10 to 12 horses kept for hire, as he is only patronized by that portion of Ward No. 6 who would not in nine cases out of ten go to the large liveries in the centre part of the town. so that his small livery in Ward 6 is an accommodation to the Allandale por~ tion of your town without-detracting from the large liveries. I humbly ask you under these circumstances if you could not make his livery license and carter s license com-- bined, say, your charge for a- regular livery license where a large number of horses are kept, viz., $12.50 instead of $18.50. REPORT an n. H. wnBB s cum. Your Committee on Finance having some time ago agreed with Mr. R. H. Webb that k. I... ....:.I'aI... ...._. -: arm: n__ _1-._.-._-_ L- L2- VII IIUUU VUII V CIIIVI-I970 G, A. Radenhurst wrote: I am in- structed by Miss Lee to notify you that the stairway leading up to their property on- Clapperton street is badly out of repair and to request you tohave it out in proper re- pair at once. As you are no doubt aware, the natural approach to their property was cut away by the town authorities some years ago when the hill on Clapperton street was graded and access to this property of theirs was thus cut o' except by means of a stair- way. The -town made the stairway and has ever since maintained it, as was only just ; that being the only. compensation they ever received from the town for the detriment done to their property. Last year, I believe, the Board of Works purposed putting these steps in repair, but by some oconlent inu- ence the work was stayed. I trust now that the matter is brought no your attention it will be attended to at once. ' `H T l\`I`I-.___`ll nn TI___,____ _L_,--L ___,-;__ Dickinson& Mscwstt wrote: We are instructed by the executors of the Ross es- tate to collect $21. being one year's rent of lot No. 17 on the east side of Bradford street occupied by your crushing machine. Please let us have cheque for same at your eariiest convenience. ~ ` A T` _I_,L I, 111` CIKU DSIUUU WIUU Jlllfo IN: Eu 7' UUU Dlllll :1: `I379 paid the sum of $35 for damages to his } `In THEWLORLD `TEA. ?C0F3E1g,AnD., ,C9CgA`.,J:_._! Ill-IV UUUIIIUII UL III! IIUIIUDIIIQ .Cl-III CIUUIL Illilln cohwebs. The ceiling and cornice "were 1 then retinted, the furnituregiven a fresh,` coat of paint, the `walls pa erede and new _ blinds put on thewindows. ariety of color is the rst thing that strikes the eye when viewing, the many changes. The Chairman, however, has given themanyvariegated colors as pleasant a blending as possible. There are other artists `who would probably have used fewer colors with better effect. The part of the chamber inside the railing has been laid with fancy hemp carpet ; this is a very great improvement and adds much to the beauty of the room. To Chairman Caldwell the members of the press make their humble bow for` the new table. The baize covering was a luxury they did not ex- - pect. Re otters are insatiable, however, `and now al they want is a 'gas jet; as gas is usually so plentitul in the Council Cham- her. they think some might be spared for the press corner. The beaming countenance of the Chairman on Monday night was but an index of the satisfaction that prevailed in connection with the improvements which had been well done at comparatively little cost. Her Majesty Queen Victoria will henceforth look upon proceedings from an excellent icture of herselt which hangs above the ayor s chair. This will have a tendency to keep unruly members in order. The ebeenieee on Mondef night were Councillors Newbery, Peacock. Williamson, Andrew, and Johnson. COMMUNICATIONS. - The following communications were read and referred to their proper committees :- T\I I I I `I III? MORTGAGE sALL-:| qBE1*iGAL'0L13A"GEUTNEi? `- ` MANGO onurmcy % f THE _M9T.`VEmf919V%3131!I4IES` , AN'rno-aooacoou.- `any 1 to I V MRS. s.-pYu1:NT.;'Iu1'igu.::oe:.'fo_4a._ lsomz. new; muss. furnithre; bereft ef the old Hem carpet and 4 the cushion of dirt beneeth. an freed of -its nnkungkn "Vin- -'.II3__ __J A--an-an manna Tucketfs cigars. ' THEREARE NO CIGARS IN THE MARKET EQUAL IN QUALITY TO A voun DEALER PAYS A ICOMPLIMENTTO voun GOODTASTE WHEN HE OF- "FEES YOU |ONE.A ' ` 36-ly Mr. Bert Stokes, of Hamilton, is visiting friends in town. UNDEI{ and pursuant to the Power of Sale con- tained in a. certain Mortgage (which will be Produced at the time of sale) there will be offered for We by PUBLIC AUCTION. b Mr. w. D. Ma- Conkcy. Auctionec-.r, at the QUEN'S HOTEL, in he Town of Barrie. on n-L_, `I ..-.. - _- . a `AAA Mr. VJ: Bualo, was in town a. few days last week. 1 Mr. Leighton G. Mocoothy, of Toronto, was in town over Sunday. ` ' `I `II, 1` I IRII p ` "CO yuu JLILI UUUIDIULI IUD . Bennett--"Love -Thet "the Clerk inform this Council now `what parties usually-' taking out licenses in the town have not done so this year. or are carrying on their business without the necessary license. The discussion brought out information not in possession of the mover and seconder and the motion was withdrawn. ` Z Tofraoce, of Toronto, was in town on business last; week. Mrs.- S. [Sam-jea.nt is visiting friendo in Bradford and Toronto. Miss M&L-yTTI"Zltcl-1Z;t;Zleft last Thursday 0 a. visit to friends in Buffalo. V lady riders class it Elrnrelezfeirtleetrvreelriv Miss Nellie Howard, of Tbrdnto. ia.visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Frank Barry, Clapperton street. ' Il_._ I`C-___..- I'I,`I_ L, ,, __,1,,,,_, , J 4, O IIVI uunuuuu. AUI 1000 ""auup|.I:u.o Love-Brennan-That there be a new two-plank sidewalk put down on tbenorth side of Wellington street from Peel street to Mr. Stephens s residence. A discussion tollowedp the introduction of this motion, in which it was stated that other more thickly populated portions of the town had been refused a similar priv_iiege.. The motion was put and declared lost. nnhnn4,nT nun ,,"`IuunC Ivlnn (`inn-lr `:I\`l\I|I'I`| Mr. Percy enley. Cobourg, spent 9. few days in town during the past week. 11- - 1:6 I I N Miss. Addie .TavIor tgoli rz f;v>riTzz' the lady class at Elmvale fair last 'wee_k. "IRS-.. \T-I I2_ T`I'-_-.._j _' III--.__`_.;_ saaI&;`yf 2"'E1"aai:,y. or number, -1898i W]`!;.l`1l': Walter Sarjeant attended the Christ- in Endeavor Union Convention in Hamil- tonvlnat week. A T'____. __ If I .2 AI, , `I_!I `I II-It LLCIPUIQ IIVVI KJULIIIGJO Mrs. W. F. Neylor and Master Willie Naylor, of Brampton, were visiting with Mrs. Albert Navlor last week. - `IKE..- T\..:.... 13-..] ...._:..-.1 L-...- -_ f'I'I..-...I'__ Chairman Caldwell, of Fire and Police, reported as follows :-" Your Committee on Fire and Police having had before them the communication from Mrs. Grant requesting a rebate on livery license from Sept. lst last, beg to report and recommend as fol- lows :-That they cannot see their way clear to recommend any rebate or refund as requested`, as the introduction of such a precedent is not in the best interests ot the town. . 'I,1 ,, II,,,,. _ U\IV'IIn The report was amended as follows on motion of'Re_eve McLean and Councillor Powell :-l`hst Mrs. Grant. be granted a rebate of $4 on the livery license paid by her husband for 1898 --Adopted. Tjunrn 1. -an-nan That bknnn HA and many E Personal News. 1 J. H. Henry, of Orillia. was in town last M week. '""i1'."X. ':;[;er. A., of the Mail-Emoire, Toronto, visited his dparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Harper. over Sun ay. Mrs W 14` mania- nun` unnbnn W`:n &VLl-n IllVlIa LVQYIUI IBBII VVUUIBO Miss Daisy Bond arrived home on Tuesday night of last week after several weeks visit with relatives and friends in Toronto. The anniversary services in connection with Collier street Methodist Sunday. school were held on Sunday. Rev. W. J. Smith, M.A., of Toronto, reached to the children in the morning, an to a large congregation in the evening. In the afternoon be ad dressed an open \ meeting of, the Sunday school. The reverend r gentleman a sermons and address were much appreciated. ` ' l\ in On Mondavevening an entertainment was given by the members ot the school. the fol- lowing persons taking part :-Lillie Eng- land, Hazel Smith, Theresa Hurd, Susy Barber, Beecher Conron, Annie Blow, Harry and- Charlie Smith, Percy Plaxton, Edith Dodds. Marshall Freek-, Ada Otton, Beatrice Metcalf, Lillie Williams. .lola Plaxton, K. McNeil. May Barber. Roy . Tyrer, Mamie Blow. Fanny Freek, Mamie Hook-, Reggie Hardman, Zita Shaw, Mabel Williams, Bes~ sie Neelands, Ethel Hurd, Ruby Edwards, Zeno Evans, Percy Sarjeaut, Ada and Viola iiohardson, the Cunningham Boys, and Selby Smith; ` . ` The children who took. part in the Kinder-V arten selections were :-Katie and Clara: odgers, Cora Lightfoot. Sadie Ellis, Birdie Rpm ! ~'nnun"D`nvFnn Ann `ll.`nu.h-..-. '_Tn-huh: propertyon Elizabeth` street on account of. the `grade of said streetbeing raised some two years ago. beg to recommend to your - honorable body that 'th`e`rsaid sum be paid" Mr. R B. Webb in full of all claims `for damages to said property.-Adopted. ` A rumnwr or Acooum-s. ` The Finance ?C_ommittee'reco'mmended that the following accounts he paid` :--L'; h - N. Wheeler, board of indigent; . . . .3 21 00 Peter Kearns. account . . . . . . . . . . . '. . 4 50 Mrs. Ferguson. u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T1 45 Watson Jones, in . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . 2 00 James Craig. u z . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 50 Fire Brigade, 2 calls` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 50 u ushing sewers . . . . . . , 7 00 Barrie Electric Light Co. . . . ., . . . . , 90 Barrie Gas ()0 . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 88 G. G. Smith, salary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 00 E. William, n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 17 Jno. Powell, on M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 50 Samuel Louut, account . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Citizens Gas Control Co . . . . . . . . . . . l 25 Examiner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . 43 30 Gazette...` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 50 Hugh Lourd, -work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 38 ,T .. - 0 M I I At :2 o'clock. noon. ` _ , ge following Valuable Farm Property, that 18 to \';_. - . / Part of mm the west half of lot number fteen, in the ta J concession of the said Township of 0:0, con- lumg . 80 acres. more or less, and part of the out halt of 1 id To at number fteen in the tenth concession of wnchin Al` O... nnacnlni-in Cl` anon: omn-Ant ILIIIHII JJUICI \I, 51 J. Clarkson, n . . . . . . . . David Stewart. . . . . . . . . . . ; . . Wm. Sibbald . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . Barrie Gas Co . . . . . . . . . . . 4. . . Jno. McDonagh. work . . . . . . . Roderick McDonagh, work . . LUV! 04 Report was adopted. (`I C I` I In UIIIUVUO Mrs. George Holz hag returned to her home in Buffalo after visiting friends in town. I]. I`I7_IL___ G__-_-.; _L4,. , S, ,1 AI , til 9 1 IJKVIB \JUlC JJIEIIDIVUUQ IJDIIIU IHIIJU, IJIIVIIV Bond, Dora. Plnxton, Edna. Hnrdman, Jennie Barrand. Ada 0tton.vFa.nnie Sanders, Maggie Henry. Geraldine Lower, J oe-Rodaers. Percy Sarjennt, Percy Plaxton,' Harry Morten, Rayn Hunter. Frank Smit . rm... .............I.. ..c u....`.:.. .'. .....a 1:-...1_..I J.I_D,-.I..luI.IVUlg xswun uuuliuo _ The proceeds of Sunday and Monday_i amounted to about 855, A \ .|L Eddv, the 13v-`veer-old son of Reeve Hardy, of Cheffey, near Huntsville, ` was kicked in the head by_ a horse, and hiaekull. over the eyes, a place nearly as large as any enfali hen 683. was crushed in. ' To the u- 1toniahment'of the doctdre and his at-enta,T after receiving the kick he welie to the house with his brother, but was iuseneible en. te the V wound and how he.`-goth. Dr, Leciair was sent for, end on bin, e.rri'val,.'-- `1ir.iienV he i di_n6vered"~_th`eA nature` ole-`the; _.wou.nd.. fsslvjised . bi|i?`1'0m0.Ye_l. N? ,th.&iG,ne_;alg hes ital. which was done. Du_.*Hewh_u':d{ qleir;-edreseedl thewcnhd endjricvfedvv no~~l`eu/ than" 13: piec(eIof~ skull snribitu oi 'gre|_u fund npieee_ of hoett . T- Sunday School Anniversary. His Skull Crushed In. board of `indigentg... .3 21 00 , account: . . . .1 4 II. .....'. .. '71 I, '........- .. 200 z . . 2 . 31 ioLightCo . J . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . .; V .. t, . . . 25 . . . . . . . . . . work . ll . o . n a u o n a 2 00 t. . . . . . . . . 2 63 . . . . . . . . 63 J . ; . . . . . . .. I 65 gh. . . . . . _, 75 Donagh, . . . . . . 75 --nu or lot fteen in the tenth concession of `the 1:3s'd To_wnship of Oro. containing to acne. gnor or d 5) &1d _parcel of land being more pnrtxcu rly cflbcd m Registered Instrument No 3489 for Oro. Unis AND L ormmous or SALE.--Ten per cent of M Pufqlvase money on the day of sale and the 3:08 In _th:rty days with interest at 6 per cent. 09? wull be a geserved bid. P urther partsculars apply to STEWART & STEWART. Vendors Solicitors, Barrie. Ont. rrie October .18. x8q8. - _ 41-43 7 .3221 24 gt$"]:`housenda of of new Boots and Shoes for men, worn and children are being aleughtered at C. Irwin s in B. % Hinds : old store. Eimnorted B ver Drercoats, Black or 0 Blue, single an 0 le "breasted, best trim- mings and Jin' . or $10.00, $12.00 and $l500a.t Hun Br . -The alterations in the Hinds block on Elizabeth street are nearing completion, The brick work is nished and another store front, west of the present one, has been put in. These are to~he tted with plate glass which with the improved interiors will fur- nish the West End with one of the most complete and up-to-date business stands in town. flII,_ l!,,4 .!;.! _A,, -2 I;L- TT_L,__..) `f3_A $'Tbe Wom" s Auxiliary of the R. V. ` Hospital intend ving a. grand concert in M the Opera House 0 Thursday evening, Nov. 3 3rd. Proceeds in a of the Hospital fund. Further particulars -_I-I-II "\ 1-I 1 u . 'The' Rev. D Henderson, who is report- ed to be the mos eloquent minister of the Methodist church Canada, preaches next Sunday morning an evening in Collier st. church in behalf of sions. --B. Parker, of Allandale. was on Mon- day acquitted of the charge of breaking the livery license by-law, the evidence going to show that be neither asked -nor received any thing for the rig which he loaned to another person. --Annie Ross, aged over 60 years, died in the gaol on Monday morning. She was com- mitted as insane last week from Collingwood vicinity. The customary inquest was held on Monday afternoon, the jury returning a verdict that deceased had come to'her death a through natural causes. A-n_._`--,_ `-In_ __ w9_ AJn_, pu- ":Eh-en`1any friends of Mrs. J. E. Will- Amott, Mulcaster street, Wlll regret to hear- that she has been obliofed to have the third- nger of her right hand amputated. ` A gathering at the baseof the nail necessitated the operation, which was successfully per- formed on Tuesday afternoon. . 1- . an 1 1-1- `nal slttingswill be held on Friday. .lU"Ila -Tbe first sittings of Ethe Voters List Court of Revision for the Town of Barrie was held before - His Honor Judge Ardagh ` on Tuesday afternoon. Messrs. H. H. Strathy. Q. C., A. E. H. Creswicke and R J. Fletcher appeared in the interests of Con- serystives, and Messrs, Donald Ross, A. F. Hunter and!) McNiven in Reformers.` '.l'he ,: !II I,_ - I 1] I DUAV ; uu.. ....-- ..-. _ And wish to enter a. Business C II that has 73 per can`... 0! its Gritlellen ' good situations correspond with thg 9| an Excelsior Business collage, B3m,,_ Documents on le to prove this Btatgment 6-1 v - 2 3 W. J. ROSS, Principal, Ix gersll Co. Pea Fed HCDVIVIA; Cured Rams and Bacon` at I0'l`ll WELI. S. -The next attraction at the Grand Opera House is the comedy success, "What Hap- pened to Jones, by Geo. H. Broadhnrst. Eaq.. Friday, 28th Nov. 1-.1 up-uv 0:330:-:s,Z ii'lnTan( 7 (Handles, Clscoes. Bloaters, etc... Iresh daily at B01`!!- WELUS. A -Capt. Marsh. of Huntsville, was in town on Thursday; a The excursion business dur- ing the past season exceeded the captain's most sanguine expectations. and he is now making preparations to "lengthen the steamer Enterprise some 35 feet. and was here in search of timber for that purpose.-Bradford Witness. A4:II72;.I, I____, __L_-I.-_ T\,,,, [N , , J, `I\ vv |uuGnu- I I a"Wit:h large at f Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, d Gents Furnishings. bougltzrt at sclr much 0 tllaf g of vlvgiolesale cost, . . twin. in in 3 : 0 store, can sell you goods in m y lines away below wholesale cost and atil have a margin of i rcit. This wee: ccamm c a. big sale of \ land Winter oo 1 ` ... . . . \ ` I\ n I -An interesting case will be tried at th e Assize Court next week. Before the rail- way was built from here to Meaford, the stage travelled-by an old government road which passed across the country and along the foot of Blue Mountain until the lake shore was reached and thence to Meafdrd. A Nottawasaga farmer and his father before _him have for more than fty years been using a part of this road` as a short cut through a neighbor's bush to a sideline. The neighbor recently closed the read and for- bade its use. and is now being proceeded I against for doingso. - IC case n In! ,1 am VVoolFref1 perfectly made, for ter Bros ., Barrie. be sold at little more an half the regular prices at J. , C. Irwin in B. Hiuds s old - a'0v_er 200 Ladiexzckets anti Coats to store. V -The voting on the Waterworks By-Law ` will take place on November 7th,. not No- vemlier 15th, as incorrectly stated _in last V week's issue; ' . i .1 I -The Orillia\ Lacrosse Club are again intermediate champions of the Canadian La- crosse Association. After defeating the Fergus Thiltlee, at Brampton, the northern- ere had but one more game to play. and that with the young Stratford twelve. On Tees- day Preeident.J. A. McFadden. of the Strat- ford Lacrosse Club, notied President Mc- Phee.hof Orillia. of Stratfoi-d s default inthe nal. tune. The intermediate championship, that ' ore, is landedhy _()'tillia. The honors -went to the Iam`evclab`in. 1889, just ten years `ago. . `otlngevllle wonthe` intermediate last eeagon after " t`e.n'_- year: had elapsed since .06rta'1_inl-.!_O`tltlein. V. ~ 1 ' -------.--.. --- -_V.-, S 5? `if 3m-- that valuable F`a1-Im known as the _9 . ' omi '-; No. 9. in` the 4 Conceuxon gt Up, 9 Sunmdale zoo acres. more or Ian. ` Eanhga am and Granary; thevil 5 F utv r aura ` . A- .-M .:'1,f:;;r parficacflf-zand 5 Pyto . Av ._ .f at f; '1` Drama BP"P|'t}' time are said to bo_'q.~FrD.:hi' } `Mr . John A. Giaham.6ff cmcago,i1u., ao- oom wind by his vonngest son, in visiting his sther, Mr. -Alex. Graham, Wou1eyat. ,T who ilill. V > A Serie or Short and Newisy Paragraphs Carefully Prepared for the Benet of Our Many Readers. a'Men s $1.25 `for179c. per pair at Huntexf Bros ., 159. ie. ` i'Boys Norway d ydney Reuters in ' great variety at Hun as . T-Mr. .Miles Murp SI, leoter carrier, is recovering from a. serious illness . ----The Fall Asizes begin next Monday at one o'clock, before J nstice Meredith. I -Tbe birehg ba:'e postponed their bAall advertised last week for Oct. 27, to a date not yet decided on. r. ru in -3. i --:The Str. Conqueror, lyina at Mulcaster street wharf, has been sold to the proprietor of the-Robinson House`. Big Bay Point, for msn -The payments of taxes made on Oct. 10. amounted to $4,000; 11th. $5,000: 12th, $6,000; other payments over $4,000 ;_making total of about $19,000 _already paid in. Last year to the same datepayments-amounted to $20,000. The rate last year. however, was 4 mills higher ; therefore the monev has come in faster this year than last. an `run a A VERY INTERESTING cmprza or } LOCAL .HIS'1`ORY. .{ THE LATEST" LIJUAL HAPPENINGS. ters. twee<;1::;ed, and $8.50 at Hun- Mina Campbell, Superintendent of Royal Victoria Hospital. in taking her hlida I.` Miss Allen , of 01-illis, is inchuge dnrg MiuCa.mpbell ub|onoo. T V .` What do you want for your butter to-_' day, asked a reporter of a good-natured, looking-woman at the market on Saturdav "morning. " Well, she replied. " I am aska ' int? 16 cents but I do not know whetherl will get it or not." He did not buy but left in the full belief that she would get only 15 cents or perhaps less, for thelady did not really know what she wanted. At any rate butter sold at 15c. and 160 with a tendency to lower prices; Eggs sold briskly at 15 a dozen in large quantities and 160. "for an occasional odd dozen. Geese varied very much in size, prices ranging all the way from 60c to 80c.. which meant by _weight about 6c. 9. lb Some beautifully dressed ducks were offered, and brought 100. per pair more than other equally valuable ducks but not so well dressed. Prices aver- aged about 650. per pair. Chickens were plentiful and as usual some of the chicken! were old hens; smallest sold for 250 and }30c. per pair; the large fowl bring 400. 1 The turkey market was opened by one lone lfowl, the owner thereof receiving 500. lforit. It is safe. however, to predict that between now; and Christmas thll kind of fowl will be more plentiful !and prices higher. 10c. a basket for beauti- ful crabapples is very cheap, but they were bought at that gure on Saturday. Apple! are rising in price, several barrels of early winter apples selling at $1.25 per barrel. Some softer apples sold at 75c. and $1 per barrel, or 25c. to 35c per bag. The several baskets of ripe tomatoes sold at 25c. each, and green tomatoes-at 20. ' Potatoes sold at 50c. by the single bag, and 45c. by the load. . One potato raiser who is a well known gure on the `market sold them quite freely at 15. per peck. Hay has fallen slightly in rice during the past two weeks. Several oadl sold on Saturday at $6 per ton ; there is no prospect of better prices in that commodit for the crop of 1898 was very large and we l cured. Prices in grain showed some ad- vance on the previous week, and buyer! were splitting the cent in the hope of keep- ing the price from getting too high for them. The best red wheat sold at 65c. per bushel, and white wheat two cents less. The high- est paid for pease was 5550 Oats were up a little also, many farmers getting 25c. per bushel. Barley sold for 38c.; buckwheat from 32c to 34c.; and rye from 40c. to 420. The usual quantity of meat was on hand and sold at the usual prices. viz , 5c. to 80. per lb for lamb, and 7c. to 9c. for beef. The pork market was very small, the current price was $5 per 100 lbs. Small pigs sold from $1 to $1.75 each according to size and breed. Mr. J. C. Morrison had a load of excellent honey on the market and made some very good sales. iv RE YCOONTEMPLATING UA ......L On nnfnli Q Iluu lululuuuu IIAD VVVIJ uuvuulo 2. The drifter---the man who is doing pretty well, making a. living, you know. He wants to do better, but fears to "branch out-sees advertising from the standpoint of what it will cost, not of what it will come to. He has to be lured to` success. He doesn't; like to take chances-wa.nta results to be dead sure before he goes in for any- thing. Q 1:11:50-an `Rn Ir\lII\ vnl-nn l\I|lIt\ `hallo, IIIUIIVUL`. Monday, Oct. 31, 1898 -On lot 31, con. 1, Vespra ; horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, fowl. im lements, furniture. etc. -Sale at 12 o o ook. Geo. T. Partridge, proprietor. G. . Ford, auctioneer. `Wednesday, Nov. 2, 1898.-On lot 26, con. 2, Sunnidale, near Brentwood ; horses, cattle, sheep, igs, im lements of every description, lumber an shingles, turnips, mangolds and sugar beets, household fumi- ture.` This 3 vs extensive sale and will commence at 12 o? oak sharp. John Fisher, proprietor. T:8b0,_"`l.lI(!`t_i0B0l'. Braihs, of New York city, in an article addressed to newspaper publishers, save :'-- There are three classes of business men in your town. We know you know this. We merely want vou to know we know it. `I 7I"l...-. .......l...... `I... ......... ...L.. ........l-... 131-- I-IIOIIIIY VIII`-IU '\I\I |\I IIIJUVV VVW lI\I" IIII 1. The pusher-the man who works like sixty, thinks like seventy, and grows like eighty. He shoves his business, advertises all the time, gets his ideas from everywhere, and furnishes his own steam. (I 'I'\I `I `E I I I C Ill`. 3. The quitter-the man who once chalk- ed an advertisement on the bottom of 8 mad scow, and ever since has known from ex- perience that advertising doesn t pay. Cedar Lodge. the handsome residence of Mr. and Mrs W. D. Vanslckle, was the scene of a quiet wedding at 10 30 a.m. on` Tuesday, when their only daughter, Hattie Belle, was married to J. Grant Henderson. M.D., of Hamilton. Only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties were present Rev. Canon Reiner of Trinity church, performed the ceremony `The bride was attired in a handsome costume of white duchess satin, elegantlvtrimmed with the realvalenciennes point lace. The bride and groom left by the afternoon train for New York and Philadelphia. Among the many valuable presents given to the bride were a handsome silver tray from Hon James Young and Mrs Young, of Gait; and a beautiful ladies writingdesk from -Mr. and Mrs. Burr, of Guelph. The Montreal Witness says :- Large quantities of apples are arriving here now from all parts of the Dominion for shipment to the British markets. Some of them are not suitable and it would not pay to send them, consequently they will have to be sold for what they will bring in this market. They `are more or less deformed and marked by insects, which could have been destroyed in the early part of the spring season if the apple trees had been properly sprayed. Several owners of orchards in the East- ern Townships. who sprayed their tree: regularly, have succeeded in having their crops matured in good order, while there are others who have not commenced to do it yet ; but after their experience of this sea~ sou they will be likely to attend to it in the future. The enemies of the apple were more numerous during the past season than they have been-for years, and spraying had to be resorted to oftener than for many I DC Wednesday, Oct. ` 1898 -On 101: 28, con. 2, Veapra. ; horses}: ttle. piga,oimple- manta, poultrv, hay, etc. Sale at 12 o olook. Wm. _Ba1-retb. proprietor. G. R Ford, ano- tioneer. Il`-_.I-__ l\-A. 01 ' I000 f\_ I.` 01 --_. w$i/. o;>WPli?;R ANNUM IN ADVANCE . SINGLE X7133 FIVE CENTS. :M Three Classes of Business Men. The Shipping at Apples. A Quiet House Wedding. THE MARKET. Auction Sales. Valuable Pr0D9"Y OTICE ' 0., 1897, the estate of Harri ourcey, of the Town 0 Bar- n'e in the County 0 Simcoe. widow, deceased. who died on or about the h day of October, A. D. 1898, are required to send ost. prepaid; or otherwise deliver to the undersign solicitors for the executor of the estate and eects' f the said deceased on or before the 5th day of N ember, A.D.. 1898. their Christian and surnames. a resses and descriptions, with full particulars of the claims. duly veried, and the nature of the sccus (if anv) held by them. _ . A-) [..,.I_.._ 5-`-.. ..Ab:.qA that I-A-n blag an-5:.` -Gk Jon: y11"en pursuant to Chap. 38, R.S nous having claims a ainst . aoucntoxis wt Dated at Barrie, October aoth. 1898. 7AN'TED-A GENERAL SERVANT. Apply at the ADVANCE or` CE. Toronto, Yonge and Gerrard gtrects. Fa mm now opeh. Members admitted gt any time. Eight regular teachers. Splendid equipment. Wnte for catalogue. m u cumu I:-nmnmAr 30-lv d. Typewriting. Bookkeeping and all S;}$`.::.t:?ear'2ia1 Subiects are properly `taught in the __-...n n u nlllllrn` run I Inl- Wgranli EE+ja%n1*[aus:u':ss' churn: man Vnnsrn and Gm-rnrd Streets. "--""' ' VOL. XLVII. No. 4: Saumn. W DIED. McCu1.Louun-At her residence Camden, N. J.. on Sept. goth, Mrs. Harry Mculloughn the _35th year of her age. Mrs. McCullough was sxster of Mr. John Bannerman. of Thornton. Tuo:msox-At Penetan uishene. Monda. . October 17th, Sarah, wife 0 the late A. A. hompson. aged 49 years. .\IcC.umw-On Oct. 18th. 1898. Mr. Alexander McCarthy. Bayeld street, `Barrie. in his 70th \'( .'I I` IN THE . TOWNSHIP OF SUNNIDALE AND coumv or SIMCOE. NE\|' Al)VER'l`lSEMEN'l`S. -1 mn- 'l`0\I'NSllIl' on ono. in mg covxwnr or snuoon. 1 llt 0_tObG3'o W LWIV-IV.` '"I;iMAM, PRINCIPAL, ;VII. 43 Wnsum I --OF VALUABLE-- STRA_'1`I-Ix a. 5%- gj MARRIED. BORN . `in u..- WHOLE No. 3|-nnrinfno .4113? A -vs-`V- Inem. ' And further take notice thatkter the said 5th day of November. A.D. x898. the exifutor will proceed to distribute the assets of the sa deceased among the parties entitled thereto, havi regard onlyto the claims of which the said executor as then notice. and that the said executor will not liable for the assets. or any part thereof. so distn uted. to any Erson or persons of whose claim or `ms notice _s not been received by the said ex ' tor at the tnmc of such distribution. ` AULT_ 85 COWAN, _rrie. Solicitors for the ecutor. mm: as L......:A nnlknn nnok `Ra "nan; 9- 3327 aanxsg-um: mes , . ; Both sexes. six weeksold. POULTRY -Ban-cg! Pl outh Rock s, . $2.00 each. Rose Comb bite Leghorn:-and_ nqnza;-Turkeys. old and young.` verycheap. __Np better Qockiin nn 1-I-Inn nkVQ_ . , IWKK1-II .' '- That Coinfoftablo and Commodious Brick Rut.` dance on Blake street, immediately West of the Col- legiate Institute, known" as "` B_ouIderfel,".`ha,via_ig~ hot as: furnace and other modern oohvnniences. Ap- plv to S'1`RA 1`HY`& Esrgu. Burig. _ -V _ 9_-Va _- O10 gnu yuunx, vu nda than above. .A_.-,n Sterling Silver and Plated Were, Watches, (i1eeks,Jew- elry, Blouse Sets, Belt Pins, Belts, Newest Designs. Special Attention Given to We.t-eh- Repairing. TELEPHONE 2608 as-iv I have this amount to loan. Old -Mortgages taken up. Money advanced on New Loans. _ ` Consolidation of debt 18 a sure step to success. Terms of repayment are what a borrower must consider. Call and nd out what I can do for you. 3 I LIEIIIIRII BROOKS RI 8. COIII Utcnl uuu luluuuo J. uucn uuu Reairer. and wont requ_est our trons to entrust to im work of this diacnptnon. espectfully yours, Gmuuum Hnmrzum. Order: left for Tuning at 5: Elizabeth Street` will receive careful attentiop. That desirable reelaence anu grounus on me west 7 side if Bayeld etteet, Barrie. lately occupied in the late Sir Cornelius Kortright, including stable. so garden. ete. For furtggig al.)'llyEtL V .44: V ' Solicitors. Barrie. \lUUu Uuflulusno a nu nun yuan .vU.uoIv-an--- -f'., .v NALD ROSS} Dated sou.-`sep:., :89; my soucacog. Bgu-ac. uoncmo cRED[TOB_S: EU!` DALE: " 3&U.l'|r`I, pun In Java av. van: (3 ' I01 -barn. pplyjto E. J. ARM _ Vespra ;,goo 1. cu" ble for market 3 rden ; about 2 mile! from Barrie; ood orchnrdnnd frame 0.N. Ban-ice 4.1.5431? Funmsmm ? ROOM` TO` ','t.fx:1*-.c_:1'm'r`I_aAL T loca.tion._ Fm -moo and Bath Roomy ` ` - `Al hi or Mnnnnl Strait- IOWlIOll- , PUTDICU I bx McDonald Strot. The absence of so many members on Monday night was certainly not the fault of Chairman Caldwell, of the Fire and Police Committee, for he had the Council Chamber as cozy as a parlor for their comfort and convenience. In the short apace of one week the chamber has been emptied of its ITwo% Hundred Thousand Dollars. } The undersi `nod has received instructions to eel!` or rent the Orth Half of Lot 3. Con. xx. Innisl. xoo acres. V . .l'l3.e farm in well fenced end wgtered `e.d_ d under cultivahon. and withinnthree "miles from Barrie. Good buildings. For further pan-ticulare apply to '_ I nnun n nnce`~ II-`ULL LINEOF Highest cash price aid for Endowment Insurance" POHCIOI,` in reliable mpauies or money loaned thereon. Apply 0. H. LYON unit A... We take pleauro Vin recoiunendin Mn. Fun. BROOKS an a com etent and reliab Tuner and D-....:..-.. nnA umnl rnnnnuf nnr natrnnn tn entrust ii'.'"iz'i1'ii'['J'i'<";""' BARBIE, DNT.| fold so that the business of "the session could quarters of an hour after the time the by- __v ---.9`. IVv|(UlllIJ' UL UHU \IUl_LuUl-I Chamber was Very Formal. Irreaularity and want of punctuality are. two evils that have worked themselves by` degrees. into the Town Council until the Mayor has found it necessary previous to the last two meetings to despatch the Chief of Police to bring one more member into the he proceeded with, even at 8.15 or three-s laws say that such meetings shall begin. The Council is composed of sixteen. mem- bers and out of that number it is very pro- bable that one or two or perhaps three may sometimes be legitimately detained at home, but that seven should be absent and the ` majority of the rest lateiis very rarely insti- ed by circumstances. The electors have placed much condence in members of the Council in electing them as their re resen- tatives; to attend when at all possi Ie the various meetings of the Council is therefore a responsibility which they have accepted from the people. and onewhich they should` be as faithful and conscientious as possible in bearing. IOWHSIHIJ, auu Avnlaa guuwu IVIIIIUBIUG, U1 [,n same place. GxBsoN-FRn`H--On Wednesday, Oct. nth. at the residence of the bndcs parents, 5th street. by Rev. H. T. Ferguson. Ioseph Gxbson. of Kirk-9 vil'c. to Miss Lydia. Mary Frith. BA.\'Tl.\'G-LENNOx-At Christ : church. Ivy, on Wednesday. Oct. 5th. by Rev. W. G. G. Dreyer. Lizzie. second daughter of Jan. Lennox. Ivy, to John H. Bantmg. LE.\'l\'0X-KEO\VN--At the Preshvterian church. Ivy. by Rev. B. Greng, Cookstown on Oct. :3. Jenny, eldest daughter of Robert eown, Ivy, to Ignatius Lennox. HENDERSON-VANSlCKLE.--on October x8th, 1898, at Cedar Lodge." Barrie. the residence of the bride s parents. b Rev. Canon Reiner, rector of Trinitv church. . Grant Henderson, M.D.. of Hamilton. to Hattie Belle. only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Vansickle. I 1 BER BI. 55! I b farm of Thomas red -vea:-ling Steer with W each .side. Anyone detain: notice will be prosecuted. A Ind`)-II nv. lot 9. con. 2_. Oro. a etri e across kxduev op e same after the OMAS KENNY. yuan a_na aavmg yo Eosition to right at ER. Inspector, arrie at a. pan. _ny. uoou amar ana areaav Apply to . S. WEL- ouse. Monday, Oct. 24. 42-4a-p. \ succnsson TO s. B. WINDRUM, ` 31 King St. East (up stairs) Toronto. Established 1880. ` WANT_ED.- * o reliable men and two oung ` ladies to to members for the York ounty Loan and Saving Co Good Salar and steadv ` Dositioh tn right nar Annlv tn . S. WEL. ENDOWMENT INSURANCE POLICIES H. M. L0l|NT The Grand Rebpenlnc or the Ooundll havnknu _.-... v1..._ 11:. PIANO _'`UNING.' Poor". Watches That desirable residence and `grounds on the west .:A- -6` Rank-IA -nu-I. Run-in. lntalv nccnnied but the Farm Rioperly 4 -131 R. A. Douglas, ;'rEER SERAYE `STRAYED FROM THE `noun l\` 'r`Il\o\nna gun`: has .. nan. .. l'\-A an REGULAR MEETING o1v'~coUNo1L.A FOR SALE OR TO RENT.` Cannot always be made good. but an good watch may be mined by bad han - T hug. In our repair departmentwe em- ploy onlyr skilled workmen and guarantee the best possible results from every time piece entrusted to us. The Jeweler. 86 Dunlap-st. NEW Aiiifnniiinrs. F012 SALE. G ' s-In Creemore. on the th ' rs. John Gowan. a son. 4 mat" to Mr and **.:;`:::J;2dE;;f%:`:;:: *** 5* to Dr. and M wm:sLz\'-At Oro, on Oct b .d, - A Richard L. Mawdesley. of 3, ge:n,;,;1;f;},',,`,f`f of M K.` GH'r-In Essa. n Th d - . C o;lWm. McKnight`? of a. 23%., Oct` 6' n fe SLIC'\}{rT._iiI.nsI1i";,:)}:i::f::` $;;%::- =*~ 8- H we of GRAHAM -In West Gwillimbury, on S .13 ' 9th, the wife of \Vm. Graham, jr., of: 303;`: Oct SPROULE--Un Sunday, Sept, th - Sproule. 4th line. lnnisl, E30 2: \.1gh:e?.`f of F. 8 of Mr. R. M RLIN--At Oro St t' O , A Mrs. James Marn`.o:'d::ghf:r.uth to Mr . and 1 I-IV nu "nuns - yuan uv Jun Jun R. L. aAnwicK, Bank of _Toronto Building, Barri. ` _ _1f`o as L:-1'. _ 4%.. .I t`_..._.-.I! w.._J, nnLL. A..g..., dn;-; 42-4.3-9 ` res, "part of Lot ao.`Con.>7, il._suLtablefal" 7&'ketg ram; uric`: oodorchnrdnu frame A nun nu n-..'_:-. Box 303. 1 THE INTERESTS OF BARRIE,f'.l`HE COUNTY `OF SIMCOE AND THE DOMINION OF CANADA OUR CRITERION.` Ila III M` ; SHAW-\VHl l`ESlDE--At the manse. Collingwood. on \Vedne-day, the nth 0ct.. X898. by the Rev. Dr. McCrae, Mr. Edvyard G. Shaw. pf _Collingwood township, and Mass Ellen Whateende, of the crnnp nL'H`R.

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