the way ----_--v-- "'11:; T. bishop will be organist here in _t]1a fugure. j A W lli1:'s.";.1':att and family visited Mr. Wilson lately. '11 Il'.1'.,_,`II! 0, 1 I I unavo- Advancevzrrcspondence. Grenfel. "- --.v runrcv uvsu auluu Iuulllllllu Misses and Mr. Cameron, of Barrie, spent Sunday with Mr J as. Brown. .11.. 1.1 Cl;--__';.1__ LIE, 1 up-w nainn-In wnvu .u.LL U00. JJIUWLI ~r'Mr. E. S.t-get-, the blind man, gav an Vexhibition with his magic lantern and 1313:. -Dvz`f1`:VValker, of Angus, occu- pied the pulpit here last Sunday. Minnnn no! `I. IV...........- -1` `l5--~3~ Mr. :Wm. Blotham ns che to'Brant- ford to re_aide:__ __ Mr. 0. Richardson family, of Apbo, and Miss L.'Thompson, of rene- tang, visited at Mr. J, Richardson's one day last. week. . --- -nvvtn-DAV I RJVGUIJIV, V` HUI? ton, ins lntelj returned from the Klondike, is visiting his nephew, Mr; W . Horn. Miss Ingram and Miss Black, of Urillia, are the guests of Mr. A..Mal- colm at present. --- --av-.-uu uvsv Incl: "DOA. ? Gillian L. Turner, of Hillsdale, spent % Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Cumming. `Ila... `ll TI'-__2I. n ma - Mr. Stanley Seattle, Washing- Egp, 1fyoh_as letelf _---u -n RI Evangelist Hill, of Thornton, who has been conducting meetings in Bethel church` for the last three weeks, com- menced services in the Methodistl l church here on Tuesday night. .. n V`... vvnvu nun auouuu l.lUll'o Mrs. H. Thurlow has returned from visiting her mother in Barrie. 'n'_ ____` `.7 __ ` A wt-v n ......----. an n uuvvu I .IJul.lLUo Mr. ant; Mrs. ope, of Wyevale,` visited friends here last: v_v_el_:._ 'I'!-_ `I III 5' _-_, _.___. -..._.......B Mia; M. Hamilgon, of Chabsworth, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. Mc- Ginnis. . - A.. ` - -7 John and Charles Cumtning are at- tending the Excelsor Business Collegel at `Rain-in Mrs. W. Gowenlocki, of Utho', spent a. week with her parents here. mr... tr rm___u-.._ L- -4 7 v - Gibson left here last Mon- I \ day for St. Mary's, after spending the {summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Scot.'.____ Robt.- Maguire had the miafortunel to have his arm broken last week. Weghope he may soon be all right again. .... ._ ... V... uu a.uuu.uuuy. I " Mrs. J. Goodwin and children are visiting at Mr. J. G. Davidson s Col- lingwood. ' I 1 1.1 r`:|V_7 I . 1 C . cg Min Platt, Phelpston, was the guest of Mrs. Hunt last week. If: .... I v..- -v w'Jvnl\J uuu 77151001. Mr. Hanghton Len;1ox, of Barrie, was in town on Thursday. M 1 (1___1__:__ -_,1 1 2:1 -- --any. a..n.uuv sans WOUL- , Miss Annie Paton has gone to Mil- ton to spend the winter, `1A'._ 11 suit is_ the reeelz; A. Pierce, 10, one mare; Joe. Rhnehart, 11, one brood IIIIFA Mxcmur. Diuou, of Richmond Hill, says: My _ wife has been in very bad health ` In several ' rs andhas beentreated by thzee different d ei ocgors, but she thinks one bottle (if you: In cine has done her more good than all the other medicines she has ever taken. ~ .'.,$ : ; ochmmmdeci and sold a%_Sea ge1'I D1-"an. Store. 5. (D:.) `Hunt is Qvisici in Thorn- jar... u Advance Cdrrespondence. Fergusonvale. Advance Correspondence. 1\/it. `P. Moririson has sen: in his resignation as teacher of Crossland Public schooL He will leave at Christ- IDES. New Lowell. Advance Correspondence. - ,._......l v - -.__ We are p1eaaedT to report the:-Mm. Dimsdale, who has been quite ill, is re- Icovering ; Mrs. McKay is also improv- ing in health. `Bell Ewart. Advance Correspondence. Captain F. McKay is at home suffer- fing sever'eIy[ from the ebcts of an ulcerated tooth. Rev. Mr. Dingman, of McMaster University, occupied the pulpit in the Baptist church on Sunday evening. TIT- -.__ -___ V`-sauanaha v nugu. J. (III; This has not been a very favorable season for fruit or garden produce here, yet several have some ne specimens of garden culture. Mr. Wingrove has Alexander apples over a foot in circum- ference and Mr. F. Sneath, has had an exceedingly fine garden A of dahlias, ;cannas, sweet peas and petunias in a a variety of shades. .. av... an... .a.nn.auu Aunusslv \JlDULln Mr "John Smith has gone to Beaver Stone to work in the lumber camps. M-F awn] Mun 'I"'|..n.-..-- `tr-1`--:- ---` .. V - an nu. uuv LULIJIIUI Unullllla Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wallwin are visiting at Holland Landing and New. market; this week. They will also at- tend Queensville. Fair. f'I'\l_', 7th Concession, veepra. Advance Correspondence. Miss Rose of Cookstown spent last `week with Miss Maggie Carson. M- T..u.. c_.:.L n_-_ -.-- - .7 n _.,.V was nJ\nI.l\l Miss E. s5'iey and Mr. s. Srigley, of Allenwood, were visiting friends here last week. v77- - nnavvnlvl JJLIUO 11 Ill. uluzul. ' L Mr:-wand Mr. Barkley and Miss I Keenan, of Barrie, were visiting friends here on Sunday. ]l'2....11\ 02,1, 11: re NI- Crossland. Advance Correspondence. Friends from Uollingwood are visit- ing Mrs. Maguire at present. -u\ q p. - - graphophone in the school house on Monday evening. nun In-at-A-- -'- -t---A 13 ' ` M-;s:JI$zEz;;<:z.1"6i;a spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Bloxham. II... ......I `ll --- TY uuu. wan uc UU[.a.l(1 IHF PvnAMIaiJs For Dinner in W Hot Weather _ - .. - I TEA, COFFEE AND. COCOA MERCHANT. Like all travellers. when going east, pay them a. visit. . N. HOBLEY, `EA. AND ('l'\("l`IA lA !4`Dl'*L.iA\7r-rs The butcher will provide for your table, but for your BREAKFAST and TEA the many little delicacies that alone will tempt the appetite can be obtained at Mr. J. Porter left`on Thursday for the north, where he intends to spend the winter. J ust Op, ; ed-the very latest novelties in Ladies Ameri- can Sailors `nd Walking Hats, low prices. The department is lled wh a beautiful stock of Trimmed Goods. `New N ovelties /flare being added daily. `Ladies will pleaseorder early in .;the week as our workroom is taxed to its utmost to `.4 ll ordg-5'1's. Go. Reedy, Importer. Pink Flannelette, 32 i es wide - V . J - Extra Heavy Dark S `ting F lannelette T - _`- Our renowned Heavy Striped Flannelette; extra] quality 5? - -% % , - .1 Handsome Blak Fancies, 750 f0 - _b V Elegant Covert Cloth 1, % - - % '. and J _ ,T r .k,_ 1n 9f.l`l new %_sIAx1des, Fine English Vigoreaux Serge `M 50-inch Bltack and Navy Srges, ll-woTbl' and very- he_.vy% all Shades, 45-i`nc`h % - V 9: , all the new,5'0-j - - < - 1 1 - 9 and sur- Ocfou 13` %1sgaj;A "S . VA IR , U MTE `_ spent Sunday in Grenfel. 'II_ -vJ vvn-n-V l o Miaaea Peacock, of Utopia, tr:..._.. 1.... L_,- -.l_A_ A`, . I Grenfel gave a mtijority of six for. prohibition. `II... VI` D-L-_ _II L- -..A._:..L 1.---