TMr. u;d Mrs; Byron TKing, 0; (Toronto. were the guests on Sunday and Mnnday of his parents, Mr. and Mn. Robt. King, ir. iiricggsi, of Ndntyr. is spend- ing a few days with her cousin, Mrs. J. F. Craig,iMcDonald street. ' 1': It 1`! a 7: an. _..' __ -._ , V 7LrI"t:.-F1;ev(l7(VGrant, of Toronto. is in town for a few days. He purposes going to Brib- Aiah Columbia. T Vo.v:'_r,Vent, Woraiey street, returned `on Monday evening from 9. visit to Belle- ville friends. - --~~---~- \ Mrs. D. B. La.Fra.niere, of Gravenhursb, spent some days last week with her sister, Mrs. Mulheron. Mrs. j i3-a;1iss, Mrs. C. Horseeld, Mrs. Wm. Kelcev and Miss. Keloey are camping at Big Bay Point. ' V _'_' _.,,' _. --_~v and: Mrs. J. Frank Jackson were an- joyingvGeorgia.n Bay Breezes in Parry Sound vicinity last week... :17-1: nu` . -__-- __ A A i~ichi$o$ Earrie, and E. J. Madden of St-nyner. are spending holidays at Geor- gian Bay Beach. F Rev. ';nd Mrs. Hart, of Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harper over Sunday. `.,,_ 1`, ._n -`v- . . - Z Z(-3*h1a.Zr'l'es Walker, of Newmarket, was the guest of his uncle, Mr. A. Goodall, over Sunday. nasnnacnana `ran. on Ladies India Kid Oxtord Shoe. vturn sole, kid gip. muudtoep 9t07,8 . oaocooocooiooas Ladies Extra Fine Choco to Color Oxfo d_ Shoe. toe cap, kid lined, hand turn sole. coin toe. 2} to `H. I-ndnlnr In-inn `l.l tn Mina L. Fitzsimmons, of London, is visic- * ing a few weeks with Mrs. G. T. Evans,` Owen street. `T Miss Susis Barber is spending her vaca- tion with her friend, Miss Eie Currie, of Collingwood. Z M{sa Dot Craig, of Goderich, is the guest of her brother. Mr. J. F. Craig, McDonald street. ` Mrs. Penrose, of Newmarket. has been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. S. Johnson, Mary street. ' ` Mrs. Johnson. of Toronto. is visiting her brother` Mr. J. Smith, and sisters, Collier street. Perry Taylor, Ed. Gallie, Arthur Gray and party are in camp on the Nottawasaga Beach. - Mrs: McAnist and daughter, of Lippin- cott street, Toronto, are visiting Barrie friends. ~ J. W.` Arnot,l of Tcirenlteruspent Monday with the Misses Campbell, Glen Almond. Miss Jennie Campbell has returned from visiting her uncle, Mr. Jos. Drvsdale. Flos. Father Sweeney attended the funeral of Archbishop Walsh, Toronto, last Thursday. 1 `I II? I I TM}. ;.;a` 1u}.v'va};'1{'1}.2'}e}{{.;'{$ Owen Sound after visiting at Mr. D. Doug- a.ll'a. Staff Captain an"! Mrs. Minnice, late of Wellington street, have removed to Eni- laud. anoe. toe cap, ma nnea, na.n_a tum I010. coin toe. 9} to '7, regular pnce $1.25 to .$l.50.B]?el8_l........... _eooou.runeoeeeenee1 Lashes Vic: Kud Oxford Shoe, 1nd or patent leather toe cap. kid lined. hand turn sole. coinoe, extra. choice goods. sizes 1} to 7, IIIIIIIIIOUIIOI-IIICIOIOIIOOICICCIIUO1 ladies . Donla. and Patent Calf Button Boot: `tc'oe"cap_. cK'ay sewed, neat round toe. 1'08`- _l.l1I|' pnwp $1.25 t0 $1.50. I 0 o e we one ee - MISSES' AND CHILD'S DEPT. `Misses Fine Oxford Shoe. toe cap coin toe. McKay sewed sole, inahlackan chocolate Mr and Miss Scott were visitirg their sister, Mrs. Wm. Shields. Mulmur, last week. Mr; and Mrs. W. 0. Airth, Collier street, are visiting Mrs. Airth s parents at Sturgeon Falls. Mine Maggie Moore, Miss Kennedy and Miss Smith, of Toronto, were home for the holiday. ' -In n - 1 Z1`ieZl;o`n Frewing was up from Toronto visiting his sister. Mrs. E. Burridge,` on civic holiday. A a few days with Mrs. Sabiston. Toronto. `A `ll `Inn: A - Mist Marjorie Doul$`i; [s';;e1w1("li"nWg l;er vacation at M uskoka Lakes with relatives. mag1;}if13;;`,"Je'?:33r3I.'&;}}. the guest of Mrs. N. Barber, John street. Mis -a't:a-e't:. is enjoying a. holiday in Muskoka this month. m; `GI TfnZcfTi}A},'"$} 'i%}Z}1'r5ra, is the guest of her son, Dr. Evans, Stroud. I` u a Miss ijlinia ' 1-`;)-1':)11;`.;)."'s'1-3;:-t `Sunday and Monday with her parents in town. ` `II II'\ \ Irv . - nu . . -` Mr. George Lawrence, an. of Toronto, is visiting his son, Mr. Geo. S. Lawrence, Bur- ton Avenue. Mrs. (D112) <`);']`.`-()1";*>-nvt'<).' zisited her sister. Mrs S. Sarjeant, this week. Liiss '3. Taindvini3:}i't;e'-1};Q'{J;}1rned from their holidays in Penetanguiahene. f'I'\,,I'I,, in,, , 1 70 I\ I Wiiiis Aggie am` has been visiting friends. in New Lowglli ' ' _._-_--_ -._ __.. , _ . -_ Miss Nellie Greet, `of. Montreal, is visit 1 ing relatives in town. 1 1 run an 1: .. AL . .. (J the Glooe, Toronto, was in town Saturday. Il9,._ `NI , 1 u n -.4 g - n n V lit;-ker and son, of Brechin, are guests of Mrs. Mulheron. Miss Vi; gtugnding her holi- days with parents in East Oro. ' _. `H I "77 M rs: \\e1isi'vivVaV.Vs( t-il-gn;l1"e'8;i':).f Mia. E. Stewart, Collingwood, last week. `to -r -I\ Miss Bo(6Zt:hiv "F1:i- to visit friends in Uxbridge and vicinity. 'Il 2.._ 1'l 2_._`I.. "I'.\I3._,L.4l_ ,. . T Miss"Vi/lM}ii5x;:_;f"&x`;_;<;:'t -oE{cZ'aer, visited. friends in Thornbury over Sunday. II .-_'_ \t_._:_._2- 1\,, ,| o Mrs. George Black bird and two daughters. of Point St. Charles, are visiting friends in the 6th ward. iMr. Alf. Hubborf, of Toronto, spent`Mon-. day in town. 0 (Mail I I n l.n - . . I m`;.;a'}%:&;;` A. Bay are visiting his father in Havaville . G Nana` Gross has returned home from Lefroy and other points. ' Mia : Wligetvrianvt-:,r;>-f-f'l;oroht. visited her sister in town last week. T 1[E;afidcLnughlin, Toron- to, are visiting` in town`. 113,, 1-: `I1 I n n` * . .. y . A 1 Min F. Barber, of $'l`a.r., the guest of Mrs.` N. Barber, Johustreet. Em. i4.l;5.Rair1}}; {cJci `tr:-iends in _To- ronto and Hamilton last week. afe spending a. fortnight at Strawberry Island. `AS, T "J_o'l`1n- has been holidaying at Nottawaaaga beach. II`! II `-. Min Neill, of .-.......u., in visiting Mini. Du_E _ . . . '~--"' +'._'I_' _V SHOE, any style,` any size, 1 fz u1ut Beasley, Hamilton, visiting in W Stokea, of Hamilton, is in town on a visit. ~ T -A ' T J lvlovftua, Tot-onto, paig a. visit to I town last week. 1 Miss Hulda Craig is visiting at Mr.-John Ril:chie. a. Saurin. V Visiicireiniiew-1:;|:|'g is visiting friends in \ Brentwood and vicinity. ' ` 'IA'..'_ fl` `D__I_-__ --, 5| 3 -I1 POISOBEI NOVE- run NOI$THERZ_NADVANOE. ill rs; D. Peregrine, of Greendaatl, Indiana, is Vviaitinghe_r_ aialqer. M:-3'. LW. E. Foobar, Owen street. . ' - ` . 1 ,John Maybee was home froth the city Monday. ` Hannah and Aggie Motrin. of Kingston, are visiting wxth Mr. and Mrs. James Merrin. Suicide at Orlllia. . l Curtis Brewster, a book keeper in Orillia, committed suicide early on Monday morning by taking strvchnine. A'man with whom he lived was awak- ened by eounds in his lodger s room, and upon going in he found Brewster, whowas still alive, writhing in pain. Dr. Ardegh was called in, but the man died before the doctor arrived. Brew- ster had been in ill-health for some time, and despondent on account of a sunstroke which he` suffered about three years ago. He was a native of Niagara Falls, and (worked in Toronto some time` ago. ` ' Hugh Lumsden, the chief engineer employed by the Canadian Pacic Railway in. locating the route for the proposed Sndbury extension of the C. P. R. system, is in Montreal at pre- sent conferring with Mr. Shanghnessy on matters relating to the new line. Mr. Lumsden said that surveying work was progressing most favorably; We have more than one-half of the. line now denitely located, said Mr. Lums-. den, and while there are. obvious obstacles, to be overcome, owing to the character of the country through which the road will pass, we are getting along even better than we expected.--Tues- dsy s Mail-Empire. A This suggestion from Mr. Stanley ' is de- serving of consideration by Ba.rrie s enter- prising oitizens,` and it would probably be a good idea to ask Mr. Stanley to come to town and lay before the Council his pro- posals in the matter. A Piano Manufacturer Thinks this place Favorablv Located. V Mr. Chas. Stanley, President of the Stan ley Piano Company, of Toronto, sent a few days ago a-letter to a friend in town. Mr. Stanley `says :- Since leaving `your town, where I spent such a pleasant week, I have thought it would be a very good place to manufacture the Stanley in, if suicient in- ducement could be made to move us there. In my opinion it would be a good thing for Barrie and am positive equally suitable to hs. It would require but two or three men to subscribe a suitable amount and see what the town would do itself towards putting up a building, etc. We could employ from 50 to 75 men at the start, and no doubt within a year or two would have a pay roll of be- tween three and four thousand dollars per month. We are turning out one piano a day and could. with increased capital and facili- ties, double our output with an assured market. " A `Q I`. g -- _ Recent arrivals at Peninsular Park Hotel are :-Mrs. S. H. Gregg. Miss Helen Cragg, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Miss Lowndes, Mrs. R. S. Watson. Stewart Wilson, Mrs. Irving, Mrs. James Finn, Mrs. Alfred E. Denison, J. H. Milne, (J. G. Carmichael, R. S. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Wilkin, J F. Wilkin. Samuel Stern, Mrs. Geo. R. Joseph,. N. C. Dickson, Miss Winterheld, Ernie Reinhardt, Mrs. L. Reinhardt, Toronto; E. A. Jaffray, W. G. Beamish, Bolton; Miss S Young, Niagara Falls ; W. Wallace and wife, Montreal. The latest arrivals at the Robinson House. Big Bay Point, are :-Mrs. Donald and children, Detroit; R. S. Neville. H. J. Marriott, A. B. Moysey, Miss E. Mason, G. Stewart Scott, Chas. C. Uustance. Mr. and Mrs Henry R. Alley, Miss Margaret Stew- art. Toronto; Miss Thompson, Belleville; Miss Lillie Taylor: Mr. and Mrs. "H. Ellis and children, Barrie ; J. J. Coulter, Brad- ford ; G. D. Nesbitt, Glen Huron ;' Thos. A. Sawyer, Ottawa; John S. Hoqg, T. T. Aitken, Gait. Man : `$1.00 an ` 3 ;25 Shirts all at 'l5c._oaoh_thla w TEB BROS. VERY FAVORAE Y !MPRESSED WITH BARBIE. is 3 suitable spot receive the pleasun "I-nannin urn h nn3nn hm Tnnnnfn nnllr _..qAI>_I`Il|. iof THE ADVANCE, he beat ' weekly paper in the County of Simone. I II II IUD Qllllvnluu ayuu I-V Klivwtyv IIIU ylwnuuuum hoopla we `all miss in Toronto now.-Satan 1 day Nizht. . 2 . C `to - 9, `l_._~J..- "ii:-3`. AW. Cross and Miss. Annie IVI3t_1n-ictigae `have returned home to Toronto after spendi` ing a m`>nth"s vacation at Mrs; E. Bnrridge s, Elizabeth street. _ ' _ Mr. H. N. Courtlandt; formerly of Tm: `ADVANCE, has taken editorial charge of_ the Simcoe Reformer during the absence of Hal. | B. Donly in Europe. ' p :1 'u_.___ 17 (`IT in Harry Bonis, B.A., of St. Mary's, brother of Miss Bouis, of ,West Ward school `staff, was married on Aug. 3rd to -Miss Bessie Raynes, of- Bowmauville. CC, 1 I`! ,I , { Harry Skelsev.- Tom Waters. Charles Gordon, Jos. Hsnley, John Traves, Walter Mick and H. Penaton, of 'l`or'onto, paid a. visit to Barrie friends on Mohday. Dr. and Mrs. Donald Gallic and child, of Chicago, were the guests of his brother, Mr. Wm. Gallic, Mary street. -They accom- panied Mr. and Mrs. Gallieon the Presby- terian excursion to Port Saneld on Monday. rrv 1-; 4| an 1' Miss Annie Duffy and her cousin. Miss O, Hagan, were of a party who wheeled up -from Toronto on Saturday and remained till Tuesday, the guests of the former s sister, Mrs. Mulheron. Miss Ida Regan, of Orillia, was also of the- party. nun . u-en. -- nu`. Lwuuru uluau, In uungnty. .u. n. .;., formerly of Painewiok, is visiting friends in Toronto, Barrie. Peinewick, Churchill and other places in Ontario; rnu _ :19 , .. an ,,, ,._.-,;_ _..) IA..- Miss O. L. Campbell and her cousin, Miss Sabiston, and Miss Sarah Nessa, of Toronto, are visiting with D. C. Campbell [and fami- ly, Glen Almond. ' 1 tr. II I I,,__Al.-__ "n2ieAr.Wi;&iaiIh , (1%: 6;;-swell and Harvey Graham, of Bradford, were in town on Saturday, having come .over from Jack- aon s Point, where they are camping. ' II? T7 1'.` , ,, `I5 A D `I I` II ,.!AL_ I_. B: of 'Graenhist, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. P. O Donnell. IYV W. K. Foucsr, B. A.. of the Collegiate In- stitute staff, and his mother, Mrs. L P. Foucar, Tottenham. have left; on a trip to the Thousand Islands and River 81;. Law- rence. Willie Rogers, aged 11, of Jeannette s Greek, and son of Mr. John Rogers, form- erly principal of Barrie Separate school, succeeded in taking rst-class honors at the recent entrance examinations at Tilbury, with 724 marks. ----v- r--vw- -- v--vv--v. Ths Misses Brown, Shaw street, and Mrs. Wilkie Collins, Besconseld Ave., Torogto, are the guests of Mrs. H. E. Jory, ElIza.~ beth street. this week. - --v--, -- .--_v`.- Mr. Robert Sloan, of Calgary. N. W. 12,] -unanimity A` Dn:nn`un:nI'.r :n u:n:9=nn `IJAIIIIE in The Sudbury Extension. \ U_ JQUALIFIED OPTICIAN BARRIE. C CXCCCCCCIQCCCIO V John 0. Craig nnd Johnston vheeled toflforonto Sunday, returning Monday evening. ` II H No. 3, n . . . . . . . .. 6.- Lambskinseach.................... 35.. Calfskins per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8. . Tallowpcrlb . . . . ........... .. 3 Toronto Farmers Markets. `an-QVnnl\a'3l4 n nvuvvun Beeforequarters ...... Beef. hindquarters . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... Dressed hogs percwt...... ....... .. Chickens pen-pain-......... . . . . . . Butter. RoIl.per . . . . . .. Butter, Tub, per lb................. Lard per lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Eggsper doz...... ......... Apples. pen-bushel .. Applesperbarrel . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... Potatoes per peck, new . . . . . . . . . . .. Hay . . . . . . . . . . .. Woo , washed per lb. . . . .......... . . Wool. unwashed. per lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wood, a ft.. per cord. . . . . . . . . Wood, Qtt.,peroord...... . . . . . . . .. Anthracnte coal. per ton............ Mr. Wm. Bain returned on'1\&o;1(vl;a(.;'eV;IVen- ing from a visit to his home in Strauford. III 11, 11,) -1 'I'I-_____L_ .___._ I,--,_ _-- running`!- I Cow or Steer. No, 1. per lb....... II it NO-3. ll u.-o... II n "A n rs - - K u I & m - 3- u ` Gristing and chopping Daily The Prices Ruling in the Barrie and Toronto Markets During the Week, BARRIB GRAIN MARKET. Bzuzxm, Aug. xo, 1898. Wh '. .... ....... .. Got 6 W113: sail-llig: ..................... ..$ s...-`. .$s John -2- Galbraith! . . OF THE . . TOLLEN DAL Holler Flouring Mills. " ALLANDALE. H J ` $133!" A T II` FREE OF CHARGE and prescribe" Glasses-Glasses_ only--when T necessary. A We guarantee satisfaction. ` Of many defects of the Eye ren- L ders`i: unsafe to defer correction. If your eyes are troubling you n in any way have themexamined at once. We have equipped our Optical department with the most modern appliances and we make careful examinations lJ.H. Maclaren. l\ii-e'sq1Z371;a.dVfe1;dT, ef Toronto. eves home re newing old acquaintances for a few davs. `I'\ I _,. AI, . YI'__,,- I`1!_._1- ,.,__.1-,, ,,,,__4_, You'll find no place in Barrie where ou can make a better selectxon In perfumes than at this store. Our stock appeals to people 0 the most cnt1ca_l_ta.stes. It IS St)llSl1, fresh, and u .:o. date. embracing the latest and best odors. The qnahtxes are_ the n_est. and the best 0 the American. English and French perfumes are represented here With a wider assortment of each to choose from than you have reason to expeet. We are satxsed we_can please you and we feel sure that our prices Wlll be a pleasant surprxse. Below are some prices, and you can judge zh._- entire stock by the following items : on A39`.-..-put nrlnrn in Geraud's Best French Perfumes at 2:c. per 02. : Rodger 8: Call. D..- entt re stock by the xouowmg uems no different odors m Gera.ud's Best French Perfumes 25. per 02. ; Rodger 3; G311 per_ fumes, 4oc to 65. per oz. ; Toilet Waters and Lolognes, a dozen different odors. at 10C. and x'c per 02. ; Seely's Bottled Perfumes, handsome packages. 25 different odors to choose from. at 2?c. each ; Crown Perfume Co.'s Perfumes, Rodger and Gallet Perfumes, Atkinson's Perfumes. Bfili lot's Perfumes. in a variety of odors at prices up to $2.50 per bottle. DRUGS AND STATIONERY. SEAGERS DRUG swear; THE MARKETS. ..TH E.. GENERAL PRODUCE. crs.. ercwt............... :rIb................. Irlbnoouoouoousuono-u IIIOC I O I I C I I IO IIOIOI 1el...... :ck,new !W..ucooo-u -an nerlb................ d.perlb ..... 'cord. .............. root-d............... 600.... 5 75.... 50.. 16.... 13. . 9.... 10.. 63.. 15. 4 50.. :5. 10.... 350.. 300.. 6 600 7 6 oo 6o i7 '5 IO Seagers Drug Store f{.oVrvr`:etVooiZt`he Home Circle garden 'portv in Mr. Schrieber a lawn tomorrow evening. Mrs. Wm. Blair and daughter, of Toronto, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. Baboock, Toxon-ro. Aug. 9, 1898. Q A _- L- H1-IE: "ADVANCE-" We have urchased and reopeneq the Barer: Steam Laun ry. xo Dunlo street. With thc13`T_ modem a liances or All clezsses of work. 1'4` W noauz A nonm IN ovsnur. and has our ricallat . urdoor. NPECIAL 08113 DB]: VEB D THE SAME DAY. i Like all travellers, when going east. PM ,-E--themlauvisft. O B STEAM LAUNDRY 'H.N.Hughes&Bro. For inner in Hot Weather Parcels x. 2, 1 and 4 have frame buildings on them on which considerable amounts have been spent b) the Executors in the last two or three years to PU` them in repair. 71, n ., . .. ... ..... Frawley s Shoe Store. --.v_. ... . uyguu c Parcels one and two are near the ourishing Village of Mount Albert, which is a good grain centre. `D4-gal- -L_.... 1-..- C _, _ I A ____. Am Tnnms or SALE--Ten per cent. at time of sale, thirteen and one-third per cent. in three momhsthcre-_ after, and ten per cent. in six months after JAN` sale ; the remaining two~thirds of the pur`_h-'l50_m0_"T; V to be secured by mortgage, the terms of \\'hlCh M- ` be made known at the time of sale. b_g'he properties will be put up subject to a reserved 1 . For further particulars apply to 'I`L1f\D I Y\I\I\I`l'\'I`(`I\\Y ._v-- V- --... -vu A-gully \Il aqua`. \.a- II nuuuuun v . PARCEL VII.-Seventy-seven acres. part of the centre of Lot No. 24 in the 7th Concession of the I Township of Whitchurch. -- _~_.,-...- ...-.v. 5' vv -uyu la n 5vu\' slain Ln nu- Parcels three. four. ve and six are within easy d15- ` tance of the Town of Newmarket. , Parcel seven is not far from Vivian. Parcels one to six are in good state of cultivation. and Parcels one and two were held respectively by the same tenants for :2 or :4 years. __._ -v V... .. .-yum. -nl uynyao PARCBL IV.-The south half of Lot No. :4 in the 3rd Concession of the Township 01 King, 100 acres. more or Iess._ um -- _. . .l_._. .v. V- -u.. .73 .u gun gvvv nanny un Asnus. PARCEL VI.-The easterly :5 acres of the north half of the west half of Lot No. 5 in the 3rd Conces- - sion of the Township of East Gwnllimburv. nA-u/no\- `I'll 0,, . - F -17 at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, the following valuable properties : PARCEL I.-The west half of lot No. 6in the jth Concession of the Township of East Gwillimbury. 100 acres, more or less. `I'\,_-__ 1-r nu. . . ..- .-- -. --- ...-- ya, ...v. \- \Il Ivuq PARCEL U ----The cast half of Lot No. 24 in the 7th Concession of the Township of East Gwillimbury. xoo acres. more or less. __- _..v.., .......y y. unrest PARCEL III.-The east halves of Lots No 5,: and 33 in the 3rd Concession of the Township of King. said to contain about 2:7 acres. 13...... `III "FL- __ .1 1 ur rv . \v ~ .1 PARCEL V.--Thirty Acres. part of the north-west quarter of Lot 05 in the Township of King. D.-;--- `TI "I"l, , _ , -I i'.i`Vh'8VG !'rt;lrl(V1-T!`llnk ran a. special passenger train to M uskoka. on Saturdav. Pursuant to instructions from the Excimtors of the late Edwin Hunter, there W1" be offered for sale by VALUABLE FARMS Saturday, the 201311 of August, 1898. TEA. C6F?I;E A;`ID-C0CO:-1\IERCH;\NT. aoth July. I893~ TOWN OF NEWMARKET, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. PUBLIC AUCTION _-_y us:-sun: vvul IIIUVIUC |U| )UUl taunt. but for your BREAKFAST and TEA the many little delicacies that alone will tempt the appetite can be obtained at The butcher will provide for your tablc. Ln} 6`... ..._.._ DnnAvnAorr- _,,1 rrrrt WIV\'IVrsV.L(F.iDZurham, of Bradford, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. S. Meeking. Mrs. George Overs, sr.. has recovered from her severe illness of last week. Mrs. Ann Armstrong is visiting her daugh ter, -Mrs. D. McGougbo.n. at Beeton. svccassoxs To" E. s.` LALLY. at the North American Hotel in the SALE OF BARRIE _'AD_VERTIsE IN Iv IE6-BERTSON. jA vevs-r Vendors Soliitor. 11, 1898. Newmarket. m1ai;`I;.'daEi$i:${ i;:;ig;'t.;;u;,a. .;;;. an ex- ; tended visit with friends in Toronto. 4 x Miss M. Pa.tZotZ19.nd(Miss.?A'.- Warnica are home from Toronto on 8. visit. Ba.rr1e s South-Western Division. with its Pleasant Streets. its Tastv Dwell 51135, its Pretty Churches, and its Go- a.-head People W111 Entice Settlement -A Weekly Record of its Doings. Mr. Foot is the guest of Capt. Whish. Read Electric Light Flushes on page 4. Miss P. Cummings is visiting friends in Toronto. Z Mr. G. D. Patterson spent civic holiday in : Aurora. i i 7 i1i\71is7ssFrances Armstrong is visiting friends at Holly. ~ 1'1 I I . I 1 'I'4-e;-(rzraviziaent Sunday and Mon- day with Mr. C. Catcher. Ir 131` A, ,II.I iirs M. Belton has goe to visit her pa.r- A ents at Manitoulin Island. ALLANDALE -WARD NUMBER SIX. m1;d7iTsI["May Hamlm has returned home: from Toronto. Miss Minnie Waldru`, of Toronto, is` home on a-visit. Miss Marsh. of Huntsville. is visiting the Misses Campbell. Miss Sarah Connors. of Toronto, is home on a. few weeks visit. Reductions on all. lines through the store to make room for Fall `Stock. Call and see us if you want any- thing in our line AT BARGAINS. Unlnug. 3lsL H. H. 0unn&8on Next Door to Barrie Hotel. Summer Sale THE RAILWAY CENTRE OF THE FUTURE CITY. ARE HAVING. THEIR Annual These are a few of the items selected to bring business. this wey : LADIES DEPT. 3- % J Fravvley 1a DUN Lop-_s1f.. BARBIE. -- Q! Alnilcn so--. "'$i{~.*'i`.*{i4i{5i1 has rented the building recently occupied by Mr. Hart and has tted It up as an oice. He has had it repainted. 7 We are oing to crowd business for all it : worth this month, an all economical b'uyers will share some rich Shoe Bargains if they come early. West- in St. Juvwpuyvv-uuuuioooc ocuonoocslocltnlooun MEN'S .B'OYS' DEPT. Men`: Grain Harvest Boots, veg? nole. sizes 6 to M.n`2'1.`l.`x{ &".`i3.2; '.'..." `.._ ...;.'.;:'.:7'.::.'.:.'. ' LLIITLIKIIIW .7 Dear Sir,-I have much pleasure in to- day signing voucher for sum of $50. crant to the funds of Barrie Fire Brigade bv General Manager Have, in recognition of the very efficient services rendered by the Brigade in saving the Barrie passenger station from total destruction by re on night ofAJruly 21st.` As expressed to you at the time I personally appreciated the excr- tions made by the individual members of the Brigade. . ---_-, --v. --we yn uuvv-3 Iunuu an cu C IV`" a IQIIIUIIIIUIICIIIIIU Child`: in: Oxford `hoe. toe cap. coin toe, McKa sewed sole. black and chocolate ::`:`::.. ..,.,c..;e ""`;`l?.`. .`.'.ff f`?`.'_`.".`i .'ff?'.'_'."."..'.f' I t . Pad tOII'IO.IIIIIC'C..ICIOVlOOCC.: = Infat:,tal'En.amel Satrap Slipper. turn solgnizei \ 3 to6.aoecinl.' ........................... ~- ,_,-,, ,.-r-uuouuuuuo clots I ` } Men's Don Iaoncreu oats. toe an ..exte_n- sion 9. whole taxed, nuithblo or dtga l We8l',8piI.`pl'i0B-no c c I IOU! u n o o o u I n - neon I: } Boyd` 'l`a:_x_.Lace Bqoto. darkglnde. toe c_a.p, extenuon sole. uses Jo` tog. mmlu nuns. i Learning and children, of Toronto, arrived here last Thursday evening for a few weeks holidays. l\ I .1 1`. II I-CV zIV4vastS.unday was chi|dren ev day in the Presbyterian church. The singing was led bv a juvenile choir, who acquitted themselves very creditably. In the morning the pastor spoke on Baptism, taking for his text the last two verses of the last chapter of Mat- thew. At the close of his sermon he bap- tised two pretty little babies--children of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKinley and Mr. and Mrs. N. MacNicol. In theevening the Rev. E. I. Hart, of Toronto, occupied the pulpit. Mr. G. G. Smith, Ch(iefvef_'14`ire Brigade, has received the following letter from Mr. W. R. Tiin, G. T. R. Superintendent at Alla.111`da.le.-N _ 1' I Mr? ijo5h"i>}aSS," 'vE.eT,}a}'c a};{Jr [He Grand Trunk Railway, left London for this country on Wednesday last. On his arrival he will accompany Sir Charles Rivers-Wilson on his tour of inspection. It is rumored that the presidents of the Grand Trunk Railway and the Canadian Pacific Ry. will` confer. together. l'\I'!| D n u u On Friday evening our baseball club play- ed a friendly game with the Oriole diamond players in the Agricultural Park. when the 6th ward club came off victorious by a score of 15 to 8 and an innings to spare. N. Mac- Nicol. for Allandale, pitched a splendid game all through. Mr. John Mallov was umpire, and gave good satisfaction in his decisions. -Peace has not yet been declared between Spain and the United States. The air-brake instruction oar arrived here last Wednesday evening. Mr. Gill. the in- structor, has been busy during the past week inetructinar the men in the use of the air-brake. 1`he car used is a very long, and is lled with all kinds of machinery and a. large boiler. There should be 9. light on the wharf here when boats are arriving after dark. One of our young men had to burn a. lot of paper (love letters and all) the other night to let a. boat in. Hurry up and let us have electric light. By voting for the by-law on the 15th inst. you will soon have an all night service. |l'__ '1'__-_I, n I , - D -I Mr. John and Miss Annie Murray, of Ni- agate. Falls, who have gone to Bruce Mines, were the [guests of .Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Murray for a. couple of daya. Int, `l',I, I17! I. n II- I General Superintendent MoGuigan. _ As- sistant Supt. W. R. Tiin and other G.T, R. ofciule passed through here for Midland on Thursday to inspect the new elevator at that place. They returned home that even- lmg. ` c'i`he ballast} train, under the supervision of Mr. Charles Tickell, returned on Satur- day evening. They have been working at Peterborough, Lindsay, Fenelon Falls and. Omemee. Some 18 men from this place were on the gravel train. VIII I I I "'(;;`Sm-1_1;'i-.e;arr`:'c>rning the Rev. Mr. ney administered the Lord s Supper George's church. ' T Mi't::;'E`!:;.>i;a:x;ViIz;rsL:_;f-Et:1;;;ville, re- turned to her home last week after a. pleas- ant visit with Mr. and Mn. W. Uampbell. ll-.. 'I`-_l_ _ HI___,, 4 Mrs. Jack, of Toronto, vwas-visiting her son, Mr. Robt. Jack. over Sunday and Mon- day, also Mr. and Mrs. John Jack and chil- ' dren. ` < ' to Frnuke Browne, Barrie. Eonse to rent; Aliandaleg $3.00 per month. Suitable for railroad man. Apply I v 1 g_ie Overs has returned from her visit with nendsin Bdhlo, Niagercs Falls, and other places in the States. It;.. 1'? 1 III . W "'1:el:ex'1to. who he been the guest of Mr. and Mrs Wm. Camp- bell, returned home laet Thursday. ` "UL- l`I PI` 1'! Tize G.'l`. vfzrinrth week in July were $587,225, or $64,452 less than for the fourth week for July, 1897. ' ' `Il'.. 172-4 ii_\vg_.| 1-. mn f"MT.*1&ia$1%%Mi~ii}i; Ir' aL"+.i{e G.T.R. shops here, has been rexoved to the shops as St Thomas. He law on Saturday. `IS..- (V. _. ._-.._. _..- _-_- v-_ ...-w-----J- 7` Miss Savins, of Toronto, was visiting friends in the 6th ward from Saturday till Tuesday, the guest of Mrs. Bradford. __ ...."..- Mr. John Whitebread, auditor of the Kingston and Pembroke railway, returned to his home in Coboconk `last Thursday after visiting his brother, Mr. E. Whitebread. . In 11' . Jrliiazlvfsbear and B. Suthgrland, of To- ronto, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Shear on civic holiday. 11..- `I'f,,___; .._, ,, I 1: r Is 71- - ' I Mr;. Frank Allan. who has been visiting with Mrs. R. Webb, has returned to her home in Michigan. - II III II , ,I ,II I,_, ,, A I .I I III! V V lV9:ViVl"._s_tL1");l-I'\d'r~s."\- \;;a`t::"c;od, of Tdrohto, have been visiting Mrs, Westwoodla mother, Mrs. Bradford, Essa. street. -_-no _-n - - A- -- "the by-law. "T1": 'J{{;.`a};s?ci;I1n;$ic- Light ac"- commodation at the lowest; prices vote Ior 4-Guuuo. an -. nun V Mt. Hunt and wife, of Toronto, were the guests of Mr. Wm. Hurst on Monday. ' ll._ __._1Il`___, II.,,., I III`. i . I In one of the windows he has many handiom owers. , ~ ' T Mr. -Aftliur Oven, of Torohuo. spht Sun-_ day and Monday in the 6th vward. . nu. "MK [ning Gilchrist; and daughter, Sadie, have been visiting in Hamilton -during the past week. - ` ll: 7 (II I '8` In .1 n I I I-1 -.-J ---u -pvuu-- -- -cw vv-q vv guano: = Mr. George a.mpl')ll_ returned `Inf Satur- dav from camp at Ducloa Pdint. l'l_._, ,,,, 4QA_a_ ,1. ,, IEII . 0 ,'l'o I. color, I.-est. V " of stock. sizes u to a, reg- ular price; I-00. menial .................. . . . color. nest grace or stock. 19w heeln to: .specialat..................... fonts namgl Strap sole 3 t6,`gpeclaluucnooooooonuononcoooucc. Inns-nu A`II\' U-nose-nu -n-n-._. V B` 'ud'i` `I: ...a." s Lfh 'dbau tm-ex. r:....`:'..,`:x...." ;";.l'.``...`a-1...:.:i'.,?,..'i.'3i';.2 A "' "" vyu nqotl. GX 33100 IIIQJO 5 `Wm $1.35 `nd`o5. Waco-ofinnoooooucoicoi , my width, Goodyear uiewngno stitches or A Check forb$50. uvuuuuu IIKBIQU DI I13!` 3 VIEW t0 |Lohsr."n_n a n:t`\::;-`ver, and t a pleasant placq . , Mr. and Mrs. R. Williamson, of `liarrie, and Mrs. Williamson, of Hewkauone, were vieltin at Mr. Albert Willinmaon, Noctu- wa.- ulletin. . Viuitora to` Battle suburbs admire the lovelv Iummer home chosen by Mr.` and Mn. Harmon The c briok,mun- slon atondm .h,igb on theh, you the shore of beautiful . empenfeldt`-Be . ha; view to chain A nnl-.nI-n.Inun- min` 5 - ..I---_..A. -1- -A F _M`c"(;l-a-in" LE1 `Miss Clara McClain, of Meaford, visited Mrs. and Miss McClain, McDonald street, recently. ' Mr.Thos. Waters. of Toronto, visited his parents, Mr, and Mrs. George Waters, Woxsley street, over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hunt, of Toronto,` are guests .of.Mr. a-ndoMrs. W. H.` Myers, at .Erneoli e," for a few days. l`..' -_.`I II... `I 1`! tie, H ` - _-- .. ---. --J-u J, G. Strong and son, Ar- thur. of Toronto.` were the guests of Mr.` and Mrs. E. Donnell over Sunday - King Houston. teacher at Nanyr, has _re- ; turned to, 0:-illia from a ve1g..enioyabIe % canoe trip Around Matchgdaah ; 1 Cl -- -- YJ-."(-}.W(') Neil1, of Buffalo, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Overs, sr., for a few weeks.