Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 11 Aug 1898, p. 7

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I108 WV 59 Villlalav Annnv QEII-I) can In up-u-`cu Suddenly, like one seized ith the " frenzy of despair, the desperate speaker gave a quick, vigorous stroke with his. right oar, thus throwing the frail craft directly in the steamer : path. 'I'\L- -_..L_..- _--n `LA Cunlnu-It\ Q-up` unt` \ALL\)vIIoJ can Ianav uvvvuanavn -a run`:-U The captain saw the move and rang the backing ball, but too late; the sharp prow of the vessel out through the boat like a knife, cleaving her in two. A :31) -L...'..I.. Al J...-.....S_ .u....n A-6 an allow in Anna-av. vnvvu range --v- --u w A wild shriek of despair tangent on T the night air and was home away on the wings of the storm. The turbulent waters embraced six struggling forms. Life preservers were quickly thrown into the stream, while the pinnace was lowered in a hurry. The crew went vig- orously about the work of rescue and succeeded in getting four out of the six. I\..- l`1L.._...__ ..-..I T ..-.6-nu. u-on-an Duuvvvuvu can DVUU-one av`-o vu-v V- `pony up... l One Ohinaman and Lawton were missing. Nothing could be seen of the former, while the la.tter s head could be discerned bobbing up and down on the waves as he struck out for shore. The cutter s boat at once gave chase, when suddenly the swimmer threw up his hands, and, with one wild cry. disap- peared from view and was seen no more. 11.. .I..Il...-....-.L..`I.. -.-.....1..L Anntl. ....cI-um PW` U\A AL V 11 win: an uvv gov cnnnvn ~- He deili-t`).e1:z;te1y st;-ught dearth rather than be captured. So the oioers thought. `I .. .. -......II -..l.... ~..-u.d-'Iu.- n-.83 than uuuu IJU Uwyuuavun nav vn.-v voaavvuu Us-\lIn-In In a small cabin nestling amid the , timber on a back road some miles from 7 Windsor sat a woman. Her once hand- some face showed the line of care. While rocking the baby to and fro her dark eyes kept wandering to the door with an anxious expression as she lis- tened to the storm without. From her faithful heart a ever went up for the safety of her h' ' ' . daring smug- gler. T I .--L;.- usual: .5 `nun-lg-o\n`pn- non A-unuunus Bava- Lawton was a lawbreaker, an enemy of society, and should be suppressed, but he was all in all to this woman in the woods, who watched for his coming so eagerly. It was to be his last trip and they would again seek their home in Virginia. His father had forgiven the marriage against his wishes. Wealth . and comfort awaited the pair. ltI"lT:II L- _.._.-.. -.....-')II _I_.. --13 A.- uni`: vv-naovnv vuvvu.--vvva on-v Will he never come?" she said as she laid her sleeping infant on the bed. The wind sang monrnfnlly around the corner of the cabin. Hark, there were the snapping of twigs and a heavy toot- fall on the doorstep. ml... 41--.: -0 |:...I..a. 0;... ...:n..:.. -I...-..... Sill VA: VI-Iv uvvnuvvyo tine ood of light from within shone on the dripping gure of the smuggler. as his wile opened the door. The ex- pression of savage triumph gave way to love` light in his eyes. as unheeding his dripping garments she clasped her arms around him with a murmured, Thank God. you are safe. ` (I17... .-.811 -5-.. -..\-an --A-.56: u-an-9 ! glen VT:.Y'< >I;;v`iii's.;<;i)now. won t you? she continued, gazing at him with her soul in her eyes. ` ' A 'B-.lA1_ L-~ _L_4L-J LL- L_..--- La]- nun: nun:-an avvaavu Anauovuunvu - -' 1 The elder woman nodded; then Sarah I kissed the round, sunburned face and ` said: Mother, I never have revolted against father, but I'm going to save the place for you. I wouldn t mind so uiuch, but you shall never leave your home. I'm going out now to think it over, and putting on her pink sunbon- net she went out the back door. When some distance from the house, she sat down in the shade of a tree, and while her heart beat loudly over her father's contemplated injustice she resolved to outwit him. jjlb V 'Sott1;vh.e` stroked the brown hair. thinly streaked with gray. and whis- pered in her ear. 4 A bright light epreadover her face as she (led the drenched men inside and _IA.___1 ALL J_-._ 3IJa}i`m'&oo."" ' l.`hestorm was over. The risingsnn . oaressingly touched the topof the hum- ble "home. A squirrel scurried out of. the..open..d9er,: ._Th,eVhut.wes e11!P'57_-. A new dayjhad also dawned . for the. dating I__.I;_ ..-I&.._ -a.-..- 4.- [-31- cu-nuo .`4\ Lin SUE o "1`h_e ontter'I 1n:'inma.st had been I-IUJV \AlJ_a.III\a wuwu uuyvn-nvu ova mu wbreaker. ..naw on: his way";";.o-`E uouthgrn home.-;-Detroit Tribune.- thooolnl 3 peaantv` won;nu~ is box-no-to the gun upon the shoulders Q! woman-._ Has purchased the premxses occupxed hv Chas. Mc- Guire, just east of the Vletorla. Hotel, and has oened up business in all kinds of Black- smithing. orseshoeing. etc ` All work will be done promptly at the lowest gure. Remember the place. THE um BEllABlE Aucmmernl G. R. FORD Near Market Square. Vvrn. |V|cLarty, l.I:lA.NDLES ALL KINDS OF AUCTION I SALES. J - .4na.n.nn `l`here s Josh Mullin, he might--but Ican t bear Josh; he chews tobacco, and his mouth always looks dirty. She cast her eyes over the landscape, and on the next farm she saw the gure 0f I man in the eld. Yes, there's John Howard, but-and her face grew Pink--I hate somehow to ask it of him. Then the tear stained face of her mother passed before her mental vision, and, giving a jerk to her sunbonnet, she started down the path across the mead- OW I T Are a specialty, and parties intending to have sales,_will consult their own interests by placing thei: sales m his hands. %l\..4I..... I-35 at Tun AnIrAunn Amp: 111: HO sales ma nanas. t8'0rders left at Tm: ADVANCE ofce will be I attended to. 35. G . R _ FOR D . N0. '1 and No. 2 sold in Barrie at Seagers Drug Store. ' Canadian B;an'ch Oice, Head Office. MONTREAL. ' LONDON. ENGLAND ' `M I` HIMCHAW, :ilAM_I.PIPKIN, P\._ll1l'|l`\lEq \l\IIIIr:-`II I n Cabital. $6,ooo,ooo. Founded 1808 Application for-msfurnished, and rates quoted by GEORGE PLAXTON, AGENT. sq-lv T Barrie Ont. Oice in Bothwelfs Block I o,ooo Ladies. sate, eeotual. Ladies ask our dru t for Cook : Gotten loot Con- . ke noo er_ as all Mixtures, pills and totions are dangerous. P:-iee,No. 1, :1 er box` No. 9, 10 degrees stronger-.83 per box. 0. 1 or , mailed on receipt of price and two 8-cent stem 3. The Cook Oompany Windsor Ont. E` as. 1 and 2 sold and recommended {)1 all responsible Drnggiats in Canada. iI3.0VE%8_ BUSINESS GBLLEHE. | No'bo;na'ting, -but S0l.l_d, Sound} Genuine Work. Shorthgnd. thoroughly _ta.ugl_1t in three months. `Bookkeeping in all at branches. Business Course I I `uncnn nun Coniplete. `C huvenise in uiwnncvl SHAW BRS., John Howard was hoeing corn. When he saw Sarah approaching, he stopped and leaned on his hoe, a. look of concern on his face. H1 , .- -- .. `gun: a L MAKERS OF PORTRAITS FROM THE SMALLEST `MINIATURE TO LIFE SIZE. { J. ;_'ULVERWELLs Halfcuihg apd. Shaving " ParOr 0PPosIr1c?BA;1-31211: norm. V _ . :B.A.;I3,i5%I:a3- v and-set on short noting`- - Tan: Mamas Demons COPYRIGHTS &.c. Anyone sending a. sketch and descrition may quickly ascertain our opinion free w ether an invention is prob ably ntentable. Communica- tions strictly condent . Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing atents. Patents taken throu b Munn & . receive special notice, without c urge. in the A -2- ..A.2.Q2;_ 1"AAAAn:A.AAA A Our} Motto : VVIV-VV---V ' ----v--vv-_-' A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Lamest cir- culation of any scientic ournal. Terms. $3 a year: four months. 31. 80 d by all newsdealers. -III." A A ---_ _n _ gun: "gash cluuuuu. UL an nunuuuuu uuuu... ..... ...... 7.. .. our: mo1 1ths. Soald u u &co.se=a~-am. New vggk Branch Omoe. 625 F 8-`... Washington, D. SHA\N BROS. FARM STOCK SALES anaman Duluu vunuzg ucau vuu.-.. NTRE L. LONDO . . - M.MC(.) H1Ns?1Aw, mug. 11b1`>(x; i B111 Heads and Statements D...-u-L Ilannnrnr Rianaaer. .` An A . Yes. Dr. Brown says he can : live more than two or three days, and-oh. JhI1. it s awful the way he is! _ Yes. but you have been a. good, sue- rlcing daughter, Sarah, and you can't lame yourself for anything, you"- "Oh. you don t understand, John! H9, 80ing to leave everything to--to Jackson Goggan, and mother 11 have to leave the place, she half sobbed. Vm. ....__s. _,,- 2. n-_-u_a 1111.- Cori. _ S`.|'Il8E`I" - V Avnxn, Here is a new recipe for a delicious, delicate pudding that digests as easily as the breakfast porridge. that Flake Barley is usually used for in hot weather. Cook .one cup of Tillson s Flake Barley and one cup of raisins unt`~l tender using one and one-half -cups of water, then add the yolks of two eggs. small cup of sugar, tea- spoonful of vanilla and cook in the oven until thoroughly baked. When baked spread a` meringue of the whites of eggs over it and brown in the oven. pecuu notice, Wllznoul; cnurge. in mm Scientic Ilmericam. 1 1._...n.........m.. x1I...o..4u-I umolrlv `l .m-mant. oh V]. L4. IJIIVGKIIIVV` Branch Manager ... A ] Allll FILIJCII Luanagcr | uusua can A*rLAs..." ASSURANCE COMPANY. Anal .-1 mg `.-_ -__ '|:,,,,,, Photographers. and Crayon Artists. 30001: : Cotton Root Compouni 1 7- __--gnnI-a`I- ......a -'-`n\ouO1t|`9 `\9 ACLU pvvir wvvvv-- u--wvv wvj v----- ` Is successfully used monthly by over 50,000 Ladies ask vnnr (`Irnsnzlnt for Caulk : Cotton Root COI- -wtve we place," she half sobbea. `You can t mean it, Sarah! Why-V Why. that would be outrageous. What makes him talk of such a thing?" `:Because -- becanse- I am an old mind; he hates all old maids, and her " Brew pinker than the sunbonnet. `hn Howard shifted the hoe to -the her arm and looked down.` Ink. 1'! -._ . -I_ Grocers sell Tillson's Flake Barley by the pound. Use a double boiler LATE OF ORO, Quality, Stvle, and Fine Art, I at low prices. Tonom-o. J. J. MUSGROVE. W. McLARTY. 25 Cents. m. J. turn Manager. 1 -- -uu uuu xooxou uown. . J 50. I ve come to ask you` Ohn. don't think- no brzeh; `it : .mth1"B Sake. I oan .t? Blind to `see ht Wfned out. and for my fa.t nlt,.and if y'all 7"un1)' help me and-and--come up the house and pretend that we are to ` " married-jusc untif utter the ' will it `fade--it wouldn't be so very wrong. 0hn_....a. .. |__.a -_ 1-4.1.1-- ....-A.I..._' L- The 0nitrio% Permanent Building and Loan Association Special Facilities oered to Investors and Borrowers. TENANT-Why pay rent, when, on such can month!` pageants. you 5:31: become_ your own Ian lord ? on vs the choace of at a monthly rateugaf $1.20, $1.50. or $1.90 for $xoo.oo bor- talc Ul hzu, $1.50, ur up:-yu IUK casun 91(1)-O0 D0!` rowed. THE P BL|C-Wh d all ocket money? a. month placledssveiittih the and Loan Association will yield you in about 8 your: A PRESENT of $100.00, or a. prot of $41.40 over your monthlv pavments. ` THE |NVESTOFI-Wh t lace $100.00 with the o. P. B. a L. A.:'`:., 5nd h.2";{ doubled in :2 years. beside receiving during the in- terval 6% per annum paid to you every months? In other words, for your $xoo.oo you wnll reeeive as Interest 866 and 2 Inmn sum nf Sana. mnkinrr 9 an-and Ln outer worus, interest $66 and total of $266. vv -- V- 7-.`- An investment safe as_government securities and much more protable, reahzing the investor an equiva- lent to :5 per cent. per annum. simple interest. For printed matter and further information call on `L95 Dunlop-St., Boss Block, Barrie. O.H.LYON. Conveyancing Blanks per dozen I 15 Cents. ,.g g little girl one day. ' lxht You: old. Ihelliltr `I ' A 81:: `tvlgtowee made in e wonddrttil - I `Mg high above her head, a tin do eleclo air m`Anl'1`sh: was richly clad: 3,, eyes were` black. her (ace wl 211:. B`, beguty made me glad; I, gators and brothers. little molt},- now many may you` be?.`.' _ ; l ,.now many! Seven in all. she gold, ....1_ wondering, looked at me. ' WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO, iAssignment of Chattel Mort- gage _ Release of Equlty of Redemp- tion per dozen SEQTREAS. BARRIE LOCAL BOARi). 1:-ti Chattel Mortgage Statutory Lease House Lease Farm Lease 1 3 Assignment of Mortgage per dozen Agreement for Sale of Land per dozen 35 Cents. Deeds, heavy paper. a Printed Letterand Note Heads in Linen,`Bond, Laid and wove papers, padded, very cheap. Evenings at residence, 67 Owen-St. L Envelopes, printed per 1000 0 $1.40 - _-- c-cc`.-cc ,Get our prices and see our stock now mgnyt DUVUM Ill hi can And, wondering. lookd-`at and where are they ? I prayryon. tall." 81,, answered: Seven are we. `,4 two of us with mother dwell. . `Dd two with pa and me. 20 Cents. Eiyiboo Calls attention to the $1.00 I0!` your QIEX you Will YGOOIVO 3' in lump sum of $aoo.making a grand AND UPWARDS AND UPWARDS And two came into the Iernily Along with my locond mother; ` boy and girl. so they. you` one, no my sister and my brother." You say the` W0 with your mother dwell And two with your pevend you. so far it`: all as clear an a hell. But what 0! the other two?" non did the little maid reply: seven boys and girls or-owe: [our And two are six. and I . , Hoke the seventh. Don't yougggrv You've got it wrong. my little rneid As sure as you're alive. - Subtract your new stepmother | two And ye are only ilve." Hy no end pa live fer spun-t, Each married to another. Iy me has two to cheer her heert. My sister and my brother. 3`:;;l~1t wouldn't be put `"03 80 bad as letting _mother he wont of her borne. Shpcaught her I in short gasps, but when John .'. f' silent her pink taco suddenly paled. a .` "Won it : asking a heap tog much John. but don't nouns on. gun. 4... . John Smith had a hobby, an uncon- quarable aversion to old maids. And _. in unit`? vnnnlrnwv A B3: rank on. Hy father took my sign;-.J.n.. My brother John and mo. 11 you can count. it must be plain Enough that he has three. Three and two are live. you know. And then those other two ., nuke uven in all. Now I must go, Since I've made it plain to you." uffhoso two your stepma b x"ouoht-117111 not nave seats with you in heaven." "rwes throwing words Away. for Ike mm pnying looks regarded me And answered. ` `We are seven!" -..(1l-uinnon Nauru SAVED THE FARM. .. -.u All W. am" he Is the old man W'5 8 Shot` Avausw > Ilr.'II `mxsivvxl we A/xiii .s:v:I~ 11, 1893." '1'<"n';&o um. ...--u vuunuull Dlllllill II . In"?! l19.v .,.1_*` I00 right through `it. but-i1.-if ynf; would be willing we "oould drive e j to Squire Hell : this afternoon and married. I wouldn't`-trouble you aw`, " Sarah We oould go on just the and I'll never want to marry any one else. and it ;you should you oould get n__ divotoe-yon e Oh,\you r`e me it .:nakea,:n,o diner- wage : xniiid; John? Ha- _Np, I don't mind. I d helpyou way`!-oould. Sarah. It : nigh noon neg. I'll drive over for you in the buggy right after dinner. - ; . urn: L- ._, I __ ____`i yet, as in very mockery of his pet an- tipathy, his only child, Sarah, had do- veloped into the hated object. right in his own household. ,L -_....- Ln nun!` nun:-Ic1`n- LA- -..v-2 eW9=.--..*.-W1 F! PJQPPI-"`3 Smith wiped the her eyeeiu` the gazed at her dangE"cer e face. ' . ' _f`4I?\ge-.b,ee,n. attending to business " uh; no or.` You will not leave _ place. Hm going over 0 Squire Ha thiglhvnnia Ink- H.-.........1 .1- --...z-3.. xzguw 3168!` 111111161`. " 3f1.. 11.,b9Areas33:;t.'and-I w,o;:ldn't huge I"? >} --xo`u.:-..lohn.`- on1y-on1y--you un- derstand how it is, don't you?" He :- --wne 9;` A ` u-u'In'4` ' 4 I'.--". ._-.. I___'__n `u--. -:-':- 3---3 vvvo vv 0-nguaav In! {I thiqgpygagng. John Howard in oomxg to take me in the buggy. V The sun was sinking low in the when John Howard and Sarah returned from the squire a. a . -V Will you come in, John. and ` about some? I'd-I_'d rather you'd 1 1 him. 3% t.m_insi.. - _ Sarah E ' John. 1, rsaiiea~'che` dn5:.fiha 6`h3,;m He walkedto the bedside of Jackson Smith and sat down a IlTY__1_ 1' I an n - ---- .. ,1..- u----can Ina-n\l XI IIUWIM Uncle Jackson," in began, IWo.. -opmo. to `te1;L.-yon_what.\ 1:310 dono. You? know t8t7`I e .oftah;wdrhod.. Jronthat` .Iomo..day.,-you would lose the most valu- able posa.ui9n xon had? -r % ` % . $416 : the;1:.1ji_pd_le_ heifer, " 1nta1jrup_tod* 9- -I_,_ . - ow - u-v; uuuausv pulses`, uauutrllllill Jackson `smith, his eyes snap`piug an- grily. "John I-Ioward..you think `be-' cause! am on nay deathbed that you can do as you please. _bu't,I ll showsyon. It's just like you to shoot a. neighbor's heifer just because she jumped into your wheat. .1 don't expect anything-_ better of you-the whole party is made up of thieves and cutthroats-but I'll` F leave it in my will." Jackson Goggan shall law and law until - - He sank L__I_ -_I__,A_.,s A , I OXVV T QTY KCC `C ESE exhaustgd hi": outbm: If you get that angry over that! brindle heifer, Uncle Jackson, I don't \ know what you will say when _I tell you that I have not -touched the heifer, but I have married Sarah. K nrcnv Q xncvv -n-In-ov\n nllhuplo Married - Sarah! and Jackson Smith s eyes dilated. Married Sarah! he said, under his breath John, give me your hand. I knew Sarah was a Smith. Why, there never was an old maid in the Smith family, but it did seem she meant to take afterthe Walk- ers-_-gher mother was a Walker. Sarah -marriedl I can go in peace, John, now that you have lifted the disgrace , from the Smith family. Oall Sarah. I ` want to give her the brindle heifer. n-n.-- an. 1.'_....... ........... 4.1.- ......a. .1..- ` ""2C?e-7133-Ta" `wit-ha-1-1-vdne cere- mony, J aokson Smith was laid away by `the side of other Smiths. John Howard went home with his wife and her moth-_ er. At the porch be halted awkwardly, `seeing which Sarah turned. Will youoome in; John? she asked. ` I'm afraid it would only pester you ` if I did. I-reokon I ought to go home, but I hate to leave yon-you women folks a1one-and you'll be kind of lone- some now. i g ,1`. _.___ 11-1. _._.1.1 A. __ ms Uvvu nu uuuu \lO Sarah was tall and angular, like her father, but her face was pleasing and her disposition mild and amiable. She had never revolted against anything in her 1ife-not even against the injustice of spending her youth in making pre- urvel, apple butter or piecing quilts while other girls were making merry. n_- 1-.. 'Y....I-....-. Q-ILL .u....d-...`I - Iv Illa`! v D v onvn vn-v you-cu -v--V-v When the lawyer came the next day, he wrote a will beqneathing all, save a life interest to Mrs. Smith, to his be- loved daughter, Sarah, who had. glad- dened the last hours of his life. ,1` S___ ,-4_ UK-I-I9 llUVVc You might stay. We would x up father's room real comfortable if you would just as soon, " said Sarah, begin- ` ning to realize the awkwardness of her 1 position. nu `In... on an-nah I nm-{Id tnn thn pumuuu, I d like 1:0,. Sarah. I could tend the crop just as well, but I'd feel as if I \ was living 0110! you women, and-and ` you might get to hate _me if I hung around. _-_-_s_n. 1.- _.l....8.1 .0 that `W""_%Il'..rlL|r`s~n.y-`..'-. . - ` >~~'.=.)e-t. .~aa-rm `I...'L IL _..I'_'.|.`. `,1: `IU uuu. _ You needn't be afraid of that, John, said Sarah, tapping her foot nervously on the porch floor. It would be the easiest way out of our-our-di- lemma, but, if you'd rather not stay we could explain to folks how it _was that you just married me to save the farm. " But, Sarah, if we told that, it would be a lie. I took advantage of your trouble to get you married to me, and you didn't suspect me, but now I feel mean and as if you will not respect me when I tell you the truth. Sarah gazed at him in wonder. What could he mean, she thought, but no sound came from her lips, and he continued: I ve been trying for ten years to as]; you tosmarry me, but I never could do" it, and. when you came to me in your trouble I -jumped at the chance,` Sarah, because I wanted you-I ve always wanted you, but now- -I feel I can't stay-unless you can take me for your husband in earnest. His eyes did not` lift to her. face. so 1-.-.In Ira; nvnn warn mm wide in eyes (110. mu nu nu nu. uwu. _ Johnl" Her eyes were openwide in amaze, and the face so lately tear stain.- ed became radiant with nnexpected joy. You love me? _ she questioned in glad nnbelief. Why, I have loved you all this time, too. she whispered.--Oin-l olnnati Commercial Tribune. . /A V 'l'ho__Worryln"g._b`lt. _ _ V , .A.prime_ necessity 0! "o ,:.perri':an,ent freedom. trom worrying is the poueseion of the personal quality commonly known as sand. If amen has not been endowed "with sand by nature, he must pick it up for hiznsel.- Nobody is going to give him .a_.ny. but he can do this easier than he thinks. e y . - Most of thethlngl we worry 070! are ` only bugbeare `that fade and disappear l upon `the limit -aqtpok, Herein; lies the rot V seoret of success--in atteck--and . the great lies in persistence, in keeping always at` work. The man who actually does this. wasting no time. will 1 gum the ut thing he; 9; 2?`|.t,ho'g It0ptig3t.'.R1Vsf>!'yil[l,8s(`;Qgd;.;~;li,Io lachl ;,lr`' tl,e;.I'. Ii. ha Ie`zI.mJ,I1mIIl1?,h9!!.:sot y. Jatan ;L*'ug';-3;: liht thinnnah is tn. :0 an _i'_ Inf, 3`, : - 3.1. where` hafe you ` 1 ' an In an-s-5- II .._.I II` "- IULJU Uuuus 8544 -a on- no-Iconi- One day Jackson Smith received a. hurt, and when Dr. Brown was called in he told Jackson his days were num- bered. Then it was that his hatred for old maids proved itself. unn _.-_.-_. 1--.... A.L:.. -1--- 4... .. ............. an-the- a-g'uaiudiuug'-_ `. . \- in abqvc: thbhyem-'5-at'tho` 'l'Id0!hfT1`|ejIIlEi`i>n`hiqTnz;i=*ew1n`s. ' ' w _ 1.-own,e_mh-on his homely breast. And,npring1n'` bdtwoon them. in c.1og't_:1oV {birth ). . . 0! tho=chunso1e- ck! I-(H110 chlnclnz earth. A voice the lpi'Il_Ik'l hash!-hlatli 0 earth. be glad! '.l'h'e brown hriut l`or,God_q!s gbgvel ~.'.l?he wings; upatugh _ls thiii! inssak. b I .m_o.rLtali heard! . Since heaven `and `e ,can'touchin abtrd. Perhaps thbi are never IO` tar-apart? Choerilh emu: . Be nd aim ,aii&_-., Love is above: ;the` `ear : at the spring. -,Wi1lIam J. Long in oath : Coinpanion; n..s.'.%....;. as mag m...: ..ixgi.: w;$I@ perfect one..- The vaulted heaszoxmworo ituddbdgwith which vumaaiinsa. iii- lliinidy._ % ll ; :_ _.__._. _- 4L,.L"`j`." ix-` ',`__ 3-. II wan nluuueuu ur1111n51`I.',3x.:`_ H _ H `.`1.i.iI It.rv_,n.se_.;._t5e! (,1... .0I,!`,1.!'.`.%.-" 'n2IIi;tto651 :4?-i..wron.a .hfo;.ii. my pxueq t_ht.:beIch.g t91i_hak_oeuo monlmyg in; around; with those pigtails. we'll be- nabbed-`yaw %. J90 Mg:Al!iI0'c5I.~AoitOnsib,ly\ a,"nh_er' mm; was tummy-ooun Tuna"srg11w~ worker 1.5=SwtbIi;5='* slaiawd Smvhmsnrfh-.rdi h9!5dd *i!;*I:91' as iogvin timeI__.,o! danger, orhud imqgo ut%@.h,n..` 1! .h1 fco1I=;I.- ;>Toi1 iI`!;?# at:fdti`bn. ihgdipm % ho__`_l?.. ymgh. 3 _ bbx, Igndy .|3egrgl. ` KIWH `IE -l lIl"V i iI:`nn'I'3|`-n fun; Ha um. 3?r'rN 3 ~I9n_te I. aomewhat l_i:s1iorow.I=81it>enr~ ulco. bI_tt.=n:gla'noe..at the a!nall;.;_sharp.- gray: eyes. which gleamed- from `beneath his heavy eyebrows. would .q9n 7ince~ the boholdov Jodwas no -fool. His snnhurned onvnntendnoo waaraurmountod byga dmok of coI1"Ie,' rebellious , red hair," which `hid sfashion-of peeping out Vtroxh tinder-A thp rim of his hat. with impndenoe`char- aot19_1-i`st_io _of -the wea;-e_r. -UIlULLDUlU UL Ill-I9 VV ' Light footstepsugee. heard. 3 along the road, and, while satised it was .MoA1lister with the contraband Chinamen, Lawton, with his usual can- tion, stepped into the shadow of V a tree until reassured by a short. low whistle. which he answered. ' How many? was Lawton : salnta- LS-.. IOVIIC Four. Humphl You'll get uscaught yet, Joe, with your lagging back. CCUAAL I VA ;:u'ou~.4. Inna `Ln Lu-13-`; CV11, VVIUI-I Jvuo nuoaaoaa uuuvnno Hoot, men! Ye dinna ken the twirls and twists of these jibberine divils. They're like a lot of old women with their chatter. univu II n I II 9! Q A ,!AL A DAREDEVIL DEED. "77 "i"1`,"iquiok,*' said Lawton, with the imperious air of command natural to him. And the pay? ' (GT9..- ....L 24. _..-~. onnn -8;-LL In on.- UV IIJIJJI Q A H Q U Gav rid. I I've got it, mon, $200, right in my "pocket. D ye suppose I'd bea-foolin wid thim ifnot? Indeed no. I, A .1 _Z___ Ulu ulunuu you v vvu -v-av..- ' I'll never leave this place to a. woman that can't get a husband," he said ercely. HI')._L 5-51.-.. Gnmnkln -uniunn I-u-J can bill In IAIJUO , &I\Q\l\l\Q cave At a signal from Joe four shadowy ` forms glided out of the darkness, and with chattering teeth took the places indicated for them in the stern of the 6319- that case vv `nan. up-av:-v-J `an vacuums`- themselvesof their coats; and shoving out into the stream pulled swiftly to- ward the shadow "of the island, hugging its protecting gloom until they cleared the point. Here they rested upon their oars. listening intently for sounds of pursuit. I111... noulltuuml A. kdnnmnnn `nap: anion `I Inc I) unyo ` The smuggling of Ohinamen had gone on to such an extent that the United States government was making extra eiforts to put as stop to it. A .._...L...... -8 ....L..-1 L.-.2 1..--.. Inna.-a . Vnhvnv-I UV In: Us navvr vv A systefn of patrol h.;d been inangu-- % rated "extending along the line, and it t was a. hazardous undertaking to run the gantlet. - LIUIUUO . The current of the river as it struck o V the American shore set in toward the island which divided it, causing it to recoil with much swiftness, quickly lending them down stream. fI1I.-.. J-_L..-A...._ I...._... .-. --I...L I... ......, ........ W..- ...-.,...... Their destination being a point be- low, where their cargo would be met I by a- conveyance and then driven inland to catch an early train for the west, Lawton and his companion lost no time in pulling for the Michigan shore. The ears were mumed, so there was com- plete silence. Q-;i.:n~.`- `LA unpu-q`n- 11:0; A` Anunn u-Inn r. U and \JC V Suddenly the regular dip of cars was heard, the length of the stroke designat- ing to the quick ear .._ot the smugglers the presenpe of. trained sailors pulling in man-of-war style. TSLL ....L a.-..a.|. LL- J_....'4.:..`..... 8.... .. ..... .. . ` .. ....... , .. With set teeth the fugitives--for such they had become--shot their boat back into the shadow and breathlessly rested on their cars, listening` to the regular click of the oars of their`pur- --A_- These seemed to be rounding the point of the island from the Canadian ..I. A..- . ./272:9 you` sure of what you say?- oame a deep. stern voice dancing over the water. _L1_ -n_ n --_.-_` LL- `_____1__ . HUI UUIJ n But, father, Sarah's never had no chance; we ve always kept. her down," remonstrated his weeping wife T1 . _.____1 L:... L-..) L- ..:1-_-- 1.-.. Uuv unva- Ii lgerfeotly. air, came` the reply. There were four of them in company` with a short. thiokset man. but they drove like the devil down the river road and thus eluded; me. They must have embarked somewhere .in this vicinity. V and that's why I shot the signal. ' 4:11-- .1:.1 '.. ..l..4.` tV......a........1 :5 In. Ell Ill-IIIII D 115:; -. uuvv way us am You did right.` Confognclmit. it a` getting as` black as your hat, and you might as well look for a needle in a haystaok as for these. venturesome devils. Sta:-bogrdl We'll pull for the 011350,!` nd a running chase with the,searoh_l_igh.t. " ` TILILI. A.LJ_ LLA A134`: :5` `kn Anna X13"!- llllllglgiulvhlu vhvuuuvu vuuavo By -'-, we've got to pull for it now. Joe, aaidbawton in an under- tone. If they get that internal elec- tricity on us. it : all up.- ' . . I1.._A-..-- C-IQQ than-nun, I-A kn ca`:-nva III-IU _DUlLUI.uLa.n_ - With this the clip}: of the oars grew. fainter, and for `a moment the two men and their now thoroughly frightened N companions breathed easier. ` H1)... -_._ uun I!n dnle tn nil!" Inn {ti `CIVIC VIA IIQ OI D IICO In-re Prudence was thrown to the winds. The _muiere on the oars were removed, andthe twd men `set themselves down_ to their work__ in earnest. Their mpsclea, Jtanding out like whipcorda, plied back end forth under? the skin .-with:.o1ock1u;e'- regularity, while their light dra1t,,nar- rog Ihot forward . at mprvelone wtv wt ' the "'oomm"ander had" (aid, 11: was indeed dark. 0lc'!u'dIo`InH bladknesu out - .- . `. u ; .,,n-,__ -1. _L....u.|.....I_x.a |._1.I- Ilnnnnuun-vu-vg --v-- vuw . , 1! .E.. @1971`. M1` a_nd Lawton hiailently divested: _-__...-1_-.. -2 u.-:.. ---L... -...I ..|.-..:_... '-.u *oomxnandei um was 1 I Q - __I_. INI '...'2-r].. `.l- 1."nA`-un-- lULuUuDuLuvuu I-IAIJ vv Uvrnnnu Iva-was He waved his hand to silence her. Woman, no old maid shall inherit my place. I've sent by the doctor for Law- yer Clarke, and he'll come tomorrow. There's money enough in bank for you, but; I ll fix it so that at your death it will go with the farm. Jackson Goggan, my namesake, shall get it all. fT1......l--11... ll..- G.....'LL 1.....--.L.v.aI LL` `BL'U'E8I'RDL mm,` ;Io13.T13_m;N HADYANCE. %1owJnagh;5~L9,`{ tie_vv,iix&." met savaaa ` of t_hg'atdrm', tolq the smugglers ; ofa nw danger in their path. - I)..L._..-_ LL- ..-.._ J `I... -`And! (inn-magi- Ill 3 I-IIJVV uuugvn can Uaavnn raven _Between the roar of the now increas- ihg pe aIs"o!- thunder there came down to the perspiring men the "olank. olauk, blank, of the Windlass, accom- panied by the Heave, aho!_" _ of the sailors as the anchor was heirig raiset. . aA_n, ,1 n I.!__ .1:____ |__.:`I1:-..-._ 8..-... ~ K1053 II' IJIIU GLIDIJUI VVIII IIVCAIB anon-I.`-r\-o A ash cg blinding in-illiancy from` the sea'rchli'ght= illuminated the d_ark- Lness, then settled down to a steady glare, as it was.slow1y turned up and down the river. '~ A 0,, L-.___._ ;|.._ ____A.._._ __-..`. L-8-- IV ILVULo . . B_ythis' time th'e`waI:ere were being churned into foam by the wind and the sea w`as'-rapitlly. rising. Presently came the patter, patter, patter, or `the big drops as skirmishers.` Then came the downpour. IIVL- A.4I`_HL4- A` Iuninwnn on-son \-IUVV uyugnso The oodgates of heaven seemed open, while peal after peel of thunder followed the incessant-ashes of the lightning. Lawton_an Joe kept steadily at their ours, but theigreate strain was beginning to tell on them, when to their joy the shore loombdnp on` their starboard bow. IIIL- ..--.._I.I2_.I.L I-Aicguunn uuuna Q|nA DI-IVIU Ivvluvu any vu quwoo -vvwo uvw-u -av vu- The sou-chlight, _ however. was also coining, a1 1d~sowaa the cutter. `Y--...... -_J -ungunu JIJIIDIQ Ohn lI`nIA T3536 Zlllnl BU VVIID vaav vvvvv -- Negrer and insurer came the glue tefoe the water` until first one then the body, ot._o_ne `of the terried 5 Ohindnien whhwithin its fodnl. Pres- ___-.-__'.' `L--- _.__. 1.. LL- L.--) " T&1Iffy"'$aE."z. i}i{Eiiarcea the facts to Sarah. \IllIl-IIIIIIUII VVGH VVIIOIIII IUD) avvuouq a-own ; entl_y the egtife `boat was in the broad path of'lig'!it. _ _ "Boat ahoyl" came from the cutter. \ "Pull, Joe, p1ill! growled Lawton. ' We'll make it yet. lA.`l)_-.L -l_-_.I'I `Am... `LA `gunman VVV as Auunv JI: Jvvn Bout a.hoy1'?_ ca.me`_down the breeze. The only reply was a blinding ash. `which `came -simultaneously with a - deafening cragh, followed immediately by the 1-`ending of timber and a cry of HUI MUE- For' 3 moment all was confusion. Then, the commander's stern voice was heard: "Take him below. To the light! Don t let those men escape. n-u._ n__:-n :_.4.-__-1 -0 --..J....1.._ 1.-.! IVU Ill-I\l\`l ALIULA vIJvI~`r\n The brie interval of confusion had given the tired rowers an advantage of which they were not slow to avail them- selves. __l, .n_ _ -__-_._ LI. -2._ l.-___ SUI V U9! Give `em a shot across their bows, Tom. Easy, man, easy! Aim close, but don't shatter them this time. _L -j AL- IAUAA U DIAGIIIIIIII: Illulvuna union nongov- Scarcely were the words out of the captain : mouth when the small gun belched forth a ery order to stop. I'l'1I_:..A.I:.__. a.1_._.._...L 4.]... ..4.............I........ Uvluuvu Ava. In: In CIVJOJ vn-u v - v v w vvr Whistling through the atmosphere the leaden messenger, true to the` gun- ner s aim, buried itself with a thud in the seething water about ten feetahead of the bozita ,,,____ __LI;I _-.l.I LL- W ":E`7 g;;,";hey re a nervy set!" said the commander as the smugglers only re- doubled their efforts to gain the shore. nur1___1 - _A.__|_--...1 4.L....-l I\_:-|.I!| \l\.l|I-IJIUEI UIIVQC ULLVI Ull UV bill!-I VA-IVI all-IVDUI Hard a-starboard, there! Quick!" he roared. Run inside of them and shut them out. Bear down close. but watch out and don't run them down. _,_L4___ L-) YVBOIAJIJ VIJU IRAQI-I IAUJJ nun. Uolvnnn `av vv The last hope of the fugitives had ed; Lawton turned in his seat and said calmly to Joe, It's all up, part- ner; we're caught like rats in a trap. c-u__:::-._I_` 1:1-- -_- ....:_....I ...:u.. LI..-" nnvvu UV luau:-5-1.1- Mother, would he turn you out of the old place just because he hates me? and Sarah looked incredulous. In I pm _I

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