Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 11 Aug 1898, p. 5

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Ulla, \IlIIU , U0 `U0 1! Vvuuuon ~-B. Winima, Misc s. Whit:nore,`Mloo Agnes` Campbell, Dayton, Ohio ; 'MiB` Te :-68: `Kelly, Toronto; Minn Margai-on -:l?.oyInr. Bradford, . Robert Thompson, -Pom. Hope; Fred '8. Gross, Sorotoga oto guests _u`|:'['t`h'e Olikbon `Home; , Personal News V _ Ar1ie.$ibbald,- of Gravenhurat, was |iEe.};% [Thomuuz hidlau, returned to town Ilast week for the summer. Mr.` Laid- lawin the guest of Mrs. Micks, Small Frank A. D1-ake,'Mias Anni "Drake, Magter Frank Drake. (_3ol\_1m- bns, Ohio; J. R. Woodhull, .Mms N. -n `-n~r:n:-...-. MI:.-. E 1I7'Kh-cans. `mhn 7th Concession. vespra. Advance Correspondence. Ph9lDBtOn. Advance Correspondence. WHAT THE PEOPLE HAVE TO SAY. The Admission of Correspondence Does Not Necessarily Implv that we Hold AL`. 1-\...I_.|-.. -0 4.1.- 1Tf-rId-A-n The following letters, addressed to the editor of THE NORTHERN ADVANCE. have been received for publication : Answer to subscriber. Dear Sir,-As a member of the pic- nio committee I might give an answer to. Subscriber of your last issue. Should he wish a fuller account no doubt he can get it from the treasurer or chairman. I am glad he has no fear but that the money was spent wisely, as a committee of over 30, all interest- ed, would all try to see fair play. Total Cash Receipts. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .$90 60 |Total Expenditure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 95 Balance on hand with one or two small bills to pay . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$30 65 This large balance may be wondered at, but we intended having the band, which for some reason we did not have. LETTERS ADDRESSED TO THE EDITOR '1`E_IS WEEK. MEMBER or COMMITTEE. Barrie, Aug. 10th. ' `v, On Friday, July 29th, Dalston lost one of its oldest and" most esteemed ` residents, in the death of Mr. William t Debenham, who saw the primitive for- est of that vicinity gradually changed ; to one of the best settled and most im- proved `farming districts in Centre Sim- coe. He was born in 1820, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Debenham, who in 1819 purchased the farm on the Penetanguishene Road, now occupied by their grandson, Mr. Archibald De- benham, who took possession of it upon the retirement of his father (the deceas- ed) to the village three years ago. At that remote period there was no settle- ment nearer than Holland Landing, but it was not many years before other ' settlers followed, and the present vicini- ty of Dalston began to assume all the appearances of a permanent settlement. Upon the death 01 his father, William assumed control of the homestead pro petty, and by th_e aid of a faithful and devout partner, Helen Oades, whom he married in 1849, worked industri- ously and honestly to the securing of a cumpetencefor themselves and family consisting of nine children, whom they trained by wise counsel ard example to live righteously, diligently and upright ly. Mr. Debenhsm was blessed with robust `health throughout his life, his death eoming suddenly and very unex- pectedly from heart failure. Mr. Dehenham's sudden demise was a specially severe blow to Mrs. Deben- ham, who had been her husband s con- stant companion and. attentive helpmeet through all the varying circumstances The Late William Debenham. Lvvvwwwu-sac; canal: v u- .. the Opinion 01 121,19 71;;-iter. - ;_, The despairing sick appeal to Nature , for relief. In the cure of disease she ` alone is powerful, and the Indian is her prophet. The -healing medicine of forestand eld she gives to civilization U ` e ` through her uncultured forest child. INDIAN TONIC does all that mortal man can ask in the or Dyspev '_ in and Consti tio . . _ ` - I` III . rpm-SIQEAII ll` Rndnn Enave 9 "I must SI.` CHIC Ul uyspcpalu lulu uullaenyuenvuu Fun. w. Lzxsxum, of Baden, says: "1 must say SLOAN S-INDIAN Toivxc ~ is the best` medicine in existence. I was troubled with I soreness in my right side and `V quay doctoxs, but they could not cure me, and after using the one bottle I have Ind no trouble with the soreness. `u.oAn's mnum frame. A $1.00 A ao1'11.:. I AnDen1sn._or addxen'l`_un Snow Mnxcmn Co., Hamilton, Ont. 'Rooo_m'men dod_ endsold at Soageu Drug Store. 0 ' -V-' - " '9 10 of nearly half a century. The funeral took place on Sunday, July 31st, to Dalston cemetery, and was largely at- tended by friends who wished in that way to pay a. last tribute of respect to the deceased, and to show their sym- pathy with the widow and family. Rev. Thos. Leonard conducted the ser- vices. The children are, Chas. Deben- hem, of Oakland, Cal.; Alexander Debenham, of Sintaluta, Assiniboia; Mi s2J. F. Bell, of Nottawasaga town- ship; Mrs. T. R. Robson, Mrs. Isaac Lavender, and Archibald Debenham, of Dalston; Mrs. George Hennard, Bar- rie; Mrs. W. Bolton snd Mrs. John Thornton, of Craighurst. The Late Mrs. Robert Christie. Mrs' Robert Christie, whose maiden name was Maria Boyd, died at the resi- dence of her daughter, Mrs. J. J. Cochrane, Worsley street, on Tuesday, August 2nd, 1898, at the ripe age of l 83 years. She was born near Prescott, Ont., in 1815, and was married in 1834 ito Robert Christie of Kemptville. In 1852 they removed to Listowell, where they lived for several years previous to going to Omaha, Neb., where many of their children live. While visiting members of the family in Iowa and N ebraaka, Mr. Christie became ill, and in 1889 died at the home of his daugh- ter. Mrs. Adams, Omaha, in his eight- ieth year. Mrs. Christie resided in Omaha until November, 1896, when she came` to Ontario to visit her daugh- ter, Mrs. Cochrane, then living in Huntsville, but latterly in Barrie. T1 -.. -L:-l.' _L........L.._:.-.L:.. ...-an nl-soar, LLUIIDDVAILU, Uuv auvvun.nJ ago Julvonnnyu Her chief characteristic was cheer- fulness, and this combined with her kind and affectionate disposition won for her a large circle of friends. The grand daughter speaks thus of her in writing from Omaha, She has lived a. noble life, and we all have pleasant re- collections of her cheertul disposition 5 in that respect she was the most re- markable woman I ever knew. She was an active member of the church since she was thirteen years of age; and found much prot in reading and studying religious literature. The ve months illness previous to her death was borne uncomplainingly. She wait- ed patiently for the summons to cross the bar. The funeral took place on `Wednesday, 3rd inst... to the Union Cemetery, Rev. D. D. McLeod conduct- ing the services. The family of the deceased is as follows-Dr. J. Christie, Chestervilla, Ohio; Mrs. Adams and Mrs. D. H. Stewart, Omaha, Neb.; Isaac Christie, Michigan; L. E. and Edmund Christie, Iowa; Mrs. J. A. Garlick, Omaha, Neb.; Mrs. J. J. Cochraue, Barrie ; J. W. Christie, Ex- eter, Nob. A son,Dr. R. M. Christie, died some vears ago. Mrs. Adams assisted 1`..- t`1..-L_-_.- nu. --n:&:uuns nun `inli auusu yuan: usu. Au.-.n. L-luuuau ........-..--.. Mrs. Cochrane in waiting on her moth er during her last illness, and represent- ed the American relatives at the funeral. Angus. Advance Correspondence. Miss Carrie Can-igan is spending her vacation at home. n13_._ `l)1....Iyubnn`r in 1n'nH>_:I-an u-1:0}: `nan nu7i"iYsLEsSJ1??a visiting with her grandmother, Mrs. Thompson. nu... T.nIn `Brown. of Toronto. in UUU HUGE \.'L A-In-out 1-`: may -v u-.... ` T. A. Stewart, our geneztal merchant, ` is about giving up business here. * -1 "T9 . CI'1\ | I V` ` V gt-guuuxutuus, usouo auuvn.-my-av-u Misa Lulu Brown, of Toronto, is` the guest of Mrs. A. J. Nesbitt; _ In A QA........-L nun an-noun` nan:-nnnn nu u--.----- Dr. S.VVee:,1Vi.D., is making elabor- ate and extensive improvements in his dwelling. `IE ... I TM Q.-urln ant` Jnnnklnnr Mean uwifsi. M. Smith and daughter, Miss B. M. Smith, are spending a few weeks at Callander. ' -_- _.-__ -_-_ LL- ...I-:..... L- Master T L. Tarbush and Master Harry Clark were the successful pupils of this school for the leaving examina- tiou. 'l'\ I L- -1` LI__.l1'I'\15 UIUIJI Mr. Sam Dunn. late of the G.'1`.R., was visiting his father and mother last week. Sam has obtained a more lucra- tive position in the far west. ; A 10 1e, bd, 12 th, & - 15 urd. 12; The cheese factory will likely close down for the season, owing to scarcity of milk, caused by scarcity of pasture, which is caused by scarcity of rain. KL Unluluuun. . Fires have run over the plains to the west of Angus. Fortunntely no timber has been burnt. Mrs. John Davidson, mother of John` and David Davidson, of Angus and J as. Davidson, Brentwood, passed away to her final resting place on Mon- day at. a ripe old age of ninety years. -_ I The lawn social at the resiglenoe of Mr. H. L. Terhush, under the auspices of the Ladies Aid of the Methodist church, was a good success. All present spoke well of their enjoyment. 7"` In , __. The long concinued drought has prov- ed very disastrous to the gardens of this village. Many gardens are entire- ]? vnld of vegetables, etc. Such dry weamer has not been experienced in the history of Angus. The immediate A Avausw J as. Vaip & Cogs weeks. That is where you will nd us, and get bargaf We have leased the store now occupied bq . Our present lease expires onthe 8th August. It is necessary, in crder to peduce our Sale prices 0, #% 84811 QD{1Ay*.% 11, 1s98.?V Rernoval 7 Ddors 5; St farming vilnity `has slao aered `in-I tensly. ` To Mr. and Mrs. Wdisee, s daugh- ter. Robt. Perks is "engaged with Mr. Kell for the harvest. - ~ _ Mr. Willie Matthews spent Sunday with Mr. Thomas Sawyer. V ` V3-nu 'a-....L-.. 5---`. -_ Ah W-Ei:`1;;;;;;,~:;:o;r at Nahtyr, spent Sunday with W. Lynn. ' `ll - `l -|... mI'-_..'I-._ 9.11 19.... _ 1--.! "E-.'33E3' 1&B'3a}{ E3i'1"?om . load last week and dislocated his leg. ' DA!-I an nu-Auk` -an-ago.-`nan. :- LLA le price -..-- ..--.. ...... ........--.-.. ., .. ...,. Rev. Mr. Naught preached in the church during q uarterly meeting eer- V1088. T _` Mine Nellie Reid has returned home after. spending twovweeke in our vil- lage. \I'..........._ 1IT:I..-_y_.-.I-` - L:.. ...........I Eorman Wilson V made It big record in cutting grain last week for Stephen `1_`.`` . Ti); lawn tennis club which has been organized lately, is `progressing nicely. . 'll'.....I Vl\..-..:-I:l!'..~ -0 'I'\....... L- 3- nnnvva Mgod Tnnniclie; of Toronto, is spending The: holidays with Ltbbie Sawyer. 'I\:_.I 1.--; Il\L--._-.I-.. -5 l .1I.....-L!Il .C~'VJVII Died last Thursday at Ghurchill, Mrs. Guy Allen. The interment took place in sixth line cemetery in the presence of a large number (if friends. Advance Correspo-;'dence.A Mrs. Reid, of Innisl, is spending a few days with Mrs; Vollmer. 5" iOain. of Chicago, is visiting i her brother. Mr. M. Ooughlinf T Miss Amando Carson, of Toronto, is home on 9. visit with her parents. , ,1 in... 111'... rn:1...... .. 4.1.3.. LIUIJJD Uu In via: vvsvu uva. unv--.n % Mr. and Mtg.` Wm. Vfilson, of this `place, visited friends in Grenfel on I Sunday. -'ll'_ -._ GA.-L.... ..-`J AL=`:`unn nnvaul-nl-, I-Jlrn Iauuuu-J 0 `Mrs. Stokes and. children speht two days last week with - her sister, Mrs. -: GREAT :- that will long be remembered in Barrie. .' B. Myers, and obtain possession of it on Sept. 14th. s impossible for ._us to make terms to remain here for six O JA3. *VA%|R,i&;_% CIQVQ I ' $0 991! Advance Correspondence. we at Ewanfs Ocldj Stand, at or -Jas. Vair s%G_rocer%'y. Antn Mme. to us, bet a great enay for our customers, who rvill. our stock twice, therefore we place on sale all our A ` Qoerterly = were `held in-the Methodist _-oh11"r_'vo`hy..1:er,e lint Sunday. Many members from the other appoint- manta on the circuit were present. "'Mra. Wil1imnnd family, of mm... to, urahviIiung_Mrs. Pratt. - `Mr. -`nnc'|;M1:.' 6i:'nz:lou; I- artridge en- .te:-tained aeverol guests from Toronto `on Monday. o Forptvyj-'ve people` from this -vicinity had 9. very pleaaanI;.'outin`g to Straw- berry Island one `day last week. ' an an a Last mrumgyiigraagg {mus 11.30% the people of this vicinity were startl- ed to see Mrs. Jonathan vHiokling's barn on re. Mr. Gilchrist's_ steam thresher began work there that morn- ing` and at the hour mentioned asparkv unseen blew from the engine to the barn and started a re which in a few moments was beyond control; in fact, so rapidly did itspread that it was im- possible to save any of the contents. Men working in the mow and about the machine had a narrow escape 3 so ` soon. did the re reach them that they had not time to save even their forks, waistcoats. and coats. Eighty bushels of tall wheat had been Athreshed and about thirty bushels remained untbresh- ed, all of which was burned. A horse, . seven pigs, about twenty tons of hay, and other property belonging to Mrs. -Hickling, were burned. `Ml . Gilchrist s machine was -also destroyed. There was no insurance on any of the pro- perty lost. Much sympathy is felt for Mrs. 1-Iiokling, who can illabrd such a loss. The neighbors expressed their sympathy in a practical way by sub- scribing liberally to assist the unfor- .._..L- -on--nan-a {ca O-`Adana knee fllhi EUIIUIH6 OIVUOKQAJ U? U-Ina-cw woov ----- tunate woman in hiding her trouble. Mr; W. Godaon . v_isited at Mr. A. [ H. Carter's over Sunday. ,,,A ____I __._ -2 D-.._:- ...... W1 s?ii'mX':`:e"1i`$i"d" 5; '}p'{1'ih her holidays with friends in Stayner and N.="'9~ _. -l' -O 0!. , ,tI|_-!|I_ S- 2.. Dardinal YIBIUIIIE all-IEO Us Iv nanni- G. A. Lucas, B.A., gurenewing old acquaintances in town this week. ' Ll-0 VWIIIVL I3 vvvn vuuuwyu Mrs. Drnry and son, of` Barrie, are visiting` Mrs; J. Williams. A 'I'..-..- D A H: 1-Annunn nh` m.l:'1`i;;:Wh.liunie` ~ Squire returned on Thursday after spending some weeks at her home in Owen Sound. Master T end. Miss Evelyn .O Donohue`, of Toronto, returned to their home on Saturday after-holidaying as Kinnoul Park Farm. -Bi'|1qo-eKlziIcv)rrison `and Alex. Robertson spent. Toronto s civic holi- day with Mrs. Morison, Sunidale. 1 -Ir.-, _ `r.!_-1__ L` UUIOCVVDO Mr. Arthur Martin, Stouifville, is in town visiting his sister, Mrs. Harry h3';!ne.-.. ' rm. 0 _. ______J __ $285. in-no-v Advance Correspondence. If the weather eontinuee favorable many farmers here will nish harvest- ing this week. ` -" Mr. J. H. Mclnnis, Barrie, of the Exeeleior Life Insurance 00., paid our burg 9. visit last week. `I ....A. Ia`...I...- nnL6- n O-an-niuv mankind UUIVS G VIUIU CBDII Wuhan. ' Last Friday night a. literary meeting instead of the usual meeting was held by the members of Cherry Creek Ep- worth League. The life and works of .Y"K!IJCC Advhrdo Cotnspondance. sle price NOW LOWOIL Advance Correspondence NORTHERN ADVANCE.- Longfellow were studied to the pleasure and prot of all present. I An__- __.1 `II . .'._.l mu Klikl rsvlav If. u... `...__>,, Mr. Gavin Allan and Mr. {and Mrs. John Lucas, of Toronto, were here at- tending the funeral of Mrs. Allan mother of the latter. Inavvnnvu v- _.` _- This week it is our painful duty to chronicle" the news of the death of Mrs. Gavin Allan, one of Chnrchill s oldest and most respected residents. For some time she was conned to her own home, having reached the ripe age of 84 at time of death. She was beloved by all who knew her, and her death will be mourned by all. We extend sympathy to the bereaved. Edenvale. Advance Correspondence. As water is scarce many are seeking owing wells. "' I , l2._:_L-.J ....,I | `LY `I52 Hui-vest "is nearly nished and i threshing is common. 1 -I I on, __ .. ....A van. UDIAIIJB nu vv--u----- Mrs. Shepherd, of Stayner, and party are camping on the river at Iris. 1': `ll 2,, ___`l l.`_....I_ A9 Ann_l vinyl -our vv----r--5 __y, Mr. R. Moir and famlly, of Allen-I wood are the guests of Mr. 8. Camp- bell. - no a g such IIVIII Mr. John Campbell, of Iris, and party have returned home from camp- ing at the Georgian Bay Beach and report having _a good time. Wanted-A good dswuponr of rain. The Misses Muir, of Hendrie, are} spending the week with Mrs. H. Pratt. ; H Misses M. Culberc, A. Rodgers and A. van .-w-v`.-. Mr. and Mrs. Munro and Mrs. 1 Leadlay went on the excursion -to Mus- ` koko. at Monday.` JLLIDDUD 4.!-I-9 vunwvn v, _--.. 1 H. Booth wheeled out:-h'erhe frzhfthwvn last Thursday. 4- 1 In-0 11-,_,___1_ ulillis:-1:`)-li:JI';eadlav and Miss Hannah Munro are visiting Mrs.` Pringle, of French River. Oro Station. Advance Correspondence. The Sons of Temperance lodge of this place had an excursion to Straw- berry Island on Tuesday night. The boat after leaving Barrie and calling at Payne s wharf, Oro Station and Hawkes tone was well lled. At the Island dancing was the principal amusement and was heartily indulged in till mid- night when the homeward trip was "commenced. Keenan's orchestra pro- vided music. Mi. Jan. Doyle. of` Brechin, visited his parents here last week. -_- .----_- -.. > Master Gee. Andrews, of Meaford, ` is renewing old acquaintances here. ` -` 1! 1,, In-` _: 07.1.80 an : :v-v--- " ` _The Flea Council inspected the new I side line between concessions 3 and 4, I on Monday lust. ` I o-cu --vv~v-= - - - - - -~` him. "O'Brien and her daughter, of Pittsburgh, are the" guests of Mr. an >Mra. D`. Loftus. .

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