MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUER. 8: B`a'rristen Soli9itonC;: the 7 `3 mm . y ~I.ct"p u>"3'g V ' ...;.;3.. ' mum Loan. 0ic'co-Rou B103; R. BOSANKO, DENTIST, has removed toyhis t\`t` llm nwnr `nnn(rnn'- haonvnrn ntnu-no nxaihtnnns min SUBVEYOBS. `315lL|5 l Ni} .I;bi=V E-dd -sALg_ & $H.5".ni.I41iI.._. _4__ , .` K; D9551` ISO; 1191` J. 131, nan TCUIOVGII `U old oioe, over Henderson : hardware store. F'G::a'dE:E c.:n1I.-;.ungn..=.' ...l3..":':'.`. : .. best $1109 to at drugs a. at a DRUG STOR ; The ru '3t known more about thern_than`ot,her_peo Q, ' aaoaeux; Com; and ask an. $-v- -v-up: wuun-2 tvvu u--u v-v wow ,|pa_tch . of busindss with '53 of the important departments of- the gov-- ernment unrepresented in the House-`-" (Opposition hear, he`ars)--with practi- cally, and as near as may be, one-third `of the Cabinet rejected by the people of the province "at the last general election. (Loud Opposition applause.) More- over, we are in this position that B03137 ly two-thirds, if not quite that number, of the members of the House are sit- ting here today with their right to their seats attacked bygiopponents. Under all these circumstances, I say, and I challenge contradiction in the statement I make, that our position is unparallel- ed, not only in Ontario, but in any country or colony which has been or is now, and I believe ever willgbe again, under British rule, under the system of responsible government as we have it in Canada. (Loud Opposition applause.) Besides the point which I have made, of the crippled state of the Cabinet, as it `appears to me today, we _have also an- other consideration to move us in com- ing to the conclusion which I am en-' deavoring feebly to voice. The suggest-` ed proposition that the right of a cer- tun" portion of our population to vote` in- an election which has passed by months ago shall be taken from the judges of the land, shallbe taken from- the purview of the administration of 'ustioe of Ontario, and; placed in the _-.`-I J ...--.`-A-on 4;: 4.1.3.. Banana sauna '1'. ARNALL, M.D.C;M., oee in Bothwelfs Block, Allandale. On the premises at night. 14.111 hi` :.ryc&MPi1;:`Lh . salicitog. 7 to . Ofeu-Bum sta.y'n er.' 3bo-Bank` of `fox-onto 5'! Eng, Owen street, VETERINARY svncnoxs. ARE NEEDED EVERY DAY MANUFACTUBES. - L Oices. a-nsgo .fn,_ ninnav to `ma %fHY8I0lAN8. Hrfn:'j cum. GUELPH TRUSTEE RECOMMEND- ATIONS. The Guelph School Board have insti- tuted a reform in the method of pro- moting pupils in the schools. I Barrie School Board will do well to consider the following Guelph proposals :- DBNTISTS. OFFICIAL. LEGAL uwcx,: 45-1) - mi: n....u'.n n......n... D. F._ M_'AcwA'r-r. `airs. ml Cowuc. Iuwvnvv O `an-vs-now -cw-_ lg---V`--, .- w-- hands` of members of- this, House, some of whom may be decided not_to have the right to sit here as members, is not only unparalleled, but it is a proposi- tion which fully iusties the protest. which `I have endeavored to make to- day. And although we nd, somewhat to my surprise, that the accredited news- paper organ of the government this morning indicates a retreat to a certain extent onthe part of the government, yet shall our protest be no less vigor- ons. (Loud Opposition applanse.)_ ` T An nab nan lulu; unvnul Aha.-unnonnn lIVBIUIlo.1 ttocuro J-bnn `$- UIIICC :5-ly T NORTHERN ADVAN i T V . '_ADVER'l_`ISING RATES, CE ;pvmcn ms A menu on roumrnnn ntnmnnn A VI _ i pom: corms. N` ,A1inost, if not quite. double that of guxavnnnsmns snovu) NOTE ml; 12 lines solid nonpareil make} inc TRANSIENT A.DVERTIsmnm.. 1)` SUBSCRIBE_D_ CAPITAL, 4 Per Gent. lntoren Paid on De` The Security for Depoaitors in 8 3 nnnv In nndnn htad. t:.:.'..:.?, ::.;'m*.:::::.,:;: " : Roan new Block. south side DunlP `W `onto! the Post Omoe. 8' :'depoa:_ `tint bu ever nude II. loss bv a L03 C V` a 2 , ' U! V The uecutitytodepooitors in a L03 C 1; bted. There is no instance on record 2' / nan . "M forg SOUND will leave Collingwood 8` t . Ila! p.lII. Id 2 pm (Sn '"'""'"|U Ll|UUllUIv--- }"'iI=mt:-3, Ilgolrrn srioxu: NAVIGATION C0- cgyal Ml Line. in connection with lh` .am,`,_ `CI `Ind Parr Sound R.R. : TY-OF IDLAND and CITY0; , 4-co. own so TU :;s`.~;`,-;mrni' `:::' gm;-.".=;,',`;ii sg,_' M - "u` shore and tine Manitoulins to 53 I in ` " r'm`~'d Ml-Ckinac. Fare round trip im' 1 ggm t?nfdd berth. T0t0!1.tO Hamil!(;:L;: % . f-. 7 o . , ' . ' 15 3:8-so. - sa-. cI"\'?io`ty '1ncf2"o"15Jd'1"act>ewi51tJaIt$:=1a 3:5; - n 3'. s`-`ads connecting fef 1:1`: ` R- - Ind steamers for n Thu , River and Km; ` ha may oq Monday an _, Dflgnl to all Raxlway Agentssfung QN & CO. Agents. Owen . 00d: Ont s. Owen . ON?` `Miter. Coll: 55??-.8 0:u&co,X:.: u.~ _.-n - . First inse v qn.entinsertion 4 cents per line, _ Reading notices, 10 cents per 1 [insertion ; 5 cents per line for eac All 3% insertion of the same matter. der 5 lines, of this character `I.'_ A... . ms. man 10 cents per line, 98011 5% inc fg hen `$2: in. HIDE! -Iuav\n\n VJ -1-watt uu'r`rov--uvvr, I do not use the word obstruction," nor will I encourage anything of the kind-(0ppoaition hear, hears)--be-_ cause it is "foreign to free government, which is another name for British gov- ernment, but we will take every.oppor- tnnity which the constitutional practice that prevails gives us of voicing our protest and our objection to the course: which has beenpnrsued by the govern- ment. (Loud Opposition applause.) ' Ac- Ptivateufxgls $0 loan on rst mortg385' eountsco ec . c. '. OnOfoe over Hendrson,s Hardware Store. 33 t` . '3 uIlU5O Lap] 0icia.1_'and Gov _ manta w,ill be charged at ab`:)rvlv]:n1-?::sad'*ha. 0 CONTRACT ADVERTISING . gdvertisements will be tak the fol_low1ng..rates! wyich are drafted 0; It reef commercml pnnclples and will be st,-" adh ed to. Th -11 be . on` `H of are only onepnce kl! Rnpnnsnnrr -rm: Fonnowmc Fma I.~:sm.V ' Commmssz The Mercantile, now ailiated with The Lot` } _don & Lancashire of England. Sew Ity. $,ooo. The Waterloo Mutual, of Waterloo, 011? T Tothl assets, $334,083. The Economical Mutual, of Berlin. 0113 Total assets, $303,078. A180 1'-JOVd's Plate Glass Insura.n_c6 00?: 237: Qf NOW York. Cash caP"3l 5" Andtin 8 Lo vi Cmpy Moon uno. anandsa ngs 0 BARBIE mu & snvmcs cu. INCORPORATED 1881- .,,Fof one month-thef three with 15 per cent. added. `WA-`fawn rnnnlr`-ua__l-Kn LL--- VVLIILI. LU lain \..Uu.UQ uuuvuo `For `two months-the three with 10 per cent. added. prnfnrrn nnodfdnnn {ya #1.... . 'Prlel:ned positions in the paper `ink gold at an advance of one-third on ,1, rates. rule will be strictly can-ied om. coxmacr cH.A.Ncns.| Advertisers will please bear in mind M notice of intention to change advertisemm must belhanded into the oice not lam gm Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for ma `changemnst be in Tm: ADVANCE otcem. later than 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday mm` week, otherwise the advertiser s announcexm. may not be made public until the week lowing. ' I0 nhonunu nf Avnrhnnvnnnn. ,.11-._.u VALI- _'i2 changes of Advertlsements allowed pg year. It more are required, composition W u" En nhnrnnr] ` . `VIII IX UIICI 6U\L0 Advertisers will not be allowed to use 15:. space for advertismq anything outside own regular business. Should they do; transient rates will be charged for such ad. vertisements. CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. Condensed advertisements on first page as wants of all kinds, lost and found, pram, for sale or to rent, snecic articles, etc.. 613., must be accompanied with the cash, and w: be inserted-hrst insertion 2 cents per wori each subsequent insertion 1 cent per w-rri (names, addresses and gures counted is words); but a reduction of one cent per wori will be made when the number of iusertio-'.= of the same matter exceed four. ;;_IsIf,_ nun` gguuu pup : 4 . _ .r ` _. 1,!-`x {'1' .` . 9 _=_reoomIheJ . o -" ' 1 r1';1Z"a7(lv*;ftl7u.-ments rims! In every case be mounted on solid metal buel. :;:me ;i..f;;;a,_` I Atwood-:anI-n II?!` [JOHN RUGERSON, 'STANDAR.D LIFE. ILONDQN GUARANTEE AND ACC1 DENT i:6i>X1If PROVINCIAL BUILDING AND Lou ASSOCIATION. } EOWEN STREET. - - BARBIE Scnocscnz & SMITH. Provincial Building and Loan Association. AUTHORIZED` CAPITAL, $5,000,000. ""5" ' H` @319 UL or`: *5?) reooni 0f`.h'5;Pup1! ?;.hm by wegsiny ram. mg; `the school I ' " . Orncn-Nex door to Bank of Toronto. Gnmmed and Trued I 4 INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, G.C. FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE AGENT scaoeclz .3. SMITH. AUGUST 11, 3.,` ETC., ETC. This oommietedwould :....h.r gs. gest than the way of publishiog the rev sums "the niapapeia the n..!9'1,.'_= 99iwei9nae .01 . t1i6' .,I?91is schools should be by grades and classes, sud. . not by giving the name of the teacher. _ _ monthly nu monthly rate Depouu _ Mr. Hardy, the Autocrat. The Constable Parliament is under way and the people of Ontario will i have an opportunity of iudging how Premier Hardy justifies his action of calling a session for the express purpose of beneting his party and pulling him- self out of a tight place. The mass of people in the galleriesyesterday plainly V evinced how closely the electorate is watching_ the Government game. A false move ~ now and the vaulting ambi- tion of_' Mr. Hardy will o erleap itself and come down on, the wrong side. Every-. thing promises well for the popularity of the_Opposition s cause. Already the Government is beginning to show its ar- bitrary hand in the. matter of freezing out all but Government bills, and in its determination to keep the members "at work day and night, the burn the candle at both ends until its iniquitous legisla- tion is put through. Mr. Whitney has compared the Hardy aggregation in their autooracy to Oliver Cromwell. The comparison holds good in the sense that, like the great Puritan warrior- king, Mr._ `Hardy tries to make every thing bend to his will, but to compare the Premier of Ontario to Oliver Crom- well is faulty in this respect, that Crom- welldid everything for the lasting of the people. When Mr. Hardy can prove to the people of Ontario that he possesses a tenth of - the -desireto make righteousness prevail which actuated the great Oliver, he may` go to the "country with a happy heart, 'seoure:"ln' the condence that he will be returned triumphantly at ,_ the polls.` But tin- fortunately Mr. poseiasses Crom- well s_ `love power and A autocratic spirit without,` the vPu ri_t'an's love _of' justice and singleness of New ' ' V `:3, -.1. J. :9-3: b`.{%;""5!? P.2Pi'!! 1*`%iP'"i*d _ Orlllia. Assesment Appeals. Town Olrk Grant, of Orillia, re- ceived Judge Ardagh ajudgme`nt in the appeals against the decisions of the Cpnx-1; of Revision ion Satntdcy, His Honor` considers at`; 4 some Flcngth. the- objeotions raised to thejnrisdio tion and Tprocoedinga of the court, and ndesidea; that there were not `tie! cguioipnt-% to upget the validity of :9 hid-'cthi1} III (avert? 1" c*Pl?"n93;?' n".`* Ln.-(.{:;' can nittii~;c ml-tap it . .~ 13;; ,1 ,:=:`W-.= 5- ;';x.f.=:.e.:. l' :5; _1J .' ` v H ? ',;. .. x` .5 , 5,. `.- }.,x \ \-'_r. _' ~,`: _,v-.s._::- 1' "1 t,' >1 .~' -~ . `:2: . 1 ` ` -4` 9? `F1 ' '. '. V 3 1" `w EDITORIAL NO'.l'E8- ` A man in 1u"ii n,`ie is said, has of- fered a number of vsmoll prizes" to the .!h991s=hil in kit '9. W130 .1=, th duke their teeth` dufrihg the anminer vacaition. This time-honoreil question to eat`-. ing before retiring at night` `hue been thoroughly gone over in the light of modern eoienti discovery by Dr. 0. A. Ewuld, of Berlin. From in ubetruotg in the Medical Uenhuury) we learn that his conclusions are fnvornble to the tekingof liquide `with the food, although he thinks that it ninkee abbo- lutely `no difference whether the.drin_k- ing is donejuet before, during. or just after the meal. ` ` Road Commissioner Campbell's recent address" "in Orillia, is of interest: - "Planks are not economical material for sidewalks. Timber subjected to al- ternate moisture from the ground and rain and `heat from the sun, cannot help but decay rapidly. A plank walk pro- perly constructed will last ve years then repairs commence. At the end of tteen years the walk has cost as much for repairs as it cost in the rst place, thesefore the average life of a plank walk. may be seven years. The best material for sidewalks isartioial stone. The rst _cost of this is nearly three times that of plank. Plank averages about 5c. square foot; articial stone about 120. a square foot. The latter, when properly laid, will last probably for a century ; it has been on some To- ronto streets now for thirty years and is apparently as good as ever. ' The `following extract, taken from so`: . gh. i_teuch61-i,f' ,_ of ghqipupg .I_ ....'2..-`...u.'.. .I...2...~_ t-1!I6=neto the platter uptake still. un8a'tiaed,. and want .to_, r ? VtDVVVVC_IC. ` at v I$&VU. cf: gtli lui Q1? t On the of `their-' nq` ;_};Hia Honor. gt-ante? ifediiotione` to 'nine the total amount of the `remission: being 34,300. It is 1ik'el`y',_} hotieifer, thatgthe matter Vrillwibarsilovred iort here S5 of thugs "who had" large. amounts at have the cage re-opened and re-argued. The only way_ that this` can be effected not? is to pay the taxes under protest, and then pane the _obrporation for a re- turn of the amount paid _on the in- crease of the assessment, on thefgrou_'nd that the of Reyieion "which made the change in the-aaeeelvmentp was not properly ooxiatituted. maze ii fxwedings, thqugli Lthg gntgpgf Th whim 11:6 {n3 togeatq ..of'inte.1-,natolnu1 coIpity_ t!ii#.9';f:9t for 4*z:;=-_%Tb'9n ".':'.:i 1gma* nibcr we the :U;7pioduf`0WOBI{ `113 two `countries, That the mm of the labors of such Commission shows it would be largely in theinterests of the people of this province that this vhluable asset of growing timber should be preserved; That whereas the policy of the Am- erican Government in placing a` duty of two dollars per thousand feet on lumber, 30 cents per thousand on shin- gles, 25 cents per thousand on lath and an ad valorem duty on other forest pro-_ ducts entering the United States from Canada, while similar products from the United States are admitted free into Canada; _ ' Andwhereaa the Ontario Govern- ment, recognizing the force of represen- tations made to them by lumbermen and others in the interests of the trade and to prevent the forests from being` denuded at too rapid a rate, placed con- ditions in timber licensee requiring all timber taken from Crown lands to be manufactured in Canada; "` "*`I That no _agreemon whih woqld provide for the frde 9xpbrtaibn'of logs, pulsswood ojr othsr 1.03 fore~tPrdi1*6, which wionld. hdt _`provide. vfop e*.- tree `entry mo one Uniegq Stgtea `of _tl!`o~ progiuotn ;thareof" _ thq vifiotiu 'f6i-1% woukrbe hla- aahociation ; hill! of I that tinder pic" Ie,;i_-. v9ihted4"% exit. hvvr; thgt the jelief ._ao1-tcled in thii ;wa be. only yteuigoyary, and will a_,1ot of and expense for very little pdrpoae, .._.. ---r----- ..v- ...l --..v run`-av, is .=v9rf:( likely to maps the `arrived at 5'7 .`1,'h 0011? ` .}39Vi" Pz hP**1**3Y where there was no_ attempt to over- turn` them on the meritd of the ease.- Packet. Therefore be it resolved that in fur- therance of this plan, license holders should in every way possible aid and sustain the Ontario Government in their policy of preventing and suppree~ sing forest res and in the careful pre- servation of young trees, and-, in the opinion of `this association, the preser- vation of our forests; within those dis- tricts of the province best adapted to the growth of timber is of prirne im- portance; and in view of the rapid depletion of the timber resources both of the`United Statesignd Canada, and in order to preserve ` thetirnber as a `perpetual oi the a `eon- servative polioy in the `cutting of the same is deslrableuand should be adopted by all lnmberrnen; ` -121- 7 w'._ That one of the matters for discus- sion and agreement in the main is the following: (Quotation from the Com- mission) ` Such readjustment and con- cession as may be deemed mutually ad vantageous to customs duties applicable in each country to the products of the soil or industry on the basis of recipro- cal equivalents. i That whereas `the Government of the Province of `Ontario appointed a Royal Commission to investigate and report on the subject of restoring and preserving the growth of white pine and other timber trees and lands in the province which are not adapted for agricultural purposes or for settle- ment ; V . can . u -. - ,- - - ~ F1-ee_Lumborl L At. a of tho. Georginn Boy -Lumbormen in Toronto on Tuesday o of hot jock," follo'iving reolutionn was carried ononimonnly : That" whereas a conference of the Governments of Great Britain, the United States and Canada has been ap- pointed, nnd in to meet and confer on certain matters determined upon, um NORTHERQADVANOE PUUIII UIIU VUIIIVW vi IILIU IGIIII UIIV lion ofethe llegelity of votes polled - by eonstsbles employed at polling rte breathless silence that greeted the of Mr. Whitney. to _whom ill members listened eagerly, was but on Tlndiostion of his powerful ininenioe st nresent time, and at the some time ._|_n omen of the sturdy ght he intends mke for the liberties of Ontario. He spoke as follows :- ' muuufauturqd of logs _._uud the equiv-Im or f' exporfei @116: Uiii_o{d";Si8a `would be the fine n_u~yu ot Cauadiun manufactured forest pio- duots ink} thst country. in nuim-1eoui:ty. . ` V T113 Equaiggeion eozmnieeae as age .Dt9eti9h 9529-!y_ .0ou99?1. the 1- eeseipn 1`-eported - the felloving reooms triddetioxi :- T . V` That the government he asked to in- trdhee _a.t:i'th_c)?ri'z ihg"the; `ae- eeeement bf tehwiiihis to be made every three .-years instead of annually, "thud reiide'rin"g' it"p9_e_ejBle' Ito the A Broad nails indicate a gentle, timid and bashful inatnre. , Lovers of ' `knowledge and liberal sentiment have round nails. ! Last spring Mrs. .Robert Gibson, of Oollingwcod, was injured by being thrown cut`cf a rig at the poplar side street, and Mr. "Gibson, through his solicitor, entered a clairn against the township for several thousand dollars damages. The `Township Council ap-i pointed Mr. Thos.` `Robinson as arhil tratcr, with full power to settle the matter with Mr. Gibson, and if pos sible` avoid an expensive, lawsuit. Un-i der the term`: cf- the gl_0i3'lI`.{l,:I;On$` the township .has psid.Mra;. Gibiontzzs. in _full of all claims, pay 'thir. own cost. 1 All to spam-inbred ;<'>n their viadwnitnu oihi#I'.tv sn'7 isuiicsbleasettlemnt Jinn-I 0? graaubie tigiioIi.e-I`Jaerpi?iIes s as; iubp:_1be}tq: arm; gnymcg, the but ?i945`s'?.Vnjrt$w.i9%=!19Lio4ne 9%im6g`r`, L. tuna Lvuuvsuss so vi-J nu. assessor 3 higher wifhonjg, in`- cre-insothe #6 ,'ee%6wnhip- and ex_|1_sm-ivng more thorough uid noon- ate work. if tog, cpmmietec pot` the his use use "+a.~'. .s;..e within which answer. can-w not has made:-V 55 properly valued; and this in our opisisn. ressltsl in no attempt. whatever; ginade to ex- them, the amusement rolls in issue Hiely :9! those of previous years , thus indicating the the M rm lc hir `houses for thefpurpose of making a per- sonal examination. _ Your committee is also of ,theopIn- ion that thislatter omission is largely due to the fact that the local assessed its are insuiciently paid, it being impos- sible for them, without actual loss, to examine the lands within their respect- ive municipalities as thoroughly as is contemplated by the Assessment Act ontheir present meagre pay for such work, and it would recommend that the local municipalities grant a more liber- al allowance for such work, particular ly if the legislation recommended be obtained. . About Finger Nelle. A. white mark on the na_il beapeeke misfortune. - Pale or lead colored nsils `indjoate melancholy people. ` ' mils growing anus the esh ad the points or aides indicate luxurious tasteq. fl wish to say. something on the ques-V tion of the Spenkershipg, but before I jaal with that subject I desire that the words to be uttered by me in this House at this session-and I promise that thelast words which I shall utter `dhrlni the session shall be words of similar mean_ing-shal1 convey a sense of the indignation and earnest protest with which we on .this side of the `House regard -the circumstances in which this Legislature nds itself to- day.. (Loud Opposition applause.) We have` been summoned here for the de- , -1! I_,,_2_,___ ___2-'L 1--- -1! 41.- Squirrel; Q. . . . . . . . People 'w.ith'T narrow nails are am- bitious and quurrelgome. Small nails indicate littleness of mind, ohatinacy and conceit. oniqleriq, mireial men, Zdlightiug % in war, have red and spotted nails. People with very pale nails are ant )- iect to much inrmityof the esh, and persecution by neighbors and friends. Whale, estimsted._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elephaht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Years or AgeWh1ch various Anlnpla A Oenin Gnison vs. N ox. BOYS. , I : tg. Al:IA_uon1-on . Bum. Allnton c:-3 0 & "nnowx, Lncxox, W.` and` Creeniore. _ ? Lnmcox & Bows, Soho-A A. Boys.- Mt Whitney. lad A ('55 ' . loyal Opposition in the Le`gia1gmu`i3,ia delorving of credit for aerlioet opportunity to enter hii: eni-,7 pllntio -protest against two. courses in particular the government has taken ._-_. Il'_.;_.;:.. AI\.___-J-.. I-_ l'ISL...-=. ~2_-~ VIN l1l.V`\'I'r- at lowest rates. --_-.--.?__ "`""" " `M Barns` tars, S liciton- in High Court of J usticu, Notaries Public, fnnnnum uni!-I- M 0' I110 of Toronto. 'S'olicitonin Courtoustieon, Notanes :u......, Cbpvgymeen. Oceu favor Bank of? Money in sums 51323500 a.ndupwards, to loan at 5 per cent. . A _ H. H, S-nu.-rm`r. , ,6. H. Es-run. ' - .. g. I `L. aocxetv. umces-Uver Ewan: Dry( store. Dunloo St. Residence r6 Mulcaster St. RANKLIN J. ROBINSON. GRADUATE OF _the Schoo of Practical Science, Tolgnto. Civil R3-EIQQQQ nu} f\_L__!_ Y -- 9 1` nngmeet and Untario Land Survevor. Plans '31: cations and estimates on all expgineering workcsl Sued and`submi'tted on the shortest notice. othwelfs Block. Dunlop street. Barrie. ' :5-l JAS. EDWARDS CONVEYANCER At oie until 5 p.m.; at his private residence, 68 Mary street, after that hour. u-ly I 1 ma Dru. runuimu MILL COMPANY- Carggtcring-Building and manufacturing of Doors.- h, B ds. Mouldings, etc. Planin of all kinds done promptly and satisfactorily. ot Blast Drying Kiln. District agency for rained lum- ber. Factory-Bayeld Street, Barrie. ODGERS & GALLIE successors Geo. Ball. W. 5'e;aL ;2`<`.I: x'r.c 3n2 ""' "" , Honor member Medical Societv. orx`wes-om wans Dry Good r6 Mulmm-.r St. u\nLVn_.huVl J. KUBINSDN, GRADUATE .b the School Toronto. Civil Engine: and Ontario Land Survevor. Plan specu- catigns a_nd gstigpates emzinecrinsz works nu-9. It is proposed to promote pupils on the recommendation of their teacher from s consideration of their work throughout the year, and not as at pre- Ient5~accordin' to the result of a writ? ten .examination at the close of the term. We nd that the method spro- ` has been found to work satisfac- torily where it has been introduced: The Hamilton schools are speciaj mentioned as an evidence of the success of the plan, , ` ' ' and Dealers in Cools of all Kinds, and eorge town. Grey and`_Gue'lph White Finishing Lime Cements of all lnnde, Fire Bricks and Pla.atener'e Hair. Storehouse at the Northern Railway Switch, foot of John street. near the depot. The bond of this L 1 e is better than that of any other kind, and the f ash superior. Oice--Corner of John and Elizabethetreets. - JOHNSON & :.ARJEAN'l`. BARRIE, Im urters 3 .O_we W` THE BALL_ PLANI_;\_lG MILL COMPANY- Cargenteng ,-Buildmg manufac_:_t_uripg of .-.|- |n-..u2__,- ,. DICKINSON & mkCWATT, Barristers. No- 1 ijarieb Public; So ton ofvsuprcnecourt, etc., BII`no.}Ont. Ocuvin-Bankcfiomnw Block, 180. Owen street. Branch oce, Elmvale, McKegg:c | NfoAn1%mr,_1gnai.niz IMCARTHY. nu- D AL-roxc Mdcn-rnv, 9.0. . F. E. P. Pmn. Q.C. ` J. A. MCCAjl'rB_Y., D. C. Muncmnox. 8: Duncan, Allnmn andcreemore. - `Burris. ' 70 FOR INVESTMENT on good $ , freehold security at lowest rate of interest. No money required until end of the term. . H. ST RATHY. Solicitor, Etc., I IVDZIT, Ulla Ullll Jae`! Stayner. Ba} ' Building, street", W Hill, [mm every month. H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN . on Real Estate at lowest tales. Farmers Notes Discounted. Collections made in any of the County. Rel estate bought and sold. nvey- ancin in all its branches. Marriage Licenses inll _ Om&-`Rnnn Black- nulnlnn an-I-of Ra:-n MONEY AT 4} AND 5 PER CENT.-We have a large amount of private funds to loan at four and a half am} 5 per oent.. payable yearly Loans, on mortgage W111 be madecng to one halfthe value of -the propcrgy offered. M Anryv, Pnpnsx & MCCARTHY. Bamsters. &c.. Batrie. It has a tendency to impress on the minds of pupils the necessity of earnest end psi-severing yrorkpdnring the whole year, and thus to men habits of in- dustry and application. It is also more favorable to those pnpilswho from ex- citeinef; or nervousness nn`s,b'lef_t'oft do thexnselres justice -step written _smintiom 2 ` TT*i?13fj3*ANT1NG. Clerk County of Simooe, will be at his office, at the Court House, Barrie, evcrv Saturdav. Residonce and P. O. Cookstown ? - _ _ Wedknbis "all eneists of shin? oretoeua; Ilanttlfw bxooaai II-uo..Op1n`m or 535.. H.113 :1:'::o1T;; r9" Wu. nx.s..__ omoazum. P .tIftrooto gang,- "n ; on. 2:`) n :t ` QV99 Ila (_un*aa------, -- ,-,, J) Con sneer etc.. money to loan. Oces, Bank of Toronto inilding, Owen st:-eat. Barrie. 48-ly R. PALMER, Surgeon, Eye, Ear, Throat, Nose, 40 Comge street, Toronto, may be con- enlted at the eon : Hotel, Ban-ie, on Ftiday, Oct. the nth, from to u 3.13., and the second Fnday of mania ninnfll _ R. . F. PnllineE Gndnate of Trinity Univenity oronto, P w of Trinity Medxcal College, Member of the College of Physicaans and Surgeons of Ontaxio. Oce and Residence, 18 Owen street. . ` ' g DR. . C. SMITH, L.C.P.S., Ont., (late of Bra. ' &Smi Orillia.) Occand residence -comer of pwen an Colher streets, Barrie. :3-ly R. W. A. ROSS, Ph ' ' Su ctc., L. _ R.C.S. Edin,, L.R P.. London. and mghg reeidence-Brown's Block, Dunlop stteet, Barns. Telephone 77. DR. ARTHUR ROSS. L. R. C. P. &S. Edin.; F. P. & S.-Gla.Ig. Spec1a.l' I: -13 Ear Throat and `Nnu-,_ I-Ian n-jnnved tn Sznderyn? Blnck: 11 M.r,r. oza.TuxasgA. peuau - Throgt and Nose. Has removaed to S`a);nd:r : Blf>'ck: opposgte post oice. Phone 54. 7-ly _anc1n In an IE8 urancnea. 1VlIl'I`.g` llllll o unease Oice-Roas Block, Dunlop street Ba:-tic. 4:-Iv. ` It. has thefnrlher merit of being a. on th'ewh`ole work oft1l.l0_l:ans 61`, `andnob on an arbitrarily be- i!2z2 as i.nLuItbe zivanat q;nil.pz_xo n`)`i_t:uI'io:`:.'.-V~_f [ V ' 33!: ,f;r,', _(y . "_A`L $;~.,;y VA1d1.u, for ice cream. for instance; Baum Powntn, for cakes. One is a drug. of course ;`the other I chemical; and there are still othen-SI-`ICES of all `kinds. cteaurof tutu, e1_:c. '1-1.- L... -I--- -- Drugs and Chemicals ,,.__, V- .--. v. `Th! N ' Sgegngtkamntg Jllllwlr-wool no--'---. Wn.x.nm-mien` .Am.1f. W has Iiwwson. 324-; mnukumrs. Imus slant 9a DUN LOP-ST. BARRIE. In the VKichein. : mfgruv a. nsnm: ' B: _!ftm the courts of $56` lung! the quea`-V :-l`of aviug Mama. `Dryden as Gibson-in their cabinet porcfoliol. deppite ,the_ir,_ defeat in their own onifituoiei` at the has seuetal elation .3 .-mi `cuties