% 4/ f if 7` I Devrf-i(n,Z ifbud, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.vN. M. Squire. 1 1: . vs .1 Tr-n I I 1 1{1." J1" Mia.` izclb. Little, Killyleagh, 1 were in town on Tuesday. ; ` -nun . -rs I i3(ssieZZP;pp=;rZ, ix`i'a.venhurst, is the guest of Mrs. N. M. Squire. t `I `I\ II BT\| 0 `I0 Burvsge; of `D(eia.waa, is spending a. few days with Mrs. 11. Lawrence. 110 :1 1 - -r\n. In MisTs Looise Comaftin and Mios Ritchie, , of Toronto, are holidaying with friends here. I CAI A IMO`! I B. I Miss An nie Gill, sf arrie, left here on 1 Saturday to visit friends in Colliugwood an-:1 Stayner. `I `I'\ 11' 1 71 II? T I_.____ -_ Z Jciia will preach in the Meth- odist: church next Sunday evening instead of in the afternoon. --_.`___- Messrs. J. Peattie and H. W. Jakeway, of the Stayner Sun staff, spent M_0nda.y evening in town. `I\ `I `I` III 1 I .1 II .I Farmers are lousy harvesting and thresh- ing in this neighborhood. The proupects in- dicatp a. fairly good crop. - `Ill. \T_......-_. ll-4L_._ _...1 RA . X1 LI - Mr. Jno. A. Bell : new brick store` is near- ing completion and reects great credit upon the owner and also on the builder. Mr. Joe. Taylor. V "`Mi_?}JT1~i$I{a.` *1iai1Z and Mr. N. M.` Squire returned home Thursday after an enjoyable trip to Owen Sound. I 1-\ :11 Phelpston. Advance Correspondence. ` Mr. David Broderick, of Midland, was 1 the guest of his brother here lately. I ? ,, I, L ___, |,__` Service in the nien church was conduct- ed by Rev. Mr. Roebuck on Sunday evening. 4 ` Several persons from here attended the garden party in Fitzgera.ld a grove, Mt. St. Louis, on Thursday last. ' Mr. Wm. McVeigh and family. of Rat.` Portage. who were visining Mrs. H. Mc- Veigh here, have returned. A Civilized mankind owes many of its greatest blessings to the Indian s uncivilization, which drove him to an acquaintance with the se ets of ' . ; nature. The Vultures of iseases ` - " uickl fall before the Red Man's trustyarrow of health. SI.0AN'S .lND AN TONIC is now the White `Man ! greatest remedy for ` Indigestion, Dyspepsia and all troubles of the Stomach and Bowels. A ` g- `Mus. J. w. Bnvnn, or Heepeler, Says: I was troubled with` constipation rot I Atxitd I eat many .medicinea,. but received no relief until I tried M , .1," N TO IC; it helped` me at once. and e`e;cted` a complete c'ute.. A ---3 jninj-n --3 1: nll Ql 13' A tjl D vwft y 11` ]JLf|,L` L\JJ.` L\; i ll IICIWU MIG D5 vuwu bun \.1I\._wI.\.\s u yvlxnr-Inky v-au- ~;`o%;.oAn-g&|.uq_|Au Tomc. su.oo Aao jru. 1 A an CI; -, ,__A .- l3___ 6- - . -- If-ncuunugcn I'M` l_Y-...:IA-.. f\.. Anteh M1113. Advance Correspondence. V New Lowell. Advance Correspondence ;`Au"1;ea`:1::s_-,"o::' iEc1'z;:'}az"sxT9;, *Li"`::Bxc;'n'x:_ E0: r.~_mi1n:'o}n.' bommeuded andsolcyl at Seagefs Drug Store. 10 Mr. Crooks, of Hawkstone, spent Sun- dav here. 1;c lfs.HfIenry Martin is visiting friends in E. Gwillimbury. nu. . - Miss T'nusa'Wi1lette, of Barrie, is the guest: of Mrs. Flaherw. 111 IY\ nan ` J. D. Martin has returned from Roacbe s 1 Points. U Mr. and Zl\dr;.VWHWot-1::3"'O Brien, of Toronto, are guests at The W oods. nus Ia o IT`! a nu . n q Frost, Raikes. Gra.nt. Lower, Gilchrist, Radenhurst, Harvie-skip. Henderson-ski Wakeeld. Tothill, Henderson, Shrubsole, G. Grant, Stevenson, R N. Burns-skip. Stewart-skip. Mias Connie Watts, of Toronto, is spend- ` ing her vacation with her sister here. `II I17 ~r\ `I o 1- i 31%;. Wf}La3ks"a Eing ;}.1{.;n time with his friends at Hawthorn Villa. The Misses Gure;;{:37,T V are ` spending 9. short time with Mrs. S. Price. I11 I. 1 1* . ` Mastels Sheleizgih, WzZa.lZerT Z7at'1ol"-\}icZtor Doorhouse, of Toronto, are holidaying here. It 11: 1\u, (N1 (-11 to 10 Mr. anti Mrs. Robf: Cherry, of Gwil? limbury, spent Sunday with M.. Henry Martin. 1 . 1\-II A.u.IlL vluo M There was 9. large attendance at Bible \c1ass Sunday evening to hear Mr. H. ) O Br_ien. 1'! P l'\ (".1 . 3 I \I III lvuo Miss Kate Ross. of Oro Station, and Miss Jennie Watt, of Guthrie, are the guests of Mrs. D. Graham. Angus. Advance Correspondence. Miss A. Warnica. and Miss Dodson, of Painswick, were visiting at Miss Turton a ` last; Sunday. ` The Ladies Aid of this place hell 3. gar- ` den party last Friday evening at the resi- \ dence of H." L. TurBush. The weather was {very tine and 9. very` enjoyable time was spent. Mr and Mrs. Tu.rBush receive the E thanks of all who attended for their kind- i pess in granting them the use of their beau- l tiful lawn. I Mrs. Holland,` vrho has been the guest of i Mr. and Mrs Moore at St. Thomas Cottage. ] has returned to her home in Toronto. Last Friday afternoon an interesting match took place between the Barrie and Orillia bowlings clubs on the beautiful bowling green on Peel street. The games were keenly contested. resulting in favor of the home teams. We understand that a return match will be played at Orillia on August 8th. Barrie s Civic Holiday. The rinks were made up as follows : The western end of the station has been bricked and the entire roof re-painted. Part of the partition between the express office and the baggage room has been re- moved and is being rebuilt to enlarge the -express ofce at the expense of the baggage apartment. The entire ceiling of waiting rooms has been removed and will this week be replaced by a handsome new ceiling. The ticket oice will be the next to undergo renovations. A temporary freight siding has been laid where the old freight sheds stood. Freight has to be delivered as soon as unloaded for as yet no building has been erected. It is understood that a new freight shed will be built near Bayeld st. ORILLIA. Improvements at the Station. Thornton. Advance Correspondence. Pickxng berries is quite an enterprise here. Our old frien_d, Mr. John Goodwin," is among us seam L __. -1\.1 I(`1 .-_,__ ____'I`f2___'f,`____1 Shanty Bav Advance correspondence. Lawn Bowling. Henderson-skip. QI.......l.....In BARBIE. In =} EtI1el:Speers and Miss Kennedy paid our village a. visit last week. j If T`I'-...... n-up` nun :- non any ---v--- I . Our merchants speak a remarkably busy season; our tradesmen and me-. chanics are also in good spirits. The children of r. Gee. E. Scroggie, of the Toronto News, have gone to visit their relatives in Cookstown. What might have proved it serious accident befel Mr. George Hicks who was working on the scaffold surround- ing the Methodist church when he step- ped on an inch board which broke pre- cipitating him to the ground. As it was he received a severe shaking up. r .. Mr. Henry Ball d - . `troit visiting theiralaatglltieregg D3- . 0 a B. Henry. Our school room is being renovated. Mr. Sproule is doing the work. `The trustees are taking a greater interest in the welfare of the pupils. Mr. and Mrs. Little, of Killyleagh, celebrated their silver wedding last Friday evening. We hope they may be spared to enioy the celebration of their golden wedding. The Rev. Mr. Holdsworth, of Mono Mills, occupied the pulpit of St. Jude s church last Sabbath. '1`he reverend gentleman preached from the text, I thank Thee I am not as other men are. , He gave a lucid explanation of the then denition of the terms Pharisee and Publican and also his criticism of the two characters. In the evening the Rev. Mr. Simpson ably lled the pulpit of the Methodist church, taking as the foundation of his remarks, Arise, take up thy bed and walk." The gen- Answer 4, Aug. 5thto/lpt. 14th. AT EWAN S LD STAND That is where you, will nd us, and get 1 We have leased the store now ocoupi Ourkpresent lease expires on the 8th August Wee g_ _ . -` - --3--- L; -'--4".-an A _l This means a- lot of troub reap the benefit of this great sale _ e . V V _ e We are bound to mov as _little as possible of our stock twice, therefore weplace on sale all our `Dress ods, Silks, Gloves; Hosiery, Parasols, ` S etings, Towellings, Tableings, Millin-A A % t ery, Mantliets, Clothing. 4 t % W whole stock. of Gene, Dry dbds at a sI;iellV p`ercez`1tegeroV:'er In -`fact, o sa1epI-ices'for ash 0!11V`Y~ R"",4`%%I %'3";i:`;`*13;f%e:%eAI Al.f9,%ee 99`: `."`ttAlt1Aetel) ~q e I % Sale prticedforl It is necessary, in order 176 reduce- A such Rehibval 7 Doors A tleman said in the course of his remarks that Christ wished to showethe public by taking up ' the bed that it was a thorough healing ; also on the Sabbath day because it would draw more atten- tion and result in spreading the glad tidings 3 also that the cripple did what was commanded of him 3 and lastly, he was commanded to lay hold of that which was nearest him, viz., the bed. . `Mr. W. Reine and Hu` wheeled to Toronto on Tuesday. An- A - | The young people'of Cherry Creek and vicinity have organized a lawn tennis club. T This community received a severe shock early Friday morning by the news of the sudden and unexpected death of Mr. Robert `Canning. Mr. Canning had been a resident of this place for some years and formerly lived on his farm on the 5th concession. He was admired by all who knew him for his peaceful manner and many will mourn his death. We` extend sym- pathy to the bereaved. Master James Rogers and sister, Blanche, of Uookstown, are vieitmg friends here. The garden party held under the auspices of the Churchill Presbyterian church on the beautiful lawn of Mr. F. Rogerson, 3rd line, was a decided suc- cess otherwise than_ nancially. The Gilheeny Mandolin and Guitar Club, of Newton Robinson, rendered several selections throughout the evening very acceptably. Vocal music was supplied by the Churchill Male Quartette and Miss Merrick, of Toronto, now at De Grassi Point, while Mrs. Burgess, of Bradford, ably acquitted herself in a piano instrumental. Mr. D. H. Len- nox " gave one of his favorite Scotch -: G REAT :- O JAS. VA|Ri& c . gene at I.=.:wan's Old Stand, 'est% cf A uas. %Vair's G-rjocery. Advance Correspondene. r-stock, to have a ' gains that will_ long be remembered in Barrie. by H. B. Myers,`.a.nd obtain possession of it on Sept. 14th. It is impossible for us to make terms to remain here for six -vhich e1.i6ited the* usual round :of applause. Rev. J. A. Rosa occu- pied thovchair; ' " . Miss" Morrison, of Toionto, is spend- ing her vacation with the Misses Rob- moon. We `must congratulate Mr. J as. Phemister, touches of Cherry Creek public school, for the`success'.which at- teniied his e'orts in therecent P. S. L. and ' Entrance examinations. Out of six who tried, two for P. S. L. and four for Entrance, `all were successful, which we believe is exceptional owing to. the fact -that the exnmin'etions- were very diicnlt this year. The successful pupils were :-J."_or P. S. L.-Bernice Matthews, Marion Clement; for En- trance-- Martha. Steele, Aggie King, Cora Sawyer, Mabel Malcolmson. % Miss Harkina, ;.:;;;;;:;,{;; the quest of the Misses McKenzie. e 50c. Mr. and Mrs. R. Little are spending some of their `holiday: in visiting friends in New T Lowell, Stayner and Collingwood. -lunnc `Oct 1 Mr. and Mrs. Msurioe Stacey, of Al- liston,' were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ' Little on Sunday `last. ' ' Mr; Jared, of, Bu'alo, N.Y., daugh- ter of Mr. Wm. McKnight, and her family, are spending the summer holi- days. with her parents. The hum and whistle of the threshing machine are heard once more in this neighborhood 3' theotsrmers are thresh- ing about two weeks earlier than lastl The record made by the pupils of Killyleagh school at the late exams. eclipses all former records. Six were sent up for the Entrance Examination, and six passed and obtained their cer- ticates. Three wrote for P. S. Leav- ing and one was successful. The names of those who passed the Entrance are -Edith Moore, Winnie Moore, Minnie Ferguson, Maggie Ferguson, Olive Herrill, Annie Hamilton. P. S. Leav- ing--Foster Ferguson. Only that the latter exam. was so extremely diioult this year one `at least, if not both of the others who failed, would have been successful. - V On Friday evening, 29th _ult., Mr. and Mrs. R. Little entertained some of their friends and well-wishers at the cele- bration of their silver wedding. Dur- ing the previous week invitations had been sent out, and on the evening men- tioned between sixty-ve and seventy kindly responded to the invitation they received. After all had partaken of ' the sumptuous tea which had been provided by our host and hostess, parlor games and other amusements were played with great zest the remainder of the evening. Messrs. R. J. Hill and Wilson Campbell gave some very ne selections of violin music, while Mr. Russell Hill played the autoharp and Miss Jared and Miss Ross presided at the organ. The numerous and costly presentsewhich the guests presented to I A very ne shower of rain fell in this locality on Friday morning last `about ve o'clock. The roots and vegetables seemed to receive new ver- dure after being thoroughly watered with the refreshing shower. . K111r1eah- -7 Advance Correspondence. ' bardinal %*,N1'nE NORTHERN ADVANCE.` Mr. and Mrs. Little were suitable to the occasion, the recipients will long cherish them as mementos from their friends around. Killyleagh. Before the party broke up, Mr. R. J. Hill made a few brief complimentary remarks on Mr. Little s success in this place as 9. teacher, and then proposed the health of their host and hostess, and wished they might live to celebrate their golden wedding. Rev. Mr. McBrien seconded this, and also very cordially endorsed the sentiment of the proposer, and he thought every guest present would do the same. Miss Eva Quinn is visiting relatives in Orillia. ' W E. Parks and son visited friends in Orillia last Friday. - 1 Mr. Blackatock is loadigg a car of this year's wheat. It is 9. first-class sample. III I II` `I If `I! , ,_ I Toombs, Mrs. J. McMinn and family, of Mo. Albert, are vieiting Mr. R. McMinn. Mr: 7 Mrs. Edwin Rodgers, of Sunnidale, was visiting Mr. J. Fergu- son Jast Sunday. Mr. C.` Ralaton and Miss M. Ralston have returned to Toronto. The people of this vicinity were very sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Campbell s father, Mr. Wm. Bishop, of Grenfel. le price . Mrs. Will Cross, `of Toronto, is via- iting relatives in this vicinity. -In-u I 'I\~II nlI'I T ZM7is7s Libbie Thomp;on is among the 1 successful candidates at the Public School Leaving examination. Coin- gratulations. ' nu-n -r '1' .0 0 1 1 Mia: E113 Robi;1aon,,of Bond Head, visited Miss I. Hastings last week. ies Mabel Dolby, of 'l'?oronto,V is] visiting her sister, Mrs. J. J ache. lI`I'h 1711 Miss Ida ,Hastinga, accompanied by Miss Rogers, of Barrie, wheeled to Stayner on Saturday and spent Sunday with friends there. V ` Mill Road News. Advanco Correspondence. The Misses` Houck are visiting at Mr. D. Bunker a.' _1\'vIiae Maude Irvine spent a few days with friende in Anten Mills. " Mr. Robb. Sprout is putting a new oor in the school of this section. -- Miss Mary Bunker has returned home nfner a very pleasant visit with friends` in Hawkatone, Orillia and War- minster. V T Quite 9. number of young friendsl from town and this neighborhood had` a very pleasant picnic in Mr. R. R. Brown's bush last Thursday ufternoon. sle prick` ` Mr. J. s. { Du` &a Attending parlia _ment this week,` T-'1}}.`{`Edgar Milan, of couingwooa; spent Monday with his sister`, Mrs. MoLennen, at the_ parsonage. 'f_};:laa;dsse match announced to 'be played in Oz-illia. last Friday -did not take place on account of O:-illia not oanng to play ; this game may be play-' _edasafutar_eda`te. V I - F. and Mrs. atq A:-mstrong, of Shayne:-, spent a few dsyathia `week re- newingacqgaintanoes in this vicinity. In` areview of the Conaervate members of the local Legislature The Starlgys :-- Mr. A. B. Thompson, Q clover lawyer of Penotan iahene, 9 i we of Up 1- Ca -T `in mm who IE:nld`0 UH IVVII 9. very well.` Colwell. Advance Correspondence. Nantyr. _ Advance Correspondence. two--u-we ww unu- Advance Correspondence. Miss. Bertha Carson returned to To- ronto laat Friday. a Q- -v-.. A. Mr. and Mrs`. C. Wilson spent Sun- day with friends in Barrie. Mrs. John Murphy left. to join her husband in Huntsville last week. Miss Maggie Brown, of Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. Stokes. lmassra. Neil, of Collingwood, spent Sunday with friends here. Mr.'.and Mrs. Jas. Brumby, visited friends in Shanty Bay recently. Mr. James Muir, of Myrtle, is re- newing old acquaintances m this vi- cinity. < Utopia. Advance Correspondence. Miss M. L. Holmes visited friends in Stayner last week. The Misses 'Mo:att., of Ahandale, are the guests of the Misses Holmes. % Mr. R. A. Muir is engaged with Mr. 3 Robinson, of Shanty Bay, to run 9. threshingmachine engine for the season. \ Miss L. Honeyford, Creemore, is in town. 3 > F The new wheat being delivered at thei ; mill is a ne sample. 11 1\ o I - .1 . D II