Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 4 Aug 1898, p. 2

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-...- -rvuuuuw an no 9- than assuage, u-nu uvvns `town, Grey and (:}'|::fph White Finishing Lim; Cements of all kinds, Fire Bricks and Plasterel-'3 Hair. Sin:-nhnnm-_ at than Nnu-flu-rn Pnilumu Smhnl. L-UUISIIIS OI au `H108, FITS DHCK8 and rlstfefs Hair. Storehouse at the Northern Railway Switch. footof John street}. near the depot. The bond of thiaL-' `I e is better than that of any other kind, and the .5` ash superior.` Oice-Corner of John and ?Eliza.beth streets. _ JOHNSON sARJEANT. BARRIE. rm" net: and Dealers in Coal: of all Kinds, and eorge town, Guelggl Lime Cntimnfn nf all kinda, In-A Rph-Ira nnrl `Plane...-'- )ONALD ROSS B. Pnnupvgnner- eta. JCKIHSON: at MACWATT, Barristers. mks Public. Solicieonyof _S_u_prem_e 1 V MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUER. nu. Sun R. BOSANKO. DENTIST. has removed to his old oice. over `Henderson : hardware store. THE CORPORATION LIABLE. Mr. Justice Ferguson has given de- cision against the City of Ohathsxn in ____L ;. ________ _} H. LYON. PRIVATE` FUNDS T0 LOAN . on Ra! Estate at lowest rates. Farmers nbnn n3c-nuunfd. Cnentinnn made in am! Daft Of Drugs and Chemicals VANILLA; for ice cream. for iiistanoe; Buuna Powmm. for cakes. V Oneis a drug. dfeourse ; the other 1 hemica.l": and there are still others--SPICES of all kinds. cream of tartar, etc. .The best? lace. to t dmge is at a DRUG STOR . 4-The mkglat knows more about 311! `hm thI' POOP - .` We- up`: 3 id csfore. Come and gel: as ` 5 4 alidlxt Kntclien tinge. .xn .uuuwu,. - -Fxrsgdoor Owen atteet, ( 11...... _In the Kitchen. |"oNEY AT 4} AND 5 PER CENT.--We lmm: 2 large amnunt nf nrivate funds to loan 3 |_munxIm's ma STORE ENGINEERS AND SUBVEYOBS. KIIVI` Nntaryxstc. Slammer. T. BANTING, Cletk County of will be at his office. at the-Court House. Barrie, up Cat-not`-u DQ:t`Af\t\Q and T, n Fnnbninuln I matter that is of interest to every corporation inasmuch as the learned Judge states that corporations are re- sponsible for any damage that may re- sult from the roadway or" posts and poles thereon. The facts of the Chat- ham case are as follows: ____________________.__ T. ARNALL, M.D.C.M., oice in Bothwelfs Block, Allandale. On the premises at night. A q.Iv F. C. GREGG, Veterinary Su on. Honorl Gradnnnnfn Gui}. Vet. Cnpnvp nnnr rnamhnr __._______.____._ RADENHURST, hnnnan 2.364;. :n C vnwnnnngnt summons. M. CAMPBELL.- ` Barns "*`--' -M Mam-.v.tnlna.n. Ode 718081 & MACWAT1`, as Public. Solicitors of ' `in Bank-of'Tolonw Block, tteot. `Branch oce, Elmvale. Supreme IVU' Court, etc., No. Mclieggids inowx, am-mm, sane- .. Hnueu-1-on Lnmox, . A. Boys. ~ :...g.,' - <. me uqun, rrvywu Moneyto Loan. ARE NEE] )EDT EVERY DAY 9;.` 1_n;N_'LoP-s"r. BARRIE. ---- V..- V The action was brought by three plaintih against the municipal corpora- tion. Mary Louisa At-kinaon, an in- fant, complained of a broken leg 3 Geo. R. Atkinson, her. father, that he had been obliged to pay the expenses caused by her accident, and Nathan H. Stev- ...... dplnab Lia Inna-can aininh nut` horric: :1v}'A_'-"-_'__ _ ) FOR INVESTMENT on good freehold security at lowest rate of frincipal mone required until end of .. H. STRA `HY, Solicitor, Etc., . rntsmuns. umnu V FINANCIAL. DEN'.l`IS l`S. . B.A. D. F. MACWATT. ________________.. BPLER & MCCARTHY. Bar- -- (`Ann-manna:-3. dc. OFFICIAL. Bn.n-_iscLe:-9. Soliciton. Proc- """"`-'-- 8: Oieea cor. U I-IUI IIUUI\|vuv Inlnvn Quvnnwoovuuu ... ..--. ens, that his horses, sleigh and harness had beeninjured, and all this by the alleged negligence of the defendants in not keeping King street in Chatham -- in proper repair, whereby Mr. Stevens ` horses, driven by his son in the sleigh, ran away, and Miss Atkinson, who was being driven by his son in the sleigh for pleasure, in December, 1897,` was thrown out, with the result mentioned. The learned judge nds that the street _ was out of repair by reason of a cer- - tain pole or post planted in it, and-that the corporation had knowledge of it, and that it was the cause of upsetting the sleigh. The municipality olai-med_ relief over against the Bell Telephone Company, who had placed the post where it was, but the learned judge` held that they were not entitled to such indemnity, because the pole was planted- nnder the superintendence and with the sanction of the corporation`; The de- fsndanta are to p_ay the plainti' George R. Atkinson 8120 damages, the plain- _ti' Nathan H. Stevens 8125 `damages, and the plaintiff Mary Louisa Atkin- son 37 50 damages. They are also to _-._ LL- --_L_ AI-an .\C `kg "43-1': mocx, 45-15 - - VIII: 5147 - Barrister, Attomyo rusnwnunncer. etc. tor, llurnvy . . Conveyance tc. t, over Bank of C`m- Aux. Comm. ________.___.. pligiton of the (`Annun- ANOTHER moonswrnnov. The eineerity of the much vaunted eentention of Gris that. they believe,-in pfeferentiel ttjude wih `Greet or . closer trade relations with` the v?*Mother% Country `Twas exploded lest vgek. -In Detroit M;-.4 Oqbomebieg 1 THE NORTHERN -ADVANCE ` L V ADVERTISING RATES. '1*,A'DVANOE HAS A cmcm, or FOUBTEQN nnnmum :;:3 . noun corms. .Ahno|`t~, if not qnite._ double that of paper published in Ban-1e_ any he! $'ADVEB'I`I8ERS SHOULD NOTE THIS FA _ . . 0 0 CT ` 12 111168 solid nonparexl make 1 inch. TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS, First insertion 10 cents per line, each sub uenf insertion 4 cents per line. mmdinu notices. 10 cents ner ha 4-,. . T . Vqllul {H051 Llvu '.x vvuu: Pvt AILIU` Reading notices, 10 per line for n I insertion ; 5 cents per line for each Subseql Gut insertion of V the same matter. All it der 5 lines, of this character, chm. ea! 01. lines. e M lines. T .A.. nnes. _ Legal, Oicml and Government adymise. ments will be charged at above rates. CONTRACT ADVERTISING. Contract advertisements will be taken at the fo11owing.rates,_ whlch are drafted on M rect commercial pnnegfles and will be strictly .a.:i1hored to. There m I be only one price for GUI-ll ax mcnes...... ...... .. ginches, % column...... to inches, 34 column. . . . an :ln`hD_I, I mum`: I 0 0 0 0 xo_mcnes, 7-; cuIumn.... aomches, x ooluum...... .-----.-.::._?.__ M} c'1lL"o'e"5?'7EL p1i:%'L'na"Js'e' 11 Telephone Oompany. . I - `Fox-.one month-the thre with 15 per cent. added. . hum man!-}m.-f.he three mnnnlu ..._ wnsn ID pet can. uuuvnu l fFor`two months-the three monthly m, with 10 per cent. added. an-`Dmfm-rad nmzitinnn in the namr mm L. '1! 1|! IE1` cvulu nuuwuo li'Preferred positions in the paper will 1;. ` sold- at an advance of one-third on ab." rates. This rule will be strictly earned out coxrrucr CHANGES.` Advertisers will please bear in mind that notice of intention to change advertisemm, must be handed into the office not later ah Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for such change must be in Tm: Anvnxcn oioe not later than 12 o'clock noon _on Tuesday in my week, otherwise the adYert1ser s announcement may not be made public until the week fol. lowing. 4 12 changes of Advertisements allowed pg: year. It more are required, composition rates will be charged. A.1......4:.m-a will -nnf. LA allowed to nu ma. W111 De cnalgeu. Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertismq anything outside their own regular business. Should they do so transient rates will be charged for such ad. , ,-,L3.,_._- -..L.. |l\lAa~aJ v-u ----. vertisements. Condensed advertisements on tirst page such as wants of all kinds, lost and found, pmpem for sale or to rent, specic articles, etc.. etc,, must be accompanied with the cash, and will be inserted-t1rst insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted as words); but a. reduction of one cent per word willbe made when the number of insertions of the same matter exceed four. An ,-_.-_ __.__4 I... -_-_ VA vuv Ia!-nnav can`:-v-v- v____V ,- , Cuts for advertisements must In every `case be mounted on solid metal hues. %vinciaI Building and Loan Association. mun numansuu, STANDARD LIFE. |LONI)QlEI GUARANTEE AND ACCI of` Bpalon, delivered "an nddrimdn. i.` Tmda.relation botwebn Canada and thb._I.TniF.01. tgeea.3';` Among` rthofao proneht \'Q.1:..Wl!.l. MoGregor and AM. ' N G-:}it= TM3. 5 P. I`? tor V `r ` ,1. I > rm} ,_\.f5 ,4 J 5;, who _.I..-l.. II __ __ DENT (:6ia1>ANY. PROVINCIAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. ETC. , ETC. , ETC. K OWEN STREET. &I`v1I-ns :--: REPRESENT THE FOLLOWING F_1_m: 1.\'sL'RA.\`? COMPANIES: The Mercantile, now ailiated with The 1013' glon & Lancashire of England. SW` nty, $15,000,000. . The Waterloo Mutual, of Waterloo. OI1~- Tothl assets, $334.o83. The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. 0113 Total assets. $303,078. Also Lloyd's Plate Glass Insurance C01`_ pany, of New York. Cash capnal. Szsw 000. And the Sun Loan and Savings Comp? of Ontario. SCROGGIE & SMITH. Private funds to loan on rst mortg3'5- counts collected. &c. counts collected. &c. o0ice over Henderson,s Hardware Storm nt. } scnocmu-: a. SMITL SUBSCRIBE}? CAPITAL BARBIE mm & snvmus 60- } INCORPORATED 1881. Number of inches nnaf. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $5,000,000. I of the 18 cents ! `Vaihe 13 4 Per Cent. Interest Paid on D9 The Security for Dopositora in s nnmnnnv In nndnnbted. `rue asecunty I01` ueposuom 1.. u - Oompanyia undoubted. _ M` at .Ross new Block. south side Dunlop W eutot the Post Oloe. _ _, W The securityuto depositors in a Loan CY"h`,, SlouCt_ed. There is no instance on reC0"d , _____ .2-_L-_ -___-__ 2- _ L-` L-.- Tnnn O C'Y'i;` douted. recof depoeitior has eve: made a loss bv a L080 C "' `J ' _ ' 1 U}, Via. the NORTH suonn NAVIGAIIOE . Liited, Royal Mail Line. in connection G. .R.. CP.R andvPa.r Sound_R.R. CITYOF . Steamers CITY OF IDLA1\l_3 and d 3, L39 PAVRRYSOUND will leave CollmSW , Meafnrd4.oo. Owen Sound 11.45 DJ,-' .._..ts YIIIKIKI ,D\ UlV.IJ WI ICKVC \aUlIlII5""'vn TED . Meaford-4.oo. Owen Sound n.55 p.m-- pO,gjf DAYS ahd FRIDAYS, res ectnvebj. for. to saw` cell on North Shore and t e Mamtouhn includ- Ste.~ llarie and Mickinac. Fare. round fifn 1.0" am! ' in; mean}: and berth, from Toron_t0. H ms don. Stratford and all intermedmte t"1`e`a`,fcb 318.50. Stu . CITY OF TORONTO _W| Sunday-_t1' cgn; at ; p.m. and Midland 2 p.m daxly. ( nth 5., ` Eon Sound, connecting the 131:! 'a ryS6und and steamers for Bi : Thu! French River and Killtfney ox! Manda) ants or W thy` nights. Apply to all RanlwaY Af,_,, sou` French River and Killamey _ `S hts. A olv A8 I` IXON 8: C0, Agents. 0" $3:-`E AND. M. BURTON. Manager, Collingw on Monaay ' W Oodv on!` MAITI-AN nnmu & (:0. Agents. 0"" / 11!. -~ . Ma . Ker ' Wood, 0 ` . .~ ` \ R .. V & C0 ' ' Agt8.0wen50 I R1 0FF1CE-Next door to Bank of Toronto, 3m$S~Cut SaW5 CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE AGENT `INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCEFIS, &C. cum Inn-Y Gummed nd Trued It s<$uAm=2v's AUGUST 4, 1893, BARBIE Deponua 1 Loan `t \ ;n``Wo.;j evetii word that out =3 friend the spoken. It ` ;-eeeine ettnnge thet we hw're`- " reciprocal reletione between these two` 7 countries that have so much in com- mon. Why should we go to England j to buy what we can purchase so much _ nearer by? We want you to come over `to`Wi'nd eor and Toronto; there is no better State in the Union than On- tnrio. (Applnnee.) We are so much i like you, there is no reason why we lehonld not come together and exchange _ commodities." (More "and long-con- . `tinned npplanee). - r:-~mu : 7 he -1- -u--n_.-...'.... ---- w- -rl.V_..V __ Stars and'att:i;';es o ver the, McGx-eg'br `raidenoe will nqw be in order. ' 3 . THEN AND Now. Then the Conservatives were in power, And Grits uid an estimate of $36,000,000 was a disgrace and 3 ehsme._v "Now. Grits are in oioeg and they any an eabimste of 849,000,000 is quite right. Note the llowin :- ___A_!._-_A_ E... , I-Ilvo uh` VUV VI-V -v--v v v-- Oonservstive estimate in` 1886, $36,- 949,lV5.2e Sir Richard` Cartwright : criticism of Mr. Foster's estimates :- For my own part I do not hesitate to tell him that I consider. 3 yearly ex- penditure of $38,000,000 to $40,000,- 000 altogether two large for the present . resources of Canada. I say it is a dis- grace and s shemeto the Government that have been intruated with our ef- fuirs -that they come down to us and ask for an expenditure of $38,000,000 wuss .11. cu: v:'wv----v-__ -_ '.- - a year for federal purposes. tlge thing is utterly unjuetiable. ' unnn 1-gL-_',|_ 3.. -m.. -w -:----J __d _. -.._._ .-,, Estimate in -l898,_ Libeiala inoce, 849,000,000. Increase of estimated public expenditure by $12,800,000 per year over the amount which they de- nounced the Conservatives for spend- ing. Increase of public debt -during two years, $7,800,000. NOT THE OANDIDATE. SURELY? TheTorouto Star, Thursday, 21st ult-., contained _a. write -up of Penetangui- shene. The writer of that article has very likely had his last trip on one of Mr..Dcvidson s house-boats as a result of such a reference as the following :- There is no plessanter way to spend the summer than among the Rocks in oneof Davidson's house hosts . . . He also has 30 row-boats and_ provides all parties with provisions and liquors. This is the reason that all tourists know him. ' A nice state of things this is! What will those electors say to this who harp- ed~ so loudly last February on Mr. Davidson's temperance strings`! Mr. Davidson and liquors! What a com- bination! It 18 too shocking to even think of. The Star man must be % Anrrnj mmtrro PAPER. V V From all qhsrteu ochre oompldi_m~' of the diioulty of the arithmetic paper 4-..__.. ._ ($-33: . wrong. The New Governor-General. The cable despatches announce that the Earl of Minto has been appointed Governor-General of Canada in suc- cessionto the Earl of Aberdeen. This nobleman has already enjoyed a Can- adian experience, for as Viscount Mel- gund he was for two or three years military" secretary to an earlier Gover- nor-General-Lord Lansdowne. ' Dur- ing his residenceat Ottawa Lord Mel- gund made many friends, and was prominent in social events. An ex- oicer of the Scots Fusiliers, he was anxious to go to the front when the `Northwest rebellion broke out. "Ap pointed as chief of Sir Fred. Middle- ton's sta', he accompanied the General, and served with distinction before Be- toohe, leaving for home shortly after that action. This, however, was not Lord Melgund s first experience of active service. He had fought in the Afghan war in 187 9, and in the Egypt- ian campaign of 1892, and had; also ` been private secretary to General Rob- , erta at the Cape. The imprsssionilhord F Melgund left in Canada was distinctly favorable to hiin. He was a pleasant, ', genial gentleman, "as well .as at" good I soldier. _ His return as Governor-Gen? W eral , to occupy Rideau "Hall, where. thirteen years ago he lived as secretary to _another Excellency, will. be` quite ' `welcome. The Earl is of Scotch 3 and his family ill. distinguished inzmany ' branches of` the *` public service. -- The. fanadar-.f the family wr6.tw;o `Gilbert Elliotts, father and son, both of mom I ." .19?'1' 9 AM General, was vac a it defe-coo` Gibrderjv-dare"-Wl.lmn hedaohtlamen lime t E ~ .~'F.A 1BI`3`:J.`l.'::jf:: 5; 5. * -- ------- em. (91 . ii:-755. ;.+. M_in_tpf, jtliofil sh; fohrth'it1,`i . Lib- ?"`?}*i!hi?*i5:h W J` friad .9? hI-0'4 thr.9 d#9mi*`9* W11 #6 issued .~LunIibv_me. "In all new ghqnadowne, who, has V .remefg~ Ame:-iuni ABa$k Nine of the guberhitoriil oloe. the vviliolo: as` soon as re'qni`i-`odzhy -Mail"-Empire. " the government.` These postal notes '~ * ` _ will be. issued by poatmqsters through- unwj;t A-`.m'_`'% out the country and"wiI1 bear the d'aLte_' The gqualizstioh wmuiittee say that sump of the om of .iu'me_ They 'f""Y ``f _`f`"`ff"'*"`'1 0` * Yuma: be cashed within three months of 8,1 L`,;L brancea of Canada, him not gpe_I}r_ to be equal `H o Oountyiot Simooagasosemonte. lafter oi. very oore1lex'em 1ni_s'f;i]on_'o the The eqoeliigilon ooltinlttee ..;y en... ` neyomlaaaeaament rolls they nd that 7 while the towns end vxllageaf ' ` are ' sod nearly as the actual value, the as- sessment of the townohipe only hear the following proportion to the real value: vacate pf ahira. -uw---- v- - ___._ The entire work of. the assessors of this county is interesting reading and woiild be very funny were it not such it. gross injustice to some portions of the county. For instance we see by sche- dnle A, `elsewhere in to-day's issue, that there is not a dollar of personal property assessed in Nottawasage, Flos, Oro _ or Mstchedash, while the back- woods township of Tay is rated at $15,- 950 ! Adjala is rated at $3,700 and Tecumseth at $2,450! Can any honest man look at these gures and say that somebody is not on the wrong side of the jail walls '1- Tottenham Sentinel. to which 37 marks were given, and g . `the herries. O handed over 18 cents to `pay for his share. How much should set for Public School Imins Oaidi,-' dates '-at the recent .examinationsj.- I6; would be interesting tolrnow how many 1 teachers having third class certicates, ` or evensecond class certicates, could obtain 50 to 75 per cent. of. the marks. : It would be quite safe to say that ya large number would not exceed 3-3 per . cent. Below we give the paper, with the exception of the first two questions '- which, it is assumed, the majority of candidates could do. . ' 3. A had 4 pints of berries and B 5 pints. C joined them and they hte all A --- .1.` LI... `IQ manta ! vlllna The Law o1'Poundage. Everybody cannot be expected to have access to the Revised Statutes of Ontario--especially in rural districts. The question of pounds and of taking up stray animals is one of importance in country parts. We therefore give the following particulars respecting the pounding or taking up of stray animals : -In case the animal is a horse, bull, ox, cow, sheep, goat, pig or other cattle, if by a_` resident instead of delivering the same to a pound keeper, he may retain said animal in his own possession, provided he makes no claim for damages. But notice in writing must be forthwith given to the owner, if known 3 and then if not known, notice shall be `given within 48 hours to the township clerk, together with a description of the color, age and natur- al and articial marks` on said animal. If the animal or animals be worth $10 or more the distrainer shall advertise the same for three weeksin a county paper. One month atter being taken ,, _.-___ _J_-_.L:..- -_;.I r"I"" u up, the distrainer may advertise and sell said animal-three days notice of sale being rst given. Out of the pro- ceeds he is authorized to pay for adver- tising, necessary care and trouble, and for foodof animals. Balance, if any, if not claimed by owner within three months, must be paid to township trea- surer tor local municipal purpose. ` W. H. Bennett.'M.P. The Toronto Star says :--._-East Sims cce hasa representative in the Domin- ion Parliament in Mr. W. H. Bennett, in whom` it takes great pride. This is his second term, and in the last Gov- ernment s time he stood close to the Ministry and did much for his con- ; stitnency, not forgetting his home, Midland. For fourteen years he has practiced profession, law, at Mid- land, and has done much topbmld up the town, getting many improvements ' to it -and the harbor. Heis a` great believer in the town's fntnre asa tour- ist and krain centre, and is the anther ` _of_,- the title, bestowed on Midland, The Chicago or the .North. `He ` says the .toirn s , "needs are grain elevators, competing railroads, and the tonristtrade, for which Mid- "..1a=,s .,i>`v:,e_ :11 .othib,r Ontsrio ms. '-iI . `A He is the idvcoiiicr of f .3 burner II-it!1.,,i, and is doiiigihis beat: 35 . 1 = Ia.,;;bciaTgt1.iaft.atout.._ A V Postul\_N6tea. 9 Tie notesyatem will be in".-_ nuguratod-= in I few. days. .'.l`he notes. "*I33}50v,}jtnd' 30. `on._illQ'35*note Q. Only` Nottuwaaagn. '.l`ay....._.... a moat ..... 60 ..... 56 so... 55 ..u. 50 ..... 501 ...... 45 extraordinary ;tTheidotZe of their igsnp. . . _' B1-illiiant ilen. V ` Without the. connecting structure `there can be no exact cc-operative: ace 4 tion of the double` Now there is ample evidence to show that decien- cy of the corpus not necee- f aarily been attended` with the ebctl, _ which, on.tlie theory of -the-single na- i `tote or` the brain; we should" hm ex- pected. In in which it was diacovered after , death that the con- nectiug bridge between the heininphereu ` was entirely wanting, .neither. derange- mentin intellect we: observed, nor any I other abnormality. of life in the way of movement or sensation. This, In the notable case of Bichat, one of the foremost anatomist: of his day, one lobe of His brain` wu found .. .. .. '7 n._ LL - -LI. __ ';it;H$r.than the othe_r. Ea waa,in fact, decient in one-half: of his brnin, and et his mental and phyeinl life was in in: way , notably of 5 high order. In another -case, repot-tedby Crnveilhier, a man died of a heart die- eaee. He-exhibited no lack of intelli- gense, yet after death it was discovered that his left brain was practically. de- stroyed and replaced by a watery sub- stance. Another case, reported by An- dral, was of a man who died at the age of 28. He had suifered from a fall when three years old, and as a result was paralyzed on his left side. The right half of his brain had practically disappeared, so that the parts below this half constituted the floor of an empty space. Andral says of this man that he had received a good education and had proted by it 3 free and easy; his intelligence was such as we should expect to ndin an ordinary man. "- Hg:-per : Magazine. Famous. But cowards. All great people have their follies, which is another way of saying that all have their weak points. `Tycho Brahe, the great astronomer, had a terrible tear of harea or `foxes. If by any chance he aaw one, it mattered "not whether it were dead or alive, he grew pale and his legs trembled under him. ,SL'I_ ,1! L2. The great Dr. Johnson, with all his philosophy, was not without a super- stition. He was very careful not to enter a room with his left foot fore- most; if by any chance he did so, he would immediately step back and re- enter with his right foot foremost. He afraid of death, too, and would not auifer it to be mention- ed in his presence. I n _ R Julius Caesar, to whom the shouts of thousands of the enemy were but sweet music, was mortally afraid of the sound of thunder, and always wanted to get under -ground to escape the dreadful noise. .4. What is the difference between `the rate per cent. I must charge A for V2 1eaI'I,_and B for 3 years on money lent them at simple interest, so that I `may make 10 per cent. -compound in- terest from each of them? Value, 25. . 5. A and B enter into partnership for a year, and A receives 4} of the prots and B the remainder. A invests 82000 additional for the second year's partnership and at the end of the year receives 4/9 of the prots. How much -did each invest the first year? Value, 25. _ Queen Elizabeth, despite her marvel- lons self-posaeaeion and strong will, trembled at the sound of the word death ; and Talleyrand shivered-and changed color etthe same word. Marshal Saxe, who loved to look upon the ranks of opposing armies, ed and screamed in terror at the sight of a Peter .-the Great could scarcely ' be persuaded to cross a bridge, and when- ever he placed his foot on one he would be terribly -alermed. Like the great men that he was he _tried to overcome- his weakness but he was never able to do so. Lord Byron would never help any- one to salt `at the table nor. would he be helped himself-, and if any salt were eilled he would immediately get up eod leave. V Twelfth. ; . . . ..... . `.Bi_lk Wdding. ` eFifteiith. . . . .. .0ryIt.`nl Wedding. ; Twenteth . A. . . `.' ._ . . . ..0hini `We_ddii1'g.' ,![wqx;;ty,iiftli . . . . . .' . . . Silver Weddizig; _ .'~Il'1irtie,th .; . . . . . . . .' .- ;?rl_Wadding. .... . . . . . ;'. .Bqbyi Fifgieth. . . . . .. . . . . q:9ll\9n,_W9 _t_idlI1"g." ` Wedd1nc`A1in1versar1es. Fir_at . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0o1;ton Wedding. Second. . . . . . . . . . . . .Paper Wedding. Third . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inater W_'eddin`g. 0'6 0 ,0 of 0 is o o ....W0(i6 'Sevepth . . . . . . J. . . Woollen . .V.% . . .!I,`i'n Wedding. 0 `Q6! .'CI ` T vi &.A l1iston`andCn-eemore. ' ` - Lnmox & Bows, . Elmvale. Dunlap and Owen ate. mm. vilo dpposite Hunt : hotel. Money to loan as In-gpqr rntg_ VIIG 9llllE'-\q-vyu at lowest rates. A I.` I1 Cunswlc Illnnanao no -.-..-.-r. Barristers, Solicitors in I-Ii8h.C`ourt ofjusticu, Notaries Pub1i. -0'>nv_eyanc_ers'. Oceo ave: `the Bank of Torontco B ., Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 per? mt: ' H. H. Srumv, Q.C. . . 6. I bought a drug store and n gro- cery store for $7000, and I` get $550 rent per annum for the two. I make 7 per cent. on the coat of the drug store and 9 per cent. on the cost of the grocery store. Find the cost of each. Value, 25. 4| 4! - CIL_-I_ _-II.. -1. 7-:7-._.._. [Q E. Hnwson. i-Louur & l.OUN 1`.Barr_istx-2. P. = tors, Notaries. Conveyancers, Oiees c andclap no treetaB Wu. u'n1',.`g: `H .G:g'%V.Lou_x'r. ' Amnto. ' 51-ly Ban --6v-r:nvItteot.'- " ' Branch lock. ' Joan Dxcxixaon, B.A `cCARTHY,_lf,BPLER- ` Conveyancets. etc. D'AL'roN MCCARTHY, Q.C. F. E. P. P.n-uni. Q.C. J. A. Mccn.-nnr.V D. C. Muxcauox. Barns Macaw.-my. Dunn, Mocuu-av & Duxcuc, Allistoa and Crecmore. Mocurruv, PlPl.lR(_hCm0.lLiOUI.D 8: Mccuu-my In ' ' NDQIY, SEC. "I9" 3114 t.nyner. Bame Budding, Owen street. 80 auynct. us: I I9 } nu-ee 1}`6...i;` ,.;?.Z; ....~:' ..'.:...;.;: 12.1. ... oaices; Bank of Toronto Building, Owen street, Barrie. 48-ly % . ._ R. PALMER, Surgeon, Eye, Ear, Throat, Nose, 40 College street, Toronto, may_ be con- sultedat the neen s Hotel, Barrie. on Fnday, Oct. the nth. froan to u a.m., and the second Friday of suntan at. me from,` every month. -Iv -cw. 7. Bank of Commerce Stock cells at 120 and pays en 8-per-cent. dividend. Bunk of Toronto puye 10-per-cent divi dead. If I invest $4800 in Bank of Toronto Stool: my income will be $20 lens than if I invest in Bank of Com- merce Stock. At what premium is Back of Toronto Stock selling? Value 25.` Q 1 I (\ 0 1 - T . DRE]. F. Pallin . Graduate of Trinity University , oronto, Fe ow of Trinity Medical College, iMember of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office and Residence, 18 Owen street. .___..__..___._____._.__ `4'.l`RA'.l`HY 8: ESTEN. Ba DR. . 0. SMITH, L.C.P.S., 0nt., (late of Drs. ie 8: Smith Orillia.) Oce and residence -corncr of Owen aniColl1er streets, Barrie. 23-ly R. W. A. ROSS, Ph 'cian, Surgeon etc., L. R.C.S. Edin" L.R .p.. London. okices and night residence--Brown : Block, Dunlop street, Rania. Telanhone '1'). mgnt res1uenu:--urum Barrie. Telephone 77. DRM1. ARTHUR Ross,"L. R. C. P. as. E F. P. & S. Glas . Specna` lty-Eye, -m......o mu! NM.-. Han rgmoved to Sanders B .I) "1vf.'F. s." is"gT' *speciauy-Ey Ear. Throa_.t and Nose. Has removed to Sanders?'Block, opposxte post office. Phone 54. 7-ly U. Ra! Estate at lowest rates. rarmers Notes Dissounted. Collections made in any $41 of the County. Real estate bought and sold. nvey- in all its branches. Marriage Licenses issu . OfcwRosstBlock, Dunlop street Barrie. A z-Iv, Ifltg Ullh V haul. CVO 8. A box is made of plank 2 inches thick and without a. lid. Its outside measurements are :-depth, 16 inches, width, 18 inches, and length, 24 inches. How much will it cost to have it paint- ed inside and outside at 9 cents per square foot? Value, 25. A 'l`.I!-__1 AL- ..--...I..._ A` gangs `:1 n $70,000 1'3`. EE; NJ" UNIS! 111` `sq Au 0 run van l.o--we 1 have a. large amount of private funds to loan at four and a. half and 5 per cent., payable yearly Loans on mortgage will be made u to one half the value of the property offered. Mc ART!-IY, PEPLBR & MCCARTHY. Barristers. &c.. Barrie. JAS. ED VVARDS 1 C`(2NVEYI`\`|\.lCR. u or ,p. I .L|J. be at ms omce,_ at me-uourt nouse. Darn: every Saturdav. Residence and P.O. Cookstown. ll-IE BALL PLANING MILL COMPANY- Ca nterin;lBuilding and manufacturing of Doors, lp, B ds, Mouldings. etc. Planin of all kinds done promptly and satisfactorily. ot Blast Drying Kiln. Dxstrict agency for rained lum- ber. Factory-Bayeld Street. Barrie. ODGERS & GALLIE successors to Geo. Ball. uwv 1 u rvuvttuu At his oice until 5 p.m.; at his private residence, 68 Mary street, after that hour. u-ly 4 r. u. uxsnuu, vetennary an on. nonor W . Graduate Ont. Vet. Colleg, onor member Medical Societv. 0 ioea-Over wans Dry Good store. Dnnloo_St. Residence r6 Mulcaster St. FRANKLIN J. ROBINSON, GRADUATE OF I the Schobl of Practical Science, Toronto. Civil Engineer and_Ontario Land Survevor. Plans speci- cations and estimates on all engineering works fare- red and submitted on the shortest notice. 0 cc. othwell's Block. Dunlopstreet. Barrie. :5-ly -1--- - _-v v v - 9. Find the number of acres in a eld in the form of a. trapezoid, whose perellel sides are 20 and 34 rods, and slant sides 13 and 15 rode. Value, 25.

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