Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 28 Jul 1898, p. 4

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B. I. Fraser & Bu. In` order to close out the three large stocks, now on hand, as rapidly as possible, commencing this Week, We will inaugurate FRIN-rs. \ , of everything in the store, commencing at ` L. A incls Old stand- s Oxfords hesvyand strong; at $1.00 a d $1.2 , 1 rice 50c 3013 Oxford, torn end extension sole, it $l.5%,s;f $5 and 39-00 sale gels Burton, self faxed; patent tip, extension sole. worth $2 and 39-50' znerial Kid Bntton, common sense or Harvard Toe, made by C108h & . worth $3.75 to $4 50. sale price $2. 25. need or Gaiters- mm: 9.... m nn ..-.1 an as Honors Abroad. A CARNIVAL IN .u gunvs lI.lG9_g U00, 3610 PL'|UU ZUC_ 8. ood weight. and all wool, in Navy, Browns, Myrtle, Cardinal le mice 35c. 1517.5 . G<>ds~ L n J _ _ L . . I _ .__ ' ..AND.. 10 10 10 10 MUSLINS tptiipe $3a00. "1 : 1 Nvma e. t '00 1 ' ` 25. at 33.00. :a1t,m;.:;2:3'a?` *3 HAP nknnn 0`; A n A m -n:nn-an For some time after this the work was delayed. not from anything` the Council had or had not done, but from trouble between the Gas and Electric Light companies, as the following state- ment of July 19, 1888, shows: It is understood that the Barrie Gas Com- pany has withdrawn itsopposition to the Barrie Electric Light Company and the latter company will at once proceed with the work not placing their plant and erecting wires. IIIL- l\---..-.I --..n ma` nnnnnnl-at` nfh 1 lot Colored, small_I'm. tern, 5c., for - - 3 1 lot White Ground, new goods, 10c., for - . 7% White Swiss Checked, 10c ` for - - - - 3 White Swiss Checked, 12a;~c., for - - . 10 Dark Colors, good patterns 15c., tor - - - 10 Dark Colors, grenadine, 20c., for - - Colored Swiss Spotted, ` 25c., for - - 12% Pure Linen Grass Cloth, 356., for - - - 15 12; Mosquito_Netting, 5c. yard. 3. extra well made, worth $6.00, sale price av UVU. :., sale price 190. h, .`ine width, 75c., sale price 50:. MUSLINS. tn uav qpa. UV- above these prices. uu ble lists, were $12.00, 5315 J on 28, 1. worth 336., sale price 1898. uuu UIUULTHS vvnnvuo The Council was not connected with the difference between the companies, for Messrs. Hewson & Creswicke had written giving their opinion that the town is in no way bound to the Barrie Gas Company?` This company squab- `ble was the beginning of a series of manoeuvres which resulted in the sell- ing out of the Gas Company to the Electric Light Company; the monopoly the latter thus obtained in lighting was followed by arise in prices for light and did not add to the popularity of the L_-II2_... -........-..-p W114 '3?J De Woul pose that expl ly u edit been nu ma Hav the tion. littl free~ stan LET1 to ev ceiv 1*) evid red disp Lbef mutt 3PPf uu .14 throl fort I)o n On June 28th of same year Tun ADVANCI: says: Telegraph, telephone and electric. light poles are the main aesthetic features of our town now-a- days"; and in the issue of July 12th it is stated that In any contract which Barrie might make there should be an unmistakable stipulation that the illum- ination shall be up to the standard. Which statements prove that the Elec- tric Light Company was proceeding with the installation ot their plant be- fore the Council had made any agree- ment whateoever with them as to street lighting, and in this way assured the com pany that the corporation would not guarantee such private enterprise. ` leagl 3PP3 unch men1 the\ not over mitt take expe tend song ness. Show the r the wha ple u.. 5 men cost of a. tail, telli the popl tuk all the wou den to 1) Keg. abl only A pro (ms! hav pric (1111 Val KC? CCTV II"? it wv-w controlling company. TIgIa:_ l|on'[I-qr:_nN _A_bVANC.E No. new name will be added to the Subscription tuutil the monpyje paid. Suhlcribere now in arrears for three months and I'll will becharxed Sue oer annum. T ` . This motion shows that the town did not offer any special inducement to the company by promising them" any long rlod contract for street lighting. rom this date the company were given I 10-year franchise for the purpose of calling light to private consumers. IAMUEL WESLEY. PROPR|ETORi HIAEGTRIO LIGHTING IN BARBIE. .In view of the prominent position the electric lighting question now holds before the citizens of Barrie, we give. below a. history of the town's dealings with the Barrie Electric Light Oom- peny or an impartial review A of the E. -L.. _ On June 4th, 1888, the'fol_lowing re- port was adopted in Council: That rmiseion be given to Barrie Electric _ ht Go. to erect poles on the streets Ind squares for the purpose of enabling the company to furnish citizens with the electric light, etc., provided the works be complete and in running order within three weeks. All 8 Page 48 Column Newspaper. ll Published frourthc Office, :23 Dualop Street Harris. in the County of Simcoe, the Pro- vince of Ontario. .Canada. every Thursday Morning, by $1 per in Advance. ? Tums air Suascsurrmon. ' .Ol1!'_ Portrait; reoiirgii 9. high . `award by the Photo` Aasooin-' tion .of Amefica. at _;JumeI-I, town, N-. Y..'la.st week. ` an-my nun-Ivvvb "1 I V} CB IULIUWH 0 `oa1dwe11-Mo1 i':C:_mha: -the com- pany be given 9. contract for two years after date qn Qgpresaly .the_aa_me teyma '33 thexhat can not.` .111! --;I_, in On July `29l:h,, 1895; the company wrote that they were willing tq renew the exiItin.8~- contract tor Mm your-.l or l\v_.lt.liont time,` .wlth's..-pmvino t-hut,/eitheu 4 lpgnymaghsmmiggueieqxcap aqemioa, run was`: 1 v nqvnnpnuvug "Fra!:ley-Ellk-In- mehdmeht4- That the term be three ya'Irs.. ' n'I3-A.L_.-II L-_-_-; I . I UV VI-ISVV 1* VOID! . Bothwell-- Stewart-In amendment 5 to the amendment-That the term be ` veveora. _ " ' . "Tho-voriginal motion ynloarried. _ --Bantu, vvngvuvuvu out VIIV ivllll The Council then went into Commit- tee of the Whole to dispose of the electric light question. The communi- cation from the Electric Light Company was vigorously attacked by the majority of the Council, the prevalent opinion being that the company were trying to take the town by the throat and force them to an agreement. The town was not to be thus treated, however, as other electric light companies. could be form- ed even if a return to gas lighting were not made. Every member of the Council gave his opinion, and the dis- cussion seemed to be getting befogged when the Mayor put the matter in ya, = nutshell by saying that he would not accept the first 'o'er' of the company because the term was five years, and that wasnot expedient tor it granted a monopoly. He would not support-the second clause because it was unreason- able, snd the third clause'was'_ an excess` of paces and utot'.'al_l:o_wed, ,by'.frsnchise. w-The fmstt6rj'wss dispo'Ied_ _o. sifcllbwsz `un-I.1__;u 'IDA'P.1I : -~ :Under< date of lldiay lst, f'8bf3, the company submitted three` profnositions to the town :- (1) Same terms as ex- isting contract, -to expire 10 years from date; (2) 30 lights at $70 per year, -$65 for each additional light, and 8350 for incandeaoentrlights, agreement to le_::itre cznwstisx months n$<;t(i)cef; (3) 3!? 1;; ea ; peryear__ or eac additional light, 8350 for incandescent lights,.contraot for one year. `- rm... n-.-..-:I .n_-._ _-_. E...L._ n-._-_-g. "Report No. 15 Fire and Police, pre- sented on Dec..7:h, 1891, stated that the committee was unable to agree with the Electric Light 00., and the commit- ; tee desired to refer the matter to the Council for consideration. This and the above o`er of the Electric Light 00., increasing the `price of lights led to one of the warmest debates of the year. The feeling of the Council was directly against any increase in the price of the lights, and that the patronage of the town should be divided between the Electric Light Co. and the Gas 00. There was a pretty little passage. at arms between Reeve Burton and 1st Deputy Wells. The Deputy asked the Reeve if he thought it was in the inter- est of the town to make along contract such as the Electric Light Co. ask. The Reeve answered decidedly, Yes. `Dr. Wells then pulled an address of Mr. Burton's out of his pocket and read an -opinion of the Reeve s'directly the reverse. This seemed to touch a very tenderspot in the Ree_ye s mental ma-` chinery and the excitement became feverish. On motion the report was referred back to the committee with in- structions` toreport at next meeting. On Dec. 21, 1891, Councillor Bos- enko, Chairman of Fire and Police Committee, presented "a report for the lighting of the town partly by gas and partly by electric light. It was decided ` to expunge from the report the clause relating to V gas and renew the present r contract with `the Electric Light 00., said contract to expire on `May let, .1893._ am. 2 the .;mit;,. .as,,, light` per" .annnm.}- V_`Anfy more 7. limpet that my betsken` to he 2;ooo candle power '(nominal) as those noir existing. They are be lighted twgntsrve nights, per month, the nights not to he lighted must; `be those of . unolouded moonlight. "Any nevi lamps must be in the present citcuit of the Electric. Light Co. orfnot more than 1,000 teet from said circuit, or from the position of any of the present` lamps. The company must change` the position of the exist- ing lamps if required under conditions above expressed. - The contract to con- tinue for two years. The company agreeto erect and maintain during the 4` continuance` of the contract 12 incsn- 1 descent lights of 32' candle power. ` of "VTWB7v&':Ifiu`Zs3I.aii&i' ?3%'1:'E,'h if ten or more are taken, at "8135 per annum, to burn three hundred nights. L uur- _1n ...._:..L 1:4..- L- 1.--`__ .:n UK UHII JUKI W e will furnishlighta to born from dusk till one o clock for eight months, and till twelve o'clock for four months, as at present, for three hundred nights, for $7 5 per annnm . The above to be 2,000 candle power (nominal) etc. .We will _ furnish 32 candle incandescent light: to. burn one-half the night at 830 per annum or $60 per ennuznc all night. KIJIIIQI-I, VV VIIC$ UK. on`-I-$OV\I III In We will furnish lights to bu:n `till one o'clock for eight-' months and till twelve o'clock for four_ months at $80 per y08!`, `Inn A`nA-an can-=4nA :1: :- -A-n!Jg-g.-L:A_ WV`; Jaii"'&Ji1 1i7iie",iights. if ten or" over are taken for the main streets, at $130 per annum, to burn from dusk to dawn three hundred nights in the year. . `.111- ...:n :.......:..I.. I:..I.L.. 4... I..'...... 4'......`.. "W233 E33 3r3:'iE' nE_EE 33n'si"fZ ation of your giving us a ten year lease. unr.'.`..:n r......:.`.|.. ..n ...:.'. |.s ..--1:..L.... I The next e. hear of electric light ; matters is on Dec; 7, 1891, when the ` company `sent in an offer to the Council parts of which read no follows : 11117.. .-ill '........`I. all night I34!-M-a if V-`f!'i`l'1:;.bove price is in conaiderction a yearly contract. Replying to the proposition to street llghtigg made by your honorable body at `its last meeting, we beg most to- spectfully to decline the seine. Iteeema to us your honorebjle body ilipnder , e mieeppnehenliou` concerning the 060 me, up we oouldlnot:ui_ide1f_eny cinem- `iii the fohowing'letter from the ;Elec`ic H811!-0'hP`Ya-N35 .91! 1`535.h ` This was borne otit in Report No. 6 of Fire, Light and Police," presented on Dec. 7th, 1896, in which it is stated that the committee was unable to come to terms with the company re the lighting of Allandale, and that the company were unwilling to submit to a vote. The ' report continues thus- Your committee beg also to transmit the offer of said company to extend the system to Allandale, the price to be $80 and $7 5 instead of $70 and `$65 as at present, and that for a term of ve years, renewable for another ve years at the than average rate for similar towns "in the province. Your commit- tee cannot recommend the acceptance ofthat c'er, but would recommend the giving of the Barrie Electric Light Company 870 for the first 30 lights and sixty five dollars for every additional light taken by the town, this ment to terminate at the time of their franchise; or that this `Council give the Electric Light Company` the sum of $60 per light for 50 lights under a veyears ` contract, provided also that the "price to private consumers- be not raised-above the present ggur_,es. This report. was adopted by: Obunoit. but the refused to accept the offer as is rishoyvn n`l)v.`_I__2_`"_i L. Li; ..'_.-._-_"s'49"__. _.;` .'i`._~;;L. .frc:h. hth'_e Committee` of Fix"-e and Police mcommgcdcd this .6. contract he made with the Electric Light Oom- panyon the conditftcna: which the said company o`ered v;v_as'not adopted, but laid over for further action; ' : Negotiations between ftho town and obmpany than apparently lulled for a. tiqe, and on Feb. 3, 1896, the follow- ing motion wasmade: ull -`l` --._ 111-..: mL.L __ an--_`-J__ juvv-wt VI IU\I'I.|lIIw\l I it-aMoLean--Ford--That on Monday, 24th inst., -an advisory vote of the pro- perty holders be taken as to the advis-' ability of the town purchasing the waterworks and establishing a town `electric light plant. There was a little discussion on this resolution, but it was nally adopted unanimously. 'l`l. ..-a... ....... ;..1.... .. .1:..--..-.1 __.1 YaaLa........ 65 Na.ys.... 28 Majority in favor urn!-Auuuvnnlin anal No council could accept such a con- tract without being chargeable with either `insanity or corruption. The Council refused to accept either of the above offers, as is shown by the follow- ing report presented on Nov. 2, 1896: - gr II`. 13|-L-I.-.. -L-2.._.-_ -1.` LL- `I3. r--_, -wry- -V`. -~- -v--v,u Your committee met the Manager of the said company and discussed with them the lighting of the town from every point, also their written proposals to the town ; and after considering the matter very carefully regret they can- not see their way clear to recommend the acceptance by this council of the proposition mt `e by the said company. The above report and a. similar report submitted to the Council on Nov. 16, 1896, were -adopted, but the company was not willing to submit the matter to the people, though the report of Nov. 16th ialso proposed asking property holders if they were willing to purchase the Electric Light Gompany s plant at cost price less depreciation. vv u-no noun `Ill " The vote w resulted {as follows: TKIIPUWIK KKKIIIIIIV as taken as directed and IlUI,O 0} X;ii,'"i',' 113;; ';.;11;;.;,;; motion was passed : ' ` Fletcher;-Scott--Ordered, that the recent vote of the ratepapere on electric light and weterzworke question be "re- ferred to Committee on Fire, Police and Sewers. , - V` . . On Oct. 19, 96, it was reported in Council that a committee had been ne- gotiating with the Electric Light Com- pany, and had requested. the company to. put their terms A in writing. The proposals submitted _were-(l) That -the company is willing to sell out its plant and franchise to the town at a valua- tion to be settled by arbitration if neces- sary. ' (2) That the town guarantee the ocmpauy s debentures, which it is now issuing, viz., For the sum of $50,- 000 bearing interest at 5. per cent. ; in consideration for which the company agrees as follows :-(a) It will contract for street lighting for 50 lights as agreed for at $60 per light. This to include Allandale, and the contract to be for 10 years, to be renewed thereafter, then, and every succeeding ve years, at a cost not exceeding the average cost for similar terms in Province of Ontario. tuna nvrvov ra-aw---vvu van u-vvv u an " Mr. Fletcher, chairman of the Fi- nance Committee, who conferred with the officers of the Electric Light Com- pany reported as follows : 'nX7'...... --.......LL.... ......A. 5-1.. 'IK............ -1 Your committee are of the opinion that in a matter of such importance, and especially as there appears to be a legal doubt as to the authority of this council to entertain or give effect to such an agreement without the consent of the people, your committee would therefore recommend that if satisfactory to the Electric Light Company a vote of the ratepayers be taken on the pro- posals thus made, at the January elec- tions, and that in the meantime proper arangements be made with the company to continue the street lighting and also to extend the system to Allandale as soon as possible. ` "I'1I,_ _1__.___ _,_,_ _,,L __, I _ _,! SI .a........ 67 64 59 53 308 ys........ 30 25 26 38 147 iority of purchasing the waterworka and establishing a town -- eleotric light plant, . . . . . . 161 (`Ann .1 C II wnims. V !l`ZElE_-.1`T0RA1`HERN 4ADVA NGE# At that meeting~(Maroh 28th, 1897) the Electric Light Committee recom- mended that the propositions of Elec- tric Light. Company of Feb. 10th he not accepted but that an electrical engi- neer be engagedto prepare an estimate for an adequate up-to date plant for a 50 light 2,000 0.3). and an all-night ser- vice. This report wasadopf-ed_ on the. following division : --Yeas-Frawley," A. .W. Wilkinson, N. Wilkinson, Rogers, Brennan, .Love,Oaldwell', Hood, Radenhnrst,Sonles-10.` N aye--Freek,. Hubbert,?J.?owell, Peacock, Andrerv-5._ ,' `1i'athi_ng- fnrtlger was done in elec- tric`? `light matters until the civic elec- tions of 1898,` `whaif?-Lthe question of . municipal V l_ig"htiu'g:`n itii_` the ligo ' topic. Vvunnnvcn --ua-v wu c-cans: unvv v-v-U An amendment to give the company a. ve year oontraot at $65 per light wee defeated. `Before the motion to adopt the report wee, put Councillors Freak, Powell, Andrew and Peacock stood up and "thus deferred the report to the next meeting. - atanoeu give 8`ll0h.B_l'&s;I1lI1888 enebled to do so by the town gnu-anteeing our debentures, t-has effecting weaving in interest suicient to cover` the reduc- Under date of Feb. 10th the com-A pany submitted to the Council the fol- lowing propositions: (1) To sell out at a price representing the present value of the plant, irrespective of origin- al cost, the price to be ascertained by arbitration; (2) to `furnish light under a ve year contract at $70 and $65, subject to renewal for another ve years at average - rate of similar Ontario towns. The letter concludes as fol- lows: I would remind the Council that for some time there has been no contract between the company and the corporation and that negotiations have been carried on without denite result. Under the circumstances the company begs to inform the Council" that while it has every hope that a satisfactory ar- rangement may be made within a month, in the event of an agreement being come to before March 15th, the charge per light per annum will be at the rate of $80. .1. ___3-__J 1_. man _, The iioodgnte of woi-ds -ivaa opened and much irrelevancy was exhibited an the report asked for nothing more than -the appointment of a men duly quali- fied to furnish date upon which th `Council might or might not act. ' A- -..-...`l....;._4. L- ..._- LL- --_...._.... A As `is well known the n1uI1icipale_lec- tions ot 1897," and particularly the Maycralty contest, were fought on the electric light quegtioli; `In his inaug- ural address. on January llth, 1897, Mayor Wells said : ` We recommend that the committee be instructed to employ an electrical engineer to prepare and submit an esti- mate of the cost of installing an elec- tric arc light plant for this municipality together with the costs of. yearly main- tenance and necessary expenses-an estimate to be for an adequate up-to-date plant for a fty light two thousand candle power, and an -all night service. On January 21, 1897, Mr. F. A. Lett, for the Electric Light Company, wrote, `asking for a conference of the Council with the company, that differ- ences might be amicably `settled ; and at the next meeting of the Council, (Feb. 1st) Messrs D Alton McCarthy, F. E. P. Pepler, J. L. Burton. F. A. Lett, 8. J. Sanford and J .`.A. McCarthy addressed the Council. The main part of the statements was that the com- pany had embarked in the business for the good of the town and partly to make a little on themoney invested, that they had made nothing yet, and that the price charged for light was fair as compared with other towns similarly situated. After the gentlemen had spoken the following motion was car- ..:-.I - Q avvu F:-awley-Hubbert--That this Coun- cil is prepared to receive o'ere in writ- ing fora. renewal of the light contract for street lighting. The wrest from the company at once put the Uounoil on the defensive, and `at the meeting on March 15ch,.1897,` .the following report was presented :- c-vv `V"(ln occs ions the ques- tion of electric lighting has been promi- nently betorethe. electors. - In Febru- ary last by a vote ct over two to one (308 for, and 147 against) denite in- structions were given /`our predecssors to take action in this matter, but for reasons best known to themselves they failed -to act. Duringthe recent con- test this question of electric lighting was well to the fore, as you all know. The verdict of the electorate at large was in accord with :that returned by the freeholders -in" February. I shall obey the command thus given, and trust you, gentlemen, .will,_feel\in honor boundto sustain denite}an'd decided measures-to settle this matter. I there- fore propose for your consideration the obtainingl-from .-askilled and practical authority a detailed or itemized esti- mate of the cost of constructing as com- plete electric light system in this town for civic and other` purposes, when the cost ot this plant is denitely ascertain- ed that the question he put to the qualied electors of this town. In accordance with the motion the -Committee brought in a report on Nov. 4th, which was deferred, however, till Nov. l8th_ {or consideration. At that meeting itI'vee egzeed to enter into a` contract with the company froln Nov. 1, l889,,"to June 1, 1891,01` eighteen Inonthp.,.-=1'.he.eeeentiel pointe of the . _ }Ig1a y`. .e_ummetined than : to to , J VI-l\I, AIJVV Us Vvvu The price was not raised to $80, so this must have been `a bluff game on the part of the company. The Council was not to blame that there had been a 4 3 I . "DD IJUII IIU IJLHIIIV Ian-U suusv uuu vac no denite result to the negotiations. IIIIU IIVU ` C6uti_nuod _on 15:13: 8. L 0` .. .....e.. . 00630 iunpenau run Button, sense Harvard 0"! .00. . of Boston, to $4 50. $2.25. Men's Fine Bu`, Laced Gaiters. $1.65, for $1 00 and $1.15. Men?e Fine Cordovan-or Calf, Laced or 5' _ Guitar. in Ten and Black, Goodyear Welt` ` 5 $3.50,` $4 00 and 85.00, sale price $2 25 to $2.75 Men : Fine Dongcls, eelf tip," extension solo, at $2. 50, sale price $1 65 Men : Fine Dcngola, extension sale, New `Boys Donzole Oxfords, $1 25 and ; Me'n'sSporti`n York Toe, at $2 25. sale price $1.00. Boys Fine Dongole, laced, $1.75, sale price 31 00. $1.50, sale price 75c. . = ~ Shoee.- English Pigskin Cricket Boots, $4.50, sale price $2.50- Irish Linen`Bi s or4Oxforde, $3.. , sale price $1 75. " Bicycleshoee, 8250. sale price `$1.50. Golfshoee; English make, $3 00, sale price 81.50. and Tennis Shoes, $1.00, sale price we -in all sizes. -tree] `Stock of ne goods, bought at 54c. on the 3. _-...--- maul-&%\JhJo The best of W. J. Guina.ne s Big Stock, bought at Auction, and Baillie & C0-.5 M0" in over 7000 pairs we can only quote a few lines, but everything in stock be similar reduction. Wom'e`n s'a.nd Boys Oxfords, strong, In Fine Dongola Oxford, turn and exten prioe`$l.00. - ' ' ` Wornen s Fins Dongols Button, . sale price $1, 25. ' - and $1.25, sale price sion at $1.50, $1.75 ~-2.00.98 ,Women s Finest Imperial Button, co ' 0 .00.- nf 12...... ........;. .9 .. ._ .. .. "`.'" 39089 Toe. by Golfshoeeg Ehglieh in`a;ii;,`s7:'6o,'}'1'3' Tennis $1.00,` sizes. _ _ _.!l.`he_ prices are not quoted on Special Lin V ` _ V V, on, but every article in the store f `" end to e`nd.w_lll be_ sold at uimilu` reductions. ' . ...,..... .-...u vvunnwu .n.we8u, aux MIX, double-breasted, sq: price.$7.00. ' /' 1 Boys Whipcord Tweed Suits at $4 50, sale `price $3.00. A Boys Finest English Worsted Suits. beauti uliv made, at $5 Boys Dark Worsted Suite, with bleated coat. sale 1 Men s Pants 75c., $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50, worth 50 per cent. 2 T I ,2 In: or! In wlue meacnea nnqusn aneetuaqs, tine round thread, 33, 26 inch Heavy English Prints, in light colors only. 8c., sale price 4c. Heavy Cottonade, all patterns, sold everywhere 25c , sale price 17c. Large Size, Heavy Pure Irish Linen Towels, extra value at 25c., sale price 15c. each. Men : Figured Black Sateen Shirts 75c , sale price 50c. Men : Balbrigqan Shirts and Drawers, worth 30c., qpo uu. Men : Scotch Tweed Suite, ne wool, were $9.00, sale price 1 Men e Fine Worsted Tweed, Silk Mix, doublebreasted, sq nrice-$7.00. A Sale of. L,ow Prices. Ne i.ntroiuctieIi or explanation necessary to preface such news as this below : ' ;.l`he town ` was `illuminated for the rat time with electric light on Aug. 7, 1888, and the Council entered into an agreement with the company for are .and incandescent lighting. said agree- -ment to expire on Nov. 1st, 1889. On `Oct. 20, 1889, it was mover! by Mo- Oarthy-Perkine--"That inasmuch as the present agreement with the Electric Light 00. expires on the let of Novem- ber next, that the Committee on Fire and Police report at next meeting of the:0ouncil on an agreement between thisrOouncil and the Electric Light Co. for the ensuing year or for such time as may-be thought proper. 2 It was moved in amendment by Pearcey--Barton--'1`hat the Fire and Police Committee receive tenders for the lighting of the corporation for the = ensuing year, and that such tenders in- gclude number of lights, time and power an! lights? a . NIL- -...'.-...I........L uni: no-tartan! Whnrni - II Fine Black French Henrietta Dress Goods, velvet nish, `ine widtl Black Fancy Sicilians and Lustrines, 35c., sale price 20c. French Serges, very wide. good weight. all Brc and Garnet, 60c , sale price 35c. 11/4 or 99 in wide Bleached English Sheetinqs, ne rcund -22?: cents. Men : English Made Tweed Suits $3 50 gig , dark. colors. R.l. Fraser & B0. @8c,for - - -V- - Dark Colors, 10c. and `;12c.. for - - - - Turkey Reds, l2;c., for - Indigoes, wide, 12},c., for Creams, best cloth, 12c., REMNANT"s.' _ Odd lengths, ranging from `Sc. to 12q., all at 5c. per yd. Regattas, fast colors, 8c for Checks, Gingham Pattern, for - - -, -- Dresden Effects, l212~c., for -; `jg 3:1 A 1?.-`IQ Special30 Days Sale. AHEAVYSAIIRIHBE SALE KI Ilnllill The amendment was carried. From /this it isevidept that `when the Eleotrio Light Company had their pleat in oper- ation only a year, a. motion yveepassed that rendered possible the discarding of the entire `plant and - e. .retu_rn_ to gas ghting, or the acceptance of tenders from othe_r_elootrio_lnght oou_:p"n'niee_.`:- I

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