Notary, etc. I! man and Stayner. Barrie Building, Owen street. `R. PALMER, Surgeon, Eye, Ear, Throat, Nose, 40 College street, Toronto, may be con- aulted at the ueen'n Hotel, Barrie, on Friday, Oct. the nth. from to n a.m,, and the second Fnday of every month. R. . F. Pallin . Graduate of Trinity University oronto, F ow of Trinity Medical College, Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Oice and Residence, 18 Owen street. R. . C. SMITH`, L.C.P.S., 0nt., (late of Drs. ' & Smith Orillia.) Oce and residence -corner of Owen ant! Collxcr streets, Barrie. :3-ly l JJ 54.4.9. nun,, 1.4.1! b.r.. 140110011: Urncui anu night residence-Brown s Block, Dunlap sttect, Barrie. Telephone 77. ])R.MJ.FAl}-,TIUSR Ls. R._C. P. :8. Egm; . . . . . pecxalt - Throat and Nnne. Han rgmnved tn S3:-|deryn? Bloc: 70 FOR INVESTMENT on good $ , freehold security at lowest rate of interest. Nod) ' cipal money required until end of the term. _ H. S"l"RA'I`l-IV. nl.--hnr Fen IILVIXI &I if &l`IU 0 IE!` \JL`}I.`O--VVe:' have a large amount of private funds to loan at four and a. half and 5 per cent., payable yearly Loans on mortgage will be made u to one half the value of the property offered. Mc ARTHY, PEPLER & MCCARTHY. Barristers. &c.. Barrie. l I MCCARTHY, PEPLER & MCCARTHY, Bar- risters, Solicitors, Conveyance :-3, etc. D'A1.-1-on Mcczmrnv, Q.C. F. E. P. Pnrux, Q.C. J. A. MCCARTHY _D. C. Muxcmsox. TT.WBATNTING. Clerk County of Simcoe. wiil be at hisoice. at the Court House, Barrie, every Sa.turdav._ Residence and P. O. Cookstown. Next he applied himself to the policy of extending our markets, and he succeed in getting a. discriminating and` against us. .-- _-....u... . QaanAInAV\I AIIIIJIJ \;\JLVlfl1LV l-' ds. Mouldings, etc. Planin of all kinds done promptly and satisfactorily. ot Blast Drying Kiln. District agency for zrained lum- ber. Factory-Ba.yeld Street, Barrie. ODGERS & GALLIE successors to Geo. Ball. bloc Cargg-' nerigz Building and manufacturing of, "39 I y 1 . unauuutc vnt. vet. uoue, nonor member r . Medical Societv. oces_ove wans Dry Good store. Dunlob St. Residence r6 Mulcaster St. M. M. CAMPBEL ..... %..?.`."? ONALD ROSS B. A.-ba.rnster, aounwr, Conveyancer, etc.. money to loan. Oioes, Bank of Tomato Building, Owen street. Barrie. 48-ly ui U 1 I r'Il`&I'I At his oice until 5 p.m`.; at his private residence, 68 Mary stteet, after that hour. u-ly HE BALL PLANING MILL COMPANY- I n..o.:3`*':.`.?";`; :..Z: ';:1:;:is?':::`a%:?,, 2 RANKLIN. J..ROBINSON, GRADUATE OF the School of Practical Science, Toronto, Civil Engineer and Ontario Land Surveyor. Plans speci- cations and estimates on all engineering works pre- Baredv and submitted on the shortest notice. Oice. othwell s Block. Dunlop street. Barrie. :5-lye JOHNSON 8: SARJEANT. BQRRIE. Im rters and Dealers in Goals of all Kinds, and eorge town, Grey and _Guelph_ White Finishing Lime Cements of all kinds, Fire Bricks and Plasterer s Hair. Storehouse at the Northern Railway Switch`, foot of John street, near the depot. The bond of this L-'1 e is better than that of any other kind, and the f ash superior. Oice--Corner of John and Elizabethstreets. FREE: ` Joan Dxcxmson, B.A. -_...::--._._-__-..___ --- 7'` BROWN, Batrute. 511' Lxzmox, W.` A- BOYS R n nlll- He a.1eahed at the duty so as to give the farmer cheap twine, and the price ll doubled. -----..-._.:__.._.______._._ :TRA'l`I-IY & ESTEN. Ba MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUER. Mccan-my. Pxnxn, McC}uu-mt` 8: Duncan, Alliston and Creemore. MCCARTHY, Panza Qqtulonnn & McCAn'rmr bnllm. Drugs and Chemicals Vamu, fdr ice-cream. for instance: Buzma Powmm. for cakes. One is a drug. of outse ; the other a .chemial"; ' and than are still othe:-s-SPICES of all kind:. of etc. rim`. 1...; -1- -- .The s'rn n glues fhx to axvlus. Ina druzfist know; more\it them than other poop e. * ' ,mw-*%"-- - [OHNSON SARJ EANT. BARRIE. and Damien n Fnhln .5 .11 !(:..a.. ._ In the Kitchen. MdnkhAu%"s `Imus stunt ,.;._ _ _9a DUNL. 0P-SAT. BARBIE. EDITORIAL NOTES. The rst business of the Grit mem- bers of the Ontario Parliament, which meets next Wednesday, will b0 150 de- olere themselves elected. I inVBarrio it Sagan Store R. BOSANKO, DENTIST, has removed to his | old ofoe, over H_:nderson's hardware store. I , . VCKINSON & MACWATT, Barristers, ~..:.. v..|.I:.-, snlicitm-s of Supreme Court, 4 R. W. A. ROSS, Ph sician. Surgc R.C.S. Edin,, L.R .P.. London. nrl-it noc:Innnn_R|-Alan : Rlnnk nu` --::: ULT 8; COWAN, Barristets, Solicitors of the A e.......... (`mu-t. Proctors. Notaries, Cgqvey- --:::-L?- )0NALD Ross 3. A.-Barrister, Solicitor, (`Anunannnv ah`, mnnnv 1'1`) ml`. omcea. |'0NEY AT 4} AND 5 PER CEN'.l`.-We have 3 `QPDA nrnnnnt nf nrivnha fnnrla on Inga . ENG`-'liiVEER8 AND SUBVEYORS. - f F. C; GREGG, Veterinarysu Grad : o :. dical sociufnf. 3:1: GOII. `He undertook to out down the ex- penditure, and it immediately jumped up by millions. . V ICKINSON MACWA'.l"1`, narruwns, nu- Public, Solicitors of Supreme etc., nb. Ont. Oces in Bank of Toronto Block, No. Yen street. Branch oce, Elmvale, McKeggie's an D.-_.l nafafn at `Antoni DAOAQ pacuuno-o. ' T. ARNALL, M.D.C.M,, oce in Bothwclfs Block Allandale. On the premises at night. 1 0.111 e begt lac t [STORE T13` them than nth-.. vE'rmimAnY summons. CAMPBELL. '-s.. _. .4- Mnnnu tn AREA NEEDED `EVERY DAY 'mANUFAo'19iJnEs. oronto. But it is on binder twine whern Mr. Fielding shines; rs; . ` -` a...'.o-n...1.r.1.::o....' .n.. PHYSICIANS. ' FINANCIAL. DENTISTS. OFFICIAL. LEGAL. Dnuus, J 45-ly. . LC: VII 43-ly `d'mgia is at a. DRUG grist know; more gbout PDQ. F It is the one of 9. small man in 3 large place.-Mail~Empire. V D. F. `MACWATT. nan. UIBE--na.rxnu ! -Bauk of Toronto . 5-1! I an-r. _ Barne. THE . NO RT ER N 4% NQE ISIN G RATES -- - I It! VAN E , ` ADVERTISING RATES. Tu ;nvANcn nus A cmcm, op ponnrnnn nvnmmn n? . pom: COPIES. A1 _L 3! -4" ":`` ' ADVEBTISER8 SHOULD NOTE THIS - _.. CI"- nun. Aimoat if notipiite. double th 1; . paper published in B,,f_ "3091: 12 lines solid nonpareil make 1 inch TRANSIENT ADVEBTISEM1-;};1~s First insertion 10 cents per line quent insertion 4 cents per line, ' each hu- `Rondina nntir-an 10 nnnlva A- :- quent mseruon `x cents une, `W V Reading notices, 10 cents per line fc insertion ; 5 cents per line for each subs m insertion of the same matter. All itt:;1"It der 5' lines, of this character, chargedsn. Hn1.:'ga1 om 1 d G M , cra an overnmen . ments will be charged at above rat:s,ad`vem* CONTRACT ADVERTISING, - Contract advertisements will be taken the followrngratesz whrch are drafted on at rect commercral pnnclples and win " . be ' adhered to. There wxll be only on small all. e price f MB. ;1nm1Na's EXPLOITS. Everything that Mr. Fielding does` goes aakew. TY- _____I_..L-_L_ L- -_A. _1_____ LL. __ UIUIIOIIO O O O I I I I II 2% inches.... ........ .. 5inches, M column...... Vxo inches, M column. . . . so inches, 1 column... . .. `For one month-the three with 15 per cent. added. *For two months-the three with 10 per cent. added. QB:-afar!-At` nnc{1'f1'nnu :n Hnn Wltu JV PU1 young u:.u\;u;u. . Prefe ed POSIUODS 1n the paper will 5. sold at arr advanc_e of one-third on ab; rates. This rule will be strictly carried out. comrucr CHA.NGES.| Advertisers will please bear in mind u. notice of intention to change advertisement; must be handed into the office not later am Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for such change must be in THE Anvucz oicem later than 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday in ,3, week, otherwise the advertiser s announcemgn} may not be made public until the week fol, lowing.` ' `O nhonunn nf Arilvnrhnarnnns-o nH-...-.1, "`LL `)9 ULLQI 6030 Advertisers will not be allowed to use the.- space for advertismsz anything outside {heg- own regular business. Should they dogo transient rates will be charged for such ad. vertisements. Condensed advertisements on tirst page sud: ` as wants of all kinds, lost and found, prnpgm for sale or to rent, snecic articles, etc. etc, must be accompanied with the cash, and be inserted-t1rst insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted n words); but a reduction of one cent per wori will be made when the number of insemons of the same matter exceed four. Cutnfor advertisements must In every case be mounted on solid metal bum. JCGII IIIUIC H1 . w111 be::i1a.rged. A A eunuch: not-a I11: EJUHH RUGERSUN, STANDARD LIFE. GUARANTEE AND ACC1 IUVVLIJSI 12 changes of Advertuaements allowed pg; 1 year. It more are required, composition rates % b In-"1 ha n`-nornnr` Dame Rumor has it that the stenc- grapher who took down so many vol- umes of good Conservative speeches during the local election is taking a second tour, this time, however, to get down startling" facts that local Grit detectives have been vainly. trying `to turn up. - Provincial Building and . Loan Association. counts collected. &c. oOice oyer Henderson,s Hardware Store. ` at. | SCROGGIE .5. SMITH. * bxiiitr <}<}i{i>2{1I`{z. *PROVINCIAL BUILDING AND Lon I ASSOCIATION. | . E'I`G., ETC., ETC. ! OWEN STREET. Rnnzxsnxrr `rm: Fou.owx.\~a Fm: `Ixsuu.\`ii COMPANIES: The Mercantile, now afliated with The L03` don 8: Lancashire of England. Sec.-r :I`\) `up hills !\l\(\ ny, x5,uu0,u00. The Waterloo Mutual, of Waterloo. Oni- Tothl assets, $334.o83. The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. 01% Total assets. $303,078. Also Lloyd's Plate Glass Insura.n_C6 0?? 1333?. of New York. Cash c:1P"31v ~' (I'M). Tn And the Sun Loan and Savings COW; of Ontario. Private funds to loan on first mortg-`99 cognga collected. &c. an nuns! I-I--:43`.-..n.. .3 I1-upzlnra rn mre. B31` 'sUBscR_1BE'B_ CAPITAL ~ $250,000. L1 4 Per Hog.- T36 Sgonrr 3! for D3 . `j`?9n: is 33iot3?e3`3 W - -- .-nu` The Legislature will be opened two weeks from to-day. It is hardly likely that the constable members will require that length of time to formulate their opinions as to the legality of their eleo-` tion, nor is it probable that the people of the province will need it in order to . see through the proposed iniquity.- Mail-Empire of 20th inst. Uompuly ll unuouoneu. ` Ross new Block. south side Dunlov 5"" van: or the Post Omooa ,9" The security to depoa't ' Loan C03 " W doubted. There is no `i:?a::ea on record '_h`"` denolinr has nvnp -n.A- .. 1-..- l... -. I nan CO V` aounteg. `there is instance reC` 740903199 has evet made a loss bv a. Loan J BARBIE mums.` snvmus co. 3 L INCORPORATED 1ae1. mnulullllll Llluulluw-" . 0-- V` th NORTH AVIGATION. C Lgliteg, Royal MaiSlHLOil:.Eir11v connection with 9} G.T.R., C P.R and Par Sound R.R. Y of Steamers CITY or IDLAND and CIT L 50UI`3D`.v will leave Collingwoodnl`. g 0 V ` . , -I 0 DAYS 7i RxDX',': "e{`v5e1`,'?or 1 P$d *3 0'1 Ofth Shore and tac Manitouling !"indu_L Ste. llaeand M cki . F . und `P9 in: man ind min, sm To?-21:3? Ham21t"-$.31`: stmrond and all intermediate sta"pe L fprnfar Sound, connecting there Ink` "F ` O vet` aid .Rillarney o $,. Ste. CITY OF TORONTO will leave ,,. time at x p.m. and Midland 2 p.m daily. t5""`Z,;a . B n and steameotazy jmf cl-up ..:-I.s. A_.4I._~ -- _n 11_n3|.___.. Aaenls Thu" or 3 SCROGGIE & SMITH. 'Frehch' Rivet` and Kflfliii-nV:-on Monday 3 `gm ch ' hts. A 1` Rail Agen 1 M B"i.'`'lIsOl)&1a}gmag:&alC?>.wA:;1 :dog:: 50`? ` 9 o 3 guxou '5 co, Kym OW SL [. saws1 AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $5,000,000. OFF1(3E-Next door to Bank of Toronto. Conservatives resent the assertion that there is a precedent tor the action of the Hon. A. S. Hardy in legislation by Sir John A. Macdonald. They point out. that the act fathered by Sir John of a similar character was put through when he held a majority of twenty- ssven, and when the question or con- stables, returning oioers and poll clerks votes was not a point at issue In any of the protests. ' ` - M:QUARRY 5 Number of inches nnann LLULI X LJGUUI ity, $x5,ooo,ooo. -A 1Y`r.L.._1.. ` -____ Repair SW lf `H FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, &C. CONDENSED ADVERTISELIESTS. AGENT V 1.1 z"o:jnio{H:umdy"':n hand man be much Iwollgd; th9 Oomitntion .pI.dnly ; J ULY 28, :$ 5$3 50 ! 12C lnni 5' 13 H-`One glnser-,1 Inser- f lions` tion. `3 mos. E me, each sub... line for 1ch subsm--1 monthly rate BARBIE ' Grznd `Cl"reaat1:-Vein; - Hugh `Mun-ay, _ Hamilton, (to elcted. by aoclamation). Grand Registrar -L._ H. Congdon, ' `Dunville. a _ '<}'{1' biiiiainenv. H. "5. Mac. thaws, N ewmarket. * '7 I `l',,_,,,__ forth thit I ~member of_- the Ontario -Geveuiment must else be`, 1. member. of the Iegieleuve Assembly, end to i. 'tbe`_lette`r he meeeiheve been eleetea. by the people. `But; Dryden and Gibson were not elected by the people on March let, therefore they are not mem- bers of the Legislative Assembly end therefore not members of the Govern- ment. Yet in spite of these `facts Hardy oontinues these men as bone de members of his cabinet. " ' NB. 8- Hamilton, A, 1`. Freed, Ham- ilton. 9-Geofgian, J. C. Morgan, Barrie. `i No'1o-Niagara, John A. Haahall,` Cayuga. ' III .u-I-0.1M -up ho: ll-Toronto West, Curran Mor- rison, Toronto. IT 139, !}_a_.-V-Toronto East, James Glan- lville, Toronto. ' ` Nho.'!2-0n`t.ario, James Evans, Port Hope. _ V No. 13-Prince Etiward, H. G. Staf- I ford. Ameliaaburg. N No.- .14---Frontenao, L. `S. Lewis, Ne_wboro . V . auuwvuau \|o uuu -v-- -. "The election resulted as follows`: Grand Master; E. T. Malone, To- ronto. _ ' -wlsgputy Gran?! Master-Ii; B. Hun- gerford, London. ' ` V 1!! a ~ 5 111- 1,'_ . n_1rrv'n-_.n-' V v'.i`l'1s`c]3istriot `Grand Masters in the 1 several districts are as f9l1ows:- ___1 _ Nc;3-London, Samuel Bubber, St. Thomas. A ` A 0., 4-South Huron, W. J .' Mooney, Stratford. ' 1 i W].;Ti.i5-s-7-North Huron,William Irwin, Lisbowel. "$13. -Wi1aon,o. L. Menus, Scot- land. _ W drank J,1'1nio1; '\5V;.rdon-.-Hen'ry Rush, Peberboro , (acolamation). -rr '2: 11;. 2 --- 7 ---vv Grand Secret'ary--`J. J. Thiuoi, Ham-. ilton, (re-elected by anolsmution). IN """'l \ ' Board ienoral Purposes,`--"J. O. He`gler,o Ingeraoll; L._ Seoord, M.D.,: Brantfordg Benjamin Allen, Toronto; J. S. Dewar, London 3 A. R. Hargrsft, Cobourg. - c.II 1np.,:9 `I- No. 1._`Eia, R. Hillier, -M. 1)., Leamington. luau n III II`??- io. 2..s}. Clair, Archibald Weir, Sarnio. ' "1~io; 7--Wellington, R. J. Lockhart, Heapeler. '7`? II. I III "3 I T? "1`J." Lawrence, J. T. Rooks, Prescott. VI IV. G -I-lvxuvxu Grand Senior Wu-de'n-'-0; W. Postle-' 1 thwaite, Toronto, (aoclamation). T`? T` ` N6. i6-Ottawa, G. S. May, Ob-`Q tawa; , \ 17-Algoma, Allan MoDouga.1_l, Fort William. A . H E0; A1z8-Nipisaing, Richard Mills, Bracobridge. ` To can Peas and Beans. The following, `says an American ex- change, is the methed of canning peas and beans: ' ` All cans are tin, and the sealing is made with solder, but doubtless resin could be used successfully. The vege- tables are cooked in salted water in a large vat till considered tender enough, then packed in the cans and set" side by side in another vat of boiling water to keep the vegetables at boiling point; then a thin syrup of sugar and water is poured over the top,` and a piece of tin` dropped in directly under where a little hole will coine in the cap, which is then seideredh on the topof can. A drop of solder is then dropped. oyerr this hole, the canning is n-V -These are the Liberal members de- clared elected by veryfelnall majorities, And where throwing out the _0on- Iteble. vote would elect Conservative members: Ayleworth, Lennox; Bridg- , land. Muskokn; Charlton, 8. Norfolk"; . Gunon, W. Huron; Hill, W. York d Iaushrinmiphibizs Mouorip,s.I>mh, lPottyp`l_eoe, E._ Lambcon; : rh,e7Hegs1di I lm *h%*D= 3'.8`d'!' miotitx wan le:te':n.t:,asatr*rn.;:j.:vaa eboii,t~*45oonitfiblen,[ ished. A The oahs are then left in oool, or for twenty-four hours, and if they show any leaks they are again set_in_ a vat of boiling water, brought to "the. boiling point, and more solder added to the defective `place. i"i"'5ii1-` A medical authority says: `Those who are in "the habit` of indulging in raw onion! may be consoled for the social disadvantages which ensue by the fact that onions are about the best ner- vine known. `No medicine in reullfeo elcaciouae in cases of_ .-nervous tilon-,' end they toneup a iworn-ou_te`yu- born in`, "a my short time.` "Thei`r"ab-. 091%? nP'?' #15 i*1Ii*I9'U!1I5le.f V';1A'P99i"l7'ii3`i`"9..iiPid"i elm f;ho_:.ou%g.. _ em? pesti- The ne;t meeting will be held in 0:. Masbnic Grand ragga. '1'h'e Uaegul Onion_.. lence which in very apt to" quiet the inmates. of that `house? Sliced cniona in c sick room absorb all the germs and prevent contagion. run 8313: AND COLLAR INDUSTRY. Reduction Wages la. esult of the Pnesent Dut1ee-Be.d Faith Charged ' Against the Government. The treatment meted out to` the shift indn str.y` by the Dominion Government is as clear an instance of, political double dealing and oioisl incompetence as has occurred for years. The whole story is going to be told one of these days, and iiiaiiih john Bryden and John Munro Gibson ex-oioio Ministers with the full power of Ministers? The facts of the case are now toler- ably; well known. The industry has been struggling against a great disad- vantage ever since the Fielding tariff came into force. By it, the duties on shirts, collars, `cuffs, eto., were reduced to 35 per cent., while the duties on white and grey cottons were increased to 25 per cent.,and on colored goods to 35 per cent. This was an levident error, for it meant that the shirt, eto., makers were to be taxed as ' much on their raw material as the duty on the nished article-a precedent which surely no Government would care to assume the responsibility of establish- ing. s Representations were made to the Government, and the Minister of Fi- nance, evidently recognizing that an injustice had been done, introduced clause 355a, providing that cottons im- ported for the manufacture of shirts, etc., should pay an advalorem duty of 15 per oent., and should be made. up under Government supervision. This met with opposition from the jobbing trade, who contended that it would in- terfere with many lines of staples, and -from the cotton manufacturers, who claimed that it would open the door to enormous imports of British and Am- erican cottons. Their arguments pre- vailed and the clause was withdrawn. But Mr. _ Fielding admitted in Parlia- ment that the position of the shirt in- _ dustry was notsatisfactory. the merchants of the country will be to one of two conclusions :- Either that..the Government will not fulll denite promises made to the promoters of "on important industry, or thatthe Ministers are incapable of set- tling, on a just, `business-like -basis, an extremely simple tari` problem. The condition of affairs seems to be this :- With July 1 a reduction of 10 per cent in_ the wages of the employees went into force ; the staffs of various large factories may be reduced, ands` number of skilled workmen will have to leave the country, or seek employment else`- where. ` Not only this. =Oanadian goods are being crowded` out by Ameri- can slaughtered lots and European pauper-made goods. In fact, the situa- tion has become serious for the Cana- dian manutacturer. l This is how matters have stood since, and, though the shirt industry has preferred to meet foreign competition, and run the mills at a 1033 rather than dieband their work people or reduce wages, `still the struggle toannot be maintained indenitely. ' Theshirt manufacturers of Canada employ over 8,000 hands, 90 per oent. of whom are women. These are paid wages, averaging $1 a day, and are able to live in comfort. If _ the mills are closed, or a material reduction made in wages, it will be a serious problem to know what is to be done for these people-.'-many of them with families to` support. The cotton combine, which at one time was the particular bugaboo of the Liberalparty, has been treated with every consideration in the traming of the tari`, while the shirt industry, in which no combine existed, and which is of equal importance as a wage paying institution, was handled by the tariff revisera without mercy. ' ln view of these facts one cannot help wondering if . length of purse has anything to do with the immnnityfrom. tari` `overhauling whichthe cotton in- terest seems to, possess. ` Evidently chei; %.pii11" on this Governmantia ` their `inuence with the Itlminia trja"`tion.[ ' There is a'nother'feaur_e which makes it Vaemh as though the shirtmeh had been` apeg:ially'iai:igIcI om: for ill usage by_th6 Gov9`rnm.ent..` Pribtto the also `?`. ` `f9v `. -"h",."`hh.h` h".h`"8h W me indnitti % was -'vpr wihe7i, I3 : - p;'ominon_t;Libergl' with 3 view to scour- ing` hifq support-g '1.-`haf `mbhufnoinir 09n'poxvuve,_- but,` _lqkeF= grainy oe%he:ro.% with the `yho'wi'e.thon `:uft_ thd hega of livuinduood cg over $6 the. Libeni mm. Nonmnnnn Anvmcnw -' The Monroe "`d'o.ot_r`-iine;5<..oi` : .Inueh.ol late has been saidliand the" `present Spanish-American-gfwar is! remotely related, is that any attempt on the part of European nations to extend the mona`rchial..system to sths--republics A of this continent would be dangerous to the peace and safety of the United" States. `Such is the substance of the language of President Munro's mes- sage of December, 1823. -The occasion of that deliverance was the apparent purpose of the Holy Alliance to was- tablish the monarchial authority of Spain in her revolted American colonies. The Holy Alliance was a league of the King of Prussia, the Czar of Russia and the Emperor of Austria to uphold royal authority all over the earth and to subdue republican tendencies of that age by their united action. One of their rst accomplishments was the overthrow of the republic in Spain. They than planned the restoration to_ the restored monarchy ofits lost pro- vinces. The rm stand of Munroe de- feated that proposition. It is in de-' fence of this doctrine that the Ameri can republic nd themselves resisting the subversion of the South American republics by taking up arms to expel a monarchy from Cuba. Tm. riu.howm:. h edeiiitnded ceuurcueeffrom the leader ` of the.pc'rty,_ Sir Wilfred Le.nrier,_;thBl5 V the manufacturing interests; which-hed'5 grown up and ourished under ` the National Policy should `not be deprived of ~ the e-protection which they -required ` to permit of their competing with foreign goode; The assurance was given both before and after the election, and, later, when the tariff was down, and the ehirtmen found themselves in the cold, this gentlemen received repeated premises from Sir Wilfrid-provided they kept quiet, that the duties would be restored and all made ` right, yet nothing has been done.--Com. I Communications from Brillinger, Mr. Ball, H. L. Hime and.H. Lennox, and aooountaxfrorn N. W. E. King.~A. Neily, Thos. Reid, A. W. Sloan, J. Ledgerwood, M. . Mathers, Hanning Warnica, R.~Neilly and D. Greensides were presented. The following accounts were ordered to be paid :.--Hanning Wsrnioa, $1, re- pairs on road scraper and doubletree ; 'R.1Black, jr., $2.10, for'30 loads of gravel; Thee... Reid, $2.46, oedar- for 5th sideroad; John Ledgerwood, $1, cedar for culvert ; M. J. Mathers, new tongue and `repairs to road machine, 82 ; that the petition of R. E. Brillia- get and others be placed` in the hands of the Road and Bridge committee to investigate; R. Coleman, for putting in culvert on 2nd con., $8.50, also re- building culvert on west townline, $8.50 ; R. Wallace, 8%., cedar for cul- vert on 5th con.; Kearns &'Wright, $12, for plank for sidewalk in Thorn- ton; A. Plant, $9.16, for cedar and putting in culvert on 2nd sideline ; R. W. Sloan, $12, arbitration and equal- ization of S. S. No. 9 and 16; N. W. E. King, $25 on printing account. Indigenta--John Briggs, $6 3 Miss Deacon, $5; Mr. Wallace, $5.90 for tick- et to his son's; D. Greenaide, $14 for M weeks keep of an indigent, on con- dition that Essa pay a like sum ; Mrs. De Rivera, $5 per month from July lot, 1898, until May Int, 1899, on condition that her father will be responsible tor any further keep she may need. J amieson-Weed--.That the Clerk be instructed to notify Mrs May Robert- son to have the sand pit, from which her sons hauled sand, put in a safe condition for public travel or she will be held responsible for all damage that may ooour.-Carried. ('}rose--Webb'-T_hst Mr. W. R. Coleman be instructed to have the two bridges on the" sideline between lots 5 and 6 put in a satisfactory condition, also to call for tenders for ditching re- quired on the 2nd con. end the sideline between lots 10 and 11 on Mr. Mc- Lsne s road division.-Ca.rried. - Inniel Council. . At the. ninth meeting of Innial Council all `members were present. .11 . Council adjourned to meet at Hill's Tempemnce Hotel, Cra.igvale,_on Satur- day, the 6th day of August, 1898. C CHARLES PALLING, Tp. Clerk. I After the different documents, etc.,- were fully discussed, Mr. Martin pre- sented report of ` committee on nance and assessment, recommending pay- ment as follows: - . Trustees S. S. No. 2-. ...... . .$6 00 A;Scott, care of Jefferson 6 00 Wm. Lucas, `ogre of Ellis . . . . . . 8 00 Report adopted. I ' Report` of committee -on roads land bridges was i adopted, recommending payment ss'follows:: ` ' John Power, new .-'. . . . .820 00 John Rowes,over'seeingi1>ridge._ s 5 00. W. Pickering, rep. `bridge. . . .. 6 oo I'\ nail, _ Sunnidale Council. The municipal council of Sunnidnle met at New.Lowell, on Thursday, July 7, 1898, all members being present. In making` Members of Parliament judges as to whether constables em- ployed in polling booths have votes or not, Hardy and colleagues are making . their last frantic effort to save them. selves from political death. D. sum, D.` Somervillo, ditch-. . . . . . . . . . 1 T. Hughes, stumping. . . . . . . . . ` Robert Orr, ditching. . . . . . . 1` Wan .-'0rr,.stnmping. . . . . . . . . . Thop. Rowd, new bridge. . .` . . . 1` _ "` railing on 2 bridged` __-1 J. F. Bridgh .`r;p acrlapei-._ A. Meaumy, rep. bridge.`.'...' 1 00 A. Laviaong cedar" for culverts,` NottIV)Vaaig_`topayfh;lf. ..` 2 75 A It was ordered: that Mr.` Oliver and; Mr." Mair inapebt the road at M:-_. `Man - i. 1 "9I55i! -muted to meet the 6-5. v.m..aa 'J..a.xu.:ea,;a:.j%;i:,; .;`s (2 113.54 p 'u' i~"x`1"i':*'r'-"'>"v`s $i uundimsu. MA~N S1-g; 19 so #5: . $20 .. '5 600 750 7 00 10 00` 2 00% 15 00 v.Ti;en he proceeded to -reduoe the debt, and it increased seven millions. 800 u Ito $53 _lAuvv-a.-vu ..__.._.,,,_ E7}. Bnowx. Barrie. Allieton and Creemore. , . Lnxxox & Bows, V . . Elmvale A ' Ban-ie'o$oe-eor. Dunlop and Owen ate. Elm- va.le ode-opposite Hunt : hotel. Money to loan at lowest rates. .. ~` " A. RADENHURST,' Barrister, Attorney. 0 Solicitor in Chancery. Conveyance: etc. Oioe-First door Owen street, over Bank o Com- ...-.... n..,,;.._ 49_ _ Ontario. Proctors, Money to loan. C. E; Hnwsox. A. E. H. Cxnswrcxn. TRATHY & Es'1'mV. Barristers, Solicitor`: in High Court of Justices, Notaries Public, Convcyancers; Oces over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money in sums_ of $2,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 PG!` ' s H. H. S'mA'rmr, Q.C. G. H. Esrnx. . I1 14191`; KIXIVIILB EUIVIJD LU LUHIV U. on Real Espte at lowest rates. Farmers` Notes Dissounted. Collections made in any of the County. Real estate bought and sold. nvey- ancin in all V its branches. Marriage Licenses issue . OiekRoss Block, Dunlap street Barrie. I 4:-Iv. v ' CC LOUNT & LOUNT, Barristers. Solicitors, Proc- tors, Notaries, Conveyancers. &c. Oiceo cor. Dun and Clappetton streets, Bartie. In nun-I-, n. (1.- G30. W. LOUN_T. _ COWAN, Bax-nsters, aoucnuns u. Luv Supreme Court, Proctors, Conve - ancets. etc. Money to Loan. Occr-Ross Bloc . Dunlap-st., Barrie. W3I5LING1:0N Amxr. ~ Aux. Cowm. m.'i'aa 1'~:'o`e.'n`f i'nove`f3s`a ..x r .7 a1`3c`{I opposite post office. Phone 54. 7-ly V V V -.vyuv.- unsung. cu. nvvvvou lass; vs No rincipal IS. H. STRATHY, Solicitor, Etc., 3' ' 7 mterest. the term. T12:-I-:4. JAS. EDWARDS! tf"_"F.",9.".'*?R. AL LE- -$__ _ F iH'e was advised to give a. preference to British goods, and the preference went to foreigners.