nd 34. nd 82. Block) 0 man becanqehe appara `kind. pro mostly _an}1 often the :|\ --' Iii, .0, av ' The change in his tone depressed her. She sighed Ierlornly. Pore mother told me that. 9 T His glance fell to earth. A pink tip- ped daisy was %pe'eping,above the grass. `D .-. .-....-......I :4. :..;.. L1... .A...I ...:LI. LI... `AA `noun `van-o_uJ v Igvyvv va_nu aauuauo He ground 'i't"ihto the sod with the toe of his heavy boot. ' - Goodby again. GI..- L....I.. I.-:.. _..4E.....J `l.__.I "'?`f.i3~E"s3 7&',> 7 s3:$'IoEa&.""5'1=eo. ple is such ogs, an, oh, I m soilonely since my poremother died. E - .-.L.....I L--3.1- L.._ 1:..L....__ L- `I...- uuaannv. vvy-an A-cu rnvqnvuvt an-ta-A Stop that. 1 oa.n t baa: to see a `woman ory. en... :4. .1..- .....1.1..u. 1.-. ..1_- ......JI....I 4 YVIIIJI My dear, he said at last, we are all lonely-yon on the high road, I in, i the cities, `pore mother in her grave. E`- _.._.....1 I.__..'_...- L-..) 1.... LI... ...:..`I9_ vqav V-v-vu yy-v an. van -_ on-uvvu He paused, laying"; hand onwttfe girl : heaving shoulder. Loneliness is the common lot; we carry it hidden` in our souls through life. Even in crowds it cries out ceaselessly above the din. We can make a noise to drown it, we can bury it deep down, we can call our friendstogetrher and smoke `and drink upon its tomb-it will creep out in the nighttime, when the others are all gone, and, climbing on to our pillows, sit and jabber to us in the dark. But life has to be lived through, . throwing back his head, its ` prizes fought for, squabbled over, and errors, I suppose, must be committed by the way. There : truth so brutal it might almost keep one good. The man whofsees life isn t ask- ed to pay the piper; the -`wages are ex- acted, but _it s' the innocent who pay. The tramp s tears were dried; she was lost in admiring wonder. :arn;'1-- ..._ _.1_:.... ..... .1--- n .....lJ vv vnoou-an vaJ _o Stop it she oouldn t, but. she crooked her arm and heldit before her face. (IT 33. . ..- 1-..} I .1... ...--_-J 1115-- Ll-I UL-l\ llLL\Jl rm? Thisvchain stretched itself` out toward the west and turned toward the setting sun. Professor Barrios followed the route for a long distance and found the same strange fahenomenon. He estimat- edthe number at 60,000, at least. At -an abrupt turn of the road to the south the telegraph line turned also. There not a dragon y was in sight! The wire was absolutely free from them! With the change of direction it seemed to have lost attraction for them. ` ...... ..,.... ... ............., ........... . Take my, advice, my dear, said the man, with a curiously-gentle smile, the advice of aman who might almost be yo.nr-father: Go on being respecta ble; stay innocent--keep g . `CI - _..LL..J `L-.. ..l.-..1.I.... 1.1.-.. .-4.--A It 17ac IJVIIJ ALLA: V`: V nnvv mi-'19 patted ii}: shouldlezgvghen gave it a gentle push. And so they parted. He watched her humping down the long white road. II! An, I UluUl\{l-IVA]; vvvtnnvyvan, via; an 1 only by the sisters. 1 For war beyond their ' allotted task they by scale--,-hglf the money ..heing~ .-.Qhem- at the and of ;the Wodhind half being placed to their.- `-c1o1IitIguitil`l_1o'ir term expires, when it; s % n V1 anouv ovI~\nc Confonnd her eyes! he muttered. That's why they haunted me! 01... L.-.'I......iI ._ ...LL `L..- I...-..II.. E}. A-insult II J vnnvJ nauunnnnvvvn -4- She ulged on with her bundle. Hie . eyes followed almost yearningly. She rounded a. bond. The tramp looked back. Liz! he murmured halt uncon- scious. Poor, pretty, foolish Liz! His own voiceroused him. He smiled into vacancy. That was the name! I thought I had forgotten. 1L- ....-.I A._.--J GI... J2 ______ _...I v-vac-u .. -uuuvn av-Dvvvvnnu The road turned. She disappeared from view. C 1 A 1 Q n 11 nubavu A-Iota naavunuva If ehe d only been; lady, present- ly. He was staring at the canvas. ` `Bah I What nonsense! A tramp! Her mother ! child ! V 13're11 on one knee and began pack- ing up his traps. CI':J..9.- A !..-.`l 4-: -nu.-`I- in anal. Goodby, young mournful eyes, he said. Good luck go with you. You ve given me a heartache, but I wish you well. A . 0. . C O. I 01.: 1' Va.- A . His face twitohed. He laid the can- vas gently down. llI )1l L...... LL- LI...'..... )9 L- .....I (I28 Women criminals In Austria. In Austria`, even for murder, a wom- an is never put into an ordinary prison, much less brought to the gallows. Whatever the crimes of which they are convicted, women are sent to the con- vents set apart for this purpose and are kept there: as long as the judge deter- _Q....n.`. CIl&Il\IC The ladies superior have practically a free hand over their charges and re- ceive from the government sevenpence a day for each criminal under their care. At Neudort convent, which receives all the female offenders-from Vienna, there is nothing in the appearance the `place tosenggeet a prison. ` A nnnhnl-sonny` avnnn on-uni: 111.1 JAG aa Vans: 1 He `v'1'{i'st1ed, frowned and nally shrugged his shoulders. (ITO ..'l..JJ ....`I_. L--- .. 1...`!-o )9 -.-....-.L vris lagh rang out, but it wasn t a merry one. Picking up the picture, he held it in both hands. vinu BVAJUQJ av 11:; I l1 burn the. thing, he rectly I get home. --Sketch. An Anni ofrbragon Flies. A professor of zoology at Lille. M. Charles Barrios, was making a tour through Morbihan, in France. As he was walking along the road he noticed that a multitude of dragon ies were alighting onlthe telegraph wires. The singular thing about it was that they all rested at an equal distance from each other, and all occupied the same posi- tion, with head turned toward the west. _, -11 __'.`l__. L`-_ 1]-- _- 11:-.. _:.__ vv av... nQ\r|~\-Q van A-n\(\. vv VIUU-J-\n v-v 1 van F1 -om all sides the dragon ies a.i'riv- V ed and a.1ways~p1a.ced themselves in the same position and at the same distance from each other. They remained as it glued to the wire, motionless and para.- lyzed. Each new arrivals ew over the xed bodies of the others and took its place in the line. rn'|.:.. ..1....:.. ...;....s..1.....: :a.....1cA ....a. +.........: \l Avuv ldllvhluvvavaun `Va -`-"Was this chance? l3.i`(`iV-the electric currents running from the east to the west exercise any inuence upon these insects? Was it the-solar reection? Ex-_ plain it, whocan. In any case it would be interesting to know whether this ; [shnomenon be an isolated one or not. UU nuasvpu C `Ill-B\Jl-lo . 1 oonftyard stands open all day long. with only a mm as .8 doo_1-keeper. Once inside, all the convicts are onthe same touting. They are employed in the =`domestio`work of the. convent, and in : -needlework, woodvyork; etc., In-_~ `J! \fv\n IIJ BIOC- She took his ffriatrerea hand. IOQI-A-. J-Lab `I 44-15 `nnnluun 4 to-vv -.J run up Hestood besi n \--\a\.-u 5532:, listening to he: The twilight had deepened into dark- ,egg, and the fire was very low, but the g-ed glow from the embers revealed the solitary inhabitant of the room sitting in an attitude of hopeless dejeotion. There was silence save for the ticking of the old grandfather's clock, and to Colonel Dalmaine the pendulum seemed to beat out the refrain that was echoing j ' his own mind, ` ` `Five hundred pounds, I ve hundred pounds! Presently a red- hot coal fell from `the grate and threw 5 faint icker on the writing table, upon which was a photograph of a. very lovely girl in a silver frame. unL i.......+..m ....:.: 4.1.... ....1-.;-u _..L -a -r W '-.-r-" Life s so a.rd, an people is such ..... $9 0. H. LYON do soN, }nnAm PIPE. Punmnn CEMENT J.G.SCOTT -- caisson T0-- No boasting, but 8011:}. Sound. Gnui1;eVWork. Shorthand thorough}? taught in three months. I).'.-I.I....3.._. 2.. .11 _A_ L__.___l.__ n,___,____ I--,_-__ Has purchased the premnses occupaed bv Chas. Mc- Guire, just east or the Victoria Hotel, and has 0 ned -up business in all kinds of Black- smithing. orseshoein . etc All work will be done promptly at the lowest gure. Remember the place. lms mu nnuuzus AUCTIIINEEH I G. 23. FORD Are a pecialty, and parties intending to have sales, will consult their own interests by placing their sales in his hands. ' 3'01-ders left at Tan Anwmcz ofce will be 8t0nd.edt0- 35- G. R. FORD. Canadian Branch Oiec, Head Office. MONTREAL. LONDON. ENGLAND M. C. `HINSHAVV. SAM. J. PIPKIN, Branch Manage:-_ _ M Manager. ...ATLAS... ASSURANCE COMPANY. l`__!A_I Qt . . . _ -- `. IB-.-__1_.I _0,0 cap:a'f,'eT'o,E""_ "v-"'"' Flnha 1808 Application forms furnished and rates quoted by GEORGE PLAXTON. AGENT. aoblv . Barrie "Oice in B'dthwell's Block luv: b` ' " "-" '-"--Vv - - "Oh, beauty! said the colonel,-with 3 long drawn sigh, and a softened ex- pression of innite pity came over his rugged features as he looked at the beautiful girlish face. Oh, beauty, my heart's dear queen! And then a sob broke the stillness of the room, `and Travers Dalmaine bowed his head on his hands and gave himself up to a. par- oxysm of silent agony. 1..-; .4. n..'.. m.'n..5- 4.1.... |........__ --1_ Q -cuvl ----- -uv-ur-buoy -cu. nu. ma unu say In uuuw Bbokkeeping in all _xtI bnnchca. Business Eoqn l HANDLES ALL KINDS OF AUCTION` MF3"T?3.3F3!HE3 I=LEE- J. GUI VE1: WELPS ` Halrcutting and Shaving \ Parlor 7 orrosrrn nmnm norm. A E A TTTT Near Market % Square. W nn. M c La rty, ENO. '1 and No. 2 sold in Batrie at Seagcrs Drug Store. 7 ` 0lll'I1l'|l.li I01 VIII IJIWI IWI Q` . like no 0 er,s.s :11 Mixtures, pills and ltotions are dangerous. Price; No. 1, :1 er box; No. I, 10 degrees stronger-.38 per box. 0. I or I, mailed on race! t 02 price and two 8-cent Itam . The Cook mpony Windsor Ont. 3` cs. 1 and 2 sold and recommended `By all nsponsible Dmgglsts in cumin. ORDERS RESPEOTFULLY SOLICITED. ugiuau V- cu--v-v -av-4- ` Just a this minute the heavy oak ` door was pushed noiselessly openand 3 small gure softly entered the room and crossed to the writing table. A little hand was laid on the colonel s arm and a little voice announced, Ohappie s here! and then Dalmaine raised his head, and the relight danced with glee, for the sad face now beamed with love and tenderness as he put one arm round the little lad at his side and mur- mured. Chappie. my beauty s little H Es, Chappie a tum. What for 00 hwy? demanded `the baby voice, and then, catching sight of the silver frame, V be added, softly, Chappie s movab- Chappie s booful movah I" mLA.. LL... I:La.1.. 1...`! _I :...1...1 ._ 1_:._ A- 15-tf E".'a3}'"'Es." """" '""" '""'""" VEG TAB ES-Celery, Crisp and Tender; Lettuce, Cabbage, Parsnips, Beets, Carrots, etc. SEEDS--Flower Seeds, Vegetable seeds, Plants and Bulbs. WM. TAYLOR CUT FLOWERS--Roses, Carnations, Violets, etc, fresh every day, Bouquets-Button- hole, Hand or Corsage. Funeral Tokens in nnv eahrng FLORIST AND SEEDSMAN. Telephone :5. :55 Dunlop-St.. Barrie ANTHRACITE AND BITUMINOUS S;EED;STORE] `Bison and 3:0-;d.;;lAd not oi: short nnI1n~.v-w=r=='~-~:,=`--~=--- ww - SEND FOR KEELEY CURE CATE- CHISM, FREE. TELLS ALL ABOUT HOW TO THE KEELEY INSTITUTE C0. OF ONTARIO, Limited. 58: SHERBOURNE ST.. TORON'_I`.0, 0NT:'\lEl0. vaAu`Jt:~v nu wuuanun -oavvvuuno Then the little lad climbed on his fa ther s knee and demanded a story. And hand in hand Dalmaine wandered with his little son through the delightful mazes of fairyland, forgetful of the overwhelming weight of trouble the had come upon him. . A- AL... ....A. LI...` LL- I`I.._._.._ A--- uuuuuu up p ygpgyguu u_u.L{_unu.u: Con. Counhn S'rIurr .nm Smnnu Avinpn, ,, ____ __ . nuyuuo avuuaug u unuuvu uuu uuwvna u.u.. ......, 9 wii quick] ascertain our opinion fro other an invent n is probably atentabie. Communica- tions strictiyoonnden al. Handbook on Patents sent free. oldest in ency for securing tents. Patents taken t rouih Mann an . receive mu;-in) nation, without. a gram. In the BUUIJ 11133. UIUUBI: I ULIU AU! Isuuuunu rou n &"c special notice, without. (3 urge, in the --f4`AAf; "AAAAAJ. ' V V V V ` \IUl'Il1I\IrI`I 3 um Anyone sending a sketch and descrlgtton may qnlokwoasoertain free w invent. nrobubly natentuble. Communica- lvv-v-,y|--u-v y----v----.._-- A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culation of any scientic ournai. Terms. 83 an. ear: four months. 31. 80 dbyali newsdealers. nnnn n A- -___ . lI_--- Il-._|. U HIIIULI UL nu nvluuunuv iuun unn .:.vn nun. saw u lm-: motiths. d by all ncu.3'B~=-vNew]!_grk Bran 00. 625 F St.. Washington, FARM STOCK SALES `Water Lune. i luter or:-u-1-,:I:e. As they sat thus the library door opened and let in a ood of light from the hall. It fell on the curly golden head that nestled near the iron gray one, on the sweet baby features and on the man s rugged, sun tanned face. It was a touching picture that would have appealed to any woman's heart, and a little gleam of the sleeping wom- anhood in Beauty Dalmaine awoke as she paused on the threshold and watch- ed her husband and her little son. Both turned, and then the child ran forward to greet the beautiful young mother, but she drew back, saying, Be care- ful, child; you will crush my dress, and then daintily gathered up the shim- mering satin train.` But there was an ache in the heart of the loving little lad as he gazed at the faultless face above him, and then a kind hand was laid on his head, and his father said: . (L17 _ -__-__._____ IVL__..-- On-ml: Ysans Ross Block. _Foot of '1` 1-onco Stree Tnlnnhnnn- in-tf ` Drinking BARBIE, oN':t'- 30001: : Cotton Root. Compound Tn nu-Innnnnfnlln nnn vnnnlel-513 `-1- non: [.vvv---- vwvvv-u- --vvw w---`v ` Ia successfully used monthly by over ho,oooLa sate, effectual. Ladies ask our dru t for cook : cotton loot con- ke 9 uIlg1_xtn1;e_8. pillgand --Daslar in. GO TO THE NE\V LATE OF OR0, fro cause you Iwoo oh, mother." he cried, `"1 o ' But tomorrow. dear mothzxz Yawn . nd '3 nus, alas. that night was his last! Tomorrow he won "- $`%v!9r *K!NIh'I. m~""`?"'" W" I.n,w.-!xsa- mu wxpyg, H 2" 35- . 379* L`: 15. of g;i;.h..n muscles: and mu, T. J. Musenoviz. 7 W. MCLARTY. 7 The Ontario Permanent Building and Loan Association Spec-ials Facilities oered to Investors andBorrowers. TEN ANT-Why pay rent. `when, on such can monthly payments, you _can become your own Ian lord ? You have the choice of repayiniat 3 monthly rate of $1.20, $1.50, or $1.90 for eac $xoo.oo bor- rowed. THE PUBLIC-VVhy spend all (your ocket money? 6oc. a. month placed wxth the . P. . and Loan Association will yield you in about 8 years A PRESENT of $100.00, or a. prot of $41.40 oven- your monthlv pavments. TIIF Inns:-raga-an-n 119- :pxoo.oo wun me U. 1'. D. or. 1.. Assn, and have it doubled in :3 years, beside receiving during the in- terval 6% per annum paid to you every six month: 7 In other words, for your $100.00 you will receive an interest $66 and a lump sum of $200, making` a. grand total of $266. 1- 1 -- ._.. -- Y_v_. An investment safe as government securities and much more protable, realizing the investor an equiva- lent to I 5 per cent. per annum. simple interest. For printed matter and further infommation call on I|IA\l- \;A.:. man uuuu ua.o\A gnaw -uuvnavo I-rvtnvnu You must run away now. Ohappie. 1w -mt mother. Good night, my son, and he stooped and kissed the sorrowful little face with all the tenderness of a, Woman. -- . 4... o n I In AI -. nu-..-on y ya u Ill` noun "THE INVESTOF-l-Wh e lace $100.00 with the 0. P. B. & L. Jjisgga, End hawyrtmii doubled in I2 vs,-urn. lwsida rpnnivhaar Am-{no oh. :..- 95 Dunlap-St., Ross Block, Barrie. Conveyancing Blanks per dozen A 15 Cents. Assignment of Chattel Mort- gage Release of Equity of Redemp- tion per dozen O. H.LYON. Bill Heads and Statements per 1000 % $1.00 Chattel Mortgage Statutory Lease House Lease Farm Lease Assignment of Mortgage per dozen 25 Cents. The `Advance Pfllltlng Deeds, heavy paper. Printed Letter and Note Heads in Linen, Fond, Laid and wove papers, padded, very cheap. 3 old man lay on his narroiv cousin. And fever was racking his brain. ` up;-ay God to forgive you." his yonld ulz-::f;o penizenvs pi-syers are sot vain." u; gm better. much better." he breathed III" reply. ..m,\..mn-nw-nnd hare ha land alumni- `Nils F Envelopes, printed I per 1000 $1.40 _Get nurmehs and see our stock Agreement for Sale of Land per dozen 35 Cents. WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO, SEC.TREAS. BARRIE LOCAL BOARD. 12-ti Evenings at residence, 67 Owen-St. 20 Cents. E. DONNELL, (sin!-\IaAn n Iisuu-n -pg... __ __ Calls attention to the AND UPWARDS VV ULAILKLI Fardle wants Chappie s movah, the child repeated to himself as he ran up the stairs, and then the library door closed, and the husband and wife were alone. AND UPWARDS .a ti mother vtthmn (allot: `$333 na fey. gt}; Iidzvrar tqhliht. " 1 2 _ .......I- up uu\vn'A-nn':i|i"A'lcn -Iul-IQ-' aaT(::1l:>1x-ynow-and here ho loud sighed?- mromorrow I'll ask"-- No more could he lay. with the sentence unnished he died. _Fin1ey Johnson in New York Lodger. HAUL: U. ``You ll be brief, Travers, because I have an engagement, the cold, clear Voice rang; out. unu. .._' ,_I_A_ ..-__ ,__..._..._.......L.........L Jn11 -..u..xu DLUJ LU uuvv. The colonel spoke with decision, and it was hard to believe that he was the same man who had just been telling Chappie such wonderful fairy tales. The tender smile had vanished, and his usually stern face had assumed its 80- vercsc expression. ' H u....-- -.-.. .:u.--.... n 1... ......a.:......-..'l munch- -..-w. uprusslon all I10 'P`-```' said? `s`a{'(c)1?e went: Oh9.aPPi'3_ m`7h~" That is just it. I want 111 be -`W Want a. little of the wifeli 1" and "`_ ' derness that is my due. Wh_1`V" 1 3 Ihear of Beauty Dalmuineh 1076111103.! ta. I am. e ::::;:;'::*':n',:...%:.:*:`:..,e, 3;; knew--'-it they only iI'|0W""ht ' Iweetneaa In reserved for 8314039 5 her husband, am e than u1enII8l= 3` A used for the -f. 4.; J. vvnuu Au.u5.', uuuu 'l`(>-xligbt your engagement must fall through. I have much to say, and I must say it now. " nu ,\,-1--_..I ...._..I_- :LL ;IAn:a-:31;-u nap` v vaunu \u1lJLCBn`JL\JLlo Pray sit down, he continudo Push` ing a. chair toward his Wife. but Bean` ty Dulmuino remained standing. (g'\V.,_,,.,,,__ Fl ! _ . . __ T ..-.. L -unnanrun -v auumsnu I-\4OJL5ULAvl\l\Q unIII-on\~--5- Nonsense. Travers. I can't postpone t011i`.ht s engagement. We are going to the play. Sir Arthur has -had the `great- est dithculty in getting the seats, and as he has taken so much` trouble I can- not put o going, `l`L:.u.. ....... ....-nu.` ln1l-n.5`unI- non `t. "" me thy-nr that ihIae'~thIG 4*beanty.1nutu`aI< ' W raw` 2* r-. is dwell` -vv -uv `Ill sususo There are worsevfaultswhat can be laid at; your door, my child," he: hus- band replied gravely. You owe some obedience to your husband, and tonight Iwish that you remain at home. I will send an apology to Sir Arthur. And '0 Saying he rang for the lights and sat down to the writing table. ` Wlunn I-I... nab- L-.l In-nun 1In"w't-, DU LAID 'VVl-"$111115 IIDUIUO When the note had been duly dia- Patched, Colonel Dalmaine turned once more to his wife. She looked wonder- fully beautiful, butitwas the beauty of 8 statue. Her expression wan. coldand Proud. and her attitude was one of haughty deance: `The severity died out or Da.lma.ine s face and gave way to a softer expression as he spoke. H-BA ...... L--- ._L-L LL- IILLL. an- Jun 21, 1Vs9_s.% FDR HIS SAKE." TOMORROW.` 1378611 gr. , 1|'1;'} f`l_oyeAA * ould _ no t `I .I.`.`I '-..'.'-...__ L,. l 4 `I did tom"`o.1`f-y" you, a`mer _? til 1. ualfonld _ in comparison with myself, but Iiloyed if? you, Beauty, and; cannot see you rush- 19g_ on heiedlong to your ruin without` p'u1t,tingI every obegaege in your way. Yonrhame, the name of Beauty Dal- I `VII? nhnwia ~unvQn 3.. A- -_-.._ ` d..1!o.iI thacaulot my mgsttuq mum-vl M17 "1.-Ila `I 1.-.... -_._-__1 13.. x;-`. #1 maine} my peerless 4 ,ife, is on every .1 tongue inrllondon. ' Am I to stand that? I Am I to let. the name of -the woman w,h_ompI._c_hose_;rom among all others to ` make my wife--am I to let that name ; be dragged inthe dust? Is the mother of ` my son to be the plaything of these empty headed society men? What am I better than a brute if I stand by with,- out interfering? You shall not drag my name and honor in the dust. Your in-r sane vanity, which is leading you into all sorts of diiculties, must be ` Today I have a bill for 500 from your dressmaker. _'.l3here was a tihe, child, when to please me seemed you.r'great- est pleasure. That time has passed. But what have I,do_ne to torfeit your love? I. have done my `utmost to make you hap- py, and yet how I've failed! And Travers Dalmalne drew his coat sleeve across his eyes, and there was silence for the space of a `minute. ` 1'1:-n-inn 0-I-.{.-........L |.:.._.u- 1.-.: _..--.u 7_. __..-.v, 'u--v -nuns vs aaouuul Lilli ` l:i?wHe had stood` motionless. her eyes ddwncaat; She was very pale, but otherwise showed" no. emotioh. Presently he spoke again. but his voice sounded husky and far away. Beauty." he cried, for my sake pause in your n_1ad.oa;-oer, or if not {qr mine for Ohappie s. " a......1.. 51...; -.__--1 _-_.1_1 1_-_- A. 4L arty in- Inber of an vuurynv It i Surely that appeal would have touoh- ; ed any mother : heart, but Beauty Dal-W mains heard it unmoved.~ She slowly crossed to the `door, and turning "she ` Innlnul tin-n-.4~`|w as` I.-- I...-..|........'I -_1 lulu. ` IIULISLIU .uv:u.u5 yum av, .n.uJ:au. \- , ..... my palm. I looked -' down and saw the Bewildered, but gratied, she gave same dog. She had recognized me as him hers at once. _It was rough and having been with her friend, the omoer, snnburned and perhaps not overolean, and as before, she followed me to tho :yet there was 9. curious resemblance be- bonndary of her district. - tween the trs.mp s h_a.n_;1 and his own. ' . e V` ' . _ He dropped ithurriedly. ' ` - LIIOIIIOIO Punuhmonu. snow old are you my child?" Another.decree of expulsion has 4`Eightfeen 01116 0hri8 In.a`s." been iwle b'11 5.118 91 51931. thii His eyes were on her hoe. They tne h`zaih`at`;onoI 0! n his own 01119319 ~stuaied*'i;:intei;;c1y. . f Chow? 1,3118}! 39.3 :P1l,|_iP0;9n' ` '~ `4`Ah-hS!"=he*su-id end dropped: few en`era`1` l."1Tis'o1'.`.17-,.`l1I`;.wh57ohpit. maps baek..We1_l;,goodby. luck. `nryevw . , e ; w -' -aiid` `n`1?1' ?'1``:"`-";PP<` b1e`as`yon'."' * ethic starve-opts-pm."-'Lths# J .3r`ey es.mle1wiih.tes,rs. A - "Wm-um `you=:ying-1a:rr' ~ . - The btimmed 9.1'- - z or .__..x A hinh:913R9Fi9Fr. = ;-.' . . - - "ailtheyoi-.5Y7risi5olhs.io~k1i;d-; oxen vovuwuu UV IILIU IIUUI, IIHLI. Dill`!-11115 Bu.` looked deantly at her husband, and hei- voice rang outwith metallic clear- ness as she seid: II? I, C I \l V 3 BPVJ Ol\Q VG EUIIVCI-I6! . .. .. ,, .. Beauty paused. The sobs continued, and again the little voice called: ` ` Chap- pie wants movah! God send Ohappieh movah I" Swiftly she ew down the passage and entered the nursery. The little lad"; prayer had not been in vain. God had heard it and used it as an instrument to unlock the mother's heart. In a few short seconds Ohappie was in his moth- er s arms. The costly satin dress was forgotten, and freely her tears were mingling with his own. For the first timein his baby life he tasted the joys ' of a mother's love. Hitherto she had only been a A beautiful, unapproachable dream. Now she was a living, loving reality. ` A on LAuu- Alan -.-JLI. u-can-ax `p\n.L:~LA- | 1195 llal.l' wuuu. WU Vanna non \ u A few night: afterward. returning } alone to my hotel, I passed the same * spot, when I 'gu'ddenly_.felt n cold nose put into myhnnd and a tongue licking palm. looked: down and i V She" recognized _ ` havingbeen Tomcat, before, followed` to :- `boundary other dintriot. ` 1 - . _' .A.!lnmoIo PIuIlIhm:nt.. 1 hgs been is-uesi Pr; *1." P8 9` `Sim time h`g a1npt;on9 hiiown 011191913- ; ohgw: Rax,mi.niat0I`-P11,1iP0'5l|' general` -mar. inewhfli ii ho ihnll} be pIib11e1r~irm>ed ` H.-Jeinat "I{A'lI|'nll _, 1`-lI.I-_.`..-4' ' n-vuwtltilzoa ZIIQ I have listened to you patiently. N ow I am going to the play with Sir Arthur Maynard. And then she van- ished, and like one stunned her husband remained vacantly gazing at the d ` through which she had disappeared; \ \ `Dunn `D--..o.. l\..I......:..... 4.1.1 ...4. .. 1.. ` u-.v-Bnn vv annvnn uaav QAIIIA \ClDGlllIUCIIVL|n But Beauty Dalmaine did not go to } the play that night. When she left the 3 library, she slowly ascended the stairs ` with the intention of fetching a fan from her room." The servants were all 1 at supper, and the house was very still, when suddenly a small voice broke the stillness, Oheppie wants-movehl fol- lowed by a sound of sobbing. Dan-15.0 nun-gang` H... ..L.. 4--LX.--- CWOIV O I J An hour later. with weary footsteps 1 and an aching heart, Travers Dalmainn I climbed the -nursery stairs, and on the ` threshold a beautiful picture gladdened 5 his `sorrow laden eyes. By the cot of 1 their sleeping child knelt Beauty Dal- ; maine, her lovely face illumined with the light of the newborn mother love 1 and her hands clasped in prayer. Softly ; her husband crossed the room and laid ? his hand tenderly upon her head, while she raised her dark eyes to. his and still kneeling said: urn..-_-..... ...... 'L....1.......!I J.......:.... ....... `I v _ 7 ac., ruluuua uuxa uaywavuvv vi nanny One evening I was walking an English olcer, when a dog came up and licked his hand. He told me to notice. that she would follow us to-the bound- ary of-her district. as he had once petted her and she had never forgotten it. actly as he had said; she followed us a little way and stopped short in the mid- dle ot the street. She wagged her tail and looked wistfully after but did not stir when we called her. A A.__ .._:__I_;- -14....-.___.'l -ad-nu-ulna Gilli Jtblvvaanna uvunwav '1`ravers._my husband, forgive me. I meant to go, but Ohappie wanted me, and when I, heard him say so there sud~ ` denly ashed on me the dark, loveless * future Iwas making for my little son- ` our little son. She corrected herself 7 softly, and then she was raised to her i feet, and a pair of strong arms enfolded her and her husband s deep tones assur- ed her she was forgiven. 9 u-rs-..` 1.3- __I_.. __-n'I .4..-` -.....:.. _.._ w`:`1`?";>r-Tl`1`iafI"s~z;.'l:.;'.\7*r?;;lvlf-`start again, my j darling, he added. V IL A...` `A- f`Lnoun`A n '4-all`-In-Io n an1uA \Ll5.l. $1115, LIV Ilunvlvun And for Ohappie s father's sake. she whispered, as her whiteaarms stole round his neck. And the little sleeper moved, and they looked down to see a radiant smile dawn on his face and both stooped and kissed him., Then hand in hand they stole from the room.-Lady. _-___7_..-r The dogs of Constanztinopile are the. scavenger of the city. For this reason, V as well as from innate humanity, the Turks are tolerant of them. although. visitors to the ` city find them anemia- ble. -As a proof of their intelligence and recognition of friends Major Johnson relates this experience of his own: _ _-__-._.`__ T .--.u --n9{nu cu-v1'`\ an Friendship For Friends. 3'1'5.+I._7I-3,v' p :'ua..a-> xi : vs uuuxui wqxql, Ina anon green cnonalser O! and area! lifts` 8 vague ioico afar. .'A!id n'6w.1'V_!tl1d"IV'vn b_ehind the woodland `halt- \0t 12, n the polorod but 01.-un.-it clean!`-' it one me 8! bought` Above it. courier . :d`Fku`. appoin fats!-. -' -- bike fairy bombs exploding in a war ."!vyi;t elves and gnome: the ironic: ame. '~ . the hlrr ` ` -nu `VIWIIIIIFIWII nenmu one woocuanu A whippool-will, yhere. with `attendant states 0! purple and silver. slow the great moon melts Into the night, to show me where she waits, There at the lane : end. by the old beech tree. who keeps her lips, sweet as a ower. for me. --Madison Cawein in Chap Book. -ur-yunu vgvuu. Illll 31101111 F116 nrqnlnan ~'_thq hirr 0! cricket wkel. and each green chox-inter Of I1! (#15 `iflti `vain-In Qnfnn afa- Thank God forall things beauti- 'lu_l, cried the artist. A i -1 Ana - -` _ _- pvnv pvqo go He 4 gnnd and fumbled for some matches, laying palette and. brushes carefully on the ground. ' . fl... ...-A...L... 1......) L- _L._.1.. ....- "Thank God for my good dinner, said the tremp. ` * ) Then she wiped her mouth on the } back other rough hahd; and the artist C.-`IL C.`-.*I_=.. _:..L.' ' [ i;12:;;~;;; ,;;';;:" E3` C.-...`l IL . vwonv-Auuqni van UlI\l Bl-\II_.Ol\DO The matches.-`found, he struck one. _Enoount_ering in the process a glance from curious eyes, he sent the box spin- . I ningvin their own`er s- lap. ' " l`I'...'_ _.-9l! L- -..:.'l `-3 LI... 5......- nnonna, on. vqnuon vvvn--vo -3 near. j ` Join me? he said, and, the tramp acqiiiesoing with a" nod," tossed a ciga- ` relate ait_rfit, as` hehad some time before i h'er__his luncheon out of the wal- [ lot at his feet. ; L 3 -_--,.1 1, LI CIIWJ VTIJ V13 Is that me? she asked and paused and flushed resentfully. L . CIA .3.-._`I..L8_1 `I:`I-.._-.... .8-.. .-A... 5.31 able. ZIVI I-IIIDA-I\.l\n GUSVI-lIlG\llCJ o ' ".4 doubtful likeness, since you fail to recognize it. He, laughed. ` It looks, "she said and stopped. u7-1la)I L- ......-_I .._....-L_..L -` A uaanv ro\IZV$rOv~ Cur won nnnnavovsj our placed -it qomewhat Eingerly bee? ` L-.. 1:..- -vo ugly..- ` It was a maiden effort. That was evi- ; dent." Hejavughed when the thing rolled 1 ax:r:_1;1g,to his feet. ' % T i ; egently the girl's gaze wpmdered to } the ganyas. ,anI,I I Q ,,,1_, ,.__j A_aAa_nv ID you; I-vyovuu nished, frowning heavily. ` `IE1 - -I...-I-`l-.`l fl... _......a iquai}it"c13itic-i-Em. -" "'m_' V. - } Like a play_ao_tresa--in tights, she I Q__L-.I ..-._...._.. I.---31.. uuauuvu, `AV VI Latina I-l\.I|I V CQJ 0 He chuckled. The remark amused him. He knew so many play actresses in tights who would shrink from con- tact with this dusty wayside wanderer, yet `in turn this vagrant shrank from them. She resented` even the resem- blance of a curve. The thing was hu- morons. He turned and glanced at the canvas Yes, he had outlined the `gure some- what daringly, but then it was that grand sweep from knee to shoulder which had first attracted him. He had passed her earlier in the day, sitting by the roadside combing out her hair-had passed her, with his still buoyant step and knapsack strapped to shoulder," humming gayly. But-struck by some- thing in the girl's attitude--he had re- traced his steps and asked her to sit to L}... She still regarded the picture, lines of dissatisfaction puckering her brows. "Well, said the artist. Them boots of mine, she answered. A pause. Couldn't you rub em out? persuasively. I've got a better pair, spring side uns, in my bundle. fl... -_L.`..A. ..I.....1- 1.3.-. L.-....l f'I'TL.... ...-_A What. do you know about the Royal academy, pray? V GCITL .....LL.. _...J- I..._L flu... LA-.. JVIIA dLIp6JIl Uavvaanbn So t1'a-to remember; I was a baby the larst time. Father took me. . E was 9. artist too. a E wos a. reel 1111, though, not a paivement ohalker. He laughed. That s understood, since he was a Royal academician. What ' was his name? T 1 . I ain't a-goin to tell. What was the subject? V I wos-in long clothes. Mother re-' members it. It wos the time e come to see er, an she saw the picture after- ward in a winder in Pall Mall. Idrnonna uncut`: Inna:-I, -on ->-.4 u-..u.--y- The artist shook his head. They were bad boots, he conceded; but "good art. 11`. .'4. J... LI... 1)....'IA ......I........') _L.. 4, row; - -w`T(`)u1;-, nothin, reely, but I've been there once afore. It unv `I&l\J\I Iauavn -I thought `Eon told me this was your first sitting? um- u..'- A... ...............`I....... 1` ....-..-. .. I..-.1... "'12'?vZs"?n"11'f1{iE II{"igname withqa ourish of the brush when a thoughtseemed to strike him and hold `.3... I... LL- .-......A. i'{u"%'tLL'?}}i's.' CCTITLAL .-nu. :L.1.' W`i1a;:rva.'s.it'like? Did your mother ever tell you? " u on._..... ..1.- .1:.: 1.4:... ".3 a.:_...... at... \I'\IO UVIQ J \I$O Oourse she did, lots of times. She was proud to think e d noticed me. I was lyin a most naked on some workus lookin steps, an my eyes was wide open, lookin up ards at the stars. _ L `The Love Child! .. . 2 l ; ``.That s it! You ve seed the picture too? ` V ; Vac 0,40,, llfLI._ ___,_o, 1 _,_g;__ His hand was growing careless; it I swerved, and the brush. slipped. The ? girl cried out; there was a danb across the canvas.` 1 W > , _` -_. I`! ._-_...-L._II_ ll_.-__I__. -IIIQIIU I. Danqnquav I-vov-av J Vina an-yo-.-.-vs The artist did not answer. His silence and abstraction were taken as dismiss- _ } als. She-hitched up her bundle, Wish- `, l._ .. I_.!_._ .___.1 .1-.. Often; ? quietly. V W: copied quite . . Th re now, " regretfully, you ve zniade a sznndge acrost your name. IITLA; --5531:} 133:` tank angina-II mu Q3111-anus pa-av --pvg-v-- - T E; him good day. ll'KY.\ "unncldv Q I-st! Illa qllll avuu \AIIJo No."wa.1t.a bit. Ho got upfor the lrst time and came and stood before .her. ``Won t `you shake -hands before ou`so. my-my dear "` `D.....:I.-`hnuul I-mt. an-ntim I'nhn asunn TRAMP AND ARTIST. Ii IOU OIQIFOVQK She piokedufnp and _ngered it, than I...'-.I {L ..._.-u_I...A. .i.u-.n-_I- LAA--4.-.. All avv '*we11r37"' he IUIA Uvvvw, ADV Vvaavvvuuu, vuov ovum Us-but _Is it for the Royle academy? she .'l WlL|GH.T._ nnv -naovn Ina-vn uvvrrvuu urged, expectant of a m_1m1ERNADvANcE.