o no 9 \co_o - Olouo 150% _, l`|._I-.._ a noun t\l\t\ smooth ; Spit; Lumuuw uuu uruw up tau. nu... ., ......... Doadfa Pills, 25 cents, at all drugilts. '7` { SU'_C_C.lSSOR`S ifo 1:. s. LALLY. i`ABLE OF PECENTAGES. BARRIE -James Courtney Challis. Jacket. e The gull on the gold ball slid o, while a uttering cloud of white wings, present- ing a. striking contrast to the blue water, appeared as if by magic at the stern and over the deck, all laughing loudly in their Troops 1 Eng'aged.d Slain. c 1 -_ x 16,000 a5o,ooo "I=`*II-I-5% on . nirsrnrsu. 13.0 3.100 33- 25. D-` ZZZ; I0-7 90 5 ` . A Goff; and gakgis of all kinds in stock or made _. . . T d 11 F era.1 Requisites furnish (1. :3:.32:%::;y .:i:::;1:%f.,::er:ise 8 G 0 DOLMAGE, l!Ia/nager,- Stroud. __- QTI.Il,__- -1 B n way. 0 As the purser held up his hand down swooped a large and beautiful gull, and hovered in the air not seven feet above the deck, just over him, turning its head this way and that in eager expectation. It was not disappointed, for the officer tossed a bit of meat into the air, which the gull deftly caught. urmmw. Inn]? '3 thn nnrnnr called to the - Long recognized by the public and pro- fession of the Dominion. THE LEADING, THE MOST SKILLFUL, THE `MOST PROGRESSIVE, THE MOST SUCCESSFUL Authority in the treatment of Rupture. [DIS at we nanas O1 3 IVIRSICI` n DIS protesslon. If your case is one that needs attention. he will gufply just what you need and on the most reason- ab e terms. ' You may thus know your `true oondi_tion. and this at the hands of a Master in his profession. If vnur vase is nne that deeds attention. he will DEAR SIR.-When 13 years of age a kick from a mule ruptured me; were all kinds of trusses to no purpose, in fact the clumsy thin caused a rupture on m other side. I was advise to have an opera- tion ut dreaded it. lMy physician,'Dr. Hall. said operations asa rule were fmlures and would only make me worse. I called to see you during your visit to Orilliai and had you attend to me since which tune neither rupture has shown itself and I was able I to do all the heavjeuwork on the farm. I am now cured on hothatdes in._ the short time of 8 weeks. something which I never expected. Gm.f..1h- v.....ar | nun`. vvn nu: Exaniination and Advice _ __ Free Mr. Egan is the pomessor of the largest and . most successful practice of any one in his line-being the only specialist in this department in the Dominion. H18 patients say they have not words to express their zratatude. and never before had instruments to urn. IIIX SIICD IIIBIVCIOIIS CD33 In SUCH 8110!`! time. This fact alone gives ' ample encouragement that his anticipation: are not mere fancies of the imagination, but onl the reward which is sure to follow true ment _ i_-. Egan : ability to diagnose nllfox-msofRuptuuu one ofthe secrets ofhis HUBER- 326 West Richmond St. Toronto - uermy Ouuguu. That's Jack," the purser called to the little boy, who was peeping out of the open window. ' v_-I.. 1.-.: 1...... 1111A`! and nut: nf hlu Ina: The only Rupture Specialist In The Dominion KITS. - Over 30 Years Experience his long establishedbusinms in Toronto is proof that He lives up to every Agreement His treatment is quick and rmanent and he protects his patients by taking 0 y those cases that canbe-relieved-. . . . . , - PROOF - POSITIVE . That he c\;1:es_\_vl |en om}; even fail to hold the pgrts in pla_ce. Does the followingletter not con- vmoe you : at represents one of hundreds now icon: nou$mn. ` ""'""" ""'c';.'a'te"'ui1'3\'rBT.'r'.'-"' \?vA:.'r1R DENT Orr Lake '1=.o.. om.` ' Bracebridge P. O. Dun DR. -1 cenhonestly say yours :3 the first True I eyerhad to gwe satisfaction. and I can and doheartil` recommend it as a. `boon of comfort to thoee nu ring as I have suffered lor the lat fort years with severe double rupture. You" can publiaz o my opinion if it would convince others. . , ROBERT FERGUSON. BARBIE--B'irri e Hoifee,"Tueeday. all day till 8p.m.,JIlI_!;26p~ ~ ,1 : GAVE_NHU_B8'l`- " d H tel. Wedn ad . All diy till ro`p.m., J'Il m2"r 0 ch ..-.nn3,c;InI_tman.aueen'a Hotel. Thursday. xhlI..`_.Io mm-g Jql! - vn.I.n.:nom:nion Hotel. mu.r;om shy] I9. : ` ` 1:;.:I|A.hIr."rnnunuu. tn_:._9-_ no r.-.. . Call `and Interview` Him Coming -p-u-up;-av Q `nun. Gill 5170 ` ~:?r- so _.u'- a sum- s!. .'a':. f %" '~ .2, I 1113 patients say may nave no: words to then` atatude. before Instruments to pro- uee such marvelous ehan such short time. Til`: can-I ninnn a-{vac :In no-u-uh: ...uuu.-o..........L lmamsa in L THE A macs: wmuow. Jack had been shot and one of his legs was gone, while the other leg, which had probably been wounded, hung directly down, as though he were holding it out to shake hands. ` urn|__A. 1.1.. Ir.-nun. allnus is n11! 'l`nm," , " AT A Nerve Brain. Muse1e-they E __AND__ all gein ifyeu eat that warm weather substitute for rolled GAIS eats, Tillenn e Flake Barley. Light, delicate, easy of digestion. " It doesn't heat the bleed. Progressive grocers sell it by the pound. T|~LLSON S FLAKE BARLEY (SEE. Duns AT Borrou) IBKERIE AND %STROUD. _ IT MAKES NICE PUDDINGS ALSO. FARM, TOWN AND OTHER LANDS FOR SALE BARRIE- SIXTH WARD. Bradford St , S S-Lot 11 and pt. Lot 12, with comfortable frame dwelling. Cumberland St., N S-Pt. of Lot `26. Jacobs Terrace, S S--Lots-. 7 and 10. Marcus St., E S-Pt Lot 23. BARBIE-CENTRE \VAP.DS. Dunlop Street, S S-Large Brick Building. 1 known as The Moore Block." 1 Part of Lot 12, occupied as a livery stable. Part of Lot 26. ~ Dunlop Street, N S-Lots 25 (with dweli ing house) and 26. Collier Street, S S--Lots 40 and 41. John Street, N S-Part Lots 5 and G, BARRIE-WEST \\'ARD. Bradford Street, W S-Parts Lots 33 and 34. Bradford Street, E S--Lots 22, 23, 31 and 32. Bradford Street, E S-(Thompson s Block) Lot 8. Charles Street, W S-Pt Lot 49 Ellzabeth Street, (Boys Block) S S-l.ot Sanford Street, E S-Parts Lots 21 and 2'2. Oliver St, N S - Park Lots 16 and 17 I_ I-5. Oliver St, S S-Park Lots 13, 14, 15 \ ` Bay Shore--2 blocks of land, about 7ac., with saw mill. ' Blake Street: N S-Lots 48 and 49. Blake Street, S S -Lots 37 and 33- Codrington~Street, S S-Lots `Z3, 27. and pt 26. Amelia Street, IV and S S-Lots 5, 6, 7- Eugenia Street, S S--Lot 5. __ Theresa Street. N S-Lots4, 5, 6, :- INNISFIL. Pt Lot 11 in 14th Con. This propeft}'_i`f` cludes Minet Point, and has on it 3 number ut beautiful building sites. ORO. E 4} Lot 20 in 10th Con. SUNNIDALE. Pt E ;, 12 in 10th, w s R, about 35 acres- vnsmu. k W Lv 24 in 6th Con. This parcel would ' rented on an improvement lease. P: W 25 in 6th Cnn., about 90 acres. W5in6th Con. E 1 of 10 in 6th Con. Lot 10 in 12th Con. Lot 13 in 11th Con. , .,h Park Lots 3. 4, 5 and 6 on E 5'32 "1 0` Con., 21 acres. Park Lot 6 on 25 in 7th Con.. 5 acres- STRATHY Gs ESTEN. Solicitors, 30`-v_ 14-1y Barf ` 811586 nuuuu. _ That big brown fellow is old Tom," said the oicer. He rarely misses a trip, and the one chasing the other I call Smok- er because he once picked up a cigar that some one threw over, but he very soon found out his mistake. I call them my laughing travelers." continued the purser, tossing some meat into the air. which the birds caught. because they travel with ..... ..n .1.... and nun nlmnvn Innahinsm imndvance llffice _V Vm' P.333 f0); Will. Form and Vp93_t3LE9 to any part. of Canada Blank Wi'll Forms .had at` 8TQR:anu DWELLING ' To Rent. , . nI.H'_1K' Make Your Will. At very Low Prices and on Easy Terms. Lot 12. s s 7's7{e;. T i T Lots 41 and 42 in 6th Con., NottaWas9`p'3- 14-1y No; no Euhcth- Itteot, ` H .. ' ' '- ::..$:.':.*:.:'"-" .m: . W` ems: `Wee. DIPUS uuuguu. Ucuuuuu uuo; vsuvvn now.- me all day, and are always laughing. Whether it is really laughing I don't know added the oicer. When they are standing on shore, they how their heads so that the bill almost touches the ground, then they raise it high in the air, and just then comes the ha, ha! Now, what would you say?" uunm r nhnnld think than were laugh- 6 Cts. BARRIE-EAST VVARD. COLLIN GWOOD. JULY 21. 1898. you auyr" Why, I should think they were laugh- ing at something among themselves, was the reply. u A ........... H nnnunnnri the nI1rA`I'_ thnv Anyway, continued the purser, they have a good deal to laugh about, as every day I bring them some bread and meat, and give them a toast, and they all-know ~Ir\(| me." Don t you ever forget them? asked the little boy. V I did onoe, was the reply. And did they laugh just the same that day? - I think they did, said theomoer. Then I think they are very cheerful birds, said the boy. Ha- I-Juno aim laughed the um-nerd. THEY wane uLLs Arab wens AO- QUAINTED WITH THE PURSER.` IJll'(l," Blllu uuu lav}. So they are, laughed the purser. Here, Tom, he called. holding up his hand. Whereupon a. gull approached with- ln two or three feet of It and caught the piece or meat be tossed, while the other birds came hovering about. ` m- u... uA.a.I.. ounnanillln H: cum: in umnnr. mrus came nuvunug nuuuu. To the little passenger it was a wonder~ ful sight, as, despite the fact that the steamer was moving rapidly, the birds hovered overhead without moving wing or pinion, seemingly carried along with the vessel. . o-..... ..a 4.1.- .....n.. Inn: I-Jun ntnnmn! at tha the VBSBBI. A Some of the gulls left the steamer at the ` big island and did not return -until the ` next day, and many were the tricks and pranks that they played upon the Ieals. V the pelioans and the shermen. If a sh- erman left a sh exposed for. a moment, they would alight on the beach and walk by it with a very innocent air, then nally grasp it directly from under the man's eyes and y away with a resounding laugh, pursued by all the other gulls, struggling for the prize. rm... .....1. man munni-. nests. divine! down tor the prize. The seals were great pests, diving down Ind taking out the fish as they became gilled in the nets, but they had one habit that gave the laughing travelers an ad- vantage. The seals would combine pleu- ure with work, _and when they had taken a sh out of the net they would toss it in the air, catching it like a ball. It was at this time" that the gulls, perhaps Jack, \ Tom 01-. Smoker. would dart. in and seine it, and with a chorus oi! cries go ying away with the twice stolen iish. . V -,;Qujoe s, year.-the gulls made A visitgten bl_;u:_mok, about_70 milesdistsnt, where they laid their speckled eggs. which the iiin`hitohed,.out.~ In time the little!` birds. A `it-y`-'a,1'1(Vl .,tuIdo their WC? lolith, ; ` ` hops,-,joiu`iugthe l|I _i'l'I'iIi tu"v-- " H "=1on.rn .06 dd area/th.e tn oaiiunna: cuam e1.-'-aha?! ` Jr. Holder T _'-v ~--~------ -- -~._._._- `Bonus mu.-ble. swing "or `the human T `fwlth oyolnhu.-in known. It um. lh '. V g___m tpuh b V 9ma3..'f'1'.?a~...':oua us :31 ` ` Intuitio- __I.I, ._;';;___- -1 Al Hugo Gonthe, swell known young trav- eler, who recently made , a trip through central Africa, has been killed by an ele- phant. . . `LI, _ __ _LI_ 1.. I- on -nun`; n11` .1`- yuan v. Although he is so years old, Geotge Ja- cob Holyoake is busy delivering lectures A in London. He is in excellent health and` } takes an active interest in the `aairs of the world. ' 3 The late Senator Walthall 61' Mississippi w.astno.t.ed.as a...h_e.x.'.9.io and'.da_sh1ns.s91c1.i..ex.h of the Confederacy. In defeat his steadi- _ -_- _...: _-.............o.`.1.-..... .-mmn nnvad an of U118 Uonleuaruuy. Lu sscxvau sun Dvvsuu-5 ness and resoureetu1ness.often saved an armyfromuttez-wreck. A _. V ; Prince Bismarck has very unpleasant ` recollections of his rst school, where, he says, the master believed in a kind of spurious spartanism and provided very tough meat with parsnips for every meal. John M. Toucey, who has just resigned the position of general manager of the New York Central railroad to retire on a pension after a service of 40 years, began his railroad career as a station agent. He i 70 years old. Emilio Aqulnaldo, the insurgent leader of the Philippine islands, is greatly be- loved by the rebels.` He is a Tsgaday, which means a full blooded nativofvin dis- tinction to-a half breed. He is said to be- young and handsome. . , 1 -_.1 q..u-;....m wmnivm-'-I A mmrnicent ` young-uuu uuuuuuunv. I Lord Salisbury received a magnicent Persian rug during the jubilee festivities from Prince Amir Khan of? Persia. V Ex- ` ports who have recently examined the pres- ent pronounce it to` he 0}! the nest work- manship and value it at about $4,000. ' A _.- _.. _. 41.- A .......8.-m-n-ya mhn Iuum nlrnndv They Had Noises to which Bach When ' Oalled-Eove1-lug Over the Vessel to -Be l'ed--No Wonderv the Passenger was Interested. ` ' The air was lled with strange laughter. --Ha, ha!" in very high notes; ha, ha,` ha! in the deepest base, then a chorus of wild cries that appeared to come from any- where,~everywhere, greatly astonishing a little boy that stood on the spray washed deck of an out bound steamer. , ,|,n..__ _._II_ I! --IA I-Ln OI Una .D1`1uau &1.nUUa.u:uLvax .n- \IJ Ivan`: Advancement of Science are Professors Henry F. Osborn, J. P. Langley, H. P. Bowditch, R. A. Fessenden, R. H. Thur- ston and J. Mark Baldwin. , A A .I2--A.--L ('1--u-n1 l1anJ\ 11151131111) unu vauuu Au av uuvuv V-,vv~. . Among the Americans who have already signied a purpose of attending the next meeting of the British Association For the A.1.........-....m4-_. of Qninnnn urn Professors S0011 uuu. do 111.913 Juwnuvv an The fathr of Adjutant: beneml Corbin is still living `in the oId'ta.mily homestead 1n`0hio. ` Although more than 80 years. .1: 1.- ................ 4-Inn 'I'uIVI`Y| nnnn whim}: the in`0hio. Althougn more man cu years. old, he manages the farm upon which the general spent his _ boyhood and where.he stopped hoeing corn toenllst as a priva.te- ] M Ioldier at the outbreak of the rebellion. ,n 11.. 'I':--L"...`-.. 8--.LI6-O-A nu- IULKIIUI (DU IIIAU vuvu-V on u--. --v -.._v______ Dr. Roux of `the .1"asteur institute an- nounces tho discovery of an eicieut cure- tor lockjaw. The antitetanlo serum used In Germany would not work till Dr. Roux hit on the plan of injecting it into the brain under the membranes. His plan as been tried with complete success on at Eleazer Smith of Danbury`, N. 11,, who is said to be the only New Hampshire sur- l vivor of_ the war of -1812, was 100 years old on May 16.- The event was celebrated by public exercises in the town hall. Mr. Smith was present and drummed on the drum used by him in the war of 1812. He is a. native of Grafton, N. H. , 1,, I___ .'.__-L ..-.A..._...I Lin .15 It uuuvu UL uucuuuu, an. an Earl Russell, who has just entered his name in Gray s Inn and is studying law, .1- 4.1..`. ...........-I vunnvl nf mnnInnd'whn Hun name In \J`l'lIy B 11111 uuu. ID nuuu; 11:5 sun, is the second peer of Englandfwho has qualied for the bar. The other one is Lord Coleridge, son of the.lato- chancellor. Lord Russell is a grandson of England s famous premier andluntilhe inherited his 1 no.1... ......I.. `lulu Iiwh-in an in. inaarnevmgn IIHSIUUS p1U|.|.|_u:.l.' auu.- uuuu uu ;uuv....~... ...... title made his living as `a journeyman electrician. Tn---:-----:1: A quart or fiquid an costs $2,400. It is too expensive 3 drink.-A-Boston Globe. `I'\-_..-_. run... L... 4-1.... inn T-T-vnn'n Haul-L IlUUn UL nu vuu uuuuu uuvu-um-. It s the laughing gulls," said the parser, who noticed hi amazement. `Then, following the motion of his hand, the lit- tle passenger glanced upward and saw the cause of all the noise. On the gilt ball that surmounted the topmast of the roll- ing steamer sat a large white gull, sway-y ing to and fro in its eorts to preserve its balance. .on the foremast perched anoth- er, while the booms and other pointsof vantage were similarly occupied: by gulls of various colors. b Are they laughing at us? asked the cy. No indeed," replid the good natured purser. I am not quite sure, but I imagine that they are` asking me to giye thaxnwiiheir dinne1l;. , d h b y do they new you?sai t e oy. ``I should think so, said the omcer. iWhy, they follow me from San Pedro to the island and back, 60 A miles, every day except Sunday. . . uur....u_ (thou u nn S`.nm invn? asked the UU Uasgluuulvv Ii um. nuns _ -.- u ~ - v - - - . ~ -. _ Dawson City has the ice, Havana. heat, and neither of them a {square meal.-St. Paul Dispatch. 9; 15...... _-_..:-L- In `Indus ~nnfnIn'II|l1`11 ruuxv uxapuwu. If Franco persists in being unfriendly, this country may nd it necessary to estab- lish a. peaceful blockade against its music % hall s1ngers.-Wa.shington Star. A _.__:_u- .1--- ....o nan.` wnvur 1-nnnh null IlJ`UI-'He""VV Guluauvu raveno- The public does not care very much whether the new envelope combine holds together or not, but we hope its envelopes ` will stick.-Providence Journal. ` .. . 4;- \T_A.l-_-I r1.._.......... .0 W111 30101. -'J.` .I.v V luvuvv u Vllboouuns Now that the National Congress of Mothers is to be incorporated, any boy who does not have an incorporated mother will have a right to feel s.ggrleved.-Bos- 1 ton Globe. In spite of war and crops Tens manages to hold a hot primary election occasional-. ly. Texas is one of those versatile {old girls who can do several things well slmul-' taneously.-Dallss News. A -1-..I__.-...--. In (`a.--unnflnu `l HEN IIBLIUU Illa o--yuaauu an :2 vv am A olubwoman in Connecticut has been ` giving a club of young men lessons in i parliamentary law, and tradition at this last, worst stroke of deance is simply standing ~ahast.-Baltimore American. A Kansas woman has had two husbands drowned in the same creek, and when ud- vised to move away from the murderous stream replied, Not so long as the,Lord giveth and taketh away I won't. ---Den- ver Post. . A reward of 81,000 is oered for the arrest and conviction of a Massachusetts bank president who absconded with about $500,000. It is evident that the authori- ties are determined to punish that man.-- Cleveiand Leader. . . ' The sultan of Turkey spends mp1.-efor his table than any other human being of modem or ancient times-45,000 daily. -- ----l-_ -- -...I 4.1.- --A-n- nulnnnnn Iuuuuru UL uuvavuu Uloo-vs '-,_-- _...-, . The crown prince and the crown princess of Greece will be awayfrom Athens for a _.-_.. n-1|.-. -... 4-,. Aluln I-.In'n not-ind nf OI W111 `E away 'lLUIll 2 UAAD Ava Us year. They are to divide . th\`e">e1-iod of their absence between Germany and Den- _, , `, ._I_ l.I.lul-'3: _ Prince Oscar, son of the king of weden. I one of the mission preachers of the Young Men's Christian nssooiation. of Stockholm. On a recent Sunday evening i he with hiswife preaohedto about 9.099 people. ' pm.- n.s........ `I'.m-mu . 'l`M'n1`-nl-rlnnnnn of puupsu. t The Princess Louise (Marchioness or Lorne) has modeled a. statue of the queen . as her majesty appeared at the opening of the nearts exhibition in Manchester in 1857. When the statue is completed, it will be `placed over thewestern porch oi the Manchester cathedral. . . From all accounts Czar Nicholas II is really very fond of his `wife, much to the Dowager Czar-ina s -disgust. as she finds she is not the power behind the throne that she expected to be. Their imperial majesties actually '4 exchange endearing phrases in public, a thing previously un- ' nan!!!` nfrlh . PLIKGHX Ill `Juliana. UI neard ofin Rani; A BUDGET gr DEF|NlT.|,ON,_s. 0 womnn. . I , , V ,- ` .Baby-A coupon clipped from the bohdl of mat.ri_1_non!- ~ A . A V _ , L Buatle-'-Something -' that" even `- 0' "quiet woman is `apt to make. . I win. --_-u.:a.v-;.. ~ llII..i.'.'-I-"l'.LI`-""."n'."lnIL~;6'(In Angie- woman ll llpn W Iuunu. ` _ . , UnuGi1ntyA-`-Th`on b` to cor- tslntbont lqvtmaklng. V . . - ~ Duty-`-Thd thing 3 man trial toiavoid 1101;; by-glkinstdvico. ~ _ , . Indnlgaynt--A wi_!o'|~ Ida `of . 0 hibband a who nev_er..oomu homo-Iober.. A A.'...._I- .-L;. pg; 1:-`A-`HQ `C W110 IIUVUIT IIUIAIUI uyunv Dvwyom Gosslp-A female who can make an by ? putting two and two together." * ` Policy---Sompthlng thu't't morn o1toI'to E blame!or`smu;'|honostyth|nprlnblo.: , Inver_:.e-A decree that ' -___..-- THE K'|N_ETOSCOPE.. THE L|8T'=fNER'.` THE ROYAL BOX. except aunuuy. " worm they ny on su..a.;y.:~ asked the V boy again. Oh, yes, was `the reply, but the steamer doesn't sail on Sunday now, but every other day they joln me and y along. When they get tlred, -they alight on the steamer, and they all seem to be very fond of trying to balance themselves on the masthead. You see, it is very slippery, and when the boat is rolling about they have to work very hard, especially Jaelx, who has but one leg. u-r _.:_|. 1' ......IA nan lah-n said than t "connwarnn--A, new stone road will be built `to the a station. . .'.Mr. H. Chester has purchased the Planet from Mr. _French, and last week made his bow to his readers. ' ' . 3mronb;The dog poisons is abroad. . . .There will be very little poor or .rain`V-stained hay in this section . . . . Fall wheat harvest is in progress . . . . Asolid brick schoolhouse will be erected at Dunkerron. . BEE'l`0N-The last load of brick re- quired for the House of Refuge was delivered on Saturday, 9th_ inst. . . . Miss Izena Clark has resigned her posi tion in the post cice and is succeeded by Miss Gertrude McPherson. NEWS BUDGET. Cnnzmonn -Monday was civic holi- day . `N. . . Pieces of bread heavily charged with stryohnine were found` on the streets here recently ; it was theiwork of a dog poisons:-.A. . .L. J. Pearson fell and broke a rib on Monday, 11th inst}, while cleaning his windows. `S'1"AYNER--George L. Hayden, of Guelph, formerly of thin town, died of consumption last week...'.Dr. J. S. McE.tchern has bought out the practice of Dr. Lehman, of Elmvale. . . .Laet week the Elmvale Chronicle told us all about meteors, and how the one the other night bursted like the "sun ex- ploding," for all of which `we are duly thankful that Bro. Gadd was looking when the meteor wented by.-'-Sun. I EGBsR'r-A large barn raising took place at Mr. John Patterson's on Mon- day afternoon, llth inst. About 150 of as ne men as ever were seen at a raising were present. Mr. Wm. Maw captained the north side, while Mr. S. Cunningham performed similar duties .for the south. After a hot chase the north side came out victorious. The structure is rather a superior one, with a. ne foundation. Mr. Wm. Robin- son was the contractor and everything went together like a book.-Advocate. WAUBAUSHENE-A` sad case of drowning occurred here on Saturday afternoon, 10th inst. It appears that a young lad named Charles Burney, aged 10 years, went shing alone on a boom of logs, and not returning home at night his parents naturally became anxious. ' After searching all day Sun- day his shing pole was found, and a short time after his body was discover- ed. It is supposed the lad s hook oaugh-t fast and in trying to get it loose fell off the boom into the water and met his untimely death. At least the book was fast when found. The remains were buried on Monday even- ing.-Pla_net. Pnnnranoursnnxa -- The watering cart has been resurrected . . . .The pump` ing station is pumping from 180.000 to 200,000=gallons daily. . . .A few days ago, while out on the rocks, young Bouchier ran across what appears to be a sienna bed. 'He brought samples of it to town and, had a couple of painters compare it with the imported article. To the naked eye no difference could .be seen between the two articles either in powder or mixed as paint. The paint- ers use considerable of this article and should the sample sent to Toronto prove to berths genuine sienna there will be a good thing in it for someone. The present supply is imported from Italy. --Herald. M-IDLAND - Raspberries are 5c. a quart. . . .Mr. James Davenport, while working_ on a barn in the country on Wednesday morning, fell a distance of about ten feet, breaking his right leg above the ankle... .A.1-thnr Moylan, hostler at the Hewis House, was ar- rested Tuesday morning`, 12th.inst., by Oonstable Brown charged with the theft from a 'pedlar s wagon at the Hewis House 0 two brooches, several neck- tie pins, watch chains, combs, etc. He appeared before Magistrates Milligan and Harrell (in. due time, and being only 16 years of age and coming under the Juvenile gO'ender s Ajot, was sen`- tenc_ed' to two month's imprisonment with hard labor. Constable Brown left ` on Wednesday morning 19.!` Barrie with I` 95. - . , g , , J , A7IaIaI8T0!.`_-Wlllle dtlW ; an interim on`Fritlay"afternoon',` Dunn, .Pn_blic schoolttnstes,{fellJ 'fhat | 5 very easy matter," responded the otcer. Go into the oabin where the V birds can't see you and I will have Jack down. here in no time. IIIL- I. . _ m A and (Mn tho nA|'\In urhnlln w--w ---r - _ . . . .Eve:fyona who knowathat popu- ;'lnr Iriqhmnn, Jimmy Dyryor, of Ad- jalu, `will aymat1iize with _.him in an glint" befl him 3 f91r'dsya*igo. While oroqpifg I pridge oh the thiri `lixi at u` `of ht?-the AD`vANon j Sott s Emulsioh is nt Ta" _baby food,A but is a most excellent food for babies who are not1Wcll nourihjed. - - A part of Va_ teaspoonful mixed in milk ` and given every three or four hours, will `give the most happy 5 results. axle of the wagon broke and Jimn_1y and the load were both` thrown into the river, which disposed of the load in a very short time..}.On Wednesday", July `6th, a pretty wedding was cele- brated in St. Mary e`church, Maxwell, when Rev. J. C. Farrier, rector of St. J title : church, Fenton, Mich., and Miss Mary Irene Strachan, third daughter of Mr. J amee Strachan, formerly of Alliston, were ioined in the bonds of mat:-imony.. The-`church, which was prettily decorated, was lled with a large number of friends of the con- tracting par-tiea.-Hera.ld. ' The Codi-liver oil with the hypophosphites added, as in this palatable emulsion, not only to feeds the child, but also` regulates its digestive % functions. 1 Ask your doctor about this, WHY DON'T YOU LAUGH ? Why don t you laugh, young man, when troubles come. \ Instead of sitting round- so sour and glum ? You cannot have all play, V _ And sunshine every (lay ; When troubles come, I say, why don t you laugh ? ' Why don't you laugh? Twill ever help to soothe The aches and pains. No roadjjn life in There a many an unseen bump, And many a. hidden stump O er which ydu ll have to jump. Why don t you laugh? wno was out one mg. I wish` I could see him, said the little boy, who was greatly interested in the birds. nu-u_-u- - ...-....a noun wand-.i-nu " rnnnnndg Iv:--w , If you would mend it, now, Pray let me tell yonlhow : J uet milk another cow ! Why don't you laugh '2 Why don t you laugh? Don t let your spir- i its wilt, y Don t: sit and cry becauhenho milk you've And keep us mortals all from getting blue 2 A laugh will always win ; * If you can : laugh,|juat grin- Come on, let : all join in ! Why don : you laugh 2 1-, -_ I`_._._L.. __ ru_-'n:_ Why don't you 1augh,'and make us a.ll"laugh, War Becoming Lees Destructive. An interesting table can be made showing the percentages of slain in a number of the most importantbattles in history: 1-V -'~~~~ 451 Chalonsn-on-..........l. \ 732"Tom-s.................. 14:66 Hastiugs........ ..... .. 1346 Cressy............ .... .. 14:5 Agincoux-t.............. 15:3 FloddenField........... 1704 Blenheim....... ..... x8o7 Friedla.nd....... ...... .. 18:5 Water-100...... ....... .. 1863 Gettysburg`............. :86: Antietam...... 1894 PingYan............. O- . 114.4 A_A.I..._ V-I-5 ---- v - - - - - . V - V . .~ ;894 PortArthur............ O,_U aw,` `W Atbval'a.............`..... n (I ll-..!I- D-.. 1898 Manila. Bay.......`..... 5,000 78 1.6 `Information doubtful. V **x897-In the recent Graeoo-Turkish war there were only 694 Greek oiders and men killed alto- nL __ B.C. Battle. 490 Ma.rathon.............. 33: OOWD. nero lu uu uuuu. The boy moved into the cabin, where the other passengers had gone toesoape wind and spray, while the purser stepped A to the side of the steamer. urn LL--- T....1ylH Inn aknnfzn annnlnu Subscribe for Tin ADVANCE, the beat weekly paper in the County of Simone. CURE ALL LI'V_:'2E'J2B ILLSV A POSITIVE CURE FOR lNDlGE8'l'I-61;; _ - CHINE TI 0 1` | . 00N8TlPLTI0lNi` IIIIJGUSNESS. ` ninlt IIIIAIIAOIII DODD $ |_uv1-:I3__ BILIOUNES8g non nnAnAonl1;*.iz 88 1rn1uu. oogxxl-..gI_1n:rsi . nu: su_._I.ow oo1_i.Ic|oN. wana--v wu vw---_V ..'--7 ` - a...,...,. used In blood, wiffiianen e.`.`.3`1``.3'...sa -liver-Thor 32; -`3r$'u the bowels. tone. _stimulate and brace up the whole system.` | o. 31 n o u ., I\!OI_ _'_ ..'..L. -5 -1] Amuuuulgbn .snaAM LAIINIIBYI - We have` urchued and re'opened_-tha='Bu"-tie .St4_eam _Luun_ _ry. xo*Du . treat. mth the: latent modctn aplnnces all ` ofwork. PAT- -RON]! A HOME ll'IlIUS'l.`lIY \and have ounliscauat ourdoor.- srnounohnnns DE VIE THE SAME DAY.- 50c. and 81.00 ; all dmggists. SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists, Tomato. 130 6110 Slut! UI. um uucauuu. _ Hi, there, Jacki he shouted, snapping his ngers over the rail and thrusting his other hand into the pocket of his pea- jacket. Winn 1-I111 nn H19 anld ball slid O.