R. W. A, ROSS, Ph 'ci_an, Surgeo etc., L. R.C_.S. `Edin, L._R .P. London. &cea and night: residence-hm-own : lilock, Dunlop stteet, Rania. Telenhonn -n. DFUWI Iugntz n.:ununcu- Barrie. Telephone 77. L! M. 1`. 1'. at 5. uIasg.- apecnauy- Throat and Nose. 11$; removed to Sand`e"r):'= l opposite post oice. one 54. 7- DRM1. ARTHUR ROSS, L. R. c. P. as. Edin.; .. .&S.G .-Specal't-E Ea. 'n.....o .54 I-lair`:-gtnnved m Sande:-};? BIoc. O H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN 0 on Rel Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Discounted. Collection: made in any of theCounty. Real estate bought and sold. nvey- nncinp in all its branches.` Marriage Licenses tne bounty. Real estate Dougnt anu sum. uonvey- an " . in all its branches.` Marriage Licenses issu . Oce--Ross Block. Dunlop street Barrie. 4:-Iv- MONEY AT 4; AND 5 mm cnnrr._we I have a large amount of private funds to loan at four and a half and 5 per cent.. payable yearly Loans on mortgage will be made eta) to one half the value of the property offered. M ARTHY, PBPLER & MCCARTHY. Barristers. &c.. Barrie. iwliciton in High Court ofjustioes, notanca zuu..., Bongeyancen. 0150:: out the Bank of Toronto, Barns. - Money in sun: of $a,'ono and upwards, to loan at 5 nor cent. H. H. S-nu-rnv, Q.C. G. H. Esrnxc. . I HE BALL PLANING MILL COMPANY-- Cargenterin , Building and manufacturing of Doors. bash. B ' ds, Mouldings, etc. Planin of `all kinds done promptly and satisfactorily. ` ot Blast Drying Kiln. Dxstricfagency for 'ned lum- ber. - Factory-Bayeld Street, Barrie. ODGERS & GALLIE successors to Geo. Ball. this Act shall either directly or indi- rectly purchase or be or become pro- prietor of. or interested in, any crown lands or mining claim _; and any each purchase or interest shall be void ; and if any oicer violates the provisions of this section he shall forfeit his oce. sad in addition thereto shall be liable to a penalty of $500 tor every such oence to be recovered in an,action by -any person who sues for the same. JAS. EDVVARDS CO N V E YA N C E R At his office until 5 p.m.; at his private residence,`68 Mary street, after thai hour. 1 My 'r. BANTZIQG. Clerk Ceenty of Simcoe, win be at his oice, at the Court House. Barrie. every Saturdav. Residence and R0. Cookstown. W 1'. u. unnuu, veterinary aurgeon. nonor . Graduate Ont. Vet. College, Honor member Medical Societv. O'ices-Over Ewans Dry Good store. Dunloo St; Residence r6 Mulcaster St. ---------2___:_______... :TRA'l`I-IVY 8: ESTEN. Ba FRANKLIN J. ROBI_NSON. GRADUATE OF i the School of Practical Science, Toronto. Civil Engineer and Ontario Land Survevor. Plans speci- cations and `estimates on all engineering works pre- ared and submitted on the shortest notice. Ofce. othw_ell's Block. Dunlop street, Barrie. :5-ly DENSI- `J6me- Dxcxinsom. B. A. UIILVDUAV 3 1l\JDl|J.V 1 , DIIIKIXID, I! act` and Dealer: in Coal: of all Kinda. arid eorge town. Grey and Guelggn White Finishin Lime (`gangs-`I-Q A` B" L:n(`n =9` Jabs In-5A DnnCn-n-an'- .-..- ---...--- u. v....-- V - .. up..- `a-\u\Il v `awn. Guel In White Ffnishin Cements of all kinds, ire Bricks and P ten-er`: Hair. Sfnnahnnnn at I-kn Nnrthnrn Railnmv Suyhnlu 1181! . DEOTBIIOIIIG ill U!B lVOl.'|'.lll'lI nauway DWIICII, [foot of John street. near the depot. The bond of this L ? e is better than that of any other kind, and the f ash superior. Oice-Corner of John and El_iza_bethatreets. ...- From the `Bureau of Statistics it {was found that in the rural municipali- ties of Ontario, 1,000,000 days of statute labor and 32,500,000 were spent each year on the roads, or in ten years `an equivalent of $45,000,000. with this amount he could undertake to macadamize in a first-class manner all the roads in these municipalities. ` \~UUlBIIF3 OI an `H103, I` DUCK! auu IVIBSICTCTU In: Hair. Storehouse at the Northern Railway Switch, .fnnt nf Inhn ntl-nah nmr the dnnnt. Tim hnm-I nf [EWSON & CRESWICKE, barristers. - s... not aim Sum-ems Court of Judicatt OUNT & LOUNT, Barristers, Solicitors. Proc- J '- tdn.TNotnries. Convcyanccn. Oceu-cor. an and Clapperton streets, Bame. In V nun-I-_ n_-c__ G30, W, Mocanrmr. 2 )ICK!NS0..N & MACWATT, Barrister! M.-:.. Public. Solicitors of Supfeme Q_qur_t, Ilocn.-rnv. Pu-ux,MoCAx-rmr 8: Duncan, Allistonand Creemorc. . - Pnnnn Connonw a; MCCARTHY , ,_0NALD ROSS B. A.-Bartister. Solicitor, C9nvyapet. etc. . mon_ey to loan, Oices, mkof Toronio Building,0wcnstrect.Barrie. A8-ly MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSU ER. zbTms. Provincial Road Instructor Oomp- bell, speaking a Renfrew recntly said : Drugs and l3hemI4ca|s VANILLA, for ice cream. for instance; Baxmq Pownnn. for cakes. One is 3:61 -ug. of course ; the oiher 3 _chemica ": and than are still others-SPICES of all kinds. cream of tartar; etc. Th0ho8'll.0~-1:. Mtdru ' t DRUG ' STO` `.' `N: `gun 'stpRh`<.>w`u 1:0:-e about them than othexf poop e. ` R. Bosmxo, DENTIST, has removed tojs old oice, over Henderson : hardware Itore. _ V. `v. ;.Wo dnfg Cdme and ask us ahbut.l.iithe.n Drum- [OHNSON & SARJEANT; BARRIE, zmrg. and npninl-Q :11 (`Ania n` all `(hide ant` -. In the %Kitchen. {monmu's onus STORE ENGINEER AND svnvmrons. The -newest issue of Mulock stamps "is out and looks like what it is-a botch. ` The issue it replaces was fair, so far as appearance went, but it lacked distinctness, as it bore no numeral to show the denomination. In the new Issue an ugly numeral has been insert- ed in the lower corners, in a way to spoil the whole effect, and make _about as inartistic a thing as has been seen for a long time. If the Post Oice Department, with a new political chief and a new political deputy, cannot give something better in the` way of new stamps, it had better go back to the old issue it undertook to replace.- Packet. ' __._..______________________. T. ARNALL, _M.D.C.`M,, office in Bothwelfs Block, Allandale. On the ptemisesatnight. 4a.lv F. C. GREGG, Veterinary Surgeon. Honor (`wraiinntna (`I-IL, Vet. Cnllnob, Hnnnr momhnr VETERINARY svnanon. yj':Bpr|ey"`A lliaton and Crecmv ore. = Lnmcox & Bows, Elmvnla gm, Dunlop nnd Owen m. Elm- -~ ~ "nu Hunt : hotel. Money to loan RADENHURST, Barrister, Attorney. :.:..a.---4..-.~ Cdnveyancer, _etc. FOR INVESTMENT on good freehold security at lowest rate of Norincipal money required until end of ._ _ H- STRAIHY. Solicitor. Em. ARE NEEDED EVERY DAY" .93 nuNLo1>.sr. BA RIuE.` `ms a; known, nmmm, Solic- .T*'1IAuan1'o1 Lumox, W. A. Bows. lat team-Frank McKerqan' (npt.), `=Mio1ne1 Oliver, L. Dalton, William Hurt, Johp'___lIcD91}ql<}, Chat-lie'Cl_sif6n,' John Mwphy. . Stephen Furlong. John ..gg`oy-.-58:mna. .. _ L V . %W-!**: 9"!~"1?i*!JA(*v*% . . _` ,, Lit .`\ I,` tux.-'7 X_ `s `V :1u"_"-`-_`"-ANtnuncrrvn::as.* cot, Dunlop and Uwen nu. nun- iith Hunt : hotel. Money fllapll IIIOIICY I" ll DUI I eq urea . l-I. STRAIHY, Solicitor, _PYSIUlAN8. FINANCIAL. nnmusrs. LEGAL. OFFICIAL. Baseball Match. '.l.`ho_ following tvio.dlhbi'f-qeleotad 1`-_o_in_ en. Bgpcrlt Soh ool.b_6ya _plajed,a' 'bg1l` m`sch`in t`he'eld tb M6-' ,O;1-t'hy u grove, pn '.l.`hIlI'ldi2,: nit: , 1 C d- to 51 . D. 1?. Ihcwarr. Aux. Comm. '3 D10! 7-ly 3.110 or Etc.. , j` THE NORTHERN Aovpmci ' A F ADVERTISING RATES. "";,'E`.`,.':.';?; :...`,'.`:.?.?1.: .':..f::;F:;,2 , FOUR C0l"l_l}8. , . 114---; 21.` _-L ...--L_ vv-. nu. `Aim, "if not ?pii{e,"doub1e that of H j paper published in Bame_ y ll: munrlsnns snoum NOTE ml, new l2_lines solid nonpareil make 1 inch TRANSIENT Anvsnwlssmlms First insertion 10 cents per lin qnent insertion 4 cents per line, e` each `We- Reggiing notices, 10 cents `per ne fo insertion ; 5 cents per line for each snbsiqlm insertion of the seine matter. All it,:m`lt der 5 lines, of this character, chargedn. hnIe;.galOi'1`dG M , cm an overnment . ments will be charged at above rate8_ad'"lHe. CONTRACT ADVERTISING, Contract advertisements will bg mm the following rates! wliich are drafted on rect commercial principles and will be smcnlr. aiilliered to". There W111 be only one pcemkl a . ' or one month-the thre with 15 per cent. added. `DITA: 9-urn vnnnf}1a__H-no Hn-on -.....-nu '":3- in the paper will bu sold at an advance of one-third on 350,; rates. This rule W111 be stnctly carried out`. CONTRACT CHANGES.| Advertisers will please bear in mind gm notice of intention to change advertiseme:-,, must be handed into the oice not later ah Satmday at '10 o'clock, and the copy for such change must be in Tm: Anvsxcn once not later thin 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday in 4, week, otherwise the advertiser s announcemgn} may not be made public until the week fol. lowing. ` I0 nlunumn nf Avnrfinamnntn allnnwl -,, Wlltu LU Pct ucuv. auucu. `For two months-the three monthly nu l`2u.Z:.lxanges of Adver_t1'sements allowed pg; year. It more are requn-ed, composition me, will be charged. Ailumvl-inn:-n u" nnf, Ln annn-ml fn m...L.:. _ A Manitoulin Curiosity. A correspondent writing to the Man- itoulin Expositor says :-In the house of Mr. John Palmer, East `Campbell, there is a clock which_ has been handed down from father to. son since 1660. It was` not known how long the clock was in existence previous to the above date but Mr. Palmercan traoeiteghis-T tory back to his ancestors livingin the reign of Charles II. It is todsy., perfect time keeper and has every cp- pearance of living another two hundred and fty years if cared for by future , ,_D,,II_ ._ SA. 1... I______ W111 uc Dual Ia: . Advertmers will not be allowed to use they space for advertismg anything outside they .own regular business. Should they do so transient rates will be charged for such zd. vertisements. ` CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. Condensed advertisements on first page sud as wants of all kinds, lost and found. prnpem for sale or to rent, snecic articles, etc.. em, must be accompanied with the cash, and will be inserted-hr|t insertion 2_ cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per wore` (names, addresses and gures counted as words); but a reduction of one cent per word will be made when the niimber of insertion: of the same matter exceed four. Out! for 1:l;o:fi!enenu must In even case be mounted onpoud meulbues. Provincial Building and Loan Association. worm nou1aasnn,| STANDARD LIFE. `LONDON GUARANTEE AND ACCI DENT (JGMPANY. PROVINCIAL BUILDING AND Lon ASSOCIATION. ETC., ETC., ETC. REPRESENT nu: Fonnowmc Fm: lxsL`.w'~`= COMPANIES: Th6 Mercantile, now afliated w'1`.h The don 8: Lancashire of England. M-~ ity, $1 5,ooo,ooo. W The Waterloo Mutual, of Water1oo,0~- Tothl assets, $334,083. The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. 093 Total assets. $303.0-,-8. _ Also Llovd s Plate Glass Insura.n_C6 penny, of New York. Cash capltah ~` 000. And the Sun Loan and Savings Cmpn5 of Ontario. ~ . A." Pnvate funds ,to loan on first mortgage` . counts collected. &c. SW. nmnn nunr nnnnrcnn e I-I:lI'd\V3l'e SID: OFFICE--Next door to Bank of Toronto, EOWEN STREET. - - B.um_z SCROGGIE &. SMITH. ;ener;i:>na' carefully as it 1:53 by the past. It is a pmblam to know to whom Mr. Palmer will the .counts collected &c. I F oOfce over I-I enderson,s Hardware [ nt. | . T SCROGGIE 6. SMITH. SUBSCRIBE-D- CAPITAL $250,000. 4 Per Cent. lniorent Paid on mm: mm 2. snvmus cu. -INCORPORATED 1881. Thg ~\\ `\\_\ . Security to com 1' 1) Dan Gbosit - V is undogetilf 3 Loan Run!` ` the 0 `1th m- aim Dunlap am?` Mr is L`? The 3 Ocurit 5' to de ` P08` . Itors In a. Loan Co.)_ when! ted n is no . lngta nee " record Cdv. 60 h` I gver nude a loss by a Loan lIIl|bl\l|Il|b |ZAUUlluIU"'Co_ Via the NORTH SHORE NAVIGA:;\.;[hv' Limited, Royal Mail Line, in conuectnon G.'I~`.R., c P.R.nnd Pa Sound mad Cmo: . Steamcrs...CI`Y o1='H1DL(:31~{|I_> an , 1.4 DADDV (\IY\YI\ ....:II 1..-..- at 1 pan. and Midland 2 pm 5 PARRY SOUND will leave (.JO1lInE"""'n '1`l.'V; Meaford 4.00. Owen Sound n._45 p.m-- `inpons-` mas and FR,lDAYS, res nve1>:.f;. 5, . an on North `Shore and t e Mamtoulip Ste. Marin -ind Mackinac. Fare. found ":lt:'>u,1` in: ninth and berth. from 'l`oron_to. H3`t`ion,, o` don.` Stratford and all imermednate ?"Wre $1~8.5o.' 'Str.CITY or TORONTO _wnll Wu F for P Sound, connecting 'hefeln"` ?-cP.;2rrv.`s'nnnd R: - and steamers f,r TW Lumtea, Royal I R.R. Clfy Of * OF `H! d Man Lane, In Cuuucw-" DLAND { PARRY SOUND will leave conangw`` \ nafnrr` A an (`man Qnnnr` ILAR D.m" OE, I7-3'2?e PQII. --nun -v-.--- o 7S3und I"" "" - 7 ' t ng P'n'. .f .ii'. t.?.`."r`.i,f IE1? .4. 12:... an:-l-Kllnrnev on M '3rPa"tryT`s3u . -Ar~ezam:`.`1 .`.`.;rx*;.;L,.:`:`;`:.;:o;%;;:aIW; " "1_;f& A n1 to all Railway A entssgd '1? ' ND. I ()N& Co Agengg, wen 3. l.:.BURTON, Mgngker co'mngwd' Ont, ` RIXON & co, Agents. 0w=5" |;GroS8-Cut Amrnomznn CAPITAL, $5,000,000. j? Mmlunc rxcuB.'2![ 6.5.: rams: sbov-`J4 -BARBIE. FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE AGENT INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS. &C. J ULY 14, lxsms.':| Deposm | Toand%From5Banie Collier street Meenoaiae -Snndfsy. school held their excursion `lest Wed- nesday to. Bay Point by `steamer Enterprise. The children of the school with seversl parents and friends went to the Point on the morning trip, most of the `sdult exonrsionists "waiting -for the stternoon trip. In thesfternoon s ..____L program of :[;:;fts much` amusement. T The events and winners were as follows: ` ' - ' --.,- Bndge1fa, Frank San'lera.' . 7 year; andiunder, 75 ydl. Percy Plaxton, Maitland Holmes. -' I-.. 1 __J-n n-an`): -L Ulvy A. nun-nvv- --_...._. 10 years anti ;1:ler, 106 yiie.._Areoe- ,;Roy Grant, Jemee Heard. 12 yeare and nude}, 3 legged race, 75 yde.-Lnui-ie Smith `and Morten, Hat`-vey Smith andilioy Grant. ' ' 12 years and"nnder, bobb race, 100 yde.---Beechar Oonron, Laurie Smith. 15 years and under, 100' yde. rede- George Merton, Gordon Plexton. _Men e nee, jr., .100 yde.-F. Man, A. 0. Batten, H. E_llie. A .1\ 1' ____g_ _ . GIRLS. V 5 .years and under, '75 '-yda. `racia- Katie Rodgers, Sherly Smith. 7 years and under, 75 yds.` race--' Jaaie Smith, Ella Coleman. . 10 years and under, 100 yds. race- Edna Taylor, My Davy. ` 12 years and under, 100 ydu. race- Edith DoddI,VAds Smith. I An __1_ _____ R. Us Aluuavu, ...u ........f I V Men : race, on, I00 yda.--`D.' Lewis, R. King, ar., G. T. Evian. A 15 years and under, 100 yde.-race- Edith Dodda, Ethel Heard. _ 3 legged `race-t-A de Smith and Ethel T-`Heard, Pearl Bell `and Bertha Brown. - At the close of the races prizes were distributed to the winners. Two hundred parcels of oandiee were `distributed among the children. In the afternoon several persons took in the trip across: the lake to J aokon a Point. A The nancial results of the excursion` were aatiafactory. Last Wednesday evening a moonlight excursion to Big Bay Point on the steamer Enterprise was held under the auspices of the Ladies Guild of Trinity church. The 35th baud paraded Dun- lop street tothe best, wherethey play- ed several selections before the boat moved out. The trip down was en- livened by music from the band, and also by pianists in the cabin. Refresh- ments were served by the members of the Guild. Atthe park many young folk tripped thelight _fantastic toe to mili- tary music while others strolled about the beautiful grounds. The boat at- rived home about 12- o'clock. A union Sunday school excursion from Newmarket reached town on Thursday last per special train about 8 o clcck and at cnceprcceeded by boat totrawberry Island and Orillia. The Citizens Band of Newmarket played sweet music on the dock and at inter- vals during the trip on the lake. The party arrived back at 7.39 and imme diately left for home; a A union Sunday school excursion from Keswick and vicinity arrived in town per steamer Enterprise last Thurs- day afternoon, after remaining at Big Bay Point for two hours. They had a delightful sail across the lake, and after strolling about town `for two hours via- iting many points of interest, returned home, The excursion was well pat- Fow tnoonlight excursions were more enjoyable than th_a.t given by tha.Odd- follows to Morton : Bark loot Thursday night. The event had been well edver-. tised in all `part: of the town, -with the result that the boat was well lled, making the ehir e_ greet enooeea nen- eielly and otherwise. The` 35th` Band was on board and at during the trip and at Mertotfe Park enter-" tained ` `exeujnionietel to. sweet 'mnaio. Here and there in elllpttteof the ; ye `group; of peqple Venjoyiugetheme loh3.* :77'll?&!i?8a ,._.9A- 1 '._._.____I' V3XCZ :t;. `A :15" ui;1;n:i feature of the _exouu idn 1'v`uH}1. e trbt *1=ih W14 PL 0.9 iri the`-vzsyinf as of `lies }"A*~'A 91`9'* 4T"? :"'?`~ yet-geniglv: : bright g 1*ih*5is1i5dzv1e-snraA%9the . A _ nova. 5 years and under, 75 yds. race--Joe -In I __ _1____ .1 an 12.14; i'_' % noss -ru-mt , Ing_i-`. In the hourof loldier has displayed theiiime Alo Slxon pluck which won the ploii of` Waterloo `and which has British honor under the hot suns of A .1 g "__'_ __ .1 Jud? roiuiuea nhtil fiom Barrie. Many who mg-to 1 Q. short vihit to his have _ other: walked about the sense. or van ited thvparks. ' . _` ` A are no .. ` .ll_g bu . ` :.=;`_9!i0n.V I ~| ~`t`.`t:..L `J Tracld Ddath of a Printer Formerly of 1!);-J- `Mr. Ajexondor wovllo-known compositor, left his work in The Mone- tary Times oioe, Toronto, at V6 o olock gV'.I.`hnrsdsy evening. ' He was an elderly men and very deat, being in the habit of carrying an ear trumpet. At the intersection of Lombard he endea- vored to cross Church street, and his attention being attrsoted by a passing wagon he did not see or hear a Church street car, which was moving rapidly towsrds him. The car was on the down trip and was travelling at is high rate of With hiniad mni in an opposite direction Mr. Lawrie stopped aqooroly in front of the motor, and as the fender Aoaoght him head was thrown the _re_eotor in front of the car, smaahing the heovy gla'na.- ` Motorman John Pipercould not stop his car until "almost opposite the Public Library, over the length of a.b1ook'. The body was shoved along in front of the fender over the rough cobble stones for all this distance, and it gradually wcrked_unde_rneath as f the car rocked . up-and down.` `When the motor had nally stopped Lawrie was found to be terribly hurt. Hisskull was fractured, the right hip was dislooated,his should- er blade and three ribs fractured, and his legs were twisted completely around. - It was thought his life had been` instantly crushed out, and the patrol wagon was summoned. D-r. English, of London, one of the physic- ians of the Grand Trunk, who is here attending the convention of railroad surgeons, .was passing, and heexamined `the dying man, nding him still breath- ing. He had Lawrie hurried in the wagon to St. Michael's Hospital. where he died a few moments after being ad- mitted. Coroner Young immediately ordered an inquest for Friday morning at 11 o'clock. The jury will view the body at the hospital. Eye-witneeeee of the tragedy say that the car was running very fast, but tht the motorman rang his bell repeatedly. The motor was in charge of Conductor D. Flynn. . -I'.. T gnu-A muons can-an II - "3713: fIa;i3'{}ZL"6" }1L'&1a. He had lived in the city for a long time, and leaves a widow and a grown-up family of three sons and two daughters. Bessie isthe wife of Mr. J; J. Carnegie," M.PP. Frank is manager of the Bell Telephone Company. at Chatham, an- other son is Dr. Lawrie of Oobooonk. Reginald is a printer in Rat Portage, and Maggie is wife of Mr. Curry, of Dewart. Mrs. Lawrie, wife of the dead man, had been holidaying at Duart. m|._ .I .... ......'l _...... ........... _......... _..._ _ IIUUII-Q IIJIIII --- vv-- --v----J --a -v .-v -y-. -. The deceased was some years ago a job printer in Barrie, and was a brother-in.law of Mr. Richard Drury, `Owen-st,, and Mr. S. Soules. He re- moved to Toronto some twelve or fteen years ago, but previous to that time lived most of the time here. His job printing oioe was on the S. W. corner of Elizabeth and Mary streets. For many_ years he lived in the east end on the property nowpowned by Mrs. John Rainford. V Humans have an hour of trial. `worthy of mention `when -compared with British trials (at Waterloo '1 VI-IILLVIJIIII V Advance Correspondence. . W. Scott Reive is home for the holi- days. C--I\lL I 00.! nn 1 V;W..jLittl, of Ottawa, is spend- ing a few days with Dr. and Mrs. A. T. _I:i_ttle. .-r 1- n I '-.n'nn_,, ,,J J .; P. Lemon is visiting friends at Lindsay. c... A nun; Lucas, -`teacher Vof Flea, and Mind TR. Lucas, of Togonto, are visiting friend; in -vicinity. V 0 `Inc 1 ' .-- --- -- -12. .\ - y 1 . twat:-rn:.j..`ias..;.a(.,ML1.e,A "Em. ....:e.l TBo'yes_, jr,.,` s;)ent the_ at -Richmond Hill; Mr, `Robinson at his hdme at Maple; arid James` Degeer at `Toronto. V Mr. and -Mrs. John Switzer and family, bf New Lowell, visited friends it the home of Mrs. J amen Sloan. for a short time .Mon(`_iey. l % A. F. A. Meloemson, after taking in :the 'Midlm1-Pergyieuud excursion of July `let, returned home Saturday- `liolideyav under "the pars ALEXANDER KILLED. M1-;JV. AI Mithef;-,_ ji-., spent` Domin- ionf D-7 iap 1r99t-` ` -..`...'\'.'2.L'.L;~ ---- L !"".L -p n_ `o The palsver of the above sentence by Hon.` G. W. Ross makes it almost" unnecessary to say it wes addressed to an American sudience. When 7 the slick Mr. Ross can answer satisfactor- lly the following questions people will believe he was not `talking nonsense: . -in'1 In! squire `m.a.`a:Tn;t}...a%;-. am in Totonto.'1apb f Hoe me to; last wekwme.) mu NORTHERN ADVANCE. hingtri` da e:;6for' _the pqpt:wa_k. "a r.` .. ed by Mia `Bani, in .8. few ` dugghter, -1 AL. (1 Ciibv Cvvctitd The moohight excursion V of the 0- cff Moiidov night. 4th inst. j`~h`.m8h the weutherwaanot Allan; could be.d- There were about four hundred on bond, and everybody e`xpr6II0dA'd6-._ light with the trip. . un__ 1-.- 1-._ 1--.. ..'...I.'- :-...g \ I 4 Mr. John iiald-win is preparing the timber fozj big barn of 3 type dif- ferent from the heme usually erected Thomas Leonard is at Deljton and Rev. E. A. Brown at Qneeneville. We Mr.` and Leonard every 3 sudoese _h`e:re.' Mr. Jane: E. Lennox did not ano- ceed in` hie oeaeagainet the triendfe of the temperance cause, and we hope he is now A wise: men and will act accord- fwliiz-'. T. M. White : new barn wps zfiisoti on Thnmdoy, and he had 3 g'guig.of 80 or 90. men who with humor: and atrotugmnaole put each piece- of tidibor in itaplioe without blunder-_ ing and without accident. The nee who pretty and close. I A` - J,-LL " "V I",`i It is our;& dug, to report the death of Tholnae Jory, which took place: on Sunday morning. She -had not been well for eome time but had done" her work until a few weeks ago. About -ten days ago she took very ill, and a relepee on Sunday morning took her awny from her family and friends. Her death so soon after that of Mrs. W. J. White has cast a gloom over the en tire community. _ ` --V__ 5 "(2) give Ainorioona ever had the ppportnnity to display in battle Anglo- ioxon .plucE 2 Cherry Creek. Advance Correspondence. W. Lynn, teachergt Grenfel, in home for the holidays. ` M `Mr. and M}; Clark, of Shroud, visit- ed Mr. I{.obinson on Sunday. Z "E. Lyhd has arrived home. after teach- ing six months in the north. Melvin Peacock was writing on his commercial Exam. at Bertie last week. Mr. Phemister, of this place occupied the pulpit st Strand last Sunday night. F. Clement, law student, Barrie, spent Sunday beneath the parental Rev. Mr. Wane preached hie t-at sermon here on Sunday, 2nd `inst. Mr. Walker in taking his place on the Angus circuit. A V JILIUQ U0 -I-VIIII-I3!-\lD\IUCI Mr. G. Fitzgerald is visiting his brother in Penetang. Mrs. Hutton, Hiilsdale, was renew- ing old acquaintances here lutely. ` 1 II" A 1"'I'-,,`I_2__.. - Master W; and Miss A. Hopkins, of Dove:-court, are waiting friends here. Fergusonvale. Advance Correspondence. ; Miss Olive Richardson, Apto, visited M11 J. ;l.%ich'_1_'dson. I ' ,,S,!':AS_ -, L3- - `Mi; Ms}; Mitchell,` Hilledale, was the guest of her `cousin, Miss Nellie Mitchell, recently. I 'I'CU'--"~"" - , A (3) Does he know of one instance -lnethe history of the American Repub- 'llc resembling or even approaching the pluck that has been endured in vindi-p outing British -honor in India ! 2 j--LL If the United States had only taken pity on the thousands of suffering Americans who are troubled with d spepsia, biliousuess. constipation, sick hea ache, dizziness, heart burn and other complaints caused by an un- healthy state of the liver or kidneys and nsgnnn ham :1 On hnv nf 'nnr'I n Liver Pill: neuuzny anew In our: uvvu. us zuuuuyo uuu given them a. 250. box of Dodd e Liver Pills they would have received thousands of bless- ings. 25 "cents at all druggiata. a...1...,.... J `me ;:: 'j.~_ = Entertaining Reading. tains much interesting reading matter. There are four stories, two of which are by Canadians. Miss Jones second article on Swiss Life and Scenery is very bright and beautifully illus- trated. Sir John G. Bourinot s scholar- 137 article on The Fathers of Respon- _ sible Government is accompanied by portraits of Lord Durham, Lord Elgin, Louis J. Papineau, William Lyon `Mackenzie, Joseph Howe, Robert Baldwin, Sir Francis Hincks, Sir L. J. Lafontaine, Sir J ohn' Harvey and Lord Sydenha-m. A. C. Cauelman . opportune article on The Stamps of Canada 9 and James f__H'edley_ another on Returns: What` They '.lfeach`.' E. 3 Nicholls, ot "AVa`n6oI'irver,, tells 'm'any' stories of the...`-late Justice of V ,John}A>.a `,hp;Glohe a r ... _ 4 The July Canadian Magazine con- -._- -._- -__r_ (Too late for last Week : issue.) T Too lat; fmuhst week's issue. (Too late for last week's issue.) (Too lte {Jr last week's issue.) -in-rv at lowest rates. Ia, In-. ..... _, H`..'f`: 3 s'"'3 n of J di z s ' [I C U fame `I U 3 Te 0 omu, C0 -P:-octon. etc. `Moneyto loan. "Oices-`Ross Blogkv, Ear:-ie. A. E. H. Cuswxcxn. , Berhape Mr. Rose" feels his indebt- bdnua [to Americans since he stable 3 poem from that deceased American poet celled Dr. Holland. A; Iuxbsnu unsr, ` " 1:3` Cdnveyancer etc. ,Oco`-Fin; door Owen street. over Bank of Com- -...`.-.~.. Rm-rm. 49- `_"_m"_`" " -""l'3arns` ten, Sohcwors In ofjustices, Notaries Public, n..............-..-._ oiees the IJIIII I.l.I\l vIDl I"" | WI. UNT) "C0 m-out oC._$R'1`HY,_IfEPLE_R & McCAR'l`HY, Bar- . . Convcyanccrs, etc. D'Au-on McCuu`mt_, Q.C. F. E. P. Pm-Ln . Q.C. J. A. Mocuu-mr _D. C. Mvxcmsou. jf` ' 'E.n.ge"""' T-i=1.'e:. "ram'.._:o. ' :.':.:3r.:':`::f.;:tf".. 5; ..".'.:.'.: {.1 .3`..'::'.:; c.n,...' ; ::*",.%`....*"':*s~=== . ea ` O in of Ontario. 0_cca.nd Residence, 18 Owen 3: .-533'" Duh}. F. Pallin , cm... of Trinity University - ` omnto, P w of Tdnity Medscal College, M.....1...v nf-tlln Cnllurn of Bhvsimnshnd Surgeons R. . c. smrrn, L.C.P.S. o t. (late in . I-llu-no` & Smith Onll:a' ' .) oa?c. ana resxdenee' " -corner of Owen and Colher streets, Barrie. e3-ly mum Gnnnazna BY ormomns. One of the most disgraceful features `of the administration of mining a'airs In the Yukon is the grabbing part (at lalaried mining` ocials are taking in gobbling up valuable claims, and` yet Oliord Sifton, Minister _of_ Interior, does not object. Prospectors are com- pelled to report their nds [to these mining oioials, who `at once hie away to stake out the most valuable of these nds for themselves. The following clause in the Ontario Mining Act should be adopted andenfcrced in the Yukon :-" No oicer appointed under