Y ut` _ ran` sA LE or! T0 %a1:;Ls:7ITf,T -iW ADVEBTISEME s. The J eweler. 86 Duinnlop-st. L-IV THE INTERESIIS ' or BARRIE, ran` COUNTY or smcon AND run DOMINION or CANADA ox cmmzuon. -l-' cl-V-I-I-uni: 5c:H5L.ARsI-m=> . _ awn Grade Bualneu Ogllego jes right up-to- |..IvIv.,v Boa : 3q3. Bartie. BARRIE, COUNTY OF SIMCOE, ONTARIO, JULY 7, 1898. [$49,000 0 3005; 20,000 innnuma LIGEIIJS, LETTERS. man are H. H. 8trathy s and F. E. P. Peplar s Estimatas[raspectiva1y% % of the Waterworks Plant, L wva BB J. [GI-|U Ell Hllylll-ll HOD UUULI LIUIIIQ Last Friday H. `H. Strathy. Q.C., and? Haughton Lennox, counsel for the town, 1 concluded their at ument, and were follow- ed bv F. E. P. Pep er. Q.C , and A. E. `H. Creswioke, counsel for the Company, with rebuttal argument. A . Mr` Qt-.1-at-Inn (`wait 14-. urn-nn Inn:-II-L an 1-1-an `The leateittinga in Barrie of the Beard of : Arbitration re the value of Barrie Water- works Plant and system has been held. T ~ Lam-. mianv H '1! .qOIInI,l||v Fl F`. ant` `CVIIIJUUWI Q5 IIIIIUIIIII Mr.` Strathy dweltat some length on the question ofcosts and the statutory 10 per cent. often added to` awards, and ut in all the possible arguments relative to t ese mat- ters in the town : favor. He submitted the 3 following gures-as what he considered a 1 fair estimate of the works, judging from the 1 evidence : ` 1 `Receiving Well . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$ 2,056 10 Artesian Wells . . ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461 00 Pipe Svstem.... . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.495 42 Stand Pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,136 20 Pump and Boiler House ..... . . . 25777 74 Pump House Lot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750 00 Machinery (boilers and smoke at-nnlr dnnlnstin R 720 m i `y ` Q `|`i `D9 .c:lde:f . IO - L V IV`, I LVIIKUUUTM IWIQLLWVI UV VII`! $189,000 in stock, which the Company ha issued; Arbitrator Barwick said that 9. Q`-ninmnnn ll` gunk an nu-nnvnnl-, A` ml-An`) :a . have wv -'--- - _ csunm BUSINESS comet, OF TORONTO, ' SW '~""`inf`f3.`}3`i;?.';'i:..'2.`3};,'c?o.Y'ii ' t0 . . . ;::1(:::ft:1])' furmshed. Mentxon thx paper. Add;-es, I53uU\L i 3| UI Inl-GUUL IJGI. W IVE DIIIIL Illlllll I-I statement of such an amount of stock is: looked upon asajoke.` Mr. Barwick said when Brockville and Cornwall cases were referred to, I do not purpose being inu- enced in any way by what may have been done in Brockville, or any other place; I will conne myself to Barrie alone." Judge. 1 Benson, Chairman of the Board, said sym- ` pathy would not have any weight with them ; in determining the award. Mr. Pepler said 1 he thought the award should be about $l20,- I 000, which is midway between Mr. Vaniex- s estimate ($105,000) of the works in their present condition and Mr. W. H. Crose s estimate ($143,000) of their commezcial value". At this price he thought the town would be getting an exceedingly good bar'- gain. and the award should.not be less. Klan Q1-r-nlliu landrl The fnmn in VAPV (`A- lull. uuu mu: uwcuu auuuIu.uuu uw luo Mr. Stratliy said. The town is verv de- Hsirous of knowing the time when `the"a.ward will be published; do you think you can- givens any approximate idea of the date ? _Tn4-Inn unnnnn__ n!!! `Aha `E 1151}!!! glvqua uuy uppl.'Ulu.luuIaU luau UL unu umu: 3 Judge Benaon-- How long will it take you to extend your notes, Mr. Laughlan ? ] Stenographer La.ughlan- Ten da.ys..w' 1;-Inn nnnann-1:" TO! :6: vnrv (Hf?-'|nI1I!:"'fnr IJIU IJUWIKC Iu\I UWJ VV IIUA ready tor publication." MB .q.v-nrku___ In `E U55 yuu ll-I GI-I lll LII-"IUD 3 Mr. Barker-- Yes, it is our iixtention to ` sit as continuously as possible. *1 Mr"-_ Pnnlm-and Mr- Strathv thanked the DDUl.|Ul.'PuVl' uuuguuau-- .|.Uu uulu. ` Judge Benson-" It is. very diicult` for 3 the Board to say when `the award w ill_be ; unnrln In-uv r\I'I`\`=IIIlf:l'|I'I IUCUJ [UK yUUllUGUIU: _ _ Mr. Stranhy-- Is it the Board s intention to` sit continuously, after the stenographer has put in all his notes ? Mu 'RnuIn.no_U van II-, In nuns N14-nntinn I-A HIV 0 UUI-I UIIIUUUBI .JUBDlUlUo `. . n -Y "" Mr. Pepler and Mr. Strathy thanked thel Arbitrators for the consideration they had received during their presentation of their respective cases. J udge Benson, on behalf of the Board. ex ressed the pleasure they had experienced uring their soiourn in Bar- rie. He desired to express the extreme fair- ness with which the arbitration had proceed- ed. While each side had presented their case as strongly as possible, yet there had been a` marked regard for fairness of state- ment. The arbitration proceedings had been somewhat protracted, but the Board thought that they ought not to shut out anything that should be presented by either side. I `How Qfrnfku in IIAIIIID nvfnnn nnnrfmiin ` RUG Ill IIIIU GI |lI|vlIUlVllo 1 The Board will not estimafe thp consum- ` able supplies, that matter being left by mu- Atual consent to Mr. James Keenan. EH36 auuunu. DU proauuuzu U, uluuul. unuv. ` Mr. Strathy, in reply, extended courtesies to the Board on behalf of the lawyers en- 1 gaged in the arbitration. . ` V 'l`|m 1'-inn:-:1 will not out-imntn t.I-In nnmmm. gxaminatlun, be cheerfully f `* The_nuVthorlti.eVe charge of the House `of- Refuge construction will no doubt take every reoantlon for the disposal of sewage. The . ollowing warning from Berlin `may not be`- nmisejhowevexf. :-_-`.' The corporation of the Town of Betjlin is likely to be called to no- count by the county authorities for ellowing sewage from the -,,eeweg'e.f_s;rnm to run into and pollute oertnln streams of water- outaide the town.limite; It in undetetoodl thet ..the.._P `-~-'- ----l-' - .- , immnlninh hoof v-inoiel,Boer.dg of Health-haI`eleo{ I .1 as MEL $113` `D9-.l'l'0Vul0lI| DUlIl'|J' UL LLDIIIIII uuu uunr ...a_.ppuled ,t_o. a'.l'h6 complaint in of uvbral-`yuanz-standing, and` farmers living ..in,th;yv`ioinity ar,e'.theV,oomil s,inintu'. . Ibis` liEe1ytha_.t an injunction w ' V be &PPlied` foi- to compel Berlin -to take` measures for the -..-......-...a.i.n a! calm nllnnvml 'avil..-Globa_ Oolnpal Darn [HIE Illbnlusvu IUL I suppression of the alleged evil.--Globe. $48,855 E6 Mr. Pepler, in rebuttal. referred to the ` I90 (I00 :11 cl-nnlz nth}:-In tho nnmnnnv hn A Warning to Otiiers. [F CQNTEMPLATING ._,x uch to enter :1: T- A; - I` V` I lO N`1 A_...g..nau 1.131715. 1441a ovv- . ,, And wish to enter a. Business College at has 73 per cam. oi its Graduates in \. good situations correspond wxth the .. -,__ 1".-u-:-unnun nrfnnnrn `DA-nnmin th on`! VVV I-V I , . .. . 4,l3620 ..... ...... .. 75000 3$'`8~ 58a3` om: or THEM Rmronmu on; THE` omnmn REFERRED TO con-nrrrmm. _ | e ` Lighting Committee will Prepare a. $35,- . 000 hlectrlc By-law to be Submitted to Next Council Meeting.-Est1matee of Comm1tteee.-No settlement `as yet With Mrs. H1nde.~-Pa.ym'ent of I _ Accounts--Ad1ournment at 11 o'clock. Councillors Ball and Newberryjwere ab- ! sent from the regular Ineeting of the Town Council on Monday night, nmcrmo 00 s LETTER NO. 1. The `Electric Light Company sent in the following letter dated June 22nd :-- n_ 1.--- 1-1. ._- 1.-.`! LL- h\l..'.r It .-a uyvvw- ----._ - __ Gentlernen,-On June 1st we had the honor to address to you a communication in reference tothe street lighting of the town." We did soon the understanding arrived at .irom public utterances made onthe plat`- lform at the last elections that your honor- lable body would, when the proper time came, deal fairly with our com any. We ]regret, however, that except enc osing to us a copy of a-`resolution making a peremptory ldemand on our. company for information as to the capacity of our plant, an option on same, and permission for the town s engineer to examine the plant, no reply has been given, nor any indication as to whether it was your wish or intention to go into the business of municipal lighting. We would therefore respectfully request a reply` to our letter and particularly as to whether your lhonorable body is prepared to negotiate -with us as to the renewal of the lighting `contract. goou D"-":" """"'|""" """ "" ' Excelsior Busmess llollege, Barns. Documents on le to prove this statement. 26.1). W. J. ROSS, Principal. 4_ Vvu unv-v nu As to naming a price and giving option, while we are willing and anxious to sell at a fair price we hardly think it fair to ask us to enter into competition with manufactur--` ers under the circumstances, particularly when it is openly stated in Council that the proposition from the Council was not bind- ing on them and practically means nothing. It is not diicult, as we know from experi- ence, to szet a comparatively low original estimate or tender, that is a small matter `compared with the nal outlay, but it is a `very dx'erent thing from extending and perfecting a system as we have now done at great expense. ` 1 [I7 _ __:A._ ___:n:_.. g- ....4..... ....... :..4... .. an vu-v want`... .. We are quite willing to enter now into a denite -agreement to sell at a. price to be agreed upon, and failing an agreement as to price. to leave it to three properly qualied electrical engineers. one to be named by each party and they to name the third and those three` to settle the present value of the plant without witnesses or lawyers. COMMI'1`TEE S REPORT ON ABOVE LETTER. ` The above letter was accomganietl by tin. `following report presented y Chairman ` Frawley of _ t_h_e_Electr1c Light Committee :- _ 12_LL2._.. 1_._..:..... I.....1 ELDVVIVJ vs I---_y_---vvv--v --5--v -~_---------- - Your committee on lighting having had i before them the communication from the manager of the Barrie Electric Light Co. in reply to the request of this Council to fur- nish the Mayor with a statement of their plant and the In ice they were prepared to accept for the same, beg to report that as the Electric Light Company evade the plac- ing of a price on their plant as requested, we are unable to recommend the alternative proposition of an arbitration by three electrical experts as such a course would not be satisfactory to the ratepayers and would lead to further delays.-Adopted. ELECTRIC LIGHT C0. S LETTER N0. 2. The following letter from the Electric Light Company bears date July 4th :- --- _.. `In..- nn._.1 :L L... -.-5 - vv--r-._., ._-_._.. _.-.-_ Since writing you on June 22nd it has occurred to us that in view of possible mis- apprehension on the point, it might be well i to have a denite assurance given to the public as to the expenses necessarily attend- ling the valuation which we have proposed. uI11_ LL -__2-_.- __-l.__:L LI... ..1I.....:_.. on... | "34?-V. ;3 therefore the pass] tor your considration : unu - ___;_ A- LL- .......n..I- | vnun Ava JV-no ---..-_-- _-__ The costs to the amount of $200 t9 be equally divided between the town and the company. the latter to psynny expense in excess of $200, the result of which will be that the costs to the town will not exceed $100. HITIA -vs:-|`9l| 41.3.. no-nnnaai he an n:nnAt-:91) qp1uu. We make this proposal in all sincerity as a means of emphasizing our good faith and our pisposition to act openly and equit- ably. as well as with the. object ofaallaying whatever if any misconception of this aspect of the proposed negotiations that may exist in the minds of the ratepayers. ..r-Iv __ _ 0 -- --- _-----. v- --- ----r-~` __r.. We cannot refrain from again expressing our regret at your not responding to our re- quest for negotiations as to a lightingfcom tract, more particularly in _view of the re- peated promises both public and private. nu urn:-1 nf nvhinnninn nnr nnirn fnr an Ad. |J|7lIl.Uu PIIULIIIBUB UUDII yuuuu uuu yaavuav. By way of evidencing our desire for an ad- justment of this long drawn out question, we beg to say we are willing to turnieh the town with 50 street lights at $55 each, and while, of course, it is not a question for the Council. we may add that we propose, in the event of the acceptance of the above. to re- mit for the future all meter rent. As to the term, we will leave that to the Council ; any term for one year or upwards will suit us. nu- annoy AC l'I`l I:I|lI 6`:-la I-4-nun an nnnnitltnn- UVI III III` UIJV Ill InI'JVIW&\lU VIIII EIIIII II!" By way of giving the town an opportun- ity of `ascertaining the annual cost ot run- ning au electric light plant andof demon- strating the truth of our statements as to there beingino prot whatever in it at pres- ent pricea, we are willing to lease to the Council the whole or part of our plant for say a year or more. 'FI-an nl-u-nu: Tat-J-an urn: I-afar-I-at] tn nnmmi. ":::;3 `Hy II JUIIU UK llIUl{Ue The above letter was referred to Commit- tee .for report at next meeting. . R. E. Fletcher wrote : I am in receipt of yours of June 30th, informing me that the Council would return my deposit-of $50 as soon as I would give enunderteking in writing to make good an Y `defects which might appear in the road bed for the next six months. I am sorry to say I cannot comply with the above request. as itie` nopart oil the report of the Commit under which we have been acting. C ' VIVL8- 1-4-C-an cnnn.l.:nI\nnAl' an` Inn Q `abhor nil- uuurr wuwu Wu unvu uvuu humus. I This letter was-disposed of by a. letter or- dering the Treasurer to return to Mr. Flet- cher the $50 depositnboye refer:-ad.to. mu. 1 ,.u_ _,...__L u'n_.L-.u._L _|____|. -.`n_-_1 Us-to w-no .. - wv-V ___--_-.. _ Ellzabetvhv sxfeeivliehodias ahumii asked. for the use of the pavillion in Queen's Park, for -Sunday evening services during the hot weather. On motion of Councillors Johnson and Powell the above requeet was granted. -'i'hT-e'(il:s71;a'hTdaz1Z1I1TfaT:toVt-;` Ztliat wroze recent- ly concetning inducements the town might Loffer. for the establishment of guoh A factory` ;in_:B;ar"i, `wrote at follows :' ,,___ -1. LL- nIv_L _nauu. uv v-pvvv --w cw--- .--. . We are in receipt of yours of the 2131: 4in;t_._ Inreply we have l_ed,.-yours fortu- `tnre consideration; and you may expect to_ `hear fromhp` at an -cu-1y_ data,` concerning factory l 9ca.tinn. 3' . __. A... w-- _....-_-_&.. or .4coms.` Chsirmun McLean of `Finance Committee; I. follgwing pro- recommended payment of the followi: counts : ` -- ' _T V . John Hines. awork.........'....~..$ Jno. Heern, n .... , Joshn'aClarksonu ' Jno;Oalvert,' ~u .....,.....`..... Ed. O'Connell in . . . . HughLonrd, n ...i............ W conne o o - u nu: Wes. Heb,ener,~ n ...... . . . . . . Thou. Fleming, n .'. .... Thos. wedlock, n , . . . . . . . . .. .. A . Joe.` Perkins, n ` . . . . . . . . .. J on. Gounge, n . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . R. 0 Donnell, u . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . W. Partridge, No. 2, work . . . . . . Jsmes Owens, u . . . . . . . . Joseph Ellis. u . . . . . . . . J no. S. Partridge, , * u . . . . . . . . Jno. Clayton, , u . . . . . . .. Wm. Meeking, n . . . . . . .. Alex. McFadden, n . . . . . . C. Sherlock, , u . . . . . . . . Joseph Jones, u . . . . .. . Wm. Dodrls,` _n . . . . . . . .. John Heiferu, sr.,` _ . . Edward Scott, team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ed. \Villiams u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Salter, u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wm. Johnson. In . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thomas Lee, H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jno. Spearin. n . . . . .< . . . . . . . . . Steve Greeneld, u - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Donald Johnson, H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J as. Greeneld. n . .'. . . . . . . . . . Lorne Greeneld, .5 . . . . . . . . . . . . Wm. McDongall, n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sno. McFadden, _work . . . . . . . . . . . . David Thomson, ' u ' . . . . . . . . . . . .. Wellington Srigley, n . . . . . . . . . . . . John Wa.t;erson, n . . . . . . . . . . .. James Ferguson, u . . . -. . . . . . . Sam. Montgomery, u . . . . . . . . . . . . J no. Thompson, _ n . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jno.` Brunton, n . . . . . . . . . . . . Wm. Armstrong, n . . . . . . . . . . . . Henry Sewry, n . . . . . . . . . . . . R. King, jr., salary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. Marrm. u . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. E. Donnell, ll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miss Sibbald, n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , R Cristoe. bi`:l paper . . . . . . . . . . . . .. County Registry Uice . . . . . . . . . . . . N. W. E. Kin. Printing . . . . . . . R. W. Jocelyn and son, work . . . . . . Thomas Beecroft, account . . . . . . . . . . Dickinson & Macwatt, law account. -Adopted. ARCHER- Mrs. ` --""-'r"`-- . l Chairman McLean also reported than his Special Committee had interviewed Mrs. Binds re damages she claims. As it would require a.bout`$400 to meet Mrs. Hinds de-' mands it was recommended that the Mayor obtain legal advice as to the town s liability in the matter, and report at next meeting of the Councilw-Adopted. INDIGENT COMMITTEE REPORT. Chairman Johnson of Indigent Committee reported as follows : Disbursement for April . . . . . . .l. . . . .$ 31 00 ll-- 1"! nn vrv-.--- w. . ..v . .. y - v - - . . . u In May . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 00 ` n n June . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 00 1 Mr. Wheeler's account for 3 months 21 00 Total.... ........ ..7.7ss2 oo Estimates based on former disbursements: July, August and September . . . . . . .8 50 00 October, Novernber and December. . 120 00 :---:-:u Lvvulounoocuovoonoaounynpv vv ` -Adopted. A $35,000 ELIICTRIC LIGHT BY-LAW. `The chairman of Electric Light and Water- works Committee reported as follows :- Vn-uu .....-..-...~.:-9.3.. nnfznn nnantl 3:131-I-nro. VVUICKG uuuuuumuc Lcklua was an auuvvvu s`- Your committee, acting under instruc- tions given in Council on April 4th last authorizing your committee to obtain infor- mation regarding municipal electric lighting for the town of Barrie, beg to report as fol- lows : That your committee, engaged the services of Mr. R. J. Park to make an esti- mate of installing arc, incandescent. and power plants. The estimate received from Mr. Park, which appeared to your commit- tee satisfactory, has been further supported by the tenders received for the installation and completion of these plants. Your com- mittee would therefore recommend in the best interests of the ratepayers of the town of Barrie this municipality should own and operate its own lighting and power plants, and with that end in view the committee be instructed to draft a bylaw for the con- sideration of this Council at its next regular or special meetin called for that purpose, said by-law to be or an amount not exceed- ing $35,000 for combined plants, are, incan- descent and power, and _ if approved to be duly advertised and submitted to the vote of the qualied electors of `the town of Barrie. Tlnnn (".nn1-millnr pnwnll hainrr assured DB6 quauuau electors Ul. hue uuwu us uouuu. Upon Councillor Powell being assured that upon the presentation of the by-law the question of electric lighting may be dis- cussed the report was adopted. WATERWORKS AND ELECTRIC LIGHT ESTI- MATES. The Waterworks and Electric Light Com- mittee submitted the following estimate of expenditure :- C Cleaning of manboles...... 15 00 Flushing of sewer . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . 50 00 Repairs to manholes . . . . . , . . . . . . . . 25 00 Street lighting . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 2400 00 Preliminary estimates for electric `inlet nlnnhn ~ _ m rrauuuuury uaululatua nu uncuuu; 1ighup1.nu..v................ 15000 1 Cost of printing and .anbmit.ting by- `...-: `nun nianlvugn `:rv`-II-, -ninnl-9 ._-rw- - - - . . . . . . . _ . . . .' .-- .- Chairman Frawley informed Councillor Powell that the above estimate: contain no item as to waterworks expenditure, as the costs of arbitration (if any are placed on the ` Continued on Page 4. I At three o'clock on Saturday afternoon the residence of Mr. Henry Bird was the scene of a quiet wedding. the contracting artieebeing Mr. Bird : daughter, Elizabeth leanor, and ~Lyman- Poore Duff. B.A.. of Bodwell and- Du, Barristers, Solicitors, eto.. Victoria. B. C; The ceremony was `-...-`An-nan) `Lab `kn Dan (`Jana M A ~ 2 '--M `DONALD- In Tiny. on Wcdnesdav. Mc}:,,L,:\ 22-db, Mr. Duncan McA_u1ey. of Orr Lake. to Miss May McDonald, of Tiny. ,.\rs-PAnm2L1-At the Methodist axsona e, w(lr`ot1d, on 22nd June. by Rev. R. rge. r. \'orman Williams to Muss Lena. Padeld, of t`roxon's Corners. . ._ 1Rn--At Barrie. on July and. at the resi- D".=n of the bride's father. by the Rev. Charles puff, M.A., father of the groom. assisted bv the Re`, Ralf Duff, B.1_\. brother of the groom. Lyman Poore Du`, Vxctorxa, C.. to Elxzabeth Eleanor, daughter of Henry Bud. Esq. Am~:.\'--F0RSYTH--on Tuesday. July 5th. x_8g8. MACE; " The Poplars." the restdence of the br1de's father, by Rev. D. D. McLeod. assisted by Rev. Alex. MacLaren. of Hamilton. father of the ,..,.,.m M. D. H. MacLaren. druzexst. Barrie. l 751:. Colored S for 500. at HUN- ; mu nnos. -v.... v_- -_-- W... _ -__.._-_.. Victoria.-B. "The cei'eti1_1 performed hi the Rev. Chas. Duff, M. A.. nlf nun` R A., fntluar And. Ul'lUl'lllvu It suu Lvuv. yuan. uuu .uu.n.,l and Rev. olf .Du', B.A., father and brother respectively of the groom. The ueete were Dr. and Mr: Williams, Brace- __ridge ; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Biokell, To- ron'to.e.nd the Misses Du, Toronto, all im- mediete. reiativee of the bride and groom. Mr. and Mrs. Du left by evening train for _V'.ictoria., B. 0., their future home. Tun `Anvmcn join: their many friendnn Barrie 1 in wiehingthem very muoh-heppineee. White nuc1:-: um nmrnq lli OI pruluuuq uuunuuuuouug ny- law for electric light plants... . 150 00 __j.--.-- A Quiet aeddin`. Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'rkIDO`ll II00OlIO~l0$ ...;...........J In ............... ............... ............... ............I I .........-..... .;.... ....... _.......... ..A. '...: .......... ........,. .... ............... 9'0. ........ ........ ge, ........ ,uo ........ ........ D, n ......... Total . . . . . . Tot;al....` ........ "$27950 BOLAND-In the General and Marine Hospital, Col- lingwood. on Tuesday, 28th ult., Michael Boland,- aged 68 years. I I.i:n.\:.A.\'-l\'illc-d, on Saturday, July _and,_ near Fort McLeod, C row's I\cst Pass. Randolph Lehman. formerly reman on G.T.R.. Allandale. He was a member of B. of L. F. and. also of Corinthian Lodge A. F. & A. M. He wxll be buried on Sun- day at Kilworthy. A special train will probably take all those wishing to attend the funeral. Arm--On the 27th June. ult., at Aultsville, in the County of Stormont, Wxlllam Robert Ault, aged 68 years. Deceased was a brother of Mr. Wm. Ault. Peel street. 75c; 25c l8............. VI ...-o-nonunion ........ ...... ..... ........ ..o'---...o'.a.. A.....'......... .n` .............. .............. n .....'.......... .n ..`.........v... ,n ..b............ ,work............ ,"I nu. ............. ey,u ............ ............ II ...'..-.... D ry, ............ ............ ....o...ooo- [, ...........'. ......o..... lary............... .....o......... ooooonnnaononon v....'........... paper.............. rU'1ce md son, work.. of following ag- .{.$ 15 75 13 75 III` 13 12 10 62 ~l|f\E * mug Ct -.1`7o`o`o] 13 12 13 75 18 75 3 75 4 37 I A -0* LUV 1500 16 50 13 so 12 oo ann _.______.-_.._ \VANTED.-A General Servant. `must be a nod Cook. with references. App to Mrs. . A. 1I\'Q R-n-Gnlrl efrnf, 37.37-D, 33 53 50 00 ` 30 00 1 L\J\I 580 B3! Ill `37 I1 ` THE LATEST LDUAL mrnmas. A VERY INTERESTING CHAPTER OF LOCAL HISTORY. A Series of Short and Newey Paragraphs Carefully Prepared for the Benefit of Our Many Readers. . -94 degrees above zero on Saturday and Sunday forenonn. Black Casnm ox, 15c. pan`. It snmvrnn an - nan:-as vuavnu Inn, 10110 paurg In HUNTER [SR . - --Tbe bve-e`sec ion id North Simcoe will not be held till tho. fail coulgwith A!\'1l*.U.-1\ ueneral aervant. ms: 0:: a BOYS. Bayeld street. In 27- V7 D 7 7 3 I @"I`here `s a big 8 . of Boats and Shoal on at. J. C. Irwin's i . Imds old store. -(3nrl n"xe-. S. S. excursion on the lake on Momlay was we-.`l pntrorwizetl. _ ?3?'Two to fc5ur - rs off the price of eve-ry suit of clothes ` Hinds o`.d stand. --Tha Snparute School had an enjoyablo picnic in McCm`thy s grove last Thursday nfternonn 4 --The C.P.R surve-_v party is now work- ing i1\.Craigln\rst. vicinity -__-I-u u - In 1- 1\ . 1 an ,, Shoes 50c. on the dollar. The very latest styles . . `, Irwin, in B. Hinds old stand. ` I --The secnnd hem: of the series of local bicycle races will take place in the park on Fridav evening. . jts . Q liI C I I ` C` ,. J-llAg\nnl v... _u--_... -The Fourth of July was duly celebrated at Woodla.nds by a ne display of fire- works in the evening. 1 . Ingeraoll 00. Su Meats. Cooked Ham, Cooked To Summer Sau- sages at BOTH IRS. -Orillia. Court of Revision revolutionized the Assessor s gures by raising the ashes!- ment of the town by about $100,000. 1 11,.` 'Patronize the Con eqational and Bap- tist S. S. excursion p Stzr. Enterprise to Morton s Park on Th day, 14th inst. I I auvovn ova. -- - .~. .- v_ _--_'--"VJ , ...--__ ---_-- -The Conqueror lost the wedge out of her propeller at Big Bay Point on Saturday and had to be towed to the dry dock hero for repairs. 1 n A n I J I . O I I _ V _ . . F - . . _ V. m'Don t miss the esbyterian Sundav school excursion to C ingwood next Thurs- day, Julv 14t.h. T in leaves at; 1 p.m. Adults. 700.; childr ,35c. -V:Vx;11i'l' ,1it;T;vTl3ee1i'ng Thursday evening John Smith. of Va.ir s grocery, was run down by aladv rider. As a. result of his sudden dismount John was much marked about the face. -7-Don t blow your own horn if you have one to blow. The music is not nearly so sweet `(if there is any sweetness in it) as when some one else blows it (if anyone else ever seen anything to blow about.) -_no .. u`. .1 ,, .__, .1 __-__--`2__LL -__---_-:.... All Orders booked for Binde wine delivery of which is not ciaimcd by 1.2!}: Ju -will be cancelled. uuvunnbcnn ""4 """'D " "r' " "" ` "'-I mwait far the grand onligbt excursion to Peninsular Park on V ednesdav evening, 13th inst. Dancing board and at the park. Keenan's qua ille band in attend- ance. Sechand bill or particulars. 3 , _,,A_J LIEU. uvv uv-so-an ~.--q-v- r..- __-___-___ mspeaking of Bargains, hava yon noted "the prices J. C. Irwin i selling Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes an Clothing for in B. Hinds old stand '2 F big stocks are being slaughtered at a rat on dollar of wholesale cost. -av--u --While Mr. McCann, of Essa, was driv~ ing along Elizabeth street `last Saturday the tongue of the wagon dropped. In the run- away that followed Bayliss drav was over- turned and Mr. McCann s wagon slightly damaged. ' ._..__._a _ -At the meeting of the cheese board here last Thuredey-1l61 boxes of colored cheese were oered, of which 46 sold at 7:30. and 90 at 71c.; balance unsold. Market very dull, four buyers present. Next meeting of board Thursday, July 14, at _1 o'clock. W, p-n-- nr`. All- rn- ..-... IL .I.nauno-u-nu , V-.-J __, _. _ -__. Red Cross Tea 2 `c.-4'(iv:.. 50. per lb. at B0'l`HWEI.L9s ...-,~ .`_` at lJ\l.IJ-. iizznnnn -..~' 4,. C -On Thursday morning are barns and outbuildings belonging to Mr. John Gilchrist, lot 19, con. 7. Oro, were destroyed by light- ning. Four horses, several valuable imple- ments and a small quantity of fodder were burned. Loss, $1,200; insurance. $600. -The band will play on Friday evening. the 8th inst. at the post oice. Programme __ L Etoi1e, Whispered Hopes. The Beauties of Engiand, " Italian Nights, Fest, The Little Alabama Goons. The Jolly J aspers. Our Colored Troops, God Save the Queen AdD'I"L- `I3...--n T r\t`IIl) A` nAA`n`|nn7n G u... `_,._-v , --~~- -- V--. .|.V1ell l uuurunun u pair. at HUNT nos. -The County 0 Simcoe Law Association s resolution of condolence to Mrs. D Alton McCarthy, in the death of her husband, has been beautifully engrossed on heavy card in a handsome book with morocco cushion binding. It is a handsome tribute to the memory of the deceased by his fellow mem- bers of the bar. 1-n-Lu- 1:- 1') m..--I. ......... ...L....`l:.... no.4- II DIED! UVVO oer! OI Iill U31`: --While Mr. R. Freek was wheeling past a. team on Penetanguishene street on Satur- n... ........-e.... ...u. .3 lug Ln:-can lnknri H`!!! Acompetcnt Kitchela Maid at ca. Wages eight dollars :1 month. Apply to I RS. HAWKINS. r`......-.1.-lm.-ct Ca n:afnrlnn1_ _A 37-37 8- team on renulllugulalluuu auuuu uu uncut- av evening, one of the horses `kicked him in the head, knocking him off the wheel. In addition to wounds about the head his foot was injured by a wagon wheel running over it. The wagon also ran over the hi- oycle. smashing it very badly. Steamer Enterprise to ; OYCIG. IIDRSTIIIIE ID Vary unuuy. H'Remember the exc men under the auspices of the Barrie oys Brigade, per insular Park and Orillia on AWedneeda.y July 20th. Bosh leaves at 930 am. an Allnndale at 9.40. Tickets for round tri only 250.; children. 150 ; members of B. gade, 10c. Every- body come and encon go the boy: __n.. Maw. am}. A mw was stolen from Mr. D0(ly OOIIIB lulu cuuuuungu uuu u-:_y-1 --On May 29th a cow was stolen from Mr. W. J. Wilson. near (Jooketown. Detective Beardsley had been on the look out for the animal since then, and on Wednesday, 29th u1t.. located her in the neighborhood of Creighton, Medonte township. The cow has been returned to her owner. ' It is expected the thief will be arrested in a few days. n-n:_....--.: n.....t...a.....:..... 1: Q qniigu` tne tmet Wlll De arruateu Ill 3 ww uuya. --Collingwood Presbyterian S. S. visited town on Tuesday afternoon, in charge of Rev. Dr. MeCrae and Superintendent Mo- Taggart. They were received at the station by` Rev..'D. `D. McLeod. Superintendent `James Vair _ and many other members of Barrie Presbyterian S. S. and escorted to Queen : park where they spent a pleasant afternoon. . $2.00 _PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE vsmou corms nvs gxnrs a returned from,Ca.mp Inn! nt- 10 an nn In dollars :1 mnnux. nppny Gravenhurst Sanatonum. Whole and separate Tenders wil the undersigned up to 15th Juiy n and additions to the Pubhc school Plans and specications can of the Secretary, Midland. or tccts. Thus. Kennedy & CO.. Tenders to be accompani ."i1PmI5I nf Q ): nn for alterations idland. seen at the oice oice of. the archi- rrie. by an accepted bank e received by. W HOUSE or INo3Tnv.1 - T I, , j for Grading and'Roa7 Making required around the above house. P1ans%nd speciaca`uions may beseen at the Barrie o'ice;& Smith & Bird. Architects. __._.._... -...w. undersigned up to SUCCESSOR TO S. B. WINDRUM; 31 King St. East (up stairs) Tnrontog ICXIUCTS [0 DC cheque of $25.00 THP l.\\l'l-`CY t'\I' Q FULL LINE OF Sterling Silver and Plated Were, Watches, {i1eeke,Jew- elry, Blouse Sets, Belt Pine, Belts, Newest Designs. . Special Attention Given to Watch Repairing. TELEPHONE 2608 am ~ \W _4vare'?x 1: '-~- A U an 2 E`: ' ` STEAM Lnunnnvl 3%! . ` Inalll . \ '3 adidateg' E`-l Iu?" Co! have the chancse gs the nefteeahd ]`g:$0 Veal-, B *Rmin . ` Y W;-iti:t~`lI 8 to ...u-...- u. -v'-...r_--- ... V, , _ $2_;.o:>v _ _ The lowest or any tende not necessarily accepted. THO . I. TRUEMAN. 0-4.`- I) Q `D IV V ck : N WATCH rolmo. . M h.,s;"`:11ndde7Watch and om: cpn; :35 to cvzgavra ':.',%*:.`.z*" RErIDENCE FOR SA:LE_ _` Q_R'i w...-_ large residence-and zmundlntthonoll i %H.N. ;Bro%.:* 35; P`:st:;ess1on. Anal SEALED TENDERS Jill be received by thel JULY ldth, 1898, qnwauu Au \1.v.I:Sn_,P,`.'!_,4 P`sTURE-H`o1zsns AND.2.cA1`fILm. .\xn. ."9,n Daature all .'.A.....e.... Adnvilu` 1-1 *0 Thursdav and Mrs. \Vm. Ne`il'l)'T3('."1ciilf`g: dv 3. daughter to Mr ` R`HER-0 S . vMrs. Rgbt. -Ilprc LX831. a son to M ' 3 e. |'- and EILLY The lowest or tender not necessarily accpted. pJ`os. WHITESIDES. . 4 Chairman Property Committee, 27- Elmgrove P. O. l' MacLaren. or namuton. manner or me groom. M. D. H. MacLa.ren, druggist. Barrie. to lsa MacBain. daughter of Mr. John Forsvth.` DIED. msmzncn SALE "on ~'ro- RENT`? tc?::elra; `i{a?g`&2a`3`h ?!7*n' P=s.easion. 'Annlvt`n-~` TEND$hs. .XLVII. No. 7. WHOLE No` SAMUEL Vavzsun. Proprietor. 3 , succnssons T0 1:; s. LALLY, _ NOTICET BARRIE H LT sH AW. PRINCIPAL. Yonge and Gerrard Streets. Toronto. T*FREE MARRIED. WANTED. Eg{;i,x;;he3 1880. TENDER. BORN. V9535 EIIII` IIIBII CUIQUICU OIQOI-`VFW mtsson a. i:s$'iiB- V nu onnva-I summer. I ;1"DER'soN. ATTLE.- GOOD Aug 93 JANE Sedy i=.s.B. "J7"-'7'-"p-' ' }:1-2'; V ` I 4 Very Rev. Dean Egan's I1 % Silver Jubilee; The ]Jeai1 s Drdinatibn tot-he Priest- htlo. [July commemorated. The Very Rev. John Joseph Egan (R C.) was born in County Clare, Ireland, March 19th, 1847.! He was. educated in the Dio- cesan College. "Ennis; Ireland. and at St. Michaels Colleg . Toronto I-Ie pursued his theological stu ies at the Grand Seminary, Montreal. His first appointment was as curate in Thorold. He was ordained to the priesthood July 6th. 1873.-and became parish priest at Caledon. He was appointed rector of St. Paul's`. Toronto, in'1880. and in 1881 was` appointed to Thornhill. In 1893 he as- sumed the duties connected with his present charge as Dean of Barrie. In`1887 he visit- ed Rome with the Irish Canadian Pilgrimage and was accordedaudience with Pope Pius TY . . IX. cl`)-I _ Wednesday was therefore the twenty fth anniversary of his ordination, and the event was duly commemorated by his fellow clergvmen and prominent members of the laity by a brilliant celebration. Beautiful arches had been erected before the doors of the church and presbytery. and a profusion of oral decorations, hunting and Chinese lanterns within these buildings and about the grounds added beauty to the scene. I\ II` ,,I On Tuesday night a grand open air con- cert was given by the school children in the open grounds `adjacent to the presbytery; Solemn High Mass, Coram Pontice (with Deacon and Sub-deacon) were -duly celebrat- ed at 10 o'clock on Wednesday morning. The sermon was preached by Rev. Dr. Teefy, Superior of St. Michael : College, To- ronto. 1 TT__._ 'I\_,_ 'I\__',- TH--- ____ LL A _ _ _ . _ -..L_.1 ` Vex"y Rev. Dean Egan was then presented [with several addressee. These with accom- panying replies will be found on page 3. ex- cepting that from the clergy, which is un- 1 avoidably held over til} next week. '! ACO-an l-Ln nnnanna Inn` hnnn annnnt` nf ` GVUILIIIUIJ IIUIII UVUK Illll IIUAU WUUl\- After the addresses had been disposed of. the clergy accompanied Very Rev. Dean Egan to a banquet given in the school house,` the seats of which had been removed for the occasion. Very Rev. Dean Harris, of St. Uotharines, presided. The dinner was` served by Mrs. Crossland. assisted bv Mr. Albert Williams, of Peninsular Park Hotel The dining-room was handsomely decorated. " F 1` ---- LL- .-_.._ -.. -1 LL- -.2_2L i -.-v ......_a ----.- ..,__ __,____`V___ The following are the names of the visit- ing clergy :-His Grace Archbishop Walsh, Vicar General Keogh. Very Rev. Vicar General McCann. of Toronto; Very Rev. Dean Harris, St. Catharines: Very Rev. Father Marigin. Provincial C.S.B.; Dr. Teefy, Superior of St. Michael's College; Fathers F. Rvan, rector of St. Michael's Ca- thedral; McEntie. Leslieville; Gibney, Al- liston; Sullivan, Thorold; Laboreau, Pene- tanguishene; Fred. Rohleder, Chancellor, St.` Michael's Cathedrall; James Welsh, Archbishop Walsh s secretary ; Hand, St. Paul's, Toronto ; McMahon, Thornhill; Madagin, Dundee; Cantilon, Brock; Whe- lau, Caledon; Rev. M. Tracy, D.D., St. Michael's Palace ; Fathers McRae, Hreohin; Duy, Stavner; Donahue, St. Michael s College; P. McEcbren, Adjala; J. Mc- Echren, Pbelpston; Gallagher. Pickering; Morris, Newmarket; Cline, Toronto; Jel- cott. Oshawa; J. Minehan, Orangeville; L Minehen, Toronto ; Whitney,. U tergrove ; P. Kiernan, Gore;_ E. Kiernan. Co lingwood; Gearin, Phelpston; Moyna. Orillia; Coyle, Dixie: Miller, C.S.S.R., Toronto; Smith, Merriton; Freyling. Port Colborne; Barselo, Midland ; Carberrv, Schomberg: Beaudoin, Lefontane; r Gibbons, Penetangulshene; Sweeney, Barrie. rm... ...........+. in Iv]-an nmm were as follows : bweeney, nurne. The presents to the Dean were as follows : From the Clergv, a. puree;.cong1-egation. e purse ; C.M.B.A., a gold headed cane; St. Mary : Sodality. s1deboa.rd'; St. Mary's Literer Society, a set of breviaries; boys and gir a choir, a. causal`. uulu on. sun as `,5--... -Several latte ` rom our correspondents, , an account of Simooe Medical Asaocia.tion s meeting on Tuesday. and other interesting N matter unavoidably held over till next issue. New lot `moi date at TH E` _We take pleasure in recommendin Mn. Fun. BROOKS an 9. com etent and relinbe Tuner and Re airer. and won request our trons to entrust to im work of this discription. - espectfully yours, Gunman Hnmrzmx. V - Ordemleft for Tuning at No 1. Music` Hall Block. will receive careful attention, _ __.._ __--.u. 7 nnnnni nu-r * will reeetve cafetul aucn krnsn, nnuoxs`I'A smug. om. Highest `cash p`ricp`E:d for Endowmentlnsuranee Policxesg in . I-eliablg mpmiei or money loaned h . A 1 ; t eroqn PPYV I O.` H` LYON...` I I 4 - -- um`. and. "Barrie. That desirable resideuce and mnda.o the west. sidefof Bayeldutreet. Barrie. late! occupied b the, late Sir Cornelius Kortright, ihclu `n3 eta lo. 0, b Eardeu. etc? ' For furtg_erft . .445 , - :So!icibora. Barrie. aNsuRANq_I_a_ POLICIES How is Your vwatch -Does it stop occasionally. or is it always going but not to be relied on for the correct time ?T - ' 1' 7 Arm,` _,!AI_ -._ Watch repairing is aprime feature with us- the work is well done. and the charges are Dun. nu iv an. nu-nu. V- .-- --._ --V--V, [H5 WUYIC I3 reasonable. `PIANO. TUN1NG. FIRST--GLASS FARM . FOR SALE. v urn -11.2 -.~..-~._'.u~c m 1 I'.M- as. both in 8th