ldarupervluonno-nuouoolultoooluuaoot Eggsber doz...............-...... Annlen- nar haw . Luusuacapcl u5..........un nvlo Hay erton............. Woo.wa.shedperlb..... Wool. unwashed, per lb ....... . . Wood,aft..percord. .............. Wood. ft..pereord............... Anthractte coal. oer ton...... .... .. W000. filo. : unonaunliv Cow or Steer, No, 1. per lb......... 11 :1 No.4. or . . . . . . . .. No-3, ll, coo-ouona moonuo DQ007000 oooocq on (`-13. . 2.. an.-I. Wneat, wnlteu...-u-.-n...-'....u Whc8t,redW..... onooocoooanuuoncu Wheat,g008e......-nu........... Ra:-lav . . . _ . . . . _ _ _ _ _ . __ ,_, \JalI5Kln8 0": nooocouoouuaouso-{ac Tallow perblb..................V.... Wheat.white........- uflnnnb In!` In O QUALIFIED orrxcmu. BARRIE. 0 OCOOOOOOOOOOO a good idea for a deputation to interview Mrs. Hinds if such a step is not an admission of the town s liability. Councillor Powell said the committee had interviewed Mrs. Hindstwo years ago and could not agree on any settlement. Councillor Andrew said one of Mrs. Hinds sons said that the town had offered $100, but that no such money would settle it, Reeve McLean and Coun- cillor Bennett were then appointed a com- mittee to see Mrs. Hinds with a view to as- certaining damages, but if no satisfactory arrangement can be reached, the Mayor is authorized to consult with the Town Solici- tors and report their advice at next meeting of the Council. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND ems ACCOUNT. When Reeve McLean had moved the ad- option of his report recommending the pay- ment of several accounts, Councillor Powell said, Where is the electric light and gas account? McLean-It'has not been certi- ed to by the Chairman. Mayor--Is there not a counter account for taxes ? McLean- Yes ; it has to be fought out first. Mayor- You must look after our taxes, gentlemen. WHERE DID THE storms Go? Williamson-What, has become of the stones taken out at the time the steps in front of the market were changed`? Love-- The stones were put out in front of the building and it was thought we could sell them. I went down tosee Mr. John Holmes who was then workin on Dr. Raikes house to see if` he would ta e them, and when I came back they had been taken away. I. nd since that Mr.oPearcey got them, though .I do not know who gave him authority to " take them. It-was stated that Mr. `Pearcey . must have got authority from some one, [though Councillors did not then know who the authority was." Mr. Pearcey will be in-- terviewed and the matter will be reported at next meeting. - , MAYOR` on onamman, wrncn? Williamson-How is it that our hose wag- g)on` '16 delivering ` furniture about town`? _ oes the Chairman of Fire and_Polioe know: where all the re ladders are 1.. `Caldwell- ` I spoke tothe -manwho had the,-wagon,` and i 3 he said he had -got permission fr_omMa.yo'r_ Well: to an it-_ In-shithe Msyor`ushtli right, bathe waste` the wagon:-_ `It Kilis -after it. Asjtothe .Iddor:1;-heard`-in-f ' day tliati one-of .th.e_. don D .:m9t`.=Mr.~"W than `I I um; i g '='I-`believe, was `n`ot'ret'urnsd, in-is week so I jsen tiOhiet* - Mr. J-o-sveyph Bebb is putting a stone foun- dation under one of his double houses on Charles street. uuu uuvw uuv vau uvliv "naval wuuv llU_ Wl fainting his own delivery wagon. " He eat I; had not been used since Jubilee Day, and as Mr. Smithie an ofheial of the town I'ao- commodalaedzhim. Ideny the right of any Chairman to over ride or gape;-ede:. `my. in.-; etrnouon. While I am 7l@gyo_r of,_Bante_- ahall be Mayor in reality. "Mr. mm; When it came: to the knewledge of any Of many defectsnof the Eye ren- FREE OF CHARGE and prescribe Gla.sses-Glasses on1y--when necessary. We guarantee satisfaction. ' .ders it unsafe to defer correction. If your eyes are troubling you in any way have them examined at once. We have equipped our Optical department with the most modern appliances and we make careful examinations I]. H. Maclaren. _'I'6ronto Farmer Market-a. Ioxoxro. June 7, 2898. White...-u-.-nu.-'......$' % `redw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. "Wm" """"nZ;{.`;;.','j....;. s, .393. pring. ...................$ o 85 to $ 0 92 all . _ _ _ . . _ _ . . _ . _ . . . _ . . _ . _ _ . -. 8a.-.. (xi ..TH E.. TIRE mnxmws. -'1:h'e ~M`i-8'3-8-S-`R088, of Innial, have come to reside in the 6th ward of Barrie, and now live on Cumberland street. lvulunoooccnnsnungoo .per ton............ I.III*.C'I`..C.C It rmnuu. manner. 5:`: .0-0 .3: '0 .3 .0:-of: :wtnooaoIu IIOIIII E.o'I.o`n.I.O.I.I.o..I.I. o.o.o.a.: bIIlOIIOlOOOCco.IO lbCIIOOC|O perlb... Jrd..... 3rdlIOOIClOllilgg0 er J uvo-an 1 25.... 00.... 6 00.... 15-300 10-... 3 50.... 3 Oooaon 650.... 0'0 :50 6 0 .7 oo 5 75 55 12 I1 xo [0 2 352 650 RIDES. _,...... 4 75.... 575 335 I an 43 '73 I2 "11. A1}'6;; ;i"i3i1Ea.lo, arrived home last week, and is busy hand-shaking with his many friends in this vicinity. Parties wbo have been waiting for our nev.v` supply to come in can be satised now. This suit is Well worth $7.50, and cannot be produced by anv other store in town. Bring your Boys `along and see our great as- sortment at prices ranging from $|.25 up. 01115 $7.50 Black Serge Coat and Vest is a marvel, worth $|0.00. Frawley & Devlin DUNLOP-ST. When purchasing goods frouiany of the following merchants ask for Cash Coupons, and when your Coupon Book is lled with Coupons, collected from them, take it to GEO. MONKMAN, Druggist, and get $3 in cash and another book. You do not need to take the book to the store with you when making purchases, just ask for Cash Coupon. John Blngham. Butcher. B. 1. Fraser dc Co., Dry Goods. B. Powell. Butcher. B. A. Button. Groceries. S. M. l.awrence.`Boote and Shoes. Thou. N. Hobley. Groceries. T. sldsworth 65 Son. Baker. ' 1`. Hindu. Groceries. Bert .11. `Fleming, Books Etc. II. B. otton, Hardware. Canhman 6: Perry. Clothing. J. Mccancuess. Harness. George Monkman, Drngglst. R. A Douglas. Jeweler. 1.. Stephens, Fancy Goons. Shaw Bros.. Photographers. Dongall Bron, Furniture. If you did not receive one of the Coupon Books, you can get one free from any of the nlmntna Inn:-A`-unnlrn O _] " Ll \I|-I \aII\L I-I\II above merchants. ISIMCUB MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE C0 Secreta.ry--Joseph W ' ht ` -W d Co. 5' . Trea.su1:rg-J' ogph gllif `mcoe DIRECTORS. Wm. McDermott, ex-Warden Co. Simcoe. W. H. Hammell, ex-M.P.P., ames Brett. Member Simcoe Count Council, G. P. McNa.bb. Jas. Sloane. Thos. Baycroft, John Semple, ohn A. Arnold. J. F. McCar- thv. . S. Dcuzhertv. Ha:-tlev Graham. E. Wallwin. Ino- KeIlv_ u u --u-'... u v ugn -`en nanouvvv v I a nun Iacsnuluyu, molxncil, Glvis: `lVI`c1Iabb. `Sloane. '.I`l-nos. Jc thy, S. Dcugherty, Hartley Graham, E. Wallwin. J no. Kelly. member of the Council that the Mayor has authorized the doing of a certain thing, it should be at once assumed that nothing is wrong. Caldwell-The Mayor may have the `authority, but I very much doubt it. Mayor-I claim it. Caldwell--I think I can run my Committee, but if the Mayor is goin to run it I shall resign. Mayor--,You can 0 as you like-about that. I think the Mayor and Mr. Smith should have consult- Al` Inn kafns-n Iv-nlrdnn I-kn Innnnn lfnnnn Tn , $3_|N..C_A3.H FR '5 The lacrosse match that was announced to take place last Wednesday evening between the Magle Leaf and Barrie clubs. did not come 0 , the Barrie club not puttingin an appearance. 1:7- __,_ .,1_,1 -_ __.s__ .|,,. \r_ 'r_I__ llgn u I - V *- 1*--- -----4' ' The average coat of Firelasurance during the past 20 years is about one- half charged by Stock Companies. Full particulars may be had from UL CIJVJ LILAC LIIIIIUII EIJUIIIIL IIQVV UUIIlllU' &"i'ne before taking the wa on. Mayor--In I such a trivial matter? Ca dwell-Yes. NOTES. Councillor Bennett wished it understood that hereafter the year for which the Col- legiate Institute asks a grant shall begin with the date of said application. Tho fauna nrhan-uns-nncn I>Ianl- vncvabauu-uuuln VVIUII ULIU DOV UL BCIU Qk'klIIUIlI|Jl-It The town wheelbarrow that mysteriously disappeared last spring was the point around which much discussion centred, It .........J .. LL- ...---4.:-.. -1 ____ ._-\ wauuuu Vvulwu uluvu usavunasuu UVIIULVLM turned to ,the question of general care of town tools, and who is responsible for their safe keeping. It is probable that precau- tions will be taken to have town property better looked after. . -'l)_-__"."|t_1;_'_:__g,1 1,- .1 , , .9 . .9 nu. unvulyuuu VI. nuuu Vvlu uuu UU gruuwu. Reeve McLean was informed that the market steps were changed, as a result. of a conclusion the Committee had reached be- fore tenders were asked. I `l'i-____ TSLL`. ,1 'l`_,,,9.L!| , 11 1 . LIJI-U DUIIEIVIU WUIU GURU: Reeve Little, of Innisl, addressed the Council in reference to the bad condition of the townline between Inniel and Barrie. E`- ._l...! 1.1.. lN-..._-:`I g.. '...__..L nap , 1 9 I Ilr UL IJLIU LUIIII II IIIIU VVQUVIVILIK UQIVIID Councillor Love was` informed that the watering cart cannot draw water from any hydrant as the Town : contract with the Company does not allow it. - ` A nnhnnhn. n` nhnni-Juno gun` a t|:n-1'1:-I I wvuvvl IVVDVU cuvvao .'Reeve McLean said he thought the iarm- era in the corporation distinctly understood 3 that they must give the legal notice asking i for exemption or suclrwill not be granted. `Danna RnT.nnn Inna 3n?nv-nu-ml I-Inn; AL- $5. 00.... uv IIVVVIIIIIJU uvovvvuu .LI.u.IlnuI nuu .lJlll'l.'lU. he asked the Council to grant $25, which will be supplemented by $25 from Innisl. `Ian!-ne MnT.nnn 11413:` nnungl-L:-gm gIuuu.1.I I-u. Rev. W. R. McIntosh and Mr. John Gal- braith, commissioners to the General Ae- eemblv. left for Montreal on '.[`uesda.v._ Rev. Mr. Uochrane. of Barrie, will supply Mr. MoIntosh s pulpit next Sunday. 11 A `I'I;. II 111" , III" T? _,I wan. uu uuylJlUuIuuvv\l. U 1761) LKULII .I.I.ll.llDu|. Reeve McLean "said something should be done on Mary street to prevent the cutting up of the road by the watering cart. r`.nnnn3"nII Tmurn inn: 3n`:unnnnrI I-L35 tlmn UIVUC IIUII QII-UVV I90 A schedule; fdebentmre and a oircular letter will be printed _and copies sent. to broker: throughout Usnhdo. TL` lV....u.I -..C..-...I 4... .....--L Q0 4.. ..-.. 2-.. "fE'i.`I'Z:3'u1I."c3i`?3':T.'Le'I1Z'5'"'.ns 3.; to pay for breakfast; foruntaville o. 35nh`Batta.1ion on morning of 2131: inch. 12.9 RA-nun!` `Danna nun. 4:3-cam. O\Ah-u|:nn:Auu UU nnuu Ullly IIIVUIIIIIEU III Qlh V IIHELIL '.l"helMu-ket Committee will -consider ti; ladvisability of plucin ra doorway in the stall ocourpledlby Jos. arrin, leading to the verandah on out side of building. -`.`IlIl|I'I`I\` qcnnn-16'-nan O; .1 01 R9 main -4 wRll;`(?`fll3:.:fn`:r(i"l;;o`1;`:uv'vu given permission I to [fold camp meetings in St. Vinuentipark. Tho Ila:-bah ".nvn`rn36l-an ml noun-{Ann I-Inn VFQCKIDIIII VII UQHU III III IJ|III\LIIvl`I l Accounts amounting to $1,216.68 were re- \ Aodmmendod for payment. 3 ` A Kcnlnnv I-A in-an QR fHH'I,'n`|nnl>nI-a- '4-1` ha, ` 7VK-l5'y:l;w Ql;~iI;;e $6,0'( l0-debentures "to re- $6.000 debentures` maturing on J nly 6th 'Jl?o'lIa.rd. formerly of fhe Queen ; hogel, in inktwn. T Q%&-v-j-- -7 - ___.jvVw , Which cure the worst cases in a few minutes. Pleasant and easy to take. There are fteen powders in `a box and cost but 25. We 've a. free sample powder to any one, because the free sample makes most peo le buy _a box. an that is what we are after. and you will be after a box too when you have cur a splitting headache with a sample powder. ------ -_.___..__ - &lIo I&%I luubju N. B.--Free samples of Iutnow s Effervescent Carlsbad Powder, so highlg recommended by Rev. Dr. Harper for rheumatnsm. will be sent any one making application at S AGERS' DRUG STORE, opposite Post Office. . j ALLANDALE mm) NUMBER slx. . There are several of these. There is the natural cure, waitin I : There is the bandaged head and sleep cure. always inconvenient an I all. Then there is ' Headahe Cures. I nnl.nn:1a aI"=iKEn*s PATENT I-IE_4u:AI-IE POWDERS \.lLJ\JI-{CL `L501 At the Clarkaon House, Barrie, on SATURDASEAS only. Farm Property only Insured and opexftions conned to County Simcoe only. I 10 To Every Family in Barrie and Surrounding Country. EAG|'3:RVS' DRUG STORE, Inn-urn lIt\e-l- IIEEIBE Gebrg Ev'er[glA1 ESTABLISHED, JUNE, 1878- `I)___-Sj___L f`-____- 1` il_,,.____ _BARRIE'S GREATEST DRUG STORE. Presigent--Georg; C. Morrow. ->'*'H-a'=`: .l`,.Y,:T`.8_": ..::`;:".::`.`.:% - 5""- Ba.rrle s South-Western Division. with its Pleasant Streets. its Tasty Dwell ings. its Pretty Churches, and its Go- 9.-head People will Entice Settlement -A Weekly Record of its Doings. Con. J. Quirk is running out of Toronto again. :11: Is , E T T! ___ _ ______g__ __ g____j___ Buys ne of our Popular -615. Po_.1" 'o`FI-`Eh e natu_ral /severazl hou.rs'for it to stop. ways npconvement sometxmes Isn t a cure after I HEAD OFFICE - - . TORONTO. AUTHORIZED on-rru. s1.0oo.000 This, is a. new Canadian Company independent of Underwriter Associations. $25,000 de 't with Ontario Government.. resident, Arch. Camgbell. M.P. : Vice President. Thf. Crawfnr M D I (Inna--I N`-I-'H'V`9l'. `V- Lnus. urawrora, M. r. r.; General Manager. ` Greenwood Brown ; Agent for Barrie. 12-29 J4. H. BEN N E.TT. *`rns[[Fm1ns Mr. Mitchell, boat builder, reports busi- ness brisk. Like all travellers. when going east. pay them a visit. T. N. HOBLEY, PBISA Banana Ag... -.._-. __------- "'PI-u?`dia"t Xrc"I?.'E:'n? 'S$'xiI"n7iIi5'. ghm. Crawford, M. P. `E ; General Manager. W- reenwnnd Rnnwn 2 Avon} Fa. Ra.-.2- va.')n Co;nty_Andito1T-a M. N. Stepliens, [Of GIOIIQ3-,h'.no and Thomas Truman, of Mid` 9110 It work .on the 1`reuurer a'bo0k3 to .th,e;t'n'ee ting"of Council next For Dinner in Hot Weather EHIJIIY H Assunmca co. l\/l;onLey'to Loan H.R.JONES '4 On ood I't`lovi rates of interest. TEA, COFI:`l;`.E Ai`ID-CO (`}O';\ I'l;C-IiT\NT. Mrs. Wm. -I'{-urVst returned home on Fri- day night; from Toronto. in Last Sunday was missionary Sunday in the Presbyterian church. 11 fr! II, ,1` I'I,_4,,, E- __!_!-!_.. _!LI_ S: The butcher will provide for your table. but for your BREAKFAST and TEA the many little delicacies that alone will tempt the appetite can be obtained at 2:'c3"r;a'.e5; 3'9" AGENT, BARBIE. ..'l`IlE.... eneral Agent, KTVCV -_,I-_ `gm 9.1898. Ctavenhurst, spent Sunday under the parental roof. n I 9 1',,, II!___ A_--.--..._ LL- I_-._L 1 VA 20.1; I. Statiqg ex Lmm be cheer that Bax;a Mr DRERY and BRO\\',\~ the Mrs. A. McNa.bb and son, of Collingwood, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Lot Webb. , +I __Q ,, I`! \ AR.\'C`Hll 1 Fowurxi POWER gr NOLAN Br (),_ SEIWOII :.`. URA.\'TJ It I.m`m hih III HARTL ""` T_'S "Vi ` M-visa Wilkinson rotorned last weal; ffom 9. two weeks visit with friends in Toronto. and P jou.\' the C Bgow: _[ DUTC L >CC And mcnti to dis the pc the cl. and I said a person notice n.,. n\' of Ba w;;\. \\ MCWAI \ -"L-1_::e. James Spring returned home on Saturday evening from a. visit with friends in Toronto. rUL| N0x.A.\;l \l A, Barrie Docuxl The residehts of the townline were treated I to a concert on Saturday evening. The clog danging was well executed. The music was goo . I _, , .I 1| ;,__-_,,,,_,,_,,-,1. have The B. of L E. was in session on Sunday afternoon. H -1`~h;-':B'.-;>f R. T. will be in conc1a.veTnext_ Sunday afternoon. :1 I11 `ff ,,,. ,,_.,,,,,,_3 I,.__.. __ I'.I_! misi}._ v']E1;;I`i1v1;1V,0Vf7 Beuon, is visiting with Mr and Mrs. Wm. Erlev. We enter on the second. week of our Iune sale with prieesand qualities to discount thetvery best we have ever offered before: Never before have we experienced the enthusiasm that marked the introductipn of our sale prices. Shoppers have thoroughly awprecnated the money-saving chances, and with values hke these for the week we are sure to be extra usy: . ' ~ V V V . Frawley s Shoe Store. noun.` -1 can`; 9: Men : Fine Casco Calf Balmoral and Congress Boots. kid top, toeoap, sewed or naiged so1e_s. extension soles, narrow and wide toes. regular price. Sagoo. sale price" . . . . . ..$1 Men's'Ba1morals, toe cap. Good our welt, in French patent calf._Russia.n ca and French calf (black). Amnncan n1a.k.- regular price" $50 OWmep'BIIII..lIOICOIIlIO I Men's` Plow Boots, bellows tongue. peglolo. - 1 warrantad nolid. sale urine ............... -. LADIES-' DEPT. Ladies` Fine Dongola Kid Button and Lace - plain and `fatcnt leather toein nar- royv. medium an wide` lshagep. regular O - I V oolIn|o"oo'no-n Laa . .3:"naf:e'.`c-"v'"'.ca33~` ` s"e. tomp`.' kidlined. mam .chocola dblnck colon.` exiblq Me'_ay -sole Bell V -.n.w.c-t...-have-.. .. `V ..-~prlcI- bu. 6'0 0"`) qfa 67': A 0'6` I I;-0-`I I 6;} VI 9- turtlny, u_we are Into to .....:"'.:..:.*r..`:`;':":*.:::*%..: ':;.::::`..:.'.s$var'::,:.,.o,' '1::,::`.'.=.:.?.*;:,.'f.....s...a,.' '`***'`*a.. 3'35 V , Cpmo ca_r1_y, 5p`ri9en q.nd'yalh_es will sun-in-he you.` * . . THE RAILWAY CENTRE OF THE FUTURE CITY. unn, now poms, neuowl tongue. P081019: Waffantad mud, pl iCG......u..."......` IIIIKC9 . UGWCQI wm oliaioo-I v:n a Snecia|8____|1_1_y_g Sale MEN'S DEPT. 1 .N9?~i:d?3*`Tv? V3`3% ":`- :5] 45 Railway. l'. The ab ove named gentlemen will- look after the township : interests, - '1 1, l____1 ._, A. _s_. 2..-- __-_ "7r"u2'Xi1J&.iLLZ;E};I ':{.I;i;"ar.:; op... airooncert on Friday evening at the corner of the townline and Essa street, , Allarge number of our` citizens turned out to greet the hand. The . only complaint made was the late hour the band made their appear- ance. A little earlier next time, boys; u-o. `Rev. W. R. every stirring and impressive sermon last Sunday morning. He gave the chumps of Sun- day golf players a hauling over the coals. In the evening he gave an excellent discourse on The character and like of Gladstone. The singing` by the choir was well rendered. ' A large number of our citizens attended the public school picnic in McOarthy s grove on Friday afternoon of last week, and were highly pleased with the proceedings through- out. A special train conveyed the scholars and their friends to Barrie and return. A list of -prize winners will be found in another ` column. ' ` The following item appeared in the To- ronto World of Monday, May 6, as a special from Ottawa dated June 4 :--`-`Some time ago the G.'1`.R. authorities obtained the con- sent of the Governor-in Council to certain new regulations governing the employees of the road. They were to. come into opera- tion July 1, of this year, and the men have since been strongly $-otesting. -mainly through Messrs. N. C. allace and W. F. Maclean in the Commons, against an act of inconsideration on the part of the Govern-. ment which forced them to reconcile them- selves to rules before they had had time to understand them. General Manager Hays had an interview with Minister Blair to-day and let the latter out of his difculty by consenting to indenite postponement of the introduction of the new system. 1. an c Q '\ Report: of the Burton Avenue School. Bar- rie. `for Ma.y-Fifth Form-S. McMillin, M. Whiteley, W. Hill, V. Collins, W. Tiokell. Fourth Class, Sr -L. Heard, H. Cross, A. Brunton. A. Young, 0. Gibson. Fourth Glass, Jr.-H. Webb. A. Johnson, J. Gil- christ. M. Sriqle and F. Armstrong. Third Class. Sr.-G. ill, M. Atnbroee. G. _l\door`e`,e M Mann); 1 'l`k_.l l`lnnn UIHBU. Dl'o'-U`o DUI, U1: AUJUFOSU, U. U.I.0Ul.', I M. Moore, L. Webb. Third Class, Jr.-C Marshall, W. Bailley, A. Patterson, F. Dol- lery, J. Goring. Second Class, Sr.--K. Parsons, I. Collins. L Hamlin, S. Meeking, L. Brown. Second`Cla.ss, Jr.-(a) 0. Moore, L. Reynolds, J. Wilkinson, L. Edwards, B. Pirie. Second Class, J r.--(b) G. Johnson, M. Jocelyn, L. Bruntou, `D. Wilkinson, 0. Stegglee. A o.,,',1I `l\c0l I An Mr. James Pirie, jr.. has moved from Cumberland street into Mr. John Adams house. - ' Total No. registered in_schoo1 . . . . . .. Average daily attendance in Division'_ From Barrie Electric Light Companv- As the time is now close at hand, named by the Mayor and a number of the Council in January last, for the settlement of the question at street lightin , we would be pleased to meet the Counci or a committee of your selection with a view of negotiating on a fair and equitable basis tor the continu- ation of the street lighting of the .town. We may be permitted to say that our earnest desire is to meet the 'town in a reasonable and business spirit and haveevery condence that as citizens and ratepayers having a large amount of monev invested in the un- dertaking we `will be similarly met. We may also add that if it is the desire of the town to go into the lighting business muni- cipally we are quite willing to sell out to your honorable body at the present value of the plant. , Wnnlm Mun n AI6nn Mnnnrfhv_"T 4-innit-A the plant." From Mrs. D Alton McCarthy-'FI desire to convey the heartfelt thanks of myselt and family through you to the Municipal Coun- cil of Barrie for their kind letter of sym- pathy in our late bereavement and to the citizens of Barrie who gave` evidence of their esteem and affection for my late deeply la- mented husband-their Member-by com- ing to Toronto to attend his funeral, and also to express to the citizens of Barrie that their loyalty to him was always a source of personal gratication. . Manama 'l`k.-kg D (Tn`t`nn:Il all!` .1` K Rana Average daily attendance of` school. . . No. present everv day in Division 1;. WILL THE NAME BE FORTHGUMING? ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY'S LETTER CAUSES A WAR OF WORDS. ` Oounc11lor.Andrew Hears Funny Things ' About a.Fe1low. Member-Letter From Mrs. McCarthy -Euntsvi1le Company w1l1 not be Brea.kfa'.sted--Whereabouts of Town Propert_y-Glass Manufactorv Seeks a Loca;t1on-Ad.1ourn meat at 11.30. ' At the regular meeting of the Town Coun- cil on Monday night the following communi-' cations were read :- IJU [DUI-ID! I'D I'll-IUD IIIULL Messra. Thos. R. Caldwell and J. K. Rose and.Mrs. Fullerton d Mrs. McGuirk peti- tioned the, councilf V improvements to Me- 633.? 11:}. 1 Ladies Oxford Shoe, toe czip, ma aged. hand turn sole, watranted not to rip, coin toe, in chocolate gnd black shades, special` price.`..$x 25 ________ , ,_ 4 31;.`;ug;;;.`:;:;a;;m=:1si,;.;a Mr. Haugh. ton Lennox have gone to Ottawa on busi- ness in connection with the Tollendal rail- wav crossing. A large number of the rate payers of the township of Innistil have petitioned for an overhead bridge at said crossing. The question is, who should build the bridge, the township or the Grand Trunk -1--1 -now wanna-aw or gra- Misses' `vi?-ine Button Boot, toe cap`. ` 3 ring heel. McKay cr turn solo II tan and b ack; regular price $1.50; sale priee.~.~. .. .. 1 Mines Oxford Shoe, toe capieoin toe,~McKay se_wed sole, chocolate and black. special I mOOIlO.IIIC IIIUIOOCIIIIIlIlIbI.IIIl.I.C Ch ilffs Chocolate Pebble Stu `Shoes, `turn sole, ' low heel." size: 8.to no, l ~ ; BOYS DEPT. ` 2 V V Bo " F` e_ B `to A Celf.Ba1monle.i,toe"cn .~'. - y:v'l;olI:foxe,3.' nutty style, gm. 1 to-5, Ipeagl D CO eocoecnleroeo one .u..`..'..; ..uau'.`..... l Y ths' Ch lite? bble Lqee, Boot; we ouextensiogicgolo, wiggle foxed, neat l `v lpodai18100.;.j-...,....;b.:..;.V 1} gft.onoN07O:4' -I Lac:-one Shoes. bet t`q' ty,6.t;o`xo.-:t35cper' _pair: I1._V5-V500-PI l!I'r. mssi:s'- AND Cl-!lL'D -S pnir. , registered in DiviaionT . . in achool.... 72 | {E21 All: 0 IV.. Iii 59 .. 239 -I 39 H 32 " 'IV`l1TeWlo: Gbigs church will hold their annual garden party on Tuesday, 21512 J uue. Full particulars later on. If , A_,.I, .__ l\_,_____ -1 1`\__1!'-I_ -.._!____I E3 '_x 95 60 11' 17 19 (`P VI I:IIU IIIDIII VII UIICU HUIUUb- . Mr. Robert B.ncha.na.n`wrote mfoxming the council of an Orange demonstration to be held in town on July 12th, and. asking for a. IIIIUIIUU Qllll 7 IIUI-IVIU IIIIIUIUBIIUII Mr. J. A. MoMurtry, of Toronto. naked for inducements for a. glass manufactory of $100,000 capita1_snd.emploving 200 hands. 7 P. S. Crave. of Montreal, asked for the position of electrician. T Rev. Bernard Boone. of Crown Hill. asked ` for St. Vincent Park for camp meeting pur- } TI nan: . `Donald atreeo nidswalk} they alto complain ` of the drain on that street. 1 il _ 'I')-I.-..L I);.-I.-___'_...-L- -...-_...!._..;_I.- { SIGIIUC . Road Inaeotor Campbell informed the council that e is prepared to arrange a date to discuss good roads with. the Works Com mittee and ~ others interested, II- A 'll`_ll....4. .._ -2 fl`! ____ ;__ _-l_-.1 rAw.motion by Councillors Johnson and Powell to refer a_ll documents to their respec- tivecommittees, excepting the communica- tion fromElectric Light Company, met with strong opposition. . ELECTRIC LIGHT CCMPANYJS LETTER. ` Bennett--Why not let the `Electric Light Company's letter go to committee?_ John- son-'1`he time is so close at hand when the Electric Light Company s franchise expires `I thought some arrangement might be made until the council s scheme is carried out. _Mayor-The_ time has already expired. Powell--It was my suggestion that the letter be dealt a with to-night; `communications from the Electric Light Compan have been ignored by thecommittee, and thought it /better to bring the matter to a head to- night. Frawley-At no time has an Electric Light Company communication been ignored by a committee._; this is a at contradiction but it is true. Powell-Last June there was one ignored if I remember right. Frawley -I say no. We were in committee three hours dealing with that communication and every effort was made to meet the company in some way satisfactory to the town; but we could do nothing with them ; I am sur- prised-to hear Councillor Powell make such a statement. -Powell--I cannot call to mind any time when the matter was brought be- fore the Council. Mayor-Can you specify, Councillor Powell, what communication was ignored? Powell-No, I cannot. though 1 think several were introduced but not dealt with. Bennett-I was not in the Council last year but am going to have my say this year. I think the commfunication last year from the Electric Light Company was a re- quest to guarantee their bonds or take over the lant. or the lights would be turned out ; am right? Mayor-Largely so. Bennett --The company refused to make any other proposition so negotiations came to an end. do not see why the letter should not be dealt with in committee. Frawley-At a recent Council meeting a committee was empowered to receive certain information re electric lighting and a plant. To-morrow we will have that information as then all tenders will be in `; the mover of that motion surely does not want the matter dealt with until we hear the result of the committee's work. Johnson--No. I merely brought in the motion to make some arrangement with the company in the meantime. Andrew-I have been informed on good authority that six months ago letters referring to electric light matters were put in the hands of a member of this Council but have never been ' presented, though 1 haveanxiously waited to see them brought forward. I am now, in view of Councillor Frawley s denial, in a position to contradict my informant. Mc- ean-A motion to deal with that letter to- night will be voted down. Powell--If com- mittee has no power to give out a contract I am quite willing to withdraw the motion. Id`:-nn1ln1__T nnnlinn nnI1nn:|`An 6`-an Gill \1|l|l4V VIIIIILIB BU VVIIIIIIILBVV IJLIU IIIUUIUIIQ Frawley--I assure Councillor Powell the committee has no intention of doing any- thing of the kind and am surprised at his insinuation. I also assure Councillor An- drew that the Electric Light Committee has not withheld any communication; I would like to know who his informant is; it is a serious charge against the committee and the name of the party should be given tothis Council. Andrew--I do not feel like giving the party's name; I shall ask him it I can use his name, and it so I shall divulge it at next meeting of the Council. Frawley- ,Where did the communication referred to come from ? Was it from the Barrie Electric Light Company ? Mayor-You understand, Councillor Andrew, you have made a serious charge against the committee in saying the members thereof have withheld certain in- formation from Council. Andrew-I do not make the charge; I am merely telling you what I heard upon. what .I. considered re- liable authority. Mayor-Did you mean to imply the charge ? Andrew-No, I did not ; I accelpt Councillor Frawley s explanation; until interview my informant further. The communication was then assed on to the Electric Light Committee or consideration and report at next meeting. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS. Chairman Soules of Board of Works, re- commended that stone be crushed and de- livered by contract, and` that granolithic walk (if any) be constructed by contract; thattenders be asked for 1000 cubic yards or more, if required, of crushed eld stone, of coarse and medium grade for use between Mulcaster and Puget street ; thata six-foot sidewalk be constructed on west sideoi Owen between Dunlop and Collier streets; also an eight-foot sidewalk on Bayeld street trom `x7na:I|l'l.l\I`I Int-sin` nnunnn nnnbhunvnnn-1 IA`) `ha! o ___ -.--___.~-. We are glad to notice that Mr. John Maf- fatt, who had his foot crushed between a railway tie and rail a. couple of weeks ago. is improving very nicely, and will be able to return to work in a. few days. vx I-Ivvsitf. III `fl [VI _cI6IIII'LVUU DIVICVVTIE `III II IIVIVL UULWUU LIUIII Wellington hotel corner northward, 143 feet; `that intake pipes be put in at south-east and south-west corners of market, `and that a 18 inch pipe be laid under and across Collier street to take water tram market building ; that an eight-foot cobble pavement be con- structed at rear of market building; that gutter eon west side of Mulcaster street, south of Dunlop, be stone-paved to railway crossing ; that grates be lowered at Baveld street and Mary street corners on Elizabeth , street, and that plank be laid to allow the ; water to pass beneath the sidewalk to said intakes. All these recommendations-were ; adopted. ' l _Chairman Caldwell recommended that no reduction be made in Mr. Ed. Scott s eart- er?a license; that a re alarm be placed in W. Jones house ; ;hat two extension ladders and two shuto' gates be purchased for the "re brigade.`-Adopted. e | * REPORT ON mums. ' I Cliairman Rogers of the Parks Committee rnnnmnunnnti that-'(`.hnn Mnnb3n Ian nnnnhut-.- I \Jl.IFIll IIIDII LIUBUID `IL IJJU L 3535 \JIIllOlIlIllIlVU recommended that Chas. Meekin be ap oint- `ed caretaker of Queen's and Agricu tn-ml park: at $50 per year, also that Judge Ar- degh be baked to appoint Mr. Meekin as; perks constable. The adoption of this re- port was preceded b a discussion around the table showing t at [several ho a and young men frequent these perks an break. thn Inn! Ln Jianlvrnnlnn `gunman nu}-up Can` yllll 5 IIIVIJ IIUHILVHU UIIUHV EIDIIIU CH UIUCB the law by destroying fenoee. using foul language, etc ; it is expected that Mr, Meekizfs {additional authority as constable will ebate these nuisances." MR8. amps`. omuu. The Finance Committee recommended that the" V or , interview the town Solicitor to near ` whether or not the town is liable hferdmege.,I' to -Mrs. Hindu propertv gauged by. _tVhe1eveg.ien_of` themed bed. Qhairman VM-Afr -.+ 3`~.1.1'Ia.:.1:.'| .e..o. .a.;......;:'.s; oI..'-., -"3u.mo' "yT`L`ui'..I. e..'% '3'n'2iI$&%"e :33 gcon. -. i Councillor Frawlev tho 1: it. beta itqr to nd out (the * amount '-of. .eHindI ; eloilq before I lawye:- e advice is sought. -Dopu;ty-Reeve Galdvfvell thought it would be W EIHNDUIUII III III!` BUG UUUO \JIIDll'lIIBI-I i7i'sie"..:i% `id he did not so with the 1 re- evt v'zhi L hinpommivtee ed `decided on ; . e vieiitecfithem to autherize ' him to interg [view Milli Hindq with '3' view to eivin it -n --. 3 ugh-I..I.. a.n._...'..`- .~".n_A.L`;_..-'A._'A.- _L.lLI__-_4` $942 : FIRE AND POLICE REPORT, ',l.`HE _1NOR'_1`HERN ADVANCE. [John Galhraith,%| n.-------` ----v. ---_ `H. ..-._.V 7 7 -Subscribe for THE ADVAl;(`:E, the best weekly paper in the County of Simcoe. SPECIALTY, ' 50-tf Eristing and chopping Daily. DucKWneal:......-......... no 000001 Flour........ ... . ClOVeI'Sed-no (00-00-- Tim0I`.hy.'....... 400103090` ` % +(.>:f.;lI:!?DHL. Roller Flounng Mulls. AALLANDALE. sunny A I in _,__`g Tho Prices Ruling in -the. IBa.rr1e_ ..a.nd Toronto Markets During the Week, _-_..__ -_ _. _-._._.__ VV lI%I, lath o . - ;2{::"ff Kyenuooooncclunotciooounuoauooonoia Pm o o c - cunoocn. .g;gtoIolouno-oo- Buckwheat................ mm... UBIS ` Rye. . Pp.-an _ GENERAL Bef,fox-equarters.................. Beef,hindquarters.................. Dressed hogs pe_rcwt.. ' Chickens per pan`. . . . . Butter. Roll. ner Ih. . DBKUPCT u0z.u............- aonuoo A les,perbag.................... Agglesperba"elIOIIICOIOIIOIOOOOIO Potatoesper erton..............._......... Woo.wa.shedperlb................ \lY.\..I ..-n.--L.A ..-_ ll. umcxens par Butter, R011, per lb. . . . . Tub. lbs I 0 0 0 o n o o on`-nuns Enron xer dnz . . . . . . . . alfuo-ocoouoooaoooucno "'m5}};3 i?;aiL;;"J%:{1;}1;; and; G. 1`.R. property is badly in need of repair. ITVQII