[r gash Do YOU KNOW WHAT IT. MEANS 2'3-33 *- ` EW ADVERTISEMENTS. , The Jeweler. 86 Dunlop-st; v4~tf 1 PW 'm`x$%`f |l|ay smiifohbinsl noun; Illupll-Isaac , a '-----`I ""'D' A71*"'{ra3 ?'1IYEt. Solicitors. Bartie. ----can in auto uauulliilv c. 15. HEWSON. |-I Viv, Box 303. Barrie. '1`!-IE IN TERESTS OF BARRIE, THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE rsitute at Penin- r A` ' _'nIrA'g:o-nun. may 20. 16-tf. BARBIE. COUNTY OF SIMCOE, ONTARIO, JUNE 9, 1898. ______________________________~ allld II\clUI' UUII, .I.\I|ll \.IIIUR U: ' Sixteen. years and over-Oliver Findlay, A George .McMill_a.n. *7 mB'i,'ht and spftrkng music and a host of novelties "0 uccd. PTICCS, x5c., 25c. and 35C. Seats `on sale at Se`-1gc,s'_ 234` p uui`T1?ov7v'i;g:eball, 14 years and over- A. Luck, G. Caldwell, H. McMillan. - fl...-...Inu |\nnn`\n`l 10 urn` `I9-I nnnom__f1 The following in jnmpif we:-`e o for `special prizes donatedbv Mr. A e in each case 14 years and over :- tanding jump-G.Caldwe1l. B. McMillan. l Running ump--G. Caldwell,H. McMillan. ` `Running op, lliep and jump--J. Gilchrist, ` C. .Willon. rgnn. Inspector Mor-3:1; onlihe grounds dur- in the afternoon. - . N. Hughes klndly geve the ground: ifolkionio purposes. tthe members of ' "the teaching _eta.' iworked like Trojene. T '; " Willie Burn: had thumb badly injured ;'}whlle~ playing ']3l'_x`e`~"ra't:"-nrrivI.1 ' `vie 31:9` nan. the` ;lnI.t*d e"`a.rture `st 9 n.m.v J-ll-IIIUL It .5 UL Elllo Eleven ea.rs-Cl9.rence BotbweIl_, E. Campbell, ddie Waterman. mmnl no vnnrn__nnIfnn 1'-lunhhnrf nvnn uuuuy, as uuun 1. law: nuu. ` u i Thirteen years-Robart Paton; {John- Dodds, Emerson Stephens. 1\IQ-`AllI| tron-n, .nu:g `III ... in` l`lun-`An JJUUUBQ JHIIIUI HUI} KZUURIIUIIDO vFourteen yea.rs-Louia Heard,` Charles Ha.r_ria, Alvin Harker. 13`;-nun cyan nu, ,; nu` QC-AI-ulun-as De-nu` I.I.GliI{ID 38V Ill LL35 DUI. a V Fifen years-.-+Edward Stephens, Brb Anderton, Tom Cheat. W - q:uLnnn manila nun!` mnA`nII Rela. race, 13 veere` and under--1st, West and Schoo1-Bob Patton. Arthur giegwerd, Aubrey Mitchell, R. Bothwell. n . Allendale Schoo1-F. Peacock, H.` W bb, C. Gilchrist, A. Patterson. . 3 13.1..-u nnnn . `ll cvgcnnn awn` n1vnn+mnn I-:19. VV UUU - Rex; Allanda -I._:_n 7 r:32,`"1`Z" 33:5 L"x:"} 1`ZV3}-'Won by 19-11. Wi on, 0. Wilson, J. an. m Onnd-L 1:: |uuuuv--no v 0 15:13, W. Scott. 'I'au-4.cn3n no `van an To BE LET. _ dThaL Comfortable and Commodiaus Brick Resi- ln_ce on Blake street, immediately West of the.Col- helatc Institute, known as Bou1derfel," having Otaxr furnace and other modern cdnveniences. Ap- P to STRAT HY & ESTEN, Barrie. 9- L An uuun, Us Unlunvuu, up a:uuu;aunu Throw g baaeball, 12 and 13 yars-G. P1a.xton,.S. Fletcher, R. Patton. mkidhn 1-unun`\n`l tvnnuu-n_Sl ;s ;::1}a;;:3:;'n.,;..e1d, Harvey o s, p hep ens. Hanan unnrn:A AI-nah` NAUIVIQII Wu: V` L, LUV JJWVO Eig yea.rs-James Heard, PercyAPla.x- % ton. Russel `Falkner. - < l \T:_- ..--.... 1172112- \T..1l-_ 13..-}- A.._-I.1 ` IIUIIQ LUUHBUI NGIBIJUII Nine yea.rs-Wi1lie Nelles, Ernie Arnold, Stanley McCausland. ` mnn ting unTv:nnu ca 311 ___ MnM:nu L7 U$llIU Y HLUQGMUIDHUO Ten ea:-s-Victor Nash, - McMillan, Huber: ex-kins. `Il-____ ____.._ (`I _ _ . _- 'I'1_LI____II `IN \JC|II'(IIUII, JJAIINIIV VI EIIUL IIIGIII Twelve v rs-Da.lton I:Iubbert,.Go1don Galley, Arthur Patterson. 7|"!-u!-nan unnnu:p,nRnn Du I-an ' , .TnIn-u. law no stunts as u |:.uI. - Anna Molntouh fell on utone and injured jhufqlid . ,_ . She has t69Vored_. !-4...._!.` 3.5- nnnfn hnnnnul Afar` ALI-uIv' DOIKIIQO. D110 05' `.V",VV`"-V.- 1 Simpson's ice cram-1.w3n=dN=d. `Iran. "'nIinV.'1-an nf` an: ~.!= ".IWllI"gIlIIl; '7i""1,lIIllIl'uuIu o Prlnolpol,:FoItor,? of West Ward sohol, culled awsyjfrom the grounds to attend LJPUVI9 RI IIIIBII I41 "I\lO Fourteen years-J. Gilchrist, W..McKen- zie, W. Scott. HEEL--- ...u..... I` l'1..I.l._-'l'l I1 I`lTI_-._ I` . ~ . - W" M 9'0 Patronage ot Idem.-Col. Ward an_l 0 can oI 35t_h Butt. and Ill: Worship the Mayorzand Mimic al Council. . The historic popular event in Canada. musical gmnala. Five Ayears-ZHe1.'manZ T Stei)h;x:s; Allm Sewery, Allan Diamond. . I1nnmn_,_,Q`-nnlnu `|'.'l'n-n'l.1 `l J'.......... I "".`'n";5F.1"Z. "2Zo1a, Norman. Wald: orf, Roy Lee. - % ruuwu,-p. .I.'IuIrvuUl, LU. Lnyvvu- I Throwing baseball, 10 and 11 yeara-S. Buchanan. M. Heard, N. Rogers. - `D00!!!-1|Ilj!.I 'l'll".3..'W,` '--"` ' ' 'p,,G;-.EiGhaiyiv1 6f" tihq `WC , n.a....:...:% .1:-....;..-_.: .1 Want -wad mhdl. wi ; efw1I'3Zo}I;'ZEgfd, Harold Bailey, Kenneth Rentrey. Qnunn I1AIIlTQI'nI7 Duncan NA`-Jan 01...! \I\II-I J. KI I-' IIIUICJO Eight yea:-s-Sa_m Somers, Stanley Meek- ing, Walker Dodds. . mnn "Anna , D4-my (luau!-' Dlkh "nTm6AnL BIIWII, JILHILQ LLCCI \lO Eleven yeara-Ross Welte,' Gordon Dou- gall, Harry Webb. Turn` Iva won It-.__l1n:-nvnn Anna A n has " JJ1"L" {I.Z}'."'_c:eorge Morne, Aubry Mitchell, Frank Peacock. * rnhihl-Ann cyan Iva [1-`union-u .D`nuuI-A-u A `tuggi- AILIBUIIUII I-`ICED L UBUUUBO `Thirteen years-Gordon Plaxton. Albert: Spears, Arthur Hayward. - wnnninnn cranium-n__,T l1:l..lm:.a- `X7 llntz-.. V V O |JU|IIlUu "'L"itteen yeara-G. Caldwell. C. Wilson, Harry Wilson. .q:vtnnn wanna ant` Anrnnjn MnM=IInn T `The June session of the Coupcil of e Corpora- tion of the County of Simcoe wall com ence on m1-run... ...q Cl'I'I 11 11-I--I1--I1 I-Lil,` J V V IIGUI-It Sixteen years and dver-H. McMillan, J. Somerville. V U135 [UH '.` Illbllyo ' Fourteen and over'-Ethel Hurd and Edith Dodde, Maggie Buchanan and Florence N elles, Jessie Haines and Annie Haines. ` BOYS B.ACES-FIB.ST exams. ' Five years-Frank` Whitehead, Geo. Mc- Conkey, Gordon Meeking. Qiv nnnIvn:llnnrnn `III ...-A tfnnnl `n..:I.... m-376:` ;::a:lx:: S.teve Brown, Noble Shel- don, Paul Findlay. ' manh I1nnIIu__Qnr Qnvnnuu _QI-nn`nr1 Mnnh w$ Iix;; m;:1:s:`i:(`a; `Grant, Peter McIntosh, Stave ellea. ' l`IL,_I!_ (I_._2LL TI`- _____ II, _, ""`i'EZ$"7'a} " . over-Grace Thorne, Florence Phillips, Marion Marshall. j THREE-LEGGED RACES . Ten and eleven years-May Buchanan and Lily Somerville, Bertha. Brown and Pearl \ Ball. Annie Bailey and Marjorie Douglas. Twelve and thirteen ` years-Bertha Uoles and Emma Abernethy, Ruth Wilson and Florence Abernathy, Constance Findlay and Marion Findlay. I.'a`-....I..u.-. .....I ...u...- `h`LL..I `IIl .-....I .....1 1.12541. uuu y w 4.1 vucu. Ten yeara-Charlie Smith, Harry Mar- shall, Murray Heard. Ilntvnn manna Dana W31. (lam.-`nun 11.... ""ir'?'vf3`yL}Z":"n`i'};n Findlay, Tillie Clark, Drucy Curtis. mhghrnan wanna nnn`I|:n:\ A`An`: 'Ia';.n-.34; \JlDlB Ill UV \J|ll'I)lBo Thi rteen yea.ra-Beatrice Metcalf, Florrie Cooper, Flora. Young. A I wnuinfnnn Ivonne, an I`:.\ Dan nan`, DALAAAA \JIlVtIWlu , L` IULII J. UNI-I50 _ Fourteen years-Sadie Peacock, Rebcca Somers, Edna Sewrey. .I9nn-nu nun` 1;:-can I`-nan "`LAu_- cuu. uvu Gout . Nine years-Pearl O Connor,SylviaCripps, Mary Buchanan. Ten yeare-Ada -Hayward. Eva Phillips, Maud McCabe. , _Eleven yeare-Goldie Graham, Reta Grif- ths, Annie Wittendale. 7I`.....'l.... .......... l....:.._ 1:v:...n_.. m:n:- J. IUI VLIUU LVUUUJ 0 Eight. yeats-Clar9. Scott, Pearl McDon- ald. Eva. Story. `N11-an Ii IIIJAQ III an r9:n (V-zn..- In ui}l`e;:n years--Aggie Patterson. Carrie Uulverwell, Esther Rodgers. Twelve yea.rs-Euhel Hard, Sadie King, Ethel McKenzie. Thirteen veare- Sadie MoMullen, Blanche Goodyear,` Ethel Brunton. 'l`.-mu-... ununlun `IF.-I:sI.. `I\-A.I- (1..-- _u vvu] was , uuucl DI.` uu Luu. Fourteen yea!"-a-Edich Dodds, Grace Thorne. Maggie Buchanan. F3`!-An tvnnnn nut` nun... T1uun:n Q.....2.I. ml-.. .n.uv| uv 1.1105310 uuuuuuuu. A F ifbe:1 years and over--Jessie Smith, Flor- ence Nellea, J eaaie Hainee. GIRLS RACES--SECOND SERIES. Five year-s-Reta Sewrey, Mabel Cooper. Catharine Brown. Six Yea.rs-Lizzie Perry, Dora Plaxton, \ Olive Urry. ' " i Qntvnn nnnvm_.,Tnnn3n qIv|:\ `I3-.....-.... Q..-LL ` VJIIVV IJIIJI Seven yea.rs--Jesaie Smith, Frances Scott, Florence Reedy. mfnh nnnnu_.l`!lnnn Qnnl-L `Dan-nl lJ-'I\..-. LUII JUC Id3.mPae. Teaehere. `Pupils and Friends Have an V Enjoyable Time. * The second union picnic of `Barrie Public sohobls was held in 'McCarthy s grove last 1 Friday afternoon. The weather was all that could be desired and a large crowd attended. The various games attracted much attention and abrded a treat deal of amusement. PRIZE WINNERS. omns aAcss-1r1as'r snmss. Five years-Millie Fortner, Sara Rosen- ielt. Katie Rodgers. Six years--Frankie Haggart, Tena Cowan, ` Lizzie Perry. Seven veaxs-Maud Fletcher, Bella Ross, Minnie Oripps. - Ei ht years-Mary. Meeking, Hazel Patter- son, ean Fleming. ' ` Nine years-Mand Clark, Jessie Wilkin- son. Constance Findlay. ' THU` `7lIRI'_.. (TH-an `II- -.-`:- Ill-Io \J\lLlDUGI.IUU 13 Illuluyo ' Ten yea.ra--Edith Otton, Florence Hamlin, da. Pan. ' noys BAOES_-SECOND snguns. PUBLIC SCHOdL PICNIC.` q PIONI0lINGS. His Grace Archbishop Walsh bestowed the sacrament of Conrmation on 102 candidates at St. Mary s church on Sunday last. Following his custom on such occa- sions, the venerable prelate gave the forty boys just conrmed the total abstinence pled e_. On the large congregation as- semb etl the Archbishop also bestowed the Papal Blessing, granted by Pope Leo XIII. In his subsequent address, based on the Scriptural query, What does it prot a man if he gain the whole world, but suffer the loss of his soul? His Grace, in re- markably clear and incisive language, de- monstrated the absolute necessity of placing the affairs of eternity before earthly things. The value of conrmation, as a means to this end, was also emphasized. The Arch- bishop impressed on his people the oftenfor- gottenvalue of proper home training of the children. Without this. His Grace claimed, the best teaching of church "and school is of little avail. The father is priest in his home, and by his example makes or mars future generations. . As 41... .........:..... 1'1` .... ..... `D-.. 'n..- m........- Roch Marten, the Mo eal horse king. will be at the Wellinc Hotel on Friday and Saturfdgy n_ext.bJ_ h -10 andol, flor tllie urpoae o uymg ones, 3 c an 3 End actors. Patti aving any of the above to dispose of will. well to be at the Wel- lln ton Hotelon 9 above date, when they w nd 9. ready` urobaser at good remun- erotive gt-ices if C-`ma avian eir bones are still up to vuu uuu u Lvwuy erati , 9 rice: the xiiaxi. - 1 it! `$6.50: 87.50. ,3 nlmrg-an nnos. I UK` I} V3389` I The annual report of Inspector Hodgson contained the following particulars :-The condition of the school remises bears testi- mony to the. zeal of t a caretaker, whose salary is, in my opinion, by no means in keeping with his e"1ciency. The present value of the library is placed at $612 33; apparatus. $640.24; maps, globes, etc., $118; gymnasium. $6,730; equipment for physical education, 890. Books for supple- mentary7reading are provided by the students themselves ; there are no drawing models in the school. The discipline of the school is classed excellent, and the work satisfac- tory. Of the last class of entrains, of 17 examined in reading 2 are classed "fair, 3 poor and 6 bad. Of ve other pupils examined in reading 1 is classed fair" and 4 poor. The report concludes as follows : It gives me pleasure to nd myself in a position to report that under Mr. Redditt s principalship the Institute continues to main- tain its high reputation for thoroughness and breadth in the training imparted to its pupils. . Al` Irish nnrnrn:1n:ndG3nnu urn` Innnnrlvu can-A LIIIIIIIU `ULIUI Q|IlUl.IUo At the evening Vespers Rev. Dr. Tracy; of St. Michael s Cathedral, preached an earnest and eloquent discourse on the Gospel of the day. In his preliminary remarks, D'r. Tracy spoke highly of the singing of the boys choir, comparing them favorably with the celebrated junior choir of St. Miohael s Cathedral. V ` - .. ' ch. Str. Ialav will 4 . for Morton a'Pa.rk; Mtox-ton : Park at 4 ' x a On Friday June. leave hereat10.30 , rgtuming, will lea. in. Euro: Adul Ill. Batu 3 nun: xuuog vuuu:'vu Avvu Partieqwiuhin J charter aha Str. msy` should secure early as 9. number of dateiarealrea taken. , x SATURDAY, .u.y(E 1.1 Ilpllo All the communications and reports were deferred till next meeting for consideration. The meeting then adjourned. G'Men a and Bo` I:ust:re. Alpaca, Crash` and Linen Goats c up at Cashman & Perry's. UGIJIV-II-I o 1 am directed by the Minister of Educa- tion to state in reply to your `letter of the 18th inst. that it is quite within the right of the Board to have resident pupils admitted to the High school without the payment of fees. It is quite customary, in many places, to charge-no fees of pupils in Form I, thus avoiding the establishment of a Fifth Form in the Public school. See Regulation 7 re- Igarding the matter. - I rs 111.. QVUICSW W115 [ICU YVCII A communication from the Military Gaz- ette re forming a cadet corps was read. This would entail a considerable expense as the Board must build and maintain a proper armory which must be under an efcient --._-L-I_-._ armory wl caretaker. f'l1I__ --_,,- :3 Prinzial wrote stating that the fees from resident pupils in the first Form average $442 per year. A IIl\I'VIIV\III\:tIn`:l\II `Darn `Ln M:`:Gnnn I1-.. ;At the regular meeting of the Collegiate Institute Board on Friday evening Mr. Dick- inson. Rev. Dean Egan, Rev; Dr. Harper and Mr. S. Wesley were present. Mr. Dickinson was appointed chairman. The following communication was received from Mr. John Millar, Deputy Minister of Edu- cation: . Ill _,, ,I!,,,,A,J',_, Al `I. C A .3 `RI lll assortment at THE EMPIRE VVUII UIUIIIOUIJ `Jul-Ill` IIIIC GLLUII-I\I\II-II Melsaciames Urry. Jones, Blow, Ormsby, Devine, Hallett, Evans, Garden, Bunker and Drury have the thanks of all picnickers for preparing the ten boilers of tea that were used. I`L_!___.__-- 1"I_-_I,!___ _.. J 'II._,,._A _ _.. `HI 9 , ,1 - , I " VI 9 IIUWILI Chairman Perkiusund Trustees Rhinehurt. Montgomery, Dutton. Reedy, Smith, Me~ Lennon and Ward were on the grounds dur- ing the morning or afternoon doing all they could to further the enioymeut of the child- WEI! H IL` 1 DI}--l1 RELIABLE U H ERAL Servant in a. small good references. Apply to .\llTH, 130 Bayeld street. I4 I15 \!.L'4&V' ily. Must have S. CECIL B. rm-as-p V|I LU UAlIV_l-I\lU\-lo Several hundred gallons of water were drained by the cupful from Mr. Drury a pump by thirstv children. Mn flan l`.nInu I'll!-rn I-I-In arnn`lnuO- n1-:3`; l'IIIIItI I , IILIIIUUV \lIIII\-ILWIIO . Mr. Geo. Uoles drove the smallest child- ren of the East Ward school to the grove; `the rest walked in procession. Icinnna pnnnrn ant` llnllha Ir=nrI`n `nun, `"Ea`eZZ.'.'"ii`3'EgL`I-a"".7$'ii:e kindly tur- nisbed rope for the ve swings that were so well patronized during the afternoon. Mnunmna TTIW-I1 _Tnv-nan nlntn (`annular- Lllllltll IIIIU UVII Iia To all who contributed prizes, money or any other article or articles a. hearty thank you is extended. qnvvn-A` `emits:-Inna` tln"nInn A` unnLnn ---un- | vnuv V unvun % Mr. c. A.`Pez-kins furnished the dishes and Messrs. F. M. Mohtgomery and G. G. Smith the tents. fl`. .1! _._I.- --..A_2I.--A_-J __._2._-_ _.___,_ , W I: Us 1,500 oranges and 350 lbs. of candies were distributed among the pupils of the four scllxnolola; / , 4 ____SI._ .2 AII_._'_I,`I_ .__l.__I --, DUUUUIHO The pupils of Allandule school came over on special train and returned by a. special at eight o'clock. T n M- n A D....I.:... :.....;.:.s....a n... .::..:.-.. IDDUI` Ill |ullU lIl.CUI'l.l_U0nu I A band would have ad_ded- materially to l the pleasure of all on the grounds. A l"l'IfII' Iron `man Cantu` nn I-Ln nn:;n-.A- I: Jvucunv UL (Ill UH uuu savuuun __WAFdoor key `was found on the gronnds. `The owner can haveit by applying to Mr. Iallett. ` FIIII A____.___._ ___j CIEII II,,, _A_ ,, `U use bedside of his b1`-other;_in-law who died` [later in the afternoon. A 1....) __...'L1 I____ _j_1-3 __,,. o n spot on breast, white on fro feet. short tail. Owner can have the same by pa. 1 ng expenses and UUU I` U U 1` Ll"'\/\)\/I\l`4l\ Dr 'GL| VV III In It 3PP3.\'ing at :7 Sophia street east. ' 23-23-p . sounds from nother aking Conrmation in St. Ma:-y`s Church. AND. THE DOMINION OF CANADA OUR CRITERION.` First Trip or yin sedaop. Collegiate Institut Board. Horses nmor Clothing I . @'The l_a.r'ges1: a " of light weight Costs agd Vesta is at 0 man and Perrv a. The rst bband concert of. the season will be given " on the post oioe square to-night, Thutiday. Programme :- March. , . . . . . .Ge1-ophmen. . . .J Sohoeppe Fantasia-.. ..Beauties of England.Ed.Newton Grand March . . .Triumphal. ; ..Ch;' Gounod 117-15- TQQA A` '|l nl\........ A .`D'.......... m'For the ngxt two ee, 3 a. special op- portunity is a`o`rded o bu ng Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes and oth' g" at your own price. The three b Ba. rupt Stocks of Howard & Co , 0 nor f Sudbury, and Baillie; of Mantra , bou t at a low rate on the S, are bein sacuced at a big dis- count on wholesa.le'cost. J. C. Irwin, in B. Hinds old stond. -Mr. A. W. Wilkin`, barrister, of To- ronto, died at the residence of` his brother- in-law, Mr. W. E. Foster, Owen street, last Friday evening, at the age of 45 years. He was in failing health for a good while and about two months ago came here Rhinit- ing a change might benet his health. He was never able to return home and gradual- ly failed until death released him. The remains were taken to N ewmarket on Satur- = day evening for burial on Monday. Deceas- ed leaves a wife and two children. f ' Ernie A1lTwa_1-d and Harold Dyment wheel-. 1 "ed to Toronto 6n Saturday. returning Mon- day evening. ` ~' ` -r__--_~_'- :1_.,;..`|_pL 1-...-__' -.. -m_.s_!-_ ;- ;_I__ 4 -The Waterworks arbitration was re- snmed on Wednesdav morning. Mr. Keen- an s estimate was taken, after which the Arbitrators were driven about town to in- spect `various portions of the plant. F. E. P. Pepler, Q.C., counsel for the company, then began his argument. "11 on it 11: rm III . - --While Mr. Ed. Gallic was returning on his wheel from the Collegiate Institute last Thursday at noon, he and Mr. R. A. Dou - las collided. One of Ed. s toes was so bad y cut with a bicycle pedal that ve stitches were necessary to close the wound. He will be laid up forseveral days. `ll ? 1 in -l{eeve McLean (chairman). Deputy Reeve Caldwell, Councillors Frewley and Bennett. of the Court `of Revision. held their rst sittings on Tuesday from 9 to 12 _o clock and adjourned until 7.30 Friday evening to complete the business before the court. Several appellants were heard, but decision was reserved until Fridav evening. --a V. -___ J ame Craig V left towh on Friday to take bharge of ~_Vair u branch store in Parry sound. `Jim carries with him` the beat wish. owi many frind-,- , . U! " """' '`' ""'U' ` -The annual union of the Congregational ; churches of Ontario is being held this week ; at the Bond street Congregational church, 1 Toronto. The delegates in attendance from the Barrie Congregational church are Messrs. Oscar M. Doane and Russel J. Stewart. -In our report of the concert in the, Music Hall on Friday night, May 27th. we unintentionally omitted to credit Mr. J. C. .Morgan with a humorous reading. Innfact Mr. Morgan is deserving of special mention for getting up such an excellent programme in so short a time. vlnuu Ll-I.IUI.Io nJ.Llu||ll.uIu|. . ..\Ju. uuuuuu Wa.1tz_.. . . . Land of My D1-eams.A.eI-Ierman Qua_drillee:Echoes frem Norwa.y.Ed.Newtou Soho1:tinche....Isla`.h'd Garden. . .R. B. Hill Galopp. ...,ListImto Me....J. 0. Casey VMar'ch .... . .Cock'o the N erth.J .Ord Hume God Save the Queen. 'Bright, sparkling ' usic. pretty girls, graceful dancers. and a. `ost of novelties are the leading features i Little Trixie, at the Grand Opera. Hons next Saturday, June 11. `Prices. 15, 25 an 35c. Seats now on sale at Seagers. is u u C\ ---_,-- - , . -George Coles delivery horse took fright at the fall of a. lumber pile and bolted from the market Tuesday morning. The outt was stopped at the corner of Berczy and Collier streets. Little damage had been sustained. -Barrie Cheese Board held their .first meeting last Thursday. 679 boxes were of- fered and 158 were sold, the price being 62c. and 7c. per lb. Next meeting on 16th inst. R. Graham. Elmvale, is president, and C. ` E. Lundy, Newmarket. secretary. -..--... I H`2q()"(l)ozen Mem Boy 9: Straw Hats \ on sale this we 1:. each, at HUN- TER BROS. - .____= .._v --.-v- ----vnvno -The first number of the Cookstown Ad- vocate is to hand. We hope Brer. Stoddart 3 will be able to maintain the neway and read- ; able character of the ts: number. 1 V V,__ _- -.- .v-`mg-up -Mr. John Brown, of Ivy, sold the west half of Lot 21, 100 acres, in the 10th con- cession of Essa. for $5200 cash to Mr. George A. Arnold, of Ivy. Buy again John. f'V___-__ If" _,, I -Canol1' 1lI_urhlry gill` l:\'r';-a.`-gpecial ser- vice for bicyclists in St. Paul s church. Innis- ; l, next Sunday afternoon. Cyclists wish- ; ing to attend will meet at the post ofce ` square at 2 o clock sharp. lIl'\`IIA---_ `ZA-l~j---)"- - *` ` . Eliot weathe f cooking; get some nice Cooked Ham sliced` Corned Beef at \ Yail- s. A -'IV`Vhe Pr-niiibition League of Barrie has decided to hold a county convention in town On 23rd` inst. _.__--_ -_ -_- ..--cu aavltlallltbc -The frame work for a large barn and stables helonging to Mr. Wm. Scott, Innis- l. was raised last Thursday under the direction of Contractor H. Sleight hi l8'Just put in s c 300 Men s 'fweed Suits at $2.90, $3.5 , ` , $5.00 at Cash. man & Pet-ry s. _ . - __ -EI;giat;ate Ross has decided that bi- cycle racks are an obstruction to sidewalks and therefore not permitted by the town by-laws. - Lovely White Veate at THE. EMPIRE - . . . Asuyn Special eX"i', W ` % "g':. - -:--V{7:;r-ould like arrepore of the monthly meetings of the Hospital Board, if the Sec- retary will furnish it. We have no other means of getting the information. IIII, _ ll _ . _,,r,__ -_ -..-- .------ _..v~v.- -'-Mi. Morrison is postmaster at Painswick in place of C. T. H unter, resigned. -The Str. Enterprise will arrive in town on Saturday with aaxexcursion from Sutton. __ _-.._ _ ---J -- i Nags, Isle of Stayner. has been appointed manager of the Barrie Hotel. `I r` Q: n t?3'Keep cool b we ring cool clothing. Get it at Caehman erry s. 4 "l`b-I_L \`l'-._ l n a nu. A VERY AINTERESTING CHAPTER OF " LOCAL HETORY. A Series of Short and Newsy Paragraphs 'Ca.rem11y Prepared for the Benet of our Many Readers. . THE Lunar Law. HAPPENINGS. Band Concert. Lieut. Godfrey's Band. The finest military hand in the world. led by the greatest bandmaster that modern times have known. V Lieut. Dan. Godfrey and his British Guards are to appear in Bar- rie for one evening performance on Wednes- day next, the l5th inst. In Toronto 15,000 people cheered the band in three perform- ances. In Montreal, with 6.850 seats placed in the Armouries. it was thought the crowd might be accommodated, but",over six hund- red more found standing room andvhundreds ot others were turned away from the doors. `In Winnipeg the audiences have been stu- pendous and the ovations most enthusiastic. Lieut. Godfrey has gathered around him not merelv the flower of the men who were with _him in the Grenadier Guards but the pick of We At1I_I'_ 331?-.;rslmontae SHaRLocK-Suddenly, on Saturday. lune 4th. Caleb Sherlock. Berczy street. Barrie. aged 65 years. Wu.Kr.\'-In Barrie. on Friday. June 3rd. at the residence of his brother-in-law, W. E. Footer, Owen street. Mr. A. W. Wilkin. barrister, of Toronto. aged 45 years. nu. _-_. A. A I. , it An ll 1, `In: * a-Dpnw: go . % g hot for the want: of as light weight You can get one for 900.- Cuhman 8; . ` _ U nuvuuuu llll. ULUGEIUH OIICHU luau uuuuuty. W. J. Hammond. who is under sentence of death for the murder of his wife at Graven- hurst. was removed from Bracebridge gaol to Barrie on Saturday by Detective Greer. The Government ordered the change to en- sure Hammond s safe keeping. He is con- ned in the eastern cell in the south-east corridor upstairs. and is guarded during the day by John McBride and at night by J obn Chave. The prisoner eats well, is usuallv cheerful, and does not look older than he really is, viz., 23 vears. He will be taken _back to Bracebridge on.l2th Sept. to be hanged on 15th Sept. ,I ICI .0 C F` --- -_-`--- Sgrvices are held -in the gaol every Sun- day afternoon from two to three o o1ock. Several ladies attend regularly; their sing- ing with music accompaniment is very pleas- ing to the prisoners, much more so than a long-winded discourse on a sultry afternoon. Singing and music, with a short spirited and practical address is the popular program in the gaol. ,_,___ -_ .. ._v_- v.-- --v-V uvunvun | John Donaldson was brought to gaol on Sunday by Chief King and Constable W. Sweeney, and on Monday was sentenced to 3 months for breaking arrest last January. W .T nnfntnnrlri Inhn :a nnnn sand-A-nan Good Rie shooting, without which our militia force would be of little value. is one of the things which the new commandant of the 35th has taken a rm hold of. The Colonel has secured a loan of ten of the new Lee-Eneld ries. and has already so im- proved the range as to make it perfectly safe for practice with that deadly weapon. The market's butt has been lined up with a solid stone wall sixty feet long. surmounted by iron mantlets 2 feet high. the whole backed by five feet of earth. Thus the marker may laugh at the penetrating power of the noted 303 nickel cased bullet. and go on signalling bullseves as long as the marksman at 600 yds. distant can pierce the two foot circle. The following scores will show to what ex- tent he succeeded on Friday last : ; Bandsman F. Ewan.. Pte. Hy. Myers . . . . . . Lt.-Col. Ward . . . . . . . Col. Sgt. Campbell. . . Pte. J. G. Shrigley.. 0. M. Sgt. Coles. . . . . Pte.`R J. Munroe... D ._ -...-._ 1' n n__.. i_>.Z'aZ}nZ.; 3'.c'$'."Z'o'e%I Pte. W. Johnaton.... Pte. J. Sproule . . . . . . Total .......... .. ' E An increase over last match of 129. The 3rd match takes place to-morrow (Friday) at 1 p m. Men : Donzol: per pair at EUR ` In gaol at present there are thirty-ve i men, seventeen of whom are able-bodied. 'WAf\'TED-A RELIABLE G " ASmGN- E13AL asmall ly. run} A_.4I_. L- lDf`ll D SIIJUV JJJWCIIGI Albert Fowlie, clerk and treasurer of Orlllia township. was run over by a freight train on Saturday morning near Severn Bridge. A revolver was found near hll body. and it is thought shot himself before the train came along. though his body was so badly cut up by the engine. and cars that evidences of shooting were not unmistak- able. Some years ago he was a lumberman in Midland. and until a change of Govern- ment at Ottawa was Collector of Customs at Orillia. His strange conduct is attributed to nancial embarrassment. He leaves a wife and family, and was upwards of sixty years of age. ~ - "=_-v--- _..- vvuuvyo Miss Kate Barry. daughter of the late John Barry. Bayeld street. died in Boston, Mass., on Monday morning. at the age of twentv-eight years. Her brother James, of Toronto, was with her during the last two weeks of her life. She lived at her home here until last fall. when she went on a visit to relatives in Boston. She had man? warm personal friends here who sympathize with_ the sorrowing sister and brothers, el- peciallv as this is their third bereavement since Easter. AIL_._: `I1 , 10 I I - Job lot of Col vi-it. shirts selling at halfprlce at'l` V .._!3.`MPlBE. Mr. Michael Kennedv died at his home in Penetanguishene on \Vednesday morning, 8th inst... at the age of four score years. He came to this voumrv in the early forties and settled in Newmarket where he was can- tractor and corporation overseer for many years. During the construction of the N01`- t-hernwailwny he was foreman of a create!` part of the road from Bradford to Allandale and afterwards superintended the building of the switch to Bell Ewart He was em- nloved on the \Vella.nd canal for two and A half years and resided in Buffalo He after- wards resided on Con. 1, Flos. for five years previous to moving to Penetanguishene where'he lived until death. His wife is still living and also ve children--John. of Penetang ; Thomas, architect. Barrie ; Mrs. T. "l` Richards, Hamilton ; and two sons in the States. Deceased was well and favor- ably known throughout the county. nu-.. 17.1.. n.___. 7- Caleb Sherlock, laborer, wgg found dead in his bed on Saturdav morning.- He re. tired in Good health, `heart disease being probably the cause of death. He was a resident of Barrie for fteen years and much respected. He was buried on Sunday after- noon, the Sons of England attending the funeral. Services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Cowlss of Bell Ewart. The pall-beam ers were Messrs Alf. Lewis, E. Justice. F. J. Lower. Jas. Ball. John Holmes and A. Wilkes. Deceased leaves a wife and three children. Second Rie Match of C. M. League. I`: 1 `I\lII - {$1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE SINGLE COPIES FIVP CBNT8 Gone to the Grave. Gaol Notes. fa all sizes, $31.25 nnos. |PUBL|C_NOT] zoo 5oo Yd3- yds. 53 55 32 AA if 24 18 10 `, Total _-.V..-- -3-.. 7 1-...-. WlLSO.\'-At' Ardtrea, on Ma 28th, Mary Jane Wil- son, relict of the late illiam Blair. aged 83 \'i`F \. \\'AsH-Iu Adjala. on Monda , May 30th, John Walsh. one of the first sett ers of the township, in his 76th year. h. .1 , It _, .0 (I n `I _,._ ':IY`;;1.mseth, on Ma. @9th, 1898, Jane Abernethy. beloved wife of ichard Dunham, asmd 62 mam-= -1 mnnthc and 6 (laws. zwcrucluy. UUIUVCU WIIC UK l.\lCa.l'(l uunnam, aged 67, years, 7 months and 6 days. Kz.\:\'unv-In Penetan uishene. on Wednesday. June 8th, 1898, Micael Kennedy. father of Mr. Thos. Kennedy, Architect, Barrie. aged about 33 vcars. Sal: AJ %nruL8e3ii _~ ._L '0NS--At Ad'ala, by the Rev, Mr. Orr of I Ebillonci Mills. on_ I-i-`Ue5d3Y-, 3153 `fit-. Iosepli E. gm, of Nashville, to Miss lfoly M. Lyons, daughter of John Lyons, of AdJala.. [)rxz~LenoeiuvooD--At Tottenham, _oi:i` Vvedugg. day, ist. at the residence of the brides mother, by Rev. P. Nicol, Mr. Chas. Duke. of Schom. berg, to Miss Fanny Lcdgerwood. 1\lcI.eon-RoBnvsoN-On Wednesday. June rat. at the residence of the brides parents. by Rev. J. W. Churchill. Mr. D. McLeod, merchant. Cold. water, to Madge. voungest daughter of W. H. Robinson. Coldwater. Sl.\'CLAlR-MCARTHUR-On. Thursday, and inst.. at the residence of the brid_e_s parents. by Rev. N. Campbell, Mr. William binclair. of Guthrie. "to Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. McAi'thur, Or.) Station. DICKIE-ELRICK-On V_Vec_:lnesday. Ist inst.. at the residence of the brides parents, Mr. John G. Dickie, of Elmvale, to Annie. eldest daughter of Mr. Robert Elrick. Flos. GRisE-HAm'wELL-In St. Margaret's church. Mid- land. on Wednesday, June ist. by Rev. Fr. Barcelo, Fred S G_rise, to Miss Eda Hartwell. of the Midland Public school staif. Col-`FEY-IR\\'ll\'-Iu _ Beeton, on. May 25th, Mr. Richard Co'ey. _)l'., of Pennville. to Miss Alzada. Irwin, of Beeton. I-li'cHi:s-AG\'i:w~-On Tuesday. May gist. Mr. John Hughes, son of James Hughes, eerhurst. to Miss Agnew, of Alliston. Bl.\'GHA.\l-\VATSON-At Hill Crest, North Orillia, the residence of the bride's arents. on Wednes- day. ist of June. 1898, E3 t e Rev. Mr. Hewitt. of Severn bridge, Mr. . A. Bingham. son of Mr. W. G. Bingliam. Orillia, to Miss Annie, daughter of i\Ir. \Vm. \Vatsou. Anxgwgggg AIs[s`ar.n 0013 `1)VfTaaYs:';'!':h. 1393. the Twifevof 2, 1.... .. Mb... ..:LL .o..o `L- _._9z- 9 1 nuuma ... .-. ..,___, B. NTIN :-In I'_'. Ix? "W ` D. Banti`n`g, 2? a guggg. I393. the Wifg of. B _ Count T19. June 6th. 1898. L vb. Yonge and Gerrard Streets. Toronto. J isissspsislse A mss IN LIFE And wish to ente Business College .-_.._...;_:_.._-.. ----- that has 73 per cent. or its Graduates in` good situations correspond with the gxcelsior Business Uollega, Ba.rria; Documents on le to prove this statement. ,5.1y W. J. ROSS, Principal. - , .3, address. t_eacher. school and 5which s,:t;:1Ii)x;gat';<;:xt1`:allipformatxon _about_ cometition will F ;echee,fu1|yfurn:shed. Mentnon thus paper. Address w_ H_ sHAw, PRINCIPAL, and Gerrard Streets. Toronto. -C&.|-'u-----uni 5CHOLARSHlP _ ulah Grade Business Collmm . cs"imm nusmrss causes, OF TORONTO, ' ?{ $25.9 " '~-\- \\JuI `T Dersons h H ``n`..'\.(; . )0G FOUND-COCKER SPA. L. WHITE ` cnnv an K-neat uIH:l>n nu `FA rant Q`-Inn} fa Ithe 890611;] nnhlin All R11-. nu. Joann `OH. ` `I " :1)" -1` '1'; H ~ '71" p\r- -' 1 I1 (`rude Business College !;`;offhv1nnfng. Entrance and lfvu {D3 candidates fog the next exanygation have the chance thxs vea!'- By wratmg to __. -ulllllllll QQ|n-` :7... 40 leading musicians who` have the 'di:fectlon of NEW AnvER'risE1uENTs. :___.---------------:-:--_....v.__: LVII. N . . WHOLE N V ' X swung. \2/3ESLEY. Proprietor. O 3308: ONE NIGHT `ONLY, ut one- For forty years Bandlnaster otine Guards nd Hip: TO 3: LETA. sessxon. 15' order, R. T. BANTING County Clerk, County of $imcoe. I. 19:19. . 21-24 ' MARRIED. DIED. BORN. Eomedy. rixie` C0 n-J v. .. 23-24 `as ton noten. rossesauou ca at the ADVANCE OFFICE. No. 10 Elizabeth street, gust west of the Wellin - ton Hotel. Possession can We had on Mazffo. App v -5 LI..- Anuuunn nntnu R SIDENCE FOR SALE OR TO RENT- The lat residence and grounds at the north- west corner-oEeElizabeth and High streets. ' Immedi-. te ' . A 1 . a 3.:sr`" "I- 11.vt`L"so1~1_ & CRESWICKE. That desirable residence end grounds on the west side of Bayeld street. Bzrrie. latel occupied b the 1 late Sir Cnrrmnn Km-triuht. inclu int? stable. nze ` late 311' UOTIIBIIUB l\OlTl'Igl3g mctuamg 9 garden. etc. For further rticularsa ; ST ATHY & . _ . st` ..l2n36.- _m STORE and nwsu.me ' 1'0 Rant. 4 Wnrgerf`. p17ignf' ; Highest cash price Egxd for Endowment Insurance > Polictes, in reliable mpaniee or money loaned \ h . A 1 ` " o. H, LYON, --_In 11.. Ann nae-in lllit ucaxrauw rcalucuuu uuu gluuuua vu uuw vv 3:1; late Sir Cornelius Kortright, inclu ' gutable, rge any-Ann. Mm. Fnr further narticularn amslv to We take pleasure in recommendin MR. FRED. Baooxs [as a com etent and reliabe Tuner and Reaiter, and woul request our trons to entrust to im work of this discription. espectfully yours, Gmuuuu) I-Ixm'rzMAN. - I`-Anna Iaft 6`... 'I`....:...- at A - Muua:n "a" lamb UERHARD l.'.I.3INTZMANo _ Orders left for Tuning at No 1. Music Hall Block, will receive careful attention. ' iiiEi1"."iz iiiiti'i(';"" BARBIE, ' um. Sterling Silver and Plated Ware, Watches, ltleeks, Jew- elry, Bleuse Sets, Belt Pins, Belts, Newest Designs. Special Attention Given to Watch Repairing. a 1 TELEPHONE 2603 am ceua_r n_1a_tcnea boards thro bout" and oiled ; rustic dining pavillion xaxxa separate ki en xoxxa; stone store or provision . . - There is also a good we of water on the premises. The Cntta e is in a 3' state of repair, and is a most desirab e Summer rt. ' The largest or any to or not neoessaril ace-gted. Tenders must be . marked and ad res I! In Ivvu-nuuwa-`mu. ` .. _, - . nu Innnlllliiuwil '5. `E. ;IEWSON, Barrie. 0 be received until time_men- purchase of the )5 interest In the H Water Lot :2, South Dunlop Street, Bame. - The largest any tender not necessaril ted. Tenders mu be sealed. marked and ad ress II 11 IIIIIiIA\a\|u SUCCESSOR T0 S. B. WINDRUM. 31 King St. East (up stairs) Toronto; ' Established 1880. < ENDOWMENT INSURANCE POLICIES _._- . - vac-u no uuausuu Eliuale at renIn' sul:{tV13'l a.z-l:.imm<.:di:t"el on the 3 re of L'ake'Sirneoe and adjoining the R033, Allowa. between the :33}: an_d z_4th Coqcessione. Innisl. t is said to cnntmn and 14th bonces;ions. __-_ _.__,-- ... ... .... nuuu nuuwa between the 13th is said to contain no. dressing room upstairs xaxao. All ith plained pine and h t d iled; rustic dininc navillinh my... .o..3.3'...3`L-.3i"_' 9.-.--- 4 bedroogna'8xxo, I bedroom 6xx_ . sxttmg room x5xao._ roo FULL LINE or at 5 o'elec;:p.n The above Cottage is beautifu sular Park. immediate! adioinimr the Rm All---- Peninsular Park. Lake Simooe, and longing. about } of an a _,,,w, _..v... V: an and MONDAY, 13TH. JUNEIIINSTANT. --:1 vauuame collie dog belonging to Eg- bert Thompson, named Findlav who was wheeling last Thursda. . Alghough the wound was but tziing, 1'." Thompson had the dog destroy-_ a . Collier street, bit a. lad H. M. LBUWT -:-: A Summer cottage and Boat ouse F` o R s A BY. TENDER. 3' J PIANO T TUNING. to take vour watch from vour _pocket and wonder`;:s't how many minutes It is fast or slow. e sell Watches that are right when- ever you look at them. If your watch ever kept accurate time it can be made to do so again in our repair department. -- -. 4 A A )ASTUREA-I-IORSES AND CATTLE.A GOOD green pasture all summer. A313]; to JANE VRIGHT. Minesing. V x tf. R. A. Douglas, -A valuable cbllie dog belonging erb Thompson. Collier street- 1.3+. . 1...: FOR SALE OR TO BE LET_.