Rev. Mr. Paton, who underwent al very serious operation at the Toronto hospital a few weeks ago, is not yet able to be out of bed and will not be able to return to his home for some time. Mr. Paton contracted his trouble in China where he has twice served as a missionary. While in that country he so far `won the condence of the Chinese authorities that at the time of the great he was entrusted by the Government with the distribution of all supplies to the unfortunate victims of the disaster. It isfsino'erely_hoped he will soon recover trom"his`trou ble.`, Mr." Byeld, of _O6tawo, in photo- graphing the schools and pupils of this locality. He visited this aeotioi: last week, and an the westher `wu neind promiz E: oglildron well, it is Qxpgo_' _potnro.w' 7 _ an v`-imllz-xoodlone-xx - o A serious accident occurred here on Sunday when the horse of Mr. D. Pea- cock ran away, throwing both Mf. and Mrs. Peacock trom the buggy. Mrs. Peacock was picked up unconscious and had to be left in a neighboring house till Monday evening. Miss VMcIn'.osh, who was also in the rig, escaped being thrown out and, pluckily seizing the reins, she kept the frightened animal on the road until they reached home. The infant daughter of Mr.'and Mrs. R. Monteith died suddenly on `Setup- day from an atteokeof bronchitis. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of the entire community in. their time of` aliction. Mldhurst. Advance Correspondence. Mrs.` Stewart is on the sick list. _ Miss Mary Ferguson spent a few days last week with friends in Hillsdale. Mrs. W. Weites has elmest com pletely recovered trom her serious ill- -A_- The Midhurab football team was de- teated 2 to 0 by Edgar on the 24th. The boys hope,to reverse the score at the next match. It is with sorrow that we have to report the death of Capt. McKay, on Wednesday, May 25th. He was one of the oldest, residents of Bell Ewart and was also among the early settlers of this county. For some years he had charge of the private boat Minota and by his kind and sympathetic nature had won for himself the esteem of a large circle of friends who remain to mourn his loss. The funeral took place on Thursday to the Central Presby- terian Church and was very largely attended. Many tokens of respect and esteem were evidenced by the oral decorations placed on the casket. He leaves two sons and two daughters to mourn the loss of an atfectionate and loving father, besides his wife, who has been deeply aiicted. The bereaved friends have the sympathy of the entire community. Mr. Phemister, of Cherry Creek, occupied the pulpit in the Methodist Church Sunday evening. `- A stranger ;1rrived tat the home of Mr. Dolph Trombly on Saturday. It is 9. little girl. Congratulations. -I-r -In-1-v . _ A Mr. H. McKay, of Chicago, left for his home on Friday evening. His` daughter, Mrs. De Groffe, is remaining for a longer visit. ~ v-av-- vwu yo-v--- -- v --v -- --v---v The first league game of increase fer this district will be played in Barrie next Friday between Barrie and Geeks- Wfn. Several. from here will -attend. It IS hoped` that the byta-'1 vill keep gap the victor? they "gained". ivfof Mr. Chas. Greggxof Torodeo, attend- ed the funeral of ` his grandfather on Thursday. . Mrs. Grigg, of Torento, returned to her home on Monday evening. Cl` IV ADI` - - ' Bell Ewart. Advance Correspondence. I Our cemetery gates have been again _throw'n open, this time to receive the remains of the late Wm. Black, who, 'atter a__ painful illness of some weeks, ` ---I vnndll vv vvil ` Quite a. number of our citizens at- }tended the garden party at Mr. J. ; non Friday evening and report a } time. The Young I;eople e ;f"i3p- worth League are arranging for a strawberry festival to be held June V Bethesda. `Advance Correspondence. r Miss Minnie Rosa is visiting in the city this week. ' Tim generol appearanoe school house and yard has been improved by a new wire fence around the yard. `I 1 `I I Tenders are out for the erection of a: grand stand on the Agricultural park. Mrs. O. R. Ferguson and Mrs. J. S. Duff went to Toronto Monday morning. Queen street is getting a heavy coat of gravel. What about the sidewalks ! Mr. J. Jacks :5 i.i.{1I:}n[; I.; on the 6th con. He expects to move into it at an early date this summer. -vv:u Mrs. Thos. Hastings," accompanied by her son Harold, spent Sunday at her parental `home in Tottenham. We are Jistening for Tti1e;v ed' bells which are expected to ring very IIIIIII Nantyr. Advance Correspondence. - Mr. Dolby, of Toronto, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. J. J acks. V Mr. 533. astinga, of Victoria Har- bor, visited his brother here last week. s|..oAu's numm TONIC, sI.oo A.3oV1--n_;, ` 'A1I` I\-`.I-__ -_ _j;l,____ In... 1... ___ ~ w. (3. me; of r;;.{,,r., .`.,e : W-`For years I we troubled with riodiod sick .I_Iv,uinduced 5,. neighbor to try SLOAN S INDIAN TO IC. A far gavg iu_nnediate.relie, and one bote and a-half made 3 complet.cur,". 1`-_ ;..____ _._...-___ ___.____ THE -'.'.- EMPIRE HATS. V.-Mrs. John Ross is very poorly at time of writing. We hope for her early recovery. . `Y ll .4u . \ A _n v---v u_- jru - qr T11: VMvu >xcmn Cq.-, Hamilton, Ont. Rooommeiadod and sold It Seagero Store. m91LQ922ELQ91. 2S-. LQ9J99LQ if ~~ -: tucn \JY LI \I`lL -..-..--.. ---0-run IIUIIUI C V the makers for SPOT CA HA enables us to offer you REAL FUR FELTS atabout the same price you generally pay for ordinary WOOL FELTS. For perfect satisfaction probably no other maker in the World has ever equalled Christy s goods. We control their goods for Barrie, and would be pleased to show you their latest production at WE have just received another shipment of the very latest shapes in [}|"i3ty'5 Celebrated English Hats. Buving direct from I-Inn Imrljvlsunau 1'--- CV1`Il'\Fl1 /1 A r\1' I FRANK EWAN, MANAGER. Ma.'I.e.a1ay :..t;..;.;;' :3 :3}, Q2; fence built along the front of her farm. 7th Concession, Vespra. Advance Correspondence. Crops are looking very promising. Mr. Henry Mains intends to have his barn raising on Thursday this week. Mr. and Mrs. D. McKinnon, of To- ronto, spent 24th at Mr. C. Hick1in s. I50. 3 (Covokstown) company 91' the 36th Battalion go to camp at N138` on June 21st. Advance Correspondence. Wheeling fox-mean amusement for a large number of our boys in the even- ing. `(')ur footall team played Queenaville team on May 24th, at Morton a Park, and defeated them 3 to 0. The monthly meeting of the Teachers Union Association of Innisl will be held in this village on Monday enening, J une 6th, at 8 o clock. passed peacefully away on Friday even- ing last. Deceased, who some time ago retired to Barrie, was formerly a resi- _ dent of this place, and the host of friends and acquaintances from both localities who stood with bowed heads around his grave on Sunday was a proof of the high esteem in which he was held. The Lefroy Y.P.S.C.E. visited Cherry Creek E.L. on Fridev evening, and spent a most pleasant evening. Lefroy. Miss Lillie Ross is visiting friends in Barrie this week. Mr. John Ross delivered two car loads of cement here last week. Master Gaenet Leadlay is in Toronto undergoing treatment for hip disease.` Mrs. Leadlay is with him. The members of the A. 0. U. W. lodge will attend divine service in Br. J ohn e church next Sunday evening 9!; 6.30. The members will meet at the 1 room at 6 o'clock. Members of sister lodges cordially invited to attend`. Cookstown. Advance Correspondence. Mrs. Jae. Coulter is spending 9. few days in Aurora. Mr. W. J. Finlay is building a ne stable on the corner lot. |KSi Mr..;1`hos. Spindloe is spending the? summer here with his uncle. Jae. McMahon, Will Jebb arid Fred, Fisher are in Toronto this week. I Those who were in Beetop for the 24th report a quiet time. A ne town. bell weighing. 4001ba.; is being erected this week. l% GEQREEDY Ladie ' Fine Summer Cashmere Hose, very special 'at 250. p pair. ` Me i Lisle a Fine Stainless Socks in Cotton, Cashmere, Silk--15c. to 35c. per pair. Ladies Fine Bale_..1ggan Underves 50c. Drawers to mat . Ladies Natural I; ' ool Undervests at 75c , 90c. and $1.00. Full line of hildren s Undervests at low prices. ts `at 45c. and Men s Balbrig n Undervests, all sizes, at .25c., 40c. and 450. each Drawers to match. Men s Fine tural Wool Undervests at 75c., `90c. and $1.00 each. C Men s Fine arino Undervests at 75c. each. Ladies cg Children s_ chocolate: colored Cotton Cashmere :} from 12c. per pair up. . Ladies lack Cotton Stainless Hose at. we. to 250. per pai Ladies tainless Lisle Hose, all makes and sizes. Ladies Ribbed Cetto Undervests, shaped; and without short sleeves, ` 8c,, 10c.,e12}c., 15c. 200. each. ` Ladies Fine Whit ibbed Undervsts at 1.2c., 15c., 20c., 25c., 30c. an 5c J Full Stock of all Desirable may now in Stock at Very lowPri s. 7 am 2, %1`e9s;% Stainless IMPORTER. Services in the Methodist church here lest Sunday evening vvere'oondnct- ed by Mr. Smith. of Barrie. The pes- tor, Rev. Mr. Washington, ins present for the rst time in seve`r.elv_x`nonths and gave s short farewell, sddness. His msny fdendIf:h9.l1'9~ ,` n- 5'. '3 _ L,-ill. L ._g.. Lia`, Farrier. Midland, made a shoxft visit hazelnut week. - ` ~ l fu"bo:i%hg'};3_npTtii.`f `daughter.- I"' ' . Anton M1115. V Advance Correspondence. To Mr. and M1-a.'Thoa. Oulford 3' A T Mrs. "Donald Jacobs, of Barrie, spent Va. few days with her parents here last week. T . Bertha. Oarsoo and Louie Herring. at Toronto, come home for she 24151:. _ ` ` `wit: Robt. 0aruqn s_mu`ny friends will be pleased to learn thus -he in l'0( !9V6l.'- ing from I severe illneu. - L p,;_ 2.. LL- `It--.I..-.13_n. ..1...._;1. The Ladies Aid social held in the Presbyterian church on the 24th of May was a very successful affair. On account of the lateness of the hour part of the program was not given. During intermission refreshments were served in the basement to a very large number of people. The following is- the pro- gramme which followed after the sing- ing of a hymn and an opening prayer by the pastor --Solo, Miss Todd ; reci- tation, Miss _Metcalf ; solo, Rev. N. Campbell ;.recitation, C. G. Robson; duet, Misses Metcalf and Todd`; instru- mental music, `Miss Stanley and` W. Robinson ; instrumental music, Robin- son Bros.; speech, Alex. Campbell ; duet, Misses Campbell _and_ Brown; reading, G. iW. Mason: solo, J. D. Martin; speech, Mr. James Ross;' organ solo, Miss Mary Campbell; read- ing, Miss Morrison. The were $21.20. 44, .. Black Wanted $7.50"-mu week at nuwrnn an o. . L M_r.t \ZT_o1lmerA attendedi the teachers convention in Barrie last week. - The pupils of S. S. No. 17 turned out to the number of sixty-nine to have a. photo taken last" week by Miss Mal- colm, who is visiting at Mr. Henry Gilohrist. s. -A week from Thuieiiay is the date of the semi-annual meeting of the Christ- ian Endeavor society here. nu -_.n. -- .__ Mr. Eli Brown, of the 3.0.1., wheei. ed out on Saturday. . `lo -I- Miss Lfh;i;-;'i`omnt;), is vgisiting Miss Mary Campbell. . Lakeview cheese `factory has cone- menced operation. Mr. Thou. Guthrie I again makes the cheese. nu saunas ave Advance Correspondence. Guthrie. 1, with _. Jeuiq Perry was the ghest of VM,rs. -A. A. Bell on Sunday last. V - son} of `the Eemun or 0:0 Station Division` Se-*0. will attend the die- triot. division meeting at. Guthrie, one Thu:-a dey,HJi1lI:Ae 2. Rev. A. Fish is.ptea;:h1I1;;'s series of on The `Prodigal Son on Sunday evenings, here. ` ` 4. ... .- , Beef rings were started on the lstl inst. Mr. S. 0. Campbell is. butcher for three rings, and `will kill and dress `sixty cattle during theaeuon. A - Laura Bell is sick Qich inammation `of the lungs." "V Fred. D2, and F. J. Bell spent Sun- day in A - % '- V mvde. Advnnoe Cortespondence. -Crops are looking well. An abundance `of green is responsible for a rush of business at the cheese I- -L-_.__ At. tile open eeeeion of the Sons of Temperance a ret.-class programme was given for the benet of_t.he many visi- 61-nan Tie 7th eon. sideline _irery bad condition. This road should be opened up, and would cost the town- ship batnvery iittle at -the present time. ' V-Sovveral farmers are moving their burns and improving them by stone foundations. - . Mr. and Mrs. John Allen, of Mount Forest, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Campbell. M 3 ' VMre. H.` Mabey Tarriv<'ijl1ome on Thursday from _a visit. _with friends in Brampton. Last week Mr. L. Vair made some e very large shipments vof -owers and ` plants. A -double decked out for Bruce- bridge and half a car for Gravenhurst. Mr.a. Wm. Lowe and children left on.Wedneada.y of last. week for Ems- dale for 9. month. ' Mr. Chapmen has put a new fence around his premises. ' Mrs. Betr Pae is building a. rough- caat house on Elizabeth street.'v11le.A Advance Correspondence. Mr. Robert.M9.rtin is now living in his new cottage; ' Last week Mr. and Mrs. J. W. An- drews celebrated the twentieth anni- versary of their wedding amidst the congratulations and best wishes of their many friends. 'fhe cheese factory opened last week and Mr. Fierheller reports a good eup- ply of milk. Mr. B.~ Brown, of School of Peda gogy, is writing on his examination in Toronto, this week. Mr.'and Mrs. Little, of Toronto, are visiting with Mr. Alex. Gibson. The Mizses M<;Ka;y, ;f-':l`c:ronto, are spending a few days with Mr. J no. Mo- Ksy. ' V r. E. Miller, who was visiting friends in Warminater last week, has returned. Mr. J oim Elliott; 13f Knox, spent Sunday with Mr. Thos. Lougheed. '[__ ___J If ,, 'l\ 1 Adtnce C:rltle::.vondence. Miss Smith, of Painswick, is visiting friends "here. Mr, and Boelly spent Suh- day with friends here. "Mien J. spent Sunday unler the parental roof. ' Pun Natural` nnnnlntln-i .:"2;'m'aE" I At the recent election in Cardwell Little spent little and got much while Wright spent much and gotlittle. Bradford and Cookstown will play lacrosse at Mr. F. Lesson s garden _party, Newton Robinson, on the 10th Inst. 'I`he ladies Lt eienfel are certainly to be congratulated on their good fortune in selecting the beautiful evening of the - 24th on which to hold their At Home. The affair was under the di- rection of the Separate school branch. of our section ; the proceeds, $60, will be used in repairing` the school in gen- eral, includingtethe building of "a stone foundation. The program was worthy of praise. Those taking part were the Misses Macdonald, Erly, Skahl, and Messrs. Lynn, Burk, Coffey, Kennedy, Willis and Travers. The Keenan band contributed several selections. The dancing of the Highland Fling by little Miss Mscdonald was loudly applauded. After the concert was over the people sat down to a sumptuous tea served at Mr. McKerrv. .n s. Having satised the inner man the people again assembled. in the school-room and tipped the fan- tastic toe till 5.30 in the morning, when A all retired home, feeling that they had spent a pleasant time together. Miss Andrews, of Aurorg, is visiting Mr. W. J. Andrews. ` Mi`. Agar T-will afttend confer- Aence ; Mr. Hunter, of Barrie, willvtake his piaioeion the circuit. ` W __- _ __wg Many from this vicinity spent the 24th in ahiing at Oolwell ; the catch was not a very large one. -_..- -_---a - -vane svnqv WBIIIIQ VRobe;t 'Young was leoted President of the E. L. of C. _Endea.vor at last meeting. V 15 -5' __._v ----ww---u _ lit. Hleons in still. on the nick lilac, but is slowly recovering. Mr. and Mrs. . Hubbert. of Holly, `spent Sunday at Mr. Bishop ; V Theroad-grader starts on the road` to-marrow, thne lling a long felt want. D_L__.A. '17, V Mr. J. Biahog puljrit, t" B1-entwood last Sabbath. ' . Ora stauoh. Inc 50. per - THE NORTHERN Anvguon. The Cookstown z_1dv*- ;`;,';'ta`k: hrst appearance the w.6e1f- *_t much this opportunity of 1718111118 1 success. ' - Dr. J. Gowan Feromlof 331:: Ful1s_.Montana. 9_f Mm . $0 in` gusou, is to be married to M193 P9 of Mobile, Ala-. 00 JP 8'fh' _ V