'6--;;;;l-e'::::::'..: ' '0 : 1'1 0 yo I 0 ' ` 1'1 ?-Puphnguhheno ._ A `..Q `IDIJI; ., elaowh ltf, manor: nptloo. "."'(7"`--'. "7 :5!`-7 ;s?ai5%.4'aa9:::;n%*.'?`a%_g? '_. 1!|(`I>`x`*".91`.`N .g; A. -. 4.1 . . .- , Mr. V unN.;!..' :___ JOHNSON &SARJEANT. BARRIE. Im rten and Dealers in. Coal: ofnll Kinds, and rge town. Grey and -Guel 1: White Finishing-" Lime .Ce!glents`of all kinds, ire` Bricks aind Plasterefa` Han`. Storehouse at the Northern Railway Switch. foot of John street, near the depot. The bond of this L 1 e is better than that of any other kind, and the f rash aupenor. Oice-Corner of John and Elizabeth streets. . . 1 |nn onus. ruruunu Mu.1. L`U_Mk ANY- ` nterln; Building and manufacturing of D0098: 5 3 ds, Mouldings. etc. Planin of all kinds. done promptly and satisfactorily. ot Blast Drying Kiln. Dnstrict agency for rained lum- Fnctory--Bayeld Street, Barrie. ODGERS & GALIJE-vanccessors to Geo. Ball. RANKIJIN J. ROB the School of Practical Engineer Ontno Land Survevor. cations.and,estim'a.tes on all engineering w gred and ubniitted on the shortest notice othwg-.11 : Block. D ` nlop street. Barrie. A msos. GRADUATE op Science, Toronto. Civil Plans speci- orks pre- . Ofee. 15-ly Inc I AISII I|lpl'IO W5"?-'1 3T;"_V5_ WW3 1' -`-*"VV CCKIKUWI I I O I. > 6 c c c 0 _z,.Jv'.".'-.8O`VOl.'Vn..`.po.. cone (u_1u:on).. ., P . 1v,` 1 . `- jT`\I `I `Ii .:;:N-`:.!' `.411? _i ; ':'IJ,~ .`_='d, \ `< WNADRY auvtinnoniiu-up -in - - - i.._-- -trams. Few cots west of arket street on Dunlop THE QUEEN S HOTEL.-ALF.r ARNALL.l Managet. Excellent accommodation for the travelling` public. Bar _and larder well supplied with the best. Good stabhng and attentive hostlex-s.I Luggage of eats conv ed free to and from all street. ..|.u. on 8! ms omcez at the your: House. Barrie every Saturdav. Rcsxdence and P.O. Coolxstown. FOR INVESTMENT on good , freehold security at lowest rate of interest. Nod: ' cipal money required until end of the term. . H. STRATHY, Solicitor, Etc.. Barrie. JAMES EDWARDS, Conve cer, issuer of 0. III e lalconlel. 0 cc strictly private. Post Oice building, Barrie, and at his private resi- dence. Mary etreet. . xx-ly O H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers` Notes Dissounted. Collections made in any of the County. Real estate bought and sold. nvey- ancinnr in all its brancheq. Marace Limanu-1 mcyounfy. new estate Dougnt anu 0ld. p_onvey- ancxn m all its branches. Marnage Lxcenses issue . 0ice-Rosa Bloc`k, Dunlop street Bartie. `:0 V- R. W. A. ROSS, Physician, Surgeon etc., L. _ R.C.S. Edin,, L.R (;.1?., London. oices and night residence--Brown'I Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. L H. L. Partridge was received as pro- bltioner of live years, T. G. Barlow, 3 years 3 E. Baker, 1 year. Mr. James Waugh, a candidate for the ministry, answered satisfactorily the usual dis- oiplinary ques 'ons. . , 1' II., 2,, LI IVI. I`. 1'. N Do U358". opec1a.Ity-nye, nar, Throat and Nose. Has removed to Sanders Block, opposite post office. Phone 54. 7-ly VEIB Omuu -upyu at lowest rates. tnq um. xrom every month. JJ Ioronto, renew or Lnngty memcax uouege, Member of the College of Physxcaans and Surgeons of Ontario. Ofce and Residence, 18 Owen street. DR. c. SMITH, L.`.P.s., Ont., (late of Drs. "e & Suzi Orillia.) Oce and residence -comer of Owen an Colher streets, Barrie. 23-ly ])R.MI.FAl},TIUSR ($12855. Ls. R. _C. P. %S. I I Thrnatoanta Rinse. `Hag r!`;nnv9 Zr:ierysF R 150 .u . ' Gm. E. . Bnown, Rn!-P39. All Illllu Gno. E. J. unowx, Barrie. Alliston and Creemore. Lxrmox & Bows, Elmvale. /` Barrie oce-cor. Dunlap and Owen sts. Elm- vale ofde-opposite Hunt's hotel. Money to loan no In-mar rntpj- R. PALMER, Surgeon, Eye, Ea1:,7'l'h7roa.t, Nose, 40 College street, Toronto, may be con- sulted at the Queen's Hotel, Barrie, on Friday, Oct. the nth. from 8 to xx a..m,, and the second F nday of 'QI1Q.fII nannfh. ZHEWSON` 8: ' CRESWICKE, barristers. sonici. ` tors of the Sn reme Court of Judicature of Ontario. Proctora, otaries, Conve ancers, etc. Money to loan. Oices--Ross Block. arrie. A 1-: If _____ -- A I7 " (`BPQWICKE The annual_7 meeting of Barrie Dis- trlot of the Methodist church was held. in Allandale Methodist church last Wednesday and Thursday. Rev. M. L; Pearson, Chairman, presided. `Rev. `A. J. Paul was elected secretary and Mr. Churchill assistant secretary for the sessions. The following ministers `and laymen were in attendance: Revs. M. L. Pearson, E. B. Harper, M.A.,' A. G. Hudson, B.A., Thou. Edwards, Dr. Taylor, R. N. Burns, B. A., B. R. jtrangways, -B.A., J. J. Sparling, F. I... Brown, B.A., G. MoKinley,T."Dunlop, J. W. Churchill, A. J. Paul. B.A., G. O. Balfour, J no. Lawrence, H. L. Par- tridge, H. A. Fish, Geo. omk, and `Messrs. Geo. Ball, Samuel Blakely, Dr. Law, J. Ohier, W. Richardson, James` Hastings, J no. Trace. O. 0. Osborne, R. Brown, H. L. Lovering, J arratts, R. W. Metcalf, J. P. R. (Jongdon, L. P L. Lawrence. . TRAITIX & 531 um. _ Barristers, _ Solicitors in High Court of J ustiees, Notaries Pubhc, Convpyancers. ' Ooes over the` Bank of Toronto, Barrie. . Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 per cent. 7-` `LI E--;-uncut (\ I`. G.` H. ESTER. ULT &`COWAN, Barristers, Solicitors of the Supreme Court, Proctors. Notaries, Convcr a.x_:oers.etc. L Money to Loan. Oicea-Ross Bloc , Dunlop-st.. `Barrie. uy-_- - ....._..-. A ... .. _ A1 try. CnwAu_ M. M. unxuronuu, DBITJ Notary, etc. Mone to loan. and Stayner. Barne Ba: Building, Owen street, * ONALD V RUSS I5. A.-ba.rnster, aoucxwr, Conveyanoer. etc., money to loan. Ofces, I Bank of Toronto Building, Owen street. Barrie. 48-ly l DR. . F. Pallin . Graduate of Tr-iunity Univetsity oronto, F ow of Trinity Medncal College, Member of the Collezc of Phvsicaans Surzeons Conve. 0lal(!0llI8I. . `D.\..L OE... I...:lJ:_... D-__:- -41 - OUNT & LOUNT, Barristers. aoucuors, rruc- tors. Notaries. Conveyancers, Ocec cor. Dual and Clappcrton streets, Barns. WI! .nnu-r. n. F... GEO. W. LOUNT. V' ICKINSON. & M5UWA'l 1, Darrmtcru, 1 U` _tarie_s Public, Solicitots of Supreme Court, etc., Barne, Ont. Oees in Bank of Tomato Block, No. , Owen street. Branch oce, Elmvale, McKeggie's I....L .`McCAR'1 !-IY, PEPLER & MGCARTHY, Bar-I risters, Solicitors, Conveyancers. etc. ' D Ax.'roN Mccurnnr, Q.C. F. E. P. Panza, Q.C. - J. A. Mccurruv. D. C. Mvncmson. Barrie. M opo_rr_n?_ noun M _ q.B.AiaRJ::m- I333:-3 Boiuon around and not on short `The fzallawing motidn was unanimous- ly carried : `I"l' A 1\____ _-____"._I > 1HE BALL PLANING MILL COMPANY- - Ca'rnentnrinr_ Rnilmlino gm! ..m....t'a.'......:... .. JJIIIIUP-Bic. nurnc. Waumarox Auur. ` Aux. Cowux. INNS`. Jonx Dxcxmson. B.A. D. If. MACWATT. llluatvu auto `urn vwunvnuu McCAn'rmr, Pnnnxb Ql(l)_RBOULD & MCCARTHY fl IA YTRATHY & ESTENp ` Ba . . .....' ""`....;._._- 'ENNOX,` BOYS a; nnowx, Barristers, soTi-c4 J . itgn-3* &c. HAUGHTON Lxmzox, W. A. Boys, `Ru-snnnn ` Ac l.(AU.I!_3N.Una1, DKXHBLGI, rAuv1uv;; I . Solicxtor us Chancery, Conveyancer etc. $ee-First door Owen street, over Bank of Com- -...- "I2--3- 4Q"8o R. BOSANKO, DENTIST, has removed to his old oice. over Henderson : hardware store. :-1 OUNT LOUNT. Barristers. &Sglicitors, Proc- n 5.... RIM-go:-q, Cnnvnvancers. C01 - "'M}{ea by Rev. 0. Taylor, and I9oonded`hy Rev. B. N. Burns, that our sincere sympathy be extended to Bro. W. 0. Washington in his severe physical aliction, which necessitates his superannuation, and that we convey to him our high appreciation of the Isithful services rendered to the Metho- dist church during his ministry, and we hope that he may suioiently recover to yet take work as a minister amongst J. A. MCUARTHX. _u. V. suunonnavn. Barns. McCAn'rnv. Pnnnn, Mocurmv & DUNCAN, Alliston and Creemor . n -:_1\.__-_- f F. C. GREGG, Veteritiarysil eon. Honor .,.,-.,.,s.,.,'*"*`..:: "'oa' .,.."_*~c,:l :=.:=f~;.,.: :*.=..':::=.';'-3: _____.__.._._.------U---_------ )ICKINSON, 8; MACWATT, Barnsters. No- ....:-. n..I..I:.- S.-.I::-imp: nf Sunretne Court. etc. )0NALD` ROSS B. A.-Ba.rrister. Solicitor, Ofces. (`ts-uconlinolllo nfn 1-nnnnu in Inna. [ T. ARNALL, M.D.C.M., oice in Bothwelfs . Block, Allandale. On the premises at night. 43-ly I T. BANTING. Clerk County of Simcoe, will l he at his oice, at the Court House, Barrie, V Saturdav. Residence and 13.0. Cnnlnomun vlirnnmgnr summons. licissofs To 3. s. IQALLY. ___._...._____._...____.____?...__. A. RADENHURST, Barrister, Attorney, c..::..:.... :. CI-mnmrv- Convevancer. vi. M. CAMPBELL, Barrister Solicitor, "Atari: -o.- Mnnnu tn Inna, (TH-fr;-s_-Barrie . ' The following ministers were recom- jmended to be continued on superannu- fntion list: E. B. Harper, M.A., 0. Taylor, George Clark, Thos. Williams. Rev. W. 0. Washington, 'M.A., of Minesing, asked to be suparannuated, owing to ill health." It `was moved. that Mr. Washington s request be grant-. ed. The following resolution of sym- pathy with Mr. Washington was unani- mously carried: ll $3.7! Uvna ouwr, . c., oronto. ,.HBARR|AE, nANUrAoriJiins. w. unwe_s-uver nwans Dry I Residence `'36 Mulcasger St. PHYSICIANS. FINANCIAL. DENTISTS. OFFICIAL. 1-Ba_xV-rive (Collier It.) 9- n (Elizabethan) `E?-1% 45-1) ,- IJBU 51-ly . C. &S. Edin.; :nAr-:nlfv_p.vA Rau- >an. UmCes-narrwl -Bank of Toronto 5-1} I G; H. Esrmc. icrbss-out SW9. ------ ----, - 34-o{&m.....j. 5-Angus . . . . . . . 0-_.,-DI)lto0lI........o 7-V-MlImlng.......V. I lII_.I_I- - SUBSCRIBE? CAPITAL 4 Per Golgi. Interest Paid on nep"| LIU `D%Ill.'l|: 101' IEDOUIWU In B 15 Company in undouged. Rona new Block. south side Dunlap W` mot the Poet omoe. - 84' ...,`.E.`,':;...'.L% $3.: ..`:::.i':.*;e:.,.`;".`? Steamer CITYVOF TORONTO will leave `if, tanesnat xo.oo a.un..- Midland zoo-pm-. MP1,1_1 W 'esd_a)s. Fridays, and Saturdays. 5`; R ; u ; Sound, bonnecting there with Parry S0 Ind at?':_ncrs for Byng Inlet, French Rim 1, TU VB III? B UIIU \IIlI\}CI 7 " doI[1.ll),t.:e ' gag: migruig` oIx`1::coCx'gyV'II?"; depoutaor has ever made 3 loss bv a Loan Co v~ .. L ., T / souiaZi'ii."R." 3.518 `H .' 1* - CIT: PAt-gugogln OF MIDLAND an I, will leave Collingwood `}`)`Xa'ia5 'R?3,r,m:3: "a`v`e1`1";'._ `ii : peg; Ga) : Notth Shore e Manitouhns t0 mam: LOAN & snvmas cu INCORPORATED 1881. In gonaecciou wit}: G.T.R.. c. 9.12.. ' ' EAIIRA D \r\uvIl'l|JVll: The Mex-ca.nt1le,uow afliaied with The 103 don 8: Lancashire of England. 5! ity, $15,000,000. ' The Waterloo Mutual. of Water1oo.0Er Tothl assets, $334.o83. The Economical Mutual, of Berlin. 011? Total assets. $3o3.o,-8. Also Llovd'e Plate Glaee Insuxaqce Co1_=_j ` penny. of New York. Cash capual. Sir 00 % And the Sun Loan and Savings oompen? of Ontario. Private funds to loan on first mortgag5- `" counts collected. &c. oOice over I-Iendersonp Hardware Store. 33` 4 t. 1 NORTH sl-Iona NAV.0| Annual Meetijigi % Barrie District. Rxmnsnnr 1-an Fouowmo Fuu: I.\'snuSJ COMPANIES: lI'I|__ 1p_-,_-_,;g . ..._. v-.. DENT (:<}1a`PAN'Y.- PROVINCIAL BUILDING AND L03} ASSOCIATION. ETC. , ETC. , ETC. `OWEN STREET. Scnoecu-: & $M|TH,I STANDARD LIFE. {LONDON GUARANTEE AND Affi} WEN ll0GEBSON,f Condensed advertisements on first page .11; as wants of all kinds, lost and found, proper: for sale or to rent, snecic articles, etc.. 9:; must be accompanied with the cash, and r; be inserted--first insertion 2 cents per war; each subsequent insertion 1 cent per wt; (names, addresses and gures counted words); but a. reduction of one cent per watt will be made when the number of insertic; M of thesame matter exceed four. Cuts for advertisements must in every M case be mounted on solid metal ham. W Llul UV DLLGI SEGA Advertisers will not be allowed to use the: for advertismq anything outside t`:-;;; own regular business. Should they do 1 transient rates will be charged for such sf. vertisements. Provincial Building and Loan Association. Hathodist Minister and Layman Sasion--Full Report. " _"|v ` The following laymen were elected delegates to the annual conference :-J. P. R. Oongdon, SevernBridge 3 R, W. Mstcalf, lzlawkstone; H. L. Levering, HO_oldwat.er; James MoDerInott, Cold-. crater ; J. B. Horrell, Midland; S. Vyvyan, Midland; W. J. Parkhillo , Midland ;, ohn Trace, Elmvale ;` Marl: _'Vcssey, Victoria Harbor ; Wm. Camp- bell, Hillsdale; W. 0. Richardson, Apto; W. J. Partridge, Crown Hill; heri` Drury, Crown Hill 3 Dr. West, - Angus; Wm. Todd, Orillia 5. John-(A. Cheer, Orillia; W. E. Law, Allandale; j8._Blakely, Barrie 3 George Ball,` Bar- rie 3 James Scroggie, Barrie.` THENORTHERN ADv$ ADVERTISING RATES, CE ADVANCE HAS A (7lRc[;LA,n or rovnrnnm nvnnnn 1, AN 0: noun corms. " Almtistl if not quite. double th t f paper published in Binfe. 8" ha unvnnrlsims SHOULD NOTE TH 1, or E 12 lines solid nonpareil make 1 inch ' TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS, First insertion 10 cents per line, each Sub `ft qnent insertion 4 cents per line. Rnndina nntim-S- 10 cents: mar HM . m;"1;,ref:e1'red positions in the paper will ~,__ sold at an advance of one-third on 333;; rates. This rule will be strictly earned om CONTRACT CHANGES.| Advertisers will please bear in mind 1}... notice of intention to change advertiseme; must be handed into the ofce not later at; Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for Su I change must be in T11]: ADVANCE office :7. later than 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday in 3; week, otherwise the advertiser s an notxncemeh may not be made public until the week 5:5: lowing. ' I0 nlaonunu nf Arluorhnnmnnfc nllm.-,.1 A yvu Va Chuuvuo l\IVVLIJ5O 12 changes of Advertlsements allowed ;,-_. year. It more are required, composition rap, will be charged. Aunrnnra urn` run} In nnnvror` M. I!nA .1 quuur LLIDCL lvlilu. '1 uvuna [JUL JLLIC, Reading notices, 10 cents per line for insertion ; 5 cents per line for each Subse Y insertion of the same matter. All ithmguan: der 5 lines, of this character, Charged 3; lines. ' Legal, Oicial and Government ments will be charged at above rates CONTRACT ADVERTISIN 0. Contract advertisements will be taken ` the following rates! whlch are drafted on 0`; met commercial principles and will be atria" aillhered to. There Will be only one price a . adVT?tv,. xinch .................. 2% inches.. . . . . . . . . . . .. sinches, % oolumn...... no inches, 54 column.... aoinches, 1 column...... `For one month-the three monthly 5., with 15 per cent. added. *Wnn fnrn inn-n1H'\a-fHn fkv-no v..\,...4.L1 Wllau LU pt; Lana. uuuuuu *For two months-the three month] with 10 per cent. added. prnfarrn *nnu1'fn'nn in `H-no hnvxnu _-... Y T314 "finv ` " kepaashowm .AUTHOB.IZED CAPiTAL, $5,000,000. The Seoirity for Depoaitora in 3 L00 Pnmnnnv in nndnn hfn %i-Hulmlzi I . Onr1cn-Next door to Bank of Toronto. Gi1mi;od and Trned |` .,...._.,.....', 4 Numbgr of inches nine:-A INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, 6.0. ROYAL M-AVIL LINE` FIRE .AND LIFE ASSURANCE .A.G-E1\T"I` SCROGGIE 6. SMITH. CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. M. BURTON. Manaervot II , II` . _.._.-nl' 301-500 \ and R.R. ~ nnnr A` 7;11;.;a;;;s: " ' 13 I One Inser-i] Inser- tions:` tion. .3 mos. E I} :|$ 0 501$ 2 50?; [IE lnnl I i N3 1600 -35... In_ser- 1 In,,,_. tlnnu! 0...- g. PRICE Fox j Z, 1898. BARRIEI 2500] 45001 i\~ :e=e.. ins 138"` 275 "1501 `374 198 ' 135 x % 110 10 99 1636 i 772 91 12o_os P Rev. Chas. Taylor, a superannuated minister, threw a bomb into the meet- ing in the form of . a motion aslringthe General Conference to pass` a `prohibi- tory law, prohibiting all ministerial in- terferenoe in the regulation of the invi- tation` system. The _mover said_ he thought it high time to regulate. the invitation system. It would be very benecial to the cause, he thought, to prohibit all -ministerial interference in invitations. He believed, there, are rings formed among ministers" ; it. is: You secure such an invitation fortune, and I will do my best to seouresuoh an invitation for you- If the Ooial Board; want, a man, said , he, ' let them get out andiilookior him. ' belegate Mzainuy 09mmitbe,e- 8.. _L. b,L>ove1.-ing, Goldwater. - ` 0 ,,,SA_, `Rev. Mr. Tay1or--No", but there are cases right in the Toronto Conference, but I do not wish to mentioh particu- lar instances," ' A There We! 9 dipoaitioe to turn his oontention,'into_ a joke, -`but `l`1ee~reeented it with Thip ie not it matter _to_be f1wink..d st; ,fthro` methodg of; invi `?`9'.`" hm #0 0-rt-#1! l.:'ie.ri t.i`. Dmr: -is! hge` 1'03"?! 33,` 1*! -vtrzih F ; iiivizolb wioid Ia`-motion 5i1'i9`[i"`'. . from. hid `experie0o}*"'1ii;t.il f-tRev. Mr. BtVu~nn-F1-om what plaoel does this complaint originate? From Mpnitoboi Whereas a large number of V Dis- tricts do not keep a permanent record in journal form of the proceedings of each session of their annual meetings-- Resolved. that we memorialize the Gen- eral Oonference to amend article 157 of the Discipline so as to road, `After the Ohairmanhas` opened the meeting by the usual devotional exercises a sec retary shall be elected by ballot, who shall keep a record of the proceedings of eachsession, in journal form, in a minute book procured for that purs The rBnowing resolution wa: _ also carried :- ' the resolution asks that the method of . Presbyterian church, he .adopted,"viz.: - Select half the delegates- to General C Conference Committee re Sacramental V A motion was proposed by Rev. B. N. Burns and Rev. Thomas Dunlop, me- morializing the Annual Conference to ask the General, Conference to change -the personnel of the ministerial repre- sentation in the General Conference; choice, as at present in practice by the Conference and holf by rotation. In this way it is intended to get out of a certainrut that the personnel of that Conference has got into.-Carried. ' Rev. M.` L. Pearson said that the Cups, of which he 18 a member, had decided to ask the General Conference to give Church Boards the privilege of using individual sacramental cups, if they wished to do so. He asked the meeting if they wished to say anything `on the matter. He said medical `au- thorities are divided on the question as to whether the common cap is a means of spreading disease or not. Big moustaches, sometimes tobacco stained, came in for a rub; Mr. Trace, of Elmvale, was more radical than the rest, and thought that all persons using tobacco or liquor, in any form, should "not be received into the church on in the Salvation Army. Rev. Mr. Burns was also of the opinion that it of communicants, and leave_ the cup ter was placed before the meeting. trial.` He believed this was the rule _ would be better to purify the personnel _l alone. N o motion relative to the mat- : ia;.;;:;`(4u;;.a;.a;;; Goldwater . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . 7800 None Barrie (Elizabeth stl) . . . . 4000 1200 Barrie (Collier st.) ...... . . 6000 A resolution was passed memo- rializing the General Conference to amend the reception` servioeof the dis- cipline to contain a clause, asking the member elect as to his or her willing- ness to do something in the way of work for the eause of Christianity.` Mr. Burns said at present that members are simply asked if they` are willing to give or believe. Tie` folliong` VtaVt"isbicsM of vale of 1` churches with mortgages on same, will be (of interest: . % ` J 9 v_ uunvuun $8750 a.A..n. Waihelepoeta "St the different circuits Ihowed the following particulars :- . Vlue. 163.}; None . 814 io 1466 11:2-Avoid ihtoxioanta, which de- stroy cellq. .4 ' _ A i _. 12.-V-.-4_Da.ily exercise in the open 13.-_--:"All_oAw `nypeu _ani'n_1ala in your living V tooizaa. "Tiiey are apt to` `catty t:\bou't`d,iIea_ae(t=ge:rms._v_ ' 14-2-5Ii?6 awn 1>.. An`p-triy it you can. .{.1i`?.`7"-9991`: 1!fPF D*-`Whine 9 . ' . ~. `I1-a.... .`I.-_... -2 ---....-L2L; the mdrnilig, but 3 bph't 'the tengnpentnte of the body. ' 7:;-Exrbiae betare` biomass. 8-'-Est little meat. and see that it is duh-j 1!) ~ ,{.Ir:?;;S 7t3iae.a s.%;...i.;.;1%..u; M ,;g., =h;;`t_1rjcg1`s;auim' ;b= } % "A 11 mg ti'u:ilid'*."i?ith` bili:::n:g:: =V..-a.{.~`.~m.u.w.;-.I- .'m.u2:.~.I. .r... :..;.a.._._.... ._.___. m-'I . 1-. 5,-.-I')o` pot have your bedscad agsitiht thgjvall. _- ` Wpivortin; League Committee--Rev. A. G.` Hudson, J. 'P_. R. Oongdon. .~ well oobkeii. ` ` W 9.-i4 (For ululta) Drink no milk. _ ` 10.-`--Eatvplonty of fat: to feed the 06113 which dtroy germs. $9'5`77z`335if637`V'il? 71'" "'opuu777ii"3"`""`: -udatapnuong i!pl`liJatfa '51`e;-`attain as, 3575. hnlm and nfjlnr nnmnlglnim Annual` I. name . %`&`;.?5`Zf..?"o2.'?1';?.7.;.$i.'aT ?y".'L"I heulthy auto of--the liver or kidney: and vonvtllenz-~s`25.o. bomot,:Dhdd a Liver -Pill: `would hIv'e_'=rooulv`od5thonnndI of blast % Inga. Qoonustulldrngglhh. `all. night. ' *-"'.*-"'5'-"V -9"}-L "-Wr- 2.Ae-,-`Sleep on your right `side. __ 3.Keep your bedroom window open ( . A nulnber of thevpnpile ere prepa`r- : iog` for Enhance and Public School Leaving Exatninutione. , ` Sorry to hear of the illness of Mr. C. 'Hcudan,' Elmvale, who was once a resi- dent of this place for many years. (Too late for last week : inane.) ` MJH. Mitohell; who has been in` Toronto for some time, has returned` home. Miss" M. Richardson, of Oraighm-at, I was the guest of Miss Annie Richard- ` son lately. ' ' 1 Mrs. and Mrs. Higgins called _on Mrs. MoTsgue here last week. 'I'I Mr. G. Omzaron and `family, of Bar- _rie, visited friends here this week. cvs-'-nr-I\ - 151-. Hopkins, of Innial, is visiting ` her daughger, Mrs. H. Gillespie. H II` T? I` I "`n1;m:.;;;;;"c;..;;n;..;;:1i.. 1`. Dunlap, H, L. Levering. ' V Mrs. W.` McDonald, of Burns, is% visiting `her brqther, Mr. W. Horan. \ On Wednesday night Rev. Mr. Takagi addressed the ministers and an- swered any questions asked him rela- tive to methods of work in Japan. _ H. Thurlowj attended the races in } Stiyner. V } 'I' IIIIC cI.0 ` A hearty vote of thanks was passed to the pastorot the church and to those persons who had added `in any way to the pleasure and entertainment of min- 1 isters and laymen. The tollowind per- sons entertained some of the delegates at their homes :_4Mr. W.. Humphrey, Mr Jno. McDonald, Mr. James Brun- ton,_Rev. Geo. Clark, Mr. James L. Burton, Mr. Robert Jack, Mrs. Lot Webb, Rev. Thos. Edwards, Mr. John Brunton, Dr. Taylor, Mr. John Glass- ford, Mr. Gilchrist, Mrs. Lyons, Mr. James Arnold, Dr. Law, Mr. A.~ L. Thurston. : Samuel Blakely, of Barrie, was against the motion, and gave an instance right at home during the last confer- ence, where his church had been much henettedv as -a result of securing a minister who had been recommended to him by a brother minister. - Mr. Brown, -cf` Midland, objected to the practice in some churches. of invit- ing a minister to retm'n for a second or third year. He should be allowed to coniplete his three years without in- vitation. . v QUUIU-V11 As Mr. Taylor ' did not aecnro a seoondor he withdrew has motion. eeough in, `the miaietry minister : advice inauch matters wopld be both valuable and reliable. i -The next annual District V Meeting will be heldyin Orillia, and the Finan- cial District Meeting at Goldwater. , v- The plebssoite question came up for discussion, but it had no sooner come np that it _was -"evident that there is politics in the Ministry. Some` were for endorsing the..Plebiscite Bill and others were against endorsation, ` but` all agreed on a resolution commending ~ the plebiscite tothe favorable considera- tion of the people,_now that it had be- come lp.w. ' V . he I 1 CON FERENCE APPOINTMENTS. V Smioning Committee-Rev. Thad. Edwards. on LI__.I_ n-L-_1 I~l__.-__:LA.-- `I3-.. `Ii The church at Craighurat will be cold, and after the existing mortgage is paid off the balance will. be distributed among the three churches of Mineaiug Circuit to be used in reducing the debts on those churches. . ; ~ ? 36w to L1v`_e 100 Yeairs. ` By Sir James Sawyer, of Birmingham, England. 1 .--Eight Thou 1} a sleep. ' "iE.lT1$7fJg?5?o&hpaiiou.. % `fregI'1_e',:nt. and short holi- . 18., .,I.iiniis xonambieion-. .v 1 9.-=_-a`Keep jyour . temper. `3-T]??P,`.89 :: 4.:Have a mat at ybnr bedroom Fergusonvale. Advance Correspondence. THE NORTHERN ADVANCE Oonapar-atlve Water Supplies. V The `exceptionally dry winter and spring have left all lakes and reservoirs so low that there is much fear `that uiany English towns will suffer awater famine next August. '.In view of this it is curious to note how widely diverse -are the needs--or, `at any rate, the sup- plies-y-o1' various great` `cities so fare as concerns water. : A writer in the Big- P`1.= !19.f*h`!`, '?.iV5. 49! for every inhabitant, sixty-four gallons ` of T 'wite'r`:`*` E ju'et about the same ';proportion, Philsdelirhia I f little '"9*`??, . 8! `.m5.h- `Ed 53919`=i*r1y three times as much ;-.'bu`t Brussels-and W9? "!;?. ;f`5'37`i*d perhead. of what the Parisianli ' receive, is-.s:-r nea- - than athird. gvwhils-:Berli_n:isiu:worIo o' 5; Tue ._ ?anyi-'othe_r.grgt `city-,andrget.s.nnly_ |": 5 ' r`3'..~*o`:.= .'iXo_ ed '0` D`: T'.' `WY? l Shortly after midnight the thunder storm that was raging emitted a bolt that wrecked the verandah on the Bay- croft residence. This; oifence might have been pardoned as a` playful caprice had not the electric bolt returned to the attack a short T time afterwards. This time it chose the chimney, which it demolished- The stove pipe in the chimney, passed through a room occu- pied by `Mr. `and Mrs. Baycroft and two young children. The pipes were twist` ed and scattered and -the frolicsome thunderbolt cut a hole through the oor into the kitchen. A"fter'sn ias'hin` the top 011' -the cook- stcve the bolt, made a mysterious exit. With the exception got` "having been stunned undone of the children being slightly; burned about the face, the in- mates of thehouse sustained no injury. A Ii2_a__ `I'I'-__-Ij VV XI `IS wabbagh School Oommittee-Rev. F. L R-`W. -m.._-_.L 'r-_..__- I1-..._._:u.-- 13-- Aliisbon _Hera1d.;f Lightnlncre Capers. The family of Mr. Richard Baycroft, of lot 8, oonoeaaion 5, Tosaorontio, had an experience early on Friday morning, 20th ult., that they will not soon forget. EDITORIAL Normal It is not likely that any election trials will take place until next autumn at the earliest. - The judges of the High Court receive no remuneration for elec- tion trials in connection with the pro- vincial elections, although in the Federal cases they receive an extra fee of $100 per trial. Under the circumstances the judiciary can hardly be expected to devote the summer vacation to the tedious business of election trials. The necessity for haste exists only in South Ontario and West Hamilton, -tor unles matters are nally settled in those places before the House meets, the Govern- ment will nd itself` in the- extraor- dinary position of an Administration with two Ministers who cannot sit in the Legislatu're.-Mail-Empire. ' van? NON-OOMMITTAL 5 - Sir Wilfred Lani-ier was urged to de- liver himself. on the course the Govern- ment intends to take after the plebiscite has been taken on prohibition. . It is very non-committal and is as follows: 0 n I`. ,2; it that he ddes not; my the Gov ernment will do anything, it will more- ly be their duty tqhdo something.) It he Govzrnment does not phr- form the duty `placed upon icby the PPl.--.-. . _ . % (A very strong inainustion tht the In A , , 1______.__'|\ (WhichU' looks much like a Laurian hope that this time may never come) it will be time enough to answer these questions." - The answers are already in oourse of preparation: the Government does not want prohibition. ` td conaider'whther of not tie time has arrived for prohibition." (Why was this consideratiqn not given before the plebiscite bill was declared law '3 This might have saved the coun- try over $200,000 coat in taking the plebiscite throughout Canada.) Moved by H. A. Brown, seconded by 0. Taylor, whereas H. L. Partridge his trhvelled three years, attended col- has two yearsend completed the full course of study, taking 60 2/5 per cent. on the entire course and answered the usual disciplinary questions Vsatiefcc- torily. that he be recommended to be received into full connection and or- dained at the coming conference. T 771:7 1} }i eiain isA for prohibition is will `be the duty of the Government-- dug; to:vill notbe performed.) it will be the option of its oppon- ents to call it severely to acoount. A. . (And In the meantime the Govern- ment will prepare at full` list of excuses to meet the contentions of their oppon- ents.) A . V To each day is snicient the evil-- (A statement that for-shadows Sir .Wilred s dread of. the future.) and to each day is aumiene du ty~ therveof, > (A atatemnt that foreahadowa` Sir Wil'lred s wonder as to how he will evade___said duty.) _ ' VV:hen the C'}o'vern m-ent is called upon to discharge its duty-- `.990: I -r the 1 W6 `a"n6Vri6w"' man `Itobk-Stoves of the CALL ANDEXAMINE8 OIIOW ' . % ' `:2 MN 8:` wllllr. Barlow haviwng travelled three years. was recommended to college for two years.