Mrs. J. H`. Willis ia_ visiting her parenti, Mr. and Mrs. Jan. Jewett, Port Perry. Of mdny defects of the Eye ren- T T ders is unsafe to defer correction. If ypur eyes are `troubling you 1n any way have them examined . at once. We have equipped our Optical department with the most modern appliances and we make careful examinations FREE OF CHARGE 0 and prescribe Glasses--Glasses _O on1y-when necessziry. We V . guarantee satisfaction. . I]. H. Maclaren. -Toronto Farmers Muket. IORONTO.` May 3, :898. ___I_!A- __ .__ THE MARKETS. aamgiur. nowcn. ..T.H E... Be.rrie e South-Western Division. with its Pleasant Streets, its .'1`a.etv Dwell incs. its Pretty Churches. and its Go- a.-head People W111 Entice Settlement -A Weekly Record of its Doings.` Mrs. Wm. McDouga.ll is seriously ill. Many of our citizens are busy `doing gar- den work. Personal News." spme`ne%vy*1i;;esor %DIES %WHITE UNDERWEAR, ,]ut{:re;:e1Vvede_;t " & e4ek%,;%wil1 be sold athwholesale prices. -mBARRI8_.,"D_f3y 4, 1898. ....`......$ 1 co to 3 x 03 nnn__.- `I In 909- t e - We botught aybig lot of B10 gvjeryt Jew price. They a - 11 made garments, in pretty` patterhs.~.= Good mater ; A 'Weeoer_you your choice of the lot each. HAVE PLEASURE....". ; ' - - ! - Q ' ,- .. ' In; all the dierent departments of our business. them ye would direct partidular attention to our large importaom oi {vhish win bs found latest designs gs Brussels, Tapestry, Uniosssns AH Wools, Japanese Squares and China. M-attmgs. Also to our large receipts of m3Es`;."l3ivz:`<-lie.--`I'%l-1;;1:a1'1':3.w1"t, who has lieen on the sick list, is improving. . T - ..- _-A1_A.2._-.. -._.I 3 _ ANNOUNCI NG THE ARRIVAL 0, ; -_ % ' - I z ' } ~ u . % , % ~ ; J ust to harid. I Buyers of Clothing will nd our goods well made}, well trimmed` in"fact the equal in Fit, Finish, Style and? quality to best taxlor-made'goodlV _._2.1_ .._.z.._.. ......1_ 1-...-.. ......J BK -nan nnn+ Inna Klan-n nannl nrinnu nf 1-omvL... K 7u{iu1'{'fn~i2 clothing. ad from that port on Pthe SS. Scotsman for I London, England, to join her husband. , _Mr. Ali. Hubloert- is in `the employ of I Mr. Hathaway, butcher, Toronto. Mrs. N. Grose is visiting her daughter at 1 Demill Ladies College. St. Catharines. i cup 1 _,- Il ___j_____ ` `IV...-.. :--"" V-"' J Dr. and Mrs. Pattersgcrrxizlert on Mondav on a.` trip to Detroit, Columbus (Ohio), and Cin- cinnati-. . . . "'- f'~---- `r---1.-A Agojnmk AAAQAQQAI` cmnau-. . His Honor Judge Azdagh addressed the `Toronto Bible Training` School last Friday night. I us II 1-! 1 2 rn,A__;_ __I:..- t-....- . FIEIIVO P. C. Crowley, of Toronto police force, is I visiting his brother, Spencer Crowley, Stroud. II. Il _`l-\___I.l (ll! -5 "l`..-.1`-`to. non ;n DIil'U|lll. W. McDonald, Q 0., of Toronto, was in town over Sunday attending the funeral of the late John McClain. _ Mr. H. B. Myers has been appointed chairman of the Central District of the Do- minion Bicycle Racing Board- I 1 nL--,l.-, 11-J.l__.`l -1'l|........L.. ullnanvno navy `you .w..-._: _ -.._ ._-. I Samuel and Stephen Goddard, of Toronto, former Barrieitea, were in town last Thurs- I day on their way to their uncle : funeral at Craighnrat. - William. Keenan returned to town last week after several veara absence in Michi- gan. Mr. Keenan has re-joined the band for the June camp. Iv A I-r If A -1 LL- f'I'1__-..A.- If...` ` --..-v-- , .v. vnav v -...- -..... H'. A. Harper, M.A-., of the Toronto Max] and Empire, was in town .on Sunday in at- tendance at the funeral of his grandfather, the late John McClain. -.. pun vnuv -u-Irv vvncuu .-.-`.--.__- Mr. John Cashman, of the Colonization Roads Department, Toronto, father of Mr. Caahman (cashman & Perry)) is snering _from an acute attack of paralysis. I V David A. Madill, B.A., of Creemore, has just passed a remarkably successful second year at Trinity University. He took first I standing in nearly all Divinity subjects. 1 Frank Smith, as Elizabeth street, left for Brsntord Saturday morning to accept a. position in the Goold Bicvcle Works. Frank will be much missed in sporting and other circles, and carries with him the best wishes of numerous friends; A Miss Maud Whaley, of Huntsville, who will spend the summer with Mrs. H. T. Whaley, is thus. spoken of by the Hunts- ville Enterprise :.--" Miss Whaley was a. nan:-un`nn ulnnnn hm|f.lD;`lI l`\;IIf.I7 VIII? lulUI'PI`IUV 3._" LILIDB VVIIIIIVJ VVIISI G popular young lady in Huntsville society, an esteemed member of the Methodist church - and a faithful Epworth Leaguer, having been president of the social commit- tee of the latter for the past year and identied herself closely with -the general ._...I. -5 L`... ......:..a.. 9 lucu UI LIV IJUL OUII UIUBI work of the society. I1`: I I :87 lnhalfunhourby. HR POWDEBS See :1i1r BOYS CLOTHING also new SPRING OVERCO ATS for mam Opened this week-New lines of Ladies" DRESS `GOODS, `GLOVES, HOSIERY, ETC. 1V.I.;;:'i`:JA;;fc:visiting at Ivy with her brother. Mr. R. Arnold. Frawley . all? 18 me Dauuageu luau auu alvcp uuu, ulvvnlw .........u.... I P G_KER S PATENT I-lE_ADAQI'|E POVIDERS -v-_`:__. 7 _ __, Wlzich cure the worst cases in a `few minutes. Pleasant and easy to take. There are fteen powders in a box and cost but 25. We give a. free sample powder to any one, _because the free sample makes most le buy a box. and that is what we are after. and you Will be after a box too when you have cur a aplxtting headache with a sample powder. Headiiihe Cures. There are several of these. There is the natural cure, waiting several hours for it to stop. There is the bandaged head and sleep cure. always inconvenient and sometimes isn't a cure after all Than H-mu-A 3| &llI lju #:--c-- N. B.-Free samples of Kutuow's Effervescent Carlsbad Powder, so highl% recommended bv Rev. Dr. Harper for rheumatism. will be sent any one making applfeation a S AGE RS DRUG STORE, opposite Post Office. ; 3 3i-: 4\c;ER's' DRUG. STORE, can-u-In nae? I\E'EIl'0E .9`-`[001 I-I-I L !-V9,:-`M-MK"-I, -Iv}-v. --- `1"""`J -v -v~~ ----v- -...\.., aw much lower and 25 pe_r cent less than usual prices of ready.mde" - _BARR|E S GREATEST DRUG STORE. Mrs.` ." 1 -o.=.n1.1;.ri-:a"\:ie`;ing' rlaties and friends in Orillia for a. week. ` Clothing Carpets OPP. POST OFFICE.` up-wag.-u -.-......-.J, -v modern 3. liances fox all clrasses of work. PAT` RONIZ A HOME INDUSTRY, and haw our ri call at our door. SPECSAL ORDEBS | DEL VEREI) THE SAME DAY. STEAM LAUNDRY! HEAD OFFICE - - - TORONTO`- AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $1.000~ This is a new Canadian Company independent of Underwxiter Associations. $2.5 Hannah milk Ontnn Gnvernment.. maepenqent or unacrwxucr A1330 (1 sxt Wllh Ontano Govemment.. resident, Arch. Campbell. M.P. Than (`.1-nutfnrd M, P. P_ Genet degosit Ontario Govcrnment.. _ _ Campbell. M.P. : Vice Pres1den\- Thos. Crawford, M. P. 9.; General ManaiI|'- ` 4 Greenwood Brown ;.Agcnt for Barrie. xz-20 "-N%:!3_'!E$3%5'`l USU! onvuuv DI. `av----5 V? V... -.._- .. Subscribe for Tm: ADvAN the best weekly paper in the County of Simcoe. `A: ll ,9, IV--- _.. 2.. f'lV-_.._A.- ....IIn.'I 3'.'"Fif"E "Ii": T 3 THE "ADVANCE- Are all very well in their place. We have them and keep them in their places. In our ne line of Hair Brushes. Tooth Brushes, Clothes Brushes. Nau Brushes. ntn.- all-- Walk in and look around, you don't have to buy. Monkman s Drug Store 92 DUNLOP STREET, BARRIE. BRISTLES We have umhaied and reopened_ the Barri! Steam Laun ry. 10 Dunlop street. with the We" nodern ' ces or classes Erhan rhtnsvirr A un1-In rmnrvarrnv A have Our stock is made up of the best Ameri` can, English ond French Goods, and wi be. sold at popular prices. SUCCESSOES T0 E. S. LALLY. BARRIE Ollvov no; many now. -w--. ..--_.-_.. 7 _- - Mr. John Blevins was it '1-`orohtofez; few days last week, and returned home on Satur- day evening. 111 11-, __ __-_ 2.. In-..-..L_ 1-..; ._....I- ADVERTISE IN `I IIDIIUDQ L1 Ctcaq etc. am 5. 1898. (`Luv -. tion wi sendin locatio that h{ `nun v 7--.- Mr. Ed. ti-Iog was in Toronto last week attending the uneral of his brother. .He returned home on Saturday evening. . Au , g____ Exce] TRACE -an BANTI. Mr ORSI-JR AVIOORE r|(\ Mr NIARR IVI.-xrwaj Ln i;EN1 .\Iu.1_.IGl \\'rL 1.0] J . l\lI1I\Il oovvn qowuuw -- ...__--- -_ Conductor `J. Gilbert ;.}i`lJ`sen:w`l1Zas been transferred from Allandale to Hamilton.` to run from the latter place to Port Dover. Conductor James Pett, of Toronto. will take Mr; Gibson's place on the North Bay mixed. . A _--.-.1- -8 4.... A363.-nah unsung an I-Jan H I-IA Trur 1` lr.\l'C the OI Au glen to all 1 31 KI FULI TEI 1;'l"<:s's-ie--('~3t:;s's'ivzs"i1.1` >called there by the serious illness of her sister. `I 1 u 1-n___2___ ___ :_ m.._-_.... 8.... .. C-.. was ate *4 Docul to m G314 n- rm INI A couple of our citizens were on. the Saturday evening express trom Toronto, and saw the victims of the accident at Lundv s crossing that evening. They said it was a horrible sight, one that they do not want A. -41; Alum!!! ';'.'.;.;1.' ;a'.;.' - ' The ddfellows of the sixth -ward turned out. well-some thirty in number-on Sun- !l,_ ..-_.._:_.... 4- ..a.LA...I n:..:.... an|nw`nn :1`! 1-K: 0|: W811`-`B01116 btlllflay nu uuuIuI:u--vu uuar day morning to attend Divine service in the Elizabeth street Methodist church. They were a. ne looking lot of men, and deserve credit for their excellent turnout. I 1,, 1,! \JI\3\IIU lllb illvlh V-vww--vu-v vv--v-v--v. One day last week two of our lady bicyc- lists had a collision. Miss Grace Little came in contact with Miss B. Brunton s wheel, the former being sent against a telegraph ole. breaking the front wheel of her. bike either of the parties were hurt. Michel Attala, of Toronto, a native of Damascus, addressed the Presbyterian Sun- day school on Sunday afternoon, and "he spoke English fairly Well. On Tuesday evening he addressed a meetingin the above church. His address was very interesting and highly edifying. ' V-.. -_ .1 -..L ._...- 3...`-..-o.nauI an nnru` nuu. IIISIII y I-I\IIO , sup`: Your correspondentwas informed on good authority that some golf players from Barrie" were playing golf on Sunday morning in the 6th ward. If six days in the week are not enough to exercise golf players it is time the law should say it was. - Where are our con- etables who would like to make 9. dollar ? THE RAILWAY cmnma o_1v_`-ram FUTURE CITY; _ St. George s Ladies Guild of He! are held a most successful bazaar in Bothwe s Hall, Allandale, last week. All the articles dis- gosed of were sold at very moderate prices. he ice cream was delicious, while the candies fairly -melted in your mouth and you longed for more. The proceeds were $54.13 after deducting expenses-one half of this is to be applied to the building fund debt. the other to the current expenses of N:x1'1'o BAFIRIE i-V-IO:'l'EL._ Fraw%leVy s Shoe Store. You can't pvoeeibiyhgo {wrong in btiyinq Bootboaud-Shoes `atot'e:' Ou`r- Footwea- is not in the common rung goods. In our: the styles a.nd'ehu.peI are oorreot, t`het-p__e1-- faction, the lether and L L manship of the very bees, o In`. bu ing here you ere Iurejof gettina values ahead of an inn: shown outside"of_thiI store. T ere "e.r'e o.few_ igemefthat appeal to everyethoughnful buyer :-- . , L . . . _ _ SHOE orfERINas..._._% __ ____ -1. I451:-Ion:-I -'--- -- ` ' ' . B t` It`) " L~*:::.f.:*:1..`. .';:`:.%`.`ia A:`...:;' v;'.`. .. {:11 Ladies Fine Dongola yum button noota, pa.- t.ent_ leather_ tip. `?mntbedV fanc vamp _nnd . `:.2`i `3"`.? ` *3`.- a.=.'Y.".o. .B;ca`.'(n'..`3"s. .0 Ladies` Choice ici uOn and e Boots. ' patent lI.thor.tip, Bull_ tog. new shape, V I , zery. eapy \t| il_l.` D wzd . nus 2} to T7.` ` $8 pmlivulitoonivs onouountonuooonnnocotooo Lidia "Fine Oxford Shoe. tout` leather tip and ' - '3.cing.r.*I:;xndl to9,_Mc y gewod. D width,_ ,8 I M 9.. onnoucurocuvo|ouuI'o;;o`i'o`.l *-..m*f.::.%.=.; v- ` ` 9|! B `O Q ` ` mnamy heel. gin. ;.g to 7.-specw VT?`-,. ,_ ` '.` I! W W" ' TIIIIO II xfpteaented or yon`? mbnoy ;t9!?j**`[7!`!%?0%!v9 F9.*n-':9l8`9ds . . .`.~_'..,~i'*.._3-'5 :-.g..~ ` , " ' ,_ '- _ _~ ii` ji ;-%f1a~ "D.u;N% "P. .s1iav::,1-,4jV%aAaaI:.; W ` oiia we ft|_z:o_r\ :|::.`A 8I4v\ f V ;'_sno;gv a;......%..;;;;........1,;g:.:.. .LAD!ES' DEPT. FOR THI$ ; che ohurh. is is su.`m.;..:o~u 3: cu. Guild. ` we undernt'and,_to hold anooiul Icon to dil- un--- AC Oz`:-'r.`1."A'QQ.l|.`;`IL...:h"I\`.' nu the Burton Avenh _ , A , J -`c },QxI;.Sun- day. . Love :- , ff, ` __ "be:ho,ld 3t7thd'I9Ie of the morning * rvioo,` and the not-amnt of '...;:.;...[.:..y:;\ 1 =~ `= 1;. `the Lord : Sun :t_h9 evening--_aeArvic_e. :.1 h`e uartarly ; u-_d?f wiillme6tohth"ofo1low- ingi ondav evning. when all the: nuemberg 6lfO;_ requested :6 be prgaent. \ __. `..__.-`g_L._ 1...: .._2L.' __'. __.____2 1... w. _- ..v-- -- -- of our hiosrclists hall quite annexperi-Q ence -on` Saturday efternoonew_.hile"coasting down the Painswrck hill. ,jHe_;. " 3 pretty good start and when about `ha ! way down the hill he lost control at his wheel and went crash through the fence. smashing the same to pieces. It was an, mireclethe` rider was not killed as he. was lauded against: "an wood pile, but he escaped with only` a few` slight` scratches on his face. The wheel was not much damaged. He declares he will do no more coasting in, the future. - . Mrs. Henry Mayo, mother of Mrs; Wm; ' C. Ourtis, ol' Barrie, died at her residence in Belleville on Tuesday. April 19th, 1898. in the seventy-third yearof -hera e.` The de-V ceased was one of the oldest an most high- 'lv`r_espected ladies of the City of Belleville. Anattack of pneumonia seized her and pro- duced heart` failure which caused `death. Mr. a.nd~Mrs. Curtis werein attendance at the funeral, and the latter is still in Belley ville. Mrs. Curtis has the sympathv of her many friends in the death of a devoted mother. a T "as ' Some bicyclists are in the habit of riding] their bikes on the sidewalks 'in the sixth ward. especially on Burton Avenue, which is against the town by-law; `The rate that some wheels. y along the sidewalks -is out of the question altogether, being very `dangerous-to, pedestrians and children. A child coming out of a gateway` the other afternoon came within an ace of'bein struck with a bicycle; If this practice riding on the sidewalk is not stopped some of the residents will make a move to have it ended. - Report `of the Burton Avenue School. Bar- rie, for Anril :--Fifth Class-.-M. Whiteley, W. Hill, V. Collins, S MoMillin, W. Tickell. Fourth Class. Sr.-.--L. Heard, E. Renfrey, R. Cowio, H. Cross, 0. Gibson. `Fourth Class, Jr.-H. Webb, M. Sri lev. S. Spring, F. Armstrong, W. Young. hird Class, Sr. -G. Hil1,`M. Moore. J. Brunton, M. Am- brose, M. Ha.rdv._ Third Class, Jr -_-W. Bailey, Agglie Patterson. G.` Miscamgbe 15. Phillips, . Blough. Second Class, r Meda Merrin, I. Collins, S. Meeking, _ . Parsons. M. .Thomson. Second Class, J r.. (a)-O. Moore, L. Reynolds, E. Bailey, J. Wilkinson, 8. Pirie. Second Class, Jr , (b) -S..MoMorran,. G. Johnson, C. Steggles, I. Pirie, L. Moore. ' < - ` Jfotnl No. registered in Division I . . . . . . 44 .. .. .. .. n 46 11, 'K C `II Total No. registered in school . . . . . .. Average daily attendance in Division _ Average` daily attenance` of school. . St. -George s Church--In Mr. Westney s h sermon last `Sunday evening in referring to his three years . work in St. George's, he made the following statements:--First, that the attendance had increased 25 per cent. * since the rst year of his an ointment; that the amount received from as sources during his three years was $2468 00. That the debt and interest had been reduced 3600. That the choir had carried on its part in the servicesat a cost of $5.00 per year. That the Sunday school sadly needed teachers. That 25 burialshad taken-place in the parish. That the marri es were 10 ; hap- tisms, 65-10 being ad ts. _Admitted by conrmation. 60; by .,commun1on, _l0 ; by removals into the parish, 5. Total. 75. Losses by death and removals, 3. Leaving a net gain to the parish for three years of 72 members. That his pastoral visits were 1,500; distance travelled was 4,500 miles. The Rector `has appointed the following ladies as district visitors, etc., viz. :-Barrie District--Mrs. O'Connor, Miss Wilson, Miss ` Katie Anderton, Miss Wardman and Mrs. Crawford. Burtonand Cumberland streets -Mrs. Westney. "Miss Blevins. Mrs. Wm- Little, Mrs. Thos. C.'R.cyce and Mrs.` E. S. Meeking. Essa Road and Townline--Mrs. Wyatt.`Mrs. Plumley, Miss 0. Little and Miss E. Palling. The rest of the Parish, not included in the ahove-Mrs. Merrin, Mrs. Ellis, Mrs. R. Moore, Mrs. W. Moore and Miss McKereghan. Hospital visitors-- Mrs. Westuey, Mrs. Wm. Little, Mrs. 1`. C. Royce, Mrs. E. S. Meeking. Mrs. H. Len~ . nox, Mrs. T. Wilson and Miss Westney. These visitors "are expected to re ort cases of sickness and need, the arrive. of church families , and to collect funds subiect to the B.ector s `a proval.-, The Rector re- serves the right 0 cancelling any of these appointments or of adding to their numbers. The qualication of a visitor in any case is ;I__L .1 - 1.... ....'__`a;.- 2;` 17:0 e__'l\". 8-PPOIDIUIEDFC or (H uuuiug DU Iullllll uuuluwsu. of visitor that of a lav member of Synod, viz. :-That she must partake of the Holy Communion in the church she represents as such at least three each year._" one ot these being at Easter . .A egecial service will be held in St. George's riday evening at 7.30. at the conclusion of which the Conrmation and `Holy Communion Certicates will *.be given out. - T i ` " ' *";:..;.*.:;:. ::.';.:.'.:.....*- .~;:.2:'; 89w; coin my _ | die. 6 t_Ig regular priopmco, spoclllu .... ..........$x 5o Men-. Ruinet L. Bootuti tame nude. ` new toe, extension solo, 6.00 :0. special a on M Suwon PlowBoob.bellow|tonue,wnxod T ; ennatched ex>trnbenvy nolemxpir. size: = Abnimnnnoun . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . ..-....i'un.... I & Men'a7Cl Cali Lace` `and She-9'. - A- 434. .,.ux.~, .:s:':'.!':;..`:..:!~.:'.':':`1:..... :."..6..A.. . ,UIU'lI|I.lUUZICQII o I I I I I I I u u u - - - - - v ---vv--- `Men : Oil Gain Harvest Boob, Inows tongues `Q. . . . . .'. .. 3-: Ian. and `Il|nH`n_"nQDi j Bo1is' nnpfr.` "'3 .B.y?ox_o3,".".a;gq` >Iq`.;_Io ._-,_.` i-peciul- .1 _,._i H`." . 4 c an Bo`)-An` Strong` Boots. ` t0K|I9o, , u` . o 9 u _o 9 10:0 0'o_o,_f I . 1i-_-AI.'._I 1.).-.5... 9-H` I`-.. `Ania " Ivaunh |vUll`|Ug JIIUUI I yv, ap _u.v\-tun - - v v - - . - . . V - . - , . - ?"L%A > Yeti, waht; sari , abundant cropioif good .fruit,V it is necessary that you should spray your trees and to do so with _the least `labour and the best zfesults, get 5. `spraynieter: outt. It will {Say yeti 100 liar cent on the investment. This- ipumnp has been adopted by the Ontario Government and is the best in use. Call and see them at V I ' ZIHILCU IIUIII QDIIUICI CIIUIIV IV III.` n:;f;h_e`~ `poo-off`$he~-=thipgI`loV_f. on IDHBIIUII 6to,:`:.I n `nut: an Oil Brain ntvut noon, puuowl wuguuo in laceand|b9ckle,`pcg`_|o!.Vzp_ocial ..4...-... 'r;iun1~'rsJ pnxvr-. Iii 1'17 163 Es 83 luzvo m3.vIm co.anT.u77IgQra ;.-.:'.- V E Cincillor B3111-egretted that chi worli of rbofing was to be: iven: to ais,1iving_ont-~ % nide.thn,,t.own.: _ "e thnug t`co'nu-actors in N town "would db` the wdrk just as chefs? and y jlgst as aatiafuotozrilv ; vhegmentioned r. P. `Il._... l'1A--..".!`I'.- l1|..-..;.I.... gun`) It union `aansagivaan =_ --.2-,.. ,-3-_ ,. trsiav i't~._w.aI1 trespciisihle ;o'r_. the .i~.;work_;`>~; Bron- : 'tender'1mI-`oniy $6 'hlzhsrtban,the combined. e _te1Ide;'[I,.,c_i. others: ,who ` japprlied! icnparts oft h_}!?9ifkaf. t!11fcmiit9`.'!08hi - beliter" to-`glve"tha,tssmall amount moreand `pei:u.gama...c:..m-c:.;:o...... ha`ve`-the"wijrk,'d6_ne by one` man, pol` haiving"it`done'piecemesl.; in the latter case any defective work mig`htjbe blamed by one _ contractcr`onancther,'.` but by accepting the ' - Committee ! ,|`.P!.'b. this ,would,be_ impossible. Reeve, McLean said -the nances ..of- the town - do, _ not ` warrant such. as large` expenditure. Tliejrociing `was necessary, but the painting andother internal` improvements wouldnot pav,ias the town receives little or no reve- these minor improvements necessary: Conn- cillor Love assured Reeve McLean that the ' propoei improvgments are,nec'esdsai'1y; :`t:e veran a at are angercus. sai e, `to wood work is spoiling for `lack of paint, and the inside of the hall is not t for any gath- ering." Councillor Bennett thought it - rather late in the day for certain economists to` start and trot now, which remark was evidently intended for Reeve McLean who has not agreed with. Councillor Bennett in certain reductions e'ected in the past. - The latter went on to say that "the County Council would return about $900 to the town. . `nus from the Town Hall. He did not think | in J nne. being the amount the town paid in the set on railway debentures in excess of ` its s are. This could be well spent on the - Market anal Fire Hall. As to giving a [ tender to an outsider, continued Councillor Bennett, I am not a free trader one. time L and a protectionist another, like `Councillor ; ` Ball.` He was a great ireetrader a few `A weeks ago, but now.he is -a protectionist; he seems to be anything at all `as `long as it - brings grists to the mill. Douglas Bros . tender was the lowest; some two or three local tenders were $200 or $300 higher than . that which the Committee recommends." L Reeve McLean retorted by saying that he , would like to learn a lesson on economy from Councillor Bennett ifthe latter was a true teacher. Not long ago Mr. Bennett had . accused him of being very extravagant , for voting $250 to the`-Band and $150 - to the Public Library, but here he proposes to makea big sweep in wasting money on . the market. He would rather see the $900- . to be received from. the County spent on ) streetsand sidewalks. (Hear, hear.) Coun- cillor Ball ashured the Council that Council- lor Bennett had yet to learn the meaning of the terms, Free Trade and Protection. and that he had better wait until he was better versed in municipal matters before under- taking to horsewhip any other councillor. .He then accused Councillor Bennett of doing the town a great injury in having so much to say about the high rate this year. He is a very poor economist, said Councillor Ball, and especially in advocating the re- port. He then went into the nancial con- dition of the town. Mayor Wells read a statement showing the town account in the Bank of Toronto-as follows : Public schooloverdraft . . . . . . . . . .8 3149 54 Town overdraft . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . .. 14086 02 15 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$17235 56 Councillor Frawley supported the report. The ublic buildings are rapidly decaying, and s ould be repaired as sooneas possible. These buildings a_re valued at $32,000, and should not be allowed to depreciate by get- ting badly out of repair. Deputy Reeve Caldwell thought the committee had consid- ered the matter very carefully; $300 for carpentering work` and $45 for painting seemed I) him a lot of money for the work. . He was assured. however, by Chairman Love that a lot of work was to be done for the money. The secretary read the speciea- ; tions of the v. ck, substantially as follows : KT;-n noun. 1.`. ' 9-Inn. unnnvuln Anna`: in, Ha ` `UIULIB VI. laud V in, DUUEUOIIUIOIIJ no suuuwc . New verandae.` the veranda oors to b lowered and new steps to veranda: and from verandas to market doors, also new steps in front of mar ket ; all material to be of live pine or cedar. The contractor is also required to do all other necessary re- pairs inside and outside of market buildin . The painting includes all woodwork, insi e and outside of buildings; old woodwork to get two coats and new work three coats; all iron work to get one coat of paint; ; brickwork to get three coats of red oxide. at 'I 1...... glued LI... .-........-.3-.m'm:lI can Ohnf. i Ul'lUlSWUl`n I.U VI. muvu uvnvn vs Lou vA|uv- '1 hope that the committee will see that we get good value tor our money and that there is` no skimming, concluded the deputy. A6 .9!-.3: nnint Tlnnvn MnT.nnn ant` nnltlnil. ut-put-y. _ , At-this point Reeve McLean and Council- lor Powel moved in amendment that the report of the Market Committee be referred back for amendment by cancelling tenders for woodwork and painting. Councillor Bennett twitted the seconder` of the amend- rv~ent' with wanting to spend $2800 on the vs `wrk last year, but this year was not wil- ling to spend $1200. Councillor Powell got back, however, bypsking if the members_ of the Committee in the report are competent to iudge the work, and was met by `Council- lor Bennett, who said he` would demand from the contractor a marked cheque, which he would keep until the work was satisfactorily done.` " Where does Councillor Bennett V get his authority to. ask for a `marked cheque? asked Councillor Powell, I thought the Council would have to order that , Councillor Powell need have no . fear, said Bennett, anything .I do will be done with the authority of the council." Councillor_Johnson thought it would not be economy to delay improvements longer. If the Hall had been looked "after years ago," said he,- it would-be a source of revenue to-da ; nor would the Opera House have been huit The amendment was lost on the following division` :e- . P` ' I em ..._.I. n'._-u 1:- -. Yeas.-`1;;'vvt-p';r`;'.;,-'i 'Ifs<;ook. Powell, Mc- L_eau, Ball."--5. ' -V I1 I !___I'I `I3 ____ _.. 'D-..-_. `D..- ALLANDALE mu NUMBER SIX. ` Java-u, awn; . Neye-Caldwell, Brennan. Rogers, Ben- nett, Frswle , Williamson, Love, Soules, Johnson, An, eyv.--l0.. ' ' _ . The report was then adopted. , | Chairman Johnson of Indigent Committee, presented `areport showin an expenditure of 8203 during January. eh:-nary, March nndApril.e V - . v \- " nvmnwn. . - I-nu Q:-rs -- V VBY-LAWS A by-law overning boulqvarding andthe 1$rote'ctionyo .t.ho same was ma 5 l-it -and second time. and was-hid over till next meeting.` but -non hofotq _Coqnoillorn Bennett and Ball had their 3 W!-I`, of w`o:da. : A 1... I___._...LLI;;LI.4&:iK'riunhi`DA`I }\HnuI9 man and Bill nan men; IBODIIQI WI: In vv_u_Sul. ~ aelav-.l,a.w`appolntingLtBb'jna:ket clerk was 98 . `A . ' ` . . De uty-Reeve _C.&l_dwe1l and -Councillor Frnw av .moved A that the'_C_ounol o_ into C6l'lIi15tee,.` i_ the Whole co. Tobiul. er the commuuicapon _ot ,_tbe Guttu`I?ereha`_RI1bbor .06`; " Th"em'ovar he the `matter .4iIIp"0oed"'ot.a by; th Counoi " AI: `Councillor CPOWOWI {squat tlga=_m'oh o`n"'wu withdrawn`, jhe vzonohing for the utiufuotnr-y;I`attl_om_qut fof the`mutter~-ihy`no':t- meals of Co,u:io_il. `B--`..._ ' II `I hung"? yun. In-nu ."nhn -an ' f0! Ill! IIIHIBINI ll uvau vs vu_uuvuo A Reeve MoLeaz1 Ind Cmmoi or J obnaon imoved that thin; Mpyogpnd Treuux-er.snhor- ` in the-:Bnn,k.-o_!_ Tgpoptg to. allowfthe Public ath *$!.h!:8l~99- W9. Werdrf-.'e' We null` the town `overdrtft author- "; by-(law penned by Council on Feb. jS oh'6'6lfBbud"' so ` overdraw` their nooqunt to" _. iQ'r;o1s._ ' Imm [visiting at his paren- tal home in Colliugwood last week. V "' 7 l___._-.._ `L- "I_-..A. spncIAL'rY,'"" """"" -' so-tf (iristing and chopping Baily; H: ;_.;ir,'r;i n.. .f _ . T TOLLENDAL. A Roller $F|ouring mills, " ALLANDALE. GVIEIVY A I III -n.H' Beef, forequartm-s..'.'.......a....}T.V. B8f,hi!Idq\l8lt8fI---nu... IOIOII` Dreued_hogopercwt........ ... t".hn|n-`ma nnr nair _ . . . . . . . . . . kooooooo 0 QUALIFIED OPTICIAN BARRIE. 0 OO _OOOOOOOO0.00 21st. Before this motion wascsrried Coun- cillor Bennett led a discussion relative to the payment of interest on these `Public school overdrafts. It was contended that the] School Board should gay the interest on` their own overdrafts. he School Board s method of securing overdrafts for nothing was characterized as;a stroke of good sense and reputation. 7 n-.m4m Danna Qnnlnn nut` nnnnniilnn W"- I. UP IIIIIJIUIIQ Deputy-Reeve Souls: and Councillor Wil- liameon moved that Road Inspector Camp- bell be invited to visit Barrie and confer with the Works Committee re permanent road improvement.-_Carried. ("Jaw-Ir nnnnhll unit` ha Hat` ant`!-I>nr\` it-n 12': W he Prices nunng in the; Barrie a: [Toronto Markets During the Week. KUHKI. [III I V UIIIUI-Illa \JIDL I IUIJI Clerk Donnell said he had written to the Ar-to.-Car Company, as directed by the Mavor, asking for particulars, but had not received a reply. The Council then adjourned. ' "i&rLT*.&'. 'iaiEvJa};i'iLE{}} Ei:i.'u}.a.y morning for Montreal pnd on Saturday aail- i VII V! vs no Another ballast train started on the road on Monday morning. `:0 In a , ,, -14 2- __:_2;.2.... -4. 1-... ....:a.I. I.--