"TIT OI IIIG ll IUIIIG KIOIIIT UK JUQQIUIC 01 Ontario. Procton, otaries, Conv cars, etc. _Mq:_xey;to Oieqs-,-T-Rosa Block, uric. n vs II ______ -_ A 15- II (I__`_._--.... ICKINSON 8: MACWATT, Barristers. No- _taties Public, Solicitors of Supreme Court, etc., Barne, Ont. Oices in Bankof Toronto Block, No. . Owen street. Branch oce, Elmvale, McKeggie's - cg . on 1 Is `I! II____..__ C\ul_`lR.ll.'Il, l.'l`4l.'l4l}l\ (X nsvvnnsnx, lJI' mterp, Convcyancers. etc. D'ALroN.McCAn'rnv, Q.C. F. E. P. PBPLBR, Q.C. J. A. Mccn-ruv. D. C. Muxcmson. Barrie. U namscers, Solicitors inigh Coutt of J ustices, Notaries Public, Conveyaneeru. Oges ovex the Bank of Toronto, Harris. ULT 8: COWAN, Barristers, Solicitors of the M Suorctne Court. Procton. Notag-ice, Conv - ulcers. etc. Moneyto Loan. Oiccs-Ross' B , Dunlap-ot.. Barrie. 111.. - ...._.-. A .. .. A . ..., (`,..,,,., R. w. `A. ROSS, Ph ' ' . Surgeo etc., L. _ h R.C._S. Edin..B_L.R .PlLondoB.un?::Ecea and t res:denoe- ' ' ggirrin. Tdenhonefngrn. och P `eet Alliston and Creemoro. . manor 8: Boys, - _ . Elmvalo oicaT--cor. Dunlap and Owen sts. Elm- Hnnt'n hate`, Mnnnv in loan wuvipna Jonu Dxcruxsox, B_.A. - D. F. MACW. urns. 7 Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards,` to loan at 5 mp rant. For and Against a Dalston License. Mr. Lennox, Dalston, applied to the Eat Simone License Commissioners for I license in that village. Hie applica- tion was accompanied by: petition and was opposed by oountei`-petitions. At the meeting of _the Commissioners depu- tetione were heard, and there wee wet of words for a time. The Packet re- ports theepeekere eh follows: i 11: 1- 1:, ; _,g vs---v ----, -.---- Wsumo-mn Aux.-r. Mccurrmr, Pnnnkh Connovua 8: Mccuu-av rillia `ITRATHY & ESTEN. \ R. BNGIWERS AND SUBVEYOBS. )R. BOSANKO, DENTIST, has removed to his old oce, over Henderson : hardware store. I J';l:u boner us: 1 ' , ..n...n. ..'.`i.;.".f`. %-' OUNT & LOUNT, Ban-Eaten, Solicitors. Proo- J tp;s.'Notari ea. Conveyance:-s, &c. 0150:: cor. nu V and Clapperton streets, Barrie. ht. um-,"g. c.. Gno.W.-Loux-r. ..-_L.. .._|.. Rare}. Pnx.nn,. MOCARTBY 8;` Dyncnc, Allister; and Creemore. _-- Anna R. PALMER, Sutgeon,;Eye, Ear, Throa Nose, 1:: Panama ah-ant- Tnrnntn_ mav he can. * bmamn. s.,u,..;. barn II` GHQ gun-`mania (`A1190 II` lntI:nnfIII'O ti` `written the Inspector to that qreots. ijoritytof valid signatures. _He,ol?'iecte_d V That the tavern} was vuot.'u,sc eI} The Rev. F. L. Brown, B.A., said i the petition for a license at Dalston ap- peared to have more than the required ` number of signatures, but he contended that fourteen of them should be struck o--nine of them because the parties _stated that they had not signed the pe- tition, nor yet authorized` `anyone to sign it for them. ' Six of-'th ese_had and three-of. thorn had signed-the soun- tor petition. That did` not leave a ma-.: on: the 'g'rouj_`ud_tl_:at had`? been at ("Dalston two years .:and. not vdriedrup -Im`trnv!l'I- u.my;":s1sa; ca |'cAR'rHY, PEPLER & McCARTHY, Bar- phhn-: Sn:-ifnrn. Cnnvevancern. eh; III DYOWl Tie. Telephone 77. T. ARNALL, M.D.C.M,, oce in Bothwelfs Block, Allandale. On the premises at night. 1 a.lv W3UN C UKBDWIUISE, DII'I'|Ol8l'Ip B0110!- ston of the Sn reme Court of Judimture of I win. Pam-tn:-n. ntnl-inn. Cnnvevnnrgfs. etc. VE'l`EBlNABY SURGEONS. a. M. CAMPBELL. Ban-inter Solicitonl K74-`know :60 "Anon on Inna l ' T _-u:a.n.. 6xTni`& BRow,-: Lnmc niANUFAOTUBEs;i PHYSICIANS. - FINANCIAL. DEN'.I.`l8'.I.`8. OFFICIAL. '1'i_671-`IE: 6:833: 1'. -`J. o', W, A. Bays. LUCK. I 45V-ly-' `III 43-1! Y B? 5:-Iv ` Aux. Cowm. (DDT _of TBIIIX llll` RODGERS SUBSCRIBE; CAPITAL, 4 Per Cent. In'to;rut;ud on Depontlo The Security for Depositora in a. Loan nnvnnnnv In nndnn htaul Ross new Blo_ok`. -south side Dmop street out of the Post Oloe. adv The I ' l I C x ' I . doubtez. Tzrbgis no 1:?ta:Ince`on recg yw';e;`en8 dasonr Iannnvnr magic 3 Inc. In. 5 I ..... t".. u lII'B II no IDIIIIICB O fecord WHC llUIIDI.I'- l dapoutipr hunvct made I lose bv A Loan Co v. [VICTORIA ART GALLERY Established 1 man - -vV-_ -_----`v 1 Iuuru--.._- P in-A "Vhniuhui ' "" .011, w t r 0 Color. India of an 3 C roru-uu ununea In new style of art-U1l. W3`' Color. India Ink and Crgyon. _Phbto1-aphi of~i1l Hindi onluged and framed 1 life -inst reduced rates- POR'1`RA1TF_RMlBS A SPECIALTY. . K ` > E ` Y Y ,\ . yv _ _ V V ,` __'. - , I -_ " 1 , _ ` ~, ._ . -. . 5. :-.' e .' w .).,,.-n ad. The Bond bud 3- - in; J - 1 .` " {to item , reuniting from 3 crodowhich Vivheroder" it oxiatod took its victims to untimely-A and dishonored gruvetund be appealed to them todo wh_o_.t they could for" the nplifsing--or to hinder` the 'dernd'nion --of the community. srggg. wnnxs! Anawtiae Sun Loan and Savings Company of Ontario. Private funds to loan on first mortgages. AC- countlcollected. &c. olgoe over Henderson; Hardware Store. Barrie- .= SF?_<>_$- `BARBIE [DAN & SAVINGS C0. INCORPORATED 1aa1. _.-v. CIIIIIIIUII U |IIvv"` The old reliable stand for PQafr_.nArrs AND fl-`FIAT M 55-. Rsrnssxrrr ms Fonnowma Fnu: Insuu.-cc: Comumms: The Mercantile, now ailiated with The Lon- gion as Lanoashire of England. Secur- 1ty,$x5,ooo,ooo. ` _ The Waterloo Mutual, of Waterloo, Ont. Tothl assets, $334,083. The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. Ont. Total assets, $303,078. Also Llovd e Plate Glass Insurance Com- pany, of New York. Cash capital, $250-- 000. IJUHN noannsuu, OWEN STREET. I `LRRIE Scnoceuz & SMITH. STANDARD LIFE. LONDON GUARANTEE AND ACCI =4-r w -44 `,L1``i_`;.!`. DENT Cdiiilif W PROVINCIAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. ETC., ETC., ETC. ue 1userwu-nrat Iuseruon 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted as words); but a reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the same matter exceed four. can f 71Z'Zu(i;eVrll:emonu must In every case be mounted on solid metal hues. Condensed advertisements on first page such as wants of all kinds, lost and found, property for sale or to rent, snecic articles, etc., em, must be accumpanied with the cash, and will be inserted-hrat insertion 2 cents word, on:-R nnil-mnnnunl-_ incur!-{nu 1 nova um. .......'I Provincial Building and Loan Association. Advertisetrss will not be allowed to use their space for advertismq anything outside their own regular business, Should they do so transient rates will be charged for such ad. vertisements. ' av 17 `I160 12 changes of Advertuements allowed pg; year. If more are required, composition rate; will 1.. ..1........1 ll IJJUIU U1 |'u7s'1'1"be cha ged.. A {luau-~;nnDa nn` AovA-735 V" -' `IDVERIQSING RATES. `` E US CDPIES. ;'a 7f`Almds if not nife: double th I t paperqpublished in 33:3: any om` Fanvnnnsms snoum Non mu rum.` 12 lines solid nonpareil make 1 inc},_ TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS. First insertion 10 cents per line, each sub quent insertion 4 cents per line. ' pnnnnn nno3nun In nnnfn run 13.... 1- "`i7:'ar`1rerZ}r2?1"fo'i`Ea"J{ in the paper will be sold at an advance of one-third on aha rates. This rule will be strictly carried onz_ coN'rnAc'r'cHANoEs.; Advertisers will please bear in mind that notice of intention to change advertisements must be handed into the oice not later than Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for such change must be in T11: ADVANCE office not later than 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday in any week, otherwise the advertiser s announcement may not be made public until the week to]. lowing. ' I0 nhonunu of Arlvvnrlnnnwnnnoc. ..Hn.....1 | Mr. R. "D. Goon appeared in behalf - of Mr.` Lennox,"and contended that the Board had no right` to go outside the oertioate of the Township Clerk, as to the validity of the petition.` He eng- geeted thiit if the Board did `not wish to increase the number of license they might out of that at _Craighn_ret; and `transfer it to Dalston, -which would render the taverns more regularly die- tribnted on the road from Barrie to Penetanguiehene. `For one m'onth- the three moxzgthlydki-Q with 15 per cent. added. "W;-\II'lrcI'1A vnnu-:1-1ual-Ln 6`:-an ._.._LL1 ' Ilcll IIIUUIUIVII T WUIIIU ycl Illlcg Reading notices, 10 cents per line for 5 insertion ; 5 cents per line for each subsequ?` insertion of the same matter. All items um iier 5 lines, of this character, charged lg mes. - Auu]:gal, Oicial and Government advertise menu will be charged at above rates. ' . CONTRACT ADVERTISING. Contract advertisements will be taken the following rates, which are drafted on at Oor. not commercial principles and will be strict}, \ all. adhered to. There will be only one price for i WIUIL LII IIWI UUILIIQ Cr`-IIICVIO *For'two months--the three monthly me with 10 per cent. added. (I'D-nfn--ml vs:-sn::nuun :u\ `Ian -\......_ _, -n . us: U lines. 'I'.,. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $5,000,000. Orr1cn-Next door to Bank of Toronto, ' %%""::a.3a';.'aa5f.:"`"' Quality. Style and Fine Art at Low Prices. and Cnvon Arm` ti. Barrie. -Mr. Wiclett said there was excellent accommodation for trsv`_ellers 'st `Edgar and the tavern st Dalston was, not neces- sary. The total amount receiyed by Mr. Young --from cnmmercisl travellers i_n|one year wps but 83. The people did % not require, or ask for the `licensed tavern, but failed the results certain to ow from the trsc if re-esteblinhed among them. manufacturing nndcnrr! 0f. the: illnnrnvnd dad! INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, &C. FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE AGENT CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. SCROGGIE do SMITH. JIIIFIBI [Ur IJUIIUBIEUYH In Company is undoubted. ;.!!2!bA!t9!| s Block- Ho IIWlIlY- 9" I av. - _ Sheri` Drury appeared for a num- ber of residents on the Vespra side of the road, who residing outside the elec- toral district had not the right to a_p-l pear for themselves, yet were eoually involved in any prospective evil from the proposed license. Those parties who had asked to have their names withdrawn from the petition had not changed their opinions, but stated that the signatures had been appended with- out their knowledge or consent. The travel on the Penetanguishene road had been comparatively small since the ad- vent of the railway, and for some years there had been no licensed house of ac- commodation at Dalston, nor did the people desire one. But Mr. Lennox had settled there and appeared deter- mined to force the undesirable accom- modation upon the community. But with all his efforts, only four or ve re- siding in the immediate neighborhood of the proposed hotel could be induced to sign tbepetition for a license. That was proof enough that it was neither wished `nor asked for by those most im- mediately concerned. In behalt of the parents of young men who dreaded to see the terrible temptations of a coun- try tavern placed,,in the pathway of their sons, he appealed to the commis- sioners not to grant the license. There was no demand for it-and the senti-W ments of the community was decidedly against `it. The business had been a `failure in the past and it was only by illegal - and undesirable methods that nancial success could be hoped for in the future." The tavern would be a menace to public morality, and a source of danger to theyouth of the communi- ty. Heneed scaroelypoint "out to the Commissioners the danger of - evil to] young` men from country taverns, where there were few` other-`places of meeting, and the attractionsof the tavern were particularly seductive. He left the case with the Commissioners, `hoping that they_ would come to a decision cal-A` oulatedto bring the good to the greatest number, assured that "they'- could not fail to see that the `real or supposed henets likely to result from the proposed accommodation` were not commensurate with `the inevitably at- tendant evil. A Mn 5. 1898. Mr. Bailey. V.S;, of Barrie, stated" that the accommodation was needed. Mr. Geerne, the Liberal party. men- ipuletor in Ora, spoke long and con- dently in support of Mr. Lennox. He did not require the eooommodntion, hut yeerengowhen coming to Oro, found n tavern `at V `Dalston A-convenient. `_ He wanted the tavern to rid him old trumped end travellers whose appeal: `for meals end "lodging hie` Irish heart would not allow himto reject. Of course mining tern of the opposed the That was their trade;-7 `They. did not I needthotel-iooemodntiou, gheoeule they lplej '-whether welcome or not. He Aal- leqed that some 0! the family to which sharia" "Drnry belonged mag money but of. the tno at the time: when it weepreteble. _He hed'khoi`n' Mr. Iaennoxh |!f10""_8` |,Ig_eny of the em--anus . .x . forced themselves in-the hem of 9.5- It -as o%rtn:ose whom -ma th`o winhekuo many ft?om'it. oagmao hiavooomo -unttofheuto any pq.;,,%Mr.,;0du`n.' : naeoocam 4e_nnt`ho"'wonld not knowingly present a forged document to them; ' If -there Ah-id been fomry. an alleged. he 0014 no rnaon `why fgnilty should not be made to auifor for It. | Maegan. E. Eddy. manna Eddy, Thou. Gardner, Wesley Hastings, and Daniel Eadyt had sent written notica- tion to "Inspector McKay " that they neither aigned the petition that a tavern lioenee be granted Mr. Lennox at Dal- eton, not authorized anyone to sign it iforf them. Sheri' wrotea letter the Packet, in answer to the charge Mr.` Gearns msdeabove. He says :-The facts are that I purchased the property referred` to at a good gure, for the express pur- pose of preventing the premises ever sgain being used for hotel purposer and a short time afterwards the building was demolished. The only return I . ever received was thevalne of "the old. material, which did not more than pay for the labor expended in taking down the building. T Midland -- Bradford - Newmarket, Markham, Mimioo, 'Young Toronto, Elm II ; secretary, Geo. Wilson, Mark- ham. Meot at Toronto. T . Juiuon snmns. _ York-Markham II, Aurora, vRioh- mond Hill, 1Ston`ville, Bradford II; secretary, Walter Wylie, Richmond, Simcoe V League-01-illia II, Cold- water, Mhnde, Barrie II-, Beaverton II ; secretary, H. D. J amieson, Barrie. Nottawasaaa - Beeton, Alltston, Oookstown, Elmvale,'1`oittenham, Stay- nez-_;_ secretary, Dr. ' Alex. McKay, .kWn- . Peterboro and Orillia desired to play in the sepior series, but as a satisfactory` s'ohedule"oou1dinotbe drawn up it was that these` clgbs, in addition .to..piaj_iug in their districts,` should-play. +home sud =1 apps-games, the winner to` nally tplaywithe winning elub inthe` v`~ II .1 The objections urged by the petition- ers were as follows :-- (1)`' In our opin- ion such a- house is not `needed here; (2) it is in the immediate. vicinity or our churches and schools, and must in- terfere very `much with the good these are intended -to do ; (3). no one has been successful in keeping it for the past thirteen years, and (4) not many have subred because it was not open; (5) the business does_ not pay, and conse- quently the manager is obliged to re- sort to very doubtful means in order to make it pay; (6) the applicantis not suitable to many, for he. has not been successful elsewhere; .and lastly, our neighborhood has been better in every way without it than it ever was with it.` T Buy -_- Penetang, Parry Sound, Oollingwood, Midland II; sec- retary, H. S. Paterson,` Midland. V XII % % A % \ 1'_o` nettle up an old score, Mi,dlnnd_% -f, -;. /vb -:.`- ,.,r 3'#4+-lIi!i|%VlIi"iM %Plavter- ; ..;. _"I~Ho1mep, um; 81...; s ; V : i'er;Miu *`J.f wwangaa V iv" .. it} A Mu; me... Lacrosse Schedule. The District Committee of the Can- adian Lacrosse Association met in To- ronto last Wednesday and arranged the lacrosse districts. T ' .,. INTERMEDIATE. seams. .In um class appear the folloviing dis- tricts among others :- ~ - Mr. Wm. Leith spoke briey in sup- port of his application for a license at J arratt's Corners. V a He parposed to make the distanceof his _bar-room from the church three hundred and seventeen feet, by adding a veraudah. At his re- quest Inspector McKay said that with a tape line he made the distances great- er than shown on the plan shbmitted `by the Rev.'A; F. Webster, but still under the prescribed three hundred feet. The Commissioners refused to grant the licenses asked. ` i V No:-theaazern--Pleterborough, Beaver- ton, Orillia, Midland 3 secretary, Bolton Kean, of Orillio. - T __- -. -- 4 __ wq`o:q9ra 1:5 `pug grunt. in exam. V -_-____ .A.vI\._!II!_ __ 'I'__-- lilnl tVioT4!'1-gI IiI`e _A~Lnt L`()`:-`i'l.,li`I".'()I.: Julie 25th. - 1`Iu`uN'A!.{.T9aQDIlYg. o A at out Twill Toronto Iovlnmnn Bay, win 5 and Sndbnry within two oi`. than ygm in n certainty. Toronto in.npplyi_nj* to the Government for an Vindepnndont nhnrtor to build as road to Hudson Bay Woman : Auxiliary. The 0h}tEoh -of EI[id Q_ Woman ; held their annual meeting in Toronto list weok.' delegates from fthia oonmt thetfillvinst 1-die-= | " A`~n-.;'_` ,, mm zionrnnnx ADVANCE T Inniahl-J. A. Stewart, W. J. Dea- con, H. R. Neabitt, "and M. McConnell. WeatVGwillimbuVry-Mtfa. E. Snider. Bradford-Henry Hulae, -nr.--Bee-.- ton World. * ._Big16y; ind` hu`t>`m`udea'_-`nnVti_i_m:"- FInt'ri'i'qs. _,~!'zith: ilii 3il's!i!ii Birgom was the'notm`1V-9nLot Adjalo.-M. `Feheeley; Mm D. K. Galbraith`, J. J. Keenan, Gorge Keogh a.nd.J.~D. Carroll. ` Two War Bulletins. Operator Moody, of ' the Russia Houae',`!|.`,o1-onto, must be an Irishman. Here are "two war bulletins he treated Key West, April 26, 11 p.m.- The tag Doubtful arrived here a. few moments ago with deepstchee contain-. ing news of `e terric navel battle of ' Key West between 9. large school of Spanish mackerel and the combined eets of star. sh and striped bass. The nation` began with at sharp ex- change of snap-shots from the cameras on the press boats,` `and ' after theret enconnterhostilities suspended to allow in grodp picgtore to he` tekf_en;-`- Moody, - V ` . '" It is reported . that the American "l|d1?3! ht-M mud out Sp-st-3* poo: loaded avian .baao_h ` or c ~99!` FW7`,l'!`.I`;. hi9IW goons: puu,:;mg%pg;npgr ~}`.[{q!sh . ` 2 . ,\ 2. ' u. V,:.'iJu ax` , ,` 1.; .:.z .` ,o or at one 9.19-s.. 399-6- nu:-cpyne the host at and nut- an.` ns._-.a_. ..- 'l`elfe1'.d Bolt.on-'.l`. D.-` Elliott, Wm. Tedder andv'1`boa. Gillies. ` . ii{1riu-:3 sauna. s The M... Corn`- pany has agreed, however. to delay - operations for two years give the Nipissing and James syndicate a chance to construct the road for which they, some time ago, received a charter. and if this road is constructed satisfac- tory rates will be guaranteed Toronto; In default of construction, however, the Toronto and Hudson Bay Company are privileged to carry out their scherne. ?.I,,.fIlIITi __'If`I'l1I) .I__-g..-__ nlig Mina n-.1 |:_.`..'_.:1.u=L_1 i: `"`m:i&..' 'II_I__. T-'.|7.;az:-t;Iv11`aTT9h--]!`a. J. Scanlon, Jae. Mo- Dermost and S. B. Kaiser. A1bion-Thomas Hanton. Mrs. M. Ronan, J. J. O'Connor, and Henrv Beattie. ' ~ ` Beeton-J. H. Lear, E. Hanham and E. Maher. ` There iii no good of arguing with the inevitable. The only argument avail- able with an east` wind is _ to put on your" overooat."-Preebyterian Review}. Monday, 24th ult. iseveral acconnts were passed, and it was decided to lay `the applications of R. B; Kirkuy, of Stroud, and Henry Hnlse, ir., of Brad- ford, over until the next meeting. The commissioners will meet again at Ma- hei-'s hotel, Beeton, on Monday next, May 2nd. The following is a list of the licenses zranted so far: T Totte'nham-M. J. Casino:-ly and J. VE. Motrdw. {uifa Pmei-oon.'_ . Duntroon -"Mrs. Lindsay, Miss 36' `M,*';,'%`-` % H I.-an..i-6.1-`-Mt-1 Murphv; Miss Dar- Riches without charity" are nothing worth. They are a blessing only to him who makes them a. bleeeihg to others. It the G.T.R. and 0.23, do not soon cotneto terms in regard to the one of the Northern for O.P.R. purposes," the letter company will be forced to build to Sndbury, and will doubtless do so by none. qrrengement with the syndicate mentioned _a_bove, which holds the char- ter, and negtiatione are nlreadyin pm- greea in connection therewith. This in the line the O.P.R. surveyed through Barrie last `week. V d Cardwell Licensee. The License Commissioners met at S. B. Kaiser's hotel, Oookstown, on -. Words of Wisdom. _ _ 1 Whatever love undertakes to do, it does ig well. ' ' -Labour in "drudgery only wheh we'do not put heart in our work. - It is not in the power of a. good man to refnsomaking another happy, where he huh both ability and opportunity; I 6141158-MIl.` Diggle, Mina Stewart, `"Mi"a Whelof, Ha_y'wood,T n..1e,, wow... Mm iiyeribn; - I Shanty Bay-MiI'a O'BL_'ioi1. A St:yner++Mra.~ Wright, Mason. ' A znbeum in the heart is tmre to light the Emyozie believes in firinda `until he has had occasion to try them. He is the prince V `of cowards who knows he in in the wrong and is afraid to any so. A - nnrroman 1so'rns_\ n _ Another "instance of I didn't know oomes from _Postmaster- General Mulook at Ottawa. on January 1st, 1898 an order. was issued making the postal rate" from Canada to "Great Britain or Britishpossessionsu 30. per ounce in stead o! 50. He did not then know of the existence of the I9'niver_sal Postal Union, so the Imperial authorities` re- quested him -to suspend` the act until other members of the Empire had been oonsulted. The Government added postage to any letters which, owing to the notice issued, had not suioient postage on them. Wiren we come close to s giant, he. oaen turns out to be only a. common -man on, stilts. If . mania busy, and busyvabont his- duty, what more does he require for time or eternity `I V To maintain. an: opinion because it is thioe, and not because it is true, is to prefer thyself above truth. ` A. pessimist is not blind, yet" he cin- not see even a. bright prospect. Some peopje pi-epere heir excuses before they make their failures. HE BALL PLANING MILL COMPANY- Carggterin . Building and manufacturing of Doors. h. Budsg Mouldings. etc. Planin of all. kinds done promptly and satisfactorily. ot Bla.st,D1-yiug Kiln. Dnsttict agency for ned lum- bet. Factnnr-Baveld.Su-as: Rare. gnnr:nnc' ' and Dealer: in Coal: of all Kinda. and George, town. Grey and Guelph White Finishin Lime Oetpents of all kinds, Fire Bricks and P terez-'3 Han-. Storehouse at the Northern Railway Switch. foot of John street. near the depot. The bond of th,uL-'1eis betterthan that ofany other kind, and the 9' all superior. 0ica-.Cm-nee nf In}... ....| y._1 vuduuuiyv _\Iubo V06. \IUIlU%, nonor "Inf f dial Soclotv. , Ova wan: Dry Good store`. Dunlap St. _ Residenqe t_-6A Mulmater St. - Hnsdn &'SAEAN'r.' BA ' , 9andDealerainJoal RRIE Ina t0WlI. GIG? and Glnalnh `K7160: 1?:-uh 2-.- " Swearing on the Bible is not a necessary practice in English courts now-a-days. N 0 one is required to apply the lips to a book that may have become foul from long use. A London paper says a policeman recently died through kissing one of these books pre- vious to giving evidence at the Wars- ham Sessions. The book was infested with cuntless disease germs, and the poor man soon expired from acute ul- aeration of the throat. Everybody is now entitled to affirm, or to swear in the Scotch fashion, with uplifted hand. --Lcndon `Free Press. ' ment ; but i8 justice to Burgoyne it must be said that he had other attri- butes than those of birth and marriage. He was a member of Parliament and a clever debater ; a man of letters and an agreeable writer , s not unsuccessful verse writer and playwright; a soldier `whoealII,J'_shown,bVl`avery in the war in ~Portul ; a gentleman and _a man of He h:a _l.j not given any indi .oap`ao_i`ty= for the command of Il1VO',`. o. but-' this was not thought of 1-99 it be added that. ` "gins a soldier `he has the worst ofjhe -Btish..generals. as a man 2- J .." 5. .. .~F\.. f sfkeewlvvhs bv 89-!!*.= . 4 .-.... ih9.:*ii1??l';`h9.. P9; shiver how olovet. ` ` b1e::n<!;:t9!.!;. bred-9-From; 1 mn; gumsws nu'usL.-ALF. ARNALL, 1 Manager. Excellent accommodation for the travelling public. Bar and larder well supplied with the best. Good atablmg and attentive hostlers. Luggage of acts conve ed tree to and from all trams. Few rs west of arket street on Dunlop street. oer. ractory-z.'gayne1a.a'zree Barrie. J & GALLIE. successors to . Ball.` RANKLIN J. ROBINSON. GRADUATE OF ` _~ _the School of P . , `V 1 Science, Toronto. Civil Eqgnnger and Ontario _ d Suruybr. Plans speci- cqtionj and.est3ma _ ,on.a.|l enginocrihg `won-ks pre- ganted Sand submit on the aortst notice. Oice. othwclfu Block.-Dunlop street, Bax-e. :5-ly T." BANTING. Clerk" County of Simooe, will he at his oice. at the Court House, Barrie, every Saturdav. Residence and P.0. Cookstown. T E ZQUE7EN'S HoTE} , ghe Irauginuuau -a-`J34: D... -5-) I__.I-_ __-II -._.___I!- _l _,, . O H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN o on Ral Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Diseounted. Collections madein any of Real estate bought and sold. nvey- In all its branches. Marriage Licenses issu . Oiee-Ross Block. Dunlop street Barrie. 4:-Iv- AMES EDWARDS, Conve 'a.noer, xssucr of -. lllarrlage lalcon-en. O&ce strictly private. Post 050:: budding, Barrie, and at his private resi- dence. Mary street. n-ly , . on a. ulasg. JJ NI. 1`. r Throat and No opposite post oice. Phone 54. se. Has removDed to S`a.? I1_(1`er);": Bl::l: 7-ly The exports of the Manitoulin Is- lend during the season of navigation, 1897, were as follows :-433 horses; 3,999 cattle; 7,272 sheep; 1,321 live hogs; 59,506 lbs. of dressed hogs ; 287 tons of sh; 127:} tons of hides; 371 quarters of beef ; 53,231 bags of n 1-n I RFA DR. . c. SMITH, L.C.P.S., Ont.. (late of Du.` ' &Smi 0:-111:3 ' .) Oceand reudence' --comer of Owen an Colher streets, Barrie. :3-ly DR. ARTHUR ROSS. L. R. C. P. &S. Edin.; F. P. &S. G138 . Speed -13 Ea, Thmat and Name. Han rgmnvpd tn fzyndn-_r)9 z'c Rlnr;_ ll-Illllltip hillll UWMBII III: ` bdo. -Ioppoj an '3 oI:c.`. t can ` at rufci. _ may 0 IIIC XXIII. KIUIII every month. manner or me uouege ox rnyuuana Ill aux-goon: of Ontario. and Residence, 18 Owen street. . A. .RADENHURST, Barrister, Attorney. __ . in Chanoegy, cer , ov'er of c.l ..._B.... 49% NI. u U51? DI`; W Notary, etc. Mo: and Stayner. Bame Building, Owen street. ONALD" ROSS B. ,A.-Ba.n-inter, Solicitor, Convey ancet, etc.. money to loan. Oces, Bank of Tomato Building, Owen street, Barrie. 48-ly Ls. rnumnn, autgeolynye, nar, xnnaas, nurse, 7 40 College street, Toronto, may be con- sulted at the ueen's Hotel, Barrie, on Friday, Oct. the nth, from to u a..m,, and the second Fnday of Anna: month , DR. . F. Pallin . Graduateof Trinity University oronto, F w of Trinity Medical College, Member of the Collegc of Physiuans and Surgeons of Oahu-in. Oitag and Residence. 18 Owen stunt. potatoes; 1,171 tons of hay; 1,350 bushels wheat; 10,390 bushels oats; 12,996 bushels of passe; 3,137 tube of butter; 1,170 boxes of cheese ; 30 tons of wool; 303 baskets of cran- berries; 5,223 baskets of berries; 303 cases of eggs; 2,306,000 shingles; 6,- 645,301, feet lumber; 345,657 ties; 162,643 posts; 610 cords of weed.