1.`. `Jo \1l'.\I}\1LI , veterinary GUT eon. FIOHOT W . Graduate Ont. Vet. College, onor member Medical Societv. OFces-Over Ewans Dry Good store. Dunloo St. Residence r6 Mulcaster St. D135` urymg l\Il. UISIFICC agency I01 gramea mm- ber. Factory--Bayeld Street, Barrie. RODGERS & GALLIE, successors to Geo. Ball. we MAKE_.__- `- Sewer and l1!XtE Eivss . ........_.__________...________._______ ULT & COWAN. Barristers, Solicitots of the L -Supreme Court, Proctors. Notarics, Conve - -u--- no Mnmw to Loan. Oices-4--Ross' Bloc , _ `ICKINSON & MACWATT, .. .:... 9.4.1:.-_ Solicitors of Sun` THE ammo snvm PIPE en.` 00} ADELAIDE ST. E., ADTOIW A1 muuoo. TORONTO. The Boom-lty for Dopositora in` 9. ion Oompsny in undoubtod. Roan novrnloo south side Dnnlop street _ auto! Post 0 co. 8-Iv ~ OBI.--` _!A.. a.- .I-_--!A-__ 9- A I --.. A L, - BARBIE WAN `& SAVINGS AC0. INCORPORATED 1331. SUBSCRIBED { CAPITAL,` ,-,,_ |'cCARTl-IY, PEPLER & MCCARTHY, Bar- ..:..-... rnI:c:fnf- Convevancers. etc. @0055 CWWAMQ -a o o o c - o o o 00 P. McIntoshT& Son, 16 bbln Oat- meal @83.80.............. D IA.-.'I'-.t-..I. I-H-In )ONALD ROSS B. A.-Barnster. Sohcnwr.` n,.....-.......-...-T nh",_- monev to loan. Oiccsy 4 for com. Interest Paul on Alloponu. 7."I~':..'.'..EaEy'cL'a...o.'"'aI;.. in . Loan Co'y :11... doubted. There in no instance on record where: deposition` has ever nude 3 Ion bv a Loan Co'v. JOHNSON & SARJEANT. BARRIE. Im net: and Dealere in Coal: of all Kinda. and eorge town. Gre end _Gue!ph White Finiahi Lime. Cements all hands, Fin Bricks and P tet-ere Heir. Storehouse at the Northern Railway Switch. tootof John street. near the depot. The bond of 'thiIL"'te is better than that of any other kind. and the f Vaeh-:upenor.. _0fee-Cox-ner of John and we I an Iupeno Elizabeth streets. A. RADENHURST, Enlinlonn 2.. (`,I-non:-A.-m T __ ___ __ -; R. BOSANKO, DENTIST. has removed to_his old pfce, over Henderson's hardware store. , __________________________} m. M. CAMPBELL, Barrister, Solicitor,` 10-4-.... aft` Mnnnv to loan. Oiccs--Barrie 1!-IE BALL PLANING MILL `_OMP1_&NY-` (`..........sn..3...- I2..2lAZ...~ Guilt` ... .... ....a......... Afow "co " ` nal - '`a~;'..;=...`.",r:=-.-.` :=_ ...xww~ IIIUOI @Qt.l_oUVteg......;;;| P. McIntosh & Son, 2bbla. Rolled 0ats@ 04.30. ........ W. Ryan, 14817} lbs. Creamery _ Butter at. 220 ............ . . Rogers 85 Co., Stove Goal, 101 tons 1185 lbs. @ $5.48 . . . . . . Routers & 00., Grate Coal, 61 tons ` umnu... 5:595 , _ _ _ . . . .. * T. ARNALL, M.D.C.M,, oice in Bothwelfs Block. Allandale. On the premises at night. I .41-lv 7F. C. GREGG, Veterinary Sur eon. Honor _ (3:-nnnfn n! VA? Cnsllnan nnnr mnmhnr All she: from 4 In. E 24 In. nso Connections. wnrrs FOR Pmoss. ' . F. Palling. Graduate of Trinity University Inxu nf Trinitv Medncal College, j'; C. SMITH, L.C.P.S.. 0nt.. (late of Drs. _..:- 9. emm. n.:ma \ nfce and residence MANU1r_Ac'rUnEs. Pll.iSI(JlANS. FINANCIAL. IV'JKUI'U (XI \JUn. UIWIIV Uuwu, V. -w-_ "1690lbs.@$5.25 . . . . ...... D. S.,Strathern, 39 cords. woo @$2.20 . . . . . . . . . . IIICIIIUTKJI VITII THE LINSCO1 DEN'l`IS'.l`S. WANTED`. ...._'.- '..-....._.... _.. - OFFICIAL. HOTELS. I , Barristers, I AF InIf:DR 1 u U 43-ly nxuus, 1 45-13 - I`, Barrister, Attorn 9 SP0, Fnnvnmarlrgr. duh -ed foi` in a. general way. 98 lb! , @ $3.23 . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 89 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329860 48 This leaves $3209l.98 to be account- ` 1 ----------A-l :3 M A. . H. Cxnsvcxn. , name. 30. W. um`. 51-ly an D. F. Macwxr-r. Ian. UIHCOS-Daillc -Bank of Toronto 5-ly V Aux. Cowzm. Barristers. N0` ...-...- K`;-unt, etc. - Vlll WANY. Tn: nu- THE NORTHERN Aov _ , ADVERTISING RATES. um ADVANCE nus; 0111001,`-n . or Fovnrnxsu nvxmum .m,,` mum corms. Almost if not quite, double that f ' paper pubiiehed in Barrfe. any "`' ".u)v_mu'1sEas SHOULD NOTE 'rHIs PAo'r__` 12 lines solid nonpareil make 1 inch; TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS, First insertion 10 cents per line, each gu{,se. quent insertion 4 cents per line. ' `A Pnnrlino nnh'r-QR, 10 pants: nm- 1:... 0-- .. uuus Luuvnunvu -x uvlnto on nut. Reading notices, 10 cents per line fa insertion ; 5 cents per line for each sub insertion of the same matter. All it (let 5 lines, of this character, charg lines. Legal, Oicial and Government adverti5,_` T first`... sequent ems . 9&1 as 5` ments will be charged at above rates. CONTRACT ADVERTISING. Contract advertisements will be trken 3, the following rates! which are drafted on cor: rect commercial prlnclples and will be strictlv A aghered to. There Wlll he only one price to} YT I\IL I1 UH aw:w-.-_ .. The amount of stuff consumed is enormous, for mstance, 24621 lbs. of butter (suppose creamery butter is sweeter.) Then the price as is seen from the items quoted above, is at high water mark. The following are a few of the many examples of indenite in- formation : Wages of attendants, maids, fore-o man and other servants... . 3 8315 15 |.ILL\ all. IITICII Itotclollooonuoo 2% inches............ 5inches, % column.... to inches, % column.. zoinches, 1 column.... 4 xinch : ________ __ me -\ `For one month--the three monthly 3;, with 15 per cent. added. *F.or two months--the three monthly ray with 10 per cent. added. not-'D....4'm-u-ml nnainnq n Hm hmmr m'n L. Wllll .I.U PISA Ucuu. a.uux.u.. 3' Preferred positions in the paper will it sold "at an advance of one-third on abom rates. This rule will be strictly carried our__ CONTRACT CHANG:-:s. Advertisers will please bear in mind Ihg. notice of intention to change advertiscmengt must be handed into the ofce not lat`-r tha: Satin day at 10 o clock, and the copy for surf; change must be in THE AD\'A}~`(,'E ofce ms later than 12 o'clock noon on T uesday in an-. week, otherwise the advertiser s announceme;-I may not be made public until the week 17:5. lowing. I0 nl-unumu nf Arivprhnpmpn1 :< n]`.n\xw-.~i '1! lUWHl5a 12 changes of Advertlsements allow-o;.1I,. year. If more are requlred, corupo~mon ratex will be charged. AA..n~6an-.x 1-:13 nnf Ln nnntral` fn ncnt "111 UK`: Ullllnl SELL. Advertisers will not be allowed to l]Fl\Thr'_' space for advertising, anything outside the: own regular business Should they (105-_ transient rates will be charged for sm-h a; vertisements. Condensed adverusements on first [age su; as wants of .111 kinds, lost and found, proper; . for sale or to rent, snecic articles, etc, eta must be accumpanied wxth the .ca:;h, and w;_ be inserted- hrst insertion 2 cents per \\'or_ each subsequent insertion 1 cent per \\`(~'_ (names, addresses and gures C0unte .1 words); but a. reduction of one cent lwl` wz.-_ will be made- when the number of insertioz of the same matter exceed four. Cuts for advertisements must in every case be mounted on uodd nu-ml bans. Provincial Building and Loan Association. UTOUBIIUB . . . . . n c Poultry and pork {JOHN RDGBRSQN. STANDARD LIFE. LONDON GUARANTEE AND i-"Vr3T CL}MPANY. PROVINCIAL BUILDING AND 1.0.1..` ASSOCIATION. ETC. , ETC. , ETC. OWEN STREET. ,SCROGG|E &Kii'rH REPRESENT THE FoLLc3w1xc Fun: I.\\'. LoMPA.\'u=.s: The Mercantile, now afliatecl with The L0` don 8: Lancashire of England. 5:. ity, $15,000,000. The Waterloo Mutual, of Waterloo. 0.`! Tothl assets, $334,083. The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. 0:` Total assets. $303,078. Also Lloyd s Plate Glass Insurancp Cc: pany, of New York. Cash capital, :25 nnn vvv . And the Sun Loan and Savings Compa: of Ontario. counts coucctea. ac. V ` Oice over Hendersonls Hardware Store. } '3' Ont. Private funds to loan on rst mortgagcs counts collected. &c. f\UZ.... .-...._ LI....A......... .. LY....,.l.....'_.. C. .-.\ V STEAM WHY 0cillia.v DI-U311 IJKUU1 modem apgli nomze. J Ann .-1... .-4. an` AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $5,000,002- Number of inches no-melon 1\vED1 200 Cased Pipes H.N:f[ughes&Brai Which we are selling at goc. and as high 85 55"` 3Pi9- Take a look at our window. Don't forget that we are still seiling the 3120 Myrtle Navy smoking Tobacco 85. Per plug. ox. B. mama, .. Tnhacconist ? 29 Dunlop street. /1-` b A-__ [Cross-Cu%t T Sa.W5 u Isavno waning I knnwafotbenc inform (Pet-|ona!2_y on` I gas! I Indian- n Lu` gilt 0FF1CE-NeXt door to Bank of Torcntu Carefn1ly:Gumm9d and '1 rue * Ms=.c2UARRV 5La: n (1-, -._I D--.a:r ghODu '. food. Only one pig survived, and a r man was paid $500 to look after that poor little pig for a year. ] f a private ; citizen sold diseased meat for food he . would probably be sent to Kingston . - countenances such a proceeding should C be strictly avoided at the polls. The . effect it will have in checking the de . mand for Canadian pork in foreign mar- DISEASED PORK REVENUE. Farmers have heard much of the Humber Piggery but probably have not intelligent knowledge of the facts. The Ontario Government established a piggery in. the Humber Valley, West York, in 1894, thinking that a pig in- dustry would very `materially swell the treasury. In July, 1896, cholera broke . out among, the 261 hogs, with the re- sult that 163 hogs were pronounced diseased and were subsequently burned. 97 of the remainder were dressed and . sold. According to charges made on the floor of the House and not disprov- ed, the dressing of these hogs went on in the presence of other hogs dying or t dead from the disease and that portions of diseased meat were removed from some of the animals that were sent to the Central prison, Toronto, for human Penetentiary for a long term of im' prisonment, and any Government that most serious aspect of the affair is the kets. It is only lately that the export trade in Canadian pork has commenced todevelop rapidly. Foreign consumers. are becoming aware that Canadian pork, pea fed, as most of it is, is much superior in substance and avor to the American corn fed article. But let the report of the Government s sale of diseased pork gain credence abroad," and it certainlyswill, and the effect on the pork export trade will be disastrous. )3RSON$ whlnng to adopt a. child. ~ immn -J mjuun desirous of doim CONBENSED ADVEP.TISi-2ME.\'TH'. FIRE AND LIFE A URANCE AGENT INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, &C. Cnre_fnl1y:Gumm_ad and Trned 5 __ puf SUCCESSOES T0 E. S. LALLY. I 3 j j ' - Show 1 Gene? 3- Vnwnmich anga. ` SCROGGIE &. SMITH. BARF?! Ffnnnuunr 17, 1898. STOP s MmMs. The -electors` of East Simcoe can afford just now to have the Orillia '1`imeu opinion of many ofithem re- called as expressed in its columns on the defeat of Mr. Cook by Mr. Ben- nett, M.P., on Feb. 4, 1897.` That the Times man was feeling very blue then is not a euioient. apology for speaking of _the intelligent electors of East. Simooe as he did. These are some sample bricks from the Times ot_ llth Febxfuarh l897: . ' When the Teachers alter the `ffilthg/ /owhd that Uookpwas not .lu's]n'u`lIz'b_m.'_ to the Cameroo- `ties heelsn `or auwimg. fThisg'.g_ no idle lEver:zeav_=nfve,w*7iJo* arr. cable was. g" 13 ] 2b Inser-`Insen I tions tions gmos. 6mos.ix "One Inser- tion . % so sets: so??? < 12:6 coo} 8: :_..-__...-.. PR I CE FOR .j._.;__-_ ) . ['A`.`.r:{ S: . In` Etc. to a total of . . . . . . .. $82091 98 Truly it is time for a. change at We will endeavor, he said, to carry out the intentions of the great men who laid the foundation of `Con- iederation. We will address` ourselves to the task of husbandinglthe resources f. of the province `in all possible _ direc- N tions, such as putting a stop to new - oioes, reducing the controllable expen- diture, in order that direct taxation pt pay be avoided. We will establish a_ system of audit which will be a protec tion to the Treasury ; we will favor a broad and liberal mining law, in which the interest of the individual miner and settler will be considered before the interests of corporations and syndicates, and under which a repetition of the jlngledue syndicate scandal will be im- possible. We will obey the feeling of 5 general and widespread dissatisfaction ' with the condition and method _ of the Education Department, do away with I autocratic rule, and" give the Public 1 school teacher, the High school teacher, and the university sta`, each a voice in the administration of the department and management of the educational system of the province, having in view, and looking forward to, the possibility of abrding to the pupils of the Public schools increased educational facilities and desiring to maintain the High schools in their present high state of efficiency. We will, in accordance with the well understood wish of those most closely interested in the University of ' Toronto, end political control of the university by the Government, and thus afford to the great educational in- stitution the opportunity for developing which it desires and deserves. Agri- culture being the foundation on which our prosperity rests, great care and watohfulness are necessary that the most be accomplished by the expendi- ture. We do not say that the Govern- ment have expended, too much on agriculture, but we do say that they have not spent it to the best advantage. We will assume the task of arranging the laws relating to the sale of intoxi- cating liquor in line with common sense and public opinion, and will not attempt to avoid any responsibility in connection therewith. We will thor- oughly investigate the extent and con- dlticnof the timber lands of the pro- vince, with a view to their protection. N ACLZ AVE RAGJ NO'1` On ch man for mg for who had discuss he was oumsta A . \ u ,, out is 0'<,-rctl nnthin businn Jonvs ing in would in an desk 21 Vmlm. to go I wqul low.-r. buznne pnpvrs Bt`(`0LH O00, \ idwnti approached, not once,` but many rmes, by parties wko wmztd to know if there wad anything going and fwrmers not iua/my miles` from Orillia rg/used to . W"*8?*` Wroliv Vuzdu they Cuuno Carole mm sorry L 1-. L ii"1(;'~ tbous aruun my fr cnugh luok job.-1. thir-.\` mutt a fww umne pcrtv V Bend 1 wuul( thi m.; t(' mi got L If ya) you 1 mens your grout gcthc until Jone dun` stmi wuul own lI1()Il Thut 1'r"{r. UH-1` one IN UUV UVIUUHKUVUWU `VII WIXTU VII`, 35aw'dtaam7`Iu'ra; % And in ahoyher =~nn n yuu. nerv your . . truv, VUTS be ( min an- the borl bum who the tro Sm pla wu 0th The U u. chef he 51}; day in his yo bre semi his but we tmmot my al.c_>es . V Cwguu L DI-.. 3259 35 556 71 324 68 . 86 63 3150 39 foe- the ma. aiaaie of the withoutwhoaoaiditia' _'l_eto winang/election. j;_.2__ __ ALE- _._'..L-_ % * mi. WEITNEYB POLIQY. At London, in the of in 010 qnent speech, Mr.- Whitney outlind the policy on which Conservatives ap- peal to the people;-V ' h _ All! ___.1___.-_ I) 1.. __2J (IL-A vvv ...v`7 ---,--- __, And now aftr tendoriog this wuntonv insult to the free ongl indepondent `Liberals who could not see their way clear to. support Mr. Cook, the Times has the audacity to ask them to `support Mr. Harvey, the Grit candi- date. Let the 1'.l.`imes" live to learn that such insults as the above will be resented by the Independent Libei-als of East Simone, scores of whom are making no bones about it that in this fight they will vote for Mr. MiscamD- bell and bring in the search lightof investigation on the mani questionable actions of the Hardy Government. Time will prove that the "free and inde- pendent "electors of East Simooe are free` men, and" not as the Times ohargea open to be bought and sold like i sheep in the shambles. DAVID80N'B DEEP mvnzGs. At last Mr. Davidson's apologists ` have dared to try .and defend his deal- ings of upwards of $20,000 with. the Penetanguishene Reformatory for furn- ishing supplies without tender, and at his own prices, but the Examiner s weak excuses only aggravate themat- ters, because resort is bad to falsehood, which is ever necessary to bolster up a rotten cause. 0 First the Examiner says Mr. Davidson has not supplied a dol- lar's worth of this vast amount of sup- plies, nearly $20,000 worth, without tendering therefor. We dare and defy the Examiner to show where tenders have ever been calledfor the thousands of dollars worth of lumber sold by Davidson to the Reformatory, and we put them to the proof after having made this deliberate statement. Now, let the Examiner produce the `newspaper showing advertisements call- ing for these supplies, or stand convict ed of attempting to make its readers believe that such tenders were called when they were not. When ve tons of straw are needed at the Reformatory or other triing amounts of farmers produce, tenders are called so as not to annoy any of their farmer friends, but when tens of thousands of dollars worth of lumber are required candidate Davidson must supply it at his own price. Once again, we repeat, stall fed, as Mr. Davidson has been, he would, if elected and his party sustain- ed, be utterly incapable of acting in- dependently after receiving such un- l stinted favors from those who would be his masters. Give us free and inde- ` pendent men. 4 EDUCATIONAL EGOTISM. It is commonly supposed that. the la.- L mented Dr. Ryerson founded our sys- tem of educetion, and thereis reason to believe that this supposition is correct. ; op '11 But Mr, G. W. `R1088, now that Dr. Ryerson is no more, has appropriated the laurels of that distmguished educa- tionist. In Massachusetts, in New York, and even away in Australia, they have built on a system of education under the Southern Cross, copied almost on- tirely from my own! (Loud cheers.) 11 CT? Listen to him a Peterborough last week: "What if such men as Mr, Whit- ney and his apostles here on the plat- form do not approve of my system. I shall be contentto go down to my grave knowing that I have given to the whole Dominion of Canada all of the most. important portions of the systems of education which are enjoyed _in the different provinces. (Renewed cheers.) `I\ Dr. Ryereon did nothing ; I did it all, not merely for Ontario, but for all the provinces, with Massachusetts, New York and Australia thrown in. `some comment in; the riding. DRYDEN DISHONOR. The Hardy Government is composed of moralists, forsooth! Hon. John Dryden must step down from his air castle of morality, however. His sense of honor is seen in the following act :- At the meeting of the Liberals of South Ontario, at Oshawa, on Saturday last, Hon. John Dryden offered ex planation of an aair that is creating lo the spring of 1896, one John Smith of Whitby. made assignment of chattels and freehold to J. H. Lhng, grain buyer here, for benet of creditors. At the sale a team of horses was sold to a farmer, one Riddehaugb, of East Whit- by, for $62. As security, Mr. Ridde- I haugh got Mr. Wm. Smith, the then S M.P., for South Ontario, to endorse one D note for $32, and Mr. Dryden being in ' Toronto, sent the following telegram : I am willing toendorse Riddehaugh s note for team for $30. (Signed) John Dryden. The telegram, attached to note, was placed in bank. Riddehaugh not being in a position to meet the notes when protested, Mr. Smith paid his. but Mr. Dryden did not. He pro- posed that Long should try to get _ the money out of Riddehaugh. Mr. Lang consented to this, and some time this fall garnished the payment upon some cattle sold by Riddehaugh to a dealer. Riddehauglfs wife claimed the cattle, and upon going to court had her claim allowed. Mr. Dryden thereupon says: It's nonsense; `you cannot holdme. v I never endorsed the note," and the acting Judge upheld him. The Judge _ was Mr. Frank Danton, ., of lToro3iito, appointed in place of J udge Dartnell during put a sickness. Mr. ' `Lana, will ap- When Whitney and such men criticise me they assail in genius. Perhaps the poet who V;-ould 'eteal~ Dr. Ho1land s poetry may be expected to rob Dr. Ryereon of his reputation. EXTRAVAGANOE vs. mdonomr. Notwithstanding the fact that On- _ta.rio.'sV surplus oi nearly ve million dollars has diuppeared, and that her forest wealth has been decreasing of late years with alarming rapidity, the Hardy Government positively refuses to economies. The last session -of the present Legislature givesinnmistakable proof of this. This same session also proves that Mr. Whitney and his col- leagues to do away with extrava- gance by introducing economy where such" -and" there are many. would be in the intereata. of: the many off few. ` g msm-in 7' ?`*.l'*9?`+1ei'9"?"1?'9*. s uses: usuyauuu nu, ,_.,_,.,,,,_ _,, _ conclusively, the - Wolf thus *economi2'1ng. They_.wer'e voted down, hoivever, bot will be voted in at next election. Among the reductions pro- posed were the folloinng; Inspectors of public institutions. . . . .3 2400 alories in Public Works ......... . . 4000 II I\I__I_.. an . their moo;-by arimonta' proving K` 4` `Loan I)-Iwblvw nan - ---;.v . . Register-General : Ciel-ks ....... . Sessions! Clerk : Silurian . Directery of Teachers Institutes, an - ` &l'y,Ol ;0....~ u n n c e n o c - one: 0000 Departmental Examinations _. . .... . . I4`ondonAsylum FnrIn........ .... .. Kingston Asylum Farm .......... . . . Penetnnguiahene Reformatory . . . .; Fuel at Parliament: Buildings. . . . . . . . `Miscellaneous Eipenditure . . . . . . . . . :J.'|ulUlIlUa.\--n.- ---_------"--------- ! ~ ' %'Miaoel1aneoua.',.l-x'penditure Which do you preter,~Hardy and Ex- travagance, or Whitney and Economy ! WHY scaoor. BOOKS Am DEAR. If parents knew the enormous sums that are charged as royalties on school books used in the various Public and High Schools of the province" they would feel still more indignant at the government that allows such `a state of things. In a recentspeech Mr. Mathe- son pointed out that on the algebras alone $15,000 per year is collected in the way of royalties. Year before last three publishing rms of Toronto paid $9000 for the valuable privileges of issuing the readers alone required in Ontario schools for ten years. See on page 12 of public accounts of 1896 : k W. J. Gage Sp Co., on account of ,, _1_|2_L:..._ ..--.I...... Q0.) nnn V1: U0 \JIIII5v uv vvu, -._ ..---.._- agreement `for publishing reader-s_.$3,000 Canada Publishing 00., on account of agreement for publishing readers. 3,000 I` I1! _ __I_ I. I"- -- n l|t|t\III\" A` COPP- Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,000 They now rake in nearly fty per cent. prot on the sale of the books. They have a gigantic monopoly grant- ed them by Mr. Ross, and the people pay dearly for it. If the government owned the royalty and competition were permitted among publishers, school books would be sold for about one-half the price now paid for them, thereby saving thousands of dollars to parents every year. MINISTERIAL DISHONESTY. . " Patriotic and Arbor Day Selec- tions is the name of a book of poems authorized for use "in the Public Schools for song purposes. The collection con- tains a poem by Hon. G. W. Ross, in- tended to be accepted by the teachers and pupils of Ontario as the spontane- ous outburst of the patriotic soul of the poet (1) Hon. G. W. Ross. It has been discovered that the poem is not by any means original, but was stolen from Dr. J. G. Holland s poems. Some lines were stolen holus bolus, and others were mutilated somewhat for adapta- tion to a certain tune. Take one verse : Dr. Holland : The age wangs heroes-heroes who shall I? dare To struggle in the solid ranks of truth : To-clutch the monster error by the throat. To hear opinion to a. loftier seat, To blot the error of oppression out ; To lead a. universal freedom in. Canada. wants heroic men-men who shall dare To struggle in the solid ranks of truth ; To clutch the monster error by the throat ; Hurl base oppression from her lofty seat, iargi aJ$n Her walls. and let the world with paeuna Of universal rapture usher freedom in. ORILIQIA ASYLUM gopouwrs - No more sgljurin i ips`ace`_of the ohndeatjng x_11'nnj;e1-" the 0:3- fario.G3vOrtime1is 6x'_io e}-al {Seth ihicb the public should k"i:mw'.\'ia 'h'ra `than in that part of the b4Pub|i_o` Accounts denim: with expoduma in connec- ` tion_ 1wi%_h% the 'A:sy1utn _f9r , Ii i.')I;n_`, 1-A._.!I':Q ,v VA}: a very `low ebb is the honor of that man who steals poetry. TO THE FREE AND INTI)-EPENDENT ELECTORS 05' WEST sxmoom. Ye noble Electors of Simcoe West. Awake? Awake to your country : sad V state, ` . Your Rulers bow down to Yankee behest While your own sons to nd work must migrate. , For twenty-ve years of Gritish misrule, Your Aoountry s progress has been -sore blighted ' By` those of the "look to Washington sqhoo Your interests tor theirs have been elighted. Then let James S. Duif be the only man That will `our West Simcoe electorate please, And let his opponents do all they can, We will crown him with the "M and ' two Pa. Ot hie tneu and worth we have no doubt, For his principles ore British clean through We'll send him to drive the Hardy olsn out ~ To the old tune of the `Red, White and Blue. ' A r Then rally round his standard like heroes. To your int reIte he will ever prove true, Nor allow favors to Canada : mu, CII . ' O\ u two: - . n East Simooe electors wrill do well to remember that "in the event of the Liberal Conservatives. carrying the Pro- -vince Mr. Miacampbellj will be a mem- ber of the new Government. To be represented` in the Cabinet in an honour not who deapined. -'Paoket.. ZSLUUIIIVQJU -`I. rt----_--__. _ V pp. Clark 85 Co.. on accourr? of agreement for publishing readers. 3,0 'i7'o}"n{."w'iii Fui iiiiii 'wme and I'll,_ - Oominavanvn PA.-rnon. '.--_-.-u-o _____ ______._._._.___._____. .......-......__.... _.....- -......_ ` in: ~ &c. ,1-IAuam"on Lxnxox, W- A- 30- .;'ENNQX. BOYS .2 B own, nun-ton. Soe- io. E. . B_u_>wu.. _ = ` Barns. Alhnton and Croemore. ` Lnmox & Boys. _ Elmvnle ' Barrie aoe-cor. Dunlop and Owen its. E113`. vnloode -opposite Hunt : hotel. Money to [Dim at lowest rates. n Oxillin. The`Gove:;;;e;t?svmgtamanxs V At ::])_A|;i`li_!ic~e_ xqgii:eli ;`i i`: ]va t_ci$-`bIy?i`i'iu?"d7i;2:: i % """ `W `PWEEQE E; -V _ - "`~.'r,'r` !- 4 '- us 3. I . ` .. - . I `V. ' `#12. G. u ' WQLVHUEDL, DHITIBICT, nlturuuyg L 0 Solgcxtor 3n Chancery, Conveyancer dtc. Oice--Fu-st doot Owen street, over Bank 0 Com-' manna; an -3` `&`3_ .L,L you or me an re_me_ourt 0! JW`." `" Ontano. Proctors, otanes, Conve cgrs. etc- Monev to loan. 0ioes--Ross Block. 81'?- II 1-1: 11, __,__,- A `D II FnccIPKR_ . EWSON & CRESWICKE. barristers. Solici- ton of the Sn teme Court of Judicat f n`... .3. `D......s..... ac; .2... Cnnunvn ncers. etc. E. E.'HRWSdN. D . Barristers, _ Solicitorsin High Court of J ustices, Notaries Pubhc, Convpyancen. Offices over the Bank of Toronto, Ran-rm- Barrie. Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards. *0 133 3* 5 per cent. ' OUNT 8; LOUNT, Barristers, boucntors, run.- tors, Notaries. Conveyancers, Oices cor. Duulo and Clappcrton streets. Barr.-e. Wu .nnu'r_ n. C... GEO. LOUET. _ Uunlo anu vrappcn K WM. ouur, .c.. ' nrnnf A Court. Proctors. now ancera. etc. Money to Loan. Oicco Dunlop-st.. Barrie. ,VVxLx.mG1'oN Ann. AI ICKINSON MACWA'1"1', barnswru. nu- taries Public, Solicitors of Supreme Court, etc., Barrie, Ont. Offices in Bank of Toronto Block, N9. ' HOE-.n street. Branch oice, Elmvale, McKeggne 3 oc '~ ------ D A n w MAnwA1"f. ` CCARTHY, BEPLEK at Mcbnxnx, u...- risters,YSolic1tors, Conveyancers, D AL'roN MCCARTHY, Q.C. F. E. P. Panza, Q.C. J. A. MCCARTHY.B _D. C. Muacmson. - arne. MCCARTHY. Pxvnnn, MCCARTHY & DUNCAN, Alliston and Creemore. MCCARTHY, Panza Consouw & MCCARTHY brillia H1. H1. \u'\Au.;. uu W Notary, etc. Mom and Stayner. Baxne Building, Owen street. UNALU nuns u. n.--u.........., --_-,, , ` Conveyancer, etc., money _Oiccs, L Bank of Toronto Building, Owen street, Barne. 48-ly R. PALMER, Surgeon, Eye, Ear, Throat, Nose, 40 College street, Toronto, may be con- sulted at the Queen's Hotel, Barrie, on Friday, Oct. the nth, from 8 to xx a.m,, and the second Friday of every month. Toronto, Fellow of Tnmty Memcal boucgc, Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Oice and Residence, 18 Owen street. R. J. Pallin . Toronto, Fe ow of Trinity Medncal College, \ M......t...- nf the College of Phvsicians ? R. J. L.C.P.S., Unt., (late or urs. I-larvie & Smith Orillia.) Oice and residence --corner of Owen anci COHICT streets, Barrie. 23-ly RS. ROSS 8: ARTHUR. Physicians. Surgeons, etc. W. A. Ross. L.R.C.S. Edin,, L.R C.P., London. `J. R. Arthur. M.B. Toronto University, L.C.P. and S., Ont. Oices and night residences- Brown's Block, Dunlop stlect, Barrie. Telephqne any 77- `ATRATHY 8: ESTEN vi site thml til-n:o1r.ehe rial to know an the endjouto of diphnreemenu of P='ini#1mn** TI.-sir *'-we-ta" method `of publishing expenditures do- but: the people from knowing whether money is economically expended or lavishly wanted 3 in foot the em-pioione of the people favor the letter, when, facts are kept from "them by men who are custodians of the people ; treasury. .: __:_ ._._.__._ ,_ ..__j.__ ._.j_._ -__._..:..._j._:.___._._.______ H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN . on `Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Diseounted. Collections made in any art of the County. Real estate bought and sold. onvey- ancing in all its branches. Marriage Licenses issued. Ofce-Ross Bloclk, Dunlop street Barrie. $7o,00o ::;o.:Nxc%;,MN,:we::,as::;: interest. Nolfrincnpal money required until end of the term. . H. STRAIHY, Solicitor, Etc., 1' 'D..._:. JIIJI-'5: Joux Dxcxmsou, B.A- AMES EDWARDS, Conveyancer, nssucr of - Marriage lalcennes. Oice strictly private. Post Office building, Barrie, and at his private resi- dence. Mary street. u-ly R T. BANTING. Clerk County of Simcoe, will . be at his oice, at the Court House. Barrie. every Saturday. Residence and P.O. Cookstown. _______________________________ LOUNT, Barristers, Solicitors, 1 I L--- \'I..o-..-hm Pnnvnvnnrnrs. &c. _.__._j-..j THE QUEEI:J'S HOTEL.ALF. ARNALL, Manager. Excellent accommodation for the on-aunllina nnhnt` Rar and larder well sunnlin-d whh I 1111:. QUDDLV .3 nu1.I.u..-n1..I.`. nnnnuu, 1 travelling public. Bar and larder well supplied with the best. Good stabling and attentive hostlers. Luggage of ests conveyed tree to and from all trams. Few oors west of Market street on Dunlop abrupt ' `HE DIKLIJ l'I4[`l1VlLV\1 LII-414 L4\JlVlrI\1V!'*' 1 Carpentering, Building and manufacturing of Doors. Sash. Blinds, Mouldings. etc. Planin of all kinds done promptly_ and satisfactorily. ot Blast Drying Kiln. Dnstnct agency for grained lum- Iu-r_ Fnntnrv-.RaveId Street. Barrie. RODGERS - ":1`l1`e"'iI"1b;:I1ntien ;iven of O1-illia Asylum is more _ obscure (it possible) than thatof Penetanguiahene-Reforma- tory. .The following are .th_e few facts thus are given in a. total expenditure (enormous as it is) of $61952.46V: Salaries (itemized) .... . . . ;. . . . . 8 9926 00 Albert Kerr, 94834& lbs. meat @ $5,4 8 _:wc,,.. .`..`.`..':...`.. 5196 70'