Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 10 Feb 1898, p. 2

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ll? 1 allll Iupano t E habeth streets. .__ )RS. ROSS & ARTHUR.Physicians, Surgebns, etc. W. A. Ross. L.R.C.b`. Edin,, L.R C.P., -...a_._ `I D A..n....- M.R, Tnrnnto Umversitv. 'l\HE BALL PLANING ~MILL COMPANY- r`-......,.o-p2na nu\:lA:na u`nr` rnannc-.nnnr:n(r n` R. BOSANKO, DENTIST, hziswremoved to -l-1_i; old oice, over Henderson's hardware store. A few good ` I-Iv salaries. THE LINSCOT C. MPANY. Tan nu-I-n [OHNSON & SARJEANT. BARRIE, Im and Dania:-A in Canal: nf I l{nrIn_ and .4 T. ARNALL, M.D.C.M,, oice in Bothwell's Block. Allandalc. On the premises at night. A1.lV | Lllslsun-om! ln};o24ln. mo connections. mmnum `NOT sL.;nT1l8.f . Chicken: like: curses come :home_ _. to NW *0 '4 1 '|7i9v%4.$Tbn_N Mb .9!` 1.W'%-% `Iwunnn vunwll wnrrs FOUR P310153. oronto. 111113!!! Gnu \/I Cipulvnvo V Pn1>LnnAC_`<|>_kBouLn &_ McCAn'mv IIJIIIIIIIB ' street. MANUFA CTUBES. PHYSICIANS. H44-I-e- FINAN l.`lAl DENTISIS. AYY~A'?iIPa OFFICIAL. ll0'I`l:`.l.S.- C . \J 43-ly iilcxxc, barriSters, Soli ne_ Court of Judicature .3-.. {`.nnvn\.'2n(`.l'S. C` Dluus. 1 45-1)`- `DC I-ll\lIp- -_..---V ` A. E. H. Cmzswxcxx. * to loan. \JX'|1CCB-' Dill I I6 ce-Bank of Toronto 5-1y sun T onus. D. F. Macwa-rr. pendent Libegdns in East Siinooe owns,` to"th'eiw_sy in which Mr. Duncan, An-f 7 derson was 'sssai1ed hy? the "}Tinnes" and the "m'sohine , _f Grits. in gthe"Gsnersl - Elections of 1896, when he was the- Pstron candidate. After the ght when there was no necessity foi saying _ harsh and unkind things the . following- spesrediin the Orillis Times as if Mr. ' Anderson and his supporters had no . right to set and think for .themselves Mr. C'ooIc s defeat in East Simcoe is a fact to be regretted, but the reason is ' not hard to nd. Mr. Anderson s per- sistency in remaining in the eld in spite of. the solicitations of his friends is the cause Q)` the return of Mr. Bennett, and now that he has had the satisfaction of defeating Liberal candi dates for both the Local and Dominion Houses,` and losing his deposit into the bargain, itis as be hoped he will stick to his farm and let politicsalone for the future. _ A . - . ` "i'5'oN'ro. 1 Solicitor, l n...-.:. IVGLC I I 11-ly run I . Toxoxro. THE N ORTHERADVANcE. % ' . A_DVERTISINQ_.RATES. ` frnls Anvam E nAs:-.c1ncULAno3 on FOUBTEEN nlgytnnnn Ann FOUR 001"}.-zs. Llniost, if not quite_d0U >l_e1hat of any other paper pubhshed 1;, name 1xi .u>vr:1msr:r.s snomn gong nus rm-r,*g ' 12 lines Solid nonpureil make 1 inch. TRANSIENT ADYERTISEMEXTS. " First insertion 10 cents pe_r line, each subse, querit insertion 4 cams per lme. V Randina notices. 10 .':enLs ner line for 5... .quUUI ILIDUI LIVII `x vu-hue V: A|u\.. _ Reading notices, 19 per line for m insertion ; 5 cents per line for each Sl1l)8(`(1uant insertion ofth same matter. All items u,,_ der 5`lines, of this cha.-acter, charged as 5 lines. Legal, Ofcial and Government advertise. meme will` bechargeal at above rates. COLTRACT ADVERTISING. Contract advertisements will be taken at the following rates, which are drulted on cor- rect commercial principles and will b- strictly aiilliered to. There will be only one price re, a xinch 2% inchesV...........4 5 inches, % column. . . nogmches, )4 column. so Inches, I column . . . - `For one mnnth- the three monthly rate | with 15 per cent. added. I-Ir-,... bvmvn m.mthu...thp thrma mnmhlv mu \ Wltll LU [R1 Ucuh. auuouo `For two months--the three monthly rate with 10 per cent. added. nd'Dm.fom-ml nndh'r.ru in Hm nmwr will kn Wllll IV [R71 ecu. \uuI.u. Ki Preferred p0~1iti0I`.S in the paper will be sold at an advance of one-third on above rates. This zule will be strictly camed out. CONIRACT CHANGE-5'.) Advertisers will please bear in miml that notice of intention to change advortisi-menu must. be handed into the oice tot later than Satui day at 10 o clock, and the copy for such change must be in Tm: ADVANCE oce not later than 12 n c1ock noon on Tuesday in any week, otherwise the advertiser s 8l|I}Olll`|(`('ll!(`[]t may not be made public until the \\'Wtk fol- lowing. I0 ..1.........a or Aflvnrfispments Hii()\`.l'Ii nor ,No, Mr. Times man, Mr. Anderson as an intelligent farmer" will take an interest in politics; but"_we trust not the nolitios which the `*Times ' ladvo-_ oates, namely, that Hardy and his swarm of oice holders and oioe seek ers should grind down this Province I.0VVlHg. 12 chan;,;es of Advertlsements allm`. 1-1: year. I! n.ore are required, cnmpuition : will be char ged. A.1..n-wig-..n.. "All nnf `.9 n1]n`f-W] fl) HR!` `W111 UH cualgtu. Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertising anything outside their own regular business Shnuld thev do so transient rates will be charged for such :15.- vertisements. Condensed advertisements on first page such as wants of .111 kinds, List and found. 1)n`~}r(~.'IV for sale or to rent, snecic articles, etc, eta. must be ace mpanied with the cash, amt wili be inserted---t1rst insertion 2 cents per worn). each subsequent insertion 1 cent per wnri (names, addresses and gures ccunteul as words); but a. ra-dnetion of one cent per v.`~-rd will he made when the number of insertiom of the s xme matter exceed four. Cuts for advertisements must In every case be mounled on uolld metal bum-s. Provincial Building and ; Loan Association. [JOHN RUGERSUN. STANi)AVRD LIFE. LONDON GUARANTEE AND ACCI -"'131: 1:z T CQMPANY. PROVINCIAL BUILDING AND 1.0A.\` ASSOCIATION. ETC. , ETC. , ETQ, OWEN STREE'l`. yScR_oc;.c.n-: & SMITH, REPRESENT THE Fou.ow1.\'c Fun-: I.\'s\'R.\.\\F Q COMPANIES: The Mercantile. now ailiated wizh The Luz`.- don 8: Lancashire of England. Sop...`- ity, $15,000,000. The Waterloo Mu*rua.l. of Waterloo, On: Tothl assets, $334,083. The Economical Mutual, of Berlin. Ont Total assets. $303,078. Also Lloyd's Plate Glass Insurance Com- pany, of New oYork. Cash capital, 5.5:.- O00 my-- -v-v-- ._ =, for four years more.. Mr. Anderson and the many intelligent farmers wm stick to their farms, and so far your ; advice will be followed, but Mr. An- derson and the bulk of his supporters will as free men and not slaves under the crack of ` the party whip, A we rmly believe be found in East Simcoe throwing-the shackles of Hardy & 00., off and supporting Mr. Whitney s able Lieutenant, Mr. Miscampbell. The insult ung at Mr. Anderson should be repudiated by every man who honored ` --r _.._....-._4. I.-. vvv And the Sun Loan and b-avings Compan` of Ontario. ' AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $5,000,000. Private funds to loan on :st mortgages. \f- counts collected. &c. _ Q1 . A A . ...- '1.`-.-In-.~A-as ling.)-on.-g Co.`-.s `?qrr\:`. Number of inches space. counts couecteu. ac. Ofce over Henderson,s Hardware Store, Burn: Out. ,STEAM LAUNBRY We have urcha=ed and reopened the Barn! Steam Launcrry. m5 Dunlap stree'. with thr l.n'c.~! modern appliances-.lor all classes of work. I .\ T` Bomzl-: A uolvuc l~I~Iis'u`uY. and I1-'. our rig call at your door. 3 Pl1.(`o'- A L 0|! 1315-, DELIVERED 'I`llE SAME DAY. JUST REc>iivED.- 200 Cased Pipes W` Which we are selling at 90c. and as high as 5549` apiece. Take a look at our \\ indow. Don't oruct that we are still selling the Nd Size Myrtle-Navy smoking Tobacco 8` 85. per plug. G. HAMMER, . - Tubacconist; 99 Dnlop u-eel. _ -v`-....--~.-r .Mr. Audergon with his support by` coming out and polling his vote for Miacampbell. T |Cross-Cut Saws I ERSONS ' ' ~ `V or T . ` " s`u'4! .lI I etv. 01,3350` 6` 0FF1cE-Next door to Bank of 'l`uron`m. MU?`7 Y $ CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE AGENT INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, ac. (Ia_1'efn1ly_:Gummed and Trued at 4 --J .. _ _`_ __ _ Y _ _ V _3llksmith ind General Rcpaic Shoo. BARRIE. 43' ?--_...____._.____-- SUCCESSOES T0 E. S. LALLY. MULOOK S MULISH METHODS. The desperate straits to which_ the Grit party is driven in Centre Simcoe with defeat staring them in-the face is shown in the following action of Post Master General Mulock, ex-President of the wrecked Farmers Loan & Sav- ings Co y.:--The facts--Wm. Edwards, of Wyebridge, secured by tender, he being considerably lower than Nelson McRae, the well-known Grit` post- master of that village,-the contract of carrying the mail from Wyebridge to Wyevale and return six times per week at $174 per annum for a term of 4 years, The contract commenced on` thelst January, 1896, and now, when little more than 2 years of the term have expired, Mr. Edwards has re- ; ceived the following: i , Posr Osman lnsrnorons OFFICE, a Toronto, 26 January, 1898. Ma. WM. Enwaans, Mail Contractor, Wyebridge. ' DEAR. Sm.--I am directed by the : Postmaster General to give you notice - that your contract for the conveyance of the mails between Wyebridge and Wyevale railway station will be term inated on the first day of May, 1898. You will, please to accept this as the - regular three months notice. 3 A Yourobedxent servant, r J. Hmmnnson, P. O. Inspector. . Mr. Mulock has mistaken his man :1 in supposing__that'this threat to cancel g Mr. Edwards contract will drive him 5- and his many relatives into supporting e Davidson. Not at all, but on the con- 9- 1. trary, has disgusted several Independ- edt Liberals at Wyebridge who declare their intention of `supporting. ' Mr. Thompson to showtheir disapproval of such dastardly conduct and attempt at intimidation. Mr. Edwards was the `lowest tendereraand "should be entitled to perform his contract. No com- plaints, no investigation. Just Mu- lock s mulish. method of hit, him "on the head he is 5 my. Are we in i, -Russia? - Are we serfs? SCROGG|E.&. SMITI-lj. FEBRUAF;-g 1898. j BARRIE BA mm: '41 pm 1 rates the I 3-Ft] AN EYE`-OPENER. The Grit Government of\ Ontario` took oice in 1871, and since then the expenditure has been constantly on the increase in all salary and tee depart- ments of the Administration, but on the decrease in such public concerns as _ Public Bridges" and Public Works. Iuthe last statement of the .;1 rcvincia| Treasurer, the Hardy Gcvernnne_n`t is pledged to continue this exritifagance,' tor tiiereit is stated that thecfMgimnted; receipts for 1.898 jare 8353,13 3.72 `jarid V Vthc,est,iInated `expenditure--v$31. 397.767 Q12 `9a*i'. P|Idiiiti:tf1}`9silw-I 5. P tiaedyoit; Pop! cour whic lords vs. `up each and each took in t Fret ` ` "1 dish`; Uuv -- duk '03! for and prof ity nor hau 0011 W h hol thri pom F011!) the pm lun tin ex; fm-. tin ml sin i}iL-I 8546.7 90. 9:9 I V?! _ 1 See for yenraelyee in the; ._folloering statement, taken from the Treasurer's eetetement, how "the `money has been `going. Note the increase. _ 9 13:71; 1397. Civil GovernInent.$ll4,'6l3 99 $250.032 05 Legislation . . . . . . . 94.3.77 141.754 17 Administration of ._-- A... `-n .11 ngg n Ed'ucution. . . . . . 351,306` 40 Maintaining Public _ -Institutions 171,423 17 "Note the decrease : . Public `Buildings. $296,076 98 Public Works. . . . 134,543 47 SINGLE wo3x`-DoUBiTa: PAY. Government oibials are paid large salaries and also have big allowances for travelling expenses, but when they are called out of the city to perform work in connection with their paid ser- vices, `they bill the municipality with a I view, ostensibly, to bleed an unsus- pecting` public, but the said public have ,1, L_ I2_LA.__.. ..-.`I wwv--: r._,- W- I." u been gulled so much by lightning rod agents, piano fakirs and` other crooks that . thy are no longer unsusyecting and so generally . 'ca.sch on. -r .1 n,L1:_ A- Fon `-instance: In the Public ccunts of 1897,` Dr. P. H. Bryc eceived the following payments :_-- Page 45-12 mos. salary as Secre- tary Provincial Boatfd of 1' `AI am` iixu. ............ :P;ae 429--Travelling expenses sanitary investigations . . . . ' Tota.l..A...` . . . . . . . . ..$ Then on page 43 is. the fol 12 mos. `Salary as Deputy Registrar General . . . . . . . . . . . . . Or a grand totai of ..... ..... ..$3131 91' But when this same Dr. Bryce goes out on sanitary investigations he fol- lows his oicial visit with a bill for his services. For instance : On Dec. 24th last the visited Beeton to make sanitary investigations re the proposed House of Refuge site and to see it the Government grant of $4,000 should he paid in favor of a site possing the sani- tary arrangements of the one proposed} A`, V..-` V.--,.___`,,, A _few days afcerwerds he sent. in the following billeto the County Council:-.- To expert services, one day . . . . . . . .8 25 00 To travelling expenses . . . . . . . . . L 5 00 To report on sewerage . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 `Total .......... ......s35oo and so other instances might be given. Work done in every public oice in Ontario is work done by the province. Charges made for the service. rendered to the public should go to the people s treasury direct, and to the oicials ne- cessary and capable to perform .the work and actually` do perform it a fair salary should be given. Let this prin- ciple 'be adopted and at once is solved the problem of keeping the expendi- ture of the province withinuthe income. VPARENTS PAY THE '15n=_s:R. Mr. Ross and his political colleagues profess to be free traders. They are I for removing every tariff restriction between Canada and other countries. They are for smashing the National Policy root and branch. They call it a curse and a bane to the country. Why? Because it prevents people, as they say, from buying what they want in the cheapest. market. Yet in the` , matter of these school books, Mr. Ross is the veriest protectionist of all. He . will not give free trade in them among the people of his own Province. He hret passes a law that the children of 5 school agemust go toschool or their 0 parents shall be ned in the police court. Then he passes ,_a law that only suchbooks as he gets` some favored per- son to prepare "shall be used bythe pupils. Then he arranges that these books shall be printed by only these persons whom he may designate. Then he xes the price of the books at double ' what any other publisher could, and ' would be willing to, print them for at a reasonable prot. The result is. that the Government rakes in $010,000.00 a year in way of" premium elrom these favored printers as its share of the ,. extra prots for which the parents are `taxed. and the printers aftsrpaying over this sum `for the, favors enjoyed, are growing "enormously out of what 1` . l9_*.'Li.',"1.-_i 0 AMERICANS GOBBLE `om: TIMBER. As soon as the Hardy Government told the Americans to get no much On- tario timber as possible across to Miobi. gun by next spring when n probibrtory law will dame in force, they at once got :to 'work'nnd'Inid in T effect, We will Lhn Ontario's timber lands if we poa- eibly can. r'.l`bey lost no tune in get-_ {ting to work, and the saw and the axe tbrongh thin long "winter doing gr*??4!e 9!ih6I! in ; the. inter2t- or r gun is we of om Ac- Brycevre- m Noiztfalmn ADVANCE $208,-374 oo 38,077 06 %.'.'T[Is 500 go 441,055 .97 702,457 01 796.567 62 ` In presenting the nancial condition of the province the Government gives all the assets, `everything is brought -in 't,} that isavailable, to pay debts,5butin'stesd 1 of placing against the whole of the as- sets all the liabilities it places only the debts presently payable, by doing which, it shows, falsely, a surplus` of nests over liabilities. Would such pro- ceedings be: tolerated in~ commercial af- fairs? Say that a railway company is endeavcring to effect a loan on a second issue of bonds. Financial houses to whom the bonds are offered for sale ask for a statement of the company's nancial position. It is furnished; , all the assets are included, but the lia- . bility on the first issue of bonds is d omitted from the statement of debts. Asked the reason, the child-like and p bland reply is given, " Oh, those bonds are not presently payable, they will not be due for a dozen years, and are therefore not really liabilities now. Take another example. Here is a mer- chant seeking a new or extended line" of credit from a wholesale house. He is asked for an exhibit of his assets and liabilities, which is produced. Ap- parently he is in a ourishing condi tion, as he shows a large surplus of as- sets over liabilities. The wholesale man desiring to verify the gures sends an accountant to investigate. He re- ` ports that the man is actually insolvent when all his liabilities are placed against his assets. The statement he exhibit- ed, while it showed all his assets, show- ,I,1_ . .$263l 91 T following 631 91: itario s timber"'r_'esouroes.' Soon the North Shore will he one mess of akid- 4 ways loaded with logs ready to be raited ` into a toreign land at the opening ol navigation. American lumbermen are not only, taking all the pine timber from their . own` limits but they are also purchasing the out intended for Ontario saw mills next summer, paying 88 per thousand feet for all they can get. The effect of this invasion of the rights of `Ontario workingmen will be to close nearly all the mills on the North Shore next sum- L UIJU lnqnuauu V: V..- _V -, _, mar, thus throwing ont of employment hundreds of `laborers who depend on a. full season in the saw mills. ,_J lull. DDCDVI-D sun was`. -- .. -._--__ Will the Government conntermand i this bold and illegal proceeding? These logs thus purchased are not taken from Americans own ' limits and therefore should be subject at once to the log ex port duty. If Hardy & Co. wish to discountenance this high handed pro- ceeding and not give another proof of the existence of their pro-Michigan timber policy, they must speak at once. Public oice and public trust is not the principle upon which Hardy has conducted the Government of Ontario. The calculation of shrewd politicians is that the Conservatives will have fty-ve seats in the next legislature.- Toronto News. EDITORIAL NOTES- Grit rule in Ontario began Dec. 20, , l871,Aand will end March lat, 1898. Ever since the date of the elections was announced we have had stormy weather in this section.-Beeton World. A bad beginning will have a good ending, Brot-her Boyle. Elections in Ontario have been held on the following dates :-Matfch 14th, 1871 ; January 11th, 1875; June 5th, 187 9 ; February 27th, 1883 ; Decem- ber 28th, 1886; June 11th, 1890; June 26th, 1894. GOV ERNMENTS FINANCIAL FICTION.` Hardy 8; Co. have become so much at home by reckoning Ontario as their own, that they actually expected they would all be returned by acclamation_ The electors thought otherwise, how- ever, and it is very probable that on March let acclamation expectations will be changed to condemnation rea- lizations. In his annual report, Dr. Beaton of Orillia Asylum, says there is press- ing need of more teachers, not at- tendants, and more liberal equipment generally. At the same time it is to be noted that the cost of main- tainance has considerably increased the past year. It is about time the Tories had a chance to try their hand.- Packet. V Twenty-six years in power has re- sulted in an accumulation of abuses that calls loudly for a remedy, and if they are continnedthe responsibility rests on the voter, who loves party bet- ter than his country s good. Let no man forget how Canadian interests-are sacriced to the prot of an alien power, which has for years done all it was able to check. our progress.-Sim- coe Canadian. Had the Ontario Government adopt ed the timber policv of Conservatives in 1890, or even l893,instead of 1897, this province would have been thou-0 sands of dollars better off, and the Michigan lumbermen would not be taking out in the winter of 1897-8 from 200,000,000 feet_ to' 400,000,000 feet `of logs extra-thanks to the as- sistance the Ontario Government has given them by a notice to prepare for any eventuality. The Ruling of Child Life. When we call in the curfew bell and the policemen to rule child life we are making a confession of failure and the failure will become all the more bitter and complete if we look too much to Egypt and place too great reliance upon external restraints. The bit and bridle can never take the place of the guidance of the loving eve. The Sun- day school teacher, with his hour per week, can do little without the co- operation of `parents. The public school teacher can, with diiculty, maintain dicipline if he has not behind him the moral support of fathers and mothers. Parents must` be kings and priests in the homeit the young people are to gain an intelligent recognition `of authority and a real reverence for God. We have known people singing Where is my Wandering Boy.,To-night2'. g when a they ;ought "to have been solving that question` `with `their. 5 dwn : _ eyes ' and hands. In many if} there had . gs: ; 'rlIs,. f'ge'n"tle dicip1inein~earIy l `G30. 1:. J. uxown. Barrie. Alliston ind Creemote. Lnnnox Bovs. Elm V e Barrie oieo-c(A>r. Dun `p and Owen sts. Elm- vale oide -oppoute Hunt hotel. Money, to loan at loycst rates. LAG A. RADENHUR `, Barrister, Anon`-ney. } 0 Solicitor in Chan ry, Conveyancer etc. 0iee-First door Owen reethover Bank 0 Com- 49-48~ ...`--n- aor:n Ontario. Proctors. Notaries, vunvc; Money to loan. Oices-oss Block, . C. E. Hnwsox. > I L.L\J`| A An A up - _ _ rristen Solicitors in High Court Efjusticx-9 , Notaries Public, Convpyancers. Uices ov it the Bank of Toronto, Barrne. V Money in sums of $a.ooo pnd upwards, to loan at 5 -`am on!-If, 9&5 vv gnnov -w ~--v -~ --- ed only the debts presently payable._ Ordinary standards of commercial mor- ality would declare that the company . and the merchant guilty of such decep- I tion were dishonest and fraudulent, and deserved to be punished. Can a Gov'_ . ernment be guilty of similar practices " and escape the penalty '0 It is lament- able to think that the men who rule i this great province, should set such an example of deceit in public nancial matters for political purposes. A cir- cular issued by the Government itself to municipalities, in the year, 1897, is dated at Toronto, July 5th, and is addressed to municipal auditors, in- structing them in the requirements of the statute and of the Government in the performance of their duties, and in making returns to the department. Paragraph 3 says :-Debenture lia- bilities should show the whole amount of each debt outstanding, and not mere-_ ly the next payment for which taxes have been levied. - \ OUNT 8; LOUN'l, Barristers. Solicitors, Pr` tors, Notaries. Conveyanoers, Oices c Dual and Clapperton streets, Ban-e. Wu. ouze-r, . c.. Gno. W. Loam`. nmntn. 5;. y . V Ban j \ ULT & COWAN. Barristers. Solicitors of the Supreme" Court, Proctors. Notaries; Convey- ancers. etc. Mon_ey to Loan. Oiccs-Ross Block, Dunlop-st., Barnc. VVELLINGION Auur. ALEX. Cowam. ,__ ICKINSON '8; .s1AcwA1 1, Darrlsuna, mr taries Public, Solicitors of Supreme Court, ctc., Barrie, Ont. Oices in Bank of Toronto Block, No. .`0v|vJ-ea street. Branch ofce, Elm-ale, McKeggie's -.-C-lv;I-:'a'si:}Vet. 0` lock. JOHN Dxcxmsou. B.A. MCCARTHY, PEPLER & MCCARTHY. Bar; risters, Solicitors, Conveyancers, etc. ` D AL'roN MCCARTHY, Q.C. F. E. P. Pzvum. Q.C. ' J. A. MCCARTHY.B `D. C. Muxcuxson. \ ame. M. M. CAMPBELL, Barrister, Notary, etc. Money to loan. On: and Stayner. Barne Ofce-Bank 01 Building, Owen street. U53 D. 1|.--narnaun, ..pu........., DONALD Convey-ancer. etc., money to loan. Offices, `! Bank of Toronto Building, Owen Stl e_L:t, Barrie. 48-ly R. PALMER, Surgeon, Eye, Ear, Throat, Nose, 40 College street, Toxonto, may be con- sulted at the Queen's Hotel, Barrie, on Friday, Oct. the nth, from 8 to u a.m,, and the second Friday of nnnn -1! -nnnfh me um, [roux every month. T R. J. F. Pallin . Graduate of Trinity Univereity Toronto, Fe low of Trinity Medical College, -Membet of the Codege of Physicians and Surgeons f Ontario. Office and Residence, 18 Owen street. Municipalities are peremptorily in- structed not to deceive; that proceed- ing the Government reserves specially to itself. The people at the coming ,elections will send the necessary circu- lsr of instructions to the Government through the ballot boxes. _ ,,,s__ .2 LL- _..--:-A4\ - o .___.__._..- EN 6xTBoY'& is .ow.1f,`?3;{.EL}TSo1iZ- ._`_:itg . &c.' Hwcmi N Lnunox, W. A. Bovs, I llunnnn_ . '=" UCIII-I H, H. S'nu-ruv. Q.C. ________________.__________________ DR.H]. C. SMITH, L.C.P.S.. Ont., (late of Drs. arvie 8; Smith, Orillia.) Otcc and residence -corner of Owen and Collxer strcct_s, Barrie, 23-ly `ITRATHY 8: ESTEN.; \ . BL M 1.} W. A. Koss. L.K.La.D. nam,, x..n \..x., London. J. R. Arthur. M;B. Toronto Umversity, L.C.P. and S., Ont. Oices and night resiuences-,- Brown's Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone 3-- 77- O H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Dissounted. Collections made- in any aart of the County. Real estate bought and sold. ouvey- ancin in all its branches. Marriage Licenses issue . Ofce--Ross Bloclk. Dunlop street Banie. $7 0,000 }iSe`oxsZc ?.?;?;=E`} Ewe? .aE.: %`% interest. Nodmncnpal money required until end of the germ. . H. STRA1 HY, Solicitor, Etc.. D---` EWSON 8: CRESV ors of the Sn ran . ._ ... .. Dannfrii nt_ AMES EDWARDS, Conve'a.ncer, Issuer of Marriage Ialceunea. 0 cc strictly private}. Post Office building, Barrie, and at his private rest- A-nnn Marv uh-pat. - 11.1`; Ulonvs-B: --..- V -. The public accounts of the province for 1896 do not contain a statement of its assets and liabilities. In a book published by the Dominion Govern- ment, called the Statistical Year Book of Canada, for 1896, is stated plainly and honestly, and in a business way in headed columns, the assets and total debt of all the provinces but On- tario. Every province but ours owns up its condition. Ontario shows for 1896, under the heading " Railway li- abilities payable in the future, extend- ing over 30 years," $1,996,593, and in another column, under the heading Surplus of assets over liabilities pre- sently payable, $4,782,580. These are the only columns. The debt repre- sented by the annuties is not even- men- tioned. ` R T. BANTING, Clerk County of Simcoe, will . be at his ofce, at the Court House. Barrie. every Saturdav. Residence and P.0. Cookstown. McCAR'rHvi, I Ei.-A Li. A iiN_T{1.L, T Manager. Excellent accommodation for the Irnun":nn' nnlf\I:z- Rnr and |:~.rd.-r well snnnhpd uth I H11`: gunnn 5 nuLnu.-nA.L'. n:\AV;1J..1., travelling public. Bar and larder well supplned with the best. Good stabling and attentive hostlers. Luggage of guests conve)ed tree to and from all trams. Few oors west of Market street on Dunlop n pant 1 Inn D1-uuh rLn1V1;Iu1y111.u \Ulurnn1- J. Carpeatering. Building and manufacturing of Doors. Sash, Blinds. Mouldings. etc. Planinv of all kinds done promptly and satisfactorily. ot `Blast Drying Kiln. District agency for grained lum- hm-, Fm-stnrv_..Rave|d Street. Barrie. RODGERS I . ractory--Dayuclu DILYCCL, DHKHU. J gze GALLIE, successors to Geo. Ball. W F. C. GREGG, Veterinary Surgeon. Honor . Graduate 0nt.. Vet. College, Honor member Medical Societv. Offices--0ver Ewans Dry Good store. Duuloo St. Residence -6 Mulcaster St. 1 -gins:-r)-r;zir;E -1-{`iln':r.-`.1-5'irs`t-I-:icI:' "en?'?$FEFh'e'd Ilia}: ber. Factory--Bayeld Street, Barrie. RODGERS `R: (`uAI .I.IH, sun-esnnrs to Gen. Ball. _.__.__.__.---------------------'-_ - )ICKINSON '8: .~1ACWATT`. Bamstem ....:-.. v..t.I:.~_ Sncimrs of Supreme Court ' Jo Au MCUAKTHY. `U: U. Auvnvuuywu. Bame. MCCARTHY. Pgpum, MCCART!-KY. 8: DUNCAN, Alhston and Creemore. ` " `-~------- 0. 4(`AlI'I"lI" On the plan of the Government any man who can borrow money for a period of years and have the payments divided into a number of small amounts coming due at intervals in the future may declare that he` has aeurplua. For example, a farmer borrows on a mortgage $4~,000 for ten years" atiaix per cent. The first year : payment in one-tenth of the principal, $4.00, and and interest on 84,000 for a year`, 8240, making a total debt to be met the. rat: n_n___._.`..` LL- _ we MAKE;-...: Sewer and Culvert Pipes -, )ONALD ROSS B. A.-Barrister, Solicitor, n.........,......- .-n-T_. monev Oices, mu-: 0N_TAR|u sum P|PE no.1 4 Pg":- Coot. lntetontffnld on Deponu. The Security for Dopositon in a. Loan I tnmnnnv in nndnnhim ' "' 3'61? 'A':5i=.':.A':E' "+.'i.' i ncronv A1 uumqo. TORO BARBIE [DAN & SAVINGS B0. 1 _ INCORPORATED 1881. SUBSCRIBED 0 CAPITAL,` $250,000. LIB DUUILITIII I01` IIUDOBILUYV III 5 1405". _ company in undoubted. Ross new Block. south side Dunlap street out of the Post Umoeo 8-Iv Th teen ' tbdepos't ' L Co' ' - doubcd. '?l?re is no`i:'ta:1l::e` ono::cord yw'e.`-':. Anna-258.`- `nan -can usual`: 9 Inc. kn an ' Ann I`.J.u uuuntcu. IIICTB ll I10 IDIIIIICO OI! TGCOTC WIIG dcponitior has ever made a loss bv a Loan Co ; J UFILVDULV G GIIIKJ Dill` I 9 otuuun, lU 'tCI1 1' and Dealers in Goals of all Kinds. and ge mm, Grey and Guelph White Finishing Lime. Cements of all kinds, Fire Bricks and Plasterers` Hair. Statehouse at the`Northern Railway Switch. foot of John street. near the depot. The bond at thiI L*'-veil betterthan that of any other kind, and the f not: superior. Oiee--Cornet of John sud. Kllzihnth Ihnnlen- `year of $640. Now, following` the I guring of the Provincial Treeeurerof Otario, the man is justified in claiming that he has 9. surplus of $3,360. Did he not receive from the mortgagee $4,- 000 in cash, and intact this debt pres-' ently "payable," to use the h1 .rovinci`el '.[reasurer.'e-now celebi-eted puma. only 0 18640.1 0 true 0 mignciax . Itetementa of the Government are there- fore untrue, ' ' ' ` ` ` A

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