ovvvo (luv 9 wsv no as use Blllll izre all new and qualities such- Cla8s-Ernest iiuggar. j Pll .,= .-_v- ovo-cu: The proceeds of the recent social and en- tertainment held by the Ladies Auxiliary amounted to nearly 840. The ladies are the people to get up protable entertainments. rm... n:..:..---9 IL l , (imp tn FU` 31 H _ _ __-. _...u can. on Lu.. |lUluWUlIg Mr. Wm. Hurst has returned from his trip to Markdale, where he had been visit- ing his wife's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brown. He forgot. to bring back his dog with him. __- ..v--vow vouuvbo Et. ;}eorge s o urch.-Don t forget the Thanksgiving Supp on the evening of Nov. 25 An excellen rogramme is being arranged. See posterss ortly. Mr. and Mrs. Farley and daughter, while. passing through here on their way from Gravenhurst to Toronto last week, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bothwell. II- I37..- ,_---_._--..--......., I The owners of boat houses along the bay shore between Barrie and this place have had orders to remove their boat houses for the laying of the double track. `:11 W;m. Wu`!-ldriu", of I`. Metcalf e section, has been removed to Allandalc yard; section in the place of Mr. C. Pickett, on Wm. Metcalf s section. , ' Mrs. E. Andrews and daughter. Mabel, who have been visiting friends in Phelpaton and the 6th ward, returned to their home in Meaford on Saturday I `II_ 117.. II? n I All - - - -cw vvlllllllal .$i;u_8-nt 1.`h:['!'l. J. Gray, of Chicagofwho are stopping with Mrs.j- Marshall, Gowan street, will likely remain here all winter. CI IUo are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Wyatt, Essa street. - The fourth quarterly meeting of the Pres- byterian church was held last Sunday,` and was well attended. * - Cousecratien meetioy of the 'Epwortb League Society of the Methodist church" took place on Monday evening. Q]; ......I ll... 1' 11,, I I-- - Mrs. Sewel and children, of Palmerstonr UUIIIJ I22 E are now unpacking large shipments of New Fall Shoes direct from J. 85 T. Bell, Geo._T. Slater and Son and other well known and reliable makers, and are now ready with a superb stock of the finest and newest styles, superior qualities and the easiest tting shapes--bought at ready cash prices. Selling as we buy, -we are able to make prices decidedly in your favor. For instance: i ' ` A ' a... uwuuu pruuzora in nursing a. factor- eg nger, and is having a. very painful time o it. ' ,_-- ....t -- -uv `xv: VII` V! `II!- Mr. Glaeeford, oi Hemilton. is visiting his son. Mr. John Glueford, Burton Avenue. 1 Mr. James Goudie, of Cooper : Fells. is visiting his daughter, Mrs. J. M. Bothwell.- Mn. Wm. Biittereld is vieiting her pur- ente in Orillie, her {other being eeriouely ill. Mr. W. J. McKinley has moved into one of Mr. Cheeeme.n e houses on the Allandale road. ' _- -. _.._-.-B -u a-nvvu LIIIUI} WM:-. Ggorge Poacher returned on Tneadsy from his trip to` the Northwest. `I - 1&1, - ,1- ._-=.__. Wuaineu wu brink in the 6th wu-d[ En` Saturday. - Mr. 'A. Mu-Tnhall and Mr. S. Swphem are of deer hunting at Moon River. `I. I\....._- 7| -day night. Battle's South-Wegtarn Divlgion. with its Pleasant St:-eete. its Testy ' `I188. its Pretty churches, and its Ge- aphead People wm Entice Settlement -A Weekly Record of its Doings. The Trackmen were in session on Satur- li Thoma: Bradford in naming {eutec- d finger. and is havinn 3 mm: ma..r-I 43-- 131: RAILWAY omrrnn or !1'l'I'I1"I 1'.I'ln1-cramp :. 13 oum.o_P s'r,; BARBIE. L . _... -- wucvun .|llVVK'Jl On Wedaesdav of last week Mr. William Hunt, of the G.'1` R., and Miss Maud Webb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lot Webb, Essa street, were joined together in the holy bonds of matrimony. The marriage cere- mony was performed at the Methodist ar- sonage by the Rev. Thomas Edwards. he bride was assisted by Miss Hunt, of Orillia, sister of the groom. and Mr. F.-.Thomas sup- ported the groom. Owing to the illness` of the bride`: father the wedding passed off quietly. The happy young couple now re- side in Mr. McMillan s house on the Allan- dal_e road. The have the best wishes of their many friends for a happy and prosper- ous future. ......s- uunpou mg mutton and Lace 13003 patent tap or plans new shgpe, full tau my 81290. llluleeendoeo-$1.2` Ladies Tweed lclguse su$'}.7:. sewed soles. ' E dar tterne, worth a5c..esp-ciel... .... . . 150. Ladies nci Kid extra neetock Album Strar ` Siipper. hand turn sole. Kid lined, specie 81 33 i . 'iK'11"is""5'Pr. V V Ladies Dongola ma Button Boots. gxtcguidn. solg. patent tip. coin toe, styluh, easy ' 5 aha uh ' 1831* ;oYf'1?a3 Bu1$t:1v:7nfa; Boots, * . l nnlvnnb 54- _- -I--- --~A- enuaun. ope-ciaI............L.......:.$ VT}. Slate Stun Shoo. mi. } enude r-om Tide nat g.fu%r Eater. 2.9..:2.:-:,.:`2`::`.;::';.';-.,::.'r"* * 9" 7 Alsvvna-u cu-.-._ MEN'S DEPT Mena Fine Am. Calf Balmorale, seamless . 0 V new_ toe. tip, extension sole, worth 2.oo, upecnl ................... Men 3 Boston Calf Lace Boots. extequon sole T toecgp. seamless faxed. warranted beet e Spanuh sole, worth $1.75, speciah. .. ....O1 85 Men : Strong Luce Boots. bellows tongue, ~ M warranted soliq, int-like sole, wax Itntch- 7 ed seams. Ipecnal ................ ~ ......$1 50 warranted sona. int-like sole, m; d accounts. 1: Sla::ea:`-Sim. ."....".ZLZ MEN'S DEPT. _ Fa!` Rnlunnualn - V -..- --v---vg On Wednesday last Fairview, the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Dunning, was the scene of `a very pretty event, when their only daughter Sadie was united in holy wedlock to Mr. John Thompson, seventh line, Innisl, Rev. Geo. Walker performing the ceremony and assisted by Rev. Mr. Simpson. About eighty immediate relatives and `friends of the bride and groom were present. The bride was; `handsomely gowr.-ed in cream lustre. Miss. Hutchi-. son, of Brampton, was bridesmaid, while Mr. George Thompson, brother of the groom, was groomsman. Ger- trude Henry was maid of honor and Stanley Walker, page. The ushers were Miss Maggie Torrance and Miss Laura Thompson, assisted by Messrs --- v-vvusv JJIIUACV-UUKQ "Rev. R. J. 1). Simp ed to college after spending : (1333 at his parental home. 1\'--p ""1-?-gr: Louis H. Allen, of Lake Dauphin district, is visiting his mother, -Mrs. George Blackstock. Dan 13 7 Barrie s% Finest Shoe Star?!" --avg vv 0 LHUIUPUUH I8 with low favor. o Last week Mr. John Carr lost a pocket book containing a large sum of money. -D__ 1 _ 9 rr - -- ' ....... .......c. as uuuy grow outer. 11; is said a number of-the gang were from the centre of the town. ...wuu uuun we neu tower and taken to the Methodist churolrdriving shed, and the key- hole of one of the doors was lled with small stones. Mr. Peacock s fence .on Burton cock and some men over two hours to re- place his fence. V The most of the damage was done between the hours of 12 and 3 o olock in themorning. The damage done will amount to quite a sum, and oughtto be made good by those who did the mischief- and will be if found out. How young men can see any fun in destroying property is a mystery which the law-abiding public would like to have solved. It is hoped they will learn better as they grow older. It is said number of-the mum ......- 4-....... L- ---~ Hall-owe en _ was `celebrated in the sixth ward on- Saturday night and Sunday morn- ing. In the evening a large crowd of young chaps congre ated in fro nt of the stores, and for awhi e made the night air hideous with their cries of shell out! shell out! The merchants responded to the calls by` throwing out apples, nuts and candies, and then the boys quieted` down for n time. Later in th e evening some older heads com- menced their prsnks, and did considerable damage throughout the ward. Signs, gates, fences. wagons, wheelbarrons, ladders, etc. , zvere removed. and pickets were tern of enoes Outhouses were thrown down. and in some instances um-+i.I|.. .:....-....-.1 ..._..uc. uumonses thrown instances partially destroyed. At the public school buildings the bell was re- moved from the bell tower and taken Ch|ll'Oh'l`l'ivinn Chat` ung. 4.1.- L-.- Average daily attendance of school. Total No. registered in school . . . . . ,4 Average daily attendance ii: Division ` uvuvv llOl]o U Illa: 1'1!!! W. Ba` ey, M. Nixon, J.- Pulford, A. Pat- terson Senior Second Class -1. Collins, -K. Parsons, L; Hamlin, L Brown, M. Shepard. Junior Second Class-O. Moore, J. Brunton, B. Pirie, E. Collins. M Merrin. Senior Part: Second Clus-C. Steggles, 1. Johnson, F. ` Cross, 8 McCausland, I. Pirie. . _ I`nh.I `KT- .....s_.._ , I - 1`o.aLl!No. 1 Report of the V Burton Avenue Public School for October :-F_ifth Clans-M. White- ley, V Collins, C. Hamlin, H. Collins, 8. McMillan. Senior Fourth Cloan--A. Bran- ton, E. Renfrey, B. Cross, A.Young and A. Webb. Junior Fourth Clan-W. Storey, E. Storey, A. Patterson. A. Johnson and M. Srigley. Senior Third Class--E. Cam bell, M. Moore, G. Hill, (J. Brnnton an M. Scott ual). Junior Third ClnI_s-'-A. Miles, Ba ey, Nixon. J, Pnlfnrv A Dan __,._.J ......u- on: vuuz VIUIUILJQ The Grand Trunk railway is now receive 1 ing tenders for the construction of 18 new locomotives Some ten of the most.promi- nent American locomotive building rms have tendered for the contract. The new engines will be used on company's lines `in the States. It would be well if the G.T. R. were to put some new engines on the nor- thern divisions of their railway. flu \l/..A...u.-l--- -1 `- -' ' ` use cuszner `W `.03 r Methodist church In- the morning the Rev. D." D. McLeod. of Barrie, preached an excellent I, Peter. 2nd verses :- `-` Wherefore, laying aside all malice, and all gnile,` and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakilus : as new"-horn \ babes,` desire the sincere ' k of the word, that ye may growpthereby : if so-be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious. During his sermon he made a contrast of what peo- ple are and what they should be. He also ut great stress on the power and mercy of od, and how to get rid cl e In the even-. ing` the Rev. M. L Pearson occupied the pulpit and preached an eloquent sermon, which was very much appreciated by those , present. There was a very ood` co ega-r tion at the morning service, ut the c urch was filled at the evening service. The sing- ' ing by the choir. at both services was well rendered. Your cor 'ndent not being in attendance at the high tea on Tuesday even- ing is unable to give a report this week. |u.$" Il-AI Te snniverj lAyingV 4 l_:oAeorner stone -of the-' Bnrtnn A......-... Tho:-niton. _ j Thomp-'x;on is ill.at1`n-eaent Fever, 1 - 1 $8100 --..--, -~ - JIIVQ . mgigred in Division?! . .-uu wuavno T. Simpson retard- tpfnn - -- _ - ..-....ruuu I wllul ll` * spending a couple of A` lining 7- ----u x-v-'u Mr. Charles Pickett, who has been work- ing on the Allendale section of the G. T. R. for a. number at years, has been promoted to the foremsnship of a. section at Downsview. near Pa:-kdale, where he is at present.- His familv leave here this week for the above named place. They will be gtgatlv missed by their many friends in this vicinity. Tho (ll-Ant` 7|`-nu`. --.2`----- 1 ' in his new shop. _ _ uuuvuulz %o ~ Mr; A. W. Ball` haa'ata_r_bed tqwork Mr. Jimea Marlin, or Aiugndglg, in OroVS~*jMion laptwgek. ' .. an, -- muses Is `my Mercy," "1 `:3; a Pilgrim, "Seek ye the Lord," and Ye shell -Dwell in the Iand.- The people were stoked to raise the ,-amount of money_ required to pay off the cost of ' improvements, and'reepond- ad I: V. ' lb. full 1: bout my ="'s - - anu v aauvc \a0l'I'l!8pOllelICa 'lhe Methodist church has been much improved of late and reopening services were held on Sunday last, fol- lowed by a tea meeting on Monday night. Tea was served in the basement and so large was the number in attend ance that the program inthe church was not commenced until 8.30. The ladies of this neighborhood deserve credit for the- excellent supper provid- A ed. Rev. M. L. Pearson. of Barrie,- presided and as usual scattered his humor at just the right times through- out the evening. Other ministers present were Revs. Hudson, Barrie; Edwards, Allandale ; Large, Stroud, and the pastor, Rev. Gilbert Agar. -Messrs. Quinlan and Wm. Richardson were also present `and gave short ad- dresses. 7 Mr. Oharles Sissons gave a reading which was well received. The musical` ,part of the program was in charge of Collier street Methodist choir, B_arrie,;led by Mr. J. B. Ed ,wards.;_ They sang the following an- ' the'r`n`s in excellent style ,:-- The Rad_i- . ant _;Mor_n,", . King of Inve my Shep ih.r`& e" a" sweet. is-, ruymeroy." I am a. Pilm~i`.n . cl Q-ab -A --.. ---... ..v...._....5 nvyaula was purouxan of.- The bride was the recipient of many handsome and valuable presents. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson left on the evening train for London and other ' points in Western Ontario, previous to returning to their home in Innisl. They have the best wishes of their many friends. ` ' W. E Thompson and Harry Dunning. Mr. MoNelly, of the College of Music, Toronto, played the wedding. march. After themsrrisge service was nished the . guests accompanied the - happy couple to the dining room`, where a. ' bountiful wedding repast was pattaken (]f_- The urns `Ln --4-`:-`: Druggist and Opfzician, Barrie. _ After a course of study at, and graduating from, the Philadelphia -correct all defective eyesight. I have {all _the modern appliances to ascertain the nature of the trouble. If your eyes trouble you in any way come in and we will examine them free of all . charge. V _: I]. H. Maclaren. 0pticaI'College, I am_prepa.red to Grenfel. Advance Correspondence. Ll-.L_,19 . I - - .. ...---J -avuvv-g Onaturday morning about 1.10 sun. :2. special excursion train composed of a. bag- gage our, three coaches an two pullmans, passedthrough here loaded with hunters for the Muskoka hunting grounds. The Button Avenue Methodist church uartglv meeting will be held next Sunday. iove east at the close of the morning ser- vice and Sacrament of the Lord : Supper after the evening service. All the members are expected to be in their places that day. -|.v_ f1|___|,, nu n .. ~ 1,, 1113 NORTHERN Amuxcn _ Report of Ferndale P. S. for October. Class V.--M. Lawr 449, F. McFar- land 381, L. Campbell 319. Class IV. -0. McFarland 538, E. Prince 472. Class III.--B. Dawson 390, J. Prince -356, J. Hughey, 342, L. Jocelyn 317. Class II., Sr.-M.9Johnston 508, J. Thurlow 483. Class II.. Jr. - G. Spearin 382, G. Croghan 257. Pt. II Class-eE. Marlin 423, M. Jocelyn 391, N. Hughey 380, J. Ferguson 351, L. Ferguson 348. Class I-G. Ferguson 200, J. Croghan. 189, Dales 173, H. Dales 158. Class A-P.v Woodcock 302. E. Dawson 293, A. Ferguson 28!, E. Kell 262. Glass B-J. Johnston no uusuuruwu nere DY 001' .h.v U. L. The farmers are busy takingeup their roots. These are not an average crop. be celebrated here by our L.` O. L. _.-- -_ u; may uvunv UL IILIU UGUI` Guy Fawkes day, Friday; will be" rm... ;........._- -_- LN- I . Advanw Covrryespondence. Hallowe en was duly celebrated here. Our school boys have now a gym- naaium. The hunters of this place have gone , north to the home of the deer. n..- 1:v-_L - N - Mr. C. G. Kirkpatrick, of the B. C. I., was home on Sunday. ' ` ' Mr. D. Holdaworth, of Thornton, is ` threshing clover in this vicinity. . Mr. A. A._Bel| made 9. large ship- ment of honey to Manitoba last week. - An up-to am MEN S FURNISHING E BROS. NEW SEORE. They keep the la are to be had pt the New Store a j O Hunter 3: 95. shirt. ' - _- av- --r r-vuvuuav VUIICI GDIIJIIIUI-`[3; The Citizens Committee met on Tuesday evening of last week and decided to enter into the bond for dissolution from the town. The committee was `unanimous in the step taken. - ,.1n3.1uIn __...- - `ux "41 nolds, Martha nica, Oscar I Cla.ss-- Jasper Junior Third ` `I ..- Report of the Anten Mme Public School for the Month of October. Sr. IV--Franl: Pratt, Essie Collins, Michael Lona. Jr. IV.-Ge:-tie Gillis, Nelson Garrett. Sr. III.-Rosa Ber- nard, Chas. Pratt, Edith Muir. Jr. III.-Mabel Legaoe, Phonse Coughlin, Stanley Reynolds, Alex. Grant. Sr. II.-Arthnr Stokes, Cora Collins, May Coughlin and Russel Reid. Jr. II.- Gertie, Stokes, Mabel Kitching. Sr. pt. II.-Lillie Shanahan, Nellie Cur- 123,` 0. Prince 104, V, Woodcock 5. 11 Sunday afternoon Miss M. McLennan and Miss M. Clark, delegates to the S. S. convention at Hamilton last week. gave a. report of the proceedings at the Preaby terian church Sunday school. n__ cu_-,,, u 4, Dales 92,}: . - 1. ..,. V. a uuxuuauxg ruuuc OLUW I Standen, R. Knupp, W- R03` a1d,S. Jacobs. Sr. IV.-A. Y0_uDg-1' Knapp, M. Bremner, C. Wasb1DSt' - Jr. IV.-J. Teasdale, A. Johnston, J- Orohard, W. Addison. Sr. III.-M- Orchard, 3. Fralick, F. Tracy,_ 1- Ker` foot. Jr. III.-W. Bremner, E. Kg` foot, F. Foyston, N. Crossland. v- 1 II. -G. Stokes, S. Downey, A. Priest, B. Addison. ` Report s. s. No. 9 Minesing Publi School. V I QL__ `I 'I\ ~rr uwv -n l Ihornton Honor Roll for October. Fifth Class--Rose Halley, Jae. Stew- art, Wesley. Corbett. Fourth Class- Maude Fletcher, John A. Stewart. Third Class, senior--Maud Patterson. Tillie Boake, Elsie Sproul, Willie Fin- lay, Lila Power, Emily Teague. Third Class, junior-Maydee Henry, Lallie Henry, Bella Stewart, Cora Stevenson, Maude Hicks, Herbert Cunningham. Second Class--Vernon Fletcher, Han nah Patterson, Roy Jamieson. Vera Ardill, Minnie Hutton, F lorrie Vander- burg. First Class, part II-Pbcebe Crossley, Aldeen Fraser, Ottie )IcL=an. ` Wesley Rudick, Beatrice Cline, F red. Cunningham. First Class, part I- Dngald Stewart, Amanda Hicks, Lulu Stewart, Stella Ardill, Carlos llutton, Laura Cline. Average attendance 49. { Quantz. , Calvin Huts: Hunter Bros. Collars. 2 for 256