Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 4 Nov 1897, p. 2

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"i'6?':'oN'ro. Aux. Comm. G. H. Esnm. [Cross-( the Old Don. `fret , but we a. . re Sh seliing cost 83:` ' RI 35 `.110 {s D N` at ""1: V s"`lun. "Mm ' 7 ` ]9!J`aocouisL%` JUST RECEIVEDJ % 200 % Cased Pipe? Which we arc.-..seI1i'ng at 9oc. and : T `Piece. Take a look at our v 'J_.'ne Mercantile Fire Insurance U9wPd`:_' Capital $500,000. Government dcpo-`I 7 ' The Waterloo:Mutua1 Fire Insurance 07` Capita.l_$5oo.ooo. The Economical Fire Insurance C0-vB9rm Total Assets $340,000. Money to Loan onjrst mortgages. C0"`33"m done. Accounts collected. etc. smggie 85 Smitl1-,_IisuranceAg913I I _v vv-p vv 8,295 66 FIII3 \I\II`V|-ll"\|I\II-IIV REPRESENT THE. FoLLowxx(: Com`.-\.\'1ESi The Sun Fire Insurance Office of Londf : EnR1a.nd. The oldest purclv Fire Insura Co. In the world. ._ The Insurance Company of North Ame!"- OB. . Capital $3,000,000. The Mercantile Fire Insurance Company` (`nail-.1 Gus- ...... P. ........ n.-.9 (L-nn\`I'l m-1 9' Scr_a__ c.<;IE ETSMITH. _ UeIuUY lxllluuluu uuu -- Mcca uARRv'5 and General RepaitSb9' ' ' BARRIE. STANDARD LIFE. LONDON GUARANTEE AND A('(`I [OWEN STREET. DENT <':d1a_i>X1:.*{'.W PROVINCIAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. ETC., ETC., ETC. [Juan noaansou. Condensed advertisements on first [age sufg as wants of all kinds, last and found, p:.1,e,~_., for sale or to rent, specic articles, etc., 1; must be accompanied with the r;a.:}x, and mi; be inserted-hrst insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per worj (names, addresses and 'fig11res cmlnted as words); but 9. reduction of one cent per m1 will be made when the m1n1}e.-r of inserti-2:5 of the same matter exceed four. Cuts for ad versements must In every case be mounted on solid metal ham. Provincial Builaingai Loan Association. 1- : Toron_to. He did not know `whether -V any of the County Council went over A 9 9 I. l . `jpolioy of. borrowing the {limit fihad gone on in previous years, though ;' I he could not speak forcertain.` ' There was a communication to the Council concerning their work. - They did not make any report of discrepancy in the treasurer s books or accounts. The County nds outstanding a note in the Standard Bank for $5,000. At the February meeting of the County Council he intended making a motion, asking the Treasurer to make a state- ment. In that statement he did not show any liability in the Standard Bank. The note". was signed by ex- Warden Boddy and the treasurer, dis- counted on Jan. 28th, and - fell due in April. It was then renewed, but not paid yet, though evidently the County never had any benet from that amount. The borrowing power of the treasurer was $30,000 for current expenses and $10,000 to meet debentures maturing on the railway. After the passing of the by-law authorizing this borrowing, notes were given for $25,000 in the Bank of Toronto" and $15,000 in Bank of Commerce, also $5,000 in Standard , Bank, which the .Warden had signed, thinking the note was to lift a note in the Bank of `Commerce. The over- draft in the two banks when the treaI- ' urer left was `$8,028.10. The out. ' standing notes at that time were 34-0,- 000, not including 355,000 in Standard Bank. The County had discounted altogether 845,000 paper without count- of Commerce and $25,000 in Bank of thekaccount beside the auditor or "not; nor did he know 'whether the by-law authorizing borrowing was before the auditors or not. He ' thought ' the AV IV 1115- Advertisers will not be allowed to use 11%;, space for advertislnq anything out.,u1e W1`, own regular business: Should they do transient rates will be charged for su.-11a}_ vertisements. ` IVLIII av rut noun. (IUUCU. 13' Preferred positions. in the sold at an advance of one-t W5 rates. This rule will be strictly carried out," CONTRACT (,'lIAN(;l'I.\',l ' Advertisers will please bear in mind 1}, notice of intention to change advertisement; must be handed into the ofliri-e rot later ma; Satuxday at 10 o clock, and the copv for ,5 change must be in T11: A1n',x.\'-a'otce Ii" later than 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday in week, otherwise the advertiser s arixiouncenm may not be made public until the mek {,,;_ lowing. P31) will ta hird on 3} ' Monkman s Drug Store `For one month-the three mom\h1. with 15 per cent. added. ) M For two m0nt.hs-the three nmonthh. I, with 10 per cent. added. 3 wprnrnrvn vs;-.nu'#:.\.... 1, .1 4.. 0 Legal, Ofcial and G overnment ad ments will be charged at above rates. muse` CONTRACT ADV'ERTISI.\`(;, Contract advertisem_ents will be taken 3 the folloWing_rates,_ whlch are drgited on cg, rect commerclal pnncgples and wxll be stricny adhered to. There wxll be only `"19 Price for all. if llncn on-uoonnooooooo 2% inches........... 5inches, 1/4 column... no inches, }4 column. aoinches, 1 column... F0171! COP] Almost. if nbot mm. .:--L. .. CI HUN!) 3'11`)-I` -`u t "if not quite._ double that of an t A1?` '4 paper pubhshed 111 Barme, y 0 he g'ApvER1'IsERs SHOULD NOTE 12 lines solid nonpareil ma TRANSIENT ADVERT ..::s::::;:':::: 1c2:::;:r::n1:re' q Reading notices, 10 cents per line for . ' - 5 cents per line for each subse u` gggg 3f the safne matter. All it `ism THIS may ke 1 inch. ISEMENTS, del. 5 111199, of thls character, AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, .S5,00(',000. OFFIC'E--Next door to Bank of Toronto. Treasurer Sanford e etatement ,made in January was here produced. It said that there were noteeputetanding in the Bank of Tomato, $25,000 5 in the Bank of Commerce. $15,000. * The 5y. 0 0 law authorized 830,000. No notice was taken by the Council of this extra. 810.000, nor of the overdraft: of -814,- 000 in the bank. They did nothing. The Warden .1-ene`wedStandarVd note` afteMhate`time.` He did"no_t note ` whether `another note, had been '00 '5! had 9' Meat t9P`9?F3FK"`5' win`: over at 1`!lh.F-%1iP9 ti?9ti?1i1 i f Your Doctor I-'iglIfso2w 'uv wv uuannav-n, no... -- u _ office over Henderson : Hardware Store, Barrie. Ont. __,_,. -T &-- Citefully Gummed and Trued `t _ __ -1\l"_ Number of inches nnann INSURANCE VIKGEVNTS AND CONVEYANCERS. FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE CONDENSED ADVERTIS E .\I I-Z.\'TS. I 1 1 92 DUNLOP STRICJC I`, BARRIE. 29 nunnop 8I"~ 4... -- .. ...-....b ..u.. -u.~x You can help your-doctor byh3"' ing your prescriptions llcd hm`- The auditors for these five years were : I 189.2-0. Cook and. Arthur Craig. 1893-C. Oookand David Dunn. 1894`-0. Cook and Arthur Craig. _ 1895-C. Cook and W. Scott. 1896-A. Craig and J. McEaeheru. The last year s decit T included $1 ,896,ColliugI5?vood debentures; and $4,- 295.78, Nov. 16th, 1896, refund from Provincial Treasurer. ' This was not charged to the Treasurer in the cash book. Part of present auditors work in January, 1897; i l.Il3CI3C `VICKI Il|l`LllLnlI(. ll lII\.u..- icine is not right he can not cmqutf disease. If the drnggist doe5~ 5?? dutv the medicine will lw right.ar.: your doctor will stand :1 t`aircha-`3 of winning the victory. 17 u 1 1 , L..L-u-. pjsease with medcInc. If the mei- lt\-ta "u. ...,.L ...`..L. L.` A-.. ..,\o ,u-m-er -`(_3*{1-1`:`',ws .A.G-fEl\T'I' BARBIE 5 $8.00 :5 1; tniry Q23,g{)0.0.+" 4 n tore ' auger .n.\ 1'. were ht-st the hands-of aarer.tthnsiin .1886. they aware rened the Ba_nk,_ the `paymf_ent.' of these deben-t 7 turns` to no direct tothe Baukand not _ ` through "hands of Treasurer. In the decit from August 1st, 1893, of 813';-??. 564.81. the following payments of Col? lingwood debentures are" included-g-i 8324, a coupon of J unelst, 1893; also 31700. _Total at $2024. He .did- not charge himself with it in the cash book. , In the bank book, `deb. had been changed todep. by the Treasurer 3 also page of ledger which contained` this account has been out out. Nothing in any of the County books to" show that this amount had been paid in. The same thing has occurred with subse- quent payments as follows :-In 189-L, $1894; in 1896, $1986; or_ _a total of $5804 for the 3` years. The witness assumed this was not noticed by the au- ditors, and he had` no knowledge that any of the County Council noticed these discrepancies. "In December 31, 1895, Sanford discounted a $5,000 note, signed by James Ross, Warden, and Treasurer Sanford. Looking at cash book, he judged the auditors had com- pleted the audit before the entry of this note was made in the cash book, as auditors initials appear on the previ-' checking was also forged. The addi- tion had also been changed from $36,- 126.96 to $41,126.96. In checking the bank book with cash book," the mistake would have been at once detected. one line. He `thought the auditors To Mr.:A~ylesworth-Mr. .McEach- ern said he was accustomed to dealing with"ooounts, having some twelve years experience. He had not been V auditor before this year. He began in January to audit the Treasurer s backs. He did not discover any discrepancy in bank books, he was looking to `see if the notes discounted `exceeded tbg limit of. borrovving. He found the Treasurer had nOii`O!098dOd the `borrowing power dnrins the of hit (MEahem ~) audit 1896; < -, didgnot `I obecki over . aamiouinhink book` with caish book: !1kh ;!!!?fhIV." the bums ' of auditors, _ ,.`_ Mghfxattr. o:;:;L* n.L%;;'u:a":.;ve To Mr. Osler--He and Mr. Mc- ' Euchern got the ameuntsby lettersiand statements from Treasurers of` dibrent municipalities. coumw AUDI'1`ORe nrmcxmnn. Mr.- McEachern, County Auditor, agreed with the balance in `statement, also the reductions made by Mr. Lsing, and ccrreborated the evidence of Mr. Laing `and Mr. Hewson. He found the ledgerhad been manipulated, pages 238 and 239_ being gone. This signi- ed that Collinawoodbraneh debenture account had been dropped` out. fII`Il' To Mr. ,Ayleeworth - They were aboutfour weeks at the. audit. Since then some three or four items reduced the` total by $459.84. He did not think "it very likely that any proper audit would permit of such defalcatioiis passing unnoticed. Any comparison of bank book and cash book would ex- pose the decit immediately. PROVINCIAL AUDITOR LAING. Mr. Laing, Provincial Auditor, testi- ed that he had audited the County Treasurer's books, and said the state- ment showing default of $62,000 (near- ly) was correct}. _The gures given by Mr. Hewson were substantially correct in all cases. I ` IvvI:- vvv Taking the year June 16th, 1896, to June 16th, 1897, the total default is $23,072 59. The total default from Aug. 1st, 1893, is $36,637.40. Salary of traasurer was $1,200 and fees. The u assistant s salary was $600 and tees. c He was appointed by by-law. _To Mr. AyleswcrthMr. Hewson said he had not been connected with Council pre . vious to 1897; his knowledge of 1 County Council affairs` began with the i present year. Mr. Sanford gave 4 personal property as security in` 1893: ' 87,700 Barrie Electric Light 00.; mortgage upon his property for $2,300, total $10,000. There was also a bond, by Guarantee 00. for $l0,000, aud bond of Burton and Rogers for $5,000eeach. These were all the bonds since 1893.31 Mr. Aylesworth then readua-report of ii the Finance Committee recommending i that Sanford's bonds be reduced from 335,000 to $30,000, this amount being- made up as above. This recommends-. tlon was adopted by the Council. `Mr. Hewson said that his results corres- pended with Mr. Martin's, of e.....;. too 00., only that .Martin' went back only as far as Sap. 23'rd,1893, while he (Mr. Hewson) `went back to Ang._ lat, 1-8'93. _: _The. resnlts off Mm. -V E-hern - and Mr- imdoipab1i Mr: '.,Or3I; har.:t.;theiothafw * To Mr. Ayleswor_th--The,cheques for salary could not be discovered except by the cheques themselves, because he did not enter the transaction in the cash book. They could not always have relied on the stubbs. He did not know whether statements of County's assets and liabilities had been present- d to the County by the Treasurer or not, `beyond the statement given last February. V say he was intoxicated over County books , though it was stated he was. At the time of Mr. Sanford s report,- there was no question then as to any misappropriations. In the regular books, passed before the auditors noth- ing is said about excess of salary. These could be detected only by resort- ing to the cheques.` The auditors could not have discovered these mistakes in the '.l.`reasurer s books alone. Mr. Hew- son started with the belief that there was something wrong with the Trea- surer's nances, and the auditors had the belief that everything was right. To discern the discrepancies they have to go over the same ground as `he had gone oyer. V To Mr. Osler-Apparently the audit was passed 'on the Treasurer's books ` and vouchers. Mr. Dunn was Warden of the County for one year. Mr. Craig is a superior man ; was warden, reeve, and an aspirant to parliamentary honors. a Mr. Cook is one `of Her Ma jesty s justices of the peace, also War- den of County one term. He would not critcize him duringsober times. It is only the extra temptation a Cooks- ' town man gets in Barrie, especially with the County Treasurer. He would not Book was loaded Anpnrigg the of the audit withfvhialey. Mi-. is an honestand am. did not think Dunxfijioiild be om.. but did not Know anything about `Soott. Cheques were issued by the Oount_y:Treasurer and oountersig_n- ed by Assistant Treasurer. The As- sistant 'and..'1`reasnre_r-were not related ; did not know whether he was appoint- "ed at-_ Mr. _Sanford s suggestion. Dur- ing last few years Sanford got more than $1,209 per year by cheques mark- ed.f`sala{y, as follows :-- ' an`. 4---- 1894-si0o. . 1895-$300, 3300,0100, 8300A(Aug, 1), $000. $800 (l1f)- ' 1890--$600,. $000, $000, 3000 (Aug let). Between let Aug.," 1895, and let Aug., 1896, uherewere chequed out ve cheques of $600 each or $3000, besides $800 merked self. ' - - . - Then. from Aug. 131;, 1896, to Sanford e ight. $200. $400. $400. $000. $000. $000; $600-uota.l, $3,400. 0 u T fljle` 11:9 auditors nevor look- ed` at the cheques, or 'they would have seen the steal. - THE NORTHERN ADVANCE. been e told that the `u.2.H;`."oZZ were alright. Ma.oAlieter was Chair- man of Finance Committee for several years. He had seen several-other mem- .%fo.rd~ had been epeaking to him, about: _(06ntin.ud ` bore of the County Oennoil. Mr.:Pep,'. lencame tovhim and asked himif San-t his hndniiian.. I t`e`:'l~`A.h6,"fo_t 19;.` _`Mr._l e'p`ler," nnid* Mr.` Bebton, ` -_.:.[ dog' V To Mr. Ueler-He thought the paper was sent back to him, and after it came he sent it to Mr. Pepler. He was in the Council the same time as Mr. Bur- ton. He` was an active member, but could not say whether he was on the Finance Committee. _ s JAMES L. BURTON. Mr. James L. Burton, sworn,` said he entered into bond with County on 1st Aug, 1893. - He was aimember of County Council in 1889 90-91. . In 1893, at change of bond, Sanford asked him to become surety. He -did. not at some cf the .bo_ndsmen were moving away, and he required a -change. `In _coner'ence withDr. ohm- IL-2; 1 41.! In! '_ A ' Al once` agree. Sanford explained that; man-of the Finance Con'nnitte,e,__he. _had~- D;bon tu4'xfea-were media 1881 to; -the nmolinl`. of `$130,000, to pay. the: VVH-mton 5` North-Wwtnk `"!` of 1>`_*`?:'i" '7 . he was in County Council in 1880-1- ; the Guarantee Company._ It was sent . answer the questions thereon. - came up ina day or two and signed it, ' Mr. Hewson, recalled, said he had as- certained the increased detault between 1st February, 1897, and the time the Treasurer left to be $10,015 41. Ex WARDEN wmenr. - Mr. Wright, ex-`Warden, said that 2, and came back in 1887 and remain- ed till 1893 when he was Warden. He was never a member of the Finance Committee. He was Warden when the present Treasurer's bonds were given. Hremembered the report allowing Mr. Sanford to reduce his security. Mr. Pepler was County Solicitor and has been since. ' After" that report was adopted the matter was left in the hands of the Solicitor. He had some conference with the Solicitor in regard to personal bondsmen, Mr. Burton and Mr. Rogers, and also the Guarantee Company. He signed the certicate to to him to Beeton by the Treasurer to He but could not remember whether he conferred with Mr. Pepler or not. He thought the certicate came back to him . from the Guarantee Company, for cor- rection, as he marked hundreds where he should have put thousands. He signed it in the ,Treasurer s oice. He had some consultation with Mr. Pepler over the papers, not as to whether he should sign it or not, but whether there was anything in it to incriminate the . County. He knew who Sanford was proposing as sureties along with Guar antee Company. He made no exami- nation of his accounts as they then stood, thoughuhe certied that the ac- counts of the late Treasurer were cor rect at that time. He. relied on the Auditors report, and took no other means ` of verifying their correctness. He did not know whether Mr, Bur_ton s bond had been prepared then or not.- It wasleft withthe solicitor. Person-. ally he had no communication with Mr. Burton or Mr. Rogers. "I112 1` I His Lordship asked Mr. McEachern where he got his balance to begin the audit with. Mr. McEachern said they took it from the _last auditors report. That's the way, said His Lordship, One auditor takes his gures from another, one assessor copies his gures from assessment of previous assessor; _all draw their salaries and that is the end of it. audit `was not concluded, and he was instructed` to ;.prepare this and other jstatements for; the June session. He had no suspicions in J anuary-and Feb- ruary and did not report anything to any member` of County Council. The witness didlnot look at the cheque book or stubs ; if he had it would have been manifest he would have drawn during that 12 months $3,400. _ He had no suspicion of that till J oly. _ He did not look at the returned cheques for. 1896. He wrote" to the Provincial Treasurer in July to see if the money `had been paid by the Government to the Treasurer. In February last the Sheri' had `said the account was in an unsatisfactory condition. The Treas- urer explained there were some disput- ed items, and that he had received nothing from the Provincial, treasury. He said that the matter would be set- tled by. the June session, hence the audit was left unnished. that the. o....,e, wee losing Qhe Oollieg- 1v'oad`debe`n`I:\1i-ea. The 'rmaauim`w.a for re statement of "e6o0ni,1t .with'the, Proiinoe._ He oouldnet `pre- duoe this. He said it was not custom try to present this till June, so the ,, `I `I. _ _.-- j- 4 Per Cent. Interest Paul on Deponu. 7'1` j t tot-Do`ito in Lot - he s`glo;: xpunyhti :.dohh` `n Rona } Bl ' th bid Dnnl treat out of f.:$out:)km':.u on '8-lv Theiecutitytodcposigon in 3 Loan-1Co'y is un- . Thanh man ` rd 1: dpoqitiqghanovern?adesb::ci yol.'I`::?: Coyfru ` EANT. BARRIE. I rte SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, - $250,000. Total. . . . .... . .$40,269 92 In Sept., 1893, Dr. Aylesworth was a witness in Regina v. Wonch. The expenses were $9.70. The Treasurer credited himself with paying the doc- tor s account in cash. The next year is an entry indicating that he then issued a cheque to pay the same account. In other words he made a double entry of that amount. Also saw a cheque of $800 issued to Herbert H. Poole for the purchase of S. A. property, which the County had nothingto do with; also cheques to pay Guarantee Company premiums, and cheques to pay insurance premiums on his property. Mr. Hew- son had carefully checked over the cash an hooks. mun: mm & savmss co. _ INCORPORATED 1881. WE MAKE:-: Sewer and % Culvert Pipes % . ' connections. WRITE FOR PRICES. .___.___.__.. " TZTI IIHE nNIAmu s[wn PIPE cu. ~ 60} ADELA|n|= n-r 2 v w. TI % ucronv A1 mmoo. F. C. GREGG, Veterinary Su eon. Honor . Graduate Ont. Vet. Colle e, onor member Medical Societv. O'ices--Over wans Dry Good store, Dunlon St. Residence r6 ulcaster St. 1 u-an gUn`r.`N'a' HUTEL.-ALF. ARNALL. 1 Manager. Excellent accommodation for the travelling public. Bar and larder well supplied with the best. Good stabling and attentive hostlers. "Luggage of eats conveiediree to and from all ' at trams. Few oors west of ket street on Dunlop street. T. BANTING, Clerk County of `Simcoe, will be at his ofce. at the Court House, Barrie. every Saturdav. Residence and P.O. Cookstown. j IAMES EDWARDS, Conve ancer, xssuer of 0 Marriage Licenses. 0 cc strictly private. Post Ofce building, Barrie, and at his private resi- dence. Mary street. ` xx-ly V. on mean nstate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Dissounted. Collections madein any d::.rt of the County. Ral estate bought and sold. nvey- ancing in all its branches. Marriage Licenses issued. 0ice-Ross Block, Dunlop street Barrie. 4:-lv- by McCarthy, Pepler. & Mc-_ Carthy, and Mr. Burton's counsel was A. B. Aylesworth, Q.C., assisted by Lennox -& Boys. Mr. Osler opened the ease by reading the information and then the bond. The first `witness `call- ed was Mr. Hewson. COUNTY COUNCILLOR HEWSON. Mr. Hewson, sworn,` said ':--Am ` a member of present County Council of Simone. Was on the committee to en- quire into matter of alleged defalcation. He had given the matter his personal attention, not altogether as an auditor, but had gone over the items of the re-' ceipts. He commenced with Aug. lat, 1893, and carried rst period down to June` [5th, 1896. He went over the period with Mr. Martin on behalf of the Guarantee Company. From _ Aug. lat, 1893, to June 15th, 1896, he found the defaloattons to be $13,564.81. The total receipts were $53,834.73, with cash drawn out oi $40,269.92,` leaving the balance stated. Mr. Hewson here related how he arrived at these gures. In some instances the Treasurer drew money from one bank in sums of two, three and four thousand dollar cheques and placed them in another bank. Total amount received in excess of what he deposited is $24,836.32. He then had taken from bank, cheques for cice use, also salary and other perquisites, and salary for Assistant Treasurer. The Treasurer was debited with all w these amounts, amounting in all to 853,834.7 3. He was credited with all payments made in that p6l'l.Ld for Coun- ty purposes, which were as follows :- 1s93 ........s 5,070 82 1894 ....... 13,200 08 1895 13,703 36 1896. ....... .. $70 FOR INVESTMENT on good freehold-V security at lowest rate of "te t,.Noricipalnioeyreq'ed til df gt: rftzrm. STRx'.l`HY,moli;:or, el;t:. an-Ac. ~- 1/ ct . w. A. moss, 1..K.u.b. 1sdm,, 1..K L;.1 ., London. J. R. Arthur. M.B. Toronto University, L.C.P. and S., Ont. Oces and night residences- Brown s Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone 77- LI Harvie & Smith, Orillia.) Oice ahd residence '-eorner of Owen and Collier streets, Barrie. 23-ly DR. J. C. SMITH, L.C.P.S., Ont., (late of Drs. Harvie and '--corner nf Owen and (fnnnar ch-pa-fa `Rn:-1-in on_l\y --- PALMER, oggwn, Eye, Ear, Throat, Nose, 40 College street, Toronto, may be con- tsulted at the needs Hotel, Barrie, on Friday, Oct. the nth, from to u a..m,, and thevsecond Friday of evnnr mnnfh, LDC XIII], IIDIII every month. Ll Lorunto, reuow or xnnuy Lueaxmn vouege, Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. and Residence, 18 Owen street. R. ].F.Pa.1lin . Gr Toronto, Fe W Mnmhnr nf I-ha (`Alloca- M. M. CAMPBELL, Barrister Solicitog, Notaty, etc. Mane to loan. Oi,ces-Bame Stayner. Barrie oc--Bank of Toronto Budding, Owen street. 5-ly `mun: mans us; 4. uunuu nun: 1:. n.-na.rns:er, aoucnwr, Conveyance:-, etc., money to loan. Oices, Bank of Toronto Building, Owen street, Barrie. 48-ly C\.oll.Kl.l.1.!, rnrunn cl. LVlD\Il1l.\J.lAl., una- risters, Solicitors, Conveyance:-s, etc. D'AL'roN MCCARTHY, Q.C. F. E. P. Panza, Q.C. J. A. MCCARTHY _D. C. MURCHISON. arne. ULT & COWAN. Barristers, Solicitors of the Supreme Court, Proctors. Notaries, Conve - ancers. etc. Mon_ey to Loan. Oiccs-Ross' Bl , Dunlap`-at., Barne. . 1:1-.. -....-_..-. A ... .. A . .,., r,,,,_, ICKINSON 8: MACWATT, Barristers. No- taries Public, Solicitors of Supreme Court, etc., Barrie, Ont. Oiees in Bank of Toronto Block, No. Gian street. Branch oicc, Elmvale, McKeggie s C W. PLAXTON, Barrister, Solicitor, Notairy . Public, Conveyancer, &c. Oices over Fraser, Clark 8; Co's. store, Dunlop street, Barrie. Money -`_grivate and Compan funds to lend at lowest rates ._o.uc- nu fnwn an farm nrooertv. o-Iv. 3;;';i-v$te`:'n`i 557533; -f"1`:.:`1'5s-t::'l;x'1'd~a_E-i;vires_l7:_::a_i:;:` interest on town an farm pt-ope_rty. 9-ly. '- , ' ___` jENlO L `BOYS gt BROWN, Ba:-raters, Solic- ; _;-f ~* ' HAUGHTOII Lumox. W. A. Bows. E.-' '.-"BROWN. . " . Barrie,Ailiston and Creemore. ' '3 ; A Lnnxox &_ Bogs, _' - Dmop ind Owen sts. Elm- -vlleode-.-oppouite Hunt : hotel. Money to loan st_lowest_1-ates. . ' Money `0 \IlI.I|JUI*l\uwu -rnvvng orwu---n C. E. Hxwsou. A . A. E. H. Cnxswrcxn. 3 D'"" - BarristI:t8.. >Solicitoi's High Court of Justices, Notaries Public, Conv_cyancers. Ofoesovex the Bank of Toronto, Barrio. Money in sums o1_$z,ooo and upwards, to loan at 5 ant t-Ant. mm` COUNTY ram 136 nmobvmif 35.000 wnmswamms noun. . 0!. me Bu rem: Ontarib. Proctorl. otaries, Conve rs, Money to loan. Oieea-Ross Block, an-ie. an 1-: II_______; A `I? u (`sanctum UOUFIL U1 JUI-Ill.'&l.l_|-III Jlvuno `Joan Dxcxmsox, B.A. D. F. MACWATT. .__.?_j.._ )-H.LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN C on Real Estate at lowest Farmers om mad. :n an-any n-`not A: a sun... --, -__..-v. WnLmNG'roN AULT. , MCUARTHY. IEPLIIK, LVIUL/AKTHI ob uunum, Alhston and Creemore. Mccu.-ruv, Pnpnnxh Coxusounn & Mccmrruv R. BOSAIIKO, DENTIST, has removed viii} old oice, over Henderson's hardware store. RS. ROSS & ARTHUR. Physicians, Surgeons, etc. W. A. Ross, L.R.C.S. Edin L.R C.P., mdnn. I. R. Arthur. M,R. Tnrnnfn Tnivn.-cou` QTRAIHY & nsrnx MCCARTHY. Panza, MOCAR-rm: 8; DUNCAN, Allktnn and Cree:-nope- The case of the County of Simcoev ngsinst J smes L. Burton, to recover 85,000, the yslue of bonds given `by thnt. geniemun, as surety for ex-Tress- urer Sanford, began last Thursday nftcrnoonst 2.30. - A large number of. prominent citizens were present. The County's counsel was B. B; Osler, Q.C.,_ _____ _ -|r'rv .1 )ONAl.D ROSS B. AV.-Ba.rriste1-, Solicitor, nnnun r an scans at nnnn on On Inn l'I nmrnn n l1l.\1Vt`ll4l4, LVl.lJ.\a.LVl.,, CHICO In DOIDWCLI S \ |.. `Block, Allandale. 911 the premises at night. 43' Y 1 RADENHURST, Varrister, Attorney, '.* Solicitor .in Chancery. Conv car etc. First door Owen street, over ank of, Com- D;._'..:- An_48_ |'cCARTHY, PEPLER & MCCARTHY, Bar- u-intern Snlinitm-n. Cnnvevancers. etc. [ wsoN 8; CRESWICKE, barristers, Solici- ..tors of the Su reme_ Court of Judimtum of .a....: .*. D..-om-. `Tarn:-no.1- Convevancers. etc. -' VE'I`EII_INAllY SURGEONS. , T. ARNALL, M.D.C.M,, oice in Bothwelfs Block- Allandaln-,_ On the nrpmicnq at night, v-u--uuv VI-"lull I II I. O0} ADELAIDE ST. E.. I A? Illlnnn """"` QUEEN'S HOTEL.-ALF. ARI5:A-I.i, mager. accommnrlnnn c... .n._ F`. Pallin Graduate of Trinity University mto, of Trinity Medical College, pf College Physicians Surgeons The Trial on Thursday Afternoon and I`:-dsy_lom1n-slznportnntwitneeeba llxun1ne d-Mug: `Evidence "1`nkenj- The Late Treasurer : Do1ne--'0heque ; and aunt Books Not Aud1ted-A:-gu. menu by Oounael-Jud:nent-Beeerv- -1 `ed. \ -..__--_.-__._.__-:-___ lIIANUFACTUBE8o ___ PHYSICIANS. FINANCIAL. DENTISTS. `OFFICIAL. HOTELS. LEGAL. 45-1) - K I

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