k .1116! .....u.uvuv. uuvu in out: uuurcu anti 1!) I500 community in charitable work, but in leav- ing us we wish you to know that these years spent among us have left behind a remem- brance of you which will be long cherished. Our HPRVHP ;l fhnf. lint` vnnu nn:Jn n-A _.--u can In: an`. GHQ mrs. WVGDBUOP. At the conclusion of the prayer meeting in the Presbyterian church -lastnight (Wed-A nesday) the following address was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Webster, .prior to their re-' moved to Toronto in the near future. The address was beautifully engrossed and fram- ed and received an appropriatereply from Mr. Webster: _ ` l".":-`~: `.I ..> .- - run sALE+c-ocxn. mu ..ER5f.ALS.o aueev. .T '=Cu,ttr.'..und Human. _ 1 : -` cINNIs.- \ NEW AEVEBQZIQEMENTS. rm: INTERESTS or - 4 There will be sold by Public A tion on 88!!!! day next, the 30!]: Inst. t x o'clock sharp, ` all the Household Furniture. ' luding beds, bed- ding. liquors and cigars belo ng to the .1.4A:-Ac-1-3 l BARRIE, COUNTY OF SIMCOE, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 23,1397. [ICU UIUIJ IS I-IUIUL ELI? U JIIIII .M`:ia.jor Smith was the first s baker. He would ver much like to see iss "Bowen re-engage . It was doubtful if they could get a teacher more competent to handle Junior classes. With but one exception she had been successful with any class she had `taken charge of. She had a good report from the Inspector this time, in fact much bettervthan some who had been re-engaged, No teacher had been more successful in. pass- ing children at examinations, and being an `excellent disciplinarianl and looking well after the conduct and manners of her class. you can always tell any pupils who have been in "her class. Concerning her certi-V cate. she was, ill'at the` time she intended writin on hersecond-class `certicate, and Hon; . W. Ross had endorsed her certi- catefor life. .As "to speakin l on lines of sympathy, the Major said -he ad no inten- ion of makinn the Board a `charitable insti. uyulyulouyg Uuv Llul-JUL uuau uv lulu nu IIllIUll' tion of making the Board charitable insti- tution. She had done V her work right and should be re-engaged. He. asked the board to carefully weigh the matter before voting. Mr. McLeifnan-Bow is it that the in- ____;a_... I.-- ...A. .2...) K3. ..__.- L- "Il'2__ UIIU Trustee Perkins said - he had heard there had been complaints against Min Bowen, and there was much inconsistency in com- laintsnnd good reports. Miss Bowen had goon" moved to Went Ward school because of ocmpldnte of her work in Central school, nnd_ these eomplninte had, not ceased. ' If these ere-fdnetit in 3- shame `; if true, now was the timelor -njemhernof the Bonrd` to ripen]: of thiui." it He 7'di,d not ` know 'vhe;t' the com-A Wthem so .5`. flV.i3. .i-"AA" II-Ann-I-' _ _iI;nre,. .nd7'_ il: any Tn1_,uteu' didfuow. yin: ..a'.;.;'~.m :4. ;.`.~.;. 1. .-.13.- * 5ivE& 5%'3$"3a5"3'Ei"a":'.}72;'5'aa% it was gjaxg. ugregable and dc leaps Vmstter to.deoide,=hnt he fw:u.'Vnot~diAupouedj.to oppoaawthye Manage-v U15] Allvuvuuuu? anuvv I ! _III I-unv III-IU Ill` L enter. has not eicned his name to Miss wen : report? T -_ f Chairman Meowatt-I can give no ex- |pla`.nation of it; The fact of the matter is that none of ;.the reports-were signed until I drew his attention to it. It in probalzlg a. slip, omued.by mining two leaves in: T of A\nn' `LII-I\IFl-635 UWI-I WITH, VIII` II-I IIIIV KIUCLLIUUIJ III charge f afrimary class. Some members of the Boar were disappointed that she did not enclose a testimonial from Inspector Hughes. ' The Chairman said that the time was so shorthetween the a pearance of the advertisement and the last ate for receiving applications, the lady said she had not time to procure one. The Chairman thought that the classes she had been entrusted with was suicientguarautee of her ability. The clause was carried. mss BownN s APPLICATION. 4. That Miss Jean Wilkie be engaged for the Jr. 2nd Class in the -West Ward School for the year 1898 at a salary of $300 per annum. I1.` 1 -IO 1 \lI|L IIVV VVGIIII UV lU'DIuIC6U UL: Miss Bowen` stood awaiting a reply. The silence was oppressive, .but the trustees with bowed heads spoke not. Miss Bowen took her seat, and the Chairman broke the silence with Hand me those testimonials, refer- ring to Miss Wilkie s. Afterreading them he said, You have heard Miss Bowen, and you have heard the clause in the report; the question is before you. ' Main: Qrnlfk urn: than nal-. annbnn `U- "zib`rLnna DIIC SIIUUIIL IJU lU'CI.I60V\L Trustee Rhinehart testified to Miss Howe- s excellent work in the sixth ward, and refer- red to the satisfaction of the ratepayers with her services. . The clause was then carried unanimously. 3. That Miss Edith Stonehouse be en- gazed for the year 1898 for the Primary and Kindergarten -Class in the Central Schbol at a. salary of $275 per annum. wycvv rw- -----.--_ Chairman Macveatt said that as this clause `affected: Miss Bowen, who was present, she might address the Board if there were no obiectionp. `:nn `I2..nu.-. knvu an`; |n` A`... -.n_.. ...-.. `I II VII UIUIJPO iss Bowen then said that she was sur- prised that she had not been reengaged, and wanted the Board to tell her why they N did not want to re-engage her. - Mdnn 111-\nrnn'nI-Ant` ntnndrd-an a manic: 7I"I...' IIU UV IIVVV lIC\llI\7l VIII ! Trustee Mc_Len`na.nA did "not believe in breaking the rule, but after Major Smith's explanation and considering the fact that Miss Howe is an excellent tea.cher,he thought she should be re-engaged. . 'l`m~.m-m. Dkgnnhnr O-nnI':gA C-A Menu 'n'nn1n a -.'-"_ -- .. _.._.._., V- V_ _ lrv_ _-.-1.- Miss Stonehouse taught for two years in Arthur, butvlatterly has been in Toronto, teaching in the mornin in tBa.thouret street Kindergarten class, an in the afternoon in --r--- v- ---- w----_- Mr; A. R. Curtis -1;e"er'1g'e.ed for 'the Fifth Form in the Central School from Nov. 1. 1897. to Dec. 31, 1898, at a. salary of $400per annum. T Mr. Curtis has second class professional Ezelications, and four years experience. is many excellent testimonials were read and the report `adopted. 11 I'I11.-L 'lI.l.._ 1-r-_- 1.- ._- -_.'..-..-.1 3-.. 2 . That Miss Howe be re-engaged for Allandale Ward school for 1898, at a sal- ary of $300 per annum. on the under- standing that she quality by taking a sec- ond class professional certicate during the year 1898, this not to be considered a precedent for the future. . 11,, It ,,__ 1,-,Ig____,\ 9 ,.,-fI- Mr. Montgomery believed in sticking to their rule that none but second class pro- fessional teachers be engaged, unless a ecial circumstances altered the case. He be ieved Miss Howe was a good teacher, but accept- ing _the` Committee s recommendation would be establishing a. dangerous precedent. (`.`\n:II|-nan Mnnmn nah!` I-Incl-, Mnnn "Alan U9 U5 UCUIIHIIIII` G \lGlIJ`UL UIAD Ill. UUULIUIIL Chairman Macwatt. said that Miss Howe was spoken of veryhighlv by the Inspector, Principal and eople. No doubt the Chair- man had foun himself in a quandary in the matter. He thought it well generally to [stick to the rule. Il'_1.__ LI____L ._-!.1 LL-A_ _._l_ ._ LL- ..__I. _. DBIUB IIU III-IU lIllUo Major Smith said thatwhen the rule re- ferred to was. passed, it was distinctly under- stood that the clause was not to interfere -with any teacher then on the staff. It was t I t t h I {gun 0 n kn` dnuvn : n <:w:_:-._- by the Chattcl Mortgage. The 5:119 will tnlzn nln Mr; Geo. Henderson sent in his resigna- tion as teacher. By motion this was accept- ed. Miss E. F. King also wrote the Board concerning certain matters. nnronrs. Mr. Rogerson, Chairman of the School Management Committee. presented the fol- lowing report of his Committee :- A I l'llI..vLIr.. A 15 1-u-___L1_ 1.- -__..__-_q p__ Miss Bowen's Application the Main sub- A ject ofD1scues1on--'1`rustees who Were Speechless Voted Nav-P1-incipals Fos- ter's and Shea:- s Salaries Reconsider- ed and Raised $25, Each-Motion to . Reduce Miss Booth'sSalar`y Defeated. +-Inspector s Report Unsigned. A special 4 meeting of the Public School Board was held on Monday night to conclude the business relatin to the engagement of teachers for 1898. rustee Adams was the only absentee. G mum smr FINALLY smmzn THIRD AND LAST. Mmmrma or ran: ` scnoor. BOARD RE STAFF FOR 1898. BARRIE, THE `COUNTY or smcon AND . rm: nonunion on CANADA . dun cnrrnmon. `COMMUNICATIONS. ` Vnlf 6: 00. I lngwood Glov on at 800. and 25 I_'! pretty. naavuav div JJLUVVIAUILI Isaac Van Koughnet u little boy Willie, about 9 years of age, Oollingwood. was sent Thursday morning by his mother on a men- e to the Georgian Bay Fish Company e o ee,anclaa nojiidinge could be got of him it was en poled hehad ehip ed on the Northern Belle, ut on her arrive on Sunday morn- ing it was found he was not aboard. Short- ly afterwards his body was found in 12 feet of water, juetin front of the drydoek gates. It is supposed, he waycroaeing the d deck by wallun V alon ' thegatee when he ell in aeeidental 3, an -unob'Ierved'by others. V a.- W uy me Lnaucl Mortgage. The sale will take plac tel. For terms and fur John Weaymouth. the B L` Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$7,675 The total alariea laid out for the current year were ,750, or $1,075 more than the total for next year. There is one teacher lens on the ata._' for 1898. -A ...- Vespra. Sad ctlon Case. T Goseling v. McBride.-G. W. Lount (Ber- tie), for defendant in ootion of seduction. moved to discharge` him from custody under 9. writ of ass. to. and `to set aside the order for the iuueof the writ end,ol1_Iubsoquent ' roceedingu. upon the ground, (1) that do-~ endant had no int`ontion:of_ quitting Gum-'io.._ and (2_)_tha.t.the_re was no to the, writ, or it far tiumden 2: |t:.h|e-"idd `monks 13- vA'rn1onr,Qfor`plei'uti_.,' ootrc;-V otion idiesj mined with coma.--Meil;E;inpire.te ' '_ e_ uuva HUB vast uuu lLIBIJl.'|.lUUlULlBo `Trustee Perkins said that Mr. Shear was to have a Fifth class on condition that the work in that class would not interfere with other classes. If there was any interference it should be stopped and the Fifth class pugils brought to Central school. he motion was then carried unanimously. Trustees Ball and Love moved that Miss` Booth : salary be reduced from $350 to $325. The motion was put without discus-, sion and the vote was as follows :--Yeas- Love, G. G. Smith, Ro erson, Ball, McLen- nan, Macwatt -6 ays-Major Smith, Rhinehart, Dutton, Perkins, Montgomery- 5. The chairman said as this motion re- quired a two-thirds vote to carry, be de- clared it lost. THL - (VI, 9 D 1 I flfhe following is 9. full list of the teachers `for 1898. with the salaries they will receive : CENTRAL .scHooL. V Model Class, W. J. Hallett, Principal. $900 Fifth Class, A. R. Curtis . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 Sr. Fourth, P. D. Bentley . . . . . . . . . . 350 Jr. Fourth, Miss L.- D. Lee . . . . . . . . . . 350 Sr. Third, Miss, E. F. King..`......... 350 Jr. Third, Miss L. Booth . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 Sr. Second, Miss M. Boys . . . . . . . . . . .. .325 Jr. Second, Miss Phslen . . .. ' 300 Sr. First, Miss Caldwell . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325 Jr.,First,' Miss E. Stonehouse . . . . . . . . 275 Jr. I SOUTH WARD SCHOOL.` Fift1:5 a:`:d.Jr. Fourth; E. Shear, .I.'llULI' ldlu Bl-III-Ufa l.'UlIIfIlII I30 obllulllf, Prinexpal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sr. and Jr. Third,5Mis_a Dickson .... . . Sr. and Jr. becond, Miss Howe .... .. `Jr. and 81'. First. Miss Pa.tterson.. .. EAST WARD SCHOOL. First, Second and Third Classes, G. H. Stinson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . uv uuu IIUDB .I. van l.Ul.' JUU. - Trustee Montgomerv was surprised to u hear Mr. Shear s remarks concerning. not j having wood through the day. He would i enquire into the matter, and while he is: Chairman of the -Property and Supply Com- 3 mittee, he will suspend any caretaker who does not carry out instructions. I mlldfnn Dnl\lr:v-no nn:A `hub Man an: uneasy WE`h:.Hl`1l;iurma.n of Mana. ement recom 1 mended that no action be ta. en concerning 1 the request of Mrs. Gillespie to allow her boy to attend some school other than the South Ward. _ __ AIL-.. _-._ - J9, , , 0 I -0 UNFURNISHED OMS TO LET:-Ea` Mary street. 43-43 ` _ \ KJUIIUIL 7' II. After some discussion relative to sanitary matters in South Ward school the Board -adjourned. IJI-lllll UV IUUIVI-IHIMIUIUI-I GI-IU. ILIUIWBHUII IJY @800 1 Mr. Shear being privileged to address the J Board said that when reduction of salaries was first spoken of, he said he had no ob- jections to falling in line, if there was to be a general out. He had the largest class of any principal in the town, his register num- ber being 59 at present. He had junior and senior Fourth and Fifth classes. They also had a caretaker in other wards, through the day, and he had not, but had to look after the res and building himself through the day. He had thought `it unjust to reduce Mr. Foster s salary only $25, while his was out `$50. However, gentlemen, I am in your hands, and do with me as you see ht. Hoping that my case may receive due con- sideration, I am yours respectfully and will do the best I can for you mlili nftnn Mnnfnnnn A n n n y n n n - s n n ..:..-.A Gas Z 6. Thai: Niiss Annie Rodgers s request for 9. testimonial be granted.+Adopted. MOTIONS. Trustees Montgomery and Perkins moved that the salaries of Principals Foster and Shear be reconsidered and increased by $25. `En `Ila.-\..n In`:-.- -u.3..2I.u...J s- ...1.-I_...... cl... ` nun. 0 Yea.s-Ma.jor Smith, B. w. Rhinebar, c. A. Perkins--3 ' o `T--- `I 'l\_.,_,., _,, ll 1'! DI,.,!.I, 1 ? ll, Re 1. UL III]-lD'-lJo Na.ya--J. Rogeraon, G. G. Smith. K. Mc- I Lennan, R. A. Dutton; R. J. Love, F. M. 1 Montgomery. Jae Ball.-7. _The original report was then carried. 5. That all Teachers engaged on the eta` must rst enter into the contract preparep. by the Boa.rd.-Adopted. ' LIUQIVVI, W95 IIBBVLI VJ IIIIV IJUQIIL JUL I3 UPII-I ion of Miss Bowen's work. He said thathe had always found Miss" Bowen. doing the best for the progress of her class. Some- times he had thought her a little cross, and this had brought her intozconict with some pupils at times, but for hard and honest work. nothing could be said against her. Trustee Rhinehart had also received com- Elaints that Miss Bowen was cross, but this e thought a very good thing, as teachers often require to be what is called cross. M..:.... Q....:n. ....A `D m u|..:....1.-... 4.-..` VJ-UVLI IUHUIIU III] UV WIICII l URI-IVI-I UIUDUI Major Smith and B. W. Rbinehart then moved in amendment that Miss Bowen's name be substituted for Miss Wilkie s, The a_ms.ndm'ent was lost on the following divi- sxon: : 11---, `It 0 (1 0.: `rs I17 I\Il v . I-c IIIVIIIU \.l\Il.llI.IlIUlvUU H l UUUI'Uu . Miss Bowen. said that any complaints heard of against her since she went to West ` Ward had followed her from the Central school. These had all been thoroughly sift- ed to the bottom ; even the evidence of her pllllpil had] beentaken, and all pfrovetcll that t a com aints were without oun ation. She did sot see that she should be deprived of her living through such -groundless com- plaints as these. She was ready to answer anything the Board wished to ask her. - A. U. Batten, late princhg of West Ward` School, was asked by the rd for his opin- I inn nf Mina `narrate : II7l'IlI`I `III. unit` 1-.3-nut kn ment Committee : report. ha Dnounnug -1.3.` LL- J. WEST wAnD's0H.0oL. . Fourth and Sr. Third, W. E. Fos- ter, Principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . Third, Miss E. ,. . Second, Miss B. Bonis .. . . . . . . . . . . . Second, Miss J. Wilkie . . . . . . . . . . . First, Miss A. Fletcher. . . .. . . . . . . , First. Miss A. Sherin. .` . . . . . . . .. TEACHER PIANO AND THEORY. MISS ETH EL MILLICHAMPT, ;`;n?e -_ `H-.- _.L_ _L.# |n...I llett, tie .. .ey .. King..`......... vth .. rye "300 ll IJ\l\I 275 IJVV 275 title -_-_-A240 pound traveller on a bike must have thought he struck a gate post when he ainet John Smith on the main gtreet the ot at day. The collision did not z on `John-, but the traveller was thrown on the tong!/, n.n1.t,l;,e bike broken. Mr..-Smith had thi'ea.tenedto kill. the first wheehnan run into.him; but `seeing how `entirely the reenltn ofithe bunt, were hie Auuvccc J.uv uunuu Uuly WUKU pl'|1lUlllil`ly well pleased. with the-way in which Gaoler Sissons, Mrs. McKinley. Matron. and Turn- key Caldwell perform their duties. 9' i V eola c lister. the talented read I give a, on . `eye V loc nets (5 sioiens A will assist. cert in the Music Hall Nov. 9th. Leading Also`Scotch reel, corn drill and skirt dance. -Mr. William Black has purchased Mr. .Scott s property on Worsley street. near Mulcaster street. He will get possession next spring, mud roceed to build a. ne brick residence where t a present rough-cast build- ing stands. O 9 .. -- __ - - _ .good playing. % --Laet Wednesday the Model school and Collegiate Institute football clubs played their second match. The latter won by 1 to 0, H. Thompson scoring. J. McGoev was umpire. The wind seriously interfered with ITTIIII I . `I --Mr. .,R. Williamson has moved the house on Lot 40, Woreley street, to the rear of the lot and raised the building four feet. Bewill build an addition to the front then brick clad the whole building. There illvbe a stone cellar underneath. UIUIICL IDBEIUIH UL I-ICU` IIVVLIBUB 3 \JIIl'IUn 11511! Barrie; F. J. Stewart, Stayner; George xfrfd-_;T ') Paekham, Alliston; Duncan McMillan, Beuvarton; Wm. Pratt. `Midland; James Martin,` Hillsdale; G. W. Stoddart, Brad- -Findlay Campbell. cattle buyer, of Stay- ner,_under.the inuence of liquor, stepped infront of the way freight returning from the Collingwood meat factory, and was dan- gerously injured. ` In: In - . .... - .- Sterling Silver and Plated] Ware, Watches, G1eeks,Jew- eiry, Blouse Sets, Belt Pins, Belts, Newest Designs. Special Attention Given to Watch Repairing. ` '5\LEE5pN E 2608 my _,=,,,,, -Th concert; given by Guy Bros. on Thursday night last was the best that com- pany has ever given her. Z-Thisia$.;73;;=.;a;'(s`3'.v,t-o'I) :13`-`year with`; apples.` The few that are coming in sell at ` $1.75 to $2 25 per` bbl wholesale --6nZdo latest vagrant arrival at the Ua.stl'e. The oicials `are puzzledtto know his nationality. 1.41,`? n n -- ,, _.__ _____-__.---J- -:As the Novesnber session of the County Council draws near, the suspense of the many applicants for the Treasurship becomes intense. '-The supply of Jubilee stamps at Ottawa has been exhausted. ' Already some of these stamps are selling above air. The six cent variety is quoted at 75c. y city dealers. II- `I'-l__. I1 C\A,-,I T`-0 `L"`;1:i.e1:31i;v;i.;g'*e;{;{.i3n 2:} the addi- tional issuer: of deerlicenaoa: Chris. Hart, ~ Rhhh o W .T Qiennvnn Qnnnnn . llnnunn _ EA geht!ema.n *smoke : Cigar. Hanmer W have days. . A $7. 7 7"- -'-'The ten;17ency in tb-e; price `of horss is upwards Good animals bring by the car- lqad $65 and $70 per head. / ~ `pq:'I'II . "` "` . - -' 6 T / i The next: attraction at the Grand Opera House is C3rl7er s new scenic production Under the Dome," on Nov. 5th. -The Barrie Amateur Operatic Company I will reorganize soon for practice. Pinafore will b_e presentgd about Christmas and Mi- kado 1n the aprmi. 1 S leaEl_i_r;g_i\ila:t.1.L.1i';.;:tu.x"egI:8`i` H 1 ELIZABETH STREET BARBIE-% __-. --__ ....._,v -The recent mine have softened the ground suicientlv to enable farmers to do their fall ploughing, which the very dry weather `long delayed. . - ' `IIO -Wheelmen who have not been too hasty in quitting the pleasure are this month en- gaging in their country and town runs, the best wheeling of the season. an .-n- n-I\n .-.. .. -i-The fifflzoause Committee de- cided. we understand, to recommend Smith & Bird a ` plans and specications re House of Refuge, to the Council for acceptance. !'l1I_- __,_,1,, ,1 1' I -I . - ..v. -v., w-.., - ----- ~- -M'r.f teele, the venerable Div- ision Court Clerk of Goldwater, has passed his eiqhtieth birthday. THE ADVANCE hopes he may enjoy his present. good health for many years yet. _~ N _u 11 u on ..u . --- U 1;z:oVl[-i-s"i-n prime conditien of clean- liness. The Grand Jury were particularfy WA nlnnnml \`D;fh.I'hn.nIno ha uvlnl-n (la:-Jan annoaioryoonthemum show at the nurseries will soon be (IV for inspection. Vair & 00. re . N on : Unoel-wear. Speclal value at ` ., 40c. and 50. each . .-The County Council will meet for the deapatch of busineao "on Monday, Nov. 15th. (I'll lI' ,,,i,..,', _-- V- -v-_.- . -:-The official annduncement is made that the Ontario Legislature will meet on Nov. _30th. ' vvvuu t$'Don t _Buy your Dress Goods before you see the splendid assortment at R. I. Fraser & CO. 1 --Mr. George Henderson refuses to accept 4the terms offered him by the School Board, and has resigned. run a . A. .- Vglil'i&"_I:(')' ` luh Dress Goods. They sell choa PERKI.\'s~Yn Lipdsny. on Friday, and inst., Mr. Ios. L. Pcrkms, aged 50 years. \ MooR-Inv Barrie. Allandale VVa.rd. on the ma ` inst.. I\orma.n Uttley, youngest son of Mr. R. Moore. aged 7 months_ -Miss Etixel Mihichamn, Toronto, will be at the residence of Mr O. H. Lyon, Owen street. on Thursday. November 4th, to ur- range for- a class in music. -\ .- - _- - -:A census of iiemliinn Catholic popula- tion of the Deanery of Barrie will be taken shortlv. The last one was taken during Dean O'Connor-'3 pastorate. _ ` `IT! I I I . I A Series of Short and Newsy Paragraphs Carefully Prepared for the Benet of Our Many Readers. ` HTrilby will :11 e a hit. Hammer is getting them. t8'Dr. 1VIacLa.x-enumemoved his denhl oices to the Ross . -[-This` lvoysrzoy t;1;;ted this year-Hal- lowe en is next: Sundav night. 'l\,,A,, AI 1` `SI. III ;-Thc Excelsior College work. 3012!: day and eve: well_ attended. ` Zthe rilbv Cigar. Ha.n- } mar will have it. ` I ~ V Vi%WI'3o~l:>nwill preach at the Congregational church next Sunday. - _-In tine rp`oi'i: lzalsvt vI;;e:`l<"(>~f"S`chool Board meeting. Miss Pa.tterson s sa.lary,.sixth ward, ~ was given as $375 instead of $275. . nits. - V THE LATEST LDGAL HAPPENINGS. . Cost $100. Goodas 0. Apply at Frawley's 43'-13'? . OR SALE-- Comet Bicy new. Will sell for Shoe Store. kr for -Z-zIt::pZrove7ments to Huqhes s block at progressing rapidly. L v A VERY INTERESTING CHAPTER. or LOCAL HISTORY. -r- -vans: aw`: nu`:-U All ante nollcm ot Society. Church, or other meeting-, all or which are In their essence advertloeinenu, must be null! for at the rmrnlnr I-ntn -nf `Inn- nnr ell UIIUIIUU IIIVBIIIIBIIIGIIIIQ IIIIIII I36 id for at the regular rate -017100. per v SPECIAL NOTICE. elsior is doing good evening classes are in a. Trilby 5c. | them in a few I John Wesley Winters Expelled. ' John Wesley Winters, ex-District Deputy Grand Master of the Order of True Blues, and Captain of No. 4 Company of the Boys Bri de. Orlllia, has been expelled `from the ran e of Maple City Lodge, Loyal True Blues, of Onllla, and is no longer an 0ran1e~ man. Furthermore,- he has declared that e will never eebjtoot in a lodge room of the Orange Order again. I `I7:-abannfanuulut dn -nnn-wagon nnnAo\L_ `all engagements made by manent sets of teeth at H'Dr. Bosanko is prep ed to complete 1'. Taylor for per- ntract prices made by his patients with `hi , as Dr. Taylor has retired from practice ' Barrie. If any per- son disputes or con diets this, do not be- lieve them, but g to Dr. Bosanko s otce and he will tell y all about it. we bogus post graduates at apidlv gains: of date, they are neith allowed nor employed in this oice. Se of teeth from $3.00 for two months. ' IJVVGL UV BUIJIII-III At. a. recent meeting ef the True Blue! Mr. Winters was hauled over the coals, ac- cused ot drilling rebel: and fenians, etc. "_'H_e protested strongly : and walked out of I;he'meetih"g. He will` continue tohold the hoeptaingy, of No. -1_Compeny.---Telegram..: hereby cautioned hatever in my name 1 . J. JOHNSTON. ` A 0-1 .4-I1 x AUTION.--The public a against giving any credi without an order from me. ---The Barrie Hotel was closed on Monday morning by D.F. Macwatt. solicitor for the proprietor, Mrs. Cook, of Toronto. The lessee, Mr. Skelsey had been absent for some two weeks, and no explanation given of it, no person apparently knowing where he is. Large arrearages in rent, taxes. and other debts were unpaid. and a receiver was laced in charge ten days ago. ' Inspector yon withdrew the license on Saturday evening, and the bar was closed. Mrs. Skelsev and family have left the premises. Valr as 00. fo coats. Great value at $5.00. $8.00 $8.00. see them. '\II.Dl.l`U \II VI QKCIIL Mr. Winters: early in the summer accept- ed the commend'of No. 4 Company of the Orillin Boys Brigade, regardless of the fact "that No. 4 is made up of the pupils of the Separate school. L . V At an hang`-:6 InnA.=na A` 6"; Tuna `Illa-.. -At a meeting of T. VV. Howard s credi- tors, the statement presented showed lia- bilities amounting to $15,431.45. The as- sets amount to $1,230, or about 13 cents on the dollar. It was decided to wind up the estate. Howard lived in Barrie for several years. He removed to Alliston, and then to Toronto where he has been for eight years. He says that when he gets out of prison he will make such retribution as lies in his power. 1\ 1'! V I an: 1 -Dea.n Egan preached Sunday morning and evening from the text :-The father therefore knew that it was the some hour that Jesus said to him, `Thy son liveth, and himself believed and his whole house- hold. The drift of the discourse was the `grounds of Catholic belief and the necessity of good example on the part of parents to bring their children to the faith according tothe example of the rules mentioned in the Gospel and to conxirm them in the faith. -.a:I\ -R.ev. Canon Osler. rector at York Mills. and well known in town and elsewhere in the county, was ordained fty years ago to- dav (Thursday). The event is being cele- brated by his congregation. He is eighty- three veers of age and has been incumbent of his pgesent living for nearly 9. quarter of 9. century. I11 1 -We do not wish to criticise Salvation Army methods. but we reallv do think that the ofcers and soldiers would be only carry- ing out the Golden Rule if they refrained from beating the drum and cornet playing on the streets on S {mda.y evenings between 7 and 8 o clock, when other congregations are worshipping. 1-` :4-\9vI-wu . no -Mr. John McNeil, Dyment s teamster, was driving away trom a. lumber car at the station on Tueedav morning with 9. load of lumber. and when not more than fteen feet distant. one of the wagon axles broke, throwing him to the ground. Some of the lumber fell on him and badly bruised his legs. He sustained other injuries and will be off work for a few `days. -In the editorial note at the beginning of Mr. Pratt's letter published in this weeks Gazette in reply to an ADVANCE editorial of three weeks ago, which letter we refused to to publish without receiving advertising rates, the editor of the Gazette neglect: to say that he is getting paid for the inser- tion of that letter at regular advertising rates, though it is " Liberal campaign literature." - the interest at 6 per cent . mul- tiply the number of dollars by the number of days. cancel the right hand gure and divide by 6. (360 days to the year.) To nd the interest at seven per cent. add one sixth. at eight per cent. one third. at nine per cent. one half. SUCCESSOR TO S. B. WINDRUM: 31 King St. East _(up stairs) Toronto. -Many were interested and pleased to hear the clever pleadings of T. Herbert Lennox in the Court House on Monday afternoon. Mr. Lennox is an old Barrie boy, and his friends are glad to note that his maiden etforts at the bar bespeak for him a. brilliant future. --Ba.rrie Lodge A.O.U.W. attended the Baptist church on Sunday morning. The pastor, Rev. S. Sheldon, preacher an aphro- priate sermon from the words: And now abideth these three, faith. hope, love; but the greatest of these is love. Fifty mem- bers of the lodge were in the parade and presented a very fine appearance. FIII T` 0 ' -The Barrie Souvenir is now in the hands of subscribers and the public generally. It is a. credit to the publishers, and does jus- tice to the town, though a very noticeable defect is the absence of a. view of Dunlo street, the business part of the town. It ll hoped, however, that the little messenger will successfully full the work it was so well designed for. up I up `up II -x -The Collier street church Mission Band elected the following oicers on Monday evening :-Preaident,4 Lena. Rankin; Vice- Preaident. Lillie Rogers: Secretary. Stella. Taylor ; Treasurer, Annie Williamson ; Cor. Secretary, Minnie Johnson ; Organist, An- nie Siesone -At the Buhlo encampment in Pennsyl- vania. last month. ve brothers, Menu. Duncan, marched side bv side. all having been soldiers in the Union army. These gentlemen are cousin: of Mrs. Geo. Ellie, Dunlop street. ahger turned ixlto laughter, and the traveller laughed too. 7-In report of Town Council meeting last week we unintentionally omitted the name of Councillor Peacock, who voted against the amalgamation of the office: of Clerk and Treasurer. ;1>;;;;{.;c's.x Auditor Laing and County Auditor McEachern are in town to give evi dence in the trial County of Simcoe VI. J. L. Button. {$1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE swans corms nvr CENTS FULL LINE or R Cfs. rcnces. OUT ` deuce invited. -nf .. Park, Blackwell C0-I, Ltd-H TORONTO. 4'5' " WHIT TO LOAN `T FIRE PER EM 9i!..P} W`3 MAN 0 +ima&e.;1 FRED. `Snacks Tllnpr and -...'-_ _-...: `LI.-f h--- mu 4; Ann) 5 run olnwr.-_--W_e~ at fur3Ve a large amount pf private fundt to loan, Loan and a half and 5 per cent.. payable y,atl&'..;/5 "he 0?! mortgage will be made In to~`o`II`o |'III'lN3ID . tum `he Propergy offered. Ma` ARTY, Pnn,IzI;- RTHY. Barristers; &c., Bgnrlg. T. :1 ' naslDENCE FOR SALE-L;C5iVi1iT.O-T Th 13' e Igesidenoe nndfgx-qgg1g,': -f`??,..';`;;ign EhI;bfa;agdam:h. _, ,. ' f-'xws o N'? ' 01 a, uausuu.-. MAI.TBV-On Monday, 26th inst., to Adjutant and V Mrs. Maltby, Collner street. a. son. MARRIED. 1 HA:mLro:v-BRow.\3-On Wednesday. Oct. 1 th, by ! Re W. E. Larroll, Jos. Henry Hatn' ton to Mrs. M. J. Brown, both of Allnston. ]oHNso.\'-I-_iuNT1:R-At Guthqe. on nth inst., at the resndence nf the bndes father. by Rev. N. Campbell, Mr. Jos. Johnson. of Guthrie, to Miss Jessie Hunter, eldest daughter of Mr. \Vm. Hunter. ' ' 'IHoMPso:<--.DuN_Nm_G--'_)n Wednesday. Oct._ 27th, .897. at Ifmrvnew, Thornton. the residence of the bndes father. Mr. John A. Thompson, Thornton. t_o Sadxe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Dunmng. l\T11'\ Me. I-UIHU TIIIII I UV m, "Hun SPECIALTIES. H108! Prices obtained. ..- -wr\I\r WfE}TE % IWIIE (hrs:-tn.-n 1:915 Mrs. ucu. u.............. .., .. _,______ W$$mWWmmm HAMMELL--At Tottenham, 1}, - . Reeve and Mrs. Hammellima daggligg`. mat" to EVA:fS;-:uSgE}:(t):, Oct. sand, the wife of Dr. Evans A \;v___ ____ .1 .(LI.. 2..-; A... A.I!..a._..A. ___; p. I van", ., .. .... ..-- ---, .. _--.. Sw,ARp_On the 19:11 int.. go Mr. and Mrs. John A Shcpard, Crecmore. twm girls. RN--In Midland. 17th inst. to Mr. and STR1Tri:LE}eo. Strathearn. a daughter. . .u- .-_ 4.. _-n.L 2..-; 4.. IE. ._.I ll..- BI -w---n F05m;-On Saturday. 23rd inst., to Mr. and Mrs. w, E. Foster, Owen street, a. son. n, .L- _...L 2..-; 4.. LI . .....I \l _.. `I'-L_ 1 cU`1DI'ILIJlllAQvy __ _V__V\_ And wish to enter a Business Collgge ,3: has 73 per cent. of its Graduatg. M good situations correspond with the Excelsior Business college, Bax-rig, Documents on le to prove this statement, 26-1) W. J. ROSS. Principal. 9% TI Barrie. 26th Oct., " RE IF Y(;O(;JNl'lEMPLATING ._,u .u:=h fn nter 3' sun: WI"rY3 ] f Toronto. offers exceptnonal facahtnes to young 1 0 la in S several departments for shorthand, 1 !0\vrll1nb(T'io elezravhvs and all Conn ' s cc 8. - ml? l1']ciS`g=siolt: now open and students are admitted i a time. Good results guaranteed and gaduates T l`?t d to positions. Partlculars free. rate In W- H - .5,H AVL. PmN..9,`P,A.L- 2 -- ,-__ __ .4. I ll -- . uug nian or woman who finds it n` V ea- I Is every yo th 91-y to assum_e e res ' - - . _ tical Busmess Edt`1)<:- a":,l:!`l:_:'.C>sf h;ewithoutg' ` "'1 tlinin . C Pmc some useful (1 1 - , . `' 1.1. T3: """ P31|0n in the com. ...n-cial wor WON. I luv cENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. M Tnronto. offers _exceptiom_1l facilities 'H'o u's :'H6L'o 'P'no'9 R17?" ] UNDS FOUND-TWO 1 ._.,l ...L1., uuhl. Luann-. L 0 _ V. ,7 V; [L ifalff AT 4; Ans mm 0l!N'l`.--NVQ? larva nrnnnn -1.` _.;..-a.. 4..-}: s..*l...`. '. at- EANQIOCAPPED r wo_m_a_n_ who_` qds {tuba Wniitv AnvIm'r1sEMEN'rs. Tuner and Repairer. Referendu leadln Mgn..nnL..--..v - ua\_`)- .'~ LVI. N . WHOLE.N ' X SAMU`!,L4VBSLl. Proprietor. O 33.76 MUSIC. >sitions. rarncumrs tree. vvn H. SHAW, p1uNc1i'> AL. Yonge and Gerrard streets. Toronto. .I6il} WEAVMOUTH. .- ._- `DAY! 1173: Establighetl I - nds decea- '51.` -nanr\na:`\":f:A AF ur:`Io\nO an` I _.- -v cu--uuvun Returns Promptly Made- ' shippers everywhere. Con'espon-- BORN. DIED. '&U'IIIVI$ I II 43-43-pl -BAILIFF. 7 . at the Barrie 110- :; information apply to KUNDS. BLACK u (Inc and ln:OoI1 TONI (I'll 19-19 I\tnVv uuexpecwuxy uh um: Juan. ` He was a native of Oxford County, On- tario. and some twenty-four years ago was in business with his brother here. He then went to Inaersoll. then to Penetanguishene, _ and nally to Lindsay where he lived the last: ten years of his life. being most of the time in business. n1__-.'_;... 4...- ......-.. nan Inn nnnsminrl `Minn time In Duameas. . 7 Twenty-two years ago he married Miss Kate Wilson, of Barrie.` She survive: with two sons and four. daughters, the youngest child heingaeven years old, end the eldest twentvone yearn. , _ . tn- :...........I nvna nftnna. luv 1:.` with circle twenty-one years. His funeral was a.ttended~ by a.` wide circle of friends.` L _ _ 9 ' cahlfrilby Cigar. A a queen of the crop, will be for sale at 1-! mar : shortly. _ Hockey Club Officers. A largely attended meeting was held at the Wellington Hotel` on Friday evening to elect the ocere of the Hockey club for the season of 1897-8. The following gentlemen were elected :--Hon. president, Mr. W. R.` Tiin; Hon. vice president, `Mr. Kennedy; resident,` Mr. S. Dyment; vice president; 1'. M. Atkinson '; secretary, Will R. King; treasurer, `Dr. Meclanren; cetein of Ieniors, W. A. Boys" ; captei!':f'of_ iuniors,: Fred. Sie- sons ; Aexeoutiye committee, all the Vooers. with'*_Meu'rs 11. r in. Jinieong R. maugt; H. MeDeneldg .Er'ed;f.Tin.jt9 * "~- --i----urns!-n `llw. ` H. McDonald, M-ea. 'um1_1. - A The prospects for Jo. rlst-class club and a lively hockey season` are considerably bright or thanvthey were a} yougjago. _ , ` _. -j One had a strap attached to c r. The owner can } have same on paying ex ns ` . EDWARD TRA- J VERS, Lot 15. Con xo, espra. 43-431) | UULVLJD l`\JULVlJ-.l VVU ` ULVIJD; DLAIIUIX H and whxte. wxth brow s, dog and butch. ING: FORK sALE-% foam: hojnuo new. onnotth side Ross C- - pp1yu_che-ADVANGEL .. _r_--_......-.-- v, Markham had not their certicates, but President Graig, who refereed the game, al- lowed them` to playunder protest. They also played Glover, who they claim was re-` instated by the A.A.A. and C.L A. ` The game was rough at times on both sides of the eld ; in the fth an Orangeville player was sent to the fence for fouling, and in the six th one from eaohlteam took a. rest for the balance of that game. The best" of I UIIUCL LVLDIBIJRIII Ill-lg feeling prevailed. This will give the Duf-. ferine the intermediate cham ionship. having heaten .Wiarton, Berlin and arkham to get Death of Mr.` Joe. E. Perkins. Mr. Jos. E. Perkins, of Lindsay, and brother of Mr. C. A Perkins, of this town. died at his home in Lindsay last Friday,a.nd was buried on Sunday. He had been ailing for some time from tuberculosis, but died unexpectedly at the last. T-In nun: n. nn.l-inn 'nf narfm-A nunhv- On- T Final Game of Lacrosse.` A The nal game of lacrosse of the season `was played at Guelph on Friday, Orange. ville winnin by 8 to 2.~ The weather was as fine as in uly, and encouraged about 2,2 000 people from Guelph and neighboring towns to witness one of the keenest as well as fastest games played in the intermediate series this season. ' - ., n,_1__1, ___ , .-!-`I UV! 115. HUI IOU IIIIIB HUGIIUIII The teams went to Gguelph, on special trains, about 200 accompanying the Orange-` ville boys, and a. like number arrived to cheer Markham on. ll-..I4I.-.._ L-) _..-4. 4.L-2.'_' --..4.2....4..... 1..-; lgffhe oiciala were: J. J. Craig feferee,l Mayorvewer and G. Thorp umpires. | l'Look out fo Trilby, it is coming and Hammer _will- sell em. - ` . lull-.I\.|G I lift. R? J. D. `Simpson of Thornton, in prasidenu of the specialist class at Victoria University. , . MI` _InnnnL (`lanai-`pun A` `Tn.-n6-.. DAL}; vulvublll I Mr. Jogeph Chantler. bf Newtoh Robin son, was in town this week attending court as juryman. . . ' M!` _T n|Innnn' kn:-nnnn 4.` `lrnl-A- `n44L\4aQn-can a.-.-.uv ----.. ---.-w-_-. Highest Honor Graduate Toronto College of _Music. and Graduate of Mr. Harrv M Field. Leipszic, Ger- many: and Teacher of Theory to Havel-gal Hall Ladies College. Toronto. Hours IO a..m. to 4 p.m. Will be at the residence of O. H. Lyon, 67 Owen street. on Thursday, Nov. 4th. . wlJI`;.Jj`. .: Duncan; Chainan of Water-~ works and "Electric Light Committee, Col- linqwood, was 111 town on Monday. Il__ 'I'I,I,. 1\ D -\ 1'! Mr. Robt. Davies, of the Dominion Brew- ery. Toronto; Robt. Beith, 1`!I.P.eP., Bow- manville ; Dr. _P. G. Button, Stouifvnlle ; and William and Robert Graham, of Cam- bridge Stock Farm, Claremont, were in town on Tuesday in connection with the suit Lov- ering v. Graham Bros. V ___.i__._..An uuu aunuuulu. The address was signed by Mr. Alex. Milne and Mr. William Culross, Chairmen of the Board of Managers of Barrie t_n n`d'Allan- dale ; Rev. D. D. McLeod and Rev." W. R. McIntosh, B. A., pastors; and. Mr. A. Hay and Mr. D. Cameron, Clerks of the Barrie and Allandale Sessions. _--...`. Personal News. Mr. Wesley Lynn has been engaged as teacher in Grenfel section for 1898. ._-_.-v_ ..---_v.- -w- nvvvu Stephens returned on Monday from a. visit with relgtives in Toronto. . Rev. J 'l;1'-ti:-dgovz`-cl`,~i>'x"eAaa.ched excellent sermons in Elizabeth street church on Sunday. . Ml` _T l'\ l\` YFRA-no-.. :- `(fair as 00. for on Mllllnery. An Immense ock elect trom. - uruuce or you wmcn wul be long cherished. Our prayer is that God may guide and abundantly bless you in all your future course. Oct. 27th, 1897. ' Presented by the congregstions of Barrie and Allandale. fI1L_ _J.`I__,, I I u an. -`- _.__.. -..<- saunas Udli VV lJ.I551'n1` ` ZDear`Friend`s,-In view of your removing from our midst, we, your friends in the church in Barrie and Allandale, desire in these few parsing words ` no express the re-' gerd in which youeare held by us. and our regret at your going away, and we are aware that the feelings expressed by us are shared in by the whole community. V ' The 'nil'if. Ilrhinh `Inn nndnunl-`J --A-- AA all -:_y yuv vvuulc Uotlltlllllllliy. I The kind spirit which has actuated you a all times; the genuine and active sympathy which you have shown with every. good word, the interest taken byyou and the help rendered in the church in Barrie and Allan- dale, have made your sojourn among us very pleasant and make your going away a loss which we sincerely regret. We assure you that you carry away with `you our hi h esteem,` we haveappreciated the good in uence you have exercised among , us ; we will not speak in detail of what you . have done. both in the church and in the nnrnn1nu.itn :9` nl-u.'..:...l.I.. ...--L L--. 2_ 1-, Wcifr 1 9 I1 .8151-_.E