PRIcE s CORNERS -ReV, Mr. Burns preach- ed last Sunday on The Terrors of Hell, and on the 30th will preach on The Happi- ness of Heaven. The Young Men s Christ- ian Band, of Orillia, announce being in camp from the 22nd to the 24th, at Bass Lake. LONGFORD MILLs-The steamer Longford is expected to be launched in a. few days trom the wharf here. Strawberry blossoms gwe promise of a larpfe crop of luscious berries. Charles Hess severely injured one of his ankles whileworking in the quarries. `IV AI, | Bros mill. OAKLAND VALLEY--Every` one in this neighborhood has nished seeding and the grain shows a very rapid growth. Mr. Col- well delivered some very ne fat cattle at the Beeton station. A large quantity of basswood logs in being drawn to Keogh BEETON J UNc'rIoN-George Robsonlost a. valuable horse a. few days ago. Seeding east of this place is in a. very backward con- dition bv reason of the wet weather. Things are very quiet here since the withdrawal of the regular operator. 1\, ,, _ A _ `II 'I\ I1 `I 1 A. C DEERHURST-Mr. R. E. Kneeshaw, after a severe struggl with grippe, is able to be out again. Rev. H. S. Ma.tthews,of New- market, occunied the pulpit of the Metho- dist church here on Sunday instead of Mr. Locke. our regular pastor. ' 1'\__. In 3.1 In I I 1' I COLDWA'1`ER--H0ll8e cleaning is still going on here. Twenty-eight persons in this vil- lage have bicycles. Of these, 6 are married women, 7 are young ladies, and the balance of the sterner sex. Everybody else in the village wants one, - 1-` -11. - . - - CnossLAN1)--Fall wheat and grass look very promising in this locality. ft Lawson ran a. nail into his hand last Sunday even- ing. Mr. Danby is improving his residence. Mrs. Hunter is not well and has been fail- ing for some time. `I\___.____ T_-_____ __ (`I `I-5 I u - -_..-v- VIVA vv VIII-ID\l'y uyuulug. WYEBRIDG-E-A ple trees are loaded with blossoms. Root'p_fanting is now the order of farm work here. Miss Nellie McHoull is suffering from poison ivy, and was unable fovasome time to perform her school duties. - I 1.V,.....___ is V EGBERT-RO8.d making is all the go here- ebout just now. Our boys have managed to procure a. football, and now others had bet- ter "stand back. Mrs. McMann has returned home after spending a. few days with her mother. ELMGROVE--Our annual Sunday school picnic will be held on the lat of June. A ne program is being prepared. The death of Miss Ethel Campbell has caused a feeling of deep sympathy to go out for the bereav- ed family. , -_ - drink from 8 stand the heat . e can show you that costs_ no the poor land. Ii\nI And Condensed Into Interesting Para- graphs for Advance Readers Who `Like the Marrow of the Meat. THoMsoNvILLE-Cattle are being` abinpedi from here. Our football team was defeated at Beetqn Junction last Saturday. Mw.`Amm-Ie is said that T. Hilland A. Peneld are going to build a" . taunery at Fleeville. A new livery stable has opened out on Mill street. CRAIGnUns'r--The. weather is `cold and things backward even at this favored spot. Mr. A.` Jory stabled his-horse on Friday, night and found it dead on Saturday morn- ing. - ungul mg. BOUNTY GREAM'-DISTRIGT mus. THE INTERESTS OF BARBIE; COUNTY OF SIMCOEQ ONTARIO, MAY 27, 1397. `f _ Besebau Oluh. 4 Hon. President, Mayor Wells; President, Dr, Bosmko`:- let Vice-Preuide`nt;. Walter. `Scott _; 2nd Vice-President, J. A.; 03 min,` Percy. Sharpe; Secrets: , R. S. ;M`,bee_; _'I_.`r'euurer,a A. Beck; xecutive ,CommiI:tee,~_S.- G; Stone, C. Beatty, A. Jsmxeso, H D; McLeod, J; S. Kennedy; immgiag ittde, `A. McNa.b',- *1):-. Mac. Lnren and7Gsptain'.Shar'pe. .|?ho club wants Quinn-at W I 7 weeks team drirven b. nman named Teasdale ran way. down yeld,_ street with ulog_of_.w too. ho.ltton.M_r. John__ Bennett : bentifnl `j syn.` The" grass was` liudli` cut ih.`pIa;oes; `and on`: `tree injured; `Onje of t e houifiwa uhodL 121 `51."d-`"8. Wih--yftr9- , 4 EDGAR-Tll6 Oongregationalists here duly celebrated the Queen's Birthday. Sports and games lled in the afternoon, and in the evening there was a pleasant entertainment. Addresseswere. given by Rev. A. G. Hud- son and A. M. Lennox, of Barrie, and.H. A. Brown of Dalston. Music was furnished by the>~ Congre ational choir. Barrie, and the Graighurst rass band. Besides all this there were readings andreeitations galore`. nnc. FLIFE AND mpire. Extra- mnn 2 send {Of t H=AwKs'ro1~u-:--Last Sunday two young gentlemen with their iediee wheeled out from Barrie. More initiations on Frideyuat the regularmeeting ofthe ,8. of T. Im- rovement is still going on "at the Central L otel. D. Pugeley ehippedltwo carloade of extrane stock to Toronto on ,Monday, in-- cludinq. 19 head of heiwy cattle of Mr. W. J. 1 Foster's. `Lest week`eome.Americ`en buy- shipment to tl_1e.U'nited' States. ere collected a e number;of_' cattle, mont- ly etookers, and rave them to Barrie for- I. A'rHLoNE-Crops are looking well in these parts. A couple of wild cats have been seen in this vicinity and the boys are bent upon their capture. Our saw mill is run- ning full time. Mrs. Mason is going to build a new residence thissummer. The people in the neighborhood of Cedarville are bothered with mumps. ARDTREA---At no previous time have the roads in this neighborhood been as bad as they are now, especially the Muskoka road leading to Severn Bridge. In consequence of the wet cold` weather and frosts the out- look for a bountiful harvest is not very promising. Last Sunday the young Chris- tian Jew. Mr. Goodheart, preached in the Presbyterian church. He is talented and eloquent. Tnuummn_'I"Inn \v:nnn Havana: Luna Bonn UIUIJ HUI-I It LoBEri'o-The village gardens have been. well and duly made. William Gunning, of Romilly, son of `our William Gunning, was hauling rails. from `the bush when 9. small lodged tree fell n on him. pinning him down to the back boat a of the we ggon. He cell- ed lustily for help, and his uncle, who was near -by, removed the tree, the weight of which was suicient to break the coupling. The lad is recovering. RILEY CR1a:EK-This place is four miles from Cooper s Falls, thirteen from Washago and twenty from Orillia. The health of the folk here is good. Mickle e drive of logs-a very large one-has passed here. Mr. Kehoe has not yet lost hope of his gold mine. He deserves credit for his pluck and perseverance. A._.___ _____ 11 I I I II c 13031` CARLING-The new contract with the Telephone Co. for service between here and Bracebridge went into operation on the 17th. The 13 months old child of Mr. Wil- liam Freeman fell into the lake here on Sun- day and was drowned before help arrived. L`... .... -- `l1___..._ II_;I, _ 19,. `I If " ' "" ""' "-` """" ""I.' ""' SEVERN BRmGE.-Methodist circles are discussing the proposed union between the Severn and Ardtrea elds, and the appoint- ment of an ordained minister over the new circuit. Miss Maggie McComb, who has been seriously ill for a. time, is somewhat better.` I-3'nin_oHIN--His Grace Archbishop Walsh, of Toronto, will administer the rite of con- rmation here in` the early part of June. Mr. James Ms.cElroy was married to Miss Margaret Mo'att'in St. Andrew s church on Monday morning, the 17th. Miss Annie Moffatty acted as bridesmaid. DUTCH SE l'TLEMEN'l`--There is a great deal of sickness in this settlement just now. Rev. G. G. Hunt preached a reception ser- mon in the Methodist church on Sunday. At the close several were taken into the church as full members. (J _ FAWKHAM-4Ma8S will be held in thewu. C church, Black River, on the 4th Sunday of every month. A Sunday school will, it is understood, be shortly established; Mo- squitoes and black ies have made their ap- pearance here. 7\___,,__ AN , ,, ,_ run: - _ .. vw. .. rw----cou- - WARMINSTER-There' was no meeting of the Christian Endeavor on Sunday evening because of the revival services at Jarratt s Corners. - The Russian Jew. was here on Friday night and delivered a lecture. L`l`_____ `I _ ,,, ____.- .._- -_-- -.v-vu- on -vvuvun NEW LOWELL-The appointment of Mr. J; A7. Mather to the positith ot postmaster gives general satisfaction. The Ladies Aid of the Methodist church held their annual ties meeting on Monday, the Queen s birth- ay. ` IAT,, , `I II\ In WASHAGO-Mr. Robinson is running his shingle mill night and day. A few new buildings are being put up in the village this spring. We have no empty houses in Washago. Our football team is at last or- ganized. 15 -n- ... - - -- - - -- -_v--uv auwllliilt CLEABVIEW-.-The_ farmers here V have "n- ished seeding. ` Miss Maud Taylor spent Sunday on the hills. . J A_BRA'1"8 C0_ENERS-Th Patrons will hold .s-1)ii:nic here on the 22nd of June. A large ~crowd`a.ttended the revival service on Sun- . day night. - `_______,_ can one - - '._--w- o--av nan:-Inna. lll\J5lIIl-I50 (w[(Ifn1*Ho1r1r-John Lattimore, of Ja.rra.i:t s ` Corners, was the guest of R. Cook, `Alder Farm, last: week. William Irwin is round again after his sickness, and his neighbors are glad to see him. I\n _. ---v u. vv-1 v-av Oil IIIVVIIIO MULMUR CORNERS--ReV. Mr. Marsh, a missionary who has lately returned from the Mackenzie Rivpr district, preached in St. Luke : church last Sunday morning. l Y............. 1-1.- 1 -u2,-. O33 LAKE--Things look very prosperous in these pgirts. Two new horns are in course of building. T Gardening is the order of the day. Fruit; trees are in bloom. " with a car of potatoes. To'rrnNnAM-Mr. Gordon is ornamenting -his lawn with some ne evergreens. Crops in this part never looked better at this time of year. '1` Sheppard has gone up north II? ..____._.___V 5"` 3.'1'ITI`1:`.`1;I:Y--H.; Thornton ig renoydting his` hotel. Measles is still troubling the chil- :dren here. Mr. D. J. McPhe_e, Indian Agent, was in Sutuon last week. 1 `ohurch, is to be painted at once. Many needed improvements have been made on the school house ground. (`iv .. . .....____ nu n ` - - -- _church, to Q needed irnnrnunrnnnlru Ian"... I-..'. $2.00 B_ARIE, THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE AND THE DOMINION OF CANADA OUR CRITERION. . I Then everything about the home that adds to the pleasure of the family also in- _cresses the enjoyment of visitors. The same is trues of the town. Visitors delight to visit a where cleanliness, beauty and cheer! ness sreat- a. `premium. Citi- -zensmprotveyour -pro V and thus help at the ssme time yo sud fellow ci_tizens._ llllly DVVUILIIJ I-CUUVULO The following oicers were appointed for the ensuing year :'-President, A. McKee, Midland; Vice-President, Mrs. Millard, Orillia; Secretary-Treasurer, Geo. Hender- son, Barrie; Auditors, Messrs. Young and Walker ; Executive Committee, Miss King. Miss Miller and Messrs. Shear, Knox and Hallett; delegates to Ontario educational meeting, A. C. Batten, J. D. Knox, T. T. Young, W. J. Hizllett, Inspector Morgan. Miss Overend and Miss Allen. Next place of meeting Barrie. The rest of the forenoon was taken up by Prof. McLellan, who gave his audience some ideas on the Psychology of Number. Minn rnnf nf Mirllnnti want` an nvnnllnnf rayon vu w v us usa uuuau III III`. A committee composecf of Messrs. -McKee, Hallett, Hudson, Brown and Miss Overend, appointed to consider `a certain part ot Presi- dent Knox s address, brought in the follow- ing report :-That a committee be appoint- ed by the joint Associations to consider the matter of forming a union of theteachers of Ontario and prepare a report to be present- ed at the convention next year. The fol- lowing were appointed members of that committee :-Inspectors Morgan and Day, nd Messrs. Haliett, Hindle, Knox and Nes. itt. Our Town Our Home. A town should be to its, inhabitants what, a residence is to_ its occpffant, in both cases it is their home. The members of a family leave nothing undone that will increase the appearance of their home and promote the happiness, comfcrtand contentment of those livingkthere. The same spirit should ani- mate citizens in beautifying and otherwise imiroving. the. town. for in this way thev ma e xesidents generally more comfortable and contented.- - V. . . `* rnn_`._ __.-_._u.g_:_ -L-,;. .1 _ I , . IVJUDD Ull UIJD L DYUIIUIUSI UL J.` HIIIUUSE Miss Grant, of Midland, read an excellent paper on Aids to Reading. She had pic- tures illustrating 42 different sounds, also original charts containing lists of ordinary words commonly mispronounced. She spoke of the importance of supplementary reading bv pupils. DEA` A]Ic:II|,n Inn` 111:1`:-nan CIIIIQ run `He-was born in lrehndin List Friday, Thomae -Totten, a pnupei in Simcoe s,.refuge for the poor, the common gaol, passed away at the of 103 years, , /_ . _ 793.- For muiy eVa;-3 -he residgd in 451013 v._nd_.o1gned a. gqod. T H-`iu.1vif_e` di'ed1* some ye};-4f ugh at the age at 83am!` .the_n,the old.f-Ihun?q-i;froubleI "nnImiiinf.n:`I_." `N dnh'nC5fI'|ln" nhihlu-nu`: Irina it nuvuuu UL suuu Alt-Ulllul C.` a Saturday morning s session was occupied mainly" bv general business and election of olcers. On motion, the date of the pro- motion examinations is to be xed by the Inspector in consultation with the Principals of graded schools. PHI... Q...._..L___ _._._ 3-__L_____L_J I___ .1 , n L gnauuu UllUUlDo The Secretary was instructed by the As- ` sociation to write a letter to the Viee-Presi- dent, Mrs. Millard, at present very ill in the general hospital, Toronto, assuring her of the.sympathy of the Association and the earnest wish of her fellow teachers that she may speedily recover. mhn AH-3..-..- cwpnunn nun-.A:..6A.J `A- by` --_,v. V, ction _ Cost 3 Pl1";F.mi\IcLe1ln.n s last address was on Phonics. In teaching phonic reading he would not use any diacritical mark}. Il7L-__ AL. 15,. - 1 - V1 Il|lI\.l. LIUU BU GIJV ILIGULIDIUGI IIICII. DH: When the Barrie contingent bad to leave for the station. Mr. Chapman was reading a. , paper on Words Endin in `ing. A nnInnn:I-Ono nnnvn-`nag A` Manama IIIJII-.. Lvuclvuu. vciy uavurnulv uy wuuuers. l On Friday night Professor Mcbellan gave 1 an excellent address on Moral Training ` Through Literature. The lecture was pre- faced by a piano solo from Miss Watson, a recitation by Miss Watt, a vocal solo by Miss Nicolson, and some well chosen remarks by the chairman, Rev. Dr. Grant. , Professor McLellan very seriously reected on the moral training of the boys and girls of to- day, by stating that our system of educa- tion is pre-eminently defective on the side of moral education. In politeness and obedi- ence Canadian youth do not compare favor- ably with boys and girls in the Old Country, andlzhis is owing to the fact that children- are not made to obey. Let those in author- ity use kindness first ; then, if that does not work, coercion. Obedience must be obtain- ed no matter what the cost. He scored those mothers who. in their efforts to attend to the duties of numerous societies, are neglecting the duties pertaining to that greatest, most important, and most sacred of all societies, the home. In the course of the address, teachers were given instructions as to how to secure a moral effect on their pupils by means of good literature.:_ Qntnrnv Innrnil-\nI u annnunn '1-nun nnn|1v\:nr` U551 VI on Guns uuuu IIIIU lull uunu I qtuuunwl '3 A a `c lminiuted. ' Nofndofj olyildreh who. it _Death. Releases` Anqther Pziuper h-om ` `nan- J. A. McLe1lan, LL D., Principal of the ` Ontario School of Pedagogy, gave an ex- cellent address on the method of teaching literature. The selection to be studied should rst be separated into parts, then re- late the parts. and nally unite the parts into the whole again. This method was illustrated by the speaker, and certainly was received very favorablv by teachers. nix Frdnv u-Halal-. Dnncaannn Knl nil...` ......... uunu. uanuuuauuu us 10 W53. Miss Rodgers, of Barrie, gave an illus- tration of how Kindergarten methods may be extended to public school work. She had a. class of ve children who did some clay ` modelling and drawing very nicely under ` her direction. T A `I,T,1I 'I'T'I\ 1-`: u n - . uvuvvl. uauzguaruuu uuuu III! present}. Mr. Nesbit, of ` Waubaushene, gave an `outline of Col. Parker s book on How to Study Geography." Mr. J. Ryerson, Prin- cipal of Orillia High School, followed with a criticism of the recent changes made in the Public School Leaving examination. - He J contended that the changes had destroyed the `utility of the Public School Leavin course of studies in the public school, ancgl had virtually placed that department in the high schools instead. He thought the Minister should retrace his steps and leave that examination as it was. `Ml':..... 1)-.'I...-__ -: 'n___2_ -n uvu IIJIIIJ nu pupal! " resrdent Knox, of North Simcoe, spoke on the dark side of the pecuniary and social condition of teachers, He advocated the formation of a teachers union, that the in- terests of the profession generally may be better safeguarded than at present. Mr. fl` Wnnknnanknnn an-vn A- teacuer or teachers at the various sessions. President Muldrews opening address on behalf of East Simcoe teachers was a review of a book called The Articial Production of Stupidity in Schools. The text of this book is that poor'"or faulty teaching produces stu idity in pupils. mash-Inns II-.. -8 \r.'._4.L a:_._-- ,- nun uuu vnulus u; one run 01 au H16 teacu- ers in each inspectorate, a distinctly new feature in such annual meetings, but one re- quired by law. The Secretary is required to notify every Board of Trustees concern- ing the attendance or non-attendance of their `teacher or teachers at the various sessions. pnnn:nn+ `IA.-I.I-...-u. ......_2.... -11!-An - North Slmcoe Teachers Institute. North Simcoe public school teachers met in convention in Utillia on Fridayand Satur- day last, in con'unction with East Simcoe teachers. The rst business of the meeting was the calling of the roll of all the teach- Ar in Ann}: gnananlnnntn . .I:...s:_-4.l_. .._..._ `V RSI` Q5 LJWI-Illll JJIVILI \JLIalUI?l o. 2.+As Sunday-, June 20th, will be ob- served by special services in all churches throughout theeEmpire, the oicer command- ing requests the oicers and men of the Regiment to parade on that day for Divine service at their respective company head- quarters, at such hour as the oicer com- manding mav direct The band, staff and ooicers and men of the Headquarter Com- panics-Nos. 1, 4 and 5, will parade for Divine service in the market square at an hour to be named on that day and will proceed as may be directed by the oicer in command. ' Nil 9 XIII: Tnlnnnn . _TnI-an 00."! Gina Jan UV ILILDUIVU U U UILLUUI. LII UUIIIIIIOI-I\Le No. 8-01: 'l`:esday.'Jnne 22nd, the day appointed for the celebration of the Jubilee, .the band, `stall and Companies 1, 4 and 5, `will parade at the market square at 10 a. m. in review order, under command of the senior oicer present, and will be joined` by- any other companies of the Regiment which may be able `to assemble at headquarters. A feu-de-joie will -be fired at noon; after which "the oieers and men will be given lunch and will parade again as may be directed. Com- panies not roceedlnz to headquarters will parade-at; ' ompany Headquarters an order- ed 1) the `oieer commanding and will fire a feu- e-joie at noon. ` W 'l`I. . nmnnn Ann:-unnsiaafnn iilnnfn I-Ian} nmnnaen Regimental Orders by Lieutenant-Colonel O'Brien. Headquarters, Barrie, Mav 18th, 1897. No. 1--Oiera and men of the 35th Bat- talion will be pleased to learn that the com- pliment has been paid to the Regiment of selecting its commanding oicer as one of those who are to have the honor of represen t- ing the militia. of Canada at the coming cele- bration of the Jubilee at the Capital of the Empire. During his absence the command of the Regiment will devolve upon Major W`aTrd as Senior Field Ofcer ' A _ (`WW AJ___ 1',,, _ML`_ ..,SII I, , I lU|l'\IU"JUIU CU IIUUIJ. T '1`he_ofBco;r commanding trusts that officers men-`will make as good a. turnout upon- eg V . . , 15.. _.._`I-_ ~:i'.ETia`e'ThZ'E'e1" '13a?a.I;"e'3e'2eS2i .iu'uarriew, on. Eve: thing willbe `*9 .'*'`_ -% golds: half to order to .iIpoao _of the X ounce, Lu. uuuullv auu no .uuu'auuu. \ Umpires-Ba.rrie, J. Clark; Tecumseths 3 II, F. Hughes, Newmarket. Referee-Mr. E Shear, Barrie. , Games-lst, Barrie (disputed) by Guthrie; ` 2nd, Barrie, by Marshall; 3rd, Barrie, by I Brown; 4th, Barrie, by Brown; 5th, Bar- , rie, by Marshall; 6th, Barrie. by Brown. ` FOOTBALL. Barrie Collegiate Institute-Messrs. Cun- ningham. Spence, J. Wiggins, G. Wiggins, ` Drury. Leishman, F. McKee, Lynn, Brown, Hughes and Green. - - {V .... -._I-.. TI` _._._A.. `ll.__._._ 'I"\_I- A ,, W ';'L:fLsLT_$inL'} -43' JEKIE: are giving -npbniineu on July u." and from now till tlahnlavjnon. I>I\- nuunib - hnvnnh-In non: .4-\'nn4-I Suits LIIKIIIIUBI Ba.r1ie-Messra. R Dalton, G. Webb, F. Clark, T. Doyle, W. Lavall, J. McKenzie, S. Kennedy, Ab. Clark, B Brown, White- sides, R. Guthrie andTA. Marshall. TY.......:...... 'D._..._.'- ru-_.a_ , m--____-_,,.u LI I.l`l.I\i IIl.I\L \JlUClJu Gorevales, Toronto--Messrs. Dale, An- deraon, Madiiau, Playter, Hobbs, Hunter, Purvis, Dickson, Singer, Stewart, Murray. ITmnrnn_.'Rnrvn I4`. Qhnnra llnrnnnlms L ll-I VIE, JIIUBBUIJ, ICJILISUI, DDUUVVCI. II. JJJ u|.`l.'u._y. Umpires-Barrie, E. Shear ; Gorevales, Mr. Morrison. Referee-Mr. McDonald, of Parkdale. I`ime one hour. Neither side scored. H 0`:;':`t;;ile.b`?r;:1;(-1;; nd Ontario Counties-- 1 Dr. Ma.cLaren, James Craig, J. Allward. '.I`ime-2 53. ' 1-,. ._. -5.... ` Two mile, open-J. Smith, R Thompson, Toronto; J. Barnet, Toronto. ' Time-5.59. One mile. Boys race-J. Taylor, A. Beck, R. Ward. `l`ime-2.47. Two mile, club, handicap--H. Dyment, A. Beck, R. Ward. T1me-6.25. No tandem or team races. J udgea--Messrs. Warren and Beectoft. LACROSSE. Tecumseth II.--Messrs. Cameron, Selby, Gireaux, Hornibrook, Kelsey, Anderson, Mulvey, Robinson, Ettwell, Bonsall, Jones, Staples. ~ nunw:n Magnum D nl\`b| [V \'IT-LL [.1 uuu coy Cl. an gaulcun ` Young Canada. was in all his glory. and 1 beginning the exhibition of his lovalty to his j Queen and country by a profuse use of re crackers. This way of showing a loyal 1 spirit will in after days he followed by loy- alty to his country s laws and her best in- \ terests, and, if need be, in shoulderiuga. rie for the defence of Queen and Mother- land as well as in defence of his own loved Canada. .. .- - hi unvuuc auu 1UU|.UUdl The following is the order oi bicycle con- tests and names of contestants : BICYCLE RACES. One mile novice race-R. Reid, Aurora; A. Beck, Penetang ; -J. Craig, Barrie. ` 11-1: _._:___ ,,, 1' I n n.. as 4. IlIlj'l. `X05 Half mine, open-Jobn Smith, Toronto; R. Reid, J. Craig. Time-l.34. nun rnn nnnn_,Tnln Qrniol. T..- _-:_ LIIUII-I u. \./nus. .Lllllc-1.o)`.l:. .One niile, open--John Smith. Jae. Craig, R Reid. Time--3 15 f\_- ...1I- LVf__-._ 1\ . 0 IV \ITIJW\-I3 In the afternoon a. goodly number made their way to the Agricultural Park to wit- ness the games, such as bycicle races, la.- crosse and football. - FIWL- l.'-`II-_:,; _, 2, I, , 1 . u a - The Queen's Birthday in Barrie. The `day for the most part was a royal 9 one, the weather being ns and cool. and nothing to mar out of door sports and enjoy- ments, save a slight shower in the afternoon and the lowering of temperature towards evening, which made it a little uncomfort- able for those who ventured out in summer clothes. A great many people were in town from the surrounding country and two specials from Toronto as well as the regular trains, brought many residents of the Queen City to enjoy the fresh breeze and pure air. of the country. Flags were displayed on all the public buildings and on many private houses. Dunlop street presented a gay and lively appearance, both sides being lined with people watching the cyclists as they passed to and fro on the magnicent road way of that street. `The bicycle. parade, advertised to leave the market square at 11 o clock, was a little late. The propellers of the wheel then appeared, going down the street in single le, then in double,and quadruple, and doing occasionally a little scorching. Lovers of the bicycle, both male and female, bad a day of thorough enjoyment. One of the sights that attracted general attention were the prizes exhibited in a window on Dunlop st., that were to be awarded to the winners in the several games. Vnnsnm (`:1-`n.-In --4.- 2.. -1] 1.2.. _.I,, , `I is said, got hold of his property, would care for him.` The old man had . $12 that he had `saved from the rent of an interest; he held y in a. piece of property, and which some ` of his people `wanted to get from him. He had a. dread of his body being put in the hands of medical students and so Mr. Sis- sons took the body to Tottenham and placed it in the possession of some one who, would bury him beside his wife, where he wanted to rest. %e%2%s .PPI`. T____ -.... By ?!:'-. 'u3:,F. Smrrn, ` Major and Adjutant. . . , -On Friday night Rev. D V. Lucas will speak at the West End Methodist Tabernacle, Elizabeth street, on the prohibition question. Those interested in the coming plebiscite will want to hear the solution of the revenue question when the liquor revenue is cut off. `I I1 : 11'\I|~ an o -Joseph Farrand Dickinson, formerly a resident of Barrie, was drowned in the Niagara river last week. He had gone sh- ing with two other men and the water he- came so rough that the boat capsized. The three clung to the boat till the yacht Zigara went to the rescue. The two men saved were Herbert Boyd and Pearl Martin, who caught ropes thrown to them, but the cag- sized boat turned over again and poor Dic inson went down. He leaves a wire and four children. SERS. Y I115 Barrie Cheese Board. At 9. meeting of the Cheese Board held at the Barrie Hotel on Thursday afternoon, 200 boxes of cheese were o'ered. Sa.les:-New~ market, 90 boxes at 8 15-l6c.; Crown Hill, 30. 8&c.; Sic. was bid for the balance, but refused. Five buvere were present, via.:- Whntton, Jones. Brown, Perkins and Both- well. At the meeting for organization held revione to the sales, F. J. Gillespie, of ptergrove was elected President. and R. Grqiham. of Elmvsle. Vice-President; E. E. Lund , Newman-ket, Sec -Treas., and Messrs. Woo , -Minesing; Mcmialand, Heathcote; A. Jones, Toronto ; J. A. Kidd, Cookstown; Blsin, Gilford ; McLelland, Sutton, "and Luck, Crown Hill. were elected directors. The prospects for the season are excellent. Football. ` Lat Saturday the B. C. .I. football teeni drove out to Thornton to lay the kickers of that burg. The match, w ich resulted in a win for the B. C. I. by one goal to nil, was afeir exhibition of the game," but played. under the disadvantage of It strong wind. ' TL; T! ('3 1 nlannnn nun-A a final I`. (inn- uuuvx I-uu UIDDUVDHUWEO U! u nusuua The B. C. I players were : Goal, E Cun- ningham ;' backs, J. Wiggins, J. Spence; half-`backs. W. Druro, A. Leisbman, G. Wiggins; forwards, B. Brown, B. Shrigley, F. AH.ughea,.F. McKee, W. Lynn. Referee--J. Marlin. n-....:.-1.-.2-.. rm.-__.....-s_ t._. ;. - I.-..;..- .1 reIeree--a. UJ.Bl'Illlo Considering Thornton : fame as 3 home of football Eeyore, the school boys feel elated over the victory. ` -Rev. D. V. Lucas, Grimshy, preached in the Collier street Methodist church on Sunday evening, and at the close of the services gave a. prohibition address at the Congregational church. A O """' -Rev. D.V. Lucas lectured in Collier street Methodist church Tuesday night on the` British Empire. It was a. most interesting and instructive account of the great empire on which the sun never sets, and well worth hearing. nu pa u 1.. .. . _. __ - --The Canada Gazette of the 22nd pro- claims Tuesday, tbe 22nd day of June, a. holiday to be observed throughout the Do- minion as a. day of general thanksgiving on the occasion of Her Majesay s Diamond Jubilee. -A large number of Trinity church S. 8. children drove to Cookstown on Monday afternoon and gave an entertainment there in behalf of the English church school there. They had a pleasant visit. (Iv , q --A number of persons in the West ward are inquiring why the suggestions and orders of the Board of Health about the swampy land and swales in that ward are not heeded and the nuisances they create abated. A 0. AI. 10 n~ u I -A citizen, after spending a few days in a neighboring town, was admiring the clean- liness and beauty of Dunlop street, and was heard to say :- I would give a. cent a. day i for the privilege of looking at such a. street. `[5 *`I\ T71 I 1 1- (V II- "IS. e larg- I jown of several 5 0 give 1 --Su.turday was anotlier big market day and the town was well crowded by the people of the surrounding country. -It was 9. great mistake that the lady bicyclists of the town and country were not invited to take part in the street parade on Monday. That feature would have added much to its interest. -Some of our shermen have had some good shing recently in the trout; creeks about Hillsdale. I. -Important improvements are being made to the grounds and exterior of Collier street Methodist church. --We regret that Capt. Bird is very ill as a result of a. severe cold contracted during the recent wet weather. -M1;. 7C-['17)'oma.s new creamery and resi- dence is quickly assuming shape. -Quite a. gang of men were working on the Bayeld street wharf on Saturday. -The Christian` Guardian, which is al- ways good, was 9. real beauty last week. Ar:=`l\_..1L 'l,_.__ __, , `l\ I`: - - -Tne teachers of our nublic schools at- tended the convention in Orillia on Friday and Saturday. n . -A number (Sf yachts dotted our buy on Monday afternoon. They made 8. very pretty picture. 5 -C3n`Sa.turda.y morning, the 22nd, there was boar frost on the grass, and the tem- perature was 30 Fab. E-]c) on t' buy yot1T17'ZVDVr_=.-at"; Goods before you see the splendid assortment at R. I. Fraser & Co. all. -The white sails of the yachts on bay are now gracefull-y yie1'di-ng to breeze. ---W(hien you m e-et-anyone on the sidewalk always turn to the right. f'I'1l__ 1,! ` ` -._ --_-..~_, u;3.7ti;)ix`1c>'};-ezned last Thursday with: the arrival of the Kendrick. __ . _-5---. -'1`he lslas; ran an excursion from Belle- Ewart to Orillia. on Monday. `KY, ,' V __ --__.. -Bi<;iclists had things pretty much their own way on Monday. Aaun'I'\,_ `I! I I ` " ` ,,____-~J- ! w`Dr' Bsanko emoved over Henderson o `store. Telepho No. 3. A/:Is`I\,_ @ Dr: `as removed his dental oicas to the Ros lock. -Visitors were numerous in town on the Queen s birthday. 1-`. It . I 1 -Temperature yesterday morning at 5 a. m. 36 Fah. `Which, Linked Together, Construct a Very Interesting and Gossipy Chapter of Local History. rm 0" - e:.a`=.} t:n;:::::.:*:?;:3.. ` of . ' " `fr DWBBB M11810 . MANY MINOR MATTERS MUCHLY ~ MIXED. -.r-. aavnclll LIIILIIJEIO All ante nollcen ot Society. Church. or other meeun I. all or which are In their essence a vertlnementr, muorbe `aid tor at the regular rate of 10c. per '19: PA1ueRAiEEB.*s PENGIL 1=oINT. {$1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE smau: comes nvtr CENTS SPECIAL NOTICE. .. _.-.l-_-. ,4 Dilzhe the _ PERSONS wishing to adopt a child. or who.tn3-Y know of others desirous of doin so kmdlYl inform (Personally or by Mail) MR HE RY BIRD, Sec. Lhxldrc-n's Aid Socxetv. of Barrie 6-1V 1; Gone. Another old Residen . lO`ro W ll1am T. In the death Of M:-'d Suindayimornlngo which sad event 000 . of its oldest iii- Ma) 23, thus town loses 09 habitants. _ _ - ` ` - ` mu- * .-uul ldlls. . ad health_ The deceased en.lyed faggnf (1)1013 feeling until about two wqeks agocalled. He Seem well, Dr. J. C. Smith 7 as only for a. short ed to get better '0 mweacefully sand? time and death came fp death was hert morning. The caue 0 Taylor was bm failure and old 88 oumy, , Ifehnd at Mountraih, 6299 5 crly 73 year! Old` June 20, 1819, and W? -1189; the Irish Ph At an early age he 1 0 "O6, . '-and'for several ye81`5 he 53'" whic . -i ' eland i there being scarcely 8 dlsttgftg he (331139 which he did not p""- Januar .135i t A"`'i" in 1852 wdllnilrillage 0 3."` he came to the then Pu d 3 baili 111.7 lllild was at 011% a]Peol?t:0 B. W.. Smihn. I eri"s oice y , V ` nib Position beheld aevera1V`" -__ w -_..- v-- v-w We have a large amount of Private Funds to in- vest at 5 per cent. annually on terms favorableto the borrrowcr, if security good. LIY.`\lYCf\\Y 0- l"`I3".``I7'f`77`l.` nuuulus Luauunu.LuIcI 30 .l9"l 51 ELIZABETH STREET, BARBIE. ITHICS ER. .. ulu H." Position several years. tow: 18 regidence of-over 42 Years in this removmade htm well known, and his death `*3 0118 of the few old Iandmarkathat a . '6 f Passing away. Mr. '.l."avlor' was . xv Who died January 17, 1896, and f 3 famil one th V of 6 children born to; them-but." Wu hei oldest son, survives. The funeral min! I _ Wednesday afternoon and the~re_-f" W1 .110 rest in .the`Union cemetery; His 30 . . 7 _ :3 o W- J. Taylor. ._tIie_IUnieje_dl. Vri:bse.a was here attend_in%g"V{g. v- I v I I a: 10 o'clock in the forenoon to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Assessment Roll for 1 7. -U1 nm-can: hn\';ncr neinnca :1} HM: 32:11 (`.nno-1 an-A . and latest FOR _5ALl3 or Exchange for Town Propert} a. S Bnck Huuse, contaming nine rooms. ood t_able._ Good Orcha rd. 5 acres of land. one anda half Baas trom Post Oice. Apply to R. J. FLETCH-I 20-22. ___..__. e in central `.t'n BE LEr.~A Fram sl 2 seated '33:? For Sale c}1eaP"we cw family P1335? Li ht Buggy and near `` S'IgRAT 18-21. HY & ESTEN- A /{VJ / _._________ ASTL'RE.-} ture all sum u:_, - ..u; 2 AD I : Minesing. at Qdclocl: in the forenoon, the several complaints of e Assessment Roll for 1807: A11.-mrenn: l-mvlna but one at flan said (`nun-1 an-a o hear and determine .,rs and omxssnons in the Assessment non {or 1:397: _ All persons havmg buspss at _the sand Court are requested to attend at tg same t1me and place. HENRY BIRD, I1 I II` 0 I 10. Barrie. 25th May. 1397- COURT OF REVISION AND APPEAL. Notice is hereby given that the first sittin s of the Court of Revision for the Municipality o Vespra will be held at the Town Hall, Midhurst, on 1!-rll -I 1 Air 4nn- .... - . Practical Tuner and Repairer. References from the leading Manufacturers. 19-21 121 El I')nnL--I-nu r~-u-I-an-u--p ranlnl-gnu! `M:0NE1' AT 44 AND 5 PER CENT.--We l have .1 large amount of private funds to loan at four and a hall and 5 per cent., payable yearly. Loans on mortgage will be made up to one half the value of the property offered. MCCARTHY, PEPLER & MCCAR1 ma Barristers. &c.. Barrie. IIl"lI` I I I CAN employ ve men and three ladies to work at and around ho . A (1 th' W'tl'I good 5313f) for pushers. me L`I!iC(5TT, H-1\' Tnrnnfn Ont. . ---we at the old'band;'&t&I!.5'-*5, 1%` " wzzt the zpout. ' Nvening. I g Notice is heg~e_by given that the _ t ittin of the Court of Revxsnon for ghe Mun npahtv. 0 Barrie ml] be held at the Council Cham r. Barne, on Al I\l'I 1 , II `I `nun..- ifiii% I*i1}?,?iii%i _5ii%3}137 ! WEi11_"s'dal_[hid'dEaL3riif"E{ii1Ly3s}_7, PIANO ]'__UN I NG. FRED. BROOKS Beautiful Piano, cost $500 wo years ago High grade make. ' ha1f'whatit cost. Month payments would be accented. For price and terms address counr or REVISION a.lPP;AL.[ Hiiieipalitl of Vespra.| MoN_gv TO LOAN K II`)-1 IV`-ff-I *ses of the subscriber. . Vespra. on the xgth arness on. She has a. ' r `red to pay ex- 1`3{E`?~z1`s`{` COLE. iuhitfpality of B,1rrie. .'\SSCS5mCnI K011 IOl' 7. All persons having usiness a_t the said Court are requested to atterd at the same txme and place. GEO. SNEATH, Clerk of sand Municipality. Midhurst, nth T\T:av. vQn-1. 215.2: TRAYED.--Fr m 1 t _ S Bay Mre Cocits, gn;% :::,`ig Fsia. Two one 2 year 0 ofan lg tmane Y- Any and tail an person giving ' f ' warded. VV. H.l5(')f the same will be re` . _ `D341 . PIANO FOR SALE. OST--5.YlhLL1LVu glass, silver mounted ; little daughter ; between 15th May. Leave at AD In ,.~`L,_A5m-:R.~At Barrie, pn `J Gallagher. beloved wxfe 4 ....a m vears. - . Ros INSON- men ; send fol `mpire. nxu'a' I: The besty0P' Her Manesty `J3-'d5'""` u'"""" ""' " J""""'J' *'--Iutguun, aged 43 )'-"S- '1`, vLoR-At_Barrie. on t_he 23rd day of Man 1 . A Mr. Wxlharn Taylor. m the 78th year of his :33, L9` 54. cast s Y Anv u \v/<- LAKE-- DICK"! Uidhurst, 13th May. 1897. "CAN: ...,I . II . -osT_-SMELLlNG SAL S BOTTLE- Cut . -1": silver mounted: ued as a gift fx-am a ;- {--{"`:'_--- &j"' L. XLVI. N . V0 SAMU(l)ZL2\!'V `.s0N-Un b_aturaa.y may am to Mr. and `r_s 3BX1f_ G. Robmson, of Toronto , formerly of` B13: `Bay Point, a daughter. . l'\?1'T\ 31 , nnnb ..:.I- :1, ..c 1: BUILDING LOT FOR SALE. qourovnvu KE._on Friday 21st inst, a son to Dr. and Mrs. ` Lake, Mary street. . usmoN-On Saturday, May 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. H: r`. Rnhinson. of Toronto- fnrmlu-Iv nf Rfa xx-1) --uuv\a I-VI I \III rlbx _ _ . I `s4, side Mary street. Apply to S. WES- AI)\ A.\'CE 0!-`FiCE. 16-tf. `imv Anvmvusnmnurs. BOX 52, BARBIE. om. 921-p '4 I-IUI. FULLVIHI uuuy. LIV vwluv W10: m 1852, and in January, 1855 _ small viliage of Barrie 53 &_t once appointed In the 5 0_}ce by the late Smith, Posmon residence made mm .....H I...=._..... ....,a 1.1. 3-..]. T 11:3; {vE> ......i av.- N & CRILISWICKE, Ross Block. 89 Dunlop Street. Barrie. 13. -Horses and Cattle. Good Green Pas- ! summer. Apply to JANE WRIfGHT, an-t . ' Sweet Music 59;-`.9 'D.'._J '_.3!I` f_2;__ : 'A7r' 5 Plait CENT..- ctxon was: is n Justies low ations. Largt and women of $x5 to $40 3'. ectus free to DI EY-GAR- many or D man) 1V1_1\ _l'1- `DIED. -At on Ma. 22nd. 89 , VI ' ` r. ames J.!Ga7lla`gl:ler:-5: `REPS. .VI. . `/HOLE N ' ' SAMU:L 2\I VESl.B&, Proprietor. 0 3'5` 5' _WANTED. BORN. 612:1: _)f said Municipality. LLV avu 1 1 , Toronto, Ont. zo-22.p vv nu: so-tf. 21-34 Lvuv. uuuuu uaun rs . _ CoULsoN--Aserious accident occurred at Mr. Warner s saw mill last Saturday. By some misadventure the dogs on the car came in contact with the saw` which was running at high tpeed In the traction of a second both dogs and saw were ruined and the at- mosphere was - filled with ving saw teeth and things. Eortunately no one was hurt. a _ Mxrcnabasit --Mr.` Robert Boyd, of Matchedash. set a ,trao`and caught an enor- mous bearon his farm on` `Saturda .` The chain of the trap was fastened to 6 og, and M.t.\B__l.'l1iu pulled the log through the bash for a quartet" of afmile until caught ,Mr.; Boyd despatchedi hhfgame with` `a7`ri.e; The animaL:weip;he_d_ just !ou1;=hInd."ed p`9I:Ii1dS.*- vC9ldW6t9r-Pliinstx-.1 1 V `T =/. 4 f Vm'r_onu .vH_;ni:o1zg-A-AH: has IeaIon_ has ;oiIend:h9re'./E53m:.millI:-ivill feu_uuing:;by. the and -s f~.the1V9:9`.S.\ - _ :The~eYio.tbI'_ia Rev. Canon Murphy. V UIJV vvnvn \Ql~ ' I CRAIGVALE-AA great amount of grain was delivered at the station last week. The boy press was in use in` this neighborhood last week, Last Wednesday evenin` `Mr. Robb. J. Faizen was married to `Mine ellie Rioh, yonn est daughter of Mr. Harry Rich. of Bram ey. The ceremony we. performed by AA..- _--2.`l4_L aunnunat` al- UHID Luulnul llllvvouun-n --ow -----v- . GILFORD-0ul.` cheese factory began brui- ness last M ndev with a. fair supply `of milk. Mr. S eight, the contrector, I! hav- ing the stone for the foundation of the new- school put in place and will shortly rush things along. Wm. Hole acoidentallv gave one of his feet a terrible gash with an axe the other day; I A , .., 4 ___L -1 _.._ --_. 1-- Lvvavow `Jumps, -av-- r--- it . THORNTON-_-A large quantity of oats is being marketed here. Mrs. Hill has ve assisto.nts'in her dressmaking establishment -tha.t s business for you. Mr. T. B. Henry is congratulated in securing the degree of M. D `in Detroit. There are now three 0 this family practising medicine. - 4 r ._ _I.-_._- _.-4._.... L......._ I...... go. up - - . . . - -. BRADFORD -It is said Col. Tyrwhitt has accepted the invitation of the Hon. Wilfred Laurier to make one of his escorts to Eng- land for the Queen : jubilee. A special y interesting program was. given at the Ep- worth League Monday evening. Mr. " J. C. Rogers, B. A., took part. m--A_-__- - A 1---- -.-..._.:a... ..:'....4... :- BALA--The waters of the Muskoka. Lakes are much higher than they have been in some years, and many wharves and boat houses are oating. Should -the summer be favorable good times may be looked for up among these lakes this season. 1\,,_,,,s_:u,_,,,__ rs, 11, 1'1 _,,,_,,,,,,_n