La.n'man s FLORIDA WATER Nap: rmumg. 9308 1'1. now - - f 9;. ,, . we are k Stov 0 lat 0 ~z 4 ` `.9 V V . .r (4 Ill ! 1: -V:.--.___...__`-__...._......._.. scum.-nu or an Imus, Fire Bricks and Psterex-7|` Hair. Storehoun at the Northern Rnilwgy _Switnh. foot of John street. near the depot." The bohdhofl thiolimo in bet than that of an that kind. pu ma . I ' vs .. n f h `. Jon and L1,. .2:-ea ;au a1sqaqes_ . or Domestic Animals (Horses. Dcsasgs. Cattle". S_heep, P` , etc.) Dental work and treatment of iweases 0 animals used in thestud. specia_Jties. Office at Love Bros.` Livery Stablea, op oante Bank of _Toronto. Residence. Stables and nrmary. 62 Colhcr street. no-at AM. M ouuncs, opgi-Jute nan: or _'1'oronto. Residence. nod nrmary. _Coll1cr street, next door to the Amencan Hote|.Bame, Ont. Oice Telephone No.`;7o.V- jiquerhlo. 7. _ ` to-Ky BARRIE PLANING MILL --GEO. BALL. Car- penter and builder, and manufacturer of doors, sash, blinds, mouldings. etc._ Planing ,of all kinds done promptly and satxsfactonly. Factory, Bayeld street, Barrie. . ere about aw dozen civil cages all told, entered for trial, and of these the following were if: part disposed of -: u. wanna n ,,,, A n :I{alU_ 1 111:. gunnua nu1n1..---5., W. BROWN, 1 Proprietor. Excellent accommodation for the travelling-public. Bar and larder well supplied with the best. Good stabling and attentive hostlers. Luggage of nests conve ed free to and from `all trams. Few oors west ofWa.rket street on Dimlop street. M. M. CAMPBELL, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, etc. Mone to loan. Ofces-Ban-is and Stayner. Barrie ce--Bank of Toronto Building, Owen street. 5-ly R. PALMER, Surgeon, Eye, Ear, Throat, Nose, 40 College street. Toronto, may be con- sulted at the Queen's Hotel, Barrie, on Friday, Oct. the nth, from 8 to u a.m,, and the second Friday of every month. Ll xoropro, reuow ox u-may mecuau uouege, Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Oice and Residence, 18 Owen street. tuvuan nuwnlcun. bonve ancer, Issuer of Marriage lalceuueu. 0 cc` strictly private. Post Oice building, Barrie, and at his private resi- dence. Mary street. u-ly _______.__.._.__.______________________ T. BANTING. Clerk County of Simooe. will . be at his oice. at the Court House. Barrie. every Saturdav. Residence and P.0. Cookstown. ....._ ENNOX; BOYS & BROWN, 'Bamm}r., Solic- ` ito HAUGI-[TON Lmmox, ,W. A. Bovs, GEO. E.r3`..BRow . .T _ - --. ` Ailiston and Creemore. . V Lnmox & Boys. , . ` ` Elmvale - - _ Barrie oioe-cor. Dunlop and Owen sts. Elm- vale oide oppoute Hunt's hotel. Money to loan aflowest rates. G A. _ l.(AUE_1VUl\3L, Darnatcr, txuuuwy, ` . Solncxtor m Chancery. Conveyancer etc. Ofce--First door Owen street. over Bank of` Com- ._-_... Ila.-.-34'. `o_A8_ 1:. J. u. anuxn, 1..\..r.o., unI;., uate or urn. J.) Harvie 8: Smith, Orillia.) Oice and residence -corner of Owen and Collier streets, Barrie. 23-ly CIC. VV u ROSE. L-I\.\nDo na_1n,, L-IS La.l. .. London. J. R. Arthur, M.B. Toronto Unnersity, L.C.P. and S., Ont. Ofces and night residences- Brown's Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone 77- UIJU tuuvvvu-5 w V n V Inc rvubi -....`.,...,...,. V- , Gendron v. Bcieeeau-An inter- pleader issue, involving the validity of a bill of aule,.wa.e placed at the foot of the list, to hear further argument upon an application, on behalf ot',the defend- ant, behave the case `withdrawn from the iury list. Mr. J. A. McCarthy, counsel for defendant: Donald Ross, counsel for plainti`. i IIVII R. WM. RICHARDSON, Dentist. Graduate of 1.) the Royal College of Denta Surgeons, and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Preserva- tion of the natural teetha. sgecialtv. 0ice-Both- well : Block, Dunlop street. arrie, Ont. 8-ly O H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Dissounted. Collections made in any aoart of the County. Real estate-bought and sold. nvey- ancing in all its branches. Marriage Licenses issued. 0fce-Ross Block, Dunlop street Barrie. 4:-Iv. Z.2z9.9.,. - run uVvna4.v1nLV1 on good $ 1 freehold security at lowest rate of interest. Nolfrincipal money required until end of the term. H. STRAIHY. Solicitor. Etc.. Barrie. 37 LI. tors or In: .0ntatio. P_roct Moneyto loan. I` fl I`.._..--_u DUI` IILIJ RUDD Du lI""`DaI'l'I3LCl'p DUIILJIIAJ Conveyancer, etc., money to loan. _Oices, Bank of Toronto Building, Owen street. Bame. 48-ly R. W. D. MACLAREN, Dentist. successor to Dr. Bosanko. OEice-Rooms lately occupied by Dr. Bosanko. Residence--Oueen's Hotel. 16-ly ---vu.-J `vb ----. -C. E. Hxwsou, V ULT 8: COWAN, Barristers, Solicitors of the _, Supreme Court, Proctors. Notaries, Conve - ancers. etc. Money to Loan. Oicv.I-Ross' Bloc . Dunlop-st`., Barrie. 117..- - -_...._..-. A ... ...' 7;. av r,-H. DICKINSON 8: MACWATT, Barristers. No- taries Public, Solicitors of Supreme Court, etc., Barrie. Ont. Oioes in Bank of Toronto Block, No. .l0vl\::n street. Branch oice, Elmvale, McKeggie s cc . In rs A I'\ 1'.` ll.__...__ "" _' 7 7 ' I Fleming v. Beck-'1`his was an action between lumber-men, arising out of a. contract of sale of certain timber. On the application of Mr. J. A. McCarthy, counsel for the defendant, the trial of the case was postponed until Wednes- day, the 24th of June, owing to the absence from the country, at present, of Mr. Beck,.the defendant. OCARTHY, PEPLER & MCCARTHY, Bar- risters, Solicitors, Conveyance:-s, etc. D'AL'rou'McCAR1'uv, Q.C. F. E. P., Pznsn. Q.C. T .J. A_. MCCARTHYi3 _D. C. Muncnxson. 8| l'l. : DR. J. F. Pallin , Graduate of Trinity University Toronto, Fe ow of Trini_ty Medxcal College, Mpmhnr nf flan Cnllpap nf Phvsminnn and Sure :-nnn D _ o . V bamstgrs, Sohcltors in High Court ofjustices, Notaries Public, Convpyancers. Oices oven the Bank of Toronto, Barne. T Money in sums of $2,000 apd upwards, to loan at 5 net mqnf. - I O W. PLAXTON, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary . Public, Conveyaneer, &c. Oices over Fraser. Llark 8: Co's. store,`Dunlop street, Barrie. Money --privau and Company funds to lend at lowest rates of interest on town and farm property. 9-ly. EQRGE W. LUUNT. narnster, Attorney, acu- cnfor,` Notary Public. Oices in Bothwelfs Block, Barrie, Ont. . ' 24-ly RTRATHY & ESTEN. `AMES EDWARDS. Conve of _-____1l`!:lT'l`agg htgeugeu. 0_ ce'_sg:rictl_y private, uuul. an .0 r._Is.l_I l;nn'l`.-We have a. large amount of pnvate funds to loan at 5 percent. on good approved security. MCCARTHY. .*. B.r.L.IsR & MCQA,BI1ZH..- L - ---rjI\ 1E000K?SBE6=7' mmu% LAIGIII IALm1n nun... autumn ' Jomv Drcxauson. BT.A. , D. F. Macwxrr. VI L155. Llvva, vnav \Q\.In\auCvIUI-ov- Barton v. Warrington-Thie case was also postponed, on application of Mr. J. A. McCarthy, on hehalf of the defendant, Mr. W. A. Boys appearing for the plaintiff. Tuesday the 16th of J me was xed for the trial of the case, in order to accomodate the convenience of the defendantfs eolicicor, who resides in Belleville. `full I IIIIC H. H..S"rn'A1'nv, p --.vr .,-., .---___. WELLINGTON AULT. anunauvu uunu V: bwnolvlvu McC:urrrd, Pzpnnkh (_3`clgxBouLn 8: MCCARTHY ran 1'w:N'rv- s`Ix% bY.E `HE QUEEN'S HOTEL.---A.,W. BROWN, - Pronrietor. Exoellnt an-nmmnrlgu-:n- 4'... .L- MCCARTHY. Pnrum, MCCARTHYr& DUNCAN, , Alliston and Creemore. --_ ..u-1` )ONALD ROSS B. A.--Bau'rister, Solicitor, (`nu on I. 2| our-up gin nnnnau tn Inn n nmrp R. J. C. SMITH, L.C.P.S., 0nt., (late of Drs. F-Inn-vie R: Smith Orlin ,\ (`Hire and rpddpnrn VEORGE W. LOUNT, Barrister, Attorney,E r `J4-"n-` Nnfaar Dul-un, (nes `ll Bothw gun .n.rvuov v snow. Peters v. Bishopric-This is an action.upon a promissory note, brought by Mr. Peters, -of Elmvale, against Bishopric Brothers, of Wyevale. The defendants since the commencement pf the action have made an assignment for "the benet of creditors,_ and application was made on their behalf by Mr. J. |A. McCarthy, for a postponement of the `case, owing to their absence, -`out this was refused. and judgment was taken in favour of.the plaintiff, no defence being offered. Mr. John Dickinson acted for the plainti. )RS. ROSS & ARTHUR. Physicians, Surgeons, etc. W. A. Rosa. L.R.C.S. Ed_in,, L.R C.P.. xndnn, I, 1? Arthur, MR Tnnnntn [Yunn-ehu - R. BOSANKO. DENTIS'lZ---Ross block, east of Post oice. Office open every day. 14-13; EWSON 8: CRESWICKE, barristers. Solici- gors of the Sn rexne_ Court of Judicature of- ....._,. D......u.... neg.-ma (`.nnvn-,vvan-rs. etc. [omnr mi`-.5 I-En cmw-._we ave Iaraaamnuuntnfnu-iun1>nF..nAa tn Inc... on` - Mzgg o?`r>,g2.?a2` zl\)il:nu;:1t sea. Dogs. ttle. Sheep, P : tregtmenfof diseases'o T. ARNALL, M.D.C.M,, oice in Bothwelf; Block. Allandale. On the premises at night. 4x.Iv g: AL RADENHURST, Banister, Attorney. enlznionp :n Chnnrnrv. Cnnvevancer. etc. VETERINARY SURGEONS. Richmond v. Maokay--Three appeals from the decision of the Magistrate at Creemore, upon certain complaints laid that the defendant had followed the calling of an auctioneer without having a license. The argument of the appeal stood till Wednesday, the 10th of June. McCarthy, Pepler & McCarthy for the respondent, John Mackay, Reeve of Creemore ; Lennoax, Boys & Brown for the Appellants. IIIANUFAOTUBES. PIIYSIQJIANS. FOR INVESTMENT goo} securitv at lowest rah: nf FIN AN CIA;.a-.- DEN'.l.`IS'l`S. o1ric1A|.. HOTELS. . LEGAL. uluus, 45-11!- "'Z=2 f.i .i'& "Z"2'ie Barrie Hotel, provided by the Barrie members, the election of oicere wad proe`eeq1e.d_'w it_h,~` the f'ollewing_bein_g elected 101'` the suing year . President-[-Dr. A.ylea|1;vorth, Oollllinzue-V ` . U 43-ly run -on-uvu-g r... - ._. A. `E. H. Cuswxcxx. Auzx. Cowxm. `Went: . 4. .. of_"b"'P``dtomake thirtbe ' .',_"`P '~.'_9{lC II mm , L ":`** ---->mu...'"" ""` "-:.:::.:::::;;."so but hotel `III beemfu ' h mrr A '`:'`f.2."..a mg: ;`P1"".'sljityI a._`c....`*" 3:;-~, ~- ---.,- V Q ,.'.F.r".`.$:itd`y' Pmm;gd*' _`V!!,,j!fl!?'_Al,_AY!CH. PROP!-`HE I U"' .'1`!*.`.`.. .?*.'a`?_.1.`:`..':.`..........,....."'t`% W }!**:,_%;::.::m.&1 nun`... I.-- --_ -4 _ 4L , n... Imtci tun vv.A'1'n-II.bUU MUTUAL Fl-J15 UVDLI" ANCR?` 00. Capital. 8500.000- THE ECONOMICAL FIRE INSU RANGE C9- " BERLIN. Total assets. 8340.000- Mqne to John.-.on rs; mor 809 0 Venn done.` Accounts collaote . Etc. OFFICE. -- om HENDERSONS Hggglwsro Store. THE;QlD:[[EuABLEMIBTIUIEEH FARM s1'ock SALES 'ea intending to 5".` Are 0. , J part; "53: oonlultythgr own interests by pladn 9"" left.`ut'=-'1`nI- Anwuccn oico will " 35` ` I Ru 1`, simcoe District Medical Society. The 16th regular meeting of the Sim- ooe District Medical Society was held in the Council Chamber, Barrie, on Wednesday, the 3rd inst at 11 a.m. The President, Dr. J. L. G. McCarthy, in the chair. The following members were present : Dre. Stephen and Ayles- worth, Collingwood; Dr. McClinton, Elmvale; Dr. McTa.vish, Hawkstone ; Dr. Ross, Huntsville; Dr. West, Angus; Drs. A. R. Harvie, A. E. Ar- dagh, N. Gilchrist, Orillia : Dr. Hunly, Waubauehene; Drs. Wells, Wallwin, Pulling, Smith and Raikes, Barrie; Dr. .133. Maccallum, Toronto. fGtJEE:N's, HOTEL %%N>mrI:IA%f.aAv, '.3V35 .1.'s.mcI-I. Pnopmrron. . ->,..\,_`g,.,._. ___`H,,:9 V`. Condensed advertisements on First Psgg such as Wants of all kinds. Lost and Found Property for Sale or to Rent. Sgecic Articles Eto.. Eto.. must be acoom anie with the our; and will be inaerted-F rst. insertion. 2 gem, per word. eachsubsequent insertion, 1 cent word names, addresses, and gures coun ;. words ' but a reduction to 1 cent per word wt] be made when the number of insertions or to ame matter exceed FOUR. `uh-_ , - .- scnoccnaifsinrru I INSURANCE AGENTS AND CON- VEYANCEB8. B-Bpreoennthe following Companies :- THE SUN FIRE INSURANCE OFFICE OF LONDON. ENG. T110 0111653 Dvrbly Fire Ins. Co. in the world THE INSU'1}`NCE C0 Y OF NORTH AMER- Dnnionl to nnn Ann uun uwounauum UU' I U!` Nurun Annm- TEE MEBICA. Capital, $3,000,000. 0 UANTILE FIRE INSURANCE C Capital 8500.000: Government deposit msdm THE VVATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSCK Awnmnn n.-no.1 cum non umnhnii ALL. . ` Knflis or-I Avc'r10!` kT.H.QMAs SI-Iouumcz '??Ex5pavqtor-- V , a1l.k_indg,of cxcavai!` ' w ,1) ns.!`~ V H .h`:rxtn0!`. '"fX5 3e"?3r `%5 i`1 1n` . c"1`;`e.i`1`1 o`v'v`Z`i1" ,`{g;gmg. space for advertising anythin outside gel: ttirvzgairegnlar business. She d they dog 1111: rates will be charged for such sdvef I bawruny an Lu 001005, uuu um copy 10! such change must be in the Anvuvos office not lam, than 12 o clook noon on Tuesday, m any week otherwise the advertiser's announcement m, not be made public until the week following, Advertisers will not be allowed to use mu. Dr. Hanly addreseed the meeting in in regard to proposed legislation by the meilical council. II` -21- o q - ..v...v ...-.--V- v.-v~u- .. vv-w Cuts for Advertisement: must In every case be mounted on solid metal bases. 0. H. LYON & sox, dON'l'BAO'l" CHANGES; i 7' Advertisers will please bear in mind um M ties of intention to change edvertisemem. must be handed in to the office not later um Satnrdn t 10 o'clock, and th 1 ohanze {nit be ADVANO: 333; ..`3, .. 3} `-`4'-`-`--"`n\ l5:;:_::,xI1&.2;1(tix(;I:.!`1l.-the three monthly rate ,1 ..;.';',a.;::.,::.::`a:.-.,:;: "W mo-my ll Preferred positions In the paper Wm M sold at an advance of one third on above mm This rule will be striotlv carried out. G DRAIN PIPE. PUHTLAND CEMENT nonrnggnnvnie Anvnrvrxsxxa mums. aw THE ADVANOE HAS A UIBOUl.Avn .. olgrbvn rnnn ntmmum 433" Fnll CGPIIER- "`7l"" """ j"""-II 1 roqn corms. jumoat 1: not quit double th t 1 ' Paper pniiahed in B:rr(i o.y N` C` Anvnwrxsnns snomm Non um um.` (12 lines solid nohpax-all mske one inch). --_ . gun-mu-- A -uu-v-'.a-.-..__ -_._, llnoh .... .... 1 2} Inches .......... .. 5 Inches, I Column.. 10 Inches, Column 20 Inches, 1 Column -up van.-no-vuvo v "In the absenoe<'>fl'I'.)1.'-.' Wallbridge, of Midland, his paper on intestinal indi- gestion in infants, `was read by the neo- rotary. . 'l\.. -`ll'....lV..lI..... 41.` l'l|.......a.- _`L; ._..- *~I 'r1uNeuaN'r Apvnnrlsnunn-rs, First insertion, 10 cents per line. mob. ceauent insertion. 4 cents uer line. Reading notices, 10 cents her line for am sertion : 5 cents per line for each suauqm; Insertion of the same matter. All items and 5 lines of this character charged 33 5 line,` ' 4-. ,u,u __; 1-u__- CONTRACT` ADVERTISING. ` Contract advertisements will be takgn u following rates, which are drafted on mg` commercial prmciples, and, uh at.`-ic`tly_adhered to in mamngaaneufywzmmg utter preaagt contracts expire. there Wm ~ only one once for all: 0 , Olcinl and Government ad manta will be charged at above rates`, I-nu yuuuu'U 3 notice gxven [I00 orcmu-ge In wr- siwtiic umimu ILPROII cimulntm nf gnv nnln soizoaoln E. '1' . Axon" human`. &_ MI E Imurnnco ORDERS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. unuutu De wurnous 18. Week] gun .C1.50alxmontha. Address, MU , I Bmadwu, New York C 83 N .00 & CC It]. `i ' cl"RInHt8 O90-I lbrlnformntlon and tree Handbook Write to HUNN a: C0. 861 Bnomvur. Nnw You. Oldest human for securing patents In America. 3'01 ! cent taken out by us is brought. before the DI! lloby a. notice given tree of charge In tbl (VI -0 10 no , 1 o __.` .. .3..;u`; x?3`?.1{a?.*`a .`.?:Zo 32::`Ju?'"~ fMa.c0allum, of Toronto, who wins pmeenu as guest of the` society, read 0. paper on post" maul o.denid$,v which was much a.pp're6i.ted._ _ A.|`Q- n `Ln `D...._:.. Eh. ANTHRACITE AND BITUMINOUS Water Lune, Planer ofPar1-,;ac. No. of Inches Hnnnn Omuon: Yuma Ross Block. Foot of Toronto Sme Telephone. ' X.) at ctmulstlbn of any scientic paper in the r d. S I did! 11 1! t .. shou a%e n...`.`,`."`:`.';"`%a.... i`. v"`.`.;._'f.`. ... nof&i`.%3c1i2}&``f``%vee`{`i " ``;`.'3`< >"~ _:-O1.50alxmonths. 00.. 133388. 861 Bmadwnv. New York Clnv. OONDENBID ADVERTISEMENTS. BARBIE, ONT- -sUccn:sson 'ro-- ---D-aaler in- vvnnulu u u-vnv Iaouvil Dr.vWm. Boss, "oi"- "Huntsv1lle, read a paper on the treatment of typhoid. fever, giving numerous statistics to show the satisfactory .results obtaine by the eliminative plan. ' `l`.. `.1... ..l............ -.1.` 11.. u7..nn...:.I..- -1- IE4? rcAvn1's. mun: MARKS Dlsum PATENTS. COPYRIGHTS. oto. (roe Handbook wrlfn m `Jon I8, 1396. 376 -1.4; LX186!`- * tions. (3 mos) J ! Qoiejon short name last hbun west GB 184! oonuavnovvvn vv u--vcou On motion of Dr. Harvie, seconded by Dr. West, a committee consisting of Drs. McCarthy, Wells, Ross and Raikes was appointed to take into con- sideration the mattets referred to by Dr. Hanly. and report to him, before the meeting of the council. -'l\.. A ..I...._.....A.L -1.` lV..l|:_..._--.'l ..-_.1 875 2501 18 ion`, . uun. ` b`(8;poe)gt . .j___ is4oo'i r .9?! ...- ........a .. -..- -....--... Dr. Ayleaworth, of Collingwood, read a paper on the management of occipto posterior presentations, which evoked considenrirble _c3iscuaaion_._ UULUM] tour of i1 Jrrangmi May. H Gighteeu ford all th Ontario 3. day with 3$80D. Da.irymen' preciuted be!` of ma 131' at the Mr. M: of vieitin June lac. week at Services f `by applyi Associati rst day each suc cover all very low ` dared. .Ir. J. the inatru of the ch organized the Mid: duties laa I hur_ried the group work this -.e'oretary1--`Dr. Rdikes, Barrie`. Tibupnrer-_-+D:;` Pdlling. Baixfie. Iustructl 3UNE Vice-Pres.-Dr. Wells; ' 2nd ?Vi_oe-Pvrgp -V-Dr. Rona, Hunts-_ Sideted miyintj, :.ybut. now ; " tljg` news that Sir Adolhe} has to drdp out, .a ud V6110 ? Dr. Vaillq',n- court to be `el_eoted by gc9Tlan1 aoion`,A ne Liberal candidate signing a paper whic binds him as tollowa `A K A (1) To vote for `tile. Gove.rhm`e`nt s` oandtdato for the Speakership l"`\ 'l`.. -unnbln `an `LA fl ans-3.-mg.-..;u...L Vuunnniawuvv own vnov tvvuuuuuvyunnn (`2) To vote Ear the Governfnent 1 upon all amendments` in the addyeae in_ I reply to the speech from the throne, \ lQ\ 7|`.-. u-non -0.`-. OLA (1n'uon-.-.o...\-`L 1 -123) To vote `for- the Government upon all motions ot non-condence for fteen days after the.begin.ning of the aassiou, and then until the Remedial Bill is disposed of. ` Il\ fl`- ..............g ....... 'D.....-A:..I `Dill Illl\av U m'(4) '_l.`o rau`1F[`>>Yz:t' any Remedial Bill which has the approval of the" bishop of the diocese in which Dorcheater is situated. ` . ; wuuvuuuvvvsu These are the requirements to which Dr. Vaillancourt subscribed` as the price of an election by acclamation, These requirements represent the hier- archy s idea of what is necessary to secure a victory for remedial legisla- tion. Caudidates in Ontario have re- fused tdsubscribe to the far less exact- ing requirementsewhich represent honest ideas of what is necessary to ensure the defeat of remedial legislation.- Telegram. `Ail inembe`;-_e of Uonncil present. Minutes of Int meeting need and 99'Ied- e to bv'1'> 9_iA -T!i-,,- I4i}r.apz `?P.'%k: ~stoqei,'_"13'.50; P. 0. Bishop, sof. $ " ; o `.3 I -4 e.roodwn'y.,. on 491;. line,8b.`25 L :1 ' ,,.*j.. _ :2: V.` _--my * 9 n 'H'.l`he`fo'1'lowing ecoouete were ordered`; (P-'1' M1?9`!`?)i53$?"i~3. emm. coca: an of run`r'I.0eunil e-e %e`.``'``i*`8` ; Wt f On account of ,tho dry spring ` hay is going to be a light crop in this neigh- borhood. . 1- van 1 vv www- . . Advance Correspondence. _ ` A nice shower here on Friday and Sunday evenings. but much more is needed. Mr. Thomas, of Barrie, is getting the cream from a goodly `number of farmers in this vicinity. A good many are of the `opinion it is more protable than , giving their milk to the cheese factory. cvuunnaaua--nun -aw ynvumqnur so;-ioII'e:3`thon?: linoxiu Qnn,,.7.'O'...'.-_:1_.._3_x};-L3. .. ...I' AI ..`L -r L Mr. John Daley and Miss Lizzie Dawe were pronounced husband and wife by the Rev. Mr. Morris, of Stay- ner, on last Wednesday. A goodly number of their friends were, present, and after enjoying a sumptuous tea ac- companied the bride and groom to New j Lowell, where they took the train for ` some town north to spend the honey- i moon. A Our neighbor s bees have what some 1 people call the swarming fever. Several I swarms came of in May, and still they keep it up, and do not even pay respect to the Sabbath day. ` Mr. A. Tro'..t e `children have been 1 down `with scarlet -fever, but at present they are considered out of danger. In III I The ladies have started an ice cream parlour in our burg. The prots to be 3 applied to the benet of the ohurchvand i Sabbath school. ` i Mr. John Fisher is getting home the lumber for this new barns. The neigh- 1 bots are turning out freely to give him i help at the job. He expects the fram- ers to be gt work in a few days. Geo.` Turley inventgd a new style of road cart. If it proves a auc.-' cess, any farmer who owns a. horse rake can construct for himself a comfortable ; road cart. Kind Words from the Fred Victor Mis- sion Bible Claea. - On behalf of the Fred Victor Mission Bible Class, I wish to express our gratitude to you for the box or Chase's Ointment which you euppliedvin aid of our charitable work to the mtant child of Mrs Brownrig, 162 River street. Ten days ago the child was awfully alicted with scald head, the face being literally one scab from forehead to chin, and in that brief time a complete cure has been effected. Sure- ly your gift was `worth more than its weight in gold. nnalwun Vuvn u- Ourvfootball club played a match with the Dalston F. B. O. at a. picnic in the vicinity of Olowes C.'M. church, when it resulted in a tie, and as they had `played a previous match with the same result, each club was presented within new_ football for itsitrooble. - am... Rev. E. B1-"own, "oi the 0. M. chureh, is stteu'ding- conference at pree- F19 VFF{1%;6;;F1En7=| on May 30_th,' 6 adjournment. A A Miss Madill, of Markdale, is visiting here with her grandma, Mrs, T. Clark. (Too late for last issue.) Advance Correspondence. Our people are once more -rejoicing on account of the long needed rain, which came laatsabbath and Monday, and has greatly changed `the prospects of the crop,. All except hay seems to grow larger while you look at it`, and no `doubt but the meadows will improve and be an average crop yet-. ' l'\ I ' I I `I . Q (To; Lu fog last issue.) ' EDMUND Yman, 264.Sherbonrne St-., Toronto. Crown Hill. temgye his fnce of mad `allowance. on-7th don; opposite lot 25 ; also thd clip Cierk no- ufy J no. McMahon "to move` fence o` roud~allowanoe or; side liu`5 and 6 N. ` _Robertaon,-- Graimm--Oxdered,' that thg resignation of J as. Kenmell as path- maeter .a<':epted, and thub "Chri Baker be appointed in his place. mhnauu Doxlsnxunhuauug l`..4J.;..`..'p] LL. 5 ""-'..'.'." `V '[ [""""V' "` `u l""""' . Train --- Robertson - Ordered, that the sum of #25 `be granted to out down hill and otherwise" improve roadwav opposite lots 20 and 21 con. line 11. on conditionlthat the parties interested supplement the grant. by an equivalent amount of work; and that Jae. "Canton oversee the performance of the work. rj..-L..... Q.....:... t\...1___-.1 .1. .. u_- . Jll-"Kc V] IIIIIII SIN!` lull. -~ $93 ft0Ih'..6izer6%;rie!;; 3Iid;;w'f1ih .,th.a.*~neod~,of 1'ot'n"ge...;in1hia, owrn:time...ot trouble, as much ~ u "r did the; = trem'b_ling little" thlt- II'O_llt1ed-IO safely in his % 8v%h-mob` up pendhd ` `ll 1'._.....` I...`_ _A_.__ _.___ u was V3.9} lav-ova gnu:-uovv V. U vv vain Gre. hame--Speirs- Ordered, that _the Township be arranged in Divisions for the greater convenience in working the road 'machine,and that in each division it be under the control of one person and for acertain time, as follows :4-W. A. Sneeth, ' reeve, from June 1st to J`u'ne 10th ; Richard Graham, deputy-- reeve, from June 10th to June 20th ; Amos'I1ra'in, from June 20th `to J one 30th ; Alex. Speirs, from June 30th to July 10th ;'Jas. Robertson. from July 10th to Jul`y.20t.h. ` n-__._ _:| -.\:_.__,__. .1 L- ___ U. 1- - Ann, DWI KW V` OUZ P Xyf U I v `I. V ` axing; wins.*ron;m=d rf:e`.`ii:%*;niir? tlnfeatenir.-g .danger{ and waved` itqfrom *.'s.u<!.99t!.M. % = % How a. Beautiful Hymn was Written. . .One day Mr. Wesley was sittingtby, an open wtndow, looking out over the bright and beautiful elds. _-Pregently 3'-little bird, itting about in the sun- ehine, attracted his attexition; Just then; a hawk came sweeping ?down `to wards .th'e,.lit.:tle bird. ` poor thing, very much frightened, was dortingvlhere and there, trying to nd aoi1iej>lice_qf refuge. `In what bright osuupyeair,4 in `the 108fv_.t.I.'6!!Ij 0,f'151i.i.a si`enT.eIdp.; thelf Vwnal no ? pla.oe' _h~'AVer`e grasp of the. ha-w`It" B~ic.iiaeeiin7z `opezr imjndow-i man. iijstisiibyic. the bii-`duew, in its extromxgy, towards in `kind, with i_t`b'dnti;i:flieurt.' and gay. '..:.`.`_.= -_ .'..u.. .1.'L.'.`u.:.I v*-_'.-..l.'.1~..'_`u`:~.`} _:,S`I`.l";\- avian iv vac. qvquu Council adjourned to meet June 27th at the hour of 10 o clock a.m.T, at Phlov ston. -. .. ._ -.. - ,...... -.... .....- _..--. -..-_, ..., .. ..,... 'age." Thomas Cogan, the mezlical schoolmaster of Manchester fame, con- fessed in his Heaven of Health, 1589 designed for the use of students, that he knew some who drank cold water at night or fasting in `the morning without hurt; and Dr. James Hart, writing about fty years later, could even claim among his acquaintanc, Some honorable and worshipful ladies who drank little other drink and yet enjoyed more perfect health than most of tnemthat drank of the strongest. The phenomenon was undeniable, but the natural inference was none the less to be resisted. Sir Thomas Elyot him- self is very certain, inspite of the Cornish men, that There be in water lcauses of divers diseases, as of swelling of the-spleen andliver. Hecomplains oddlv also that It ttelh and swim math, and concludes that To, young men and them that be of hot complex- ions it doeth less harm, and sometimes it proteth, but to them that are feeble old and melancholy it is not conveni- ent. Water is not wholesome cool by itself for an Englishman, was the velsion of Andrew Borde--monk phy- sician, Vbishop, ambassador and writer on sanitation-`-as a result of a life's ex- perience. And to quote the English- man s -Doctor: ' Both water and small beer we make no WHEN WATER WASN T WHOLESOME Eminent Authdrlties Three Centuries ago Dzaoountenanced Its Use. A A writer in the Hospital thinks it needed a very bold man to resist the medical testimony of three centuries ago against water -drinking. ,Few writers can be found to say a good word for it. One or two only are con oerned to maintain that, When be- gun in early life it may be pretty freely drank with impunity, and they quote the curious instance given by Sir Thos. Elyot in his Castle of Health, 1541, of the Cornish men, Many of the poorer sort, which never, or very sel- dom, drink any other drink, be not- withstanding strong of body and like, and live well until they be of great !.......n rm............ (1.... LL- _....::_-\ But the most formal indictment against water isthat of Venner, who, in writing in 1622, ponderoualy pro- nounces " To dwellers in cold countries it doth very greatly deject their appe-A tites, destroy the natural heat and over- throw the strength of the stomach, and consequently confonndin at-he oncoc tion; is the cause of ,_cm` ities, uct'na.- tions and windiness in thebody. BIIIWII I199` WV IIIIIEV II`! Are enemies to health and good I\ . . I digestion. '-V "-.-.'. .~".v- 319" - 3;} ` .l.,..`;,, -.r\,. . x; Jena; lover of my Ionl, "Ink Iii: in than Iannnuvmb 71i"T'{gr;-&m .c um um; `inor- In iI'Iiviivh:":I31T|1',' `Au .`:`I.7uia{s`if 4'.ii.l3"&i. . IIIVUI III III `VIII, % bmm;.g.:.. VI`-niln }.I|nuvnuon tumult n ' VTHIE Nolmmnx Anvmcmi TC. 8. Bunwon, Clerk. Dil 39% PM-P? .Ix;1in& . ` 5Ti&i;?toNn}:1f3.iT5 liver oil, wit hypopi1os- phites, is precisely such a . pfeparation. `ran ua\ra. \.IJ-55;!-av, J-.aI-\/ L190 \)o It is hardly necessary to state that cod-liver oil is the best remedy of all. The oil should bei i Ii so re red astobe pa! ag'tav:1r."n emu s on, p _pa LI. .1... _-__- 1.1--4. L1__ puusta. D16. ' ' He also says that the hypophosphites should be cog1bi_r_1f:d_3vith_ t_he oi}. Any doctor Will tell you that Professor Hare, of gjeerson Medical College, hiladelphia, is one of the highest authorities in the world on the action of drugs. In his last Work, speaking of the treatment of scrofula, he says: It is hnrdlv nacensulrv to Mara fhnf cnd-`llva-,r Pnpnrodby m'.J;c. Ayr &0o., Lomxunu. .:g;;:s........[{ ...L..`.{a..J.......... V %VIajll J8atJified%?~ air Vianr. Nearly forty years ago, after some > weeks of sickness, my hair turnedgtay. I began using Ayer s Hair`Vigor, and was so we1l_satis- ed with the results that I have never tried any other kind of dress. . .. ing. `Itreqniresonly ._an occiisional appli- i ation of A.YER S Hair Vigor to keep _ my hair of good ` color, _to remove h`_da.ndru.ff,. to heal 1- 4v more, and prevent the it hair from falling out. I never heei- . tate to recommend Ayer s medicines to my friends.-Mrs. H. M. HAIGHT, Avoca, Nebr. ~ I-lair Vigor - The P1e'lvo~Qua'boVoHAska. _ % ' % Doroheaeer C6iitv`i an Qq';i_Io5{rva livo. V` _ati6'nghold in whioh Vnil_lonoourt, a_ :.1,!??9' !=rf99#'n!1t b19w*9n;H~ new Hmle Iw-v.7 = `.12.. ".5 ` ` . I. A . .'. V, ` _, l I L `V wk`-:1` I ha 4 ' ' , - ' 5|: 33!!!! rm; swnaa-r_s'r mosir raacamr, mos? manuasame AND ENDURING OF ALL Penspmas 9012 THB HANDKEHGHIEI-`,` TOILET OR BATH. ALLnnunaIs1s, nnruu:ns%aun% Twn 9!`19?.iP M: BOTH? Mtgrray 6: scrofula ...-uo-ourxa. vvgv.-.5 va.L\t \I&&I 'Sc'ott s Emulsion of cod- _.' ` - .,v.( 1 - '_ `,`_:`. `-1 _ H. V '- I . {'5' it`! 3-` I. `, "(J v--. 3? JV!` tn Te`eeday,'the 9:1. oftlune, inisfsqtg: 2 .._ 'V1`terGoI.mty. court asthma A new feature of the_-sittings was theft only thirteen grand jurors yere lrequir-E ed to be summoned, instead of twenty four, as formerly, and there were but eleven present. His Honor, J edge` Ardagh, in addressing the Grand Jury,_ commented upon the recent legislation passed by the Ontario Legislature, and called attention to the, {act that the lawyers throughout the country were starving, particularly in Toronto, owing` to the dearth of. litiglation.