clwr, JV unity \J ` Block, Barrie. Ont. ' ICKINSUN an Mnpwnx 1 , Darrlswru. nu- ta.-ies Public. Solicitors of Supreme Court, eu:., Barrie. Ont. Offices in Bank of Toronto Block, No. ,lO\:cn street. Branch oice, Elmvale. McKeggie's oc . - " "I I I'\ C `In.-ncupAu&I ' `CCARTHY, PEPIJER 8: MCCARTHY. Bar- tisters, Solicitors, Conveyancern. etc. D'AL'roN McCArcrHv, Q.C. F. E. P. Pnnnn, Q.C. J. A. MCCARTHY. D. C. Muxcrusou. - Barrie. - WM. M. CAMPBELL, Barrister Solicitor. Notary, etc. Mane to loan. Oi ces-Ba.rrie and Stayner. Barne oe--Bank of Toronto Building, Owen street. 5-ly ' -Wevane noi niuiufdotnrlnc and carry in about 802070: of the Invest 110 toveddeaigna. CALL AND EXAMINE BT00 before Romp elsewhere. m~ ` _ H.8EWREV ONALD Ross 3: A.-Ba.rrister, Solicitor, Convesancer. ec.. money to loan. Oices, Bank of Toronto Building, Owen street. Barrie. 48-ly DR. PALMER, Surgeon, Eye, Ear, Throat, Nose, 40 College street, Toronto, may be con- sulted at the Queen's Hotel, Barrie. on Friday, Oct. the nth. from 8 to 1: a..m,, and the second Friday of every month. R. J. F. Palling. Graduate of Trinity University Toronto, Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Member of the Co.lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Ofce and Residence, 18 Owen street. ' l.`\Jl\ IL` V EDI N151` 1 on good $ I freehold security at lowest rate of interest. Nolfrincipal money required until end of the term. . H. STRA I I-IV, Snlinitr, Err MORREN, Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist. .4. . T.-eats all diseases of Domestic Animals (Horses, Dogs. Cattle. Sheep, Pi , etc) Dental work and treatment of diseases 0 animals used in the stud. specialties. Uice at Love Bros. L very Stables, op asite Bank of Toronto. Residence. Stablesand nrmary. 6: Collier street. next door to the American Hotel. Barrie, Ont. Oice Telephone No. 70 House Teleohone No. -:. L m Iv Iran- vvv.- v._._-... - _ The galleries word lcrowdedgi the Speaker ; Gallery was lled with ladies ml- ___:.....I ....a.: F. C. GREGG, Veterinary Sur on. Honor , ` -Graduate Ont. Vet. Colle e, onor member Medical Socletv. .Occs-- Over wans Dry Good qtore. Duulop St. Residence. 56 Mnlcaster St. J OI-INSON & SARJ `1- :AN'r.i SBARRIE, 1_m um and Dealer: in Coal: of all Kinds. and gcforke `town. Grey and Ghelph White Finiahin Lime. ementa of all `kinds, Fire Bricks and P terers' Hair. Storehouse at the Northern Railway Switch. foot of Johnntreet. near the depot. The bond of this Lime it better than that of any other kind, and the finish superior. Oce--Corner of John and *Ellzabeth'- Itreeti. . ll. cw. W. :1. moss. u.x\.\;.o. num,, u.1.\ u.r., Londan. J. R. Arthur, M28. Toronto Unnersity. L.U.P. and S., Ont. Oices and night resiuences- Brown's Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone 77- . H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN 0 on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Dis.:ounted. Collections made in any rt of the County. Real estate bought and sold. nvey- ancing in all its branches. Marriage Licenses issued. 0ice-Ross Block, Dunlop street Barrie. .4:-Iv. IIIIUI 53L: the _ter Barne. the American Hotel. Barrie, :No. 70 Telephone No. 7. me nmnn supe;-nor. Elizabethvstreets. . } DR.- J. c. SMITH, L.C.P.S., Ont., (late 3: Drs. ; H arvie 8: Smith, Orilha.) Oice and residence --corner of Owen and Collxer stregts, Barrie. 23-ly _ ' .' WM. RICHARDSON, Dentist. Graduate of -U` the Royal College or Denta. Surgeons, and Honor Gradnate of Toronto University. Preservaa tion of the natural teethas ialtv. 0ice-Both- well's Block, Dunlop street. oarrie, Ont. 8-ly " R. W. D. MACLAREN, Dentist, successor to Dr. Bosanko. 0*ice-l lately occupied by Dr. Boaanko. Residcnce-Oueen's Hotel. :6-ly o--v ----- -~-- --- 0 - The long hours were away, we had waited patiently for two long nights for the critical moment to arrive. The members became restless during the speech of Major Hughes. Members slammed desks, red papers, out blott ing papers and red them round the room. Cries of " Question interrupt ed him until the speaker could not be heard. Mr. Foster asked the House to listen, but the House was sent into con- vulsions by one member, who imitated the crowing of the cock to perfection. N ow and again a sleeper would find a book light on his head. Still the re "doubtable Major kept on dening his position to Izlansard. Still the cries kept on. The` funny part being that the crower could not be determined. An avalanche of ying blotting paper would follow, to the amusement of the members and the occupants of the galleries. Indeed, but for this the speeches would have been unbearable. Honors were easy for the crowings. The Major was at last forced to read his speech. Some of the members whistltd Protestant Boys," while one of the members used his desk as a drum. We were not sorry that we had remain- ed, iudeed we were amused. Mr_ Laurier entered amid the cheers of his followers, and the respect shown to him quieted the tumult." ;i.3i?..S,l."1$ .,`!,. 1 1:11: gunnn 3 nu1n1..-n. W. ISKUWN, 1 Proprietor. Excellent accommodation for the travelling public. Bar and larder well supplied with the best. Good - stabling and attentive hostlers. Luggage of uests mnvem free to and from all trams. Few ooriwest of rket street on'Dunlop street. ' muuxs PLANING MILL -GEO. BALL. Car- B penter and builder. and manufacturer of doors, sash, blinds, mouldings. etc. Planing of all kinds done promptly and satnfactorily. `Factory, Bayeld street, Barrie. . _..._.. .-..--_.___.__._. _..____ , 7,, , gsnnmls S .._. |AMES EDWARDS, Conve atncen-,. issuer 5: ~v Marriage lalceu-eu. 0 cc strxctly private. Post Oice building,.BQrrie, and at his private resi- dence. Mary street. u-ly R T. BANTING. Clerk County of Simcoe, will . be at his ofce, at the Ccurt House. Barrie, every Sgturdav. Residence and P.O. Cookstown. T E Ql!JEEN'S I-l0TEL.-AV. W. BROWN. Ovnirp:-`co ....I.I:.s II... on) In-AA..- u... ....___L.) ___!.|_ ,, _, Iran: 51 0 run unu:.--we nave a large amount of private funds to loan at 5 per cent. on good approved security. MCCARTHY, t`_xPz.1m & M_cC.uu'uv. 3......-..__ w . .4.-.....4 ` - . .. ginoxfizovs & 1'3rzoWYvTBam.cen, son? J -itg - &c. Hauaarou Lnuox. W. A. Bows; am . I. Runwu. .....__.._'__. ,T___:.___.;7>; an-u.wr---., .-____-. Wnnnmarou Aux.-r. At 5.05 a. m. the speaker arose and said: Is the House ready for the question. The members shouted aye" The members were called in and a calm fell on them as the speaker arose and said: The motion is that the bill be read 9. second time, the amendment that the bill be read six months hence. Jlllihn JOHN: Dxcxmson. B.A. D. F. Macwxrr. V A. KAUBIV 11 U RD 1 , narnawr, l'lIvlUl uuy, I . Solicitor in Chancery. Conveyancer etc. };-`__'H'3--t (In.-up (`wan ah-eel . nver Bank 0 CO!!!- Jlunuuvu uuu an I-\rlll\rn `rt MCCARTHY, Pnrum, CORBOULD & McCAn'ruv 0.-mi; - ' V V " ' ' ' . 1EORGE W. LOUNT, Barrister, Attorney, Soli- l' citor, Notary Public.~ Oioes in Bothwclfs |.u-Ir Rarrh-,_ (Int. ' __ g4.|y :McCAx'ruv. Pnrum, Mc/uuuv 8; Duncan, Alliston and Creemore. M A It_nI _ __---- vcxmsou 3; MACWATT, Barristers. .. .:-. D..L.I:.- Q4-:13:-:1-'nr( nf Sum-em: Court. 4 FOIR ,'|'WEN,'i.'Y-SIX Yznns gnarl: PLANING MILL -GEO. BALL, C: neuter and Ifllunr, and n-xgnufan-I.--... at` A....._. Those in favor of amendment please. stand. Members stood and clerk took names. At 5.35 the result was read- Ayea `9l, nays 115 and motion was carried by a vote, over at six 9.. m. RS. ROSS & ARTHUR. Physicians, Surgeons, . etc. W. A. Ross. L.R.C.b. Edin,, L.R C.P., u-ul... I P Ac-tluur Mo Tnrnntn [Yni\Ar-chv --___. R. BOSANKO. DENTlST-Ross block, east nf pnaf n-3. 03:. nnnn nun!-u A2`: a ._`u IONEY AT 5 _PEB CEN'l`.--We have a l...................s.-.t'...1..aa--C..nAn tn Ly... -.5 - A. RADENHURST, Barrister, Attorney, ..l:..:o.-s-1.. Chnnnm-v, {`.nnvt-(manner. etc. Kn DUDHLV IXU. 1151` 1 I3 1--I\03 DIOCK, east of Post oice. Oice open every day. :4-ly Sun r T.-mtg all dixoanen nf T. ARNALL, M.D.C.M,, oice in Bothwelfs Block. Allandalc. On the premises at night.- A n_`v VETEIIINA RY iSfU7R}iE0NS. pr DKOWH, Barrie. Ailipton and Creemore. .'I'_Inn-znv Ar, Ravi. uv-vvu avv an -1-vno on-anvua In 5\.'I)\lIJ 0 ' W. H. sulich (color-ed)? shing the council for help for his grandmother, an inrm` old women about 88 years of age, who is unable to suppers herself. This matter was ' left; with Deputy Reeve Campbell to arrange. (3.111; nfLU\ll"l\.nl` min I:uu1u LL..`L L- :._... Mawvnicrvnfl/as. PHYSICIANS. FOR INVESTMENT on go<-;d freehold securitv at lnwesr rate nf IIICIPBI IIIOIICY rcqmrea Unlll em: 01' H. STRALHY. Solicitbr, Etc.. FINANCIAL. DENTISTS. OF FlClAl _ um.n.. uo'rm.s_. DlU|J5I 45-13!- `run ': vianc vs vvuasvo @9030 "'1`hevClerk waeinstructed. to `aek the overseers of the different road divisions on the crossroads and town line Oro_ end Medonte, to let him know before May let next, whether they require `the services ofroad machine, and also; to state the number of `roads they would like turnpiked. ' ` rm... 1).----.._.: n-.1 'n__~_..'.. ___-_'. 43-ly Auzx. Cowlui. 1 and n.6:n A ..:.....I- DOIIIVVI: 24-ly gcpnunl to ly ma lltllllillll Anvnne}. -.-o--up---wnnwn in C` A 0':-Inns V ' ADVERTISING RATES. -mm Autumn` nus A onnouu-mu or lf0lJB'l`EN nmmmm AND ` noun corms. Almost it not Aqui double that 1 Pspor pub `ed in Barr(i)e.any 0%" C'4DVlBn8l:R anomm Norm uns no". (12 lines solid nonporoil mnke one inch), '!`RAN8lm\"r ADVERTIBEIIRNTB. ` First insertion, 10 cents per line. E3 geaupnt insertion. 4 cents per line. . eh m Readlngnotices, 10 cents ver line for 112;; , aertlon: 5 cents per line for each an useqm insertion at the same matter. All items and ' 5 lines of this character charged as 5 lines, ' m`3%` &u`z:'}`3 ha?.93`.a e.?:3 o 3f z`a;i`"" Mr: D. M cLellan appeared and made complaint. or` the bad conditiqu ot Ridge road on E. pt. Con. 12, caused by snow drifts, and asked the council to furnish wine for north side of road at above place. N 0 action taken at present. ....I..:__ W U Q-`L:-In /nnl.-;..o..J\ El... 00 -` TRACT ADVERTISING. Contract advertisements will be taken as Q, tollowipgreteginwhioh are drafted on em commercial 1: ciplee, and. as they wm N strictly adhered to in making new conum. after present contracts expire. there win 5` only one orioe for all: -..--..-.-- 1 85 Inches .......... .. 5 Inches. } Column. 10 Inches, Column 20 Inches. 1 Column wanna gv yvb vvaa unnunsnnu a'Preferred-positions in the paper win 5, sold at an advance of one third on above mug This rule will be atrictlv carried out. CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind that no tice of intention to change advertlseme must be handed in to the olce not later um Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for such change must be in the Anvnroz olce not mm M than 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday, in any week otherwise the advertiser's annonzcement mg, not be made public until the week following, Advm-tlnm-n will nnt. ho allowed to man. thnh { ' on I-`on-AL:-:, 3` . `f|i|lu' Wellin ind Eohn Sa "`F'or one month-the three monthly km 15 per cent. added. `For two montbs-the three monthly mg with 10 per cent. added. Agni-\__n-_...-A _--1544-- 1.. 6|... _......._ _u. . not 06 mane punuc unuu we ween Iuuowmg, Advertisers will not be allowed to use then space for advertising anythin outside they own regular business. Shon d they do sq transient rates will be charged for such sdvgg Waisement Condensed advertisements on First Pm E such as Wants of all kinds. Lost and Found Property for Sale or to Rent, Specic A1-rial Em..Etc.. must be accom snied with the cash and will be inserted-F ret insertion. $409,313 per wond. each` subsequent insertion, 1 cent 1 word (names. addresses. and gures com) 3; words): but A reduction to 1 cent per word wt`. be made when the number of insertions or tn ame matter exceed FOUR. ,-, ---:- --Exoavator-- .gg1'*iTRACTOR `of am kind: of cxcavatin in 3191.` Cxguu. Wau.s_.~_Cxsnlus. Dums. `@135 _au;nD|:|?>::ltGl1oI|B" `.`.'.5a3f '.'2`f.`I.. .1' v'e'.I`: caa nu I! Are a. special t not! rtfes intchding to havf lllOO,.V5ll eonuultyaeir owP:interests by placing that nleamhis hands. left at Tn: Anwmcn oce will b9 35' Go RI gu-vvv vac--rv-v o Ivv vvuawoo V Geo. Benstesd stating that he was unable to pay his taxes, and that the` Trustees of S. S. No. 13, had exempt. his school tax. The . councnl agreed to exempt bus]. of :a_xes $3.45. IIVL- l`Il.__L ____ :.._....,__._J L- `_-L .1 -u-gs. -...--_..- v--v-v- - \l V-.. Cuts for Advertisements must In every case be mounted on solid metal bases. 0. I-I`. LYON & SON, }THo_I\_nAs SHOULDICE 1n.no_ \'V..Q'.l.'l\i1`l..l1UU M u'ru.-u. H'l11.l'.2 I1\m;n- ANCE 00. Capital. 8600.000. THE ECONOMIC A L FIRE INSUBANC 113 C-0. 1 BERLIN. Total assets. 83401100. Money to loan on re. mortgages. Con- veyancing done. Accounts collected. `to. OFFICE. -- Over HENDERSON? Hardware Store. THE omnsunstr Aucnnum i G. 3. FORD` v HANDLES ALL KINDS` or AUc'rI0 V saws. INSURANCE ACENT8 AND CON- VILY AN CER8. Represent the following Companies :~ THE SUN FIRE INSVTRANCE OFFICE OF A LONDON. EN G. The oldest purely Fire Ins. Co. in the world THE INSURANCE C0`Y OF` NORTH AMER ICA. Capital. $3,000,000. THE MEROANTILE FIRE INSURANCE CO Capital 8500.000: Gave:-nmeua deposit mam-. l'HE_WATRRLO0 MUTUAL FIRE ll\`k-1I;`l*<' {'1'} l`nv|InI Qlnll nut. nugsuuu us: Bax-no. 0nt.. Hogga %-ro_ RENT nraand 27 fence viewgm. ` 4 iCVYD IIIIIIIIII I\".I\lIV $5`! WVI-IU III . Overseerh of highways to tl;-numb6r of 121 were` appointed, 22 pound lkgep`-_ J.G.SCOTT mum PIPE, PORTLAND cmm [DUNLOP-S'1`.. scRosu=.,{ 8. smitn z ORDERS RESPll{CTFULLY SOIJCITE11 15-tf SCROG(T3*IET& -MITH. fxsumnco Anal! Barrie. Ont.- FARM STOCK SALES ANTHRACITE AND BITUMINOUS Oro Council. Town Hall; March 23rd, 1896.- The council met pursuant. to adjourn- ment. 310. of Inches R. A. DOUGLAS. Water Limo, Planer of Part-n,;&.o. Orrxcc R038 R] oak. VIVA] A-.1 I HIS being our Fifteenth Anniversary in bllsl` ness we are going to make a large ruine- tion in Jewelery prices for one Ironth Here are a few of them :-Solid Gold Lac: Pins that are worth $5 oo, now sell at $1.65 Solid Gold Cuff Buttons worth $6.00. now Be at $2.75. We are prepared to sci. Waltham and Elvin Silver `N20 has 2! van! CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. acu at $2.75. we are preparea KO SCI- Waltham and Elgin Silver Wat. hes at you! own price. Call and be satised. BARBIE, ONT- SUCCESBOR TO----- Telenhone-.' u---no vvu-n-n unava- The Clerk presented 5 tenders, each for 1 team and driver on road machine, ranging from $2.50 to $3.25 per dav. The tender of E. Gardner at $2.50, and M. Mahony at $2.70 per day, were accepted. `In 'n mr..1' ..n..'_ ..._....._..1 ._.a __.-..- {ms mung ---D&a.lor in--- THE JEWELER. `O 0 sol} Ann.` 9, 1896. =.;;.;| Yuma Foot of Toronto Sta:-no I 11801` |; * tiona. (amoe) 4 L `j"` I Mpizlbn {gr} ` . ;:;cno.~=;3i:nb1. "':Ei."e "1i'Ze2 "a'K3'na Deputy` we appointed to arrange route fur mgchine If! r- these reports are sent in. V 6 n .... ...~..'_. _.1- L__L _-.__ 4.` LI.` ___.1.'__ mg 18 | nan- E . |Inser- ii . tions.: (6mos)|( I.-_...___ //I 16 "T" BARRIE. -I tiem lyu mi snow: at avuvv VbVVI\iIUO %-"1'he cou;noil than gdjourned `_tVillj_M ay 213%. `< v _ " nnuvooun Members all present. The Reeve in the - . - - ...- -..---. J Minutes of last meeting were read .1 ani coI}u{`irn;ned. H. J."'1`una n, 3 V` -. Qletk. & The snow is getting. W... of em; battle with old Sol._i 4 \ ~ from twelvi mAi,a;x..;a;1a;a `month. K.-' ` 7 ~ - "'13. McCien ipt ti vaiualile horse recently." ' ' N ' - .\ -1'. 11': "6;.a..g so {be soft maids on 1m sgb. bath, Mr.` Dreyer s horse received a- devere c_nt-. " ` ` , Mr. :10. Burton `is pvrogreasing very slowly. _ ' * Ojulr clyrchea word not. ov`a'1-`crowded. `last Sabbath. . ' ' ' Mr. Thompson Nixnn, of Gleiiqland, Ohio, in viewing 're|ati\'*es% in this vicinity. ' ` :u uo.. I n nnll 1|`! (3lcl>l.JTyrwhitt. has fullled his prom- iae re the Remedigl bill. _ Mzfs. Dr.eyr,' mother of .theT Rev. Mr _D1-eyer, is visiting at the pgrson~ age. ` ` C-I I CH` `Juli ` ., j A large `numbei cf logs have been hauled to the.mi_lla at Lebanon. T Mr. and Mrs. McMillan w(ere`attend- ing the mirriages of the brother and sister of Mrs. McMill en, recently; (Toolate for last issue.) V` wwgonor Roll." . The following is "the result. of the Easter Examination and the workidone by pupils of S. S. No. 11`, Inniul, for the term ending March 3131:. _ Names are in order ofmerit :-- ' Fifth Class-George Neely; Annie J o!1_n8li(_Jn. . ' . I run 1'51 0 TI Future of the -igano-rama. The new idea in panoramic or eye - cloramic art is exceedingly interesting. 4 A preparedl wall, lining a cyllndrical chamber, is all that is required as a `permanent plant. Upon this wall pic- taxes are thrown.` alter the fashion of stereopticon views. The apparatus is suspended in the centre of the room, like a chan`deli_e`r.' Electric lights are connected with it,` and the exhibiting` apparatus occupies -a circular tallle at tsched to the upper rim of a round box'- 1 shaped receiver, in the middle of which {the operator` stands. f The table` is readily "revolved. cud has of pro- ieotora; hams. hinges-l imnrtoar-`rah:;uar rungementa1. ~Yn`ni8lQIius?`v ii-._e `Iia'. - 1 `aui'l_`j // : , 3 we ever bll .sr-d-$`.lffIhlf.h I e l 513 toi. I VLIIIQ V\II-IO Sr. Fourth Class-A--Edwin `Johnston, Albert Robinson, Willie Birnie, Tena N@&_ . -It . I 1-`: I `ll " Fourth~Mar'nie Black, Martha Robinson, Tilly Leonard, Stephen Tan- ner, Nellie Bond, Minnie Bond. 142...: nl,,__ n.__.__-I I`! ...`l-._ `l'..l... IJUI LVVIIIV JJ\lI-I\l, .LILIIlInII\l aavuvu Third Class-Samue1 G .1-don. John Constable, Lenuox Black, Allie Neely, Ida Birnie, Ida Robinson, Beaty Ness, Alex. Constable. I-C -.10 `I `I IV`. `Jill! QQQQQ IIO Second Clusa-William Lawrence,- Thomas Fagan,` Ambrose Lawrence, Russel Constable. ` -r I lnnllt LIIIADUVL \II.ll.luInI_t \ll\l| Part II-- Geo. Howie, Gareld Gor- 4 don, Charlie Neely, Alex. Black, Mag- gie Constable. D ...g T [Ia.-wD4\-D 'l`|\l-.In 'I'4`_6-I-.1.` Dr. Parkhurst on College Athletics. Dr. Parkhurst, in his article to young men in the Ladies Home Journal, writes very forcibly upon the necessity of physical development as a. !`cql1i8lt8 for proper mental growth- the development of the body and mind --and says relative tocollege athletics: 6i ; 1::u'Iu-:`Il.Iarvey "Constable, Ethel Black, Elwood Howie. It is, therefore. encouraging that our schools and colleges are making physical culture obligatory; and `the encouragemenh lies less in what such institutions have already done in the way of cultivating the body than it does in their making it part of acade- mic confesion of faith that a man can neveraltogether get over being an ani- _mal, that there is no inconsistency be- tween intelligence and dust, and that the more a man wants to make of him- self in the upper strata of. human pos- sibility the more careful he mustbe to keep in wholesome condition to repair the platform of tissue and blood cor- puscle, into which, as so much bud into so much stock, later unfoldings are in- separably knit. I should be sorry to have this interpreted as an approval of all or nearly all of what passes under the name of collegeathletics. It is one thing to train the body for the sake of the man, and it is another thing to train the body for the sake of the body. I regret that thereeis so -much` tendency among college authorities to shape the physical curriculum to theend of pro- ducing physical experts--footba.ll, base- ball, rowing match professionals.` That kind of thing is a craze at present, and it is a pity that among our college presi- dents and professors so "many have so far succumbed to the mania `as to be willing to endorse it as a form of adver- tisement and as a drawing card. - _____._____ `wu - ---V -V e _r-~.. secrete twenty-threes ounces - perspi- rs.tio"nfin'-twenty-four hours. \. The con- version of perspirationfinto `va.pcr'ren- ` derse-`latent s. great-`amount of` heel and keepsthe body cool. or Winter `at 120 degrees F. is almost. unbesrsble, but heatin uneven to the extent` of 325 degrees `may beoborne for a s time. In the t'wentythree ounces of perspira- tion secreted daily . there is about one ounce of animal matter. / This is left -behind on evaporation. Sebsceous `glands also secret oily and resinous sub- stances. This, mixing with the solid matter and dirt,` forms 9. compound which tends to clog the pores of the skin. The removal of this compound is largely the source of the feeling of refreshment following a. vigorous morn- ing `bsth. -- Nature. during---then by th`e_.ox'yen of .the.}'hluod'-end ` . 'h'e.Docun otnancing. . . _ Some (;ne_.huajuan pubuahed 3% book in London, 'xhe't.he decline of dancing, 3 Vexg|ainihg t.hej'_aole trouble -lie With; ? _ine_n ='vvhp.rgov toi bi_la"nn1wil~liug tq . }fF`th_!951?'5..~ mg siay-A 1._it",Au--- 1s;s~Iyamn~vhdehae% Land Values in England. Our Grit friends when discussing the tariff question have pointed to the decreased selling valuation of land in Ontario as a specic result of the National Policy. This reduction, which Mr. Laurier has put at 15 per cent., has taken place within the past fteen years, is coincident with the protective tariff; ergo, it is caused by the tari'- That has been the Grit form of reason- ing, and it may seem plausible to the uninformed, but is most deceptive. The Grit leader ignores the fact that land has fallen in value `in England and Wales to a muchlarger degree than in Canada or the States. It isa condition due in-England to the enormous inux of food productions from every part of the world,_and in Uanada to the stop- page of immigration of the agricultural classes of the Old World, caused large- ly by the fall` in wheat prices. The reduction in the value of land in Eng- land can be measured to some extent by its effect upon the clergy. The extent to which poverty prevails among them, and the urgentpneed of improving their condition by a national sustenta tion iund, are set forth by Dr. William Lefroy, Dean of Norwich, in allate, number of the National Review. It was not to be expected that -the great decline in the value of land in England, which has ruined so many country gentlemen, would leave the `parochial clerg9 ' unscathed. ' Their revenues, largely derivable from land, would necessarily be attenuated through the general. shrinkage. Moreover, the returns in diocesan calendars do not always slate the net sum that repre- aents the value of the benece, and on which the clergyman has to live. The Dean of Norwich points out the deduc- tions to which the law has made clerical `incomes liable. Every 100 of tithe, it seems, is reduced in the first instance to 74 and in the second, by taxation,. "another 15 is taken off, leaving but 59 to the incumbent. Glebe has fallen one-third in value. The general result is most -disastrous, leaving the clergy dependent upon the land revenues in a sadly impoverished condition.--London Free Press. Declines in the revenues of Church dignitaries, caused by the agricultural depression in England, are very serious in some cases. At Canterbury `the dean receives $3,900 instead of $10,- 000, and the caucus $1,950 instead of $5,000; at York, canons get $2,000 instead of $3,600 ; at Elyrthe `gures are, dean, $6, 100, instead of $8,000, and canons $2,850 instead of ` 84,550; at Winchester, dean, $4,500, instead of $8000, canons, $2,500, instead of `$4,500; at Norwich the redoction has been about 20 per Icent., and at `Roch-. ester 25 per cent; The Dean of Srlis . bury gets only $2 315 and 5 the canon! $1,155. ' The church is a sufferer only in a. secondary sense from the agricul- tural depression, caused-by free `trade its -it _`is:fiir *Eng'land.' The" farming are she? first to A feel, 'it'sje'ects, , and ab:ove,,messurej of the `rate otdeoline_,. the.i`r 5~7cxircui1K1stanrces' A .tiu__`e qa.1ig:e. of`;$oriau`-'y`| :%`i.I'Ai.4. % "I-ha jwvyillion .Jmgdago&erueea;snw?n9h;1;1ioh ;r`<::q:p.f_;. Decline in the Revenues of Church Dig- " nitries. xvonmnx mAuc.;. .7l`he y . onns-W sum` of Mn bat,` V fall . 93"; ta,ble,-` `reohqt_ly' `and: 'tPf_h`3h\` ` A " Storv of Roentgerfa Discoverv. Prof. Rue-,m;gen s discovery of the; photographic power of the cathode rays was due to an accident ; In ex- perimenting Lwilh 9. Crobkes` tube, n" thrmgh whi?-.h a'_.-strong can-e ut `was pas-_' sing] butgwhich wag cov_er_ed- with my-cloth`, he` nap.,enade6 byin`g`bis hand" beme., the ._ tube and .a_a6mj aenicixd f photo- ;iraphic' pap`er.1 ~l! i_ndiug7?1i nes on the ;pa9r for 'vbVih he- not acouut, V` - 4_he? for ..c{us, ; u'jnd 5 7fou.n_ d . L 1.-ire I The _di s a se"s `of t1i1ji1"1nS] sit are" so-rofula in -"children," consumption _ in grown: people, poverty of blood in either. They `thrive on leanness. Fat is the best means of overcoming them . Everybody knows cod-liver oil makes the healthiest fat. _ r-s,-__,:-:-_. _g . cod-liver 011 .the -taste 15 hidden; the oil is digested, it is read)r__to make fat. N\u{kemnl:n mic Pis`3'c F1"*hu`1} `Malia E3? 1'. r 43 en .- cam x, 0. `Postpaid. m`-`:now';-du_eafo1neoo..m3ekvu1e.ou.. RDS 9 diagases of~the glood. and Nerves. linen. mutism and all Pain. emale ltegnlator, Blood Maker. _ Largeiboxel. 600. : Full nmnla box- ma. WWWW 3933] Quickly, Permanontiy Restored. LLLGILCD l...u.w lL\.a4LIr;a.a.\.-uv _.....-. "In Scott's Emuls_i_ of ""l"""""".'.' "'""'. ""' 7" in evening costume,-` who waited pati- ently the whole night through. Mo. tionnafcer motion of udjoxirnmentvwas made but decls red lost. The Speaker was called on several tiznes to declare .members out of order. The discussion on the notorious Margaret Shepherd was especially bitter. Neither the leader of the House nor `the V leader of the Opposition were in their places. At last the Major sat down. I 1 When you asklfor Scott's Emulsion and your drug gdgives you a package In a salmon-co o wrapyer with the plctc are of the `man and lab on lt-you can Oonnf flunf anon I ' ' ' IIIIIIOII-WIOTUCI wrap` the 1 trust that man l EIIIE usmcn co.. Buffalo, _n.v. so cents gm! $1.00 Scorr & Bowxn. Chexnists, Bellevilh, Ont. Weakness Nerv- ousness, Debllity. and :11 the train of evils from early errors `of later excesses, the aunndfn A l\I'IQDII'DL VA 59591 Ioaulrv-7!-6, Hull _ ts of overwork, sickness, ` waxy, etc, Full strength, develop- ment and tone given to nun:-vnmnan and inn:-0::-us 8730 W `"91 of in body. i`n1e, natural methods. - mediate improvement seen. Failure impossi- ble. 2,000 references. Boolgexplanation and 1008 Inaile (baled) ~ * 1$Iot'_ole both the _ ` A former " resident. ,of;-1,39,:-no-ax_;dL 3 Oollegiate Institute student aehds *'InnM Anuxcx: thefollowing` notes from tho_ House of Commons gal'lery on the night uarne. Atltlton and vrecmorc. -Lnmzox & Boris. v x ` . Elmvale. V Barrie oco-cor. Dnnlop and Owen ab- Elm- [ valeoide oppoante Hunt : hotel. Money to loan r at lutelt rain. I `[ Vliqumue uppu ; at lowest rates. | sauuuv--a. uuu -- i merce. "Ba":-rie. U -S-c'>lic-ito-r' -iz_17"(3i1i*I:-c7e|5y. Conveyincer ; 0cc--l`'irst door Owen street, ovgr Bank of Com- ` nugnng na'oo:n `o.`8. Y. " ' . - EWSON 8: CRESWICKE;' barristerg. Solici- tors of the `Sup:-cme_ Court of Judicature of 0".'Pto Nta.nes`C tc. .M'1'f.'.`.:. ..,f2 c ;i='.....;z....: m2'l. iz5"..Zf' "Ontario, `Proctor: Notaries. conveyances. etc `A Money toloan. oi'oes-Rou Block. Barrie. C. E. Hxwsou. ' T A.'E. H. Cuswrcxs. \TRA'1`I-{Y & BSTEN. ` ~ b _ - _ Barristers, Solicitors in High Court ofjusticcs, Notaries Public, Conveyanccrs. - Oices ovex the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. . . Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 per cent. Ijl. H. STRATIIY. Q.C. G. H. Es-ntu. W. PLAXTON. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary . Public, Conveyancer, &c. Oioes oyqr Fraser, Hark 8: Co's. store. Duulop street, Ban-?e. Money -fprivate and Compan funds to lend at lowest rates 0 interest on town an farm property. 9-ly. ULT .3; COWAN. Barristers. Solicitors of the Supreme Court. Proctora. Notarica, Conve - ancers. etc. Money to Loan. Ofcw--Ross Bloc . Dunlop-st., Barrie. uy_- - --.......... A ... .. A: Int. Cnwnl. oil}; :;n-n_:1f1ng pf w:hic'Iijthe` vot e ,on the second mending of the Remedial bill was taken : -